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Měření disperzí optických přenosů / Dispersion measurements of optical transmissions.Motúz, Rastislav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis firstly theoretically describes phenomena which appear in optical fiber transmission. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with linear and non-linear phenomena, and later on proceeds to dispersions with a more significant effect on the optical transmission quality. It puts polarization to the centre of the phenomenon called Polarization mode dispersion (PMD), which is the main object of our interest. It leads to a deep PMD description from the point of view of polarization states, limit values, compensation methods, and methods of measurement. The practical part of this thesis deals with a draft of PMD measurement via Fixed Analyzer method. For the purposes of this measurement, we used the optical spectral analyzer MS9740A. In order to compare measured values, the proposed idea then proceeds to the reference measurement by using a modular platform EXFO FTB--200 in combination with CD/PMD module EXFO FTB-5700. Results of measurements have been evaluated for the limit values defined by the standard. In the last chapter of this thesis, the reference measurements are compared to the Fixed Analyzer method. All the advantages and disadvantages of individual measurement methods are identified at the end of this chapter too.
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EU Common Commercial Policy's Perception by Ghana - based BusinessesAgo, Enoch Kpakpo January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT Ago, E.K. EU Common Commercial Policy’s Perception by Ghana- Based Businesses. Diploma thesis; Brno: Mendel University, Brno , 2019 This diploma thesis covers extensive investigations into the existing EU-Ghana bilateral trade, and provides recommendations instructive for top managerial decision making regarding how best trade ties between the two organizations will be tightened and ensure effective trade relations. The thesis provides deep insights information that is vital for Ghanaian companies on the EU common commercial policies and the 2016 stepping stone Economic Partnership Agreement. Analyses were based on qualitative and quantitative approaches on general perception by Ghanaian companies about the European Union Economic Partnership Agreement and commercial policy. The questionnaire data has shown that most companies in Ghana are willing to transact business with the EU within a favourable framework of trade. Keywords: CCP, Economic Partnership Agreement, EU, Ghana - Based Companies, Stepping Stone
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En kvalitativ studie för genomlysning av SOP / A qualitative study for review of SOPBehr, Anton, Johansson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Tredjepartslogistikföretag (TPL) har utformade Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) med sinakunder som behandlar arbetsrutiner, processer och relationer mellan parterna på ettövergripande sätt. SOP är ett dokument som kan likställas med ett utdrag från de viktigasteprocesserna i ett komplett avtal mellan två parter. En uppdatering av SOP mellan det studerandeTPL-företaget och den studerade kunden har inte gjorts sedan 2009. Motivationen till dennastudie är att säkerställa att TPL-företaget uppfyller sin del av SOP genom att de utför deåtgärder som parterna har kommit överens. Därmed är studiens syfte att kartlägga arbetet enligtnuläget och jämföra det med de avtalade arbetsrutinerna från SOP mellan parterna.För identifiering av avvikelser mellan nuläget och SOP krävs förståelse för TPL-företagetslagerprocesser. Därför har observationer och ostrukturerade intervjuer genomförts för attklargöra TPL-företagets lagerprocesser och rutiner. Resultatet från observationerna och deostrukturerade intervjuerna har tillsammans utformat kartläggningarna som speglarnulägesprocesserna. Kartläggningarna som speglar SOP-processerna är baserade påsekundärdata som har erhållits från TPL-företaget.Vid jämförelse mellan kartläggningarna som speglar SOP- och nulägesprocesserna har ettflertal avvikelser identifierats och storleken på dessa avvikelser varierar för de olikalagerprocesserna. Den generella orsaken till att avvikelser uppstår beror på att SOPbeskrivningeninte är tillräckligt detaljerad för att beskriva nulägesprocesserna. Bortsett frånde avvikelser som uppstår på grund av att SOP-beskrivningen inte är tillräckligt detaljerad, harsju mer omfattande avvikelser identifierats. Två för inleveranser, två för lageraktiviteter, tvåför utleveranser och en för reklamationer. För inleveranser är det främst att det skerinleveranser från Sverige som inte finns beskrivet i SOP samt att inleveranser ska inregistrerasinom 24 timmar och inte 8 timmar. De två mer omfattande avvikelserna för lageraktiviteter ärpåfyllning av plockplatser och hantering av exponeringspall. De båda aktiviteterna utförsdagligen och är viktiga aktiviteter för TPL-företaget och ändå saknas information om hur detska hanteras i SOP. Hur TPL-företaget plockar varorna för utleverans sker antingen somhelpall, plockplall eller lavpall och även det är information som inte framgår i SOP, detsammagäller för hur skadade och avvisade varor hos slutkunden ska hanteras. Slutligen hanterar TPLföretagetidag reklamationer i programmet ReCap vilket de inte gjorde vid utformandet av SOPoch då reklamationer kommunicerades via mail.För att ta reda på hur TPL-företaget bör hantera dessa avvikelser, hur de uppstått samt hur debör arbeta med uppföljning intervjuades fyra personer från TPL-företaget som har god inblicki företaget.Slutligen ges rekommendationen att arbeta med halvårsvisa strategiska möten tillsammans medkunden för att diskutera eventuella avvikelser och för att gemensamt utforma förbättringar ibåde processerna och relationen mellan parterna. Vidare borde även TPL-företaget och kundengemensamt arbeta fram ett nytt SOP då det gällande SOP är 11 år gammalt samt att det haridentifierats alldeles för många stora avvikelser för att det ska räcka med enbart en uppdatering. / Third-party logistics (TPL) providers have designed Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) withtheir customer containing working routines, process and relations between the companies in ageneral way. The SOP is a document that can be seen as a description of the most importantprocesses in a complete contract between two companies. The SOP between the studied TPLprovider and the studied customer has not been updated since 2009. The motivation for thisstudy is to ensure that the TPL provider fulfil their part of the SOP by performing the operationsagreed upon in the SOP. The purpose of the study is to map the actual work completed incomparison to the SOP agreement between the companies.In order to identify deviations between the actual work and the SOP you need insights in theTPL provider warehouse procedures. Therefore, observations and interviews have beenconducted to clarify the TPL provider warehouse procedures. The result from the observationsand interviews which together form the basis for the mapping of the actual work done. Themapping that is shown in the SOP agreement is based on secondary data provided from theTPL provider.When comparing the SOP surveys and the current situation surveys, many of the deviationshave been identified and the size of these deviations varies for the different stock processes.Generally, the deviations occur when the process in the SOP surveys are not that detailed asthe current situation surveys. Except for the deviations that occur when the SOP is not thatdetailed, seven large deviations were identified. Two in the inbound, two in the warehouseactivities, two in the outbound and one for claims. The main reason for deviations at inboundare when deliveries from Sweden occurs which is not defined in the SOP and the TPL-companyhave 24 hours to register the goods instead of 8 hours. The two large deviations in warehouseactivities are refilling of existed picking location and handling of display pallets. Theseactivities occur every day and are important activities for the TPL-company but is still missingin the SOP. How the TPL-company pick their goods in outbound occurs as different kind ofpallets and this kind of information is also missing in the SOP, this includes how damage andrejected goods at the final customer should be handle. Finally, the TPL-company handle theclaims in the program ReCap which they did not when the companies designed the SOP, thenclaims were communicated by mail.To investigate how the TPL-company should handle these discrepancies, how these haveoccurred and how they should work with follow-up, four people have been interviewed whohave good insight in the company warehouse procedures.Finally, recommendations are given to the TPL provider that they should work with semiannuallystrategic meetings with the customer to discuss possible deviations and to jointlydesign improvements in both the processes and the relationship between the parties.Furthermore, the TPL-company and the customer should also work together to create a newSOP as the current SOP is 11 years old and it has been identified far too many major deviationsin order for just one update to suffice.
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Using Receiver Squelch Techniques to Create Scalable Cellular Networks in Capacity Oriented IEEE 802.11 DeploymentsBlosco, John January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Detecting Chromatography Unit Degradation : Comparison of single- and multi-point techniques implemented in system control and monitoring softwareMarkensten, Max January 2023 (has links)
Chromatography units, used in the production of pharmaceuticals, degrade with use and need to be changed or repackaged. This study investigates the effectiveness of two statistical methods, principal component analysis and simple and one-point multiparameter technique, for determining degradation in the Fibro chromatography unit. The methods have been shown to be effective on resin chromatography columns but not before tested on the relatively new Fibro chromatography unit. The statistical methods are implemented in an unreleased version of the monitoring and control software Unicorn. This implementation aims to be a proof of concept for including more complex methods for monitoring runs directly in the software, easing the workflow of operators by removing the need to export measurements to a third-party program. The methods were tested on measurements of absorbance, conductivity, and pressure from two series of chromatograms performed on two Fibro chromatography units. One of the units was defective and broke down halfway through the series. Principle component analysis could clearly visualize a difference between early and late runs on the defective unit. The same could only be achieved for the non-defective unit by excluding measurements of pressure. Simple and one-point multiparameter technique visualized trends from early to late in the series which were much clearer for the defective unit. Both methods showed signs of predicting degradation in a Fibro chromatograpy unit but require validation on chromatogram series with more direct measurements of performance and a wider range of failure causes.
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Development of microfluidic packages on multilayer organic substrate for cooling and tuning RF circuitsLemtiri Chlieh, Outmane 07 January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this PhD research was to design and implement novel microfluidic radio-frequency (RF) structures on multilayer organic substrates for cooling and tuning purposes. The different designs were implemented to target applications up to C-band (4 GHz – 8 GHz) frequencies. The system-on-package (SoP) solution adopted throughout this work is well adapted for such designs where there is a need to integrate the functionality of different sub-components into a single hybrid fully packaged system. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of a specific liquid cooling scheme using integrated microchannels on organics placed beneath different types of heat sources. A 1 W gallium nitride (GaN) die was cooled using this method and an analysis is presented regarding the cases where the coolant is static or dynamic inside the microchannel. The second part of the thesis deals with microfluidically reconfigurable microstrip RF circuits, mainly bandpass filters and power amplifiers (PAs). The microfluidic tuning technique is based on the change in the effective dielectric constant that the RF signal “sees” when traveling above two microchannels with different fluids. This technique was used to shift the frequency response of an L-band microstrip bandpass filter by replacing DI water with acetone inside a 60 mil micro-machined cavity. This technique was also used to design reconfigurable matching networks which constitute the main part of the proposed tunable GaN-based PA for S- and C-band applications. The final part of the thesis expands the previous results by combining both cooling and tuning in a single RF design. To prove the concept, cooling and tuning microchannels were integrated into a single package to cool a GaN-based PA and tune its frequency response at the same time from 2.4 GHz to 5.8 GHz and vice versa.
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Síndrome ovario poliquístico como factor asociado para diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes de 15 a 45 años, atendidos en el servicio de endocrinologia del Hospital María Auxiliadora enero-julio del 2015.Hinostroza Barriga, Miluska January 2016 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar si el síndrome de ovario poliquístico es un factor asociado para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes de 15 a 45 años atendidos en el servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital María Auxiliadora de enero-julio del 2015.
METODOLOGIA: El estudio es observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, de casos y controles. Se estudio a 360 pacientes 15 a 45 años, de las cuales eran 180 mujeres con diagnóstico de DM-2 (casos) y 180 mujeres sin diagnóstico de DM-2(controles). Fue realizado de datos dados por la Oficina de Estadística de la consulta externa del Servicio de Endocrinología. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante SPSS versión 20.
RESULTADOS: Las <40 años fue mayor con 58.3%. La edad y DM-2 tuvo X2 0,011 y p=0.915, los <40años tuvieron OR 1.047; IC95%, 0,688-1,592, que los >o=40 para DM-2. Los <30kg/m2 fue mayor con 53.1%. El IMC y DM-2 tuvo X2 1,606 y p=0.205, los >o=30kg/m2 tuvieron OR 1.337; IC95%, 0,883-2,025 que los <30kg/m2 para DM-2. De las >o=40años con SOP y DM-2 tuvo X2 0,103 y p=0.748, las >o=40 años con SOP tuvieron OR 1.365; IC95%, 0,480-3,878 que los sin SOP para DM-2. De las pacientes >o=30kg/m2 con SOP y DM-2 tuvo X2 0,17 y p=0.895, las >o=30kg/m2 con SOP tuvieron OR 1,203; IC95%, 0,458-3,160 que los sin SOP para DM-2. Las pacientes con SOP fue de 7.5%. El factor SOP y DM-2 tuvo X2 1,441 y p=0.230, SOP tuvo OR 1.773; IC95%, 0.789-3.986 que los sin SOP para DM-2.
CONCLUSIONES: La DM-2 fue más frecuente en los <40 años. La edad no se asoció con DM-2. La DM-2 fue más frecuente en los >o=30kg/m2. El IMC no se asoció con DM-2. El factor SOP fue mayor en las >o=40 años y obesas (>o= 30kg/m2) con DM-2. Las pacientes >o=40años con SOP no se asociaron con DM-2. Las pacientes >o=30kg/m2 con SOP no se asociaron con DM-2. El SOP fue mayor en DM-2. El SOP no se asoció con DM-2.
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Efeitos da metformina nos níveis séricos de insulina, de hormônio anti-mulleriano e no hiperandrogenismo em pacientes com Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos / Effects of metformin on insulin resistance, serum hyperandrogenism and anti-mullerian hormone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndromeNascimento, Areana Diogo 08 September 2008 (has links)
A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) constituia causa mais freqüente de infertilidade, anovulação e hiperandrogenismo atualmente. Sua fisiopatogenia é em parte obscura. O hormônio anti-mülleriano (HAM),uma glicoproteína produzida pelas células da granulosa dos folículos pré-antrais e folículos antrais pequenos, parece exercer papel fundamental para seu surgimento, exacerbando o hiperandrogenismo intra-folicular e interferindo no mecanismo de seleção do folículo dominante. Além das alterações ovulatórias, há repercussões metabólicas decorrentes da síndrome, como a resistência à insulina (RI), que afeta entre 45 a 70% das mulheres com SOP em idade reprodutiva. Estratégias para aumentar a sensibilidade à insulina poderiam reduzir o impacto reprodutivo e metabólico da RI. Entre elas, destaca-se a metformina, uma droga anti-diabética oral, cuja utilização levaria a uma melhora dos padrões metabólicos e restabelecimento da ovulação. No presente estudo, foram avaliados a relação entre os níveis séricos de HAM e resistência insulínica antes e após o tratamento com metformina, comparados os níveis séricos de HAM na fase folicular precoce entre pacientes com e sem SOP e correlacionados os níveis de HAM com os níveis séricos de insulina, gonadotrofinas e androgênios. Foram realizadas dosagens séricas de HAM, androgênios e gonadotrofinas em 36 pacientes (16 com SOP e resistência insulínica e 20 eumenorreicas, sendo grupos pareados quanto à idade e índice de massa corpórea). No grupo SOP, foram avaliados níveis de HAM, insulina, glicemia e QUICKI (quantitative insulin check index) antes e depois do tratamento com metformina 1500 mg/dia por oito semanas. Foram encontrados níveis de HAM mais elevados no grupo SOP do que no grupo controle (49,9 ± 6,1 pmol/L versus 4,5 ± 2,1 pmol/L, p < 0,0001), assim como os níveis de hormônio luteinizante (LH) (10,3± 1,5 mUI/L versus 3,5 ±0,5 mUI/L, p=0,0004), testosterona (64,9 ± 5 ng/mL versus 41,1 ±4,7 ng/mL, p=0,0017) e 17-hidroxiprogesterona (17OHP) ( 90 ±16,8ng/ml versus 49,1 ±6,6 ng/ml; p= 0,03). Nas pacientes com SOP, houve correlação positiva forte entre os níveis de HAM pré-tratamento e testosterona (coeficiente r dePearson - R - de 0,83; p<0,0001). Também foi encontrada correlação positiva e significativa entre HAM e LH (R = 0,51; p = 0,04). As demais variáveis não apresentaram correlação significativa com o HAM pré-tratamento. Após o tratamento, houve redução significativa dos níveis de insulina (16,4 ± 2,6 mUI/ml versus 12 ± 1,9 mUI/ml; p=0,0132). Os níveis de HAM tiveram redução, porém sem diferença estatística (49,9 ± 6,1 versus 41,5 ± 5,6 pmol/L; p=0,06). Houve redução significativa nos níveis de testosterona (64,9 ± 5 ng/mL versus 49,3 ± 14 ng/mL). A correlação do HAM com os níveis de testosterona não persistiu após o tratamento com a metformina (R=0,08 e p=0,76). Assim, a manutenção dos níveis séricos de HAM após o uso da metformina, mesmo com a comprovada melhora metabólica e redução dos níveis de gonadototrofinas sugere que o papel do HAM na SOP baseia-se num mecanismo intrínseco ovariano, independente do eixo hipotálmo-hipófise-ovário e não influenciado pela resistência insulínica. / Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent cause of infertility, anovulatory disordes and hyperandrogenism in young women. Its pathophisiology remains unclear and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), a glycoprotein produced by the granulose cells of early developing follicles, seems to be fundamental to its development, by enhancing the intra-follicular hyperandrogenism and interfering in the selection of a dominant follicle. PCOS also causes metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance (IR), that affects 45 to 70% of women with PCOS. Strategies to improve insulin sensitivity could reduce the reproductive and metabolic impact of IR.Metformin, a insulin-sensitizing agent, appears to improve the metabolicparameters and reestablish ovulatory cycles. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between anti-mullerian hormone serum levels and IR before and after protracted treatment with meformin; we also compared the anti-mullerian hormone levels in PCOS in the early follicular phase to normo-ovulatory women. The correlation of anti-mullerian hormone levels to insulin, gonatotropins and androgen serum levels was also evaluated. The study included 36 pacients (20 with PCOS and IR and 16 with ovulatory cycles). Anti-mullerian hormone serum levels, insulin, glucose and QUICKI (quantitative insulin check index) were evaluated in patients with PCOS before and after treatment with metformina 1500 mg/day during eight weeks. Anti-mullerian hormone serum levels were higher in PCOS (49,9 ± 6,1 pmol/L versus 4,5 ± 2,1 pmol/L, p < 0,0001), as well as luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (10,3± 1,5 mUI/L versus 3,5 ±0,5 mUI/L, p=0,0004), testosterone (64,9 ± 5 ng/mL versus 41,1 ±4,7 ng/mL, p=0,0017) and 17-ydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) ( 90 ±16,8ng/ml versus 49,1 ±6,6 ng/ml; p= 0,03). In PCOS, there is a positive correlation between anti-mullerian hormoneserum levels and testosterone (R= 0,83; p<0,0001) before treatment; this correlation did not persisted after treatment (R=0,08 e p=0,76). There is also a positive correlation between anti-mullerian hormone serum levels before metformin treatment and LH (R= 0,83; p<0,0001). No correlations were found between anti-mullerian hormone serum levels before treatment and other parameters. After treatment, insulin serum levels reduced (16,4 ± 2,6 mUI/ml versus 12 ± 1,9 mUI/ml; p=0,0132). AMH serum levels also reduced, but therewas no statically significant difference (49,9 ± 6,1 versus 41,5 ± 5,6 pmol/L; p=0,06). Testosterone serum levels decreased significantly (64,9 ± 5 ng/mL versus 49,3 ± 14 ng/mL). No correlation between AMH and testosterone levels was found after treatment (r=0, 08 e p=0, 76). The maintenance of AMH serum levels after treatment with metformin, despite the enhance of metabolic parameters and reduction of the gonadrotopins levels, suggests that AMH acts in the pathophisiology of PCOS by a intra-ovarian mechanism, that does not depend on the neuroendrocine axis and that is not influenced by IR.
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Optimização de processos na indústria cervejeiraHespanhol, Sofia Isabel Monteiro Pinto January 2010 (has links)
Projecto desenvolvido na empresa Unicer Bebidas, S.A., no Centro de Produção de Cerveja de Leça do Balio, orient. Dr. Tiago Brandão / Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Química. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia.. 2010
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Specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros galmybių vertinimas Tauragės rajone / Specialized dental servises development opportunities assessment in Tauragė areaJarutis, Laurynas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros galimybes Tauragės rajone. Tyrimo uždaviniai. Įvertinti Tauragės rajono gyventojų nuomonę apie specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų poreikį bei bendrosios praktikos gydytojų odontologų požiūrį į specializuotų odontologinų paslaugų plėtros galimybes Tauragės rajone; suformuluoti specializuotų odontologinių paslaugų plėtros Tauragės rajone rekomendacijas. / The opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district is a novel and practice-oriented issue. The necessity for management of such services is an integral part of public health management. Collaboration in health care system for favorable development of opportunities is a key task for policy-makers, health professionals, and patients themselves. In order to define patients' and dentists' needs, attitudes, and perspectives it is relevant to substantiate the opportunities for development of dental care services both scientifically and practically.
Aim of the study: to assess the opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district.
Objectives: to evaluate Tauragė district residents' views on the need for specialized dental care services; to evaluate general practice dentists' views on opportunities for development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district; to formulate the recommendations for the development of specialized dental care services in Tauragė district.
Methods. The questionnaire-based study was a survey of 290 residents of Tauragė district who visited a dentist in Tauragė district during the study period. The data analysis was quantitative using statistical data processing software "SPSS 17.0 for Windows". The indicators were described by means (for continuous variables) and percentages (for dichotomous variables). Statistical hypotheses were tested using chi square test, Spearman... [to full text]
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