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La educación continua como proceso de formación académica en los alumnos egresados de las instituciones de educación superior en el estado de Sonora (México) / The continuous education as a process of academic studies for graduate students at high educational levels in Sonora (Mexico)Andrade Paco, Josefina, Nava Ortega, Martha Julia, Valverde Núñez, Jaime 10 April 2018 (has links)
The continuous education, that the productive sector demands, is not only the accumulation of new knowledge, supported inthe education-learning process, but also a focus on the new tendencies that the labor field demands, where the universities havethe opportunity to extend their involvement, through graduations or specializations, that contribute the strength of the acquiredskills in the classroom. The objective is to know the kind of graduation interests that motivate the graduates, as a process ofcontinuous education. The study is based on the application of a questionnaire to 50 students of different degrees from publicuniversities in Sonora, whose excellent results are: 51% of those surveyed, indicate that at the end of their degree they do notobtain the tools to compete in their labor field. 92% of the students mention that universities should offer within the educativeprogram some area of financial or specialization, related to other disciplines. Another important data is that the financial areasthat graduates prefer are related to the social administrative and financial areas and in smaller proportion they prefer the engineeringdisciplines. 70% of those surveyed, indicate that universities have infrastructure, learning spaces and the skilled humanresources to offer this type of courses. The conclusion of this work, is that public universities follow training programs related tocertain areas and disciplines, centered on the student and learning, like part of their formation, but they do not have the educativeflexibility and the graduates will need to know other disciplines to complement their professional education. / La educación continua, que demanda el sector productivo, no es solo la acumulación de nuevos conocimientos, apoyadosen la enseñanza-aprendizaje, sino enfocarse a las nuevas tendencias que el ámbito laboral exige, en donde las institucionesde educación superior (IES) tienen la oportunidad de ampliar su vinculación, por medio de diplomados o especializaciones,que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de las competencias adquiridas en el aula. El objetivo planteado es averiguar qué tipo dediplomados le interesa conocer al egresado como proceso de educación continua. El estudio consistió en la aplicación de uncuestionario a cincuenta estudiantes de las diferentes licenciaturas de universidades públicas en Sonora, cuyos resultados másrelevantes son los siguientes: el 51% de los encuestados señalan que, al término de su licenciatura, no se obtienen las herramientaspara desenvolverse en el campo laboral de su competencia. El 92% de los alumnos mencionan que las IES debieranofrecer, dentro del programa educativo, algún área de acentuación o especialización, relacionada con otras disciplinas. Otrodato importante es que las áreas de acentuación que prefiere el egresado están relacionadas con el área de sociales, administrativasy finanzas y, en menor proporción, las disciplinas de ingeniería. El 70% de los encuestados señalan que se cuenta coninfraestructura, espacios de aprendizaje y el recurso humano preparado para ofrecer este tipo de cursos. La conclusión de estetrabajo es que las IES públicas implementan programas de estudios relacionados con ciertas áreas y disciplinas, que se centranen el estudiante y en el aprendizaje como parte de su formación; sin embargo, no existe la flexibilidad educativa y el egresadodeberá conocer otras disciplinas que complementen su formación profesional.
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A Multi-factor Analysis of the Emergence of a Specialist-based Economy among the Phoenix Basin HohokamJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: This project examines the social and economic factors that contributed to the development of a specialist-based economy among the Phoenix Basin Hohokam. In the Hohokam case, widespread dependence on the products of a few concentrated pottery producers developed in the absence of political centralization or hierarchical social arrangements. The factors that promoted intensified pottery production, therefore, are the keys to addressing how economic systems can expand in small-scale and middle-range societies. This dissertation constructs a multi-factor model that explores changes to the organization of decorated pottery production during a substantial portion of the pre-Classic period (AD 700 - AD 1020). The analysis is designed to examine simultaneously several variables that may have encouraged demand for ceramic vessels made by specialists. This study evaluates the role of four factors in the development of supply and demand for specialist produced red-on-buff pottery in Hohokam settlements. The factors include 1) agricultural intensification in the form of irrigation agriculture, 2) increases in population density, 3) ritual or social obligations that require the production of particular craft items, and 4) reduced transport costs. Supply and demand for specialist-produced pottery is estimated through a sourcing analysis of non-local pottery at 13 Phoenix Basin settlements. Through a series of statistical analyses, the study measures changes in the influence of each factor on demand for specialist-produced pottery through four temporal phases of the Hohokam pre-Classic period. The analysis results indicate that specialized red-on-buff production was initially spurred by demand for light-colored, shiny, decorated pottery, but then by comparative advantages to specialized production in particular areas of the Phoenix Basin. Specialists concentrated on the Snaketown canal system were able to generate light-colored, mica-dense wares that Phoenix Basin consumers desired while lowering transport costs in the distribution of red-on-buff pottery. The circulation of decorated wares was accompanied by the production of plainware pottery in other areas of the Phoenix Basin. Economic growth in the region was based on complementary and coordinated economic activities between the Salt and the Gila River valleys. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2013
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Protection, spécialisation et croissance économique pendant la première mondialisation en France et en Suisse (1850-1913) / Protectionism, specialization and economic growth during the first globalization : the cases of France and Switzerland (1850-1913)Charles, Léo 07 November 2016 (has links)
À la suite des travaux de Paul Bairoch, cette thèse étudie le lien entre protectionnisme etcroissance économique pendant la première mondialisation (1850-1913) en France et enSuisse. En particulier, nous nous intéressons à un chainon manquant dans l’explication de lacorrélation positive entre droits de douane et croissance, celui de la relation entre la politiquecommerciale et la spécialisation des nations. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons la politiquecommerciale comme un phénomène construit, temporel, s’inscrivant dans une structureinstitutionnelle particulière. Par conséquent, les deux premiers chapitres présentent le contextethéorique, historique et politique dans lequel s’inscrit la politique commerciale des économiesau 19e siècle. Par la suite, nous présentons deux bases de données sur le commerce extérieurde la France et de la Suisse. Ces bases originales nous permettent de mener une étudeempirique sur la spécialisation à l’exportation de ces deux économies ainsi que sur la relationentre protectionnisme et exportations, en nous basant sur un nouveau test empirique de laprotection des industries dans l’enfance. Cette thèse montre alors que la France met en placeun protectionnisme traditionnel qui, sous l’influence des groupes de pression, vise à maintenirles spécialisations traditionnelles de l’économie. Au contraire, la Suisse met en place unprotectionnisme innovant, qui vise l’émergence de nouvelles spécialisations favorisant ainsi laréussite économique de la nation. / Following the « tariffs-growth » paradox, this thesis studies the link between protectionismand economic growth in France and Switzerland during the first globalization (1850-1913).We particularly look at the relationship between commercial policy and specialization, whichconstitutes a missing link explaining the positive correlation between tariffs and economicgrowth. This thesis considers the commercial policy as a constructed, time-relatedphenomenon taking place in a specific institutional structure. As a consequence, the two firstchapters introduce the theoretical, historical and political context in which the commercialpolicy is produced during the 19th century. Then, we present two original databases on Frenchand Swiss external trade. These databases provide opportunities to study export specializationand the relationship between protectionism and export flows based on a new empirical test ofthe infant industry argument. We show that France implements a traditional protectionismunder the influence of lobbies that aims to maintain traditional specializations. On the otherhand, Switzerland implements an innovative protectionism to develop new specializationsthat favours economic growth.
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Effective Injectivity of Specialization Maps for Elliptic SurfacesTyler R Billingsley (9010904) 25 June 2020 (has links)
<pre>This dissertation concerns two questions involving the injectivity of specialization homomorphisms for elliptic surfaces. We primarily focus on elliptic surfaces over the projective line defined over the rational numbers. The specialization theorem of Silverman proven in 1983 says that, for a fixed surface, all but finitely many specialization homomorphisms are injective. Given a subgroup of the group of rational sections with explicit generators, we thus ask the following.</pre><pre>Given some rational number, how can we effectively determine whether or not the associated specialization map is injective?</pre><pre>What is the set of rational numbers such that the corresponding specialization maps are injective?</pre><pre>The classical specialization theorem of Neron proves that there is a set S which differs from a Hilbert subset of the rational numbers by finitely many elements such that for each number in S the associated specialization map is injective. We expand this into an effective procedure that determines if some rational number is in S, yielding a partial answer to question 1. Computing the Hilbert set provides a partial answer to question 2, and we carry this out for some examples. We additionally expand an effective criterion of Gusic and Tadic to include elliptic surfaces with a rational 2-torsion curve.<br></pre>
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Diversity and Composition of Pollen Loads Carried by Pollinators Are Primarily Driven by Insect Traits, Not Floral Community CharacteristicsCullen, Nevin, Xia, Jing, Wei, Na, Kaczorowski, Rainee, Arceo-Gómez, Gerardo, O’Neill, Elizabeth, Hayes, Rebecca, Ashman, Tia L. 01 May 2021 (has links)
Flowering plants require conspecific pollen to reproduce but they often also receive heterospecific pollen, suggesting that pollinators carry mixed pollen loads. However, little is known about drivers of abundance, diversity or composition of pollen carried by pollinators. Are insect-carried pollen loads shaped by pollinator traits, or do they reflect available floral resources? We quantified pollen on 251 individual bees and 95 flies in a florally diverse community. We scored taxonomic order, sex, body size, hairiness and ecological specialization of pollinators, and recorded composition of available flowers. We used phylogenetically controlled model selection to compare relative influences of pollinator traits and floral resources on abundance, diversity and composition of insect-carried pollen. We tested congruence between composition of pollen loads and available flowers. Pollinator size, specialization and type (female bee, male bee, or fly) described pollen abundance, diversity and composition better than floral diversity. Pollen loads varied widely among insects (10–80,000,000 grains, 1–16 species). Pollen loads of male bees were smaller, but vastly more diverse than those of female bees, and equivalent in size but modestly more diverse than those of flies. Pollen load size and diversity were positively correlated with body size but negatively correlated with insect ecological specialization. These traits also drove variation in taxonomic and phylogenetic composition of insect-carried pollen loads, but composition was only weakly congruent with available floral resources. Qualities of pollinators best predict abundance and diversity of carried pollen indicating that functional composition of pollinator communities may be important to structuring heterospecific pollen transfer among plants.
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Utlandsflyttar för skandinaviska landslagsspelare i fotbollSköld, Oscar, Andersson, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur gamla landslagsspelarna i Danmark, Sverige och Norge, över de senaste tre mästerskapskvalen, var när de flyttade till en utländsk klubb för första gången. Arbetet grundar sig i debatten kring när unga svenska fotbollsspelare är redo för och bör flytta till en utländsk klubb. Undersökningen har gjorts med teorierna om globalisering, professionalisering och specialisering som grund. Empirin har insamlats genom en kvantitativ metod där vi först tog reda på vilka spelare som representerat de tre landslagen i kval- och mästerskapsmatcher från och med hösten 2012 till och med hösten 2017. Därefter gick vi igenom spelare för spelare och tog reda på hur gamla de var första gången de flyttade till en utländsk klubb respektive en icke-skandinavisk klubb. Med den empirin insamlad började vi sedan att analysera datan och jämföra mönstren de olika länderna emellan. Det hela ledde till ett resultat som visade att majoriteten av spelarna lämnade sina hemländer i åldersspannet 21–23. En femtedel av spelarna flyttade utomlands innan de fyllt 20 år. En förkrossande majoritet flyttade till utländska klubbar någon gång under karriären. Betydligt fler norska spelare stannade i Skandinavien hela karriären än de danska och svenska spelarna, och de norrmän som lämnade tenderade att göra detta senare än danskarna och svenskarna. Slutsatsen man kan dra av vårt arbete är att i förhållande till hur många av de svenska ungdomslandslagsspelarna som har utländska klubbadresser ligger antalet spelare i landslaget som flyttat utomlands senast i 19-årsåldern i fas eller till och med lite i överkant. / The study ”Tendencies of moving abroad among Scandinavian internationals in football” wants to examine when Scandinavian internationals in football moves abroad for the first time in their career. Today it’s an ongoing debate in Sweden whether young football players should stay and develop their football skills in their home country or strive for success abroad. With theories about globalization, professionalization and specialization we hope to provide you with the background info needed to understand the examined area. The material has been collected with a quantitative method and our results has been presented with diagrams, numbers and text. The result shows that there is a connection between representing your country (Sweden, Norway and Denmark) and a move abroad sometime in your career. One out of every five player in our examination moved to a foreign club before they turned 20 which is consistent with the share of players in the Swedish youth national teams that play abroad. This indicates that it’s not necessarily a bad move to go abroad in a young age.
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Recreation Specialization and Preferences of Utah AnglersAndersen, Bruce P. 01 May 1990 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to gain a better understanding of anglers and angler preferences and to examine differences between subgroups of anglers based on level of specialization. Understanding these similarities and differences between user groups will provide valuable input for more effective fisheries management.
A randomized mail survey was sent to resident, adult fishing-license holders in Utah. A 68% response rate yielded 1216 usable returns for data analysis. An analysis of three recreation specialization dimensions (participation, equipment and investment, and lifestyle) and further analysis of participation and investment variables were used to develop a typology of Utah anglers. Three specialization subgroups and four typology subgroups were then compared to determine differences in motivations for fishing, preferences toward various fishing and management attributes and the desirability of available fish species.
Anglers with different levels of specialization differed significantly in their motivations for fishing, preferences for fishery resource attributes and desirability ratings of available fish species. Typology subgroups were found to not differ significantly in motivations, preferences or species desirability ratings. However, level of participation (number of fishing trips taken in past year) and investment (money invested in fishing equipment) were each valuable in identifying differences in motivations and preferences, but not in species desirability ratings.
By identifying sportsmen constituencies based on specialization characteristics, managers can better provide fishing opportunities consistent with angler needs. Fisheries managers will have a tool to match sportsmen with the type of setting and management strategy desired or to match the management to the sportsmen, thus maximizing satisfaction.
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Models Predict Niche Flexibility and Widespread Habitat Suitability for Recently Introduced Joro Spider (Trichonephila clavata)Giulian, Joseph 25 April 2023 (has links)
Twenty-first-century globalization has led to an extraordinary rise in international trade and transit. Consequentially, invertebrates, plants, and mammals are displaced more frequently, which has catalyzed a historic rise in biological invasions. The Joro Spider (Araneae: Trichonephila clavata) recently established from Asia in a landlocked region of southern Appalachia. Its range continues to expand; its cold tolerance is expected to favor northward invasion. As a large-bodied orbweaver that forms extensive webs and aggregations, the Joro spider is likely capable of inducing fundamental change to community structure via spatial competition. A valuable first step in estimating any invader’s economic or biological impact is to hypothesize regions susceptible to invasion using species distribution models. Recent work also shows that comparing global and regional distribution models yields insight into different stages of invasion. To examine potential spread and niche utilization differences in the Joro spider, one global and two regional models were developed. Maximum Entropy models were trained using open-source citizen science occurrence data and six bioclimatic variables at 2.5-arcminute resolution. An AUC-weighted ensemble model was used to produce each of the 3 global suitability projections. To compare invasive stage differences, projections were then translated to presence-absence maps using a 50% suitability threshold. The Asia-regional model predicts widespread suitability in eastern North America. However, the US-regional model reflects local adaptation to a climate niche that does not occur in the spider’s historic Asian range. Permutation feature importance shows the US-regional model was driven mainly by precipitation seasonality (64%) and annual oscillations in daily temperature range (29.1%). The Asia-regional model was instead driven by mean temperature of the driest quarter (34.9%), maximum temperature of the warmest month (23.6%), and precipitation of the warmest quarter (20.1%). The introduced Joro spider has invaded a North American niche that it is naïve to, but which co-occurs spatially with a niche akin to its historic Asian niche. If the Asia-regional climatic niche is indeed exploitable in North America, then conservative estimates show the bounds of range suitability should approach the 95th meridian and the 28th and 50th parallels. A total of 1,231,711 km2 within North America was predicted above 50% suitability. Altogether, these findings suggest niche versatility and plentiful suitable habitat favors successful North American invasion by the Joro spider.
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Bridging the gap: A scoping review on early sport specialization and diversification recommendationsBrgoch, Shea Marie January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Tools Of A Local Economy: Standardization And Function Among Small Chert Tools From Caracol, BelizeMartindale Johnson, Lucas 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis undertakes detailed analysis of a sample of 229 small chert tools from a single locus at the Maya site of Caracol, Belize. Emphasis is placed on determining the function of these tools and on the nature of their use in the broader Caracol economic system. Analysis sought to determine whether they were used for day-to-day household tasks or for specialized craft activity within the specified household locus and/or if they were prepared for broader distribution at Caracol. By focusing detailed analysis on artifacts from a single locus, greater insight is provided into the impact of household production on the overall Caracol economy. The thesis draws on traditional techniques of lithic analysis, while assessing tool morphology and chert reduction techniques; however, it is different from previous analyses in the Maya area in that it develops and applies specific quantifiable statistical methods (e.g., Chi-square and Coefficient of Variable) for particular tool type(s) used in the production and modification of crafts. Application of quantifiable methods and a detailed level of analysis helps to differentiate and determine chert tool variation or standardization, thus establishing ideal tool types within a craft production locus. The determination of the presence of standardization and ideal tool types elucidates that craft production was indeed taking place just outside the epicenter at Caracol and therefore suggests that not only were elites controlling the distribution of crafts via markets located at and along causeway and termini, but may have controlled the production of crafts as well. Future research aims to reanalyze tools from previously excavated craft production areas and also plans to test for the presence of additional crafting areas at or near the site's epicenter. A detailed analysis of a craft production locus and small chert flake tools reveals insight into the nature of the ancient Maya economy and into models of control over resources.
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