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Conductive properties and morphology of conjugated molecular materials studied by local probe techniques / Conductive properties and morphology of conjugated molecular materials studied by local probe techniquesTimpanaro, Salvatore January 2004 (has links)
Die vorgelegte Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Zusammenhängen zwischen der Struktur dünner organischer Schichten und stellt einen Bezug zur Leitfähigkeit der Schichten her. Sie liefert einen Beitrag zum vertieften Verständnis der Transporteigenschaf-ten organischer Halbleiter und soll so zur Verbesserung organischer elektronischer Bauele-mente beitragen. Es ist bekannt, dass die Effizienz von Organischen Leuchtdioden (OLEDs) stark von der Qualität der eingesetzten dünnen Filme abhängt. Es ist deshalb interessant, die Strukturen technologisch interessanter organischer Filme mittels Scanning Probe Mikrosko-pie (SPM) zu charakterisieren, um ein besseres Verständnis sowohl der Oberflächen-Morphologie als auch der molekularen/atomaren Packungen zu erhalten.
Die Untersuchung von Quaterthiophen (4T), welches vielfach in Feldeffekt-Transistoren eingesetzt wird, bildet einen ersten Schwerpunkt der Arbeit. Es konnte eine neue Kristall-struktur von 4T gefunden werden, die bisher nicht bekannt war. Dafür wurden Quaterthi-ophen-Filme untersucht, welche auf Kaliumphthalat (KAP) aufwuchsen. Die Aufklärung der neuen Struktur gelang durch Kombinierten Einsatz von optischen und Röntgen-Beugungsmessungen. Zur Bestätigung der triklinen Kristall-Einheitszelle mit den Parame-tern a = 0,721 nm, b = 0,632 nm, c = 0,956 nm und α = 91o, β = 91,4o, γ = 91o wurde außer-dem die Atomkraft-Mikroskopie (AFM) angewendet.
In Fortführung der rastermikroskopischen Messungen sind die Morphologien von Filmen vier weiterer organischer Materialien technologischer Relevanz untersucht worden: He-xanthiol-Monoschichten auf Gold, Azobenzenthiol-Monoschichten auf Gold, Para-Phenylenvinylen-Oligomer-Filme auf Gold und Phenyl-Oxadiazol-Filme auf Gold. Dafür kam zusätzlich die Ultrahochvakuum-Scanning-Tunneling-Mikroskopie (UHV-STM) zum Einsatz. Es zeigte sich eine Vielzahl morphologischer Eigenheiten, deren Besonderheiten sowohl von den gewählten Substraten als auch von der chemischen Struktur der untersuchten organischen Materialien abhängen. So zeigen Para-Phenylenvinylen-Oligomer-Filme eine Stäbchen- und Oxadiazol-Filme eine Körnchen-Struktur auf Gold.
Auf Basis dieser Kenntnisse gelang es, das optisch induzierte Schalten von Azobenzen durch STM-Untersuchungen und durch Scanning Tunneling Spektroskopie (STS) auf molekularer Skale nachzuweisen.
Die Topographie einer Reihe von Poly(3,4-ethylendioxythiophen)-(PEDOT)-Filmen und de-ren Bezug zu den Ladungstransporteigenschaften dieser Filme war ein weiterer Arbeits-schwerpunkt. PEDOT-Filme auf Indium-Zinn-Oxid (ITO) kommen in organischen elektro-nischen Bauelementen als Lochinjektionsschichten zum Einsatz. Für die Schichtherstellung kamen Dispersionen des Polymers unterschiedlicher Konzentration zur Anwendung: Mittels AFM und STM konnte gezeigt werden, dass unterschiedliche Konzentrationen zu unter-schiedlichen Topographien führen. Besonders die Oberfläche der Filme mit hoher Konzent-ration von PEDOT, d.h. die der leitfähigsten Filme, wird durch eine körnchenartige Struktur eingebetteter Teilchen charakterisiert. Durch STM Strom-Abstands-(I-d)-Untersuchungen wurde gefunden, dass diese Teilchen die „Spitze eines Eisbergs“ leitfähiger Domänen dar-stellen. Ausgehend von dieser Erkenntnis wird ein Strukturmodell für die Filme vorgeschla-gen, in dem die leitfähigen Domänen / Partikel in eine weniger leitfähige Matrix eingebettet sind. Durch Zugabe von Polyolen wie Sorbitol zur PEDOT-Dispersion ließen sich Filme mit höherer Leitfähigkeit herstellen. Eine klare Abhängigkeit zwischen der Leitfähigkeit und der bisher nicht beschrieben nano-Morphologie wurde gefunden. / It is known that the efficiency of organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) is strongly influenced by the ’quality′ of the thin films [1]. On the basis of this conviction, the work presented in this thesis aimed to obtain a better understanding of the structure of organic thin films of general interest in the field of organic light emitting devices by using scanning probe microscopies (SPMs).
A not yet reported crystal structure of quaterthiophene film grown on potassium hydrogen (KHP) is determined by optical measurements, a simulation program, diffraction at both normal incidence and grazing angle and AFM. The crystal cell is triclinic with parameters a = 0.721 nm, b = 0.632 nm, c = 0.956 nm and a = 91°, b = 91.4°, g = 91° [2].
The morphologies of four organic thin films deposited on gold are characterized by ultra high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM). Terraces in an hexanethiol monolayer, lamellar structures in an azobenzenethiol monolayer, rods in a a poly(paraphenylenevinylene) oligomer film and a granular morphology in an oxadiazole film are shown.
The topographies of a series of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT/PSS) films deposited on indium-tin oxide (ITO) and gold obtained from dispersions with PEDOT:PSS weight ratios of 1:20, 1:6 and 1:1 are investigated by AFM. It is demonstrated that the films show the same topography on gold and on ITO. It is shown that the PEDOT films eliminate the spike features of ITO. It is reported that PEDOT 1:20 and 1:6 appear indistinguishable between each other but different from PEDOT 1:1 (the most conductive).
Coupling STM and I-d measurements, a not yet reported structural model of PEDOT 1:1 on gold is obtained [3]. In this model the surface presents grains and the bulk particles/domains rich in PEDOT embedded in a PEDOT-poor matrix. The equation of conductivity is derived.
A STM investigation of four PEDOT films deposited on ITO obtained from dispersions with the same PEDOT:PSS weight ratio of 1:1 is carried out [4]. The films differ either for the presence of sorbitol or for a different synthetic route (and they present different conductivities). For the first time a quantitative and qualitative correlation between the nanometer-scale morphology of PEDOT films with and without sorbitol and their conductivity is established.
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Prestationsmätning av Corporate social responsibility (CSR) för den interna styrningen : En kvalitativ studie / Performance measurement of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) for internal control : A qualitative studyWalfridsson, Josefine, Yassin, Iman January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Prestationsmätning av Corporate social responsibility (CSR) för den interna styrningen – En kvalitativ studie Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Josefine Walfridsson och Iman Yassin Handledare: Tomas Källquist och Pär Vilhelmson Datum: 2019 - januari Syfte: Syftet är att skapa förståelse för hur verksamheter arbetar med att föra in CSR i sina interna prestationsmätningar. Metod: Studien utgår från en hermeneutisk forskningstradition med en abduktiv ansats. Den teoretiska referensramen har byggts upp utifrån tidigare forskning. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in utifrån tio kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Både teorin och empirin diskuteras sedan i en tematisk analys som följs av studiens resultat och bidrag. Resultat: Prestationsmätningar av CSR används inte genomtänkt för den interna styrningen utan främst för att kunna rapportera CSR-prestationer externt som ett sätt att skapa transparens mot externa intressenter. Studien har visat att prestationsmätningar av CSR används för den interna styrningen i ett fåtal verksamheter men begränsat i majoriteten av de studerade verksamheterna. Studiens bidrag: Studien bidrar med praktisk insikt kring prestationsmätningar av CSR i den interna styrningen, där det visar sig att fokus främst ligger på extern rapportering i praktiken. Den tidigare forskningen kring ämnet präglas av normativa studier. Där prestationsmätningar av CSR tycks gynna verksamheters interna styrning. En del tidigare forskningen indikerar att verksamheters fokus kring prestationsmätningar av CSR ligger på extern rapportering, vilket vår empiriska studie stödjer. Förslag till vidare forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att göra flera kvaliativa studier kring prestationsmätningar av CSR i den interna styrningen eftersom det finns begränsat med studier inom området. Ett annat förslag är att forska kring hur verksamheter arbetar med att föra in CSR i sitt prestationsmätningssystem, som den tidigare forskningen benämner som SPMS. Nyckelord: Performance measurement, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Management accounting, Sustainability performance measurement system (SPMS) / Abstract Title: Performance measurement of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) for internal control – A qualitative study Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Josefine Walfridsson and Iman Yassin Supervisor: Tomas Källquist and Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2019 – January Aim: The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how operations are working to introduce CSR into their internal performance measurements. Method: The study is based on a hermenuetic research tradtition with an abductive approach. The theoretical framework has been built based on previous research. The empirical material has been collected based on ten qualitative semi-structured interviews. Both the theory and the empirics are then discussed in a thematic analysis that led to the study's results and contributions. Results: Performance measurement of CSR is not used for management accounting purpose, but is primarily used for external reporting of CSR performance as a way of creating transparency towards external stakeholders. The study has indicated that performance measurement of CSR is used for management accounting purpose in few operations but limited in the majority of the operations studied. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with practical insight into the performance measurements of CSR in operations management accounting, where it turns out that focus is mainly on external reporting in practice. The previous research on the subject is characterized by normative studies. Where performance measurements of CSR is described as very useful in the management accounting of operations. Furthermore the previous research indicates that performance measurements of CSR in operations mainly focus on external reporting, which our empirical study supports. Suggestions for future research: Suggestions for future research is to do more empirical studies on performance measurements of CSR in the management accounting of operations, since there is few studies made in this area. Another suggestion is to do research in how operations work to bring CSR into their performance measurement system, as in the previous research is termed SPMS. Keywords: Performance measurement, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Management accounting, Sustainability performance measurement system (SPMS)
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La influencia de los sistemas estratégicos de medición de desempeño sobre las decisiones empresarialesPérez de la Puente, Hugo Oswaldo 27 January 2011 (has links)
Els processos de presa de decisions directives i de gestió i mesurament de l'acompliment són centrals en la gestió estratègica. El procés de gestió estratègica és de caràcter dinàmic, continu i sistèmic. No obstant això, els factors que afecten l'estabilitat estratègica poden ser inesperats, volubles i irregulars. Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en quatre objectes d'anàlisi: els sistemes de mesurament de l'acompliment, les decisions directives, la incertesa de l'entorn i l'acompliment de l'organització. En aquesta tesi, s'ha plantejat un estudi quantitatiu per contrastar una sèrie d'hipòtesis respecte d'aquestes qüestions de recerca. Les hipòtesis han estat sotmeses a un contrast empíric a partir de dades recollides de 179 respostes d'un qüestionari físic, que s'ha administrat a membres del TMT (top management team) d'organitzacions amb activitat a l'Equador i a Colòmbia. Els resultats de la recerca suggereixen que una primera aportació d'aquesta tesi en la literatura anterior és l'enfocament en la congruència entre les decisions directives com un atribut important en la interrelació entre el pla estratègic i el pla operatiu dintre del cicle de gestió estratègica (Kaplan i Norton, 2008, 2010), sobre el qual anteriorment s'havia prestat poca atenció. En segon lloc, la tesi contribueix a entendre que una de les vies per les quals els sistemes estratègics de mesurament de l'acompliment ajuden a acomplir millor la gestió és assegurant una congruència o una sincronia més grans entre les decisions directives, distingint com els diferents tipus de congruència afecten diferents aspectes de l'acompliment de la gestió. Respecte d'aquesta segona aportació, la tesi demostra específicament que, dintre de l'acompliment de la gestió, la més gran alineació estratègica interna està associada a la congruència entre les decisions estratègiques, mentre que la capacitat de qüestionament estratègic està associada a la congruència entre les decisions de caràcter operatiu, i la rapidesa de resposta estratègica està associada a la congruència entre les decisions de caràcter estratègic i operatiu. Finalment, la tesi contribueix a la discussió que s'ha obert recentment en la literatura sobre si els SPMS són adequats en entorns molt dinàmics, i conclou que l'impacte diferencial de l'ús de SPMS en l'acompliment de la gestió és més feble en entorns dinàmics, la qual cosa està en línia amb el corrent d'estudis que assenyala els riscos de rigidesa dels SPMS. / Los procesos de toma de decisiones directivas y de gestión y medición del desempeño son centrales en la gestión estratégica. El proceso de gestión estratégica es de carácter dinámico, continúo y sistémico. Sin embargo, los factores que afectan la estabilidad estratégica pueden ser inesperados, volubles e irregulares. Esta tesis se ha centrado en cuatro objetos de análisis: los sistemas de medición de desempeño, las decisiones directivas, la incertidumbre del entorno, y el desempeño organizacional. En esta tesis se ha planteado un estudio cuantitativo para contrastar una serie de hipótesis respecto a ambas cuestiones de investigación. Estas hipótesis han sido sometidas a un contraste empírico a partir de datos recogidos en base a 179 respuestas a un cuestionario físico, aplicado a miembros del TMT (Top Management Team) de organizaciones con actividades en Ecuador y Colombia. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que un primer aporte de esta tesis a la literatura anterior es el enfoque en la congruencia entre decisiones directivas como un atributo importante en la interrelación entre Plan Estratégico y Plan Operativo dentro del Ciclo de Gestión Estratégica (Kaplan y Norton, 2008, 2010), y sobre el que anteriormente se había prestado poca atención. En segundo lugar, la tesis contribuye a entender que una de las vías por las que los sistemas estratégicos de medición de desempeño ayudan a un mejor desempeño de gestión es a través de asegurar una mayor congruencia o sincronía entre las decisiones directivas, distinguiendo cómo los distintos tipos de congruencia afectan a distintos aspectos del desempeño de gestión. Respecto a este segundo aporte, esta tesis demuestra específicamente que, dentro del desempeño de gestión, la mayor alineación estratégica interna está asociada a la congruencia entre las decisiones estratégicas, mientras que la capacidad de cuestionamiento estratégico está asociada a la congruencia entre las decisiones de carácter operativo, y la rapidez de respuesta estratégica está asociada a la congruencia entre las decisiones de carácter estratégico y operativo. Finalmente, la tesis contribuye a la discusión recientemente abierta en la literatura sobre si los SPMS son adecuados en entornos muy dinámicos, y concluye que el impacto diferencial del uso de SPMS sobre el desempeño de gestión es más débil en entornos dinámicos, lo cual está en línea con la corriente de estudios que remarcan los riesgos de rigidez en los SPMS. / The decision-making processes, management policies and the performance measurement are central issues in the strategic management literature. The strategic management process is dynamic, continuous and systemic. However, the factors affecting strategic stability can be unexpected, volatile and erratic. This thesis has focused on four objects of analysis: performance measurement systems, management decisions, perceived environmental uncertainty and organizational performance.This thesis is a quantitative study which compares a series of hypotheses; these hypotheses have been subjected to an empirical data collected from 179 responses to a physical questionnaire, applied to members of the TMT (Top Management Team) of organizations with activities in Ecuador and Colombia.The research results suggest that a first contribution of this thesis to the literature is the focus on the congruence between management decisions as an important attribute in the interface between Strategic Plan and Operational Plan within the Strategic Management Cycle (Kaplan and Norton, 2008 , 2010), which previously has received little attention. Secondly, the research contributes to understand that one of the ways in which strategic performance measurement systems helps management to achieve better performance is through ensuring greater consistency or synchrony between management decisions, distinguishing how different types of congruence affect different aspects of performance management. Regarding this second contribution, this thesis shows specifically that, within performance management, a greater internal strategic alignment is associated with the congruence between the strategic decisions, while the capacity of strategic questioning is associated with the congruence between operative decisions, and speed of strategic response is associated with the congruence between strategic and operational decisions. Finally, the thesis contributes to the recently opened discussion in the literature about if the SPMS are appropriate in highly dynamic environments, and concludes that the differential impact of the use of SPMS on performance management is weaker in dynamic environments, which is in line with current studies that highlight the risks of stiffness of the SPMS.
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Involvement of Receptor Interacting Protein 2 in the Activation of 5-LipoxygenaseSia, Marianne 01 January 2021 (has links)
Receptor-Interacting Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase 2 (RIP2) is a kinase which modulates signaling downstream of the bacterial peptidoglycan sensors NOD1 and NOD2. It is known that activation of RIP2 by engaging NOD receptors increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokine and lipid mediators. We have some data indicating that RIP2 may also be involved in specialized pro-resolution lipid mediator (SPM) production. However, the molecular mechanisms by which RIP2 is involved in lipid mediator biosynthesis, are currently unknown. Understanding this process may have significant implications for RIP2-targeted therapies, which may not only inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine and lipid mediator production but may also disrupt SPM production and resolution programs. This thesis aims to demonstrate that RIP2 is involved in promoting the activation of ALOX5 in a transient overexpression setting but also in an endogenous setting using relevant bacterial stimuli. These aims were accomplished through the optimization of a fluorescent assay to assess ALOX5 enzymatic activity, by optimization of ALOX5 enzyme purification and through molecular cloning of ALOX5 into a retroviral vector followed by viral transduction of the THP-1 human monocytic cell line. We find that co-expression of RIP2 with ALOX5 significantly enhances the enzymatic activity of ALOX5. We have successfully cloned NTAP-tagged ALOX5 into the pBABE retroviral vector and are currently selecting transduced cells so that we might test if this effect also occurs endogenously. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the production and regulation of SPMs would provide greater insight into potential new therapeutic approaches to promote resolution in chronic inflammatory diseases.
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Evaluation of the Accuracy of Traffic Volume Counts Collected by Microwave SensorsChang, David Keali'i 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Over the past few years, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has developed a system called the Signal Performance Metrics System (SPMS) to evaluate the performance of signalized intersections. This system currently provides data summaries for several performance measures including: 1) Purdue Coordination Diagram, 2) Speed, 3) Approach Volume, 4) Purdue Phase Termination Charts, 5) Split Monitor, 6) Turning Movement Volume Counts, 7) Arrivals on Red, and 8) Approach Delay. There is a need to know the accuracy of the data that are being collected by the Wavetronix SmartSensor Matrix and displayed in the SPMS. The TAC members determined that the following factors would affect the accuracy of radar-based traffic sensors the most: sensor position, number of approach lanes, and volume level. The speed limit factor was added to the study after most of the data collection was completed. The purpose of this research was to collect data at various intersections to determine the accuracy of the data collected by the Wavetronix SmartSensor Matrix.A Mixed Model Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to analyze the effects that each factor had on the accuracy of the traffic volume count. A total of 14 tests were performed to examine the effects of the factors on traffic volume count accuracy. The sensor position factor was not found to be a statistically significant factor affecting the accuracy of traffic volume counts. The effect of speed limit on traffic volume count accuracy was determined to be inconclusive due to the lack of samples to be tested. The remaining two factors, volume level and number of approach lanes, were found to have a statistically significant effect on the accuracy of traffic volume counts. Based on these two factors, a matrix was created to meet the needs of UDOT to present accuracy values on the SPMS website. This matrix includes the mean, 95 percent confidence interval of the mean, standard deviation, number of samples, and the minimum number of samples needed.
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Návrh a sestavení spínaného zdroje o výkonu 2,5 kW / SMPS design and assembly with an output of 2.5 kWPospíšilík, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describe the desing and assembly of switching power supply with an output of 2,5kW. At first is described the funcional principle of SPMS. The next is the proceed design of power part of the converter composed from calculation of transformer, inductors, capacitors and sizing of semiconductors. There is proceed the calculation of power looses. The next step is to make acquaintance with the possibilities of feedback control, creating a model system for simulating and executing the selection of an appropriate regulatorystructure.The following is the calculation of regulators suitable method and simulation at program MatlabSimulink. Is procced the computing and realization of regulators and finding the PWM modulator. At over is constution of contorl logic and desin of printed circuit desing, assembly and their recovery.
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