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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revitalizace vybrané části vodního toku / Revitalization of River

Odehnalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of revitalization on the selected parts of the water course. Assessment of current condition and channel capacity and design of revitalization measures were made on a water course Veverka on the part of the river kilometer 0.650 - 1.000. This thesis first deals with the revitalization of historical aspect. When and why become to regulation of flows and what reasons leads to the effort to restore natural flows, the near-natural appearance. In the theoretical part is introduced an overview of revitalization measures with their brief description. The work includes the design of several revitalization measures: stabilization of slopes and bank scours fascine-gravel drum, wattle work and hand-placed rubble, removing dead wood, restoration of beaching and planting of vegetation accompaniment.

Obrábění paprskem plazmy / Cutting plasma beam

Tejkal, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with general drifts in the sphere of plasma cutting and with technological possibilities of plasma ray with intention on individual parameters of plasma designations. Here is described temporary state and direction of development of consumer parts, burners and sources for plasma cutting. Detailed adumbration of direction of development is described in the peroration.

Zjednodušený úvodní projekt uzlu destilace / Simplified Basic Engineering Project of Distillation Unit

Šmarda, Michael January 2008 (has links)
The target of diploma thesis was to improve author’s theoretical and practical design knowledge of process engineering. In the diploma thesis a Simplified Basic Engineering Project of distillation unit has been developed. It was necessary to become familiar with the process technology and formal requirements of Basic Engineering Project. The most important parts of Basic Engineering Project are material and heat balances. Material and heat balances are the corner stones of distillation unit equipment design. Parameters of process equipment are presented in the form of equipment datasheets. The specification of pipelines is based on material and heat balances too. Inevitable part of Basic Engineering are Process Flow Diagram and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (PFD & PID). Process Flow Diagram and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram include all equipment, piping and basic control loops.

Nestacionární pohyb tuhého tělesa v kapalině / The nonstationary motion of solid body in a liquid

Stejskal, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Obsahem této práce je numerická simulace dvoudimenzionálního proudění nestlačitelné vazké kapaliny. Uvažujeme rotující elipsu soustředně umístěnou v kružnici. Prostor mezi elipsou a kružnicí je vyplněn kapalinou. Cílem je popsat proudění kapaliny vyvolané otáčející se elipsou, tzn. stanovit rychlostní pole a rozložení tlaku. Dále pak chceme stanovit přídavné silové účinky kapaliny působící na elipsu. Tyto výsledky získáme řešením Navierových-Stokesových rovnic metodou konečných prvků. Důraz je kladen na odvození numerického schématu v maticové formě vhodné pro numerickou implementaci. Časově závislá výpočetní síť je popsána pomocí Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulace. Pro obdržení relevantních výsledků je nutná stabilizace metody konečných prvků. Uvedené výsledky naznačují, že odvozená metoda je dostatečně přesná.

Aplikace nanotechnologií pro detekci biomolekul / Applications of nanotechnology in detection of biomolecules

Váňa, Rostislav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with metal nanostructures and their use in detection of biomolecules. A protocol for stabilizing solutions of gold nanoparticles was developed for better usage in biological samples or biochemical processes, where different pH or salt concentrations can be used. A model of optical properties of the nanoparticles was presented and supported by spectroscopic experiments. A possible utilization of plasmonic nanostructures on surfaces for detection of biomolecules was also demonstrated.

Hardware Accelerated Digital Image Stabilization in a Video Stream / Hardware Accelerated Digital Image Stabilization in a Video Stream

Pacura, Dávid January 2016 (has links)
Cílem této práce je návrh nové techniky pro stabilizaci obrazu za pomoci hardwarové akcelerace prostřednictvím GPGPU. Využití této techniky umožnuje stabilizaci videosekvencí v reálném čase i pro video ve vysokém rozlišení. Toho je zapotřebí pro ulehčení dalšího zpracování v počítačovém vidění nebo v armádních aplikacích. Z důvodu existence vícerých programovacích modelů pro GPGPU je navrhnutý stabilizační algoritmus implementován ve třech nejpoužívanějších z nich. Jejich výkon a výsledky jsou následně porovnány a diskutovány.

Primena stabilizovanog nano nula valentnog gvožđa i komercijalnih imobilizacionih agenasa za remedijaciju sedimenta kontaminiranog toksičnim metalima / Application of stabilized nano zero valent iron and commercial immobilisation agents for remediation of sediment contaminated with toxic metals

Tomašević Dragana 03 October 2013 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja nano nula<br />valentnog gvožđa stabilizovanog sa bentonitom, kaolinitom i karboksimetil<br />celulozom za imobilizaciju te&scaron;kih metala, kao i pona&scaron;anje i sudbina metala u<br />sedimentu. Istraživanja je usmero u dva pravca: prvi deo istraživanja ima za cilj,<br />pre svega da defini&scaron;e bolje razumevanje pona&scaron;anja metala u sedimentu i<br />određivanje njihove potencijalne mobilnost, biodostupnost i potencijalne<br />toksičnost na osnovu metoda sekvencijalne ekstrakcione procedure, kiselo<br />volatilnog sulfida i simultano ekstrahovanih metalau netretiranim i tretiranim<br />uzorcima sedimenta. Takođe, određena je efikasnosti kori&scaron;ćenja nanomaterijala<br />za imobilizaciju metala u sedimentu iz tretiranih sme&scaron;a kori&scaron;ćenjem tzv. testova<br />&bdquo;izluživanja&ldquo; kao i definisanje dominantnog mehanizma izluživanja koji<br />omogućava transport metala. Drugi deo istraživanja&nbsp; ima za cilj ispitivanje<br />mogućnosti primene nano nula valentnog gvožđa obloženog sa bentonitom,<br />kaolinitom i karboksimetilcelulozom za tretman zagađenog sedimenta na lokaciji<br />(in-situ), uz određivanje potencijalnog rizika po okolinu na osnovu rezultata<br />sekvencijlane ekstrakcione procedure i ekstrakcija&nbsp; u jednom koraku nakon<br />tretmana. Primenjeni su i modifikovani testovi izluživanja sa ciljem &scaron;to bolje<br />simulacije realnih uslova. Rezultati dobijeni simulacijom ovih uslova i daljom<br />karakterizacijom sme&scaron;a, kako sa nanomaterijalom tako i sme&scaron;a sa glinom,<br />omogućuju izradu modela pona&scaron;anja metala u smislu dugoročnog &quot;izluživanja&quot; iz<br />tretiranog (stabilizovanog) sedimenta kao i procenukoji materijali su efikasniji<br />za imobilizaciju toksičnih metala u sedimentu.</p> / <p>This thesis explores the possibility of using nano&nbsp; zero valent iron stabilized with<br />bentonite, kaolinite, and carboxymethyl cellulose for the immobilization of heavy<br />metals, as well as the behaviour and fate of metalsin sediments. Research is focused<br />in two directions: the first part of the study aimsto find a better understanding of the<br />behaviour of metals in sediments and to determine their potential mobility,<br />bioavailability and potential toxicity based on sequential extraction procedures and<br />acid volatile sulphides and simultaneously extracted metals methods, in untreated and<br />treated sediment samples. The efficacy of using nanomaterials for the immobilization<br />of metals in sediments is also determined, by applying &quot;leaching&quot; tests to the treated<br />mixtures and defining the dominant leaching mechanism that enables the transport of<br />metals. The second part of the study aims to examine the possibilities of applying<br />nano zero valent iron coated with bentonite, kaolinite and carboxymethyl cellulose for<br />the treatment of contaminated sediment in-situ, to&nbsp; determine the potential risk posed<br />to the environment after treatment, based on the results of sequential extraction<br />procedures and a single step extraction. Modified leaching tests were applied in order<br />to achieve better simulation of real conditions. The results of simulating these<br />conditions and further characterization of mixtureswith both nanomaterials and clay,<br />provide a long term &quot;leaching&quot; model for the behaviour of metals in the treated<br />(stabilized) sediments, as well as assessing which&nbsp; materials are most effective for the<br />immobilization of toxic metals in sediments.</p>

Potencijal upotrebe piritne izgoretine u tretmanu otpadnih voda i mogućnost njene dalje sanacije primenom imobilizacionih agenasa / Potential use of pyrite cinders in wastewater treatment and the possibility of its further disposal by using imobilizacionih agents

Kerkez Djurdja 17 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Predmet&nbsp; izučavanja&nbsp; ove&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; bio&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; piritne&nbsp;izgoretine&nbsp; u&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; otpadnih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; tekstilne&nbsp; industrije&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; dalji&nbsp; tretman&nbsp; mulja&nbsp; nastalog&nbsp;nakon ovog procesa. Naime, nakon iskori&scaron;ćenja ovog otpada &nbsp;u Fenton procesima, iskori&scaron;ćena&nbsp;piritna izgoretina u najvećem procentu čini mulj koji zaostaje nakon tretmana. Kako se piritna&nbsp;ruda jo&scaron; u procesu proizvodnje sumporne kiseline&nbsp; koristi nepreči&scaron;ćena, zaostali&nbsp; mulj koji je&nbsp;potencijalno&nbsp; toksičan&nbsp; i&nbsp; ne&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; direktno&nbsp; odlagati&nbsp; bez&nbsp; prethodnog&nbsp; tretmana.&nbsp; Stoga,&nbsp;primenjena&nbsp; je&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; stabilizacija&nbsp; i&nbsp; solidifikacija&nbsp; (S/S)&nbsp; uz&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenje&nbsp; portland&nbsp; cementa,&nbsp;kalcijum-oksida, prirodnog zeolita, letećeg pepela, kaolinita,&nbsp; bentonita i&nbsp; autohtone&nbsp; gline &nbsp;za&nbsp;imobilizaciju metala. Istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji vr&scaron;ena su u dve faze. Prva faza imala je za&nbsp;cilj&nbsp; optimizaciju&nbsp; operativnih&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp; pri&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; se&nbsp; postiže&nbsp; najvi&scaron;i&nbsp; stepen&nbsp;obezbojavanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; mineralizacije&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; efluenata.&nbsp; Takođe&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; je&nbsp; uključilo&nbsp; i&nbsp;karakterizaciju nastalih efluenata kako bi se procenila efikasnost primenjenog, i mogućnost&nbsp;daljeg&nbsp; tretmana.&nbsp; Druga&nbsp; faza&nbsp; uključivala&nbsp; je&nbsp; karakterizaciju&nbsp; nastalog&nbsp; mulja&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp;obojenih&nbsp; efluenata&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegov&nbsp; tretman&nbsp; solidifikacijom&nbsp; i&nbsp; stabilizacijom.&nbsp; Vr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp;efikasnosti&nbsp; primenjenih&nbsp; imobilizacionih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; u&nbsp; S/S tretmanu&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantnog&nbsp; mehanizma&nbsp;<br />izluživanja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; koji&nbsp; opisuju&nbsp; njihov&nbsp; transport&nbsp; iz&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; solidifikata.&nbsp; Primenjeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp;modifikovani&nbsp; testovi&nbsp; izluživanja&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ciljem&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; simulacije&nbsp; realnih&nbsp; uslova.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp;dobijeni&nbsp; simulacijom&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; će&nbsp; dalje&nbsp; omogućiti&nbsp; modelovanje&nbsp; pona&scaron;anja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; u&nbsp; smislu&nbsp;dugoročnog&nbsp; &quot;izluživanja&quot;&nbsp; iz&nbsp; tretiranog&nbsp; otpada&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; najefikasnijih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; za&nbsp;imobilizaciju različitih metala u ovom tipu otpada. TakoĎe primenjeni su testovi izluživanja&nbsp;sa jednom ekstrakcijom kako bi se osiguralo&nbsp; slaganje rezultata sa maksimalno dozvoljenim&nbsp;koncentracijama&nbsp; aktuelnih&nbsp; pravilnika.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp;piritna izgoretina može uspe&scaron;no koristiti kao izvor katalitičkog gvožđa u Fenton tretmanima&nbsp;obojenih&nbsp; efluenata&nbsp; i&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; smatrati&nbsp; efektivnom&nbsp; metodom &nbsp; predtretmana&nbsp; za&nbsp;nebiodegradabilne&nbsp; otpadne&nbsp; vode,&nbsp; čineći&nbsp; ih&nbsp; pogodnijim&nbsp; za&nbsp; konvencionalni&nbsp; biolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; tretman.&nbsp;Takođe&nbsp; u&nbsp; drugoj&nbsp; fazi&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata,&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; mulj&nbsp;tertian&nbsp; sa&nbsp; navedenim&nbsp; imobilizacionim&nbsp; agensima&nbsp; uspe&scaron;no&nbsp; solidifikovan&nbsp; i&nbsp; stabilizovan&nbsp;materijal.&nbsp; Optimalane&nbsp; su&nbsp; sme&scaron;e&nbsp; koje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; imobilizacionih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; sadrže&nbsp; leteći&nbsp;<br />pepeo, prevashodno u kombinaciji sa cementom i krečom. Dobijeni podaci su &nbsp;neprocenjivi sa&nbsp;aspekta ekonomski i ekolo&scaron;ki prihvatljivog upravljanja opasnim industrijskim otpadom.&nbsp;</p> / <p>This work is concerned with exploring the possibility of using pyrite cinders in the treatment&nbsp;of&nbsp; textile&nbsp; industry&nbsp; effluents&nbsp; and&nbsp; further&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; sludge&nbsp; generated&nbsp; after&nbsp; this&nbsp; process.&nbsp;Namely,&nbsp; after&nbsp; the&nbsp; utilization&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; waste&nbsp; in&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; processes&nbsp; slag&nbsp; that&nbsp; remains&nbsp; after&nbsp;treatment is mostly composed of used pyrite cinder. As the pyrite ore, in the production of&nbsp;sulfuric&nbsp; acid,&nbsp; is&nbsp; used&nbsp; untreated,&nbsp; sludge&nbsp; that&nbsp; remains&nbsp; is&nbsp; potentially&nbsp; toxic&nbsp; and&nbsp; cannot&nbsp; be&nbsp;disposed&nbsp; directly&nbsp; without&nbsp; treatment.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; stabilization&nbsp; and&nbsp; solidification&nbsp; (S/S)&nbsp;technique&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; usage&nbsp; of&nbsp; portland&nbsp; cement,&nbsp; calcium&nbsp; oxide,&nbsp; zeolite,&nbsp; fly&nbsp; ash,&nbsp; kaolinite,&nbsp;bentonite and native clay was used for metal immobilization. The research in this dissertation&nbsp;was carried out in two phases. The first phase aimed to optimize the operational conditions of&nbsp;Fenton&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; decolourization&nbsp; and&nbsp; mineralization&nbsp; was&nbsp;achieved in tested effluents. Also the research has included the characterization of generated&nbsp;effluents in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment applied, and the possibility of&nbsp;further&nbsp; treatment.&nbsp; The&nbsp; second&nbsp; phase&nbsp; involved&nbsp; the&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; generated&nbsp; sludge&nbsp;after the treatment of effluents that contained dyes and its treatment with solidification and&nbsp;stabilization technique.&nbsp; The determination of used immobilization agents effectiveness was&nbsp;Conducted&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; of&nbsp; immobilization&nbsp; agents&nbsp; in&nbsp; S&nbsp; /&nbsp; S&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp;dominant&nbsp; mechanism&nbsp; of&nbsp; leaching&nbsp; of&nbsp; metals&nbsp; that&nbsp; describe&nbsp; their&nbsp; transport&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; received&nbsp;solidificate . Were applied and modified leaching tests with the aim of better simulation of&nbsp;real&nbsp; conditions.&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; condition&nbsp; simulation&nbsp; will&nbsp; enable&nbsp; the&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; of&nbsp;behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sludge and assess&nbsp;the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in this type of waste. Also,&nbsp;single-extraction leaching tests were applied to ensure the accordance of obtained results &nbsp;with&nbsp;the maximum permissible concentrations of current regulations. Based on these results, it was&nbsp;concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; pyrite&nbsp; cinders&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; successfully&nbsp; used&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; source&nbsp; of&nbsp; catalytic&nbsp; iron&nbsp; in&nbsp;Fenton&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; effluents&nbsp; containing&nbsp; dyes,&nbsp; and&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; considered&nbsp; an&nbsp; effective&nbsp;pretreatment&nbsp; method&nbsp; for&nbsp; non-biodegradable&nbsp; waste&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; making&nbsp; them&nbsp; amenable&nbsp; to&nbsp;conventional biological treatment. Also in the second phase, based on the results obtained, it&nbsp;was concluded that the sludge treated with&nbsp; aforementioned&nbsp; immobilization agents represents&nbsp;a successfully solidified and stabilized material. The optimal mixtures are those that contain&nbsp;fly ash as one of the used immobilization agents, primarily in combination with cement and&nbsp;lime.&nbsp; The&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; data&nbsp; are&nbsp; invaluable&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of&nbsp; economic&nbsp; and&nbsp; environmentally&nbsp; sound&nbsp;management of hazardous industrial waste.</p>

Reaction mechanism of hOMPD and CaAAD at atomic resolution

Rindfleisch, Sören 07 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Stabilization of large linear systems

He, C., Mehrmann, V. 30 October 1998 (has links)
We discuss numerical methods for the stabilization of large linear multi-input control systems of the form x=Ax + Bu via a feedback of the form u=Fx. The method discussed in this paper is a stabilization algorithm that is based on subspace splitting. This splitting is done via the matrix sign-function method. Then a projection into the unstable subspace is performed followed by a stabilization technique via the solution of an appropriate algebraic Riccati equation. There are several possibilities to deal with the freedom in the choice of the feedback as well as in the cost functional used in the Riccati equation. We discuss several optimality criteria and show that in special cases the feedback matrix F of minimal spectral norm is obtained via the Riccati equation with the zero constant term. A theoretical analysis about the distance to instability of the closed loop system is given and furthermore numerical examples are presented that support the practical experience with this method.

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