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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos para o terceiro setor / The control of government transfers to nonprofit organizations

Souza, Rodrigo Pagani de 15 April 2010 (has links)
Em um contexto de crescimento do volume de transferências de recursos públicos para entidades do terceiro setor e, ainda, de aumento do número de parcerias do Estado com tais entidades, cresce também a importância do controle estatal sobre as suas políticas de fomento e sobre a aplicação dos recursos transferidos. Paralelamente, a mídia, os órgãos estatais de controle e a academia jurídica manifestam preocupações com a corrupção na destinação desses recursos e com a ineficiência no seu emprego. Todos ainda enfrentam o desafio de fortalecer o terceiro setor, simultaneamente ao fortalecimento do controle do fomento estatal. A legislação federal brasileira, contudo, ainda não trata do assunto com o devido cuidado. Há um descompasso entre a importância do tema para o país, de um lado, e a insuficiência da legislação que o rege, de outro. Com este pano de fundo, esta tese descreve, primeiramente, qual é o direito vigente em matéria de controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos da União para o terceiro setor. Em segundo lugar, aponta alguns dos principais problemas deste direito. Finalmente, sugere soluções para o seu aperfeiçoamento. Como ponto de partida para essas três vertentes de investigação, a tese trabalha com a hipótese de que tal controle é disciplinado por uma complexa teia de textos normativos que necessita ser reformada. O resultado das investigações é a confirmação desta hipótese, à medida que são reunidas evidências de que o quadro normativo geral é demasiado complexo, lacônico, excessivamente talhado pela via infralegal, descompassado com a Constituição Federal e ainda ineficaz a despeito de suas últimas reformas , demandando, sim, uma reforma legislativa. Com inspiração em projetos e anteprojetos de lei, assim como nas experiências espanhola e estadunidense pertinentes ao assunto e, ainda, levando em conta o diagnóstico de problemas efetuado, a tese defende seis medidas para reforma da legislação brasileira. Sustenta que tais medidas podem contribuir para a solução de parcela importante dos problemas da legislação vigente, tornando o controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos para o terceiro setor mais democrático e consentâneo com os princípios constitucionais da impessoalidade, publicidade, motivação e eficiência. / In a context of growth in the volume of government transfers to nonprofit organizations, as well as in the number of partnerships between the state and these entities, there is also a growing need for the state to control its own funding policies and the use of the transferred resources. Simultaneously, the media, the state controlling agencies and the legal academia manifest their concern with the corruption involved in the destination of those resources and the inefficiency in its application. They also face the challenge of strengthening the nonprofit sector while curbing illegal behavior and strengthening state control of government stimulus initiatives. The federal legislation, however, still does not cope with the matter in a cautious way. There is a mismatch between the importance of the subject to the country, on one hand, and the limitations of the legislation that should govern it, on the other hand. Against this backdrop, this thesis describes, first, what is the current law governing federal control of its own funding of nonprofit organizations. Second, it points out some of the key problems of the existing legislation. Finally, it suggests solutions for its improvement. As a starting point for these three lines of investigation, it works with the hypothesis that the state control over grants to nonprofits is regulated by a complex net of legal norms which needs to be reformed. The result of the investigations confirms this hypothesis, as the thesis assembles evidences of an existing legal framework extraordinarily complex, laconic, excessively tailored through regulations in lieu of statutes, not totally aligned with the Federal Constitution and inefficient in spite of its latest reforms all these characteristics demanding, unequivocally, a statutory reform. Taking into account the diagnosis made and with an inspiration in bills and other legislative proposals in Congress, as well as in the Spanish and American experiences in the matter, the thesis pinpoints a number of six initiatives for the reform of the Brazilian legislation. It sustains that these initiatives should contribute to the solution of an important part of the flaws of the existing legislation, turning the state control of governmental transfers to nonprofits more democratic and tuned with constitutional principles governing the public administration, such as equality, publicity, reasoning and efficiency.

L'importance et l'avenir du coton en Afrique de l'Ouest : cas du Mali / Future and importance of cotton in West Africa : Malian case

Bagayoko, Karim 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à démontrer l'intérêt du coton dans l'économie africaine particulièrement malienne basée à 70% sur le secteur primaire dans lequel la part de l'agriculture est estimée à environ 60 à 70% avec un taux d'employabilité dépassant plus de 60% de la population active. Aussi, elle soulève des interrogations quant au devenir de cette culture au regard des perturbations que connaît depuis plus d'une décennie le marché mondial du coton. Ce faisant, dans un premier temps, et sur plusieurs périodes, l'analyse des données statistiques à travers les tableaux, les graphiques, les figures et mêmes des cartes a permis de mettre en évidence l'importance pluridimensionnelle (économique, socioculturelle et environnementale, etc.) de cette culture au triple plan mondial, africain et notamment malien. Face, au grand intérêt suscité par la production du coton, des divergences vont naître à plusieurs niveaux conduisant à ce qu'on a appelé la guerre du coton. Ensuite, si d'une part les raisons historiques et géopolitiques ont été avancées pour justifier cette guerre autour du coton, d'autre part, il a été rappelé que celle-ci se manifeste à travers les nombreuses négociations et discussions qui s'enlisent sur le dossier coton notamment au niveau de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce qui, peine à faire respecter, ses propres règles de base (visant la suppression des barrières tarifaires et non tarifaires ) par certains pays appelés «Price makers». Autre manifestation de la guerre du coton a été expliquée par le volume important des subventions américaines, européennes et chinoises versées sous toutes les formes par les pays développés à leurs producteurs au détriment de ceux des pays pauvres singulièrement africains. Plusieurs études à l'appui des modèles et outils d'analyse d'impacts ont confirmé la corrélation négative entre les subventions et le cours mondial du coton exprimé par l'indice Cotlook A. A cet effet, il s'avère que les subventions versées par les pays développés se traduisent par une baisse du cours mondial du coton en moyenne de 15% (entre 3 à 28% selon les cas). Pour arrêter cette pratique des subventions, plusieurs ententes se sont constituées au premier chef, l'Initiative Sectorielle Africaine constituée des pays du C4 depuis la conférence ministérielle de Cancun en septembre 2003 et au second, viennent les initiatives au sein de l'UEMOA et du partenariat UE-Afrique autour du dossier coton. Enfin, dans la dernière partie de ce travail, le problème du coton va au-delà des questions de subventions et de prix qui semblent conjoncturelles. Ainsi, certains chercheurs proposent, outre l'abandon des subventions, une réforme structurelle des filières cotonnières en passant par la libéralisation du secteur et la valorisation (transformation) du coton et de ses sous produits, l'opportunité de cultures alternatives au coton conventionnel, sans oublier la formalisation des aides bilatérales et multilatérales afin de soutenir en perspective les actions envisagées. / This thesis shows the interest of cotton in African economy particularly in Malian one founded about 70% on primary sector in that agricultural part is estimated between 60 and 70%. This last also employees 70% of working population. Following many perturbations ten years ago, on cotton world market, several questions appear concerning the future of this product. Therefore, in the first time, the historic analysis of statistic data with tables, graphics, pictures prove the cotton importance in Mali, Africa and the world in multiple dimensions (economic, social , cultural and in environment). In this situation, appear many conflicts which conduct to a called phenomenon “cotton war “. Many historic and geopolitics reasons, explain this cotton world war which main characteristics are no limit discussions and negotiations at the World Trade Organization which is unable to oblige members to respect its main rules that are to forbid tariffs and trade barriers and others specially by “price makers “ countries. Another characteristic of cotton war is the question of important American, European and Chinese subsidies paid by developed countries in favor of its producers in an error to disadvantage of poor countries producers singularly Africans. Several studies based on models and corporate assets certificate negative impacts between subsidies amount and world cotton price estimated by index A “cotlook”. This direct politics effect bears the world market of cotton about an average rate of 15% (between 3 to 28% by cases). In order to stop these subventions distortions, many agreements are founded about the cotton question, in first African Sector Initiative, a group of four cotton producer countries, since Cancun Ministry Conference in 2003, September, in the second position are UEMOA actions in favor it's cotton areas and the partnership European Union (EU)-Africa on cotton. Finally, in the third and last party of this thesis, cotton problem is highest than price and aids simple questions which are issue as temporary. Thereby, many scientists suggest, after giving up subsidies, structural reforms of African cotton sectors by liberalizing , creating transformation cotton factories, opportunity to farm others products without conventional cotton and without forgetting formal bilateral and multilateral aids in order to help strongly in the future actions undertaken in favor of cotton.

La gestion financière des établissements publics d'enseignement au Vietnam / The financial management in public educational institutions in Vietnam

Vu, Duy Nguyen 30 May 2013 (has links)
Dans la période actuelle, la gestion financière des établissements publics d'enseignement au Vietnam fait l'objet d'une profonde réforme ayant pour but la légalité, la régularité, l'efficacité et la transparence. Cette gestion financière portant sur le modèle de la gestion budgétaire axée sur les moyens fait face aujourd'hui à l'inefficacité et à l'opacité dans la gestion et l'utilisation des dépenses publiques, dans la prévision des ressources disponibles ainsi que dans la responsabilisation des gestionnaires et le contrôle a posteriori. Par ailleurs, il faut également relever qu'elle est inadaptée au mécanisme actuel de l'autonomie de gestion des établissements, à la recherche des motivations raisonnables des dirigeants, enseignants et des usagers et notamment au développement de ressources propres permettant aux établissements de répondre non seulement à une progression exceptionnelle des besoins éducatifs mais encore à leur processus de modernisation à venir. Il est proposé que la réforme de cette gestion financière doive s'aligner sur la réforme actuelle des finances publiques ainsi que sur celle de l'enseignement. En ce sens, il convient de mettre en place un modèle de la gestion budgétaire axée sur les résultats et accroître à la fois l'autonomie de gestion, notamment de gestion financière des établissements publics d'enseignement en cohérence étroite avec la responsabilité des gestionnaires et le contrôle financier. / In the current period, the financial management in public educational institutions in Vietnam has been the main target of the comprehensive reform for enhancement of legality, regularity, efficiency and transparency. Indeed, in the country, the model of input-based budgeting management now is not suitable, efficient and cleans enough for spending and auditing public expenditure. It also lacks of planning function for potential resources and supervising of managerial accountability and a posteriori control. Moreover, this financial management does not completely satisfy the today demand of managerial autonomy mechanism in public educational institutions. It can neither create a good motivation for managers, teachers and users nor mobilizing the development of their own resources which are very necessary to expanse their training needs as well as their modernization process in future. It is therefore proposed that the reform of the management must go in line with the current reform of public finances and that of education. For the purpose, in public educational institutions, a model of performance-based management should be implemented at the same time with the enhancement of managerial autonomy, especially in financial field as well as the responsibilities of managers in accountability and financial control.

Controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos para o terceiro setor / The control of government transfers to nonprofit organizations

Rodrigo Pagani de Souza 15 April 2010 (has links)
Em um contexto de crescimento do volume de transferências de recursos públicos para entidades do terceiro setor e, ainda, de aumento do número de parcerias do Estado com tais entidades, cresce também a importância do controle estatal sobre as suas políticas de fomento e sobre a aplicação dos recursos transferidos. Paralelamente, a mídia, os órgãos estatais de controle e a academia jurídica manifestam preocupações com a corrupção na destinação desses recursos e com a ineficiência no seu emprego. Todos ainda enfrentam o desafio de fortalecer o terceiro setor, simultaneamente ao fortalecimento do controle do fomento estatal. A legislação federal brasileira, contudo, ainda não trata do assunto com o devido cuidado. Há um descompasso entre a importância do tema para o país, de um lado, e a insuficiência da legislação que o rege, de outro. Com este pano de fundo, esta tese descreve, primeiramente, qual é o direito vigente em matéria de controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos da União para o terceiro setor. Em segundo lugar, aponta alguns dos principais problemas deste direito. Finalmente, sugere soluções para o seu aperfeiçoamento. Como ponto de partida para essas três vertentes de investigação, a tese trabalha com a hipótese de que tal controle é disciplinado por uma complexa teia de textos normativos que necessita ser reformada. O resultado das investigações é a confirmação desta hipótese, à medida que são reunidas evidências de que o quadro normativo geral é demasiado complexo, lacônico, excessivamente talhado pela via infralegal, descompassado com a Constituição Federal e ainda ineficaz a despeito de suas últimas reformas , demandando, sim, uma reforma legislativa. Com inspiração em projetos e anteprojetos de lei, assim como nas experiências espanhola e estadunidense pertinentes ao assunto e, ainda, levando em conta o diagnóstico de problemas efetuado, a tese defende seis medidas para reforma da legislação brasileira. Sustenta que tais medidas podem contribuir para a solução de parcela importante dos problemas da legislação vigente, tornando o controle estatal das transferências de recursos públicos para o terceiro setor mais democrático e consentâneo com os princípios constitucionais da impessoalidade, publicidade, motivação e eficiência. / In a context of growth in the volume of government transfers to nonprofit organizations, as well as in the number of partnerships between the state and these entities, there is also a growing need for the state to control its own funding policies and the use of the transferred resources. Simultaneously, the media, the state controlling agencies and the legal academia manifest their concern with the corruption involved in the destination of those resources and the inefficiency in its application. They also face the challenge of strengthening the nonprofit sector while curbing illegal behavior and strengthening state control of government stimulus initiatives. The federal legislation, however, still does not cope with the matter in a cautious way. There is a mismatch between the importance of the subject to the country, on one hand, and the limitations of the legislation that should govern it, on the other hand. Against this backdrop, this thesis describes, first, what is the current law governing federal control of its own funding of nonprofit organizations. Second, it points out some of the key problems of the existing legislation. Finally, it suggests solutions for its improvement. As a starting point for these three lines of investigation, it works with the hypothesis that the state control over grants to nonprofits is regulated by a complex net of legal norms which needs to be reformed. The result of the investigations confirms this hypothesis, as the thesis assembles evidences of an existing legal framework extraordinarily complex, laconic, excessively tailored through regulations in lieu of statutes, not totally aligned with the Federal Constitution and inefficient in spite of its latest reforms all these characteristics demanding, unequivocally, a statutory reform. Taking into account the diagnosis made and with an inspiration in bills and other legislative proposals in Congress, as well as in the Spanish and American experiences in the matter, the thesis pinpoints a number of six initiatives for the reform of the Brazilian legislation. It sustains that these initiatives should contribute to the solution of an important part of the flaws of the existing legislation, turning the state control of governmental transfers to nonprofits more democratic and tuned with constitutional principles governing the public administration, such as equality, publicity, reasoning and efficiency.

Structure des banques, concurrence et stabilité financière / Bank structure, competition and financial stability

Yongoua Tchikanda, Gaelle Tatiana 06 December 2017 (has links)
Très souvent comparée à la grande dépression de 1929, la crise économique mondiale des années 2007-2012 a révélé que le système bancaire européen, en particulier, est dominé par des banques trop grosses, trop complexes, mais également trop connectées pour faire faillite. Du fait de leur statut systémique, celles-ci jouissent d’avantages de coûts de financement moins chers qui constituent des distorsions concurrentielles mais également des problèmes d’aléa moral quant aux incitations qui les poussent à accroitre leur taille. Fort de ce constat, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser comment la déformation de la structure de marché, de la structure des banques et les problèmes de tarification des risques qu’elles induisent affectent la stabilité financière. Elle est structurée en quatre chapitres. Dans le chapitre 1, nous montrons qu’une augmentation de la probabilité de défaillance individuelle accroit la contribution des banques au risque systémique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous démontrons que la subvention implicite a le potentiel de diminuer mais également d’inverser l'effet réduction des risques de nature systémiques d'une concurrence accrue. Tandis que dans le chapitre 3, nous établissons qu’elle a la capacité de distordre et au-delà d’un certain seuil, d’inverser l’effet accroissement de risques individuels d’une concurrence accrue. Conjointement, ces résultats soutiennent le consensus selon lequel le risque individuel et le risque systémique généré par les banques ont deux dimensions distinctes. Dans le chapitre 4, nous prouvons que les grandes institutions financières identifiées systémiques et bénéficiant de la subvention implicite contribuent davantage au risque systémique quand elles ont une dépendance accrue au financement sur le marché de gros de la liquidité. / The global financial crisis that peaked in 2008 showed that the European banking sector, in particular, is dominated by banks “too big to fail”, “too complex to fail”, but also “too connected to fail”. Due to their systemic status, they benefit from cheaper funding costs leading to competitive distortions, and also raise issues of moral hazard regarding their incentives to grow in size. Against this backdrop, the aim of this thesis is to examine how distortions in the market structure, the structure of banks, and the issues of risk-pricing they induce affect the financial stability. It is articulated around four chapters. In the first chapter, we show that an increase in the probability of individual default raises banks' contribution to systemic risk. In the second chapter, we demonstrate that implicit subsidies have the potential to mitigate and beyond a certain threshold, reverse the systemic-risk reducing effect of increased competition. Nevertheless, in the third Chapter, we establish that implicit subsidies have the ability to distort and beyond a certain threshold, reverse the individual-risk increasing effect of heightened competition. Together, these results support the consensus that individual risk and systemic risk generated by banks have two distinct dimensions. In the fourth chapter, we show that “large” global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs) benefiting from implicit subsidies contribute more to systemic risk when they become more dependent on short-term wholesale funding.

Финансово-организационные инновации в системе обязательного медицинского страхования : магистерская диссертация / Financial and organizational innovations in the system of mandatory medical insurance

Мелехин, А. С., Melekhin, A. S. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию финансово-организационным инновациям в системе обязательного медицинского страхования. Предметом исследования выступает анализ взаимосвязей и взаимозависимостей, возникающих в процессе организации и функционирования системы обязательного медицинского страхования как звена финансовой системы России и предложить изменения в обеспечения достаточности финансирования системы здравоохранения. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по совершенствованию методики распределения субвенций, направленных из бюджета Федерального фонда обязательного медицинского страхования бюджетным территориальным фондам обязательного медицинского страхования на осуществление переданных органам государственной власти субъектов РФ полномочий Российской Федерации в сфере обязательного медицинского страхования. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of financial and organizational innovations in the system of compulsory health insurance. The subject of the research is the analysis of interrelations and interdependencies arising in the process of organization and functioning of the system of compulsory medical insurance as a part of the financial system of Russia and to suggest changes in ensuring the adequacy of financing of the health care system. In conclusion, the recommendations on improving the method of distribution of subventions directed from the budget of the Federal compulsory medical insurance Fund to the budget territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance for the implementation of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of compulsory medical insurance transferred to the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation are outlined.

Trois essais sur les primes au travail

Brouillette, Dany 13 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2008-2009 / Chacun des trois essais de cette thèse présente une analyse d'un programme de prime au travail : le Projet d'autosuffisance (PAS), la Prime au travail et la mesure Action emploi. La conclusion générale que l'on peut tirer est que ces trois programmes ont eu des effets positifs pour les participants. Les résultats du premier essai montrent que la participation au PAS a eu des effets positifs de court et de long terme sur la participation au marché du travail et sur les salaires des participants qui ont reçu la subvention. Les simulations du second essai montrent que l'introduction de la Prime au travail a eu des effets positifs en termes de participation au marché du travail à la marge extensive. En revanche, les simulations à la marge intensive montrent que les travailleurs à faibles revenus ont très peu d'incitation à augmenter leur effort de travail suite à l'introduction de la Prime au travail. Enfin, la participation à la mesure Action emploi a des effets de long terme négatifs sur la dépendance à l'aide sociale. Les prestataires qui ont reçu la subvention au cours d'un mois ou plus sont plus susceptibles de quitter l'aide sociale et moins susceptibles d'effectuer une transition vers l'aide sociale après leur participation.

Možnosti využívání dotací v oblasti Borkovických blat / Possibilities of taking advantage of grants in the area of Borkovická blata

HOLOUBKOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
The present diploma paper discusses the locality of Borkovice marshes. It consists of two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part, the theoretical part mainly imparting theoretical information about the region, its communities and subventions and the practical part dra-wing attention to the locality, its specificities and its tourist attractions. Furthermore, with the help of SWOT analysis, the paper postulates the possibilities of region's development. One of the steps taken to aid the region and described in the present paper was the creation of the Legal Association of Blata municipality. In conclusion, a draft has been included of an application for a subvention, to be submitted by the Legal Association to the region of Southern Bohemia.

Podnikatelské nemovitosti v České republice a jejich financování ze strukturálních fondů EU a národních zdrojů / Accessing EU Funding and national resources for brownfield and other real estate rejuvenation projects

Epps, Olesya January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the real estate business, focusing on brownfields and the possibility of its funding from the EU structural funds and national resources. It introduces the reader not only with the theoretical foundations, the clarification of the notions of brownfields and their history, but also with its practical aspects, e.g. which financing options are available and how an entrepreneur can apply for such aid. In these times of financial crisis and lack of access to bank loans this thesis brings comprehensive overview of alternative real estate financing options using public support in order to return the beneficial aspects of brownfield site development and to boost the investment environment, which brings significant benefits to the community. Finally, it gives examples of successful projects recently carried out in Czech Republic.

Analyse de la politique industrielle de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine : apports des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives / Analysis of industrial policy of “Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine” : Contribution of quantitative and qualitative methods

Achard, Antoine 06 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de l’analyse des politiques publiques pour proposer une analyse de la politique industrielle régionale. Pour ce faire, nous menons une analyse appliquée qui s’appuie sur des approches quantitative et qualitatives. Ce travail s’inscrit dans un contexte où l’on assiste à une régionalisation des politiques publiques, par le phénomène de décentralisation enclenché par l’Etat français, et sous l’influence de l’Union Européenne qui tend à régionaliser sa politique. Nous cherchons alors à savoir si la politique menée par les Régions constitue un retour de l’interventionnisme, hérité de la politique du plan, empreint de colbertisme mais également du modèle allemand centré sur les entreprises de taille intermédiaire. Nous proposons d’observer la politique industrielle de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, reconnue comme très volontariste par des travaux antérieurs, à travers le prisme des subventions allouées aux entreprises industrielles de son territoire. Une analyse quantitative, qui mobilise des indicateurs d’économie géographique, et met en évidence un phénomène de concentration sur un groupe restreint d’entreprises. Nous prolongeons ce travail quantitatif en réintroduisant de la complexité dans l’analyse grâce à la richesse de matériaux qualitatifs : des entretiens auprès des acteurs industriels et institutionnels, ainsi que des archives de presse et notre travail en tant qu’observateur-participant. / This thesis takes public policy analysis as theoretical framework to propose an analysis of regional industrial policy. Our analysis is based on historic, quantitative and qualitative methods.In a context where industrial public policy leans towards regionalization, under the influence of French decentralization and regionalization of European Union policies, we try to understand the mechanics of regional industrial policy through the case of Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. A policy inherited of the “planning policy”, and influenced by Colbertism and German model focused on mid-sized companies.Our first approach is quantitative and studies public grants allocated to industrial firms by the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This analysis combines economic geography indicators and demonstrate a concentration phenomenon on a small group of regional companies.We extend by reintroducing complexity in the analysis thanks to rich qualitative materials: interviews with industrial leaders and institutional managers, and press archives.

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