Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gag"" "subject:"aag""
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Caracterização molecular de isolados de Sarcocystis spp. obtidos de marsupiais do gênero Didelphis spp. pela análise de gene mitocondrial, gene de apicoplasto, espaçador interno transcrito (ITS-1) e genes codificadores de antígenos de superfície (SAGs) / Molecular characterization of Sarcocystis spp. isolates from marsupials of the genus Didelphis spp. through the analysis of mitochondrial and apicoplast genes, internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1) and surface antigen genes (SAGs)Samantha Yuri Oshiro Branco Valadas 08 May 2015 (has links)
Em um trabalho anterior, foi avaliada a variabilidade de Sarcocystis spp. isolados de gambás oriundos do estado do Rio Grande do Sul pesquisando sequências gênicas codificadoras de antígenos de superfície (SAGs). Os resultados indicaram haver linhagens de isolados de Sarcocystis (relacionadas geneticamente a S. falcatula) que trocam genes em prováveis processos de recombinação sexual. A proposta deste estudo foi de conhecer as variações gênicas e relações filogenéticas em Sarcocystis spp. isolados de gambás através da análise de loci gênicos de genoma mitocondrial (CytB), de genoma de apicoplasto (ClpC) e das regiões espaçadoras transcritas internas (ITS-1), comparando a diversidade encontrada nestes grupos com a observada em integrantes da sub-familia Toxoplasmatinae. E também de conhecer a diversidade de genes codificadores de SAG-2, SAG-3 e SAG-4. Neste estudo foram obtidos esporocistos de Sarcocystis spp. através de raspado intestinal e fezes provenientes de gambás do gênero Didelphis, oriundos do Estado de São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul e Rio Grande do Norte. Os marcadores moleculares CytB, ClpC e ITS-1 revelaram uma ampla variabilidade genotípica e alelos inéditos entre os isolados do Brasil. Os resultados levam a crer que é possível a existência de espécies “híbridas” de Sarcocystis no Brasil, com mistura de genes de ambas as espécies. Em relação aos genes codificadores de SAGs, foi encontrada uma diversidade ainda maior do que trabalho similar realizado. Os resultados sugerem uma possível ocorrência de reassortment e recombinação de alelos em sequências SAGs, contribuindo ainda mais para a geração de variabilidade e consequentemente na configuração antigênica do parasito. Estes resultados demonstram que isolados brasileiros possuem uma composição genética diferente do reportado em demais localidade, o que pode ter reflexos importantes no conhecimento da diversidade das espécies de Sarcocystis que infectam gambás em nosso meio e em toda a epidemiologia das infecções produzidas pelos protozoários deste grupo / A great variability in surface antigens genes (SAGs) of Sarcocystis spp. sporocysts was found in a previous study, through the intestinal scraping technique of opossums from the south region of Brazil. The results indicated probable sexual recombination between lineages of Sarcocystis isolates (genetically related to Sarcocystis falcatula). The aim of this research is the study of genetic variability and phylogenetic relationships among Sarcocystis spp. isolates from captured opossums in Brazil, by the analysis of molecular markers less subjected to selective pressure, such as DNA barcode, for this purpose, genetic loci from mitochondrial (CytB) and apicoplast genome (ClpC), and internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS-1) were applied and compare the results with the diversity found within members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family. The diversity among the SAG-2, SAG-3 and SAG-4 genes was also studied. The Sarcocystis sporocysts were obtained from opposum’s intestinal scraping and faeces from São Paulo State, Rio Grande do Sul State and Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The molecular markers CytB, ClpC and ITS-1 revealed a vast genotypic variability and novel alleles among the Brazilian isolates. The results indicate possible existence of hybrid species of Sarcocystis in Brazil, with a gene mixture from both species. Regarding the SAG genes, an even greater variability was found than previously reported. The results also suggest the occurrence of reassortment and allele recombination of SAG sequences, contributing even more to the variability and thus in the parasites antigenic configuration. In this study, the results demonstrate that isolates from Brazil have a different genetic composition than reported in other locations, which may have important impacts in the knowledge of the diversity of Sarcocystis species shed by opossums in our environment and in all of the epidemiology of infections of protozoa of this particular group
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La phase d’hyperextension (Sag) du rift de l’Océan Atlantique sud au Congo : milieux de dépôt, provenance des sédiments et paléoreliefs / The hyperextended phase of south Atlantic rift in Congo : Sedimentary depositional environment, sediment provenances and paleoreliefsKebi-Tsoumou, Sage Paterne Chandrich 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le propos de cette thèse est d’étudier le rift de l’Atlantique sud au Congo, en se focalisant sur (1) la dynamique des reliefs amont du rift (les épaulements de rift), (2) l’architecture stratigraphique du remplissage sédimentaire et (3) le routage sédimentaire ante- à syn-rift. L’etude de terrain a permis de reconstituer la géométrie des paléovallées, le cadre sédimentaire et stratigraphique du remplissage sédimentaire et de discuter des implications géodynamiques de ces paleovalleys en termes de dynamique du rift et de contrôle des systèmes sédimentaires. Ces paléovallées ont été incisées dans le substratum précambrien du Mayombe par des rivières alluviales pendant la phase d'étirement du rifting et remplies par des sédiments d’âge Aptien moyen de la Formation de Chéla. Le remplissage sédimentaire de ces paléovallées consiste en des faciès gravitaires sousaquatiques interdigités dans les argiles lacustres riches en matière organique, recouvrant en discordante le socle Précambrien du Mayombe. Ces depôts s'organisent en une séquence transgressive, caractérisée par l’empilement des séquences élémentaires de type finning-up . L’analyse sédimentologique de carottes a permis de caractériser les environnements de dépôts des Formations de Pointe-Noire, Pointe-indienne et de Chéla, correspondant à la phase d’hyperextension (sag) de l’evolution du rift. La Formation de Pointe-Noire d’âge Barrémien moyen est constituée des faciès gravitaires de cônes sous-lacustres profonds à dominance argileux et riches en matière organique dans lesquels s’intercalent localement des faciès carbonatés de plate-forme peu profonde et gravitaires resédimentés du membre de Toca, accumulés au cours d'une importante transgression associée à un évènement anoxique général. La Formation de Pointe-indienne d’âge Barrémien supérieur à Aptien inferieur est caracterisée par variations latérales et verticales de faciès. Elle comprend des faciès gravitaires gréso-argileux (membre Mengo) de cônes sous-lacustres profonds, surmontés par des faciès mixtes silicoclastiques et carbonatés de rampe interne à moyenne dominée par des vagues de tempêtes (Membre des Argiles vertes) passant progressivement vers le haut à des faciès deltaïques de Tchibota. La formation de Chéla d’âge Aptien moyen se caractérise par des variations latérales et verticales de faciès. Elle comprend des faciès sous-aquatiques de delta alluvionnaire passant latéralement aux faciès gravitaires sous-lacustres, suivi par des faciès de baies mixtes lacustres -marine, surmontés par des faciès de sabkha (membre Vembo) recourvets par les evaorites de Loémé. Les facies de sebkha au sommet de la Formation de Chéla témoignent d’une incursion marine avant la mise en place des évaporites. Les corrélations stratigraphiques entre puits ont permis de subdiviser la succession sédimentaire de la phase d’hyper-extension (sag) en trois principales séquences de dépôt montrant respectivement des tendances rétrogradante, progradante et rétrogradante. La datation des zircons et apatites détritiques a permis de reconstituer le routage sédimentaire ante- à syn-rift et l’évolution de reliefs en amant du rift. Les résultats montrent des changements spatio-temporels de sources de sediments et deux régions de provenance de sédiments. Les sédiments ante-rift (Formation de Vandji) d’age Berriasien proviennent des sources lointaines, confirmant l’existence d’un système pre-rift – et donc d’un bassin antérieur au système rift du segment central de l’Atlantique sud, alimenté de l’ouest à sud-ouest par des sources angolaise et brésilienne. Les sédiments syn-rift (Formation de Djéno) d’age Barremien inférieur et Sag (Formation de chéla) d’age Aptien moyen proviennent des sources locales (massif du Mayombe), ce qui implique un changement majeur de sources et de reliefs entre les phases pre-rift et syn-rift et l’existance des reliefs en amont de la faille bordière pendant les phases d’étirement et d’hyper-extension du rift. / The purpose of this thesis was to study the South Atlantic rift system in Congo by focusing on (1) the dynamic of the upstream paleoreliefs (rift shoulders), (2) the stratigraphic architecture and (3) sediment routing of the pre to syn-rift sedimentary infilling. Detailed field mapping allows to characterize the geometry of the incised valleys, sedimentary environments of thier sediment infilling and to discuss the geodynamic implications of these incised valleys in terms of rift dynamic and control of sedimentary systems. These incised valleys were cut through the Precambrian Mayombe basement by alluvial processes shaping pediments during the stretching period of the rift and filled with middle Aptian siliciclastic sediments of the Chéla formation. The sediment filling consists of flood-generated sublacustrine gravity flow deposits interbedded with organic-rich lacustrine shales, overlying unconformably the basement. These deposits are organized into an overall transgressive depositional sequence, characterized by stacked of elementary fining upward facies sequences. Detailled facies analysis of cores permits to determine the sedimentary environments of the Pointe-Noire, Pointe-Indienne and Chéla Formation, developed during the hyper-extended (sag) rift phase. The middle Barremian Pointe-Noire Formation consists of organic-rich shale-prone deep-lacustrine fan facies intertonguing locally with shallow-water platform carbonate facies and gravity-flow resedimented carbonate facies of the Toca Member that were deposited in an anoxic deep-lake. The Late Barremian–early Aptian Pointe-Indienne Formation is characterized by facies heterogeneity. This Formation consists of sand-rich sublacustrine-fan gravity facies of Mengo member overlain by storm influenced mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp facies (Argiles vertes Member) passing upward to deltaic facies of Tchibota member. The middle Aptian Chéla Formation represents a widespread transgressive unit, characterized by lateral and vertical changes in facies and a variety of depositional environnements. It is made up of interbedded coarse-grained alluvial bedload facies and sub-lacustrine gravity facies at the base, overlain by lacustrine-marine mixed bay facies passing upward to sabkha facies, which in turn are capped by evaporites of the Loémé Formation. The sebkha facies records the late middle Aptian marine transgression on the Congo basin prior to the deposition of Upper Aptian evaporites of Loémé Formation. Well-log stratigraphic correlations permit subdivision of the middle Barremian to middle Aptian syn-hyper-extended rift-related deposits into three major depositional sequences that display retrogradation, progradation, and retrogradation stacking pattern, respectively. Detrital zircon and apatite provenance analyses provide a better understanding of sediment routing systems of the pre to syn-rift infilling, and paleorelief and tectonic evolutions during the Early Cretaceous times. The results show changes in sediment provenances and two different source areas. The Berriasian-Valanginian Pre-rift sediments of the Vandji Formation were derived from multiple and relatively distant source areas, located either in the South America and southern of Africa plate, thus supporting the existence of large intracratonic basin prior to the rifting, fed by prominent large-scale drainage system. located toward the southwest. In contrast to the Pre-rift sediments, the Barremian syn-stretched rift sediments of the Djeno Formation and the Aptian syn- hyper-extended rift sediments of the Chela Formation were derived from adjacent Precambrian Mayombe belt that underwent phases of tectonic uplift during the rifting. Consequently, this implies an abrupt change in sediment provenance and relief between the pre-rift phase and the Syn-rift phase and indicate the persistence of local sources, i.e. from rift shoulders, from the stretching rift phase to the hyper-extended (sag) rift phase.
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The growing demand for life quality due, mainly, by consumerism, has created a greater exploitation of natural resources, increasing deforestation, urban occupations in inappropriate areas, the expansion of consumption of surface water but also groundwater, to meet the many different uses, with a consequent increase in indiscriminate pollution. This work, realized in Faxinal do Soturno city, situated in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state, has as objectives identify the suitable areas for the use and occupancy, vulnerable areas to contamination and identify some potential contaminants human activities that can affect the groundwater quality, as they are used in large-scale by Faxinal do Soturno population. In this study we used primary data, obtained in the field, and pre-existing data, obtained from SIAGAS (Sistema de Informação de Águas Subterrâneas) and spatializated in ArcGIS 9.2 and Surfer 8.0 applications, which generated the basic thematic mapping. The research was based on the type of geoprocessing environmental assessment based on SAGA (Sistema de Análise Geo-Ambiental) application, which could be performed the planimetry interaction with the maps of slope, geology, soil and static level, to get the map of natural vulnerability of aquifers contamination, which was faced with a map of potentially contaminating activities. The analysis showed one area of 3,950.95 hectares as of low vulnerability, this able to use and occupation, and 25.85 hectares as of extreme vulnerability, which suggests immediate mitigating measures. In SAGA evaluations, we found that the Faxinal of Soturno is located in an average vulnerability area, where there are potentially contaminating activities such as the cemetery, the hospital and fuel stations, which were georeferenced. The suitable and unsuitable areas for the use and occupation were found by the evaluation of the complex map of natural vulnerability, collate before the map of environmental risk, which was found an area of 1,440.85 ha without restriction on the use and occupation, and area of 2,666.82 ha for unsuitable areas for use. So, with those results obtained by the environmental analysis, one can say that the area without restriction must be a priority for the occupation, and demand the fulfillment of measures limiting the free use to the allocation of potentially contaminating activities, which will be installed in the municipality of Faxinal do Soturno. / A crescente demanda por qualidade de vida ocasionada, sobretudo, pelo consumismo, tem gerado uma maior exploração dos recursos naturais, aumentando os desmatamentos, ocupações urbanas em áreas inadequadas, a expansão do consumo das águas superficiais como também das águas subterrâneas, para suprir os mais diversos usos, com consequente aumento indiscriminado de poluições. O presente estudo, realizado no Município de Faxinal do Soturno, localizado na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul RS, com área total de 169,9 Km2, como parte de convênio entre a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e o consórcio de municípios que formam a Quarta Colônia do RS, tem, por objetivos, enriquecer e oferecer modelo para os fundamentos cartográficos e analíticos a subsidiar o plano diretor municipal, e, para tal, identificar as áreas propícias ao uso e ocupação, áreas vulneráveis à contaminação de lençóis aqüíferos subterrâneos e identificar algumas atividades antrópicas potencialmente contaminantes que podem afetar a qualidade das águas subterrâneas da região, parte do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, visto que estas são utilizadas em grande escala pela população faxinalense. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados primários, obtidos em campo, e dados pré-existentes, obtidos do Sistema de Informação de Águas Subterrâneas e, espacializados nos aplicativos ArcGIS 9.2 e Surfer 8.0, onde se gerou a cartografia temática básica. A pesquisa baseou-se no modelo de avaliação ambiental por geoprocessamento embasado no aplicativo Sistema de Análise Geo-Ambiental, pelo qual pode-se realizar a interação das planimetrias, com os mapas de declividade, geologia, nível estático e solos, para obter o mapa de vulnerabilidade natural a contaminação dos aquíferos, o qual foi confrontado com o mapa das atividades potencialmente contaminantes. As análises mostraram área de 3.950,95 hectares como de baixa vulnerabilidade, esta apta a uso e ocupação sem grandes restrições, e 25,85 hectares como de vulnerabilidade extrema, a qual sugere medidas mitigadoras imediatas. Nas avaliações realizadas no SAGA, constatou-se que a cidade de Faxinal do Soturno situa-se em uma área de vulnerabilidade média, onde encontram-se atividades potencialmente contaminantes, como hospital, postos de saúde, os cemitérios, e postos de combustíveis, as quais foram georreferenciadas. As áreas propícias e também as inadequadas ao uso e ocupação foram encontradas pela avaliação complexa do mapa de vulnerabilidade natural, cotejado frente ao mapa de risco ambiental, pela qual foi encontrada área de 1.440,85 ha sem restrição ao uso e ocupação, e 2.666,82 ha de áreas inadequadas ao uso. Assim, com esses resultados obtidos pela análise ambiental, pode-se afirmar que a área sem restrição deve ser prioritária para a ocupação, e exigir-se o cumprimento de medidas limitantes ao livre uso à alocação de atividades potencialmente contaminantes, que vierem a ser instaladas no município de Faxinal do Soturno.
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Voltage Sag Ride-Through and Harmonics Mitigation for Adjustable Speed Drives using Dual-Functional HardwareSalib, Anton Samir January 2006 (has links)
Great portion of today's industry are <em>Adjustable Speed Drives</em> (<em>ASD's</em>) operated in order to fulfill certain processes. When these processes are critical ones or sensitive to voltage disturbances, that might take place due to inserting high load in an area near to the Point of Common Coupling (<em>PCC</em>) of the process or due to a short term outage, few tens of thousands up to millions of dollars will be lost once such interruptions (voltage sags) take place as a result of the process failure. On the other hand, a distorted voltage waveform at the PCC for some sensitive process might malfunction as a result of the high harmonic content of the voltage waveform. Utilities are required to deliver as pure as possible sinusoidal voltage waveform according to certain limits; thus, they might apply fines against the consumers who are responsible for producing high amounts of current harmonics that affect the voltage wave shape at the <em>PCC</em> in order to force them to improve the consumer's load profile by adding filters at <em>PCC</em> for instance. Utilities are charging the consumers who are drawing power at poor power factor as well. <br /><br /> This thesis presents an <em>ASD</em> retrofitted with a dual-functional piece of hardware connected in series to its <em>DC-link</em> that is capable of handling the previously two mentioned problems. In other words, hardware that is capable of providing <em>voltage sag ride-through</em> during the voltage sag conditions on one side, on the other side, during the normal operating conditions, it is capable to mitigate the harmonic contents of the drawn current by the ASD's rectifier and to improve the power factor. <br /><br /> Survey on voltage sag ride-through for ASD's approaches are presented in the literature has been made. Approaches are classified as the topology utilized; first, topologies that utilizes energy storage elements that store energy to compensate the DC-link voltage with during the voltage sags, second, topologies retrofitting the DC-link itself with additional hardware to compensate the DC-link voltage. The first group is capable to provide voltage compensating during the full outages while the second can't. The presented voltage sag ride-through work of this thesis belongs to the second group. <br /><br /> Boost converter has been used as the hardware to compensate the DC-link voltage because of its simplicity and cheap price. An adaptive linear network (ADALINE) is investigated as the detection system to detect the envelope of the input voltage waveform. Once the envelope of the voltage goes below a certain level, the boost converter is activated to compensate the difference between voltage set point and the actual DC-link voltage. Simulation results supporting the proposed configuration are presented. <br /><br /> A third-harmonic current injection approach is utilized in this work in order to achieve <em>total harmonic distortion</em> (<em>THD</em>) mitigation from 32% to 5. 125% (theoretically). Two third-harmonic current injection networks have been investigated; one utilizes a real resistor, the other utilizes a resistor emulator to reduce the energy dissipated. The proposed controller for the resistor emulator does not require a proportional-integral (PI) controller. <br /><br /> As a result of the common devices between the voltage sag ride-through circuitry and the harmonic mitigation one, they can be integrated together in one circuitry connected in series with the DC-link of the ASD. And hence, the dual functionality of the hardware will be achieved. Simulation results supporting the theoretical results have been presented.
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Modelagem e simula??o da sedimenta??o de s?lidos adensantes em fluidos de perfura??o / Modeling and simulation of sedimentation of adsorptive solids in drilling fluidsRIBEIRO JUNIOR, Jos? Messias 30 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-02-13T18:29:35Z
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2016 - Jos? Messias Ribeiro J?nior.pdf: 2014751 bytes, checksum: f6fdac1f2a0f681e038143bedfe908ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-13T18:29:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Jos? Messias Ribeiro J?nior.pdf: 2014751 bytes, checksum: f6fdac1f2a0f681e038143bedfe908ed (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-30 / CENPES / Petrobras / This work has aimed to evaluate the predictive ability of simplified mathematical models to describe the dynamics of the thickening of solids in drilling fluids. In the early stages, settling experiments of barite and calcite in water-based fluids at graduated cylinders were done at initial volumetric concentrations of 6.7%, 12% and 20%, while the change of interface height was measured on the time steps. The first data modelling approach has used conservation laws, considering the relative velocity between the solid and the liquid phase as function of volumetric concentration of solids. This way, the conservation laws used to simulate these systems were based in mass conservation law and in the flux density functions. For the accuracy evaluation in the numerical data provided by conservation laws, this work has used the interface height variation through a period of time, which was determined by experiments as an auxiliary variable, to imply the prediction quality provided by the proposed model, because there was not any equipment available to determine the spatial profiles of solids concentration. Through this procedure, it was found that conservation laws was capable of predict the interface variation through a period of time with relative errors below 10%, except in regions of rapid increase of local concentration. In the second approach of modelling was used a simplified model consisting of the continuity equation and the momentum equation, considering the interaction forces between the solid and liquid phases. The simplified model describe the variation of the interface height through a period of time in several sedimentations, and the displayed results were quite satisfactory and with relative errors lower than the results showed by the conservation laws. In the final stage of this work, the simplified model was used in the simulation of time and spatial concentration profile of the barite suspended in the BR-Mul fluid, which is a real drilling fluid often used by Petrobras. The concentration profiles obtained by simulation were compared with the experimental data reported by authors from Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlandia (FEQ/UFU). In this case study, it was possible to directly compare the model output with the experimental data, and the results has showed that the relative error of the model was lower to the fluid with the highest concentration suspensions of barite, specially in the points near to the compacted zone. However, the experimental methodology used in FEQ/UFU has exhibit much imprecision in the regions of high solids concentration, because of the experimental error in the gamma ray emitter. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de predi??o de modelos matem?ticos simplificados para descrever a din?mica de sedimenta??o de s?lidos adensantes em fluidos de perfura??o. Na etapa inicial deste trabalho, foram realizados experimentos de sedimenta??o de suspens?es aquosas de barita e de calcita em colunas de vidro, com concentra??es volum?tricas iniciais de 6; 7%, 12% e 20% para cada s?lido, e a varia??o da altura da interface entre a zona de clarificado e a zona de concentra??o constante foi registrada ao longo do tempo. A primeira abordagem fez uso de modelos conservativos, cuja velocidade relativa entre o s?lido e o fluido ? somente fun??o da concentra??o volum?trica local do s?lido. Dessa forma, os modelos conservativos utilizados para simular esses sistemas foram baseados nas leis de conserva??o da massa e em fun??es de densidade de fluxo. Para avaliar a acur?cia dos resultados fornecidos pelos modelos conservativos, utilizou-se a varia??o da altura da interface de clarifica??o ao longo do tempo, como vari?vel auxiliar para inferir a qualidade das predi??es fornecidas pelo modelo, visto que n?o se dispunha de equipamentos para determinar os perfis espaciais de concentra??o de s?lidos. Atrav?s deste procedimento, verificou-se que os modelos conservativos foram capazes de predizer a varia??o temporal da interface de clarifica??o com erro relativo menor que 10% na maior parte do tempo, exceto na regi?o que a concentra??o local aumenta rapidamente. Na segunda abordagem utilizou-se um modelo simplificado, composto pela equa??o da continuidade e pela equa??o do movimento, considerando as for?as de intera??o entre as fases s?lido e l?quido. O modelo simplificado descreve a varia??o temporal da interface de clarifica??o dos sistemas de sedimenta??o simples, com valores bastante satisfat?rios e com erro relativo menor do que os resultados exibidos pelos modelos conservativos. Na etapa final deste trabalho, este mesmo modelo foi avaliado na simula??o dos perfis temporais e espaciais da concentra??o de barita na sedimenta??o no fluido BR-Mul, que ? um fluido real de perfura??o bastante utilizado pela Petrobras. Os perfis de concentra??o obtidos por simula??o foram comparados a dados experimentais obtidos na Faculdade de Engenharia Qu?mica da Universidade Federal de Uberl?ndia (FEQ/UFU). Neste estudo de caso, foi poss?vel comparar diretamente a sa?da do modelo aos dados experimentais, e os resultados mostraram que o erro relativo do modelo foi menor para o fluido com a maior concentra??o inicial de barita, sobretudo nos pontos que se encontram pr?ximos da regi?o de compacta??o. No entanto, a metodologia experimental utilizada na FEQ/UFU apresenta elevada imprecis?o em regi?es com alta concentra??o de s?lidos, devido ao erro experimental introduzido na utiliza??o do equipamento emissor de raios gama.
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Slowly, Surely, One Plat, One Binder at a Time: Choking Out Jim Crow and the Development of the Azurest Syndicate IncorporatedDubinson, GraceLynis 06 May 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersections of a Black Power leisure identity, real property ownership, the progression of economic agency and land development through the example of Black resorts, focusing on Azurest North, a summer community in Sag Harbor, New York developed in the 1950s by Azurest Syndicate Incorporated. The project traces the history of real estate syndicates during the mid-twentieth century as a way to circumvent the practices of Jim Crow housing discrimination. Independent mortgage financing and land development especially in the field of resort housing, also points to the emergence of what I call a Black Power leisure identity. This study also seeks to determine how the American pursuit of leisure during the twentieth century forged identity and how real estate property ownership has been used to maintain and secure community and individual identity.
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Voltage Sag Ride-Through and Harmonics Mitigation for Adjustable Speed Drives using Dual-Functional HardwareSalib, Anton Samir January 2006 (has links)
Great portion of today's industry are <em>Adjustable Speed Drives</em> (<em>ASD's</em>) operated in order to fulfill certain processes. When these processes are critical ones or sensitive to voltage disturbances, that might take place due to inserting high load in an area near to the Point of Common Coupling (<em>PCC</em>) of the process or due to a short term outage, few tens of thousands up to millions of dollars will be lost once such interruptions (voltage sags) take place as a result of the process failure. On the other hand, a distorted voltage waveform at the PCC for some sensitive process might malfunction as a result of the high harmonic content of the voltage waveform. Utilities are required to deliver as pure as possible sinusoidal voltage waveform according to certain limits; thus, they might apply fines against the consumers who are responsible for producing high amounts of current harmonics that affect the voltage wave shape at the <em>PCC</em> in order to force them to improve the consumer's load profile by adding filters at <em>PCC</em> for instance. Utilities are charging the consumers who are drawing power at poor power factor as well. <br /><br /> This thesis presents an <em>ASD</em> retrofitted with a dual-functional piece of hardware connected in series to its <em>DC-link</em> that is capable of handling the previously two mentioned problems. In other words, hardware that is capable of providing <em>voltage sag ride-through</em> during the voltage sag conditions on one side, on the other side, during the normal operating conditions, it is capable to mitigate the harmonic contents of the drawn current by the ASD's rectifier and to improve the power factor. <br /><br /> Survey on voltage sag ride-through for ASD's approaches are presented in the literature has been made. Approaches are classified as the topology utilized; first, topologies that utilizes energy storage elements that store energy to compensate the DC-link voltage with during the voltage sags, second, topologies retrofitting the DC-link itself with additional hardware to compensate the DC-link voltage. The first group is capable to provide voltage compensating during the full outages while the second can't. The presented voltage sag ride-through work of this thesis belongs to the second group. <br /><br /> Boost converter has been used as the hardware to compensate the DC-link voltage because of its simplicity and cheap price. An adaptive linear network (ADALINE) is investigated as the detection system to detect the envelope of the input voltage waveform. Once the envelope of the voltage goes below a certain level, the boost converter is activated to compensate the difference between voltage set point and the actual DC-link voltage. Simulation results supporting the proposed configuration are presented. <br /><br /> A third-harmonic current injection approach is utilized in this work in order to achieve <em>total harmonic distortion</em> (<em>THD</em>) mitigation from 32% to 5. 125% (theoretically). Two third-harmonic current injection networks have been investigated; one utilizes a real resistor, the other utilizes a resistor emulator to reduce the energy dissipated. The proposed controller for the resistor emulator does not require a proportional-integral (PI) controller. <br /><br /> As a result of the common devices between the voltage sag ride-through circuitry and the harmonic mitigation one, they can be integrated together in one circuitry connected in series with the DC-link of the ASD. And hence, the dual functionality of the hardware will be achieved. Simulation results supporting the theoretical results have been presented.
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A Study on A Series Grid Interconnection Module for Distributed Energy ResourcesXiau, Ying-Chieh 13 July 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the applications of a series interconnection scheme for small distributed generation (DG) systems in distribution networks. The concept uses one set of voltage source converter (VSC) to control the injected voltage magnitude and phase angle for power injection and voltage sag mitigation. Through an energy storage device and the VSC, DG outputs vary concurrently with the line loading and provide load leveling functions. Under voltage sag situations, it provides missing voltages to effectively deal with power quality problems. Due to its series connection characteristic, it is convenient in preventing islanding operation and good for fault current limiting. The concept is suitable for locations where the voltage phase shift is not a major concern. Due to the use of only one set of converter, it is economic for customer site distributed energy resource applications and its control strategy would depend on the types of load connected.
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Voltage Stability Impact of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems Utilizing Dynamic Reactive Power ControlOmole, Adedamola 10 November 2010 (has links)
Photovoltaic (PV) DGs can be optimized to provide reactive power support to the grid,
although this feature is currently rarely utilized as most DG systems are designed to
operate with unity power factor and supply real power only to the grid. In this work, the
voltage stability of a power system embedded with PV DG is examined in the context of
the high reactive power requirement after a voltage sag or fault. A real-time dynamic
multi-function power controller that enables renewable source PV DGs to provide the
reactive power support necessary to maintain the voltage stability of the microgrid, and
consequently, the wider power system is proposed.
The loadability limit necessary to maintain the voltage stability of an interconnected
microgrid is determined by using bifurcation analysis to test for the singularity of the
network Jacobian and load differential equations with and without the contribution of
the DG. The maximum and minimum real and reactive power support permissible from
the DG is obtained from the loadability limit and used as the limiting factors in
controlling the real and reactive power contribution from the PV source. The designed
controller regulates the voltage output based on instantaneous power theory at the
point-of-common coupling (PCC) while the reactive power supply is controlled by means
of the power factor and reactive current droop method. The control method is
implemented in a modified IEEE 13-bus test feeder system using PSCAD® power system
analysis software and is applied to the model of a Tampa Electric® PV installation at
Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, FL.
This dissertation accomplishes the systematic analysis of the voltage impact of a PV DGembedded
power distribution system. The method employed in this work bases the
contribution of the PV resource on the voltage stability margins of the microgrid rather
than the commonly used loss-of-load probability (LOLP) and effective load-carrying
capability (ELCC) measures. The results of the proposed method show good
improvement in the before-, during-, and post-start voltage levels at the motor
terminals. The voltage stability margin approach provides the utility a more useful
measure in sizing and locating PV resources to support the overall power system
stability in an emerging smart grid.
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Programs for calculating high temperature ampacity and sag for overhead electrical conductorsChen, Shelley L. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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