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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects Of Precipitation Recharge And Artificial Discharge On Salt Water-fresh Water Interface Movement In Selcuk Sub-basin: Climatic Indications

Aykanat, Gokben 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Fluctuations in temperature and precipitation amounts due to climate change influence recharge rate of groundwater. Any variations in the amount of precipitation recharge and artificial discharge directly affect groundwater level and so the salt water intrusion rate in the aquifers, which are in contact with sea water. The purpose of this study is to determine the overall historical precipitation recharge trend in Sel&ccedil / uk sub-basin and to detect whether there is a decrease or increase in recharge amounts due to climate change since 1100 BC. Besides, it covers assessing the future position of the salt water-fresh groundwater interface as a result of possible fluctuations in climate and artificial discharge. For this purpose, numerical density dependent cross sectional groundwater flow with solute transport model was conducted using finite element approach. At first, current salt water-fresh water interface and artificial discharge related head changes in the aquifer were determined. Backward modeling was utilized to obtain concentration distribution in the year 1976 representing the last stage of the undisturbed period. Then, progradation of salt water-fresh water interface since 1100 BC to 1976 was modeled using calibrated parameters and current recharge value. As a result of sea-regression model simulations (1100 BC-1976) less degree of salt water intrusion than that of currently detected in the area was obtained. The result suggests that overall recharge amount in the last 3076 years must have been less than that of 1976. Moreover, future (2010-2099) position of the interface and head changes under the influence of both climate change and increasing water demand were determined. Future model simulations indicate that salt water-fresh water interface moves farther landward. However this movement is mostly due to increasing discharge amount rather than that of climatic changes.

Influence of Salinity Variations on the Desorption and Lability of Soil Organic Carbon Associated with Tidal Freshwater Marshes

Koren, Lindsey Michelle 24 April 2009 (has links)
Tidal freshwater marshes (TFMs) are unique ecosystems that bridge the gap between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and are important in the sequestration of soil organic carbon. With the ever changing global climate, TFMs are left vulnerable to downstream effects of rising sea level and salt water intrusion due to increases in flooding by saline waters. These changes often act over large spatial and temporal scales resulting in significant impacts to local and regional environments. This multidisciplinary study assessed the amount and lability of desorbed organic carbon in tidal freshwater marsh soils from the Waccamaw River Marsh, South Carolina and Sweet Hall, a marsh on the Pamunkey River, Virginia. Soils from each marsh were extracted at 0-35 practical salinity units (psu) and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and carbon lability of the leachates were measured. At increasing levels of salinity, soil desorption amounts were higher in the Waccamaw River marsh interior and similar between the Waccamaw River creekbank and Sweet Hall levee. A larger fraction of desorbed DOC was consumed in the more organic soils from the Waccamaw River marsh in comparison to the more mineral soil from Sweet Hall Marsh. Finally, the rate of decay of the desorbed carbon was highest in the Sweet Hall levee soils, indicating more labile desorbed carbon, while the Waccamaw River Marsh soils had lower decay rates indicating less labile desorbed carbon. By understanding how salt water intrusion affects desorption and lability of soil organic carbon, in coastal marshes, we may be able to better understand how increasing sea levels may affect carbon storage in coastal ecosystems.

An analysis of unconfined ground water flow characteristics near a seepage-face boundary

Simpson, Matthew January 2003 (has links)
A quantitative understanding of ground water flow characteristics in unconfined aquifers is important because of the prevalence of abstraction from, and pollution of these systems. The current understanding of ground water flow in unconfined aquifers is limited because of the dominance of horizontal flow modelling strategies used to represent unconfined flow processes. The application of horizontal flow principles leads to an ignorance of seepage-face formation and can not predict the complicated three-dimensional nature of the ground water flow that dominates at the ground water-surface water interface. This study aims to address some of these deficiencies by exploring the true three-dimensional nature of ground water flow including the formation of seepage faces at the ground water-surface water interface using numerical and laboratory techniques. A finite element model for simulating two-dimensional (vertical) variably saturated flow is developed and benchmarked against standard laboratory and field-scale solutions. The numerical features of the finite element model are explored and compared to a simple finite difference formulation. The comparison demonstrates how finite element formulations lead to a broader spatial averaging of material properties and a different method for the representation of specified flux boundaries. A detailed comparison analysis indicates that these differences in the finite element solution lead to an improved approximation to the partial differential equation governing two-dimensional (vertical) variably saturated flow. A laboratory analysis of unconfined ground water flow and associated solute transport characteristics was performed. The analysis focused upon unconfined flow towards a pumping well. The laboratory observations were reliably reproduced using a three-dimensional (axi-symmetric), variably saturated ground water flow model. The model was benchmarked against the ground water flow characteristics such as the seepage-face height and total flow rate. In addition, the model was shown to reliably reproduce the solute transport features such as travel times and streamline distributions. This is the first time that a numerical model has been used to reliably reproduce the solute transport characteristics near a seepage-face boundary where the three-dimensional flow effects are prevalent. The ability to reliably predict solute transport patterns in the seepage-face zone is important since this region is known to support vital microbially facilitated reactions that control nutrient cycling and contaminant attenuation. The three-dimensional travel time distribution near the seepage-face was compared to that predicted using a horizontal flow modelling approach derived from the basic Dupuit-Forchheimer equations. The Dupuit-Forchheimer based model indicated that horizontal flow modelling would under-estimate the total residence time near a seepage-face boundary, thereby introducing a considerable source of error in a solute transport analysis. For this analysis, a new analytical solution for the steady travel time distribution in an unconfined aquifer subject to a single pumping well was derived. The analytical model has identified, for the first time in the hydrogeology literature, the use of the imaginary error function. The imaginary error function is a standard transcendental function and an infinite series approach to evaluate the function was successfully proposed. The two-dimensional (vertical) ground water flow model was extended to handle the case where the flow is driven by density gradients near the ground water-surface water interface. The unsteady, two-dimensional, Galerkin finite element model of density-dependent ground water flow in variably saturated porous media is rigorously presented and partially benchmarked under fully saturated (confined) conditions. The partial benchmarking involved reproducing solutions to the standard Henry salt-water intrusion and the Elder salt-convection problems. The model was used in a standard density-coupled and a new density-uncoupled mode to elucidate the worthiness of the Henry and Elder problems as benchmark standards. A comparison of the coupled and uncoupled solutions indicates that the Henry salt-water intrusion problem has limited worthiness as a benchmark as the patterns of ground water flow are relatively insensitive to density-coupled effects. Alternatively, the Elder problem is completely dependent upon a correct representation of the density-coupled flow and solute transport processes. The coupled versus uncoupled comparison is proposed as a new test of the worthiness of benchmark standards. The Henry salt-water intrusion problem was further analysed in an attempt to alleviate some of the difficulties associated with this benchmark problem. The numerical model was tested against a re-evaluated version of Henry's semi-analytical solution for the coupled solute concentration distribution. The numerical model was used to propose a modified version of the Henry problem where the importance of density-coupled processes was increased. The modified problem was shown to have an improved worthiness as compared to the standard solution. The numerical model results were benchmarked against a new set of semi-analytical results for the modified problem. Certain advantages in using the modified problem as a test case for benchmarking the results of a numerical model of density-dependent ground water flow are identified. A numerical investigation of the patterns of density-driven ground water flow at the ground water-surface water interface was undertaken. The numerical model is shown to produce grid-independent results for a finely discretised domain. The pattern of discharge is controlled, in part, by two parameters. One describes the recharge applied to the aquifer, and the second describes the magnitude of the density differences between the fresh recharging fluid and the saline receiving fluid. The influence of dense intrusions upon the formation of seepage-face boundaries at the ground water-surface water interface under steady-state conditions was also investigated. Dense intrusions are shown to dominate the pattern of ground water flow only under mild recharge conditions, while seepage faces dominate the outflow pattern under strong recharge conditions. Therefore, the formation of seepage-face boundaries and dense intrusions are unlikely to coincide under the conditions examined in this study.

Analyses multi-échelles de la structure d'un réservoir carbonaté littoral : exemple de la plateforme de Llucmajor (Majorque, Espagne) / Multiscalar approach of the heterogeneities of porosity structure in a carbonate system : example of the Llucmajor platform (Mallorca, Spain).

Hebert, Vanessa 08 September 2011 (has links)
L'étude des milieux hétérogènes carbonatés et karstifiés trouve aujourd'hui de nombreuses applications dans les problématiques environnementales, comme la description fine de la structure d'un réservoir côtier, support d'un aquifère affecté par une intrusion d'eau salée. Au sud de l'ile de Majorque (Baléares, Espagne), la plate-forme carbonatée de Llucmajor représente un site privilégié pour ce type d'étude.La caractérisation des hétérogénéités ne peut être réalisée sans une description préalable des propriétés des réservoirs carbonatés et des facteurs modifiant la structure du réservoir. Un des paramètres clés définissant la structure hétérogène est la porosité. Au regard de la large gamme de tailles d'hétérogénéités allant du micromètre à la centaine de mètre, l'utilisation de méthodes multi-échelles est nécessaire.Ce travail de thèse a porté sur la détermination multi-échelles de la porosité, allant de la microporosité à la porosité karstique, et l'établissement de relations entre les changements d'échelles d'observation de ces propriétés. Dans un premier temps, l'application de la microtomographie à rayons X extrait la microporosité et la connectivité des réseaux microporeux. Puis, la tomographie a été utilisée avec une résolution plus faible afin d'étudier le réseau micro- et macroporeux à l'échelle de la carotte. A l'échelle du puits, les images de paroi de puits permettent de déterminer la porosité allant des macropores centimétriques aux karsts. Enfin, la géophysique de surface a permis d'observer l'extension des karsts et hétérogénéités dans une grande partie du site.Ainsi, la structure poreuse du site étudié a été intégrée dans la géologie régionale de la plate-forme. L'observatoire installé sur le site pour surveiller la propagation de l'eau salée dans l'aquifère peut être replacé dans son contexte géologique et pétrophysique, afin d'affiner l'interprétation de ses mesures de variations de salinité. / The study of heterogeneous and karstified carbonates is important in many environmental issues, like the detailed description of a coastal reservoir structure containing an aquifer affected by saline intrusion. At the south of the island of Mallorca (Spain), the Llucmajor carbonate platform represents a typical site for such researches. Characterization of heterogeneities requires a better knowledge of the carbonate reservoir properties and the various factors affecting the structure. One of the key parameters defining the heterogeneous structure is the porosity. According to the wide range of heterogeneity sizes from micrometer to hundreds of meters, the use of multiscale methods is required.This thesis focused on the determination of multiscale porosities from the microporosity to karstic porosity, and of relationships between observation scale changes of these properties. Firstly, the application of X-ray microtomography allows to extract the microporosity and the microporous network connectivity. Then, X-ray tomography was used with a lower resolution to study the micro- and macro-porous network at the core scale. At the borehole scale, the borehole wall images are used to determinate macrostructures from centimeter pores to karsts. Finally, surface geophysics allows to observe the extension of karst and heterogeneities at the site scale.Finally, the porous structure of the study site is integrated into the regional geology of the platform. A hydrogeophysical observatory was installed on site to monitor the spreading of salt water in the aquifer. The interpretation of its salinity measurements can take into account the geological and petrophysical context.

Apport de la stratigraphie séquentielle à la gestion et à la modélisation des ressources en eau des aquifères côtiers

Aunay, Bertrand 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Lieu de développement économique et démographique intense, les zones littorales font l'objet de pressions importantes sur l'environnement et, en particulier, sur les ressources en eau. Bien que la gestion des eaux souterraines côtières bénéficie de nombreux résultats issus de la recherche scientifique, une des problématiques majeures reste la connaissance de la géométrie des aquifères. Des interprétations géologiques de la genèse du bassin Plio-Quaternaire du Roussillon, issues de la stratigraphie séquentielle, sont confrontées, par l'intermédiaire d'une base données, à l'hydrogéologie de cet hydrosystème complexe localisé sur la partie littorale des Pyrénées-Orientales. L'étude statistique des points de prélèvement (distribution des crépines, productivité des forages...), l'analyse fonctionnelle (traitement du signal des chroniques piézométriques), l'hydrochimie et la géophysique électrique ont été utilisées afin d'élaborer un modèle conceptuel hydrogéologique des écoulements à l'échelle du bassin et de son prolongement vers le domaine offshore. La présence de la mer, de zones à salinité résiduelle et de cours d'eaux littoraux contribue à augmenter la salinité d'un aquifère libre supérieur (Quaternaire) sus-jacent aux différents aquifères captifs (Pliocène) exploités pour l'eau potable dans la zone littorale. La vulnérabilité face aux intrusions salines de cette ressource de bonne qualité, tant sur le point de vue quantitatif que qualitatif est appréhendée par modélisation. Dans le domaine offshore, le rôle protecteur des formations géologiques à faible et moyenne perméabilité est mis en évidence vis-à-vis de la préservation de la qualité de l'eau potable.

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