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Hurting and hiding : the lived experiences of Black men struggling with same-sex attraction and adherence to the teachings and beliefs of UK Black Majority ChurchesBradshaw, Ruthlyn Ophelia January 2018 (has links)
Black Majority Churches (BMC) play a central role in the lives of Black people, informing culture and community. Within the BMC the issues of sexuality and in particular homosexuality are rarely spoken of. However, doctrines in regards to homosexuality have been conveyed in a seemingly homophobic manner, hence individuals experiencing same-sex attraction (SSA) in BMCs have remained silent and unsupported. This phenomenological study explores the lived experiences of five Black Men struggling with SSA and adhering to the teachings of the BMC. The study posed the question, ‘How do Black men struggling with SSA and the teachings of BMCs perceive and describe their lived experiences?’ Data for the study was collected primarily through individual interviews conducted with each participant. The transcripts were analysed using Colazzi’s method for analysing data and two major themes emerged: unfairness and needing support. Discussions of the participants lives indicated that they felt compelled to keep their SSA hidden to avoid stigmatisation, discrimination, isolation and rejection. Moreover, they were also discomforted by the ongoing conflict between their homoerotic feelings and their religious beliefs. Additional data resulting from the questionnaires completed by seventeen Black ministers and leaders of BMCS, provided understanding of the context in which the participants were struggling. The findings suggest that there is a lack of a pastoral care approach for persons experiencing SSA in BMCS and recommends that such an approach is developed. Importantly, this study gives voice to Black men with SSA hurting and hiding in BMCs and has the potential to contribute to the resources required by anyone wanting to find out more about this experience and initiate further research.
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Sexual Attitudes and Motivations in Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex RelationshipsArmstrong, Heather L. 04 February 2014 (has links)
People engage in sex for a wide variety of reasons and these reasons can differ depending on the individual, his or her partner, and on the context of the sexual encounter. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine how sexual attraction and sexual orientation, of both self and partner, affect an individual’s reasons to engage in sex, or sexual motivation. Three studies were conducted to explore these effects from both the individual’s and the partner’s perspective. In Study 1, individual attitudes toward having casual sex, dating, and being in a committed relationship with a bisexual partner of the other gender were examined in a sample of 720 men and women. Participants reported negative attitudes toward having these relationships and more negative attitudes were reported as the commitment level of the considered relationship increased. Women also reported more negative attitudes and greater insecurity toward relationships than men. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of a comprehensive research tool, the Why Have Sex? (YSEX?) questionnaire to use in Study 3 for the study of sexual motivation were evaluated in a sample of 146 women with same-sex attraction. Overall, the reliability of this scale was excellent for casual sex motivations and motivations for sex in committed relationships with female partners. In Study 3, motivations for sex and the effects of relationship context, sexual attraction, and the gender of one’s partner were explored in a sample of 510 women including women with same-sex attraction and women with exclusively heterosexual attraction. Results of this study showed that relationship context had the largest effect on sexual motivation; physical motivations were more strongly endorsed for casual sex while emotional motivations were more strongly endorsed for sex in committed relationships. No effect of sexual attraction was reported. Further, no effect of gender of partner was reported by sexual minority women. The results of this dissertation have important implications for the study of sexual motivation, specifically as it relates to sexual attraction and orientation. Motivations for sex are likely to be affected by an individual’s attitudes and perceptions of his or her partner’s sexual orientation and associated stereotypes. In addition, the type of sexual relationship and associated level of commitment had strong, differential effects on sexual motivation. This is a novel finding as the context of the sexual relationship has not previously been considered with respect to individual motivations for sex. Henceforth, studies on sexual motivation need to be more contextualized and include more comprehensive assessments of individuals to increase the validity of findings and demonstrate the complex variation of human sexual motivation.
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Sexual Attitudes and Motivations in Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex RelationshipsArmstrong, Heather L. January 2014 (has links)
People engage in sex for a wide variety of reasons and these reasons can differ depending on the individual, his or her partner, and on the context of the sexual encounter. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine how sexual attraction and sexual orientation, of both self and partner, affect an individual’s reasons to engage in sex, or sexual motivation. Three studies were conducted to explore these effects from both the individual’s and the partner’s perspective. In Study 1, individual attitudes toward having casual sex, dating, and being in a committed relationship with a bisexual partner of the other gender were examined in a sample of 720 men and women. Participants reported negative attitudes toward having these relationships and more negative attitudes were reported as the commitment level of the considered relationship increased. Women also reported more negative attitudes and greater insecurity toward relationships than men. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of a comprehensive research tool, the Why Have Sex? (YSEX?) questionnaire to use in Study 3 for the study of sexual motivation were evaluated in a sample of 146 women with same-sex attraction. Overall, the reliability of this scale was excellent for casual sex motivations and motivations for sex in committed relationships with female partners. In Study 3, motivations for sex and the effects of relationship context, sexual attraction, and the gender of one’s partner were explored in a sample of 510 women including women with same-sex attraction and women with exclusively heterosexual attraction. Results of this study showed that relationship context had the largest effect on sexual motivation; physical motivations were more strongly endorsed for casual sex while emotional motivations were more strongly endorsed for sex in committed relationships. No effect of sexual attraction was reported. Further, no effect of gender of partner was reported by sexual minority women. The results of this dissertation have important implications for the study of sexual motivation, specifically as it relates to sexual attraction and orientation. Motivations for sex are likely to be affected by an individual’s attitudes and perceptions of his or her partner’s sexual orientation and associated stereotypes. In addition, the type of sexual relationship and associated level of commitment had strong, differential effects on sexual motivation. This is a novel finding as the context of the sexual relationship has not previously been considered with respect to individual motivations for sex. Henceforth, studies on sexual motivation need to be more contextualized and include more comprehensive assessments of individuals to increase the validity of findings and demonstrate the complex variation of human sexual motivation.
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Ekon av det förflutna : En undersökning av den antika erotikens roll och tematisering i romanen och filmen Call Me by Your Name / Echoes of the Past : A Study of the Role and Thematization of Ancient Greek Eros in the Novel and Film Call Me by Your NameHall, Nina January 2019 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen utforskas André Acimans roman Call Me by Your Name (2007) och regissören Luca Guadagninos filmatisering av verket (2017) i relation till det antika begreppet eros (ung. begär). Det finns sedan tidigare en konstnärlig tradition i västvärlden att tillämpa antik tematik vid gestaltningen av manligt samkönat begär och för att åskådliggöra hur detta sker även i Acimans och Guadagninos respektive verk används i den här uppsatsen Platons Gästabudet (Symposion, ca 385 f. Kr) som en återkommande utgångspunkt i analysen. Utifrån ett urval tematiska inslag i Gästabudet, som alla anknyter till Platons övergripande behandling av begär ur ett filosofiskt perspektiv, riktas i det här arbetet uppmärksamheten mot hur dessa teman även förekommer i Call Me by Your Name, roman som film. Detta gäller inte minst Platons presenterade tanke att eros, under rätt omständigheter, har förmågan att leda filosofen mot upplysthet och förståelsen av en upphöjd och evig ordning. Utöver att visa på hur båda verken (som utspelar sig i relativt modern tid) genomsyras av denna antika begärstematik är ett annat mål med uppsatsen att genom en komparativ analys, och med ett genusvetenskapligt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv, blottlägga hur skillnaderna mellan romanförlagan och filmadaptionen påverkar bilden av den unge huvudpersonen Elio och dennes utforskande av sin sexualitet – även då bilden av sexualitet i en mer generell mening. Slutsatsen som den här uppsatsen leder fram till är att Acimans förlaga vid en första anblick framstår som mer utmanande i förhållande till en modern heteronormativ ordning (så som åskådliggjord av Judith Butlers heteronormativa matris) medan Guadagninos version – trots skildringen av samkönat begär i berättelsens centrum – innefattar mer konservativa indikationer. Samtidigt är de utmanande aspekterna i Acimans roman inte heller helt oproblematiska vid en andra anblick. I den mån Acimans skildring med hjälp av den antika tematiken gör motstånd mot moderna uppfattningar om sexualitet, begär och relationsformer leder nyttjandet parallellt till att andra diskriminerande och begränsande uppfattningar om kön, genusidentitet och könsmaktsordning snarare bekräftas inom berättelsens ramar mer än vad de utmanas.
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