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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektiviseringar i byggnader med bevarandevärde : Regelverk, praktisk tillämpning och konsekvenser

Albért, AnnaMaria January 2018 (has links)
The housing and services sector in Sweden consumes 40 % of thetotal energy use. To reach sustainable development goals existingbuildings must be energy efficient. The potential for energyefficiency is in conflict with cultural goals. Uppsalahem is areal-estate company affected by this conflict. Parts of theproperty portfolio are affected by the cultural heritageobjectives, where energy efficiency improvements are desirable.The consequences of this has been investigated.To investigate if and how energy efficiency measures are inconflict with the cultural environment, the regulations werereviewed through the writing of National Board of Housing,Building and Planning, texts of laws and old court orders. Twobuilding permit administrators in Uppsala municipality wereinterviewed and the program VIP-Energy was used to investigate theenergy effect.Heritage Conservation Act, Environmental Code, Planning andBuilding Act are laws that deals with cultural environments. Thefocus of this report was the Planning and Building Act. Dependingon which skills are available in the municipality differentdecision regarding building permits can be made. Also dependingwho is performing the evaluation of the building, different valuescan be determined. The simulations in VIP-Energy showed how muchenergy can be saved through different energy efficiency measures.The most effective measure could provide for 77 newly buildapartments with the energy saved each year after implementing themeasure. The report discusses consequences for the environment,real estate companies, residents and energy producers, suppliersand distributors.

Nedlagda järnvägar : Intresse och avveckling för annan markanvändning

Bolin, Frida, Hellström, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Järnvägsnätet spelar en stor roll i dagens samhälle och det inverkar även stortpå markanvändningen eftersom mark behöver tas i anspråk vid bildande avjärnvägsfastigheter. I Sverige finns det idag ett antal nedlagda järnvägar somingen förvaltar. Detta på grund av att verksamheten som en gång bedrevs intelängre är aktuell. Trafikverket menar att järnvägar som idag inte är i bruk ären utmaning för samhället eftersom att underhåll och skötsel förbises. Syftetmed studien är att undersöka om det finns ett intresse att nyttja marken därnedlagda järnvägar är belägen för andra ändamål. Studien ska även visa på hurändrad markanvändning kan ske på det mest effektiva sättet. Målet medstudien är att det ska resultera i ny kunskap i ämnet och därmed bidra till enhållbar samhällsutveckling.En litteraturstudie har utförts för att se vad som tidigare har skrivits omämnet. Några av de vetenskapliga artiklar som studerats visar på att nedlagdajärnvägar inte bara är en utmaning i Sverige, utan är något som diskuteras iflera länder världen över. Eftersom tidigare litteratur inom ämnet återfinns ien begränsad omfattning är denna studie av vikt för att bidra med ny kunskapinom ämnet.För att få svar på om det finns ett intresse att nyttja marken samt hur ändradmarkanvändning kan ske på ett effektivt sätt har en forskningsmetod noga valtsut. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med sakkunniga inom området,kommuner, en ideell förening samt med markägare som berörs eller harberörts av nedlagda järnvägar.Resultatet i studien visar på att det finns ett intresse att nyttja nedlagdajärnvägar både ur allmän- och enskild synpunkt. Resultatet har även visat attändrad markanvändning bland annat sker effektivast genom köp,fastighetsreglering eller bildande av en gemensamhetsanläggning beroende påändamål med markanvändningen. De lagar som är tillämpliga är Jordabalken,Fastighetsbildningslagen och Anläggningslagen. / Railways are of major importance in today´s society and it also affects land usebecause land needs to be claimed to form property for railways. In Swedenthere is currently several disused railways that no one manages. This since thebusiness that once was active is no longer existing. The Swedish Transportadministration has the opinion that railways that not are in use today are achallenge to society because maintenance and care is overlooked. The purposeof the study is to investigate whether there is an interest in using the landwhere disused railways are located for other purpose. The study will alsoshow how land use can be changed in the most efficient way. The aim of thestudy is that it will result in new knowledge in the subject and thus contributeto sustainable social development.A literature study has been made to see what was previously written about thesubject. Some of the scientific papers studied indicate that these disusedrailways are not just a challenge in Sweden, there are also a challenge inseveral other countries in the world. As previous literature on the subject islimited, this study is important for contributing new knowledge on thesubject.To find out if there is an interest in using the land and how to change land useeffectively, a research method has been carefully chosen. Qualitativeinterviews have been conducted with experts in the subject, municipalities, anon-profit organization as well as landowners that are affected or have beenaffected by disused railways.The result of the study shows that there is an interest in using disusedrailways, both from a general and an individual point of view. The result hasalso shown that land use change among other things, most effective throughpurchase, property regulation or the formation of a community facilitydepending on land use. The laws applicable are, Land code, Real property lawand construction law.

Ångspärr : Överdimensionerad eller en nödvändighet?

Landberg, Sara, Van Kuijl, Frida January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Listening to the story of the rock mass : The integration of conventional and unconventional data to understand rock mass behaviour at the Kiirunavaara Mine

Vatcher, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
The need to understand rock mass behaviour has never been greater; as mining globally progresses deeper to extract the precious resources humankind needs to maintain and forward our lives, we encounter rock behaviours associated with deep mining. These environments typically experience seismicity (including fault slip), rock bursting, strain bursting, spalling, aseismic movement along pre-existing discontinuities, and ground falls. These behaviours can have significant consequences to an operation’s safety and profitability. An understanding of the rock mass enables risk mitigating design. However, a number of hindrances exist along the path to gaining this understanding. Limited information in the literature is available on which data to collect, the most appropriate analysis techniques, and how one combines varied data sources into a mine-scale understanding of the rock mass. In essence, we do not yet understand how to listen to the story of the rock mass. This thesis explores these research topics and develops and extends techniques and methodologies to address these issues. Data from Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB’s (LKAB) Kiirunavaara Mine was used, however a strong focus was given to developing general methodologies that can be applied to many mining environments. The typical situation at most mine sites is one where many forms of data exist, a subset of which is conventional rock mechanics data. These data typically include, for example, laboratory testing for strength and stiffness of geological units, rock mass characterization from underground mapping, geological and geomechanical core logging, and positions and orientations of mapped discontinuities from underground mapping and/or oriented core logging. These data are often used for empirical design. It is common with particularly damaging seismic and/or ground fall events that additional data be acquired from underground damage mapping, but this information is rarely used on a larger scale. However, there is a subset of data that tends to be overlooked from a geomechanical perspective, even though the potential exists that this data can give us information about the characteristics of the rock mass. In the case of the Kiirunavaara Mine, this includes seismic data (including tomographic velocity structure), a database of information regarding ground falls, and laser imaging data. A variety of conventional and unconventional data from the Kiirunavaara Mine were analysed using existing, and extensions of existing, analysis techniques. A 3-D geomechanical model was developed, incorporating geological and geomechanical core logging data, underground mapping data, and laboratory testing data. The resulting mine-scale model showed some particularly interesting results, including 1) a very large variation in intact rock strength within each statistical grouping of geological units, combined with much overlap between the strengths of geological units, and 2) a 3-D model of volumes of clay alteration built on geological core logging data calibrated favourably to data of underground mapping of clay. Unconventional data sources were also analysed, in particular the use of behavioural data to infer characteristics of the rock mass. Spatial and temporal patterns of ground falls were evaluated, alongside spatial patterns in overbreak, which were identified using new, mine-scale analysis techniques of laser scanning data. Interestingly, correlations were apparent when comparing the analyses of distinct and separate data sources. Ground falls were concentrated in the intact rock between the clay volumes. The rock quality designation (RQD) had lower values in the same volume. Seismicity in the area was concentrated in the intact rock, with very few events in the clay volumes. 3-D velocity tomography models (developed by another researcher within this project) showed 1) no correlation with the RQD model (this result may highlight a limitation of scaling RQD data beyond it’s intended use), and 2) possible correlation with the clay volumes. A methodology was developed using numerical stress analysis to identify, at an early stage of investigation, if a volumetric feature is of significance to seismic rock mass behaviour. With so much surmounting evidence that the clay volumes influence rock mass behaviour at the Kiirunavaara Mine, this feature was well-suited to be tested. Results showed that the clay volumes: 1) influence the mine-scale stress field, 2) have the potential to extend the volume of the rock mass which is expected to experience crack initiation (one underlying cause of seismicity), and 3) result in a stress field that enables slip along many of the orientations of mapped discontinuities (another underlying cause of seismicity). Particularly valuable data were found to share the following characteristics: 3-D coverage, mine-scale, long-term, and multiple and distinct sources. It was important that the different data sources and their analyses led to the same conclusions even though they were separate and distinct. Unconventional data sources that were of particular use in this case include: spatial and temporal ground fall patterns and spatial patterns of seismicity. With further research, other unconventional data sources may show their value to rock mechanics analyses, such as spatial and temporal patterns of: seismicity, focal plane solutions from moment tensors, seismic stress inversion from moment tensors, overbreak, and possibly even tomography (the lack of strong correlation in this case may be specific to this environment and models used). Opening our minds to the possibilities, collaboration with experts in other fields, and a little creativity in our approach will help us in our quest to understand the stories of rock masses.

Att planera för ett annat sätt att leva på : En fallstudie om metoder för platsutveckling med orten Uddebo i centrum

Löberg, Anton January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Verifiering av beräknad energiprestanda : En jämförelse mellan simulerad och uppmätt energianvändning för byggnaden Drottningparken

Westerlund, Anton January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Upprätthållande av samhällsviktig funktion vid brand i undermarksanläggning : Byggnadstekniska lösningar för upprättande av brandbeständiga funktionsskyddsrum

Gruber, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
It is important that the society is functional in the case of a crisis or war. In these cases, some social functions are more important than others and should be prioritized according to MSB (2014). Management and coordination of social actors are extra important in these situations, and this is where the function of operations rooms becomes important. The purpose of this master thesis is to describe how the function in the operations rooms should be maintained despite fire outside the room in the facility. The thesis includes operations rooms for military, municipalities, county councils, county administrative boards and authorities, as well as emergency rescue services. To ensure that the command function can be maintained, the outer structure is dimensioned for a fire according to ISO 834 for 12 hours. The technical and personal supply is dimensioned to maintain the function for 10 days. As a result of this, the outer wall is dimensioned to 400 millimetres which leads to a zero heating of the room and 260 millimetre wall that maintain 80 percent of the carrying capacity. To maintain the technical support, a diesel engine is designed to meet the energy needs. As a conclusion, this work chart the conditions for a room that offers a shelter from a fire and maintain a management function. These facilities are complex and each underground facility must be dimensioned separately.

Stability Analysis of High Concrete Dams : Longtan Dam - a case study

Andersson, Joel, Hagberg, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of wayside condition monitoring technologies for condition-based maintenance of railway vehicles

Lagnebäck, Robert January 2007 (has links)
Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB) is an iron ore mining company in Sweden that strives to be one of the leading suppliers of iron ore products. In the chain from mining to end customers, transportation efficiency plays a mayor role in the outcome of the company's total financial result. The transportation of the ore from the LKAB mines in Kiruna and Malmberget is made by trains to the harbors in Narvik and Luleå. The railway transportations are made by LKAB subsidiaries Malmtrafik i Kiruna AB (MTAB) on the Swedish side and Malmtrafikk AS (MTAS) on the Norwegian side. The efficiency of the railway transportation is therefore a key function in the LKAB mining operations. In a benchmarking, comparing the total operating efficiency, with other heavy haul railways around the world it became evident that the efficiency of the railway transportations at LKAB had potential for improvement. One of the factors with potential for improved efficiency was the maintenance strategy. There is an indication that a change from a time-based maintenance strategy to a condition-based maintenance strategy would increase the efficiency of the train operations. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze wayside condition monitoring equipment for railway vehicles, in order to support the implementation of a condition-based maintenance strategy. To fulfill the stated purpose, five case studies, supported by a literature study, have been performed. The five case studies have been conducted to increase the knowledge of the abilities of available wayside condition monitoring equipment as a support for condition-based maintenance of railway vehicles. The literature study focused on railway operations around the world with a particular focus on the development, deployment and use of wayside condition monitoring equipment. The literature study indicates that there is an increasing implementation and use of equipment for wayside condition monitoring of railway vehicles. Through the studies it has become evident that the direct interaction in the wheel and rail interface also creates a huge potential for savings on the infrastructure due to an implementation of wayside condition monitoring equipment for railway vehicles. The case studies highlight the need for different systems that complement each other by measuring different parameters. It is also important that the systems are integrated with existing systems and practices in order to exploit the potential benefits of the new technology. Furthermore, it is important to have a joint approach between both infrastructure owners and train operators in the deployment and use of wayside condition monitoring equipment, since the technology can support a condition-based maintenance strategy on both sides that could have a great impact on the efficiency of railway operations. / Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB) är ett Svenskt gruvbolag som bryter järnmalm. Man har som målsättning att bli en av de ledande leverantörerna i världen av järnmalmsprodukter. I kedjan från brytning till slutkund, spelar transporteffektivitet en avgörande roll i företagets totala ekonomiska resultat. Transporterna av malm från LKAB:s gruvor i Kiruna och Malmberget utförs med järnvägstransporter till utskeppningshamnar i Narvik och Luleå. Järnvägstransporterna utförs av LKAB:s dotterbolag Malmtrafik i Kiruna AB (MTAB) på den Svenska sidan och av Malmtrafikk AS (MTAS) på den Norska sidan. Järnvägs transporternas effektivitet är därför en nyckelfunktion i LKAB:s gruvbrytningsverksamhet. I en benchmarkingstudie utförd på den totala effektiviteten av verksamheten hos gruvverksamheter med tunga järnvägstransporter runt om i världen blev det uppdagat att det finns en potential att förbättra effektiviteten hos LKAB:s järnvägstransporter. En av faktorerna som har potential att förbättra effektiviteten är underhållsstrategin. Det finns tydliga indikationer på att en förändring från ett förutbestämt underhåll till ett tillståndsbaserat underhåll skulle kunna öka järnvägstransporternas effektivitet. Syftet med denna licentiat avhandling är att utvärdera tekniska system som kan placeras vid spåret och användas som tillstånds övervakande utrustning för järnvägsfordon för att stödja en implementering av en tillståndsbaserad underhållsstrategi.För att uppnå det utsatta syftet har fem fallstudier, samt en litteratur studie genomförts. De fem fallstudierna har utförts för att öka kunskapen om egenskaperna hos tillgänglig tillståndsövervakande utrustning för placering vid spåret som stöd för tillståndsbaserat underhåll av järnvägsfordon. Litteraturstudien har fokuserats på järnvägsverksamheter i runt om i världen med speciellt fokus på utveckling, utplacering och användande av spårbunden tillståndsövervakningsutrustning .Litteraturstudien indikerar att det pågår en ökande implementering och användning av tillståndsövervakande utrustning för järnvägsfordon. Genom studierna har det framkommit att den direkta interaktionen mellan hjul och räl också skapar en stor potential för besparingar på infrastrukturen med hjälp av en implementering av spårbunden tillståndsövervakande utrustning för järnvägsfordonen.Case studierna belyser nödvändigheten av att ha olika system som kan komplettera varandra genom att mäta olika parametrar. Det är också viktigt att systemen är integrerade med existerande system och metoder för att uppnå de potentiella fördelarna med den nya teknologin. Det är dessutom viktigt att ha ett gemensamt tillvägagångssätt mellan både infrastrukturägare och tågoperatörer i implementeringen och användandet av spårbunden tillståndsövervakande utrustning, eftersom teknologin kan stödja en tillståndsbaserad underhålls strategi för båda sidor, vilket kan ha stor positiv inverkan på järnvägsdriftens effektivitet. / <p>Godkänd; 2007; 20070315 (ysko)</p>

A study of the rail degradation process to predict rail breaks

Kumar, Saurabh January 2006 (has links)
Rail infrastructure is a large and costly investment, and has a long life. To realize the benefits from this investment, effective maintenance is required. Railways are one of the prime modes of transportation in many countries and as they are closely associated with passenger and cargo transportation, they own high risk in terms of potential loss of human life and damage/destruction of assets. New technologies and stringent safety standards are constantly being introduced, but accidents still occur. There will always be some risk associated with derailments and collisions, but it can be reduced by elimination of the root causes by means of an effective maintenance strategy to govern optimization of inspection, lubrication and grinding frequency and/or improvement in skill and efficiency. A detailed study of the defects which emerge both in the rolling stock and the rail infrastructure is essential to identify the correct maintenance strategy. Detection and rectification of rail defects/degradations are major issues for all rail players around the world. Some of the rail degradations include worn out rails, weld problems, internal defects, corrugations and rolling contact fatigue (RCF) initiated problems such as surface cracks, head checks, squats, spalling and shelling. If undetected and/or untreated, these defects can lead to rail breaks and derailments. Efficient maintenance strategies can reduce potential risk of rail breaks and derailments. A potential risk is the risk which accumulates in the form of rail degradation over a period of time. In spite of continuous efforts made by all rail infrastructure operators around the world to reduce costs, a substantial proportion of railway budget is spent on rail maintenance. It is understood that the consequential costs due to derailment reduces with increase in inspection, lubrication, grinding and replacement costs. The challenge is to find a balance between the maintenance costs which consists of inspection, lubrication and grinding costs, and consequential costs due to derailments. The consequences of derailment in terms of loss of human life, damage/destruction of assets and loss of company trust and reputation justify maintaining stringent safety standards, which require massive rail maintenance investments in order to be met. Reduction in maintenance investments may increase the rate of rail degradation, which may increase the risk of derailments. The aim is to develop an approach to predict rail failures, which will help to optimize maintenance activities (inspection, grinding, rectification/replacement and/or welding). Generally, there is a trade-off between maintenance investment and the risk involved in rail degradation in order to develop a rail maintenance procedure. Failure prediction of rail sections undergoing degradation will help to estimate the risk of derailment. Thus, prediction of the rail failure rate is a requirement for the development of an effective rail maintenance procedure. Different types of rail degradation processes leading to various rail defects have been studied. The performed literature studies indicate a need for better prediction of rail failure over a period of time based on the factors influencing rail degradation. The maintenance strategy followed by the Swedish National Rail Administration (Banverket), Sweden's rail infrastructure operator, is described and the issues related to rail degradation and maintenance are outlined for further research in this area. Rail failure data has been extracted from different Banverket's databases, classified according to a classification framework developed and analyzed over a period of time based on Million Gross Tonnes (MGT) of traffic using Weibull distribution. During the process of data evaluation and analysis, a method of extracting useful information from incomplete data has been identified. / <p>Godkänd; 2006; 20061212 (ysko)</p>

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