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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivisering av broprojektering i Tekla Structures tilläggsfunktion Bridge Creator

Lundmark, Linus January 2019 (has links)
Digitaliseringen ger möjligheter till nya och effektivare arbetssätt inom alla möjliga branscher. Nya programvaror och tilläggsfunktioner släpps allteftersom och det finns mycket ny information att ta in för de personer som anpassar sig till dessa nya programvaror. Även fast dessa digitala lösningar har fördelar ur både kostnads- och ekonomisynpunkt kan det vara besvärligt att ändra sitt arbetssätt och implementera nya vanor på arbetsplatsen.   Tekla Structures är ett BIM-verktyg (byggnadsinformationsmodellering) ägt av Trimble som används flitigt inom byggbranschen. Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska och sammanställa möjligheterna kring Trimbles nysläppta verktyg Tekla Bridge Creator vid broprojektering. I dag kan Tekla Structures användas tillsammans med Rhinoceros och dess tilläggsfunktion Grasshopper genom Grasshopper-Tekla Live Link men arbetsgången kan anses krånglig och kräver bra kännedom i programmet.   Rapporten beskriver utformningen av en bromodell i Bridge Creator och sedan en likadan i Grasshopper. Därefter jämförs arbetssättet för att slutligen ge förståelse för Bridge Creator och en uppfattning för hur den bäst kan nyttjas vid broprojektering samt om den kan vara av nytta för den specifika personen med det målet denne har.   Bridge Creator har visat sig ha många begränsningar vad gäller utformning av parametriskt anpassningsbara bromodeller, vilket möjliggörs i Grasshopper. Kortfattat innebär det att kunna välja ut specifika parametrar som exempelvis brons totala längd och bredd och att hela modellen snabbt anpassas när dessa ändras. Om exempelvis brons totala längd ändras måste upplag, räcken och liknande byggnadsdelars position ändras manuellt. I Grasshopper kan dessa byggnadsdelar anpassas så att om brons längd ändras följer upplag och räcken med vid längdändringen.   Det är svårt att avgöra om Bridge Creator är att rekommendera eller inte, det är helt beroende på användarens tidigare kunskapsnivåer, vilka brokonstruktioner som skapas, hur anpassningsbara de ska vara samt hur stort värde som ligger i att kunna återanvända i nya projekt. Bridge Creator är dessutom i en utvecklingsfas och genomgår förbättringar allt eftersom vilket innebär att det inte går att utesluta att det i framtiden kan användas likt Grasshopper för att skapa parametriskt anpassningsbara bromodeller. / Digitalization gives opportunities to new and more efficient workflows within all different type of industries. New software programs and add-on features are often released and there is a lot of new information to process for the people adjusting to these new software programs and add-in features. Even though these digital solutions have benefits in both cost- and economy point of view it can be difficult to change the workflow and implement new routines on the workplace.   Tekla Structures is a BIM-tool (building information modelling) owned by Trimble which is used frequently within the building industry. The purpose with this report is to explore and compile the possibilities with Trimbles newly released tool Tekla Bridge Creator in bridge projecting. Today Tekla Structures can be used together with Rhinoceros and its extension Grasshopper through Grasshopper-Tekla Live Link (a more detailed description of the software programs can be found in the reports Theory chapter) but the workflow can be seen as complicated and requires good knowledge with the software program.   This report describes the designing of a bridge model in Bridge Creator and thereafter a similar in Grasshopper. The workflows will be compared to give an understanding for Bridge Creator and an opinion for how it best can be applied in bridge projecting and if it can be of use for the person with the desired goal he or she has.   Bridge Creator has shown to have a lot of limitations concerning modelling of parametric adjustable bridge-models, which is possible in Grasshopper. In short summary this means the possibility to choose a specific parameter, for example the total length and width of the bridge, and the whole model quickly adapts when these changes. For example, if a bridges total length changes, the columns, railings and similar building parts need to be changed manually. In Grasshopper these parts can adjust automatically so if the bridges length is changed these parts follow the length change.   It’s hard to say if Bridge Creator is to recommend or not, it depends on the user’s previous knowledge with bridge design, which bridge constructions that are created, how adjustable they shall be and how big value that lays in being able to reuse in new projects. Bridge Creator is furthermore in an early development phase and is going through improvements over time which means that it can’t be excluded that Bridge Creator in the future can be used like Grasshopper to create parametric adjustable bridge models.

Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?

Nordin, Eva January 2010 (has links)
<p>This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it’s a little bit to cold and the air draws. However it’s a good and likeable climate, the problem that is mentioned, is as it says only a small dissatisfaction. Actually the dissatisfaction only shows in the polls and in some of the interviews, in the measurements the climate seems very good. The people who work at the place seem to have adequate knowledge for their tasks but in some case the communication between theme and the users have more to wish for.</p>

Planering av området kartberget / Planning of the area Kartberget

Åhmark, Tony January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Railway bridge response to passing trains : Measurements and FE model updating

Wiberg, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Today’s railway bridges are analysed in more detail for moving loads due to the increase in speeds and axle loads. However, these numerical analyses are very time consuming as they often involve many simulations using different train configurations passing at different speeds and many considerations to take into account. Thus, simplified bridge, track and train models are often chosen for practical and time efficient simulations. The New Årsta Railway Bridge in Stockholm was successfully instrumented during construction. A simplified 3D Bernoulli-Euler beam element FE model of the bridge was prepared. The FE model was first manually tuned based on static load testing. The most extensive work was performed in a statistical identification of significantly influencing modelling parameters. Consequently, parameters to be included in an optimised FE model updating, with consideration also to synergy effects, could be identified. The amount of parameters included in the optimisation was in this way kept at an optimally low level. For verification, measurements from several static and dynamic field tests with a fully loaded macadam train and Swedish Rc6 locomotives were used. The implemented algorithms were shown to operate efficiently and the accuracy in static and dynamic load effect predictions was shown to be considerably improved. It was concluded that the complex bridge can be simplified by means of beam theory and an equivalent modulus of elasticity, and still produce reliable results for simplified global analyses. The typical value of an equivalent modulus of elasticity was in this case approximately 25% larger than the specified mean value for the concrete grade in question. The optimised FE model was used in moving load simulations with high speed train loads according to the design codes. Typically, the calculated vertical acceleration of the bridge deck was much lower than the specified allowable code value. This indicates that multispan continuous concrete bridges are not so sensitive to train induced vibrations and therefore may be suitable for high speed train traffic. Finally, the relevant area of introducing the proposed FE model updating procedure in the early bridge design phase is outlined. / QC 20100818

Estimation of the Elastic Moduli of Porous Materials using Analytical Methods, Numerical Methods, and Image Analysis

Ekneligoda, Thushan Chandrasiri January 2007 (has links)
The effective bulk modulus and effective shear modulus of porous materials having various types of pore shapes are investigated, using both analytical and numerical methods. These solutions, and the scaling laws that are derived with the aid of these solutions, are then used to make predictions of the effective elastic moduli of some sandstones and ceramics, based on two-dimensional images of the pore space. The complex variable method is used to find the hydrostatic and shear compliances of a large family of pores that have N-fold rotational symmetry, and which have at most four terms in their conformal mapping function. This solution is validated using boundary element (BEM) calculations, and is also used to test two scaling laws that estimate the compliances based on the area and perimeter of the pore. The boundary perturbation method is used to study the effect of small-scale roughness on the compressibility and shear compliance of a nominally circular pore. The solution is carried out to fourth order in the roughness parameter for the case of hydrostatic loading, and to second order for shear loading. These solutions allow one to judge the scale of roughness that can safely be ignored when obtaining images of the pores. Predictions are then made of the elastic moduli of some porous materials – two sandstones and a ceramic. Starting with scanning electron micrographs, image analysis software is used to isolate and extract each pore from the host material. The bulk and shear compliances are estimated using both BEM and the two scaling laws. Areally-weighted mean values of these compliances are calculated for each material, and the differential effective medium scheme is used to obtain expressions for the moduli as functions of porosity. These predictions agree well with the experimental values found in the literature. / QC 20100706

Valuation and Performance Reporting in Property Companies Accouding to IFRS

Nordlund, Bo January 2008 (has links)
Applying a historical cost accounting (HCA) concept in property companies led on many occasions to a situation where everyone knew that the figures in balance sheets and income statements were wrong from a market perspective, but the analysts knew how the figures had arisen. Applying a fair value accounting (FVA) concept has led to a situation, on many occasions, where almost everyone believes that the figures in balance sheets and income statements accurately and fairly reflect reality, whereas few have sufficient knowledge how these figures have arisen.Appraisal of property is a complex issue. One of the most important conclusions from the research reported in this thesis is that disclosure regarding applied methods, significant assumptions in property valuations and statements about the connections between appraised values and market evidence needs refinement in financial reports, according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As the uncertainty in property valuations cannot be removed, it has to be managed. Providing explicit disclosure about valuations is one important way to manage this issue by reducing the gap of information asymmetry between those who perform valuations and those who are users of financial statements.Other findings reported are connected to issues of consistent application of IFRS other than disclosures about valuations. Such an issue is the border between maintenance expenses and capitalised costs regarding component replacements. On many occasions companies seem to interpret IFRS accounting rules differently in this respect. This could lead to distorted reporting of net operating income (NOI) levels.Another conclusion reported is that NOI for financial reporting purposes are not equivalent to NOI used for real-estate appraisal purposes. In this thesis it has been shown that differences may turn up regarding rental income and maintenance costs in this respect.Fair value adjustments in income statements are another issue handled in this thesis. Empirical studies showed that a majority of the property companies studied reported such adjustments above financial items in the income statement, which seems to be in line with the intentions of the IFRS rules. / QC 20100831

Planering av området kartberget / Planning of the area Kartberget

Åhmark, Tony January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

DIGITAL VISUALISERINGSTEKNIK : möjligheter, för- och nackdelar

Haag, Joacim January 2009 (has links)
Ever since the development of the pc and their software, in the early 80´s,architects way of work have changed a lot. Nowadays most of the architectspresent all their works digitally and not with hand drawn material, as they didbefore the pc boom.Digital visualisation technique pushes the limits, when it is about presentingarchitecture projects virtual reality.This report studies how digital visualization technique is used among thearchitects today.Together with architects from ABAKO architect firm in Gothenburg, Sweden,interviews has been made to give answers about what they think about digitalvisualization technique. What are the opportunities, advantages- anddisadvantage with this digital technique?The answers from the architects, together with work that has been done withdigital visualization technique in a project called Project Sofiedal, shows thatthis technique has big opportunities when it comes to create nice looking VRpresentations. The result in this report also shows that this digital technique ismore time demanding compared to hand drawn presentations.The investigation shows that digital visualization technique is a goodcompliment when it is about showing the citizens how future projects willaffect the surrounding. Small projects, not for public interest, the digitalvisualization technique could be questioned as a method of work, but notexluded. / Digital visualiseringsteknik, modellering, rendering, visualisering.

Modern mät- och övervakningsmetodik för bedömning av befintliga broar

Andersson, Andreas, Carlsson, Fredrik, Enckell, Merit, Enochsson, Ola, Karoumi (Redaktör), Raid, Malm, Richard, Plos, Mario, Sundquist, Håkan, Täljsten, Björn, Wiberg, Johan, Ülker, Mahir January 2007 (has links)
<p>QC 20110809</p>

Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?

Nordin, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it’s a little bit to cold and the air draws. However it’s a good and likeable climate, the problem that is mentioned, is as it says only a small dissatisfaction. Actually the dissatisfaction only shows in the polls and in some of the interviews, in the measurements the climate seems very good. The people who work at the place seem to have adequate knowledge for their tasks but in some case the communication between theme and the users have more to wish for.

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