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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploração funcional do processo de glicosilação aberrante em tumores: mecanismos envolvidos na atividade pró-migratória de galectina-3 / Exploiting the functional significance of aberrant glycosylation in tumors: mechanisms involved in the promigratory activity of galectin-3

Melo, Fabiana Henriques Machado de 23 February 2006 (has links)
Ao longo do processo de progressão tumoral, se observa alteração na expressão de glicoconjugados contendo oligossacarídeos N-ligados. Uma das formas mais comuns de glicosilação aberrante observada em células transformadas e em tumores humanos é representada por (poli)lactosaminas presentes em oligossacarídeos N-ligados. Estes glicanos são ligantes de galectina-3. Com o objetivo de identificar a expressão e distribuição dos ligantes de galectina-3 associados a processos fisiopatológicos, como a transformação maligna, desenvolvemos uma proteína quimérica, a galectina-3 conjugada a fosfatase alcalina (Gal-3/FA). Observamos que a Gal-3/FA possui a mesma especificidade de galectina-3 e que pode ser usada como sonda em ensaios de overlay e ensaios de imunoistoquímica. Entre os ligantes de galectina-3 identificamos a ?1 integrina, mediador de processos biológicos dependentes da interação célula-matriz como a migração celular. Linhagens de células de origem mesenquimal derivadas de tumores induzidos com metilcolantreno de animais selvagens (linhagens S11 e S12) e nulizigoto (linhagem ?12) para o gene da galectina-3 foram estabelecidas. Avaliamos a capacidade migratória dessas células e os nossos resultados mostraram que células que expressam galectina-3 são mais migratórias em superfícies de laminina-1. Este dado sugere que a galectina-3 seja um modulador positivo do processo de migração celular em superfícies de laminina-1. No entanto, o mecanismo pelo qual a galectina-3 medeia esse processo não é conhecido. Células que possuem fenótipo mais migratório apresentam um estado intermediário de adesão. Nós observamos que a galectina-3 se encontra nos complexos focais. Na presença de galectina-3 observamos diminuição de FAK fosforilado e recrutamento da fosfatase SHP-2 para os complexos focais. A diminuição de FAK fosforilado no lamelipódio leva ao turnover dos complexos focais e ao aumento da migração celular. Analisamos também a via de sinalização e observamos que a galectina-3 não ativa PAK. Contudo, o inibidor de PI3quinase, wortmanina, inibiu o efeito pró-migratório de galectina-3. Esses dados reforçam a noção do papel de galectina-3 na modulação do processo de migração de fibroblastos transformados, funcionando como uma molécula / Altered expression of cell surface N-linked oligosaccharides are often associated with malignant transformation of cells. One of the most common forms of aberrant glycosylation in transformed cells and human tumors is the highly elevated ?1,6 branching of N-linked oligosaccharides caused by increased expression of N-acetylglucosaminytransferase V (Mgat5). Galectin-3, a ?-galactoside binding protein, binds preferentially to poly-N-acetyllactosamines, which are the products of Mgat5. In order to exploit this hallmark of cancer cells, we have developed a tool for in situ identification of these tumors associated glycoconjugates. Human galectin-3 was fused to bacterial alkaline phosphatase, generating a hybrid molecule displaying both the carbohydrate binding properties of galectin-3 and enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase (Gal-3/FA). Gal-3/FA has the same fine of galectin-3 which was confirmed in direct binding assays. The tool presented herein was therefore useful for several immunoenzymatic assays, and will allow to establish whether the expression pattern of galectin-3 ligands have any physiological or clinical significance. We have identified ?1 integrin as a galectin-3 ligand. ?1 integrins are the actual effector of cell adhesion and migration. We have established cell lines from methylcholantrene-induced sarcomas from both wild type and galectin-3 null mice. In this system, galectin-3 null cells were less migratory than control cells in laminin-1. When galectin-3 was transiently expressed in galectin-3 null sarcoma cells, it inhibited cell adhesion to laminin-1 and stimulate the migratory response to laminin-1. The addition of exogenous galectin-3 also enhanced the migratory capacity of ?12 cells in a carbohydrate dependent way. Galectin-3 was found in focal contacts of ?12 cells where it may interact with many glycoproteins containing polyllactosamines on the cell surface. Here we showed that ?1 integrins are among them. Exogenously added galectin-3 led to a decrease in phosphorylated-FAK in lamellipodia and increased the recruitment of Shp-2 phosphatase of migrating cells. The effect of galectin-3 in migration was not dependent on the activation of the p21-activated kinase (PAK). Wortmannin inhibited the increased migration elicited by galectin-3, suggesting the involvement of the PI3-kinase signaling in the galectin-3 pathway. We propose that extracellular galectin-3 bound ?1integrins and disrupted the focal adhesion plaque, thus favoring cell migration.

Exploração funcional do processo de glicosilação aberrante em tumores: mecanismos envolvidos na atividade pró-migratória de galectina-3 / Exploiting the functional significance of aberrant glycosylation in tumors: mechanisms involved in the promigratory activity of galectin-3

Fabiana Henriques Machado de Melo 23 February 2006 (has links)
Ao longo do processo de progressão tumoral, se observa alteração na expressão de glicoconjugados contendo oligossacarídeos N-ligados. Uma das formas mais comuns de glicosilação aberrante observada em células transformadas e em tumores humanos é representada por (poli)lactosaminas presentes em oligossacarídeos N-ligados. Estes glicanos são ligantes de galectina-3. Com o objetivo de identificar a expressão e distribuição dos ligantes de galectina-3 associados a processos fisiopatológicos, como a transformação maligna, desenvolvemos uma proteína quimérica, a galectina-3 conjugada a fosfatase alcalina (Gal-3/FA). Observamos que a Gal-3/FA possui a mesma especificidade de galectina-3 e que pode ser usada como sonda em ensaios de overlay e ensaios de imunoistoquímica. Entre os ligantes de galectina-3 identificamos a ?1 integrina, mediador de processos biológicos dependentes da interação célula-matriz como a migração celular. Linhagens de células de origem mesenquimal derivadas de tumores induzidos com metilcolantreno de animais selvagens (linhagens S11 e S12) e nulizigoto (linhagem ?12) para o gene da galectina-3 foram estabelecidas. Avaliamos a capacidade migratória dessas células e os nossos resultados mostraram que células que expressam galectina-3 são mais migratórias em superfícies de laminina-1. Este dado sugere que a galectina-3 seja um modulador positivo do processo de migração celular em superfícies de laminina-1. No entanto, o mecanismo pelo qual a galectina-3 medeia esse processo não é conhecido. Células que possuem fenótipo mais migratório apresentam um estado intermediário de adesão. Nós observamos que a galectina-3 se encontra nos complexos focais. Na presença de galectina-3 observamos diminuição de FAK fosforilado e recrutamento da fosfatase SHP-2 para os complexos focais. A diminuição de FAK fosforilado no lamelipódio leva ao turnover dos complexos focais e ao aumento da migração celular. Analisamos também a via de sinalização e observamos que a galectina-3 não ativa PAK. Contudo, o inibidor de PI3quinase, wortmanina, inibiu o efeito pró-migratório de galectina-3. Esses dados reforçam a noção do papel de galectina-3 na modulação do processo de migração de fibroblastos transformados, funcionando como uma molécula / Altered expression of cell surface N-linked oligosaccharides are often associated with malignant transformation of cells. One of the most common forms of aberrant glycosylation in transformed cells and human tumors is the highly elevated ?1,6 branching of N-linked oligosaccharides caused by increased expression of N-acetylglucosaminytransferase V (Mgat5). Galectin-3, a ?-galactoside binding protein, binds preferentially to poly-N-acetyllactosamines, which are the products of Mgat5. In order to exploit this hallmark of cancer cells, we have developed a tool for in situ identification of these tumors associated glycoconjugates. Human galectin-3 was fused to bacterial alkaline phosphatase, generating a hybrid molecule displaying both the carbohydrate binding properties of galectin-3 and enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase (Gal-3/FA). Gal-3/FA has the same fine of galectin-3 which was confirmed in direct binding assays. The tool presented herein was therefore useful for several immunoenzymatic assays, and will allow to establish whether the expression pattern of galectin-3 ligands have any physiological or clinical significance. We have identified ?1 integrin as a galectin-3 ligand. ?1 integrins are the actual effector of cell adhesion and migration. We have established cell lines from methylcholantrene-induced sarcomas from both wild type and galectin-3 null mice. In this system, galectin-3 null cells were less migratory than control cells in laminin-1. When galectin-3 was transiently expressed in galectin-3 null sarcoma cells, it inhibited cell adhesion to laminin-1 and stimulate the migratory response to laminin-1. The addition of exogenous galectin-3 also enhanced the migratory capacity of ?12 cells in a carbohydrate dependent way. Galectin-3 was found in focal contacts of ?12 cells where it may interact with many glycoproteins containing polyllactosamines on the cell surface. Here we showed that ?1 integrins are among them. Exogenously added galectin-3 led to a decrease in phosphorylated-FAK in lamellipodia and increased the recruitment of Shp-2 phosphatase of migrating cells. The effect of galectin-3 in migration was not dependent on the activation of the p21-activated kinase (PAK). Wortmannin inhibited the increased migration elicited by galectin-3, suggesting the involvement of the PI3-kinase signaling in the galectin-3 pathway. We propose that extracellular galectin-3 bound ?1integrins and disrupted the focal adhesion plaque, thus favoring cell migration.

Delovanje lekova registrovanih za neonkološke indikacije na eksperimentalni fibrosarkom hrčka / Effect of repurposing non-cancer drugs on experimental fibrosarcoma in hamsters

Popović Dušica 04 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Mnogi lekovi registrovani za razne druge indikacije mogu da deluju selektivno na tumorske receptore, signalne puteve, metaboličke procese, bioenergetske faktore, enzime, proteine, gene koji reguli&scaron;u proliferaciju, apoptozu i neoangiogenezu tumora ne pogađajući ove procese kod zdravih ćelija. Uvođenje novih lekova je izrazito dug, složen i skup proces istraživanja. Kori&scaron;ćenjem principa otkrivanja antikancerskog efekta kod već registrovanih lekova za druge indikacije, direktno se utiče na skraćivanje vremena i tro&scaron;kova istraživanja. Eksperimentalno je ispitana efikasnost antitumorskog delovanja mebendazola, metformina, itrakonazola, diklofenaka, nitroglicerina i deoksiholne kiseline na fibrosarkom hrčka izazvan BHK21/C13 tumorskom ćelijskom linijom praćenjem veličine i histologije lečenih tumora. Eksperimentalno je ispitana mogućnost primene deoksiholne kiseline, nitroglicerina, kofeina i itrakonazola kao adjuvansa u kombinaciji sa pojedinim ispitivanim lekovima (metformin, itrakonazol, diklofenak) za lečenje fibrosarkoma hrčka. Kako je ispitivanje vr&scaron;eno na mladuncima imladim hrčkovima i kako su sarkomi najče&scaron;ći u dečijem uzrastu, definisanje potencijalne antikancerske uloge ispitivanih lekova se odnosi prvenstveno na njihovu primenu u pedijatriji. Pokazano je da metformin, kombinacije metformina sa kofeinom, metformina sa itrakonazolom i metformina sa nitroglicerinom deluju u pogledu svih ispitivanih parametara tumora antitumorski na fibrosarkom hrčka. Kofein, itrakonazol i nitroglicerin pojačavaju antitumorsko dejstvo metformina na fibrosarkom hrčka. Tokom svih eksperimenata realizovanih u okviru ove disertacije, pokazalo se da nije bilo delotvornog tretmana, koji ne sadrži metformin.</p> / <p>Many drugs registered for various other indications can act selectively to tumor receptors, signaling pathways, metabolic processes, bioenergetic factors, enzymes, proteins, genes that regulate proliferation, apoptosis, and neoangiogenesis of the tumor without affecting these processes in the healthy cells. The introduction of new drugs is a very long, complex and expensive process of research. Using the principle of detecting the anticancer effect in already registered drugs for other indications, directly affects the reduction of time and cost of research. The efficacy of mebendazole, metformin, itraconazole, diclofenac, nitroglycerin and deoxycholic acid antitumor activity on hamster fibrosarcinoma induced experimentally by the BHK21/C13 tumor cell line was tested by monitoring the size and histology of the treated tumors. The possibility of using deoxycholic acid, nitroglycerin, caffeine and itraconazole as an adjuvant in combination with investigated drugs (metformin, itraconazole, diclofenac) for the treatment of hamster fibrosarcoma has been experimentally tested. As the examination was carried out on young cubs and young hamsters and that sarcomas are the most common in childhood, defining the potential anti-cancer role of the investigated drugs relates primarily to their application in pediatrics. Metformin, combinations of metformin with caffeine, metformin with itraconazole and metformin with nitroglycerin have shown antitumor action on the hamster fibrosarcoma in terms of all tested tumor parameters. Caffeine, itraconazole and nitroglycerin increase the antitumor effect of metformin on the hamster fibrosarcoma. During all the experiments carried out within this dissertation, there has been no effective treatment, which does not contain metformin.</p>

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