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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices

Gill, Shahid Maqsood 20 December 2012 (has links)
Agricultural management practices including tillage and irrigation have a considerable effect on soil physical and hydraulic properties in space and time. Tillage practices initially alter the soil physical and hydraulic properties depending on the type and depth of tillage. These changes are reverted back to original conditions due to reconsolidation during cycles of wetting and drying. Irrigation techniques can manipulate the reversion process dynamically due to different modes of wetting. The combined effects of tillage and irrigation have rarely been investigated. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage practices and irrigation techniques on soil physical properties and temporal variations in soil hydraulic properties, one on wheat and second on the following maize crop grown on the same plots. The tillage and irrigation treatments implemented for the wheat crop were repeated for the subsequent maize crop restoring the same treatment layout plan. Intact soil core samples were collected, in the middle of the wheat crop before irrigation and the end of the maize crop season, for the determination of soil physical and hydraulic properties. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) was determined using the Guelph pressure infiltrometer method and volumetric soil water content (θ_v) and potential (ψ_m) was measured in the field using water content sensors and tensiometers, respectively. The wheat crop received rain showers from time to time, while in maize, a heavy spell of monsoon rains following tillage caused most of the soil reconsolidation. So, the greater intensity of rains, rather than the cycles of wetting and drying, became primarily responsible for the differences in soil physical and hydraulic properties between the two crops. Moldboard plow resulted in an increase in yield and improvement of soil hydraulic properties during both crop seasons. Flood irrigation reverted back the effects of tillage on soil hydraulic properties greater than sprinkler irrigation, while it did not affect the yield significantly. The dynamics of volumetric soil water content (θ_v) differed, depending on tillage type, irrigation technique and crop season. Moldboard plow was the wettest after rain or irrigation events but it dried quicker than other tillage treatments. Flood irrigation caused higher wetting than sprinkler irrigation. These wetting effects were greater in wheat as compared to maize crop. Temporal variability calculated as time averaged relative difference in θ_v was greater during wheat as compared to maize, while temporal stability calculated as standard deviation of temporal stability decreased with flood irrigation in both crops. Soil bulk density (ρ_b) and water retention characteristics (θ_v (ψ_m )) measured on the intact soil cores and total porosity (φ), plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) and pore size distribution calculated from water retention data depended on the time of sampling. During wheat, the ρ_b was lower resulting in a higher φ than after maize. Moldboard plow decreased ρ_b increasing φ, while the effect of flood irrigation was opposite in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Similarly, the effects of tillage on θ_v (ψ_m ) were observed in both crops, while those of irrigation were observed in maize only. Cultivator treatment retained higher θ_v at higher ψ_m (−30 and −100 kPa), followed by chisel and moldboard plow. Plant available water capacity (θ_PAWC) was greater in maize as compared to the wheat crop. Cultivator had higher θ_PAWC than chisel and moldboard plow in both crops. Wheat had greater volume of larger pores (> 10 μm, φ_(>10)), whereas extraordinary rains as well as irrigations after tillage caused these larger pores to decrease in maize. Moldboard plow had higher φ_(>10) at 10 cm depth in both crops with greater magnitude in wheat. Field saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_fs) determined before irrigations and at the end of both crop seasons was greater in wheat than in maize especially in the first determination. Moldboard plow exhibited greater K_fs followed by chisel plow and cultivator in both crops and it decreased significantly with time in wheat but not in maize. Flood irrigation was responsible for a reduction in K_fs and the effect was greater in wheat as compared to maize. It was concluded that a greater intensity of water application in the form of rains or irrigations can revert the changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties induced by tillage more effectively than the cycles of wetting and drying. Soil hydraulic properties may be optimized with the combination of suitable tillage and irrigation for efficient utilization of water resources.

Simulação hidrossedimentológica com o modelo Lisem em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica rural / Hidrossedimentological simulation with Lisem model in a small rural catchment

Dalbianco, Leandro 28 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Hydrossedimentological monitoring and modeling have been used as important tools to evaluate and simulate the hydrosedimentological processes in rural watersheds, in order to effectively propose conservation practices in environmentally sensitive locations. The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of a physically based hydrological model (LISEM - Limburg Soil Erosion Model) in quantifying runoff and erosion in a rural catchment with high spatial variability (horizontally and vertically) physical and hydrological characteristics of the soil. The catchment has an area of 1.19 km2 and is situated in the northeastern region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Soils are characterized by reduction of water flow in the vertical soil profile either by the small thickness (Entisols and Inceptisols) or textural gradient between horizons (Ultisols) - and are associated with variations of relief, which is composed of soft hills in the top section and mountainous in the bottom section of the catchment. The predominant land use is tobacco farming (Nicotiana tabacum L.), where the surface layer of the soil is tilled to form ridges. In the first stage of the study, five slopes of the basin used for tobacco cultivation were sampled to characterize the physical and hydraulic properties at different points in the relief (top, middle slope and lowland) and four soil layers (0.00 to 0.04, from 0.20 to 0.24, from 0.40 to 0.44 and from 0.60 to 0,64 m). Field trials were also conducted to determine the infiltration rate on the slopes, and equations were also established to estimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer of soil sampled. In the second step, the LISEM model was calibrated to represent the hydrograph and sedimentograph of 20 rainfall events monitored in the river mouth from 2009 to 2012. The results of the first stage show that there is horizontal and vertical variability of physical and hydraulic properties on the slopes, being that the hillsides have a higher saturated hydraulic conductivity due to its coarser texture. Both the hydraulic conductivity and the infiltration rate were effective in identifying the horizontal variability of water flow on the slopes. The hydraulic conductivity can be estimated with good accuracy when variables from subsoil layers, for example, the total sand content, are used. The results of the second stage of the study revealed that the LISEM had a good performance in modeling the hydrograph. However, it was not possible to represent the sedimentograph, and there was an overestimate in sediment production. The model s equations related to erosion do not represent the dynamics that occur in this catchment. / O monitoramento e a modelagem hidrossedimentológica têm sido utilizados como ferramentas importantes para avaliar e simular os processos hidrossedimentológicos em bacias hidrográficas rurais, com o intuito de propor, de forma eficaz, práticas conservacionistas em locais ambientalmente frágeis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o desempenho de um modelo hidrológico de base física (LISEM Limburg Soil Erosion Model) em quantificar o escoamento superficial e o processo erosivo em uma bacia hidrográfica rural com grande variabilidade espacial (no sentido horizontal e vertical) das características físico-hídricas de solo. A bacia hidrográfica possui 1,19 km2 e está situada na região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os solos são caracterizados pela redução do fluxo de água na direção vertical do perfil de solo seja pela pequena espessura (Neossolos e Cambissolos) ou pelo gradiente textural entre horizontes (Argissolos) e estão associados às variações do relevo, que é ondulado na fração superior e montanhoso na fração inferior da bacia. O uso do solo predominante é o cultivo do tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), em que a camada superficial do solo é revolvida para a construção de camalhões. Na primeira etapa do estudo, cinco encostas da bacia utilizadas para o cultivo do tabaco foram amostradas para caracterização das propriedades físico-hídricas em diferentes pontos do relevo (topo, meia encosta e várzea) e em quatro camadas de solo (0,00 a 0,04, 0,20 a 0,24, 0,40 a 0,44 e 0,60 a 0,64 m). Também foram realizados ensaios de campo para determinação da taxa de infiltração básica nas encostas e, ainda, foram construídas equações para estimativa da condutividade hidráulica saturada em cada camada de solo amostrada. Na segunda etapa, o modelo LISEM foi calibrado para representar o hidrograma e o sedimentograma de 20 eventos monitorados no exutório da bacia entre no período de 2009 a 2012. Os resultados da primeira etapa comprovam que há variabilidade horizontal e vertical das propriedades físico-hídricas nas encostas, sendo que a meia encosta apresenta maior condutividade hidráulica saturada devido à textura mais grosseira neste local. Tanto a condutividade hidráulica quanto a taxa de infiltração básica foram eficazes em identificar a variabilidade horizontal do fluxo de água nas encostas. A condutividade hidráulica saturada pode ser estimada com boa precisão quando são usadas variáveis das camadas subsuperficiais do solo como, por exemplo, o teor de areia total. Os resultados da segunda etapa do estudo revelaram que o LISEM apresentou bom desempenho na modelagem do hidrograma. No entanto, não foi possível a representação do sedimentograma, sendo que houve superestimativa da produção de sedimentos. As equações do modelo relacionadas com o processo erosivo não representam a dinâmica que ocorre nesta bacia hidrográfica.

Caractérisation des irrigations gravitaires au moyen d'un modèle d'écoulement et de mesures in-situ : application à l'optimisation de l'irrigation du foin de Crau par calan / Adaptation of irrigation practices to a decrease in the availability of water resources : development of scenarios and quantify their impacts

Alkassem-Alosman, Mohamed 30 September 2016 (has links)
Sur la région de la Crau, le système l’irrigation gravitaire appliqué aux prairies de foin joue un rôle important dans le maintien du cycle hydrologique en étant le principal contributeur à la recharge de la nappe souterraine de la Crau (70 à 80% de la recharge). Dans le futur, des pressions sur la ressource en eau alimentée ce système d’irrigation risquent de s’accroître du fait des changements climatiques et de l’augmentation des autres usages de l’eau (domestiques,industriels, ..) et induisent la nécessité de l’optimisation de ce système afin de maintenir l’état des ressources en eau souterraines. Cette optimisation nécessite la connaissance des vrais quantités d’eau apportées à la parcelle qui sont mal connues, et de spatialiser ces quantités à l’échelle du territoire. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthodologie permettant d’améliorer la quantification de ces volumes à deux échelle (parcellaire et régionale). Un système numérique incluant un modèle d’irrigation gravitaire dénommé ‘Calhy’ a été développé au cours de ce travail. Ce système permet de caractériser le fonctionnement des principaux processus intervenant dans ce système d’irrigation (infiltration de l’eau dans le sol et la propagation à la surface de la parcelle). Mais l’estimation de ces processus est limité par la connaissance de certains paramètres non mesurables, tels que la conductivité hydraulique à saturation du sol et la rugosité hydraulique de la surface parcellaire. Une analyse de sensibilité AS a été menée dans un premier temps au cours de ce travail afin de définir la contribution de la variation de chaque paramètre non mesurable sur la variance des variables de sortie. Les résultats montrent la possibilité d’estimation ces paramètres à partir des accessibles variables auxquels ils sont sensibles. Ainsi, une méthode d’inversion s’est basé sur les résultats d’AS, combine le modèle Calhy et un dispositif expérimental a été appliqué dans un second temps pour l’estimation paramètres et valider l’approche proposée. Les résultats montrent que cette approche est robuste et efficace pour estimer ces paramètres. A la fois les paramètres ont été issus pour démarrer le système (estimés ou mesurés), nous avons étudié différentes modifications du système d’irrigation actuel (changement de la pente de la parcelle, du sens d’irrigation, l’apport de l’eau en différents points de la parcelle, ….), et leurs impacts sur l’homogénéité de l’infiltration et la durée de l’irrigation.296En parallèle, Nous avons établi un modèle empirique de dose d’irrigation basé sur l’analyse des pratiques d’irrigation investigués auprès des enquêtes procédés chez les agriculteurs. Différents modèles empiriques ont été développés en basant sur des régressions calculant la dose d’irrigation et la durée en fonction du débit disponible et des paramètres parcellaires caractérisant les conditions d’irrigation tels que la géométrie de la parcelle (longueur, largeur et surface). Le modèle de dose empirique investigué au cours de ce travail permet de fournir une estimation de la dose distribué sur tout le territoire de la Crau en intégrant ce modèle dans le simulateur de laCrau. / Worldwide, the irrigation accounts for 70% of all water consumption: understanding therelationship between irrigation and ecosystems and optimizing the irrigation practices cancontribute to the sustainability management of water resources. In the Crau region (southern ofFrance), the flooding irrigation system used for irrigating the hay fields plays an important role inwater cycle: in this system, considerable amounts of water are brought to the hay fields (about 20000 m3/ha/year i.e. 2 000 mm), which participate strongly to the recharge of the Crau aquifer(between 66% and 80% of the recharge). In the future, the pressures on the availability of waterresources that feed this irrigation system (the reservoir of Serre Ponçon) may increase because ofthe climate change and the increase in the another water uses. Thus, it becomes necessary tooptimize the irrigation practices in order to conserve the water and ensure a sufficient rechargefor aquifer of the Crau. This optimization requires i) the knowledge of the amount of waterbrought to the plot that are not currently known, ii) spatialize these amounts over the regionalscale. This work aims to develop a methodology to improve the quantification of these volumesat the field and regional scales. A numerical system that includes a flooding irrigation modelcalled 'Calhy' was developed, takes into account the main processes involved in this irrigationsystem (water infiltration into the soil and the runoff of water slide over the plot surface). Firstly,a sensitivity analysis was conducted in order to classify the Calhy’s parameters according to theirimportance and define an optimal experimental apparatus allowing to estimate them using aninverse approach. Secondly, an inversion procedure based on the proposed experimental297apparatus and the previous model was implemented on several plots in the study area. The resultsshow that the important parameters can be estimated and then Calhy can be used to analyse andoptimize irrigation practices. Then, different optimization scenarios were identified. In parallel,we developed an empirical model of irrigation dose based on the analysis of irrigation practicesin a group of exploitations in the study region. Different empirical models were developed;regressions were used to compute the irrigation dose and duration from geometricalcharacteristics of the borders (length, width and surface) and available water inflow rate. Theempirical model of irrigation dose developed in this work would provide a spatial estimation ofirrigation doses overall plots in the study region, and would contribute to a better quantificationof water recharge of the Crau aquifer and its locations.

Assessing Amendment Treatments for Sodic Soil Reclamation in Arid Land Environments

Udy, Sandra 01 December 2019 (has links)
Plugged and abandoned well pads throughout the Uintah Basin face reclamation challenges due to factors including a harsh climate, invasive species, and high salt loads. Finding ways to alleviate soil sodicity could improve soil reclamation success. Gypsum, sulfur, activated carbon, and Biochar are being applied to improve soil parameters negatively impacted by sodicity, but the direct impact of these amendments on Uintah Basin soils is still largely unknown. The aim of this study was two-fold. (1) Evaluate the effectiveness of gypsum, sulfuric acid, Biochar, activated carbon, and combinations of these amendments in reducing the impact of soil sodicity of the Desilt and Conglomerate soils by measuring amendment impact on percent dispersion, saturated hydraulic conductivity, crust bulk density, infiltration, and crust formation. (2) Compare a crust bulk density method using ImageJ to the clod wax density method and a modified linear extensibility percent equation to the linear extensibility percent equation to assess whether the novel methods can be used to accurately measure and calculate soil crust bulk density and shrink swell potential while reducing human error and analysis time.

The effects of self-filtration on saturated hydraulic conductivity in sodic sandy soils

Dikinya, Oagile January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Self-filtration is here defined as particle detachment and re-deposition causing re-arrangement of the particles and therefore pore space which affects water flow in soil by decreasing hydraulic conductivity. This is of particular important in soils which are susceptible to structural breakdown. The objective of this thesis was to examine the dynamics of the self-filtration process in sodic sandy soils as affected by ionic strength and soil solution composition. The temporal changes of hydraulic conductivity and the elution of fine particles from soil columns were used as the main criteria to assess selffiltration. Two porous media exhibiting significantly different structural cohesion were examined, one a loamy sand (Balkuling soil) from agricultural land use and the second a mining residue from mineral sands operations . . . The effects of the composition of mixed calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) ions in solution (sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)) on the exchange behaviour and saturated hydraulic conductivity were examined by carrying out batch binary exchange and saturated column transport experiments. A strong preference for Ca2+ ions in the exchange complex was observed for both soils. Generally K/Ko was found to decrease with increasing sodium adsorption ratio with the more structured Balkuling soil maintaining K/Ko for SARs 3 and 5 at an electrolyte concentration of 100 mmol/L. However measurements at the critical threshold and turbidity concentrations at a SAR of 15 revealed structural breakdown of the pore matrix system attributed to various extents of slaking, swelling, dispersion and decreases of pore radii as a result of selffiltration during leaching. These experiments illustrate the wide range of complex interactions involving clay mineralogy, solution composition and structural factors which can influence the extent of mobilization, transport and re-deposition of colloidal particles during the leaching process in soil profiles.

Índice e fluxo de água e ar em solos do sul do Brasil

Streck, Carlos Arnoldo 27 September 2007 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Soil structure is defined by form and arrangement of soil particles and pores. As a consequence of time increase of no-tillage use the soil structure has been modified by repetition of traffic caused by agricultural operations throughout years, which, in turn, has been identified as compaction implying in lost of soil quality. In this study, the S index sensibility was tested as related to other soil physical properties and was evaluated also the alterations of pore diameters and its implications on saturated hydraulic conductivity and air conductivity caused by soil use. Its was used six Oxisols, classified by brazilian soil classification system as: Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico, Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico, Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico, Latossolo Bruno alumínico, Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura média, Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura argilosa e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. The soil uses studied were: a) natural condition represented by native forest or grass field and; b) no-tillage. The S index was not associated to total clay content neither to dispersed clay content. However, for clayey soils the S index had an exponential decreased as the bulk density increased and an exponential increase as organic matter increased. The available water had a log increase with S increase and pre-consolidation pressure reduced exponentially as S index increased. These results imply sensibility to S index to evaluate soil quality of clayey soils. The soil use effects on water and air flow was detected by alterations caused by notillage on increasing bulk density, reducing total porosity, changing pore size distribution with increase in micropores as macropores reduced causing, in turn, reduction on saturated hydraulic conductivity and air conductivity. The high aggregation state of soils under native forest favored to presence of big pores and smaller amount of intermediate pores. In more compacted layer of soils under no-tillage was detected reduction of intermediate pore class and increase in micropores. / A estrutura do solo é definida pela sua condição física, expressa pela dimensão, forma e arranjo das partículas sólidas e dos poros a elas associados. Com o tempo de uso do sistema plantio direto, a estrutura do solo é modificada pela repetitividade das operações agrícolas realizadas ao longo dos anos. A alteração da estrutura pela compactação tem causado perdas na qualidade física dos solos. Neste trabalho, testou-se a sensibilidade do índice S, em relação a algumas propriedades físicas dos solos e avaliaram-se as alterações impostas pelo uso do solo no diâmetro dos poros, na condutividade hidráulica saturada e na condutividade do ar. Os solos avaliados foram: Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico, Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico, Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico, Latossolo Bruno alumínico, Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura média, Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura argilosa e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Os sistemas de uso foram: condição natural, representada pela mata nativa ou campo nativo; e condição de lavoura, sob plantio direto. O índice S não se relacionou com o teor de argila total ou argila dispersa. Para o os solos argilosos e muito argilosos, o índice S apresentou um decréscimo exponencial com o aumento da densidade do solo e um crescimento exponencial com o aumento da matéria orgânica do solo. A água disponível as plantas aumentou de forma logarítmica com o aumento do S enquanto a pressão de préconsolidação reduziu exponencialmente com o aumento do S. Conclui-se que o índice S apresentou sensibilidade para determinar a qualidade física dos solos de textura argilosa e muito argilosa. Quanto ao impacto do uso do solo sobre os fluxos de água e ar, constatou-se que o solo sob cultivo apresentou aumento na densidade e redução na porosidade total, ocorreu alteração na distribuição do diâmetro de poros com aumento da quantidade de poros pequenos em detrimento dos poros maiores, o que provocou a redução da condutividade hidráulica saturada e da condutividade do ar no solo. A alta estruturação do solo na mata nativa favoreceu a presença de poros grandes e menor quantidade de poros de tamanho intermediário. Nas camadas mais compactadas do plantio direto verificou-se a redução da classe de poros de tamanho intermediário e o aumento da quantidade de poros pequenos.

Stanovení hydraulických charakteristik půdy ve vybraném zájmovém území / Determination of hydraulic characteristics of soil in a selected area

Salač, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on issues of measurement and evaluation of hydraulic characteristics of soil. In the literary research, the definitions of hydraulic conductivity and retention curve of soil moisture, their measurements in laboratory and field conditions and the prediction of these characteristics by using of pedotransfer functions. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, an evaluation of the hydraulic conductivity of soil from the experimental areas near the village Bohaté Málkovice. Two-cylindrical and mini-disc infiltration meters were used for field measurements, and a constant-gradient permeameter was used in the laboratory. Physical and empirical equations were used to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity. The results were processed numerically, tabulated and then compared.

Soil Physical Characteristics of an Aeric Ochraqualf amended with Biochar

Eastman, Christopher Mark 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Účinky hospodaření s půdou na kvalitu půdy v blízkosti obce Šardičky / Effects of soil management on soil quality near Šardičky village

Schneiderová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on influence of reduced tillage technology of soil processing on it´s near-surface soil layer (0 to 10 cm). The research was carried out on agricultural land near Šardičky village, where company ZEMO spol. s r.o. provides long-term use of reduced tillage technology. In 2016 the soil quality in this site was evaluated by using physical and hydrophysical parameters, results are presented in the previous bachelor thesis "Selected hydrophysical parameters as indicators of soil quality.". In diploma thesis in addition chemical and other hydrophysical properties have been evaluated to provide a comprehensive assessment of soil quality. In 2016, poppy seed was grown on this site and spring barley was grown in 2017 and 2018. Grab samples and intact soil cores were taken during the vegetation period of the crop. After three years of experimental research, in which I participated, it is possible to assess the development of individual parameters and the influence of reduced tillage technology on near-surface soil layer. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the description of the reduced tillage technology and problematics of the determination of soil parameters, which are used for evaluation of the quality of the near-surface layer. The practical part deals with evaluation of these parameters according to various authors and describes the development of soil quality during years 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Vliv různých agrotechnologií na fyzikální kvalitu půdy ve vybraných lokalitách v Jihomoravském kraji / The effects of different agro-technologies on the soil physical quality in selected localities in the South Moravian Region

Bažantová, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
Farmland is being handled by various the tillage of soil especially for the correct course of soil processes, plant growth and development and of course profit. There are two types of the tillage of soil are their conventional (classical) which involves plowing and minimization tillage, where is excluded plowing. The last few decades, the development the tillage of soil focuses on minimization tillage. This includes loosing up small depth, soil conservation tillage and direct seeding. This thesis is aimed at impact of minimization tillage on selected physical and hydraulic properties of the soil. Sampling undisturbed soil samples was performed on the experimental plot Kozlany by Kopecky rollers (V = 100 cm3) from depth of 0 - 10 cm, during the year 2016. On this plot was used minimization tillage in the form loosing up small depth and direct seeding.

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