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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Métodos e processos para a análise experimental de sistemas oceânicos de produção de petróleo e gás. / Methods and procedures for the experimental analysis of offshore systems for oil and gas production.

Edgard Borges Malta 09 April 2010 (has links)
O aumento na complexidade das operações de sistemas de produção de petróleo e gás no mar e um fato concreto. Atualmente, a necessidade de avaliar o comportamento no mar destes sistemas requer a compreensão de fenômenos, até então, pouco explorados e que tornam imprescindível uma investigação apoiada em experimentos com modelos reduzidos. Resultados obtidos em tanques de provas, por sua vez, requerem metodologias que contam com a experiência do pesquisador e que, em muitos casos, não são encontradas de maneira detalhada o suficiente na literatura. Ou seja, muitas destas metodologias normalmente são encontradas, no entanto, não em nível para que pesquisadores iniciantes desenvolvam atividades experimentais minimamente pertinentes as eventuais tomadas de decisão ou confrontação com outras linhas de abordagem como a analítica e/ou a numérica. Portanto, e exatamente neste contexto que se insere a presente dissertação de mestrado, buscando descrever em detalhes a teoria e prática envolvida nos procedimentos experimentais para o estudo de comportamento no mar típico de uma plataforma padrão, perfeitamente adaptáveis a outras geometrias mais complexas de sistemas navais e oceânicos. Esses procedimentos envolvem desde o planejamento dos ensaios necessários, passando pelos cuidados durante sua execução, culminando nos métodos de análise dos resultados e formas usuais de documentação. Para facilitar o processo de compreensão, além do próprio texto, este trabalho também contemplou a construção de uma ferramenta matemática dedicada a condução das atividades acima, destacando-se a avaliação e obtenção de parâmetros a partir de ensaios de decaimento e o levantamento expedito das curvas de resposta em ondas regulares, transientes e irregulares. / The increasing complexity of o shore system operations for oil and gas production is a reality. Currently, the need to evaluate the seakeeping of these systems requires understanding some phenomena not yet explored and, for that reason, researches using experiments with small scale models become indispensable. Results obtained in model basins require methodologies that rely on the researchers experience and, most of the time, they are not found detailed enough in the literature. When many of these methodologies are usually found, however, they are not ready for beginner researchers to develop experimental activities minimally relevant to any decision and/or confrontation with other lines, such as the analytical and/or numerical approaches. Therefore, the context of this dissertation describes in detail the theory and involved practice in an experimental procedure for the study of seakeeping of a standard platform, perfectly adaptable to other complex geometries and naval systems. These procedures involve the planning of the necessary tests, through the care during their execution, culminating in the methods of result analyses and usual forms of documentation. In order to facilitate the process of understanding, the construction of a dedicated mathematical tool to conduct the activities described above is provided, emphasizing the assessment and quick obtaining parameters from decay tests, curves response in regular and transient waves, among many others.

Approximation de modèles dynamiques de grande dimension sur intervalles de fréquences limités / Frequency-limited model approximation of large-scale dynamical models

Vuillemin, Pierre 24 November 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes physiques sont représentés par des modèles mathématiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour simuler, analyser ou contrôler ces systèmes. Selon la complexité du système qu’il est censé représenter, un modèle peut être plus ou moins complexe. Une complexité trop grande peut s’avérer problématique en pratique du fait des limitations de puissance de calcul et de mémoire des ordinateurs. L’une des façons de contourner ce problème consiste à utiliser l’approximation de modèles qui vise à remplacer le modèle complexe par un modèle simplifié dont le comportement est toujours représentatif de celui du système physique.Dans le cas des modèles dynamiques Linéaires et Invariants dans le Temps (LTI), la complexité se traduit par une dimension importante du vecteur d’état et on parle alors de modèles de grande dimension. L’approximation de modèle, encore appelée réduction de modèle dans ce cas, a pour but de trouver un modèle dont le vecteur d’état est plus petit que celui du modèle de grande dimension tel que les comportements entrée-sortie des deux modèles soient proches selon une certaine norme. La norme H2 a été largement considérée dans la littérature pour mesurer la qualité d’un modèle réduit. Cependant, la bande passante limitée des capteurs et des actionneurs ainsi que le fait qu’un modèle est généralement représentatif d’un système physique dans une certaine bande fréquentielle seulement, laissent penser qu’un modèle réduit dont le comportement est fidèle au modèle de grande dimension dans un intervalle de fréquences donné,peut être plus pertinent. C’est pourquoi, dans cette étude, la norme H2 limitée en fréquence,ou norme H2, Ω, qui est simplement la restriction de la norme H2 sur un intervalle de fréquences Ω, a été considérée. En particulier, le problème qui vise à trouver un modèle réduit minimisant la norme H2, Ω de l’erreur d’approximation avec le modèle de grande dimension a été traité.Deux approches ont été proposées dans cette optique. La première est une approche empirique basée sur la modification d’une méthode sous-optimale pour l’approximation H2. En pratique, ses performances s’avèrent intéressantes et rivalisent avec certaines méthodes connues pour l’approximation de modèles sur intervalles de fréquences limités.La seconde est une méthode d’optimisation basée sur la formulation pôles-résidus de la norme H2, Ω. Cette formulation généralise naturellement celle existante pour la norme H2 et permet également d’exprimer deux bornes supérieures sur la norme H∞ d’un modèle LTI, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant dans le cadre de la réduction de modèle. Les conditions d’optimalité du premier ordre pour le problème d’approximation optimale en norme H2, Ω ont été exprimées et utilisées pour créer un algorithme de descente visant à trouver un minimum local au problème d’approximation. Couplée aux bornes sur la norme H∞ de l’erreur d’approximation,cette méthode est utilisée pour le contrôle de modèle de grande dimension.D’un point de vue plus pratique, l’ensemble des méthodes proposées dans cette étude ont été appliquées, avec succès, dans un cadre industriel comme élément d’un processus global visant à contrôler un avion civil flexible. / Physical systems are represented by mathematical models in order to be simulated, analysed or controlled. Depending on the complexity of the physical system it is meant to represent and on the way it has been built, a model can be more or less complex. This complexity can become an issue in practice due to the limited computational power and memory of computers. One way to alleviate this issue consists in using model approximation which is aimed at finding a simpler model that still represents faithfully the physical system.In the case of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) dynamical models, complexity translates into a large dimension of the state vector and one talks about large-scale models. Model approximation is in this case also called model reduction and consists in finding a model with a smaller state vector such that the input-to-output behaviours of both models are close with respect to some measure. The H2-norm has been extensively used in the literature to evaluate the quality of a reduced-order model. Yet, due to the limited band width of actuators, sensors and the fact that models are generally representative on a bounded frequency interval only, a reduced-order model that faithfully reproduces the behaviour of the large-scale one over a bounded frequency interval only, may be morerelevant. That is why, in this study, the frequency-limited H2-norm, or H2,Ω-norm, which is the restriction of theH2-norm over a frequency interval, has been considered. In particular, the problem of finding a reduced-ordermodel that minimises the H2, Ω-norm of the approximation error with the large-scale model has been addressed here. For that purpose, two approaches have been developed. The first one is an empirical approach based on the modification of a sub-optimal H2 model approximation method. Its performances are interesting in practice and compete with some well-known frequency-limited approximation methods. The second one is an optimisationmethod relying on the poles-residues formulation of the H2,Ω-norm. This formulation naturally extends the oneexisting for the H2-norm and can also be used to derive two upper bounds on the H∞-norm of LTI dynamical models which is of particular interest in model reduction. The first-order optimality conditions of the optimal H2,Ω approximation problem are derived and used to built a complex-domain descent algorithm aimed at finding a local minimum of the problem. Together with the H∞ bounds on the approximation error, this approach isused to perform control of large-scale models. From a practical point of view, the methods proposed in this study have been successfully applied in an industrial context as a part of the global process aimed at controlling a flexible civilian aircraft.

Análisis dinámico del confort en edificios con estrategias de control adaptativo en modos deslizantes

Florez Montes, Frank 02 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] En esta tesis de doctorado se utiliza el modelado matemático de zonas térmicas para evaluar la capacidad del control en modos deslizantes, para regular la temperatura interna de un caso de estudio. Se utiliza la técnica de parámetros agrupados para representar los espacios cerrados, que al ser complementada con mediciones experimentales y algoritmos de optimización, permitió construir un simulador para reproducir con una precisión de más del 97% las condiciones del modelo estudiado, y que permitió estudiar el sistema en general mientras se introducen perturbaciones o variaciones en los parámetros del modelo. Inicialmente se utilizaron modelos de escala reducida para caracterizar el efecto termo-aislante de la solución Thermo Skold sobre la temperatura interna, se caracterizó el efecto de la pintura sobre cada uno de los parámetros de transmisión de calor del caso de estudio, lo que permitió entender los ahorros y resultados obtenidos experimentalmente. Posteriormente, se utilizaron los modelos de escala reducida para evaluar la técnica de control en modos deslizantes, por lo que se modeló, simuló y veri ficó experimentalmente la efectividad de la técnica para mantener una temperatura de referencia ja, con un error inferior al 2 %. En la etapa final de la tesis se utilizó un domo geodésico como caso de estudio, el cual fue modelado con un circuito eléctrico propuesto para sus características específi cas. Se realizaron medidas experimentales de las condiciones térmicas del domo geodésico, con las cuales se ajustó el simulador utilizando el algoritmo de optimización Búsqueda de Patrones. Gracias al simulador desarrollado se estudiaron las condiciones de confort térmico y las necesidades de refrigeración del domo, considerando diferentes situaciones y cargas internas por ocupantes y sistemas de refrigeración. / [EN] In this doctoral thesis, the mathematical modeling of thermal zones is used to evaluate the ability of the control in sliding modes, to regulate the internal temperature of a case study. The grouped parameters technique is used to represent the closed spaces, which, when complemented with experimental measurements and optimization algorithms, allowed the construction of a simulator to reproduce the conditions of the model studied with an accuracy of more than 97 %, which allowed studying the system in general while introducing disturbances or variations in the model parameters. Initially, reduced-scale models were used to characterize the thermal insulating effect of the Thermo Skold solution on the internal temperature. The impact of the painting on each one of the heat transfer parameters was studied, which allowed us to understand the savings and results obtained experimentally. Subsequently, the reduced scale models were used to evaluate the control technique in sliding modes, so the effectiveness of the technique was modeled, simulated and verified experimentally to maintain a fixed reference temperature, with an error of less than 2%. In the final stage of the thesis, a geodesic dome was used as a case study, which was modeled with an electrical circuit proposed for its specific characteristics. Experimental measurements of the thermal conditions of the geodesic dome were made, with which the simulator was adjusted using the Pattern Search optimization algorithm. Thanks to the simulator developed, the thermal comfort conditions and the cooling needs of the dome were studied, considering different situations and internal loads by occupants and cooling systems. / [CA] En aquesta tesi de doctorat s'utilitza el modelatge matemàtic de zones tèrmiques per avaluar la capacitat de l'control en maneres lliscants, per regular la temperatura interna d'un cas d'estudi. S'utilitza la tècnica de paràmetres agrupats per representar els espais tancats, que a l'ésser complementada amb mesuraments experimentals i algoritmes d'optimització, va permetre construir un simulador per reproduir amb una precisió de més de l' 97 % les condicions de el model estudiat, i que va permetre estudiar el sistema en general mentre s'introdueixen pertorbacions o variacions en els paràmetres de el model. Inicialment es van utilitzar models d'escala reduïda per caracteritzar l'efecte termo-aïllant de la solució Thermo Skold sobre la temperatura interna, es va caracteritzar l'efecte de la pintura sobre cadascun dels paràmetres de transmissió de calor de l' cas d'estudi, el que va permetre entendre els estalvis i resultats obtinguts experimentalment. Posteriorment, es van utilitzar els models d'escala reduïda per avaluar la tècnica de control en maneres lliscants, de manera que es va modelar, simular i va verificar experimentalment l'efectivitat de la tècnica per mantenir una temperatura de referència fixa, amb un error inferior a el 2 % . En l'etapa final de la tesi es va utilitzar un dom geodèsic com a cas d'estudi, el qual va ser modelat amb un circuit elèctric proposat per les seves característiques especifiques. Es van realitzar mesures experimentals de les condicions tèrmiques de l'dom geodèsic, amb les quals es va ajustar el simulador utilitzant l'algoritme d'optimització Cerca de Patrons. Gràcies a el simulador desenvolupat es van estudiar les condicions de confort tèrmic i les necessitats de refrigeració de la cúpula, considerant diferents situacions i càrregues internes per ocupants i sistemes de refrigeració. / Al programa de becas de doctorados nacionales convocatoria 727 de Colciencias, por todos los recursos aportados durante el desarrollo de mis estudios. Finalmente, a la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales y a la Universidad Politècnica de Valencia, que con sus programas de doctorado en ingeniería automática y matemáticas aplicadas contribuyeron en mi formación como investigador. / Florez Montes, F. (2020). Análisis dinámico del confort en edificios con estrategias de control adaptativo en modos deslizantes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153803

A design of experiments approach for engineering carbon metabolism in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Brown, Steven Richard January 2016 (has links)
The proven ability to ferment Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a large scale presents an attractive target for producing chemicals and fuels from sustainable sources. Efficient and predominant carbon flux through to ethanol is a significant engineering issue in the development of this yeast as a multi-product cell chassis used in biorefineries. In order to evaluate diversion of carbon flux away from ethanol, combinatorial deletions were investigated in genes encoding the six isozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which catalyse the terminal step in ethanol production. The scarless, dominant and counter- selectable amdSYM gene deletion method was optimised for generation of a combinatorial ADH knockout library in an industrially relevant strain of S. cerevisiae. Current understanding of the individual ADH genes fails to fully evaluate genotype-by-genotype and genotype-by-environment interactions: rather, further research of such a complex biological process requires a multivariate mathematical modelling approach. Application of such an approach using the Design of Experiments (DoE) methodology is appraised here as essential for detailed empirical evaluation of complex systems. DoE provided empirical evidence that in S. cerevisiae: i) the ADH2 gene is not associated with producing ethanol under anaerobic culture conditions in combination with 25 g l-1 glucose substrate concentrations; ii) ADH4 is associated with increased ethanol production when the cell is confronted with a zinc-limited [1 μM] environment; and iii) ADH5 is linked with the production of ethanol, predominantly at pH 4.5. A successful metabolic engineering strategy is detailed which increases the product portfolio of S. cerevisiae, currently used for large-scale production of bioethanol. Heterologous expression of the cytochrome P450 fatty acid peroxygenase from Jeotgalicoccus sp., OleTJE, fused to the RhFRED reductase from Rhodococcus sp. NCIMB 978 converted free fatty acid precursors to C13, C15 and C17 alkenes (3.81 ng μl-1 total alkene concentration).

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