Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canning tunneling"" "subject:"8canning tunneling""
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Local measurements of cyclotron states in grapheneKubista, Kevin Dean 04 April 2011 (has links)
Multilayer epitaxial graphene has been shown to contain "massless Dirac fermions" and is believed to provide a possible route to industrial-scale graphene electronics. We used scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) in high magnetic fields to obtain local information on these fermions. A new STS technique was developed to directly measure graphene's energy-momentum relationship and resulted in the highest precision measurement of graphene's Dirac cone. STS spectra similar to ideal graphene were observed, but additional anomalies were also found. Extra peaks and an asymmetry between electron and hole states were shown to be caused by the work function difference between the Iridium STM tip and graphene. This tip effect was extracted using modeled potentials and performing a least square fit using degenerate perturbation theory on graphene's eigenstates solved in the symmetric gauge. Defects on graphene were then investigated and magnetic field effects were shown to be due to a mixture of potential effect from defects and the tip potential. New defect states were observed to localize around specific defects, and are believed to interact with the STM tip by Stark shifting in energy. This Stark shift gives a direct measurement of the capacitive coupling between the tip and graphene and agrees with the modeled results found when extracting the tip potential.
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STM studies of ABP molecules - towards molecular latching for dangling-bond wire circuitsNickel, Anja 14 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es ein Molekül zu finden und mittels hochauflösender Techniken zu untersuchen, das auf passivierten Halbleiteroberflächen als Schalter in atomaren Schaltkreisen wirken kann. Für diesen Zweck stehen Moleküle zur Verfügung, die aus mindestens einem aromatischen Ring und einer Ankergruppe bestehen, die kovalent auf Silizium bindet. Um einzelne Moleküle auf leitenden Substraten zu untersuchen, hat sich die Nutzung eines Tieftemperatur-Rastertunnelmikroskops (low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope, LT-STM) als geeignetes Werkzeug erwiesen. Zum Einen ist damit die topographische und spektroskopische Charakterisierung von leitenden Proben auf atomarer Ebene möglich, zum Anderen können einzelne Moleküle und Nanostrukturen hochpräzise bewegt oder elektrisch angesprochen werden.
Atomare Schaltkreise können besonders präzise auf passivierten Halbleiteroberflächen hergestellt werden. So ist es zum Beispiel möglich, eine Reihe Wasserstoffatome gezielt mit Hilfe einer STM-Spitze von der Oberfläche zu desorbieren. Durch die Überlappung der dann freien Orbitale entstehen, je nach Richtung auf der Oberfläche, atomare Drähte mit unterschiedlichen elektrischen Eigenschaften. Da die Drähte empfindlich hinsichtlich ihrer chemischen Umgebung sind, können diese auch als logische Schaltelemente verwendet werden. Dafür werden die Drähte mit einzelnen Molekülen angesteuert.
Geeignete Schaltmoleküle wurden zunächst auf der Au(111)-Oberfläche getestet. Dabei konnten grundlegende und interessante Eigenschaften von selbst-assemblierten Strukturen untersucht werden. Am Modellsystem von nicht-kovalent gebundenen 4-Acetylbiphenyl-Nanostrukturen auf Gold (111) wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt diese Molekülgruppen behutsam zu bewegen. Durch Anlegen eines Spannungspulses auf den Nanostrukturen konnten diese auf der Oberfläche über weite Strecken gezielt und ohne Beeinflussung der internen Struktur positioniert werden.
Um Moleküle für zukünftige elektronische Anwendungen zu untersuchen wurde zunächst das Verfahren zur Präparation von sauberen Siliziumoberflächen in die hier verwendeten Anlage implementiert. Es konnten reproduzierbar saubere, (2×1) rekonstruierte Si(100)- Oberflächen präpariert und charakterisiert werden.
Nach der erfolgreichen Präparation von Silizium-Oberflächen und der Entwicklung geeigneter Präparationsrezepte für das Schalter-Molekül 4-Acetylbiphenyl (ABP) wurden beide Systeme vereint. Das Molekül konnte erfolgreich auf die Silizium(100)-Oberfläche aufgebracht und die native Adsorptionskonfiguration durch das Anlegen von Spannungspulsen geändert werden. Das Schalten zwischen zwei Konfigurationen ist reproduzierbar und umkehrbar. ABP ist somit der erste umkehrbare molekulare Schalter, der jemals auf Silizium realisiert werden konnte.
Bei der Untersuchung technomimetischer Moleküle in Radachsen-Form konnte bisher die Rollbewegung nur anhand der Analyse der Manipulationskurven nachvollzogen und belegt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Rollen eines Nano-Radmoleküls bewiesen. Dazu wurde bei der Synthese in einem Teil der Subphthalocyanin-Räder eine Markierung in Form eines Stickstoffatoms gesetzt. Bei der lateralen Manipulation der Räder auf Gold(111) konnte dann durch Vergleich der STM-Bilder die Markierung verfolgt und darauf geschlossen werden, ob das Rad gerollt oder verschoben wurde. / The aim of this thesis is the investigation of switching properties of single organic molecules, which can be used as molecular latches on a passivated silicon surface. Suitable molecules should be composed of an anchor group that can bind covalently to the silicon surface as well as an aromatic ring for the latching effect. For the imaging as well as the manipulation of single molecules on conductive substrates, a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope, LT-STM, is a versatile and powerful tool. On the one hand, STM provides topographical and spectroscopic characterization of single molecules on conductive surfaces at the atomic level. On the other hand, under the tip of a STM single molecules and nanostructures can be moved with atomic precision or can be addressed by voltage pulses.
Moreover, by STM it is possible to build atomic-scale circuits on passivated semiconducting surfaces as silicon (100). The STM tip is used to extract single hydrogen atoms from the surface to built atomic wires. As the orbitals of the depassivated dangling bonds of the silicon surface overlap differently depending on the direction of the wire in reference to the surface reconstruction, the electrical properties of the wires differ. Moreover, the properties of the wires vary depending on the chemical environment. Taking advantage of these characteristics, the atomic wires can be used as atomic-scale logic elements. However, to bring the input signal to a single logic element, latches are required to controllably passivate and depassivate single dangling-bond pairs.
During preliminary studies on possible molecular latches, interesting experiments could be performed on 4-acetylbiphenyl (ABP) on Au(111). The molecules self assemble in non-covalently bond groups of three or four molecules. These groups can be moved controllably by applying voltage pulses on top of the supramolecular structure. The manipulation is possible over long ranges and without losing the internal structure of the assemblies.
For the investigation of promising candidates for future molecular electronics on silicon, a preparation procedure tailored to the used UHV machine was developed. During this process, clean (2×1) reconstructed Si(100) surfaces could be prepared reproducibly and were characterized by means of STM imaging and spectroscopy.
Switches are essential for electronic circuitry, on macroscopic as well as microscopic level. For the implementation of molecular devices on silicon, ABP is a promising candidate for a latch. In this thesis, ABP was successfully deposited on Si(100) and was switched by applying voltage pulses on top of the molecule. Two stable conformations were found and switching was realized reproducibly and reversibly.
In the last part of this work, the rolling of a double-wheel technomimetic molecule was demonstrated. This thesis shows the rolling of a nanowheel on Au(111) as opposed to pushing, pulling or sliding. For this, the subphthalocyanine wheels were tagged by nitrogen during their synthesis. As this tag has different electronic properties than the rest of the wheel, it can be monitored in the STM images. By comparing the images before and after the manipulation the position of the tag proves the actual rolling.
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Atomic and electronic structure of the cleaved non-polar 6H-SiC(11-20) and GaN(1-100) surfaces / Atomic and electronic structure of the cleaved non-polar 6H-SiC(11-20) and GaN(1-100) surfacesBertelli, Marco 30 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Co-impurified Noble Metal Surfaces: Kondo-Effect, Electronic Surface States and Diffusive Atom Transport / Rastertunnelmikroskopie an verdünnt Co-legierten Edelmetalloberflächen: Kondo-Effekt, Oberflächenzustände und diffusiver AtomtransportQuaas, Norbert 10 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Nanomanufacturing is an active research area in academia and industry due to the ever-growing demands for precision surface modifications of thin films or substrates with nanoscale features. Conventional lithographic techniques face many challenges as they approach their fundamental limits. Consequently, new nanomanufacturing tools, fabrication techniques, and precision instruments are being explored and developed to meet these challenges. It has been hypothesized that direct-write nanolithography might be achieved by using a field-emitted electron beam for nanomachining. This dissertation moves this research one step closer by developing a precision instrument that can enable the integration of direct-write nanolithography by a field-emitted electron beam with dimensional metrology by scanning tunneling microscopy. First, field emission from two prospective electron sources, a carbon nanotube field emitter and a sharp tungsten field emitter, is characterized at distances ranging from sub-micrometer to a few micrometers. Also, the design and construction of a low thermal drift piezoelectric linear motor is described for tip-sample approach. Experiments indicate that: the step size is highly repeatable with a standard deviation of less than 1.2 nm and the thermal stability is better than 40 nm/◦C. Finally, the design and construction of the instrument are presented. Experiments indicate that: the instrument is operating properly in scanning tunneling microscope mode with a resolution of less than 2 Å.
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Structural and spectroscopic studies of surfacesLaitenberger, Peter January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Atomic force microscopy : atomic resolution imaging and force-distance spectroscopyGrimble, Ralph Ashley January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Imaging and manipulation of atoms by STM at room temperatureFishlock, Timothy William January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Structural and spectroscopic studies of surfaces on the nanometre scaleFesty, Frederic January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Structure and Electronic Properties of Phthalocyanine Films on Metal and Semiconductor Substrates / Structure et propriétés électroniques de films phthalocyanine sur Substrats métalliques et Semi-conducteursBidermane, Ieva 14 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des résultats originaux sur les phtalocyanines (Pc), un groupe de molécules d'inspiration biologique. En raison de l'utilisation grandissante de films moléculaires de phtalocyanine dans des dispositifs ayant des applications technologiques variées, de nombreuses études ont été consacrées à ces molécules au cours des dernières décennies.Les spectroscopies de photoélectron sur les niveaux de c¿ur ou de valence (PES), la spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X (XAS) et la microscopie à effet tunnel (STM) ont été utilisées pour étudier ces molécules en phase gazeuse et adsorbées sur l'or Au (111) et le silicium Si (100)-2x1 . Des calculs théoriques utilisant la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) sont utilisés pour obtenir des informations complémentaires sur leur structure électronique. Le but de nos études est d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension des interactions molécule - molécule et molécule - surface, pour améliorer les dispositifs à base de phtalocyanine.Grâce à des calculs DFT et des mesures PSE en phase gazeuse, il a été possible de mettre en évidence l'influence de l'ion métallique sur la bande de valence. Ainsi FePc présente les états 2p du carbone alors que ce sont les états 3d du manganèse qui dominent pour MnPc. Les études PES et STM sur H2Pc et LuPc2 déposés sur Au (111) ont révélé la formation de monocouche et de bicouche respectivement. La comparaison entre l'adsorption de LuPc2 sur Si(100) nu ou passivé a confirmé la différence de réactivité sur ces deux surfaces : sur Si passivé, LuPc2 conserve un caractère moléculaire, en revanche sur Si nu, une interaction importante est mise en évidence. / The thesis presents fundamental studies of phthalocyanines (Pc), a group of organic macro-cycle molecules, similar to systems found in nature. The use of phthalocyanine molecular films in devices with a variety of possible technological applications has been the reason of the many studies during the last decades. Core and valence photoelectron spectroscopies (PES), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) techniques are used to study Pc molecules in gas phase and adsorbed on gold Au(111) and silicon Si(100)-2x1 substrates. Density function theory (DFT) is used to obtain further insights in the electronic structure of the phthalocyanines.We aim to obtain a deeper understanding of the molecule-molecule and molecule-substrate interactions, a fundamental requirement for improving devices based on organic materials. Gas phase PES experiments and DFT calculations performed on different Pcs show the influence of the metal atom on the valence band spectra, where FePc and H2Pc HOMO is formed from C2p states, whereas MnPc has mainly Mn3d character.PES and STM studies of H2Pc and LuPc2 on Au(111) show a formation of a monolayer for H2Pc and a bi-layer of LuPc2 at lower thicknesses. XAS studies show a parallel to surface orientation of both H2Pc and LuPc2 with a change in tilt angle of the molecules with increasing thickness.A comparison of LuPc2 adsorbed on pristine and passivated Si surfaces show a bulk-like LuPc2 character on passivated Si, whereas a surface induced difference in adsorption geometry is evidenced on pristine Si and two energetically different adsorption geometries are proposed.
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