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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of educational psychology support for children at risk of school exclusion

Waite, Jennifer January 2014 (has links)
Children or young people with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) are at an increased risk of school exclusion (Hayden, 1997). The support provided through educational psychologists’ engagement in preventative and reactive approaches at the individual, group and systems level for children or young people with SEBDs at risk of school exclusion, is presented in existing research (Clarke & Jenner, 2006; Hardman, 2001; O’Brien & Miller, 2005; Thorne & Ivens, 1999). The studies are, however, limited in providing transferable knowledge into educational psychologists’ practice and accounting for individual level support for crisis management situations for children or young people, at immediate risk of school exclusion. The studies are limited in exploring effective strategies and methods employed by a Specialist Educational Psychologist (SEBD) and the distinctive contribution of Specialist Educational Psychologists’ (SEBD) support. In the present study, a Specialist Educational Psychologist (SEBD) from an Independent Educational Psychology Service was identified to take part in the study. The Participant Specialist Educational Psychologist1 identified two casework examples of positive practice, whereby her input led to positive outcomes for the children with SEBD, at risk of permanent school exclusion. An in-depth single case study design was utilised to explore the strategies and methods employed by the Participant Specialist Educational Psychologist and her unique contribution from the Participant Specialist Educational Psychologist’s perspective and from the perspectives of the school professionals and parents involved in the two caseworks. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data gathering method and were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six phased model of thematic analysis. An Integrated Thematic Map was produced made up of Seven Organising Themes. A content analysis was completed on documentary evidence of the Participant Specialist Educational Psychologist’s action plans and was triangulated with aspects of the findings from the thematic analysis. The effective strategies and methods applied by the Participant Specialist Educational Psychologist and the distinctive contribution of her support are described. The study provides ‘new’ and ‘confirmed’ insights into effective practice that aims to contribute to the skill set and knowledge of practitioner educational psychologists and through which, strengthen the support provided to schools for children or young people with SEBD, at risk of permanent school exclusion. The findings also provide insight to the distinctive role of the educational psychologist in effective specialist support and the specialist role within the profession. The insight is considered important in light of the current changes occurring within the profession and the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Review (DfE, 2011a; DfE, 2012a).

The Effects of Residential Mobility and School Exclusion History on Educational Attainment

Polat, Bikem, 0000-0002-4872-2630 January 2020 (has links)
Educational attainment in the U.S. continues to be marred by racial and socioeconomic (SES) disparities. Despite decades of research on the predictors of attainment and the decreases in dropout rates, minority-race and low-income youth continue to dropout at higher rates than their White and wealthy peers. Therefore, the question remains, why do many students persist while some drop out? To better understand attainment, an analysis of a nationally representative sample within which attainment is evaluated as part of a process of grade advancement and the nuanced nature that the timing, frequency, and severity of previous life events have on a child’s educational path are addressed is needed. The study presented here is a first step to evaluate the effects of residential mobility and school exclusion history on the attainment of a cohort of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). First, patterns of school exclusion, residential mobility, and dropout over the study period were outlined. Next, the relationships between predictors of dropout and dropout examined. Finally, the effects of the frequency and timing of residential mobility, school exclusion, and other predictors on attainment were explored using discrete time survival analysis. Findings indicate the potential utility of these methods in future research to better understand the process of dropout so more informed interventions can be designed to serve students. / Urban Education

Progressão continuada e suas repercussões na escola pública paulista: concepções de educadores / Progressão continuada and this consequences in public schools from São Paulo: conceptions of educators

Viégas, Lygia de Sousa 17 December 2002 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva conhecer concepções de educadores sobre a Progressão Continuada. Esta política educacional foi implementada nas escolas públicas paulistas de Ensino Fundamental em 1998, visando transformar a realidade dos altos índices de reprovação e evasão. Para tanto, apresenta um breve resgate histórico da proposta de organização do ensino em ciclos no Estado de São Paulo, bem como o entendimento da Progressão Continuada a partir das perspectivas oficial, sindical e acadêmica. Inspirada no estudo de caso etnográfico, a pesquisadora acompanhou, durante um semestre, um grupo de professores de uma escola estadual paulista. O trabalho de campo compreendeu: grupos reflexivos com professores e entrevistas individuais com coordenadora pedagógica, supervisora de ensino e professores. A análise qualitativa dos dados abordou principalmente o processo de implantação da Progressão Continuada na rede pública paulista e como, em seu interior, realiza-se a aprovação e a reprovação, a avaliação, o reforço, a frequência e o trabalho docente. A partir da pesquisa realizada, destacam-se as seguintes repercussões desta política pública sobre as escolas da rede pública paulista: a exclusão no interior da escola, que atinge alunos (promovidos automaticamente) e professores (apartados da discussão e planejamento desta proposta); a resistência docente a esta proposta (analisada da perspectiva política); o mal-estar docente vivido nesse contexto e a manutenção do preconceito que assola as escolas e atinge especialmente os alunos das classes populares. / The purpose of this research is to know the conceptions of educators about the Progressão Continuada - an educational policy recently implemented that restricted the practice of holding the pupils in the same grade more than one year. This educational policy was implanted in 1998 at the São Paulo public school system. It aims at dealing with the high rates of school failure. This research starts with a brief summary of the history of the organization of the school system in cycles in the State of São Paulo. Following, it presents the analysis of the three different perspectives of the Progressão Continuada : the official documents, the Union’s perspective and the educational literature. Based on the ethnographic perspective, the researcher followed a group of teachers in a state school. The fieldwork included: reflexive groups with teachers, and interviews with the pedagogic coordinator, school supervisor and teachers. The data analysis is focused on the process of implementation of the Progressão Continuada in the state schools of São Paulo and how, within it, some school practices occur, such as: repetition, promotion, evaluation, support groups, as well as those practices related to the teacher work. The research brought to light some consequences of the Progressão Continuada: a) the existence of practices of exclusion within the school, such exclusion affecting not only the students (which are automatically promoted) but also the teachers (which are kept apart from the discussion and planning of this proposal); b) the teaching resistance to this proposal (analysed from the political perspective); c) the teaching malaise experienced in this context and the maintenance of the prejudices that sweeps the schools affecting especially working class students.

Progressão continuada em uma perspectiva crítica em Psicologia Escolar : história, discurso oficial e vida diária escolar / Progressão continuada in a critical perspective of Educational Psychology : history, official discourse and daily school life.

Viegas, Lygia de Sousa 30 November 2007 (has links)
A presente Tese objetiva analisar, a partir da Psicologia Escolar em uma perspectiva crítica, o regime de Progressão Continuada, política de governo implantada na rede pública estadual paulista de ensino fundamental em 1998, visando transformar a realidade dos altos índices de reprovação e evasão. Para tanto, aborda essa política sob três enfoques articulados: a perspectiva histórica, o discurso oficial e a vida diária escolar. Do ponto de vista histórico, o levantamento de documentos em defesa da abolição da reprovação na escola pública paulista aponta que se trata de uma antiga idéia, que remonta à Primeira República e se potencializa no período Desenvolvimentista. As primeiras implantações dessa proposta no Estado de São Paulo deram-se, inicialmente, em caráter experimental, no Grupo Experimental da Lapa (em 1960), e posteriormente, como política de governo em toda a rede, com a Reforma do Ensino Primário (em 1967) e o Ciclo Básico (1984). Em seguida, o trabalho desenvolve uma análise crítica do discurso oficial referente à Progressão Continuada, à luz do conceito de ideologia. Adota como recorte a mudança de gestão na Secretaria de Educação, dando destaque ao Fórum de Debates sobre a Progressão Continuada, organizado pela nova gestão, apontando as continuidades e descontinuidades históricas nesse discurso. Também são apresentados e discutidos os índices oficiais relativos à aprovação, reprovação e evasão no ensino fundamental, entre 1986 e 2003. Finalmente, apresenta a vida diária escolar em tempos de Progressão Continuada, articulando a pesquisa de campo com a perspectiva histórica e a análise crítica do discurso oficial. Inspirada no estudo de caso etnográfico, a pesquisadora acompanhou, durante um ano letivo, duas turmas de 4a série do ensino fundamental, compreendendo, o trabalho de campo: observações em sala de aula; levantamento dos prontuários escolares dos alunos; entrevistas com as professoras e encontros grupais com alunos e seus familiares. A análise da pesquisa inicia-se com uma descrição da escola e das classes acompanhadas, no que diz respeito à trajetória de suas professoras, bem como o perfil global dos alunos, caracterizados quanto a: número, sexo, origem, idade e dados da escolarização. Posteriormente, traz elementos referentes à vida diária da sala de aula, e a perspectiva de professoras, familiares e alunos. Há, ainda, a apresentação de casos de alunos acompanhados, visando refletir acerca da exclusão no interior das escolas. A partir da pesquisa realizada, destacam-se os seguintes aspectos, discutidos teoricamente: o lugar do conhecimento, do disciplinamento e da formação de cidadãos no contexto dessa política educacional. A pesquisa aponta que com a Progressão Continuada há uma queda na qualidade do ensino oferecido, quando o disciplinamento dos alunos, com contornos humilhantes, passar a ocupar o lugar vazio dos conteúdos escolares. Além disso, a constatação de que os alunos não têm conhecimento de que a escola não reprova incompatibiliza-se com o ideal democrático propagado pelo discurso oficial, desvelando a impossibilidade de formar para a cidadania no bojo de uma política de governo que não aposta na potencialidade dos alunos que dela são alvo. / This Thesis, with the critical and theoretical aid of Educational Psychology, aims at examining the program of Progressão Continuada, a policy implemented in the regular public school system of the State of São Paulo in 1998 with the goal of diminishing the high levels of failure and drop-out rates. To accomplish this aim, I approach this policy from three articulate perspectives: a historical one, the official discourse, and the everyday school life. From a historical perspective, a listing of documents in defense of the abolishment of failure in the public schools of São Paulo shows that this is an old idea, coming from the First Republic and potentialized during the Developmental period. The first employments of this proposal in São Paulo took place initially at an experimental basis, in the Grupo Experimental da Lapa (in 1960), and, afterwards, as a State policy adopted in the whole system, with the Reforma do Ensino Primária (in 1967) and the Ciclo Básico (in 1984). Next, I develop a critical analysis of the official discourse appertaining to the Progressão Continuada, by the light of the concept of ideology. The scope is the directory change in the Board of Education, with special attention to the Forum of Debate on the Prgressão Continuada, organized by the new board, indicating the historical continuities and discontinuities in this discourse. I also present and discuss the official data of passing, failing and drop-out rates in the regular school system, between 1986 and 2003. Lastly, I present the everyday school life in the times of Progressão Continuada, articulating the field work with the historical perspective and the critical analysis of the official discourse. Inspired by the ethnographic case study, I have followed, for a whole school year, two fourth-grade classes, undertaking the following field work: observations in the classroom; raising of student records; interviews with teachers and group meetings with students and their relatives. The analysis of the research begins with the description of the school and the classes attended, in relation to the background of the teachers and the global student profile, based upon: number, gender, origins, age and educational data. Next, the analysis presents elements of the daily classroom life, and the perspective of teachers, relatives and students. In addition, there is a case presentation of the students observed, with the aim of reflecting upon the exclusion within the schools. Based upon the completed research, the following aspects, which were discussed theoretically, can be underlined: the place of knowledge, of disciplining and the formation of citizens in the context of this educational policy. This research shows that the Progressão Continuada causes a loss in the quality of the education being offered, when the disciplining of students - with humiliating traits - takes the empty space of the learning contents. In addition, the fact that students are unaware of the not-failing policy is alien to the democratic ideal propagated by the official discourse. This shows the impossibility of forming citizens through a state policy that does not invest in the potential of the students that depend on it.

Discipline Patterns in a Public-School District with a History of Disproportionate Suspensions

Slingerland, Barbara M 01 January 2017 (has links)
Nationwide concerns include disproportionate discipline referrals and suspensions of certain student groups and the associated negative student outcomes. The state's department of education cited a school district for suspending Black students with disabilities (SWD) at more than 3 times the rate of all other student groups; yet, the complex nature of the disciplinary disproportionality in this district was unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate how student-related characteristics including race/ethnicity, gender, age, grade level, disability status, and school location, may predict number of discipline referrals, types of discipline referrals, and types of suspensions issued to students. Guided by the theory of behaviorism, this nonexperimental, ex post facto study examined archival discipline data for the 5523 students who received at least 1 office referral during the 2015-2016 school year. Chi-square analyses showed SWD had higher numbers of referrals, received referrals for subjective offenses, and were more likely to receive out-of-school suspension than no suspension or in-school suspension compared to nondisabled students. Regression analyses indicated students who were Black, male, identified as SWD, or in secondary school were at significantly greater risk of office referral and exclusionary discipline than other student groups. By understanding the patterns of discipline outcomes associated with student-related characteristics, school administrators within the local district are now able to select and implement evidence-based practices that may reduce exclusionary discipline, allowing all students to participate equally in school. Over time, these practices may lead to positive student outcomes including higher school engagement and increased graduation rates.

Concept to practice - applied inclusiveness : an emergent model of socially inclusive practice

Richards, Sandra D. January 2004 (has links)
Research indicates that large numbers of young people are underachieving in UK schools, and that school exclusion levels are unacceptably high. In addition, there are increased numbers of students unable to secure a place in mainstream schools. These unplaced and excluded young people are described by New Labour as `vulnerable', `disaffected' or at risk of disaffection (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b). The numbers of young people considered `disaffected' indicates a national problem and so, in response to this, there is a government led drive to `socially include' `excluded' young people and young people considered `at risk' of `exclusion'. This UK study examines the principles and practices of practitioners working with identified `at-risk' and `hard to reach' populations. This thesis seeks to unpack this complex situation of social `exclusion' and `inclusion' as it relates to education by asking; who are the `actors' in this expanding world of `social inclusion'? How can some practitioners `reach' and `include' so called `hard to reach' `disaffected' young people? This research explores socially inclusive practice. It aims to investigate whether a model of socially inclusive practice exists or can be established that could be used by educators, parents, human resource (HR) professionals and others concerned with client services in the helping professions. Social exclusion is one of the key concerns of the New Labour agenda. Inclusive education is perceived as central to promoting social inclusion (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b) and as a result there are a number of social inclusion projects operating throughout the UK. These projects generally offer provision for young people who, in the judgement of excluding mainstream practitioners, should be placed outside of their responsibility. These excluding practices reflect the values and ideal of the institution and how they perceive their own ability to respond to the total needs of the learner in their care. Excluded young people are typically referred to pupil referral units (PRU's), study centres or other education provision established to meet the statutory requirement of the education authority to maintain education provision. The practitioner is the focus of this investigation and preliminary issues associated with an investigation into social inclusion practice will be considered in an attempt to identify `what works' in opening up educational opportunities to an inclusive culture. This study then, examines the practice and rationale employed by staff at a project providing education otherwise than at school (EOTAS) to young people unplaced, excluded or at risk of exclusion from mainstream school by analysing empirical data collected over a 3-year period using qualitative instruments. Grounded Theory is the methodological approach used to elicit data and the findings provide valuable insights into inclusive education practices. In addition, a number of relevant and important issues are identified. The theoretical model that emerges is informed by the insights and issues that emerge in this, the first major UK study, into inclusive practice in education where the practitioner is the main focus of the study. This research puts forward a model of professional understanding for inclusive education and makes a contribution to the development of new approaches. The results offer clear indicators for a transferable framework of socially inclusive practice.

Educação no ensino médio : uma forma de inclusão excludente?

Franco, Glaziela Aparecida 25 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-19T11:52:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGAF.pdf: 1362912 bytes, checksum: 993a1b6046ac734dbe3b38ee26f4c171 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T13:27:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGAF.pdf: 1362912 bytes, checksum: 993a1b6046ac734dbe3b38ee26f4c171 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T13:27:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGAF.pdf: 1362912 bytes, checksum: 993a1b6046ac734dbe3b38ee26f4c171 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-20T13:28:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGAF.pdf: 1362912 bytes, checksum: 993a1b6046ac734dbe3b38ee26f4c171 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / Não recebi financiamento / The present paper researches the exclusive inclusion occurring in the Public High School. The goal of this work is to analyze the exclusive inclusion processes which occur in the State Public High School of Minas Gerais, its policies and acting before the exclusion, as well as analyze the factor that contributes to the students’ failure and school evasion of a state school in Poços de Caldas (MG). The field research was made through interviewing school managers, teachers and students using a questionnaire. The analyzes of the interviews showed in general, that the students are guilty of failing or evading the High School, by taking for granted the free instruction given by the State. There is a little awareness that the State only provides the free instruction, but it does not guarantee the staying of the young in school. The results of the questionnaires showed that there are other social restrictions such as the need of work to help the family, a lack of family support, precocious pregnancy, among others that also contribute to this failure and evasion. Therefore it is clear that the failures and evasions are not connected only to the school, but also to the families, to the government policies, and the student itself. We consider that the school must go beyond the role as a simple knowledge and reproductive transmitter, to be a knowledge production establishment, so being strengthened by knowledge and criticality, it may break free from the shackles of neoliberal system. / O presente trabalho investiga a inclusão excludente que ocorre no Ensino Médio público. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os processos de inclusão excludente que ocorre no Ensino Médio na Rede Pública Estadual de Minas Gerais, suas políticas e atuação frente à exclusão, assim como, analisar os fatores que contribuem para a reprovação e evasão dos alunos, de uma escola pública estadual em Poços de Caldas (MG). A pesquisa de campo foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com gestores escolares e professores, e com alunos utilizando questionário. As análises das entrevistas demonstram que, em geral, os alunos são culpabilizados por reprovarem ou evadirem do Ensino Médio, por não valorizarem o ensino gratuito oferecido pelo Estado. Há pouca percepção que o Estado apenas oferece ensino gratuito para os jovens, mas não garante a permanência deste jovem na escola. Os resultados dos questionários mostraram que existem outros condicionantes sociais, como a necessidade de trabalhar para ajudar na renda familiar, falta de incentivo da família, gravidez precoce, entre outros, que são fatores que também contribuem para a evasão ou reprovação. Deste modo fica claro que as reprovações ou evasões, não estão apenas relacionadas com a escola, mas também com as famílias, as políticas de governo e ao próprio aluno. Consideramos que a escola deve ir além do papel de mera transmissora e reprodutora de conhecimentos, para ser um estabelecimento de produção de saberes, para que fortalecida pelo conhecimento e criticidade, consiga se libertar das amarras do sistema neoliberal.

Progressão continuada em uma perspectiva crítica em Psicologia Escolar : história, discurso oficial e vida diária escolar / Progressão continuada in a critical perspective of Educational Psychology : history, official discourse and daily school life.

Lygia de Sousa Viegas 30 November 2007 (has links)
A presente Tese objetiva analisar, a partir da Psicologia Escolar em uma perspectiva crítica, o regime de Progressão Continuada, política de governo implantada na rede pública estadual paulista de ensino fundamental em 1998, visando transformar a realidade dos altos índices de reprovação e evasão. Para tanto, aborda essa política sob três enfoques articulados: a perspectiva histórica, o discurso oficial e a vida diária escolar. Do ponto de vista histórico, o levantamento de documentos em defesa da abolição da reprovação na escola pública paulista aponta que se trata de uma antiga idéia, que remonta à Primeira República e se potencializa no período Desenvolvimentista. As primeiras implantações dessa proposta no Estado de São Paulo deram-se, inicialmente, em caráter experimental, no Grupo Experimental da Lapa (em 1960), e posteriormente, como política de governo em toda a rede, com a Reforma do Ensino Primário (em 1967) e o Ciclo Básico (1984). Em seguida, o trabalho desenvolve uma análise crítica do discurso oficial referente à Progressão Continuada, à luz do conceito de ideologia. Adota como recorte a mudança de gestão na Secretaria de Educação, dando destaque ao Fórum de Debates sobre a Progressão Continuada, organizado pela nova gestão, apontando as continuidades e descontinuidades históricas nesse discurso. Também são apresentados e discutidos os índices oficiais relativos à aprovação, reprovação e evasão no ensino fundamental, entre 1986 e 2003. Finalmente, apresenta a vida diária escolar em tempos de Progressão Continuada, articulando a pesquisa de campo com a perspectiva histórica e a análise crítica do discurso oficial. Inspirada no estudo de caso etnográfico, a pesquisadora acompanhou, durante um ano letivo, duas turmas de 4a série do ensino fundamental, compreendendo, o trabalho de campo: observações em sala de aula; levantamento dos prontuários escolares dos alunos; entrevistas com as professoras e encontros grupais com alunos e seus familiares. A análise da pesquisa inicia-se com uma descrição da escola e das classes acompanhadas, no que diz respeito à trajetória de suas professoras, bem como o perfil global dos alunos, caracterizados quanto a: número, sexo, origem, idade e dados da escolarização. Posteriormente, traz elementos referentes à vida diária da sala de aula, e a perspectiva de professoras, familiares e alunos. Há, ainda, a apresentação de casos de alunos acompanhados, visando refletir acerca da exclusão no interior das escolas. A partir da pesquisa realizada, destacam-se os seguintes aspectos, discutidos teoricamente: o lugar do conhecimento, do disciplinamento e da formação de cidadãos no contexto dessa política educacional. A pesquisa aponta que com a Progressão Continuada há uma queda na qualidade do ensino oferecido, quando o disciplinamento dos alunos, com contornos humilhantes, passar a ocupar o lugar vazio dos conteúdos escolares. Além disso, a constatação de que os alunos não têm conhecimento de que a escola não reprova incompatibiliza-se com o ideal democrático propagado pelo discurso oficial, desvelando a impossibilidade de formar para a cidadania no bojo de uma política de governo que não aposta na potencialidade dos alunos que dela são alvo. / This Thesis, with the critical and theoretical aid of Educational Psychology, aims at examining the program of Progressão Continuada, a policy implemented in the regular public school system of the State of São Paulo in 1998 with the goal of diminishing the high levels of failure and drop-out rates. To accomplish this aim, I approach this policy from three articulate perspectives: a historical one, the official discourse, and the everyday school life. From a historical perspective, a listing of documents in defense of the abolishment of failure in the public schools of São Paulo shows that this is an old idea, coming from the First Republic and potentialized during the Developmental period. The first employments of this proposal in São Paulo took place initially at an experimental basis, in the Grupo Experimental da Lapa (in 1960), and, afterwards, as a State policy adopted in the whole system, with the Reforma do Ensino Primária (in 1967) and the Ciclo Básico (in 1984). Next, I develop a critical analysis of the official discourse appertaining to the Progressão Continuada, by the light of the concept of ideology. The scope is the directory change in the Board of Education, with special attention to the Forum of Debate on the Prgressão Continuada, organized by the new board, indicating the historical continuities and discontinuities in this discourse. I also present and discuss the official data of passing, failing and drop-out rates in the regular school system, between 1986 and 2003. Lastly, I present the everyday school life in the times of Progressão Continuada, articulating the field work with the historical perspective and the critical analysis of the official discourse. Inspired by the ethnographic case study, I have followed, for a whole school year, two fourth-grade classes, undertaking the following field work: observations in the classroom; raising of student records; interviews with teachers and group meetings with students and their relatives. The analysis of the research begins with the description of the school and the classes attended, in relation to the background of the teachers and the global student profile, based upon: number, gender, origins, age and educational data. Next, the analysis presents elements of the daily classroom life, and the perspective of teachers, relatives and students. In addition, there is a case presentation of the students observed, with the aim of reflecting upon the exclusion within the schools. Based upon the completed research, the following aspects, which were discussed theoretically, can be underlined: the place of knowledge, of disciplining and the formation of citizens in the context of this educational policy. This research shows that the Progressão Continuada causes a loss in the quality of the education being offered, when the disciplining of students - with humiliating traits - takes the empty space of the learning contents. In addition, the fact that students are unaware of the not-failing policy is alien to the democratic ideal propagated by the official discourse. This shows the impossibility of forming citizens through a state policy that does not invest in the potential of the students that depend on it.

Progressão continuada e suas repercussões na escola pública paulista: concepções de educadores / Progressão continuada and this consequences in public schools from São Paulo: conceptions of educators

Lygia de Sousa Viégas 17 December 2002 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva conhecer concepções de educadores sobre a Progressão Continuada. Esta política educacional foi implementada nas escolas públicas paulistas de Ensino Fundamental em 1998, visando transformar a realidade dos altos índices de reprovação e evasão. Para tanto, apresenta um breve resgate histórico da proposta de organização do ensino em ciclos no Estado de São Paulo, bem como o entendimento da Progressão Continuada a partir das perspectivas oficial, sindical e acadêmica. Inspirada no estudo de caso etnográfico, a pesquisadora acompanhou, durante um semestre, um grupo de professores de uma escola estadual paulista. O trabalho de campo compreendeu: grupos reflexivos com professores e entrevistas individuais com coordenadora pedagógica, supervisora de ensino e professores. A análise qualitativa dos dados abordou principalmente o processo de implantação da Progressão Continuada na rede pública paulista e como, em seu interior, realiza-se a aprovação e a reprovação, a avaliação, o reforço, a frequência e o trabalho docente. A partir da pesquisa realizada, destacam-se as seguintes repercussões desta política pública sobre as escolas da rede pública paulista: a exclusão no interior da escola, que atinge alunos (promovidos automaticamente) e professores (apartados da discussão e planejamento desta proposta); a resistência docente a esta proposta (analisada da perspectiva política); o mal-estar docente vivido nesse contexto e a manutenção do preconceito que assola as escolas e atinge especialmente os alunos das classes populares. / The purpose of this research is to know the conceptions of educators about the Progressão Continuada - an educational policy recently implemented that restricted the practice of holding the pupils in the same grade more than one year. This educational policy was implanted in 1998 at the São Paulo public school system. It aims at dealing with the high rates of school failure. This research starts with a brief summary of the history of the organization of the school system in cycles in the State of São Paulo. Following, it presents the analysis of the three different perspectives of the Progressão Continuada : the official documents, the Union’s perspective and the educational literature. Based on the ethnographic perspective, the researcher followed a group of teachers in a state school. The fieldwork included: reflexive groups with teachers, and interviews with the pedagogic coordinator, school supervisor and teachers. The data analysis is focused on the process of implementation of the Progressão Continuada in the state schools of São Paulo and how, within it, some school practices occur, such as: repetition, promotion, evaluation, support groups, as well as those practices related to the teacher work. The research brought to light some consequences of the Progressão Continuada: a) the existence of practices of exclusion within the school, such exclusion affecting not only the students (which are automatically promoted) but also the teachers (which are kept apart from the discussion and planning of this proposal); b) the teaching resistance to this proposal (analysed from the political perspective); c) the teaching malaise experienced in this context and the maintenance of the prejudices that sweeps the schools affecting especially working class students.

O "não-lugar" do sujeito negro na educação brasileira / The absence of black student in the Brazilian education

Bonilha, Tamyris Proença, 1987- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ângela Fátima Soligo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T19:53:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bonilha_TamyrisProenca_M.pdf: 2013109 bytes, checksum: 51dcb380bb69f8955ce10e0f2bb40700 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar dados estatísticos educacionais acerca da trajetória do sujeito negro, na educação básica, de modo a identificar as regiões do Brasil que apresentam os maiores índices de exclusão escolar, e relacioná-los ao contexto político e social, a fim de identificar possíveis mecanismos que influenciam o sucesso e o fracasso escolar destes sujeitos. Foram utilizados para coleta de dados algumas fontes oficiais de pesquisa, tais como: IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística); INEP (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa) ; DIEESE (Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos), bem como outras fontes de natureza teórica que fundamentaram as discussões e análise dos dados. A partir da análise dos dados, constatou-se: disparidade entre o número de alunos pretos e alunos pardos, em todos os níveis de ensino, situação esta, compreendida na lógica do ideal de branqueamento; os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio representam os níveis de ensino com exclusão escolar do aluno negro. A exclusão do negro é um problema nacional, não estando circunscrita a uma região específica, isto é, o aluno negro sofre as consequências da discriminação racial em todas as regiões do país, e em todos os níveis de ensino. Esta pesquisa é de grande relevância acadêmica e social, na medida em que revela as fragilidades e deficiências existentes nos dados do Censo Escolar, e ressalta a urgência na melhora das estratégias de coleta dos dados, bem como a necessidade de maior acompanhamento e conscientização sobre sua importância para a sociedade. / Abstract: This study aims to analyze statistical data about the black person educational history in basic education. It is intended to relate and to question the School Census data, identifying the Brazilian regions with the greater reduction in the black student's proportion over the education levels, in order to relate them to social and political context and to identify mechanisms that influence scholar success or failure of these subjects. It was used for data collection some official sources, such as: IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics); INEP (National Institute of Studies and Research); DIEESE (Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies), as well as other theoretical sources to substantiate data discussions and analysis. From the data analysis, we identified: disparity between the number of black students and brown students at all levels of education, a situation, understood into the bleaching ideal logic; the highest proportion of black students are concentrated in children education, specifically in pre-school; the elementary school final years and high school levels of education represent the smallest proportion of black students, that is, as the passage of years in elementary school, black students gradually disappear from the educational statistics and, therefore, the school. The exclusion of black person is a national problem, not being limited to a specific region, that is, black students suffer the consequences of racial discrimination in every region of the country, and in every level of education. This research reveals the weaknesses and deficiencies in the school census data, and highlights the urgency in improving data collection strategies, as well as the need for increased monitoring and awareness of their importance to society. / Mestrado / Psicologia Educacional / Mestre em Educação

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