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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reinventando a avaliação psicológica / Re-inventing the psychological assessment

Adriana Marcondes Machado 02 October 1996 (has links)
As escolas públicas têm procurado psicólogos da rede pública e particular para realizarem avaliações psicológicas em várias crianças com histórias de fracasso escolar. Muitas são as críticas já formuladas em relação às práticas da saúde, cúmplices da produção do fracasso escolar, que focalizam seu olhar na criança encaminhada culpando-a pelo seu fracasso. Essas críticas revelam que as causas desse fracasso são encontradas nos mecanismos institucionais e nas relações que perpassam o dia-a-dia das escolas públicas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo construir uma forma de avaliar e problematizar as relações, os campos de forças nos quais ocorrem os encaminhamentos de crianças para avaliação psicológica e descrever essa realidade. Foram-nos encaminhados 139 alunos de 22 escolas estaduais (da 14a DE-SP). O processo de avaliação, realizado nas escolas, consistiu em pesquisar a história escolar das crianças, as características de suas salas de aula, os bastidores do encaminhamento, as versões das professoras, pais e crianças, os efeitos das ações da escola sobre as crianças e a expectativa da escola em relação ao trabalho do psicólogo. Foram entregues relatórios sobre as crianças e as escolas contendo essas informações, nosso objetivo e concepções. Várias crianças encaminhadas eram consideradas \"lentas\" por suas professoras. Em 33,1% dos casos foi pedido laudo para enviar as crianças para a classe especial. A maioria dos encaminhamentos (88,4%) eram explicados, pelas professoras, através de mitos que foram problematizados com elas. A expectativa em relação ao trabalho foi que se realizasse uma avaliação individual da criança em 59,7% dos casos e um trabalho de interlocução com as professoras em 32,4%. Foi frequente o sentimento de incapacidade nas crianças e de solidão nas professoras. As justificativas utilizadas para enviar as crianças para avaliação estavam relacionadas em 18,0% dos casos a questões institucionais e em 82,0%, a motivos individuais. Destes últimos, 84,2% não apresentaram, durante nosso trabalho, as atitudes referidas pelas professoras como justificativas para o encaminhamento. A expectativa de uma avaliação individual da criança, a existência de mitos por parte das professoras e de problemas individuais nas crianças não impedem que o rumo de uma história escolar, que tende para a estigmatização, seja alterado. Há associação estatisticamente significante entre a possibilidade de discutir o trabalho com as professoras e a alteração das relações e histórias escolares. Foi possível problematizar a história escolar de 88,5% das crianças encaminhadas ao se criar estratégias para pensar os encaminhamentos, estabelecendo relações entre as várias versões, as expectativas e apropriações que vão se dando em relação ao trabalho, e as práticas e efeitos que elas encerram. Avaliar é algo que se dá em movimento, sempre produz efeitos. Problematizar a produção de um encaminhamento implica movimentá-lo. / The public schools have looked for psychologists of the public and private sectors to carry out psychological assessment in several children presenting a history of school failure. Many are the criticisms already formulated in relation to the practices of the health service, accomplices of the production of the school failure, which focus their attention on the child being advised, blaming her for the failure. These criticisms reveal that the causes of this failure are to be found in the institutional mechanisms and in the relations woven in the day-to-day of the public schools. The objective of this work is to build a form to assess and render as a problem the relations, the fields of forces, in which the children are referred to a psychological assessment and describe this reality. 139 students of 22 state schools have been directed to our care. The process of assessment, carried out in the schools, consisted in researching the school history of the children, the characteristics of their classrooms, the background for their being referred, the version of the teachers, parents and children, the effects on children of the actions taken by the school and the expectation of the school with regard to the work of the psychologist. Several children being advised were considered \"slow\"by their teachers. 33,1% of the cases an appraisal to send the children to a special class has been asked. 88,4% were explained, by the teachers, through myths which were rendered as a problem together with them. The expectation with regard to the work was that an individual assessment of the child be carried out in 59,7% of the cases and a work of interlocution with the teachers in 32,4%.. The feeling of incapacity in the children and loneliness in the teachers was frequently reported. The explanations used to send the children to an assessment were related in 18,0% of the cases to institutional issues and in 82,0% of the cases to individual reasons.Out of the latter, 84,2% did not present, during our work, the attitudes referred to by the teachers as accounting for their being advised. The expectation of an individual assessment of the child, the existence of myths on the teachers side and of individual problems in the children do not prevent that the destiny of a school history, which tends to stigmatization, be altered. There is statistically significant association between the possibility of discussing the work with the teachers and the alteration of relations and the school histories. It was possible to render as a problem the school history of 88,5% of the children advised by creating strategies to think the fact of their being directed, establishing relations among the several versions, the expectations and appropriations which occur in relation to the work, and the practices and effects they encompass. Assessing is something which happens in movement, it always yields effects. To render as a problem the act of referring a child to an assessment means to give movement to it.

Communication dans le système éducatif martiniquais et exclusion sociale

Cidalise-Montaise, Marie-Dominique 07 May 2015 (has links)
Échec scolaire, délinquance, violence, exclusion, sont les fléaux de notre société moderne.À la Martinique dans les années 1950 un certain nombre de dispositifs furent mis en place pour tenter d’enrayer sinon de réduire l’ampleur du phénomène. Une maison de l’enfance et des dispositifs sanitaires et sociaux sont mis en place. Aujourd’hui face aux élèves en difficulté il existe également des structures diverses qui sont les classes spécialisées, les classes d’adaptation, les structures psycho-pédagogiques diverses. Et dans les deux cas sous couvert d’aide à l’enfance d’accompagnement et d’aides multiples des populations d’enfants ont vécu et vivent la marginalisation, l’exclusion car la différence affichée par la prise en charge de ces enfants constitue une représentation négative à leur encontre.Au cœur de notre problématique il y a la conviction que les choses peuvent changer. Il ne s’agit pas de prendre les acteurs sociaux pour des démiurges, de faire comme si ils pouvaient métamorphoser le monde à volonté, mais de bien comprendre ce qui se joue dans les interactions entre acteurs. Car il existe des forces dynamiques en présence dans les interactions d’enseignement, d’éducation, et d’assistance, ce sont les représentations.L’individu est habité par son capital culturel, il le porte en lui incorporé, inscrit dans son être biologique, dans son cerveau et son système nerveux, dans son être biologique, dans l’ensemble du corps pour un certain nombre de schèmes de perceptions et d’action, le capital culturel est l’une des variétés la moins détachable de son propriétaire. Chacun détient un capital culturel en même temps qu’il est ce capital, il lui doit sa singularité, son identité et tout ce qui lui permet d’entrer en relation avec le monde, et avec les autres.Par un retour réflexif, l’individu peut prendre conscience de son capital culturel, de ses représentations, d’une partie de son habitus, L’image qui résulte de cette prise de conscience enrichit l’ensemble des représentations, donc le capital culturel lui-même. L’image du capital culturel dont on dispose participe de l’image de soi et donc d’un processus complexe de valorisation ou de dévalorisation de soi.L’image de soi, de ce qu’on sait de ce qu’on sait faire se heurte de toute façon à l’image que nous revoient les autres, chacun apprend dès l’enfance à être jugé par sa famille puis par ses enseignants et les autres élèves. Chacun se sent jugé sur ce qu’il fait, et indirectement sur ce qu’il est ou paraît être, sur ce qu’il sait ou paraît savoir. Nul être ne peut se protéger complètement des jugements d’autrui, mais il peut essayer de les infléchir à son avantage, en particulier lorsque les jugements favorables lui vaudraient l’amour, et la reconnaissance des autres.Tel est l’enjeu fondamental de la relation éducative qui permettrait à l’élève dit en difficulté de majorer son ambition par une plus haute estime de lui même, et d’entrer ainsi dans une pédagogie de la réussite.Hier, certains élèves étaient condamnés par un système à quitter l’institution scolaire très tôt. Le regard du maître, les représentations qu’il avait des enfants pauvres ne leur permettait pas d’aller au-delà de l’école primaire et très vite ils intégraient le monde du travail. Aujourd’hui malgré une scolarité obligatoire jusqu’à seize ans les représentations que l’on a d’un élève peuvent avoir également des incidences sur son destin scolaire et l’amener à l’exclusion. C’est ce que nous allons tenter d’expliquer grâce à une expérimentation menée sur le terrain avec les différents acteurs du champ éducatif et les outils mis à leur disposition.Regard, représentations, réussite, échec sont les différents axes d’une problématique sur le jugement prédéterminé de l’enseignant et ses conséquences sur le destin de certains individus. La mission essentielle d'un enseignant étant de tout mettre en œuvre pour faire réussir tous ses élèves. / School failure, delinquency, violence, exclusion, are the scourge of modern society.In 1950s Martinique a number of devices were put in place to try and stop or at least reduce the magnitude of the phenomenon. Juvenile institutions, health and social systems were put in place. Nowadays additional options are available such as specialized classes and other special educational structures. These systems unfortunately have resulted in the further marginalization and exclusion of entire generations of children, putting them under a negative light, against the core principal of the very programs that were meant to help them. At the heart of the problem is the belief that things can change. Our goal is not to portray social actors as if they could change the world at will, but rather to try and understand the interaction between the different actors. There are dynamics at play within the educational interactions and available support systems, which lead to certain representations of some of the students. The individual is inhabited by its cultural back-ground or layer. It is part of the biological being, brain and nervous system, part of his or her entire body, interfering with a number of perception patterns and actions. The cultural layer of any individual is actually the least detachable of all layers. The individual gets his or her sense of uniqueness, identity and everything that allows him or her to interact with the world and others from this cultural layer.When getting into further analysis we notice that the individual can become aware of his or her cultural heritage, of his or her representations or habits. The self-image that results from this awareness makes for a richer representation of the cultural layer which can trigger either high or low self-esteem. Our idea of our image usually clashes with the image received from others. Each and every one of us has in some way or the other been judged by his or her respective family, by teachers or other students in the classroom. Everyone feels judged because of his or her own actions, his or her appearance, or what he or she appears to know. Nobody can fully protect him or her-self from judgements passed from third parties, and in some circumstances one might attempt to use these judgements to their advantages, especially when they could lead to more empathy or acknowledgement from a third party.This is the fundamental issue of the educational relationship that would, by allowing struggling students to increase their ambitions by the way of higher self-esteem, allow for better success.In the past, some students were condemned by the system and led to leave the school system early. The way the teacher would perceive the student and poorer children in general did not allow the said student to go beyond elementary school and he or she would very soon join the workforce. Nowadays, despite mandatory education through age sixteen, the representation we have of each student can still affect academic performance and lead to exclusion. This is what we will attempt to explain through an experiment conducted with the different actors in the education field and the tools at their disposal.Perception, performance, success, failure are the different axes of a problem that leads to the predetermined judgment of teachers and the consequences of said perception on the fate of some of the students, keeping in mind that an educator’s main task is to do everything in their power to pass all students.

Analýza dětské kresby jako doplňující prostředek při posuzování školní neúspěšnosti / An Analysis of Children's Drawing as an Additional Tool for Assessing

Vyšatová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the options found in children's drawings symptoms that might help in uncovering school failure. The thesis consists of a theoretical and research part. The theoretical part is based on knowledge of the literature and the praxis. The first chapter describes the causes and symptoms of school failure. The second chapter deals with drawings and by drawing tests. There is described the methods and techniques used in my research in the third chapter. The research section contains the survey whose main objective was to confirm certain features of the drawing containing the failed student. The results of the survey were achieved through drawings, "Questionnaire of self - conception pupils' school success" by Z. Matějček and M. Vágnerová, analysis of average marks and interviews with teachers. The aim is to characterize the symptoms of failed student in the drawing.

A Study of Pupil Failures as they Exist in the Senior High School of Stamford, Texas

Flemins, Mabel Bryan 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to determine the degree of pupil failure as it exists in the Senior High School, Stamford, Texas; (2) to consider the extent to which the "basic factors" of failure contribute to pupil failure in this school; and (3) to submit suggestions as to how pupil failure may be reduced to a minimum in the Stamford Senior High School.

A qualitative study of school-related factors leading to school failure and dropouts in Hong Kong and the implications for school restructuring.

January 1998 (has links)
by Lam Tak Shing John. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-150). / Abstract also in Chinese. / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENT --- p.ii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.vi / FIGURES --- p.vii / Abstract --- p.viii / CHAPTER / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / The Hong Kong Education Context and Dropout Situation --- p.7 / Statement of the Problem --- p.13 / Purpose of this Study --- p.14 / Significance of the Study --- p.15 / Research Questions --- p.16 / Limitations of the Study --- p.16 / Chapter II. --- REVIEW OF LITERATURE / Introduction --- p.18 / Relevant theories / The Epidemilogical Concept of Students at Risk --- p.19 / Social Constructivist Model of Students at Risk --- p.20 / Alienation Theory and Finn's Participation-identification Model --- p.23 / Wehlage's Dropout Prevention Theory: School Membership and Educational Engagement --- p.27 / An Adapted and Integrated Explanatory Model of School Failure and Dropping Out --- p.30 / Chapter III. --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY / Introduction --- p.33 / The Research Paradigms --- p.34 / Phenomenological Approach --- p.36 / Symbolic Interactionism --- p.36 / Subjects and sampling --- p.37 / Context of Study --- p.41 / Research Design and Method --- p.42 / Multiple-case-study method --- p.43 / Unit of analysis --- p.44 / Analytic Induction Method --- p.46 / Data Collection / Data collection methods --- p.50 / Focus Group Interview --- p.51 / Individual Interviews --- p.52 / Participant Observation --- p.52 / Analysis of physical artifacts --- p.55 / Data Analysis --- p.56 / Coding strategies --- p.57 / Enumeration --- p.57 / Typological analysis --- p.58 / Analytic induction --- p.59 / Triangulation and trustworthiness --- p.61 / Chapter IV. --- RESEARCH FINDINGS / Introduction --- p.64 / Research findings from various data collection methods --- p.65 / Participant Observation Findings --- p.65 / Focus Group Interview Findings --- p.69 / Non-participant Observation Findings --- p.69 / Interview Findings --- p.70 / Three Typical Cases --- p.75 / The Emergent Patterns/ Themes --- p.80 / Some Interim Conclusions --- p.88 / Categorization of perceptions --- p.92 / Summary of the Findings and their relations to the Research Questions --- p.95 / Propositions --- p.96 / Chapter V. --- DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS / Introduction --- p.99 / School restructuring --- p.99 / School restructuring for at-risk students --- p.100 / Recommendations for Hong Kong school restructuring --- p.103 / Accommodation --- p.104 / Academic engagement --- p.108 / School social engagement and school organization --- p.111 / Teacher culture --- p.116 / Implications for teacher education and action research --- p.120 / "Other implication: A 'second Chance"" re-entry mechanism" --- p.121 / Conclusion --- p.123 / APPENDIX I Interview Guide --- p.126 / APPENDIX II Focus Group Interview Guide --- p.127 / APPENDIX III Case profiles of the subjects --- p.130 / References --- p.138

The actualisation of the child restrained in his becoming

Van der Spuy, Carol Maurine 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focusses on pupils who do not act according to the expectations of their educators. They are restrained in their becoming actualising persons. On the basis of the description of becoming as a phenomenon, criteria are formulated in order to identify children restrained in their becoming. These children's actualisation is investigated in accordance with the criteria for adequate actualisation. By way of observation, questionnaires and personal interviews it has been empirically established that the restrained child has relational difficulties, especially with parents, and that these difficulties result in inadequate exploration, emancipation, differentiation, distantiation and objectification. One restraint can affect every area of the child's actualisation. Educators may assist the restrained child by ensuring that his basic educational needs are met. But the chief need of the child restrained in his becoming has emerged as the security and protection an adequate father-figure (all be it a teacher) provides. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Empirical Education)

An Analysis of academic assistance programs on at-risk students at the United States Naval Academy / Attrition at the United States Naval Academy: an analysis of academic assistance programs on at-risk students

Fallon, David M. 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of academic assistance programs on at-risk students at the United States Naval Academy. Each year, students determined to be at-risk are enrolled in an academic assistance program known as the Plebe Intervention Program. In addition, other academic assistance programs are available to these students. In particular, the Naval Academy administers a program known as the Midshipmen Group Study Program, which is based on the supplemental instruction model. This study examines the impact of participation in each of these programs as a determinant to persistence beyond the freshman year. Other determinants examined included demographics (ethnicity and gender), course grades, athletic status, and preadmittance data (SAT scores).

Stratégies de valorisation des adolescents en situation précaire : Une recherche exploratoire auprès de dix adolescents mauriciens en situation d’échec scolaire et venant de milieux défavorisés / Self-valuation strategies of teenagers in precarious situation : An exploratory study amongst ten Mauritian teenagers having experienced school failure and coming from underprivileged environments

Carosin, Emilie 02 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche d’inspiration socioconstructiviste vise à explorer comment s’opèrent les processus de valorisation de soi chez les adolescents dévalorisés par la société et par le système scolaire. Par processus de valorisation de soi nous entendons la dynamique par laquelle le sujet accorde du sens et de la valeur à son existence. À travers les concepts piagétiens d’équilibration et à l’aide de la théorie de la reconnaissance nous avons développé une modélisation des processus de valorisation de soi. Grâce aux recherches conduites dans le domaine de l’expérience esthétique, de l’éducation artistique et culturelle et en psychologie de l’orientation, nous avons précisé l’application de notre modèle théorique dans le réel. Ainsi, nous avons pu conduire notre expérimentation auprès de dix adolescents mauriciens de 13 à 15 ans venant de milieux défavorisés et en situation d’échec scolaire au sein d’un dispositif d’ateliers d’arts plastiques pendant un an. Les études de cas conduites à partir de l’observation des conduites et des entretiens semi directifs sur les projets professionnels des sujets révèlent la difficulté des adolescents à réguler les conduites de respect des animatrices, des pairs et du travail lorsqu’ils construisent de nouvelles conduites d’organisation, de participation et de valorisation. Elles mettent en exergue la fragilité des constructions cognitives, affectives et sociales chez ces adolescents en situation précaire et nous donnent des indications sur les structures de soi en jeu lorsque les adolescents cherchent à être valorisés (la conscience de soi) ou à établir des relations de réciprocité (la représentation de soi). Enfin, cette recherche exploratoire identifie les pistes qui pourraient être approfondies pour mieux comprendre les processus d’équilibration chez cette population dans une perspective développementale affective et sociale, afin de proposer des interventions éducatives favorisant la construction de soi. / This research aims at exploring the self-valuation processes by adopting a socio-constructivist approach, in teenagers who have been depreciated by the society and the school system. Self-valuation processes represent the dynamics through which the subject makes sense of and values his existence. Through the piagetian concepts of equilibration and with the help of recognition theories we developed a self-valuation process model, which practical implications have been enriched by studies conducted on aesthetic experience, on artistic and cultural education and on vocational psychology. In this respect, we have conducted a one year experiment in art workshops with ten teenagers, aged thirteen to fifthteen, coming from underprivileged environment and having experienced school failure. The case studies based on the teenagers’ behaviour observations and semi-directed interviews on their professional projects revealed the difficulty subjects encountered in regulating behaviours related to the respect of the facilitators, peers and work, while developing new behaviours such as organisation, participation and valuing behaviours. Findings outline the fragility of cognitive, affective and social constructions in these teenagers and give us indications on the self-structures involved when the teenagers try to value themselves (self-consciousness) or built reciprocal relationships (self-representation). Finally, this exploratory research identifies pathways to understand the equilibration process in this population through affective and social developmental lenses, in order to develop educational projects fostering self-development.

Predictors of plebe summer attrition at the United States Naval Academy

Hollenbach, Michael P. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis analyzes the relationship between entry-level variables available to the Office of Admissions and plebe summer attrition at the United States Naval Academy (USNA). The study used independent samples t-tests and linear regression analysis to analyze the effects of individual variables on plebe summer attrition and also used binary logistic regression to develop an overall predictive model of plebe summer attrition. Analysis was conducted on the USNA classes that completed plebe summer from 1995-2002 (N = 9,554). The results of this study indicate the highest plebe summer attrition is attributed to majority females, females in general and midshipmen who exceed the limits of the height/weight table and are not recruited athletes. The lowest plebe summer attrition rates are found among children of service academy graduates, recruited varsity athletes, summer seminar attendees, minority males and older midshipmen. This study summarizes the results and also offers recommendations to the Naval Academy and for future research. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Ler e escrever nos ciclos da Escola Plural: um estudo de trajetórias / Reading and writing in the cycle of \"Plural School\": a study of directions

Mendonça, Patrícia Moulin 11 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca compreender os processos e efeitos produzidos pela aprendizagem insuficiente da leitura e escrita dos alunos do 3º ciclo de formação do ensino fundamental da Escola Plural - projeto político-pedagógico da rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte, implementado a partir de 1995 - que se propõe à inclusão e à garantia de direitos dos alunos. Procurou-se examinar as alternativas adotadas pelas escolas para tratar das dificuldades desses alunos ao longo do ensino obrigatório e compreender os processos que levaram à aprendizagem insuficiente da leitura e escrita e seus efeitos nos alunos do 3º ciclo. Foram analisadas ainda as estratégias de sobrevivência escolar adotadas por eles e a contribuição do contexto escolar no processo de inclusão/exclusão dos alunos do mundo letrado. Duas escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte constituíram o locus da pesquisa. Em cada uma delas foram escolhidos quatro alunos aí matriculados desde o início do ensino fundamental, que apresentavam as caracrísticas mencionadas. A pesquisa foi realizada no segundo semestre de 2004, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com profissionais do ensino, familiares e os próprios alunos. Sempre que disponíveis, foram também colhidos outros dados sobre o percurso dos alunos ao longo da escolarização Constatou-se a insuficiência das ações da escola para enfrentar, nesses casos, o fracasso escolar, contribuindo para configurá-lo como tal, tendo-se verificado que a presença desses alunos nos anos mais avançados do ensino fundamental altera os códigos educacionais subjacentes à cultura escolar vigente, e ao fazê-lo, cria novas demandas e impasses. Foi possível ainda verificar os múltiplos fatores que corroboram a configuração do fracasso: condição social, questões de raça e gênero, frágil condição das famílias para responder as demandas escolares e incapacidade do poder público para garantir condições básicas de sobrevivência ao público em situação de exclusão social. / This research seeks understanding the processes and effects produced by insufficient writing and reading learning of third cycle students from elementary level of \"Plural School\" - political project from the city school system in Belo Horizonte, implemented in 1995 - which proposes inclusion and guarantee of students\' rights. The researcher examined the alternatives schools adopted to treat students\' difficulties along school period and understand the processes which led to third cycle students\' insufficient reading and writing learning. Survival school strategies they adopted and the school contribution in students\' inclusion/exclusion processes in the reading world were also analysed. Two schools of the city system in Belo Horizonte were the locus of research. In each of them, 4 students who had the mentioned characteristics and who had been studying there since 1st grade were chosen. The research was realized during the second semester of 2004, through semi-structured interviews with teaching professionals, students\' family and the students themselves. Whenever possible, other data about students\' performance along school life were collected. The research showed school inability to deal with failure and the presence of these students in advanced years of elementary school makes educational codes which are related to current school culture different from what it should be. Thus, new demands and new obstacles are created. It was also possible to observe the multiple factors which confirm failure configuration: social condition, race and gender aspects, families\' fragile condition to respond to school demands and inability of government to guarantee basic survival conditions to people in social exclusion condition.

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