Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool organisation"" "subject:"bschool organisation""
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The pastoral academic divide: Impacts and implications for pastoral carekclark@bcgs.wa.edu.au, Katherine Clark January 2008 (has links)
Secondary schools in Australia routinely develop organisational constructs to
fulfil their dual obligations of academic teaching and the pastoral care of students.
Although these obligations are closely interrelated, school organisational structures
are frequently dichotomous, differentiating between the academic roles of teachers
and their pastoral responsibilities and can result in a functional divide between the
two sides of the school. Teachers find themselves wearing two hats; a subject
teacher and a pastoral carer and thus are required to work in two separate domains,
the academic and the pastoral, each with distinct and different tasks, expectations and
line management. The limited amounts of research available suggest that such an
organisational divide can hinder the work of teachers and lead to some organisational
confusion within the school. This research took the form of a qualitative case study,
based in an independent secondary school in Western Australia. It investigated the
impacts and implications of the notional division between the pastoral and academic
dimensions of the school. The thesis begins with a review of the understanding and
development of pastoral care in schools. The construct of an enabling bureaucracy is
then explored and adopted as a theoretical lens with which to examine the pastoral
care system from the perspective of teachers, students and senior managers.
Narratives are used to present the data. The research findings indicate that alignment
of the pastoral and academic structures, both functionally and culturally, can be
achieved if an enabling approach is employed. Such alignment allows the pastoral
care system to support the primary function of a school which is learning, whilst
retaining its fundamental duty of student care. The study concludes with a
consideration of how an enabling school culture may improve the provision of
pastoral care in schools.
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Att skola en Stormakt : Svensk skolpolitik och statsbildning under 1600-talets första hälft (1611-1649) / To Educate an Empire : Educational politics and state formation in the Swedish Empire 1611-1649Folkesson, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the educational politics in Sweden during the years 1611-1649 are examined to identify the power relationship between the church and the state. Although education was traditionally considered an activity of the church, the state laid claim to the founding of schools. However, the development of the Swedish school system during this period has been largely ignored by previous research. Through an analysis of correspondence between local administrators and the crown and different curriculums, this thesis seeks to answer the question: ‘who was actually involved in this reform and how did they conduct the process?’. The argument of this thesis is based on two theories which explain the early modern Swedish state formation; the historian Jan Glete's bottom-up process of state formation and the sociologist Philip Gorski's top-down process. This study shows that the reformation of the Swedish school system was initiated by the state. The church, represented by the local bishops, was however the other leading agent of crucial importance. It was not just offering legitimization of the power and taxation of the state, but also ideological access to educational institutions. This strengthened the political position of the clergy. By bargaining the Crown accomplished that schools were integrated and adopted to the infrastructure of the state.
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Att skola en Stormakt : Svensk skolpolitik och statsbildning under 1600-talets första hälft (1611-1649) / To Educate an Empire: : Educational politics and state formation in the Swedish Empire 1611-1649Folkesson, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the educational politics in Sweden during the years 1611-1649 are examined to identify the power relationship between the church and the state. Although education was traditionally considered an activity of the church, the state laid claim to the founding of schools. However, the development of the Swedish school system during this period has been largely ignored by previous research. Through an analysis of correspondence between local administrators and the crown and different curriculums, this thesis seeks to answer the question: ‘who was actually involved in this reform and how did they conduct the process?’. The argument of this thesis is based on two theories which explain the early modern Swedish state formation; the historian Jan Glete's bottom-up process of state formation and the sociologist Philip Gorski's top-down process. This study shows that the reformation of the Swedish school system was initiated by the state. The church, represented by the local bishops, was however the other leading agent of crucial importance. It was not just offering legitimization of the power and taxation of the state, but also ideological access to educational institutions. This strengthened the political position of the clergy. By bargaining the Crown accomplished that schools were integrated and adopted to the infrastructure of the state.
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Mihin rehtoria tarvitaan?:rehtorin tehtävät ja niiden toteutuminen Pohjois-Savon yleissivistävissä kouluissaMustonen, K. (Kari) 25 April 2003 (has links)
The main purpose of the study was to clarify the importance and realization of the duties of a principal. An international viewpoint was sought for the management of Finnish schools through studying what kind of school management exists in Holland and Germany.
The importance and realization concerning both actions and experiences expressed by principals about their own work were analysed using questionnaires. The image of the school management was collected by a thematic interview. The study was carried out in Finland, Germany and Holland. The postal questionnaires sent to the Lueneburg and Ludwiglust regions of Germany in 1997 were answered by 19 principals and 13 teachers; and the Friesland region of Holland were answered by 18 principals and 17 teachers. In Holland, three principals were interviewed and in Germany five principals and two chief education officers. In Finland, Northern Savo was selected as the research region. The questionnaires sent in 1998 were answered by 129 principals and 154 teachers.
The measures and functioning opportunities of a German principal were similar to the management system existing in Finnish schools during the years 1970-1980. In Holland, indications were that independence and decision-making rights were much wider than in our schools.
The principals in Northern Savo were of the opinion that it was important to aim for certain measures through administrative reforms: the development of teaching schemes, goal and results-oriented management, more co-operation with interested groups and the development of internal functions in the school. The largest differences between opinions of the principals were expressed concerning the traditional administrative functions of principals. The results indicated that the administrative culture and the management of the schools are changing. To one part of the principals was assimilated the role of a modern human-oriented director, whilst the other part was continuing to do their work through concentrated administrative work at the offices.
According to the Northern Savo teachers, implementing the general functions of principals was carried out quite well. The teachers would like to have more support, opportunities and communication, but not so much control and advice. They also wanted to see the principal concentrating more on the pedagogical concept of the school, but they also did not expect to have as much guidance as their German colleagues did. The teachers considered the principal's role to be more administrative in implementing functions, and were of the opinion that principals were carrying out their functions more traditionally, compared with the opinion of the principals. In all the researched countries, monitoring of individual lessons was considered to be quite unnecessary. On one hand, the results express the variability of the principal?s work, and on the other hand they express the contradiction between the work day duties and expectations. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen päätehtävänä oli selvittää rehtorin tehtävien tärkeys ja toteutuminen. Suomalaisen koulun johtamiseen haettiin kansainvälistä näkökulmaa kartoittamalla, millaista on koulun johtaminen Hollannissa ja Saksassa.
Erilaisista organisaatioteorioista ja -malleista valittiin systeemiteoreettinen näkökulma. Koulu ymmärrettiin asiantuntijaorganisaatioksi. Johtamista tarkasteltiin tehtävä- ja henkilöstöjohtamisen perusulottuvuuksien kautta. Koulun johtaminen määriteltiin rehtorin toimenpiteiksi, joiden avulla saavutetaan kouluorganisaatiolle asetetut ja sen itse asettamat tavoitteet.
Tehtävien tärkeys ja toteutuminen sekä rehtoreiden kokemukset omasta työstään kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Koulun johtamisen kuvaa täydennettiin teemahaastattelun avulla. Tutkimus suoritettiin Suomessa, Saksassa ja Hollannissa. Saksan L?neburgin ja Ludwigslustin alueelle 1997 lähetettyyn kyselyyn vastasi 19 rehtoria ja 13 opettajaa sekä Hollannin Länsi-Frieslandin alueelta 18 rehtoria ja 17 opettajaa. Hollannissa haastateltiin kolmea rehtoria ja Saksassa viittä rehtoria ja kahta koulutoimenjohtajaa. Suomessa tutkimusalueena oli Pohjois-Savo. Vuonna 1998 suoritettuun kyselyyn vastasi 129 rehtoria ja 154 opettajaa.
Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella pohjoissavolaisia kouluja johdetaan edelleen asiantuntijaorganisaatiomaisesti. Koulun kehittyminen oppivaksi organisaatioksi edellyttäisi hallinnon ja opettamisen vuorovaikutusareenan laajentumista ja avautumista. Näin voitaisiin avoimesti käsitellä ja kehittää sekä opettamiseen että yhteisön hallinnointiin liittyviä asioita.
Saksalaisen rehtorin tehtävät ja toimintamahdollisuudet muistuttivat suomalaisen koulun johtamisjärjestelmää 1970- ja 1980-luvuilla. Hollannissa koulujen itsenäisyys ja päätäntävalta todettiin olevan paljon suurempi kuin meillä.
Pohjoissavolaiset rehtorit pitivät tärkeinä tehtäviä, joihin on hallinnollisilla uudistuksilla pyritty: opetussuunnitelman kehittämistä, tavoite- ja tuloshakuisuutta, yhteistyön lisäämistä sidosryhmiin ja koulun sisäisen toiminnan kehittämistä. Suurimmat erot rehtoreiden näkemysten välillä ilmenivät perinteisissä rehtorin hallinnollisissa tehtävissä. Tulos viittaa siihen, että koulun hallintokulttuuri ja johtaminen on muuttumassa. Osa rehtoreista oli omaksunut modernin kehittämis- ja ihmissuhdejohtajan roolin osan hoitaessa tehtävänsä edelleen hallintokeskeisesti kansliastaan käsin.
Rehtorit olivat onnistuneet keskeisissä tehtävissään pohjoissavolaisten opettajien arvion mukaan melko hyvin. Opettajat odottivat rehtorilta enemmän tukea, edellytysten luomista ja yhteydenpitoa kuin kontrollointia ja neuvomista. He toivoivat myös parempaa paneutumista koulun pedagogiseen toimintaan, vaikkakaan eivät kaivanneet samassa määrin opastusta kuin saksalaiset kollegansa. Rehtorit korostivat opettajia enemmän pedagogista rooliaan. Opettajat mielsivät rehtorin roolin toimeenpanoasioissa hallinnollisempana ja että rehtorit hoitivat tehtäviään perinteisemmin kuin rehtorit itse. Kaikissa tutkimuksen kohteena olleissa maissa koettiin yksittäisten tuntien seuranta jokseenkin turhaksi
Tulokset ilmentävät osaltaan rehtorin työn moninaisuutta sekä arkipäivän työn ja odotusten välistä ristiriitaa. Koulun johtamistyölle tulisi luoda nykyistä paremmat edellytykset ja yhteiskunnan tuki. Rehtorit odottavat selkeämpiä tavoitteita, toimintaohjeita ja -valtuuksia.
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Implementering av lärande för hållbar utveckling : En studie av rektors förståelse av kvalitet i skolans organisation / Implementing Education for Sustainable Development : A study of school leaders’ understanding of high quality in school organisationsMogren, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Student outcomes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is reported to be weak and empirical studies investigating the underlying causes have been called for. School organization is pointed out as essential, which highlights the role of school leaders in realizing ESD. This study aims to identify characteristic features of ESD active school organizations, by investigating how school leaders maintain high quality in their organizations. ESD is thus studied from an internal organizational perspective. Fourteen school leaders at ten upper secondary schools, active in ESD implementation, were interviewed and qualitative data quantified. A special focus was on school leaders’ transformative statements, in response to earlier criticism that ESD implementation has been too structural. Results consist of 26 identified quality criteria. By means of cluster analysis, the quality criteria were merged into four principal quality criteria: collaborative interaction and school development, student-centred education, cooperation with local society and proactive leadership and continuity. The school leaders’ quality strategies were identified through correlation analysis of their principal quality criteria. The quality strategies reveal a difference in the schools’ internal or external focus. An analysis of the school leaders’ quality statements in relation to their quality strategy implementation indicates that ESD to a large degree is introduced from a transformative perspective. One school in the study stands out as highly transformation-oriented, and has a quality strategy combining an internal and external focus, thus making it a possible benchmark for successful ESD-implementation. The study contributes a suggestion on how a progression of ESD implementation can take place and as well as possible obstacles. / Studier om implementering av Lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU) visar att påverkan på elevers förståelse, attityder och agerande i frågan är liten. Det finns ett behov av att empiriskt undersöka hur skolans organisation kan underlätta en mer framgångsrik LHU implementering. Rektorernas roll pekas ut som central i det arbetet, men få studier har tidigare undersökt hur rektorer arbetar med skolorganisationen. I studien undersöks generella uttryck för kvalitet som rektorer anser viktiga i skolorganisationen för att åstadkomma en utbildning med hög kvalitet. Resultaten tolkas i ljuset av skolor som aktivt implementerar LHU. Studien söker svar på vad som utmärker de skolorganisationer som aktivt arbetar med LHU. 14 rektorer på 10 LHU-skolor har intervjuats. Kvalitativ data har kvantifierats i syfte att upptäcka mönster och sammanhang. Ett speciellt fokus har ägnats åt transforamtiva uttryck, som ett svar på tidigare kritik mot att LHU implementerats allt för strukturellt inom skolan. Resultaten redovisar kvalitetskriterier som rektorerna framhåller som viktiga samt specifika fokusområden för kvalitetsarbete. Skolor i studien med hög medvetenhet om transformativa uttryck inom skolans organisation utgör grund för en diskussion om hur strategier för LHU implementering kan utformas.
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Perfil e visão de trabalho expressa por professores eventuais de escolas de uma diretoria de ensino da Rede Estadual de São PauloOliveira, Lorena Rodrigues de 31 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The temporary teachers working in schools in state of Sao Paulo as a means of remedying the problem of shortages of professors, replacing any absences. There are about 17,000 teachers working as a eventual teacher, which can be considered on duty at school, without any guarantee and employment stability. The main objective of this research is to draw a profile of teachers in any Board of Education Caieiras, metropolitan region of São Paulo state and identify the vision they express about their work and their situation professional. It's knowing who they are, as perceive their work and their relationship with the organization school. For this, a search was conducted qualitative, whose instruments for collecting data, in 2009, were the questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with teachers and any document analysis. The research has as reference, mainly the work of Gimeno Sacristán (1999), Vorraber (1995) and Huberman (1995). Results presented in charts and tables suggest that interviewed teachers are mostly young teachers with little training time, are formed predominantly in private institutions. In relation to the vision that express about their work demonstrate that they feel devalued and exhibit a difficult relationship with other teachers in schools and working with students / Os professores eventuais atuam nas escolas da rede estadual de São Paulo como meio de sanar
o problema das faltas dos professores titulares, substituindo eventuais ausências. São cerca de
17 mil professores trabalhando como professores eventuais, que podem ser considerados
plantonistas da escola, sem qualquer garantia e estabilidade profissional. O objetivo principal
desta pesquisa é traçar um perfil de professores eventuais na Diretoria de Ensino de Caieiras,
região metropolitana do estado de São Paulo e identificar a visão que eles expressam acerca
do seu trabalho e de sua situação profissional. Trata-se de conhecer quem são, como
percebem o seu trabalho e sua relação com a organização escolar. Para tanto, foi realizada
uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos instrumentos para a coleta de dados, no ano de 2009, foram a
aplicação de questionários, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores eventuais e análise
documental. A pesquisa tem como referencial, principalmente, os trabalhos de Gimeno
Sacristán (1999), Vorraber (1995) e Huberman (1995). Os resultados apresentados em
quadros e tabelas sugerem que os professores entrevistados são, na maior parte, professores
jovens e com pouco tempo de formação; são formados, predominantemente, em instituições
privadas. Em relação à visão que expressam acerca de seu trabalho demonstram que se sentem
desvalorizados e manifestam uma difícil relação com os demais professores das escolas em
que atuam e com os alunos
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