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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die visuelle Interpretation von Fernerkundungsdaten

Donner, Ralf 24 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Fähigkeit, in Luft- und Satellitenbildern Objekte wiederzuerkennen, kann folgendermaßen erklärt werden: Aus der Kenntnis einer Landschaft und ihrer Abbildung im Bild werden Interpretationsregeln entwickelt, die bestimmten Kombinationen von Bildmerkmalen wie Farbe, Form, Größe, Textur oder Kontext festgelegte Bedeutungen zuordnen. Kommt es nicht auf das Wiedererkennen mit festen Wahrnehmungsmustern an, stellt sich die bislang offene Frage nach einer wissenschaftlichen Kriterien genügenden Methode, wie der gedankliche Zusammenhang zwischen den Sinneswahrnehmungen erfasst werden kann. Die Erfahrung von Umkehrbildern und optischen Täuschungen führt zur Frage nach dem festen Element bei der visuellen Interpretation von Fernerkundungsdaten. Galileis Antwort, Messwerte als Ausgangspunkt naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis zu nehmen, löst die Mehrdeutigkeiten und Unsicherheiten gedanklicher Interpretationen nicht auf, denn zu jeder Zahl gehört bereits eine gedankliche Bestimmung darüber, was sie bedeutet: Äpfel, Birnen, Höhendifferenzen … Daher muss für die begriffliche Interpretation der Wahrnehmungen ein anderer Ausgangspunkt bestimmt werden: Weder kann der Mensch beobachten oder wahrnehmen, ohne seine Erlebnisse gedanklich zu fassen und zu ordnen, noch ist die Sinnesempfindung ein subjektives, vom Gegenstand abgespaltenes, nur persönliches Erlebnis. Wahrnehmung realisiert sich als Einheit von Wahrnehmendem und Wahrgenommenen. Demzufolge gibt es keine binäre Unterscheidung von objektiver Tatsache und subjektiver Interpretation. Wahrnehmung findet zwischen den Polen reiner Empfindung eines gegebenen und sinnlichkeitsfreien Denkens statt. Die reinen Erlebnisqualitäten der Sinnesempfindungen (warm, kalt, hell, rau) stellen sich als die am wenigsten von der subjektiven gedanklichen Interpretation abhängigen Elemente des Erkenntnisprozesses dar. Diesem Verhältnis von Beobachtung und gedanklicher Deutung entspricht ein phänomenologischer Untersuchungsansatz. Mit ihm bekommen Erfahrungen als absolute Elemente der Wahrnehmung primäre Bedeutung, gedankliche Interpretationen werden zu Abhängigen. Daher werden in der Untersuchung Ergebnisse phänomenologischer Arbeiten bevorzugt. Auch die eigene Bearbeitung des Themas geht von einer konsequent empirischen Position aus. Um einen Sachverhalt zu verstehen, genügt es nicht, bei den Sinnesempfindungen stehen zu bleiben, denn zu ihrem Verständnis fehlt der gedankliche Zusammenhang, die Erlebnisse müssen begrifflich interpretiert werden. Dabei ist die Doppelrolle der Begriffe von entscheidender Bedeutung: In der Analyse grenzen sie innerhalb des Erfahrungsfeldes Teilaspekte gegeneinander ab, welche in der Synthese durch dieselben Begriffe gedanklich verbunden werden. Diese Funktion der Begriffe wird ausgenutzt, um Wiedererkennen und Bildung von Verständnis zu differenzieren: Die Interpretation der Erfahrung nach a priori vorgegebenen Mustern zielt auf das Wiedererkennen. Im Gegensatz dazu emergiert Verständnis im Prozess der Begriffsbildung aus den Beobachtungen: Man sucht erst nach einer Gliederung, welche eine gedankliche Synthese plausibel erscheinen lässt. Das Konzept der Selbstorganisation hat in der Ökologie mechanistische Vorstellungen weitgehend abgelöst und im letzten Jahrzehnt auch in die Technik Eingang gefunden. Mit den Worten dieses Konzeptes kann die Begriffsbildung als Erkenntnisprozess beschrieben werden, in welchem sich gedankliche und nichtgedankliche Wahrnehmungen selbst organisieren. Sinnesempfindungen haben auch in anderen Zugangsweisen zur Natur eine dominierende Stellung. Daher können Goetheanismus, wissenschaftliche Ästhetik und Kunst zu einer voraussetzungslosen Naturerkundung beitragen. Die nahe Verwandtschaft von Phänomenologie, Ästhetik und Kunst lässt künstlerisches Schaffen als Vervollkommnung des in der Natur Veranlagten erscheinen. Weitere Querbeziehungen ergeben sich aus der Interpretation topografischer oder thematischer Karten oder sonstiger visualisierter raumbezogener Daten. Parallelen und Unterschiede werden herausgearbeitet. Moderne Naturwissenschaft ist quantitativ. Daher ist zu klären, was mathematische Modellierung zur Verständnisbildung beiträgt. In diesem Teil der Arbeit ist es der folgende Gedanke, welcher über die hinlänglich bekannte Nützlichkeit mathematischer Modellierungen, Vorausberechnungen und Simulationen hinausgeht: Die Mathematik überzeugt durch ihre logische Strenge in der Ableitung und Beweisführung: Aus Obersatz und Untersatz folgt die Konklusion. Eine Beobachtungsmethode, bei welcher eine Beobachtung an die nächste gereiht wird, so dass sich das Eine aus dem Anderen ergibt, wobei kein Sprung die Folge unterbricht, käme der Notwendigkeit eines mathematischen Beweises gleich. Diese strenge Folge des Einen aus dem Anderen tritt in der wissenschaftlichen Argumentation an die Stelle der spontanen Intuition mit Verifikation, Falsifikation und bestätigendem Beispiel. Auf diese Weise kann durch die Anwendung der mathematischen Methode eine realitätsnahe Begriffsbildung erreicht werden. Die bis hierher dargelegten Aspekte der Wahrnehmung, der Ästhetik, der Kunst und der Mathematik werden in der Methode einer voraussetzungslosen Begriffsentwicklung zusammengefasst. Damit ist das Hauptziel der Untersuchung, die Entwicklung einer auf das Verständnis gerichteten erfahrungsbasierten Beobachtungsmethode, erreicht. Die Abhandlung wird mit der Anwendung der entwickelten Methode auf einen Grundbegriff der Geoinformatik in folgender Weise fortgesetzt: Für die Geoinformatik ist der Raumbegriff von grundlegender Bedeutung. Daher bietet es sich an, diesen Begriff unter Anwendung der entwickelten Methode zu untersuchen. Unter phänomenologischen Gesichtspunkten stehen Raum und Zeit in einem engen Zusammenhang. Beide werden in der Bewegung erfahren. Interpretiert man Bewegung mit den Begriffen des Nebeneinander und des Nacheinander, entsteht Wissen von Raum und Zeit. Mit anderen Worten: Die am Leib erfahrene Bewegung wird durch Interpretation mit dem Raumbegriff zur Vorstellung durchlaufener Orte. Je nachdem, welche Sinneserfahrungen, allgemeiner: Beobachtungen, zugrunde gelegt werden, hat der Raum unterschiedliche geometrische Eigenschaften. Die Erfahrungen des Tastsinnes begründen euklidische Beobachtungen. Die Begriffe Raum und Zeit haben für die Verständnisbildung eine fundamentale Bedeutung. Mit ihrer Hilfe können die Erlebnisse als zugleich und nebeneinander oder als nacheinander geordnet werden. Sie ermöglichen Erkenntnis durch Analyse und Synthese. Wesentliches Motiv der Untersuchung ist die Frage nach der Bildung von Verständnis im Rahmen der visuellen Interpretation. Das Erkennen von Objekten stellt sich als synästhetische Synthese der Sinnesempfindungen und gedanklicher Inhalte dar. Unterschiedliche Gewichtungen der Gedankeninhalte lassen zwei Vorgehensweisen unterscheiden: 1, Für das Erkennen von Neuem ist es von grundlegender Bedeutung, dass die gedanklichen Inhalte den nichtgedanklichen Sinnesempfindungen untergeordnet sind, das heißt von diesen modifiziert werden können. Vorgewussten Begriffen kommt die Rolle von Hypothesen zu. 2, Beim Wiedererkennen haben gedankliche Inhalte eine dominierende Rolle – anhand von Interpretationsmerkmalen sollen Bildinhalten Bedeutungen zugewiesen werden. Das Bild wird hierzu nach Bildflächen mit solchen Kombinationen von Farben, Formen, Mustern, Texturen und räumlichen Anordnungen durchsucht, die dem zu suchenden Begriff entsprechen können. Oder das Bild wird, bei Verwendung einer Art Beispielschlüssel, nach Übereinstimmungen mit kompletten Bildmustern durchsucht. Auch das ist eine Form des Wiedererkennens. Um ein Phänomen zu verstehen, kommt es darauf an, in der Regelmäßigkeit der äußeren Form den Zusammenhang zu entdecken, der den verschiedenartigen Ausgestaltungen als regelndes Element zugrunde liegt. Dazu muss über eine Klassifizierung von Interpretationsmerkmalen hinausgegangen werden. Die gedankliche Auseinandersetzung mit den visualisierten Repräsentanzen der Phänomene unterstützt die Bildung eines solchen ideellen Zusammenhangs, welcher das in aller Mannigfaltigkeit der natürlichen Erscheinungen Gleichbleibende, Ruhende darstellt, aus welchem die Einzelphänomene hervorgegangen sein könnten. Die Funktionen beschreiben die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den räumlichen Elementen, welche sich in Austauschprozessen von Energie, Material und Stoffen ausdrücken. Überall dort, wo räumliche Anordnung ein Ausdruck funktionaler Beziehungen ist, unterstützt die visuelle Wahrnehmung der räumlichen Beziehungen die Einsicht in die sachlichen. In den Schlussfolgerungen wird die Visualisierung von Geodaten als Mittel zur Sichtbarmachung des Zusammenhanges zwischen den Erscheinungen charakterisiert. Die Bezugnahme zur Fernerkundung führt zu der Feststellung, dass die Anwendung der vorgeschlagenen Forschungsstrategie im Bereich der Geofernerkundung nur eingeschränkt möglich ist.

Náměty pro globální rozvojové vzdělávání dětí mladšího školního věku s užitím metodiky projektového vyučování

TRNKOVÁ, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic of Global development education using the pedagogical approach of methodology of project teaching. In the practical part we are shown three own learning activities, which are fully capable of being put into teaching practise of geography at 1st level of basic education, especially for 4th and 5th grade.

Educação ambiental e iniciação científica no ensino fundamental

Carminatti, Anarisa Fátima 22 February 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas é o principal objetivo da Alfabetização Científica e Tecnológica (ACT), a qual tem sido atualmente alvo de interesse de inúmeros pesquisadores que tenta tanto elucidar os mecanismos de concretização da ACT junto aos estudantes, quanto avaliar os indicadores desse processo verificando os avanços construídos pelos mesmos. A Alfabetização Científica busca a compreensão da estrutura básica de funcionamento das ciências, o que engloba a aquisição de vocabulário básico de conceitos científicos, uma compreensão da natureza dos métodos científicos e uma compreensão do impacto da ciência e da tecnologia sobre os indivíduos e sobre a sociedade. Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade da Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas em estudantes dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública, localizada na Microbacia do Arroio Pena Branca no Município de Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil, utilizando como tema motivador os recursos hídricos. Trata-se de pesquisa participante com dados predominantemente qualitativos, utilizando-se como estratégias para coleta de dados o questionário e o grupo focal, além da observação direta da pesquisadora. O método de aprendizagem ativa utilizado com os participantes foi o Ensino pela Pesquisa e, no aporte teórico de conceitos necessários aos mesmos, foi realizada consulta a especialistas. As atividades envolveram conscientização quanto aos impactos ambientais e fundamentação teórica sobre os recursos hídricos, coleta de amostras e análise da qualidade da água de arroio com determinação do Índice de Qualidade da Água, reconhecimento e identificação de macroinvertebrados aquáticos coletados no arroio e utilizados como bioindicadores, realização de analogias entre ecossistema natural e ecossistema artificial, socialização dos conhecimentos construídos e construção de um jogo pedagógico. O estudo aponta para a efetividade da Educação Ambiental no desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas, sendo que compreendendo os efeitos da ação antrópica no ambiente natural, os participantes puderam refletir sobre possíveis mudanças e métodos que podem ser utilizados para a preservação e conservação dos recursos naturais e em particular a água. O envolvimento dos estudantes de Ensino Fundamental nas atividades de pesquisa demonstrou-se uma importante ferramenta para a compreensão das metodologias científicas e sua aplicabilidade em atividades de Educação Ambiental, bem como para a formação profissional futura. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-06-27T16:47:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Anarisa Fatima Carminatti.pdf: 14977501 bytes, checksum: 18dc73bd80502a799fca445cb706833f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T16:47:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Anarisa Fatima Carminatti.pdf: 14977501 bytes, checksum: 18dc73bd80502a799fca445cb706833f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-27 / The development of scientific skills is the main goal of the Scientific and Technological Literacy (LST), which has been currently target of interest of many researchers who try to elucidate the mechanisms of implementation with the students, and to evaluate the indicators of this process checking the advances built by them. Scientific Literacy seeks the understanding of the basic operating structure of science, which encompasses the acquisition of basic vocabulary of scientific concepts, an understanding of the nature of scientific methods, and an understanding of the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education to the development of scientific skills in students of the final years of primary school of a public school, located on the watershed called Arroio Pena Branca in the city of Caxias do Sul, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which uses the water resources as a motivating theme. The chosen methodology is a participant research with predominantly qualitative data, using as strategies for data collection the questionnaire and the focus group, besides the direct observation of the researcher.The active learning method used with participants was teaching by research and, theoretical concepts required contribution, was made queries the specialists and specialities. The activities involved awareness of environmental impacts and theoretical foundation on water, specimen collection and analysis of water quality of the stream with determination of the Index of Water Quality, the recognition and identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in the watershed and used as bioindicators, the realization of analogies between natural and artificial ecosystem, the socialization of knowledge, and the construction of an educational game. The study points to the effectiveness of environmental education in the development of scientific skills. The understanding of the effects of human action in the natural environment made the participants to be able to reflect on possible changes and methods that can be used for the preservation and conservation of natural resources, particularly related to water. The Elementary school students’ involvement in research activities proved to be an important tool for the understanding of scientific methodologies and their applicability in environmental education activities, as well as to vocational training.

Educação ambiental e iniciação científica no ensino fundamental

Carminatti, Anarisa Fátima 22 February 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas é o principal objetivo da Alfabetização Científica e Tecnológica (ACT), a qual tem sido atualmente alvo de interesse de inúmeros pesquisadores que tenta tanto elucidar os mecanismos de concretização da ACT junto aos estudantes, quanto avaliar os indicadores desse processo verificando os avanços construídos pelos mesmos. A Alfabetização Científica busca a compreensão da estrutura básica de funcionamento das ciências, o que engloba a aquisição de vocabulário básico de conceitos científicos, uma compreensão da natureza dos métodos científicos e uma compreensão do impacto da ciência e da tecnologia sobre os indivíduos e sobre a sociedade. Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade da Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas em estudantes dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública, localizada na Microbacia do Arroio Pena Branca no Município de Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil, utilizando como tema motivador os recursos hídricos. Trata-se de pesquisa participante com dados predominantemente qualitativos, utilizando-se como estratégias para coleta de dados o questionário e o grupo focal, além da observação direta da pesquisadora. O método de aprendizagem ativa utilizado com os participantes foi o Ensino pela Pesquisa e, no aporte teórico de conceitos necessários aos mesmos, foi realizada consulta a especialistas. As atividades envolveram conscientização quanto aos impactos ambientais e fundamentação teórica sobre os recursos hídricos, coleta de amostras e análise da qualidade da água de arroio com determinação do Índice de Qualidade da Água, reconhecimento e identificação de macroinvertebrados aquáticos coletados no arroio e utilizados como bioindicadores, realização de analogias entre ecossistema natural e ecossistema artificial, socialização dos conhecimentos construídos e construção de um jogo pedagógico. O estudo aponta para a efetividade da Educação Ambiental no desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas, sendo que compreendendo os efeitos da ação antrópica no ambiente natural, os participantes puderam refletir sobre possíveis mudanças e métodos que podem ser utilizados para a preservação e conservação dos recursos naturais e em particular a água. O envolvimento dos estudantes de Ensino Fundamental nas atividades de pesquisa demonstrou-se uma importante ferramenta para a compreensão das metodologias científicas e sua aplicabilidade em atividades de Educação Ambiental, bem como para a formação profissional futura. / The development of scientific skills is the main goal of the Scientific and Technological Literacy (LST), which has been currently target of interest of many researchers who try to elucidate the mechanisms of implementation with the students, and to evaluate the indicators of this process checking the advances built by them. Scientific Literacy seeks the understanding of the basic operating structure of science, which encompasses the acquisition of basic vocabulary of scientific concepts, an understanding of the nature of scientific methods, and an understanding of the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education to the development of scientific skills in students of the final years of primary school of a public school, located on the watershed called Arroio Pena Branca in the city of Caxias do Sul, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which uses the water resources as a motivating theme. The chosen methodology is a participant research with predominantly qualitative data, using as strategies for data collection the questionnaire and the focus group, besides the direct observation of the researcher.The active learning method used with participants was teaching by research and, theoretical concepts required contribution, was made queries the specialists and specialities. The activities involved awareness of environmental impacts and theoretical foundation on water, specimen collection and analysis of water quality of the stream with determination of the Index of Water Quality, the recognition and identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in the watershed and used as bioindicators, the realization of analogies between natural and artificial ecosystem, the socialization of knowledge, and the construction of an educational game. The study points to the effectiveness of environmental education in the development of scientific skills. The understanding of the effects of human action in the natural environment made the participants to be able to reflect on possible changes and methods that can be used for the preservation and conservation of natural resources, particularly related to water. The Elementary school students’ involvement in research activities proved to be an important tool for the understanding of scientific methodologies and their applicability in environmental education activities, as well as to vocational training.

Investigating science teachers' perceptions of the nature of science in the context of curriculum reform in South Africa

Kurup, Rajasekhar Thanukkothu Sankar Pillai January 2010 (has links)
An adequate understanding of the nature of science (NOS) has become increasingly important for science teachers in South Africa as comprehensive curricular reforms over the past decade include promoting informed understandings of the ontological and epistemological bases of scientific knowledge and the methods of science. The main objective of this study was to explore the NOS understandings held by a sample of science teachers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Data were generated via questionnaires (n=136), semi-structured interviews (n=31), and classroom observations (n=8). The teacher interviews, which were informed by the questionnaire data, enabled further interrogation of the teachers’ philosophical positions. Their classroom practices were examined within the framework of these philosophical positions and the requirements of the new curriculum. The effect of implicit and explicit instruction in NOS on these teachers’ beliefs and classroom activities was also considered. A mixed-method approach informed by positivist and interpretivist perspectives was used for the collection and analysis of the data. The data suggests that explicit instruction in NOS resulted in more informed conceptions of science and the scientific enterprise, and that these conceptions were reflected, to a degree, in their classroom behaviours. However, it was noted that the teachers in this study often held philosophically eclectic views of the nature of scientific knowledge and how scientists develop ideas. Similarly, the South African National Curriculum Statement portrays science in contrasting ways, i.e. often within a modern/realist framework, but in other instances within postmodern/relativistic understandings (particularly in terms of indigenous knowledge systems). As such, an approach which aims at providing a firm foundation for understanding NOS ideas within a modern/realist perspective before emphasising the postmodern/relativist aspects of the scientific enterprise is suggested for teacher training and curriculum development.

Patterns in Nature Forming Patterns in Minds : An Evaluation of an Introductory Physics Unit

Sheaffer, Christopher Ryan 07 January 2013 (has links)
Educators are increasingly focused on the process over the content. In science especially, teachers want students to understand the nature of science and investigation. The emergence of scientific inquiry and engineering design teaching methods have led to the development of new teaching and evaluation methods that concentrate on steps in a process rather than facts in a topic. Research supports the notion that an explicit focus on the scientific process can lead to student science knowledge gains. In response to new research and standards many teachers have been developing teaching methods that seem to work well in their classrooms, but lack the time and resources to test them in other classroom environments. A high school Physics teacher (Bradford Hill) has developed a unit called Patterns in Nature (PIN) with objectives relating mathematical modeling to the scientific process. Designed for use in his large public school classroom, the unit was taken and used in a charter school with small classes. This study looks at specifically whether or not the PIN unit effectively teaches students how to graph the data they gather and fit an appropriate mathematical pattern, using that model to predict future measurements. Additionally, the study looks at the students' knowledge and views about the nature of science and the process of scientific investigation as it is affected by the PIN unit. Findings show that students are able to identify and apply patterns to data, but have difficulties explaining the meaning of the math. Students' show increases in their knowledge of the process of science, and the majority develop positive views about science in general. A major goal of this study is to place this unit in the cyclical process of Design-Based Research and allow for Pattern in Nature's continuous improvement, development and evaluation. Design-Based Research (DBR) is an approach that can be applied to the implementation and evaluation of classroom materials. This method incorporates the complexities of different contexts and changing treatments into the research methods and analysis. From the use of DBR teachers can understand more about how the designed materials affect the students. Others may be able to use the development and analysis of PIN study as a guide to look at similar aspects of science units developed elsewhere.

Digital Twin-Based Simulation Model for Electricity Usage Optimization for E-Buses Using Z Notation: Case of Arlanda Airport

Thalpe Guruge, Induni Udayangi January 2024 (has links)
The development of Digital Twin Technology, with a focus on addressing environmental concerns, has elevated the priority of Industry 4.0-based solutions. The study aimed to design a simulation model to optimize the electricity consumption of the electric bus fleet at Arlanda Airport as a subproject of the main Digital Twin project. The study found that there was no current model designed to simulate electricity consumption by formal methods, Z notation.  The research is guided by four primary objectives find power management strategies for e-buses, identify critical parameters affecting their energy consumption, create a Z Notation simulation model, and assess this model. Through a thorough review of the literature and methodical application, power management strategies were defined, and significant energy consumption parameters were identified. The model's usefulness in modelling and optimizing electricity usage was demonstrated by its careful construction using Z Notation and evaluation with Spivey's Fuzz Checker. The paper demonstrates the use of Design Science Research in creating a digital twin-based simulation, which has important implications for transportation systems as well as theoretical advances in simulation methodologies. Throughout the developed Z notations, it provide a proper insight into operational efficiency and sustainability in energy consumption.  The study also emphasizes the drawbacks of using Z Notation, such as its steep learning curve and limited community assistance. To improve the accuracy of electricity consumption forecasts, future research should use predictive analytics and fine-tune the model granularity. The thesis demonstrates how design science can be applied for preparing specification of services but not only in software development. This work lays the groundwork for more extensive applications in digital twin technologies and energy optimization, in addition to contributing to our understanding of e-bus power management at Arlanda Airport.

Perspective vol. 8 no. 1 (Feb 1974)

Vanderplaats, Nanci, Wolters, Albert M. 27 February 1974 (has links)
No description available.

Pluralism and social epistemology in economics

Wright, Jack January 2019 (has links)
Economics plays a significant role in decision-making in contemporary western societies, but its role is increasingly questioned. A recurring topic among the challenges raised by critics is that economics as a discipline lacks sufficient pluralism. That is, it fails to enable, encourage, and respect the use of different ontologies, methodologies, theories, and/or schools of thought to study economic reality. Has this been a productive critique? Does talk about pluralism help identify genuine problems in the discipline? Pluralism in economics could draw support from the current consensus in philosophy that pluralism in science is a good thing. I argue, however, that the claim that economic research is insufficiently pluralist is unlikely to convince economists who believe economics is already pluralist enough and that it does not offer unambiguous recommendations for change. This is because there are too many legitimate ways to interpret how pluralism maps to practice. There are numerous variables that pluralist ideals might focus on-the things that they seek multiple rather than one of-and different interpretations of how many of those variables economics has in practice. Yet, as I go on to argue, this does not mean that talk of pluralism is entirely beside the point, since the reasons pluralists offer for their ideals do help to identify genuine problems in economics. The social epistemic strategies that arguments for pluralism recommend point us to three concrete issues in the way economic research is organised: gender imbalances, a steep internal hierarchy, and a dismissive attitude to outsiders. I show that economic research could be more progressive, representative of the interests of those in society, accepted, and legitimate and less likely to fall into bias if the discipline alleviated its gender imbalances, if it were less hierarchical, and if it had a healthier relationship with outsiders. In chapter 1, I outline the debate about pluralism in economics and explain how my thesis utilises a novel approach to social epistemology to offer a way out of the impasse in which that the debate presently resides. In chapter 2, I explain the different philosophical arguments for pluralism in science and categorise them using the variables they focus on and the reasons they give for pluralism. In chapter 3, I argue that interpreting pluralism as a particular arrangement of variables for economics to attain does not lead to unambiguous recommendations for change because it leaves too much open. Yet, I go on to argue, in chapter 4, that drawing on the reasons for pluralism can provide a set of heuristics for piecemeal evaluations of the social epistemic practices in economics. In chapters 5, 6, and 7, I apply these heuristics to economics. I provide evidence that [a] women are outnumbered in economics and face an adverse environment in the discipline, that [b] economics is steeply hierarchical, and that [c] economists form an in-group that assumes superiority and frequently dismisses outside voices. I argue that these three features of economic research block avenues for productive forms of feedback (mechanisms that help to challenge, justify, and refine scientific knowledge), block the interests of certain perspectives being heard, and block public scrutiny of the decisions made by economists.

Perspective vol. 8 no. 1 (Feb 1974) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship

Vanderplaats, Nanci, Wolters, Albert M. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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