Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cience - 1echnology"" "subject:"cience - 1technology""
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Etablering av metod för differentiering av perifera monocyter till langerhansceller / Establishment of a method for differentiation of peripheral monocytes into langerhanscellsKis, Dora January 2024 (has links)
Langerhansceller (LC) är en specifik typ av antigenpresenterande celler och är deenda residenta immuncellerna i epidermis. LC har likheter med både dendritiska celler och makrofager men kännetecknas av sitt uttryck av lektinreceptorn langerin (CD207) och lipid-antigenpresenterande komplexet CD1a. En rekonstruerad human epidermismodell är ett mycket användbart verktyg för olika typer av studier om epidermis, och integrering av LC i modellen ger även möjlighet till att studera immunologiska funktioner in vitro. Det har tidigare visatsatt perifera monocyter kan in vitro differentieras till LC med hjälp av granulocyt-makrofagkolonistimulerande faktor (GM-CSF), transformerande tillväxtfaktor beta1 (TGF-β1) och interleukin 4 (IL-4), men det finns olika beskrivningar på själva metoden. Syftet med den här studien är att etablera en metod för att differentiera perifera monocyter till LC, så att dessa sedan kan integreras i en epidermismodell. Resultatet från studien visar att huvuddelen av de differentierade cellerna befinner sig i suspension och behöver därför återföras till odlingen dag två vid byte av medium. Ingen väsentlig skillnad kan dock detekteras mellan de adherenta- och suspensionscellerna avseende andelen erhållna LC, vilket gör att suspensionscellerna kan med fördel användas för vidare studier. Det finns stor variation i utfallet av erhållna LC mellan blodgivare, men utbytet av LC kan förutses redan dag fyra. Sammanfattningsvis, i den här studien fastställdes en metod där monocyter från perifert blod differentieras till LC under sex dagar genom stimulering med GM-CSF, TGF-β1 samt pulsning med IL-4 detvå första dagarna, men vidare optimering är nödvändig innan dessa LC kanintegreras i en epidermismodell.
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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, often due to failed treatments because of drug resistance. Treatment is difficult as resistance is hard to detect before treatment and can develop during treatment. The fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay (FMCA) is a reliable, rapid method for testing drug cytotoxicity but requires large cell samples, which can be challenging to obtain. Patient-derived cancer cells (PDC) have proven challenging to culture in monolayer models, but recent studies have shown the possibility of using tumoroids. Tumoroids are three-dimensional models where cells are grown in basement membrane matrix hydrogel, allowing scaffold growth like in vivo tumors. This study aimed to culture colorectal PDC in the form of tumoroids, transfecting them, and examine cell cycle and tumor resistance for 5-Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan. Cells were deposited in gels with medium mimicking in vivo conditions, supporting growth and allowing extracellular signaling. The study succeeded in culturing both untransfected and transfected cells, resulting in cells expanding 48 and 42 times, respectively. Cell cycle remained unchanged. No changes were observed in 5-Fluorouracil, but a change was seen in transfected cells at passage 3 with oxaliplatin. The cells showed a 22% difference in survival indexes compared to naïve cells. Changes were seen in Irinotecan’s half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50); all cell passage IC50 values differed >15.17 µM (p-value 0.0184). In conclusion, PDC can be cultured as tumoroids, but more studies are needed to determine if the model can generate reliable results representing PDC regarding tumor resistance.
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A pilot study assessing the SensAbues® sampling device to identify biomarkers for pulmonary embolism in exhaled breathElsert, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
Background: Pulmonary Embolism (PE) is a potentially life-threatening condition that is characterized by one or several blood clots blocking the arteries in the lungs. The existing diagnostic tools for PE have their shortcomings, highlighting the importance of investigating new diagnostic methods. The development of non-invasive methods to collect microparticles from exhaled breath has opened possibilities to explore new potential biomarkers. SensAbues® is a sampling device that utilizes electrostatic filters to capture microparticles from the exhaled breath. The objective of this project was twofold: firstly, to assess the suitability of SensAbues® sampling device for a future proteomics study where the goal is to identify biomarkers for PE; and secondly, to evaluate the efficacy of various extraction solutions in retrieving proteins from the electrostatic filters. Materials and methods: Samples were collected from three healthy volunteers using the SensAbues® device. The electrostatic filters were then extracted using either PBS or 15% ethanol and the protein content was then estimated using a modified Bradford method. Additionally, two blank SensAbues® filter extracts, from PBS and 15% ethanol were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: The attempts to evaluate extraction solutions using the Bradford method were unsuccessful, as all the samples yielded negative values. The filter-blank extracts analyzed with LC-MS/MS contained a significant amount of polyethylene glycols of varying sizes. Conclusion: The polyethylene glycols from the SensAbues® filters may have interfered with the Bradford method. Polyethylene glycols can also interfere with proteins, making the SensAbues® sampling device unsuitable for the prospective proteomics study.
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Comparing automatically and manually scored apnea hypopnea index and investigating if differences are affected by central apneas and home sleep apnea test signal qualityStrandberg, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Sleep apnea is a pathological health condition with repeatedly paused breathing during sleep. The condition can cause serious health problems and decrease quality of life. Offering a fast diagnosis and treatment could prevent further progress of the condition. The severity of sleep apnea is indicated by an apnea hypopnea index (AHI), which is scored based on a home sleep apnea test (HSAT). The purpose: This study compared the differences between manually and automatically scored AHI, to examine if the automatic scoring is an acceptable singular method for sleep apnea diagnostics. This study also examined if AHI differences could be predicted by HSAT airflow signal quality and the degree of central or mixed apneas. Methods: Sleep apnea patients were instructed by the author how to use the HSAT equipment, data of 182 one-night HSAT recordings were then collected. Each recording was analyzed automatically and manually by a sleep specialist, using the software Noxturnal 6.3. Results: There was a great correlation between the two AHI scoring methods (Spearman’s r 0,97), but a statistically significant difference was found. The positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the automatic method were 96% and 97%, respectively, sensitivity was 99% and specificity 84%. A moderate, negative correlation between signal quality and AHI differences (Pearson’s r -0,31) was found, but none with central apneas. Conclusion: The results were contradictory, but considering a low Cohen’s d, this study still concludes that clinical use of automatic AHI scoring should be sufficient if AHI > 15.
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Acidification assessment on blood plasma during purification of extracellular vesicles for downstream application of biomarker analysisLidell, Viktoria January 2024 (has links)
Extracellular vesicles (EV) originate from various cell types and reflect the contents of the originating cells. EVs are ubiquitous in nearly all body fluids, including blood plasma, and exhibit significant potential as biomarkers in disease diagnostics. However, isolating EVs from blood plasma remains challenging due to the lack of a standardised method. This study aimed to compare and optimize a density gradient ultracentrifugation workflow (DUC) against size exclusion chromatography-cation exchange chromatography (SEC-CEC) and evaluate SEC versus SEC-CEC. Common contaminants during isolation include lipoproteins (LP); previous studies have shown that lowering the pH of blood plasma can precipitate LP, enhancing isolation efficiency. Acidified blood plasma was compared with neutral plasma for EV isolation using all above mentioned methods. To assess the ability of the isolation methods to purify contaminants while retaining maximal EV yield, samples were analysed using multiple techniques, including particle quantity, free proteins, LP-associated apolipoprotein B, purity index (μg protein/particle), and EV-associated surface markers. The results indicate potential for DUC, but further optimization is necessary to improve the method and its isolation of EV. SEC-CEC emerged as an effective method, reducing contaminants by 71% (SEC) to 99% (SEC-CEC), increasing purity by 80%, and yielding positive signals from EV markers (SEC-CEC). The effect of acidification was ambiguous, it reduced apolipoprotein-B levels in plasma pre-isolation. However, post- isolation, neutral plasma exhibited significantly lower contaminations, albeit at the expense of total particle content and risking EV loss. The study underscored several advantages of SEC-CEC but indicated that acidification did not optimise isolation efficiency.
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Productive Failure Learning in Physics EducationFatima Perwaiz (12133632) 17 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The study investigates the effectiveness of productive failure learning using a contrasting-cases design of ill-structured problems followed by well-structured problems. Fifty-one future elementary school teachers, enrolled in an undergraduate physics course were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions: a) ill-structured followed by well-structured problems (IS-WS), b) well-structured followed by well-structured problems (WS-WS), and c) ill-structured followed by ill-structured problems (IS-IS). The study hypothesized that the first condition with a contrasting-case design would outperform the non-contrasting-case design. After solving treatment problems in their respective conditions, all the participants took a post-test that comprised both ill-structured and well-structured problems. The one-way and two-way ANOVA results showed that while productive failure learning (IS-WS) outperformed WS-WS on both procedural and conceptual knowledge in the well-structured post-test, there was no significant difference between the three learning conditions in the ill-structured post-test. The findings indicated that structuring instruction lies on a continuum between highly structured and unstructured. For higher-level physics education, productive failure learning provided the optimum balance of discovery learning via ill-structured problems and guided instruction via well-structured problems to activate prior knowledge, draw attention to critical features of the canonical concept, and facilitate motivation and excitement within learners, resulting in effective learning.</p>
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Comparative analysis of Hemoglobin A1c on QuikRead Go and DCA Vantage against Cobas Pro reference method: A verification studyLöfström Renman, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
Diabetes is a significant health burden worldwide. The most common types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes are typically characterized by complete insulin deficiency and varying degrees of insulin deficiency, respectively. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), formed when hemoglobin and glucose combine through glycation, can be used to monitor treatment in diabetic patients, and thus prevent future complications of the disease. HbA1c can be measured using point-of-care (POC) instruments, providing rapid results and immediate feedback on HbA1c levels. Measurement with POC instruments can reduce the need for additional visits for blood sampling, thereby lowering costs for both patients and healthcare systems. The main purpose of this study was to verify HbA1c on the POC instruments QuikRead Go and DCA Vantage by comparing the results with the reference method Cobas Pro and by comparing capillary and venous blood samples. The study utilized 30 venous patient samples, including 20 samples already analyzed on Cobas Pro and 10 samples collected venously and capillary from volunteer individuals. The coefficient of variation (CV) for QuikRead Go fell within the quality goal, while DCA Vantage exceeded the goal. The results demonstrated good agreement between capillary blood samples analyzed on POC instruments and venous samples analyzed on Cobas Pro. However, a statistically significant difference was found comparing venous samples analyzed on POC instruments and Cobas Pro. The results suggest that capillary sampling should be used for analysis on POC instruments. Certain limitations of the study should be considered when using QuikRead Go and DCA Vantage in practice.
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Reglering av sfingomyelincykeln i olika skelettmuskler under dietinducerade förhållandenZakrisson, Thea January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Method verification of two point-of-care testing platforms: the Abbott’s iSTAT and Timik’s EPOC blood analysis systems.Jonsson, Sofie January 2024 (has links)
Background: A blood analysis with the particular focus of the blood gas status is often performed on critically ill patients to investigate whether there are any potential metabolic or respiratory causes underlying their condition. Utilizing a point-of-care analysis system for blood analysis close to the patient can enable faster analysis and thus accelerate medical decision-making. The aim of this project was to validate two point-of-care blood analysis instruments, EPOC and iSTAT. The blood analysis comprises 13 parameters (e.g. blood gases, hemoglobin, electrolytes), and some of which are calculated based on the original parameters. Method and materials: The study was performed on blood samples taken from 20 volunteers after informed consent. The volunteers were regular patients who were referred to the hospital to leave a blood test: at the phlebotomy department the patients were informed about the purpose of the study, and for those who agreed, additional sample designated for this study were taken. The samples were initially analyzed using the two point-of-care instruments (Epoc and iSTAT) and thereafter with two verification instruments (ABL90-flex PLUS and Cobas Pure), which were located in the laboratory of Bollnäs hospital. Precision measurements were conducted by doing five replicates for four of the parameters (sodium, base excess, pCO2, potassium) on five different occasions. Result: Both the Epoc and iSTAT-blood analysis system displayed satisfactory correlation with the reference instruments for each analyzed parameter. Further, the precision measurements showed that both Epoc and iSTAT displayed equivalent variation coefficient (CV%) as the reference methods. Conclusion: The result of this study showed that the point-of-care instruments performed well and displayed a high correlation with the reference instruments.
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Joseph Moxon: Fueled by Science, Extinguished by Class. How a Forgotten Middle-Classed Early Modern English Puritan Printer Mathematician and Globe-Maker Helped Forge the Scientific Revolution and Democratize Knowledge Among the TradesMacro, Kenneth L, Jr. 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Joseph Moxon, raised within the trades, elevated into the middle-class, was an inducted Fellow of the Royal Society, Hydrographer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Printer, Author, Translator, Maker of Globes and of Spheres, Maker of Maps and of Mathematical Instruments, Engraver, and Entrepreneur. Moxon was the quintessential Renaissance Man. A tradesman living in a time of great scientific intrigue and discovery, Moxon, acknowledged by few mid-seventeenth century historians, rightfully contributed his scientific discoveries—in the forms of tutorials and manuals written for the common man—as a testimony to all printers who have helped in the progression of the Scientific Revolution. For without them, books would not have been printed, knowledge would not have been shared, and innovation and discovery would have been possibly retarded and/or stifled. This paper presents his story through the acclaimed yet forgotten works of Moxon’s Mechanick Exercises Volume I and Volume II as the first scientifically influenced instructional manuals and guides for the trades and as the foundation for acknowledging the printing press as the catalyst for democratizing knowledge.
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