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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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“Do centro para a margem”: Um estudo histórico-antropológico do processo de ascensão, declínio e reinvenção das cebs, o caso da comunidade São Benedito – Santa Rita/PB

Santos, Elenilson Delmiro dos 19 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-01-23T12:47:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 4281724 bytes, checksum: eb9db45c104b1c2ee362633b6610274d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-23T12:47:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 4281724 bytes, checksum: eb9db45c104b1c2ee362633b6610274d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The religious scene that has established itself in Brazil in recent years, have demanded of religions, especially Catholicism, the need to put forth ruptures, conflicts, innovations, continuities and especially adoptions of new theologies in overcoming old. It is urgent prevail for pastoral models that are able to establish a close relationship with the new religious standards set by society. In effect, we are witnessing the affirmation of religious experiences, set by the traces of modernity, who preach the centrality of subjective and private sphere of religion. As a result, experiments such as Ecclesial Base Communities - CEBs for take hold in view of the collective and social character of religion, come into crisis. In this sense, this work is premised analyze the current situation of CEBs in Brazil, as suggested by the subtitle of our work, the process of the rise, decline and reinvention, and as a source of analysis a case study. Our theoretical option is for the concept of religious modernity, as worked out by Danièle Hervieu-Léger. As a research source, use of bibliographic production, arising from the fields of Sciences of Religions, Sociology, Anthropology and Theology. Thus, authors such as Faustino Teixeira, Leonardo Boff, José Comblin, among others, were of fundamental importance to the extent allowed us to better understand the elements that sustain and inspire the journey of CEBs. In analyzing the results of the field, the anthropological literature as Vagner Gonçalves, Roberto C. de Oliveira, among others, helped us to understand and cut the lines of our interviewees to collaborate with what was our interest in this study. As a result of research conducted in São Benedito community, city of Santa Rita/PB, obtained from the literature and the field itself some answers to the questions that inspired the construction of this work: there is still place for the CEBs in the current religious dynamics? Were they, in fact, the CEBs living a moment of reflux? Our results showed that the maintenance of CEBs in the Catholic religious scene, much depends on your own ability to renew themselves and interact with new social and religious demands. / O cenário religioso que vem se estabelecendo no Brasil, nos últimos anos, têm exigido das religiões, especialmente do catolicismo, a necessidade de se colocar diante de rupturas, conflitos, inovações, continuidades e, principalmente, de adoções de novas teologias em superação das velhas. Torna-se urgente primar por modelos pastorais que sejam capazes de estabelecer uma relação de proximidade com os novos padrões religiosos estabelecidos pela sociedade. Como efeito, passamos a assistir a afirmação de experiências religiosas, configuradas pelos traços da modernidade, que pregam a centralidade da dimensão subjetiva e privada da religião. Como consequência, experiências como as Comunidades Eclesiais de Base - CEBs, por se firmarem na perspectiva do caráter coletivo e social da religião, entram em crise. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por premissa analisar a atual situação das CEBs no Brasil, como sugere o subtítulo do nosso trabalho, seu processo de ascensão, declínio e reinvenção, tendo como fonte de análise um estudo de caso. Nossa opção teórica fica por conta do conceito de modernidade religiosa, conforme trabalhado por Danièle Hervieu-Léger. Como fonte de pesquisa, utilizamos de produção bibliográfica, advindas dos campos das Ciências das Religiões, Sociologia, Antropologia e Teologia. Deste modo, autores como Faustino Teixeira, Leonardo Boff, José Comblin, entre outros, foram de fundamental importância na medida em nos permitiram compreender melhor os elementos que sustentam e inspiram a caminhada das CEBs. Na análise dos resultados do campo, a literatura antropológica, como Vagner Gonçalves, Roberto C. de Oliveira, entre outros, nos ajudou a entender e a recortar as falas dos nossos sujeitos entrevistados no sentido de colaborar com aquilo que era de nosso interesse nesse estudo. Como resultado da pesquisa, realizada na Comunidade São Benedito, cidade de Santa Rita/PB, obtivemos da literatura especializada e do próprio campo algumas respostas para as questões que inspiraram a construção desse trabalho: ainda existe espaço para as CEBs na atual dinâmica religiosa? Estariam, de fato, as CEBs vivendo um momento de refluxo? Nossos resultados mostraram que a manutenção das CEBs no cenário religioso católico, em muito, depende de sua própria capacidade de renovar-se e interagir com as novas demandas sociais e religiosas.

Écosystème relationnel pour une paix intérieure et extérieure : modèle issu d’une méthode mixte en recherche sur l’approche de l’écoute compassionnelle selon The Compassionate Listening Project.

Gagnon, Brigitte 10 1900 (has links)
The research consists of an exploratory mixed-method research (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011) using a constructive Grounded Theory methodology (Charmaz, 2014, 2006). The object of study is experiences and transformations related to the practice of compassionate listening, as well as the process and type of spirituality at the heart of this approach for conflict transformation developed by The Compassionate Listening Project (TCLP) based in the United States. People get to sit with Israeli or Palestinian guest speakers and they listen to them share their story and experience with the conflict, wherever they can locate themselves in the political Spectrum. Trained with the compassionate listening approach, it becomes possible for them to affirm their deepest humanity and learn to hold the complexities related to the conflict (Cohen, 2011). 14 semi-structured interviews with delegates from the 2010 TCLP delegation, participant observation and document analysis, took place in the qualitative stage of the research. Followed by the administration of an online questionnaire to past participants of TCLP delegations between 1998 and 2015 (n=60). The study led to the emergence of a theoretical and practical Model named: Well-being Ecosystem for Inner and Outer peace, based on a social process theory (Glaser, 2005) informing on conditions and factors involved in the passage between three stages: from a feeling or state of separation with the other, to more communication and towards deep connection and communion. The integration chapter of the mixed methods presents four key pillars supporting this Model to help integrate an agenda of the heart to peace efforts, in the form of specific types of “responses of the heart” (affiliated to the notion of compassionate love, Fehr et al., 2009) inspired by the compassionate listening approach and series of variables, factors, and conditions to help cultivate a culture of peace in any environment. The quality of presence and environment at the relational level is exposed in the nexus of the notions of spirituality and practice for peacebuilding and conflict transformation. The research combines scientific and experiential knowledge in Social Sciences, Applied Religious Studies, Health and Contemplative Studies. / Cette recherche en sciences des religions appliquées porte sur l’approche de l’écoute compassionnelle (Cohen, 2011) développée par l’organisme The Compassionate Listening Project (TCLP) et pratiquée en contexte de réconciliation entre Juifs et Palestiniens d’Israël, de la bande de Gaza et de la Cisjordanie. Selon Marie Pace (2005), qui a fait une étude de cas empirique sur cette approche de construction de la paix, plusieurs participants ont témoigné à leur retour que cette expérience avait été transformationnelle et avait changé leur vie. Certains parlaient même de guérison (healing) (Pace, 2005). Quel processus est au coeur de cette approche, dont le rôle de la compassion est central ? Comment se vit l’expérience de procurer et de recevoir de l’écoute compassionnelle ? Quel impact de transformation, voire de guérison (healing) est à l’oeuvre ? Tel que le clament les auteures de cette méthode, s'il s'avérait qu’elle soit le moteur d'un dialogue plus profond et d'une réconciliation véritable, est-ce qu’il y a un apport particulier d’une forme de spiritualité ? Si oui, quelle est-elle ? Pour répondre à ces questions, une méthode mixte en recherche de type exploratoire fut empruntée, débutant par une phase qualitative suivie d’une phase quantitative de recherche (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011). Une observation participante au sein d’une délégation en Israël-Palestine en 2010 et quatorze entrevues individuelles auprès des délégués furent effectuées ainsi qu’une analyse documentaire sur les écrits liés à cette approche. La phase quantitative a inclus l’administration d’un questionnaire auprès de plusieurs anciens participants aux délégations organisées par TCLP de 1998 à 2015 (n=60). Ce qui a permis de vérifier des éléments de réponse sur l’objet d’étude fourni par les entrevues, en plus des composantes d’une théorie émergente. L’étude adopte la méthodologie de la théorie enracinée (Grounded Theory) et présente une théorie de processus social de base (Glaser, 2005) sur les conditions et facteurs favorisant le passage entre un état ou sentiment de séparation avec l’autre, vers une meilleure communication et une connexion profonde et communion. Ces stages s’inscrivent au sein d’un modèle théorique et appliqué nommé : Écosystème relationnel du mieux-être pour lune paix intérieure et extérieure, lequel fait figure de plateforme relationnelle (Lederach, 2005) pour la contribution d’un agenda du coeur aux efforts de paix. Ce modèle informe sur le type de « réponse du coeur » en jeu dans un amour centré sur l’autre, communément vu comme un amour compassionnel (Fehr et al., 2009) et présente une série de variables, indicateurs et indices prenant en compte la synergie et qualité de présence particulières pouvant contribuer aux efforts de paix et à la création d’une culture de la paix intérieure et extérieure dans tout environnement. Mots-clé : Écoute compassionnelle, transformation des conflits, culture de la paix, compassion, écoute, sciences des religions appliquées, amour compassionnel, agenda du coeur, réponse du coeur, conflit israélo-palestinien.

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