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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lagrangian analysis of sea turtle ecology

Scott, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Many marine organisms are highly mobile, which presents a variety of research and conservation management challenges. Sea turtles are a particularly paradigmatic group of long distant migrants whose movements as adults have been detailed by satellite tracking technology. However, small hatchlings are not amenable to this approach. This thesis used Lagrangian oceanography approaches to study the cryptic lives of juvenile turtles, since ocean currents drive their dispersion from natal beaches. Through increasingly sophisticated and novel uses of Lagrangian surface drifter buoys, state-of- the-art global ocean models and emerging animal life history datasets, my PhD thesis details significant findings of the key life history attributes of these enigmatic migrants. Initially, 1 modelled the dispersal of hatchlings from their nesting beaches to derive the first robust estimates of hatchling growth rates and by so doing, highlighted the long maturation times of turtle species. Then, I programmed hatchling swimming behaviour into ocean model simulations to reveal how these small drifters could improve their survival chances in strong current flows. More interdisciplinary research also highlighted aberrant routes of dispersal that can arise through storm displacements. Subsequent meta-analysis on the movements of flying, swimming and walking migrants highlighted key biological determinants of sea turtle migrations. Spatio-temporal analysis of sea turtle marine protected area (MPA) use highlighted minor (tractable) legislative revisions that would significantly improve MPA effectiveness. Finally, research culminated in a global synthesis of the movement patterns of adult and hatchling sea turtles which provided global support for a new migration paradigm, that whilst adult turtles travel independently of ocean currents, ocean currents still indirectly drive the ontogeny of adult sea turtle migrations and foraging habitat selections due to their past experiences as drifting hatchlings. This new understanding into the biological and physical determinants of sea turtle migration strategies is thus hoped to have broad conservation utility.

Ecological risk assessment of fisheries on sea turtles in the South Western Indian Ocean

Mellet, Bernice January 2015 (has links)
The SWIO is an area of great biodiversity and included in the diverse species that occupy the region are five species of sea turtles that include green turtles, hawksbills, leatherbacks, loggerheads and olive ridleys. Despite considerable conservation efforts at sea turtle rookeries in the South Western Indian Ocean, only green and loggerhead turtle populations have shown an increase in population size in recent years (<10 years), whereas leatherbacks remained stable and hawksbills and olive ridleys declined. This begs the question if fisheries (or other offshore pressures) are responsible for slowing the recovery of these populations in the region, and if so, which specific fisheries are responsible for this trend? Several offshore (mostly industrial) and coastal (mostly artisanal) fisheries overlap with sea turtle distribution at sea. Industrial fisheries that are globally known to have a demonstrable impact on sea turtle populations are longline and to a lesser extent purse seine fisheries, whilst prawn trawl, gillnet and beach seine fisheries are coastal fisheries with a known negative impact on sea turtle populations. Holistic conservation strategies should be developed that include both land and sea protection for sea turtle species. It is thus necessary to identify and manage offshore threats including fisheries activities, particularly those fisheries that are showing the highest risk to sea turtle populations. This prompted an investigation into the bycatch rates and mortality of all sea turtle species that occur in the SWIO region in several offshore and coastal fisheries including both industrial (longline, purse seine and prawn trawl) and artisanal (including gillnet and beach seine) fisheries. The specific aims were (i) to identify and quantify the interactions (and if possible mortality) of sea turtle species in fisheries and (ii) to identify vulnerable species/populations to fishing operations using a semi-quantitative Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) in the form of a Productivity-Susceptibility Analysis (PSA). Published information, online databases and technical reports were used as data sources to establish a database containing essential information regarding fishing effort and sea turtle bycatch in the region. The existing information was used to map fisheries extent and effort within the region, and to perform bycatch calculations. Interactions and mortality rates for sea turtles in five fisheries were quantified using bycatch rates from regional studies. Between 2000 – 2011, industrial longline and purse seine fisheries captured sea turtles at a rate of 4 388 indiv.y-1, with the mortality rate being 189 indiv.y-1. The bulk of these interactions were in the longline industry that captured 4 129 ± 1 376 indiv.y-1, with a corresponding mortality rate of 167 ± 53 indiv.y-1. The most commonly caught species (in longlines) were loggerheads and leatherback turtles, but the greatest impact is expected to be on the leatherback population due to the high interaction rate relative to population size. The bycatch (259 ± 34 indiv.y-1) and mortality (20 ± 2 indiv.y-1) rates of sea turtles in the purse seine fishery was considerably lower than the longline fishery. The purse seine fishery thus does not seem to have a significant impact on sea turtle populations in the SWIO. The impact of all forms of fish aggregation devices were excluded from the analysis as the impacts of these are poorly documented. Coastal prawn trawl, gillnet and beach seine fisheries captured an estimate of between 50 164 - 52 370 indiv.y-1 from 2000-2011. The highest bycatch rate was estimated for gillnet fisheries (40 264 indiv.y-1) followed by beach seine fisheries (9 171 indiv.y-1) and prawn trawl fisheries (at 1089 – 2795 indiv.y-1). The gillnet fishery could be responsible for slowing the recovery rate of green turtle and leatherback populations in the SWIO due to the high capture rates in this fishery compared to the population sizes of the species. Beach seine and prawn trawl fisheries are not expected to be hamper the recovery rate of any of the populations in the SWIO due to the low levels of interactions and low mortality rates compared to the population sizes. There are however very few data available regarding the bycatch of sea turtle species within these fisheries, highlighting the need for further research regarding this. A productivity-Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) was used to evaluate the relative vulnerability of species to fisheries, and is frequently applied in data poor situations. Limited data on sea turtle life history characteristics and population dynamics of species in the SWIO prompted the use of a PSA to determine the species most vulnerable to fisheries in the region. Results of the PSA indicated that gillnet fisheries poses the largest fishery-related threat to sea turtle populations, specifically the green and leatherback populations. The longline fishery that poses a particular threat to the leatherback population in the SWIO is also a particular concern. A cumulative impact assessment (combining fisheries and other threats) indicated that the SWIO leatherback population is extremely vulnerable to the combination of threats that influence this population in the SWIO. Even though individual fisheries may pose a small threat, the cumulative impacts of the fisheries can lead to severe impacts on populations such as slowing the recovery rate of populations. There are however significant data gaps that require attention in order to fully assess the impact of these fisheries on sea turtle populations. Despite the fact that fisheries are not implicated as a mayor reason for the decline in the hawksbill and olive ridley populations in the region, these two species are in decline indicating that there are other factors responsible for the decline not yet identified. It however remains imperative to reduce the mortality from all sources to ensure the continued viability of sea turtle populations in the region.

Quantifying Pre-Industrial to Mid-Late 20th Century Anthropogenic Lead, Mercury and Cadmium Pollution in Caribbean Marine Environments Using Skeletonized Sea Turtle Remains

Pena, Felicia L 14 December 2018 (has links)
Various lines of evidence indicate that levels of anthropogenic pollutants, such as lead, mercury and cadmium, have increased in terrestrial and atmospheric environments since the early 19th century and the advent of industrialization. While the exposure to these three trace elements is a global concern, this study focused primarily on marine environments located throughout the Caribbean. Using ICP-MS, this study aimed to detect and quantify anthropogenic pollutants, specifically lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd), using skeletonized remains of sea turtles as biological proxies for environmental quality. Archaeologically derived (n=5) and mid-late 20th century (n=6) Hawksbill and Green turtles were used to create a chronology of pollution exposure in Caribbean marine environments and establish a pre-industrial baseline for pollution exposure, useful for precisely gauging how human activities in the Caribbean, namely industrialization and tourism, have changed the concentration of these elements over time. Results from this study revealed that the industrial, modern sea turtle sample and the archaeological sample exhibit similar distributions of lead and cadmium ppm levels. Whereas, the mercury datasets revealed that the two samples share differing distributions of ppm levels, but that the archaeological sample yielded the higher mercury concentrations. Based on these results, this study was unable to verify whether skeletal sea turtle remains, specifically humeri, can be used as a biological proxy to reconstruct anthropogenic pollution in marine environments. Furthermore, it failed to quantify pre-industrial to mid-late 20th century anthropogenic lead, mercury, and cadmium pollution in Caribbean Marine Environments.

The Effects of Beach Restoration on Marine Turtles' Nesting in South Brevard County, Florida

Raymond, Paul W. 01 January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
The south Brevard coast of Florida is a major nesting ground for the Atlantic loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). A beach restoration project was completed in the winter of 1980-81 at Indialantic and Melbourne Beach. A study was conducted to investigate the effects of beach restoration on marine turtle nesting during the summer months of 1981 and 1982. A 3.1 km restored beach study area and two control beach study areas, each 3.1 km in length and consisting of natural beach sands, were established. The entire study area (9.3 km) was monitored for nesting and non-nesting emergences (false crawls) and a tagging program was established. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of the restoration project on the nesting behavior of adult female turtles, and to develop an understanding of the effects of restored beach sands on the survival of marine turtle eggs and hatchlings. During the 1981 nesting season 2,766 marine turtle emergences were recorded. The nesting success rates (nesting emergences/total emergences x 100) for 1981 on the north control beach and the south control beach were 54% and 51% respectively, whereas the restored beach had a statistically significant lower nesting success of 28%. This reduction of nesting success was attributed to a compact substrate that was markedly less friable than the sands of the control beaches. In 1981, the turtles emerging to nest in the restored area often displayed aberrant digging behavior when they encountered the compact sand. By the following summer of 1982, it was evident that the restored beach substrate was less compact. The nesting success for 1982 in the restored beach (46%) rose to a level equal to that of the control beaches (48% and 46%). A total of 3,144 marine turtle emergences were recorded in the 1982 nesting season. To study the effects of beach restoration on the eggs and hatchlings, nests were marked, left to incubate on the beach, and later excavated to determine hatch success. Hatch data and hatchling emergence data were collected on 30 clutches in each of the three beach sections for both the 1981 and 1982 seasons. No significant difference was found between the hatch percentage for the restored beach and the hatch percentages for the control beaches in either study year. The hatchling emergence data, which would indicate the hatchlings' ability to emerge from the sand, indicate no significant difference between the restored beach and control beaches for 1981 and 1982.

Plasma levels of vitamins A and E in marine turtles (Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta)

Frutchey, Karen Patricia 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Insight into blood values for free-ranging populations of chelonians is very incomplete. A better understanding of marine turtle ecological physiology is necessary for population health assessments and conservation management plans. Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble compounds required by vertebrates. Vitamin A is required for growth, differentiation and integrity of epithelial tissue, bone remodeling, reproduction and vision. Vitamin E is a constituent of cell membranes where it is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Both nutrients are required for reproduction and immune system function. I determined concentrations of vitamins A and E in plasma of blood samples from Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The first investigation focused on vitamin concentrations in nesting Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA. Vitamin A concentrations were significantly higher in the herbivore, Chelonia than in the carnivore, Caretta. Plasma vitamin A concentrations decreased in Caretta as the nesting season progressed, while they remained constant in Chelonia. Plasma vitamin A concentrations only decline after liver stores of the vitamin are depleted, so it appears Caretta did not feed during the nesting season. Plasma vitamin concentrations in Chelonia remained stable during the nesting season, so it is not clear whether green turtles fed or fasted as the season progressed. Plasma vitamin E concentrations were significantly higher in Caretta than in Chelonia. This suggests that marine turtles follow the previously established chelonian pattern of carnivores having greater circulating concentrations of vitamin Ethan herbivores. The second study focused on vitamin concentrations in subadult Caretta and juvenile Chelonia from three Atlantic coastal habitats: Indian River Lagoon (IRL), the Nearshore Reef and Trident Submarine Basin. The disease fibropapillomatosis (FP) is prevalent in turtles from the IRL and the Nearshore Reef but not Trident Submarine Basin. Vitamin E concentrations differed significantly among turtles with different degrees of FP affliction. Turtles moderately afflicted with had significantly lower plasma concentrations of vitamin E compared with turtles not afflicted with the disease and as a result, may have compromised immune status. In contrast, however, severely afflicted turtles did not have lower circulating levels of vitamin E compared with those of mildly afflicted turtles. Vitamin A varied significantly among Chelonia from the three different developmental habitats. Turtles from the IRL had significantly higher concentrations of circulating vitamin A than turtles from both the Reef and Trident Basin. Chelonia on the Reef had significantly higher circulating concentrations of vitamin E than turtles in Trident Basin. Chelonia in the IRL had vitamin E concentrations that did not differ significantly from either the Nearshore Reef or Trident Basin turtles. Plasma vitamin E concentrations increased with decreasing straight-line carapace length in Chelonia. This is one of the largest scale vitamin studies conducted on reptiles and will contribute to conservation of marine turtles by providing baseline data on vitamins A and E. This information is useful for wildlife rehabilitators and zoos and aquaria with captive marine turtles. Effects of reproduction and disease on plasma concentrations of vitamins A and E are also discussed in this thesis.

An Investigation of vertical transmission in the spread of disease-associated herpesviruses in marine turtles

Hirschmann, Rachel J. 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Growth rates of juvenile green turtles, Chelonia Mydas, from three developmental habitats along the east central coast of Florida

Kubis, Stacy A. 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Quantifying the energetic cost of disorientation in loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle hatchlings

Unknown Date (has links)
The photopollution of beaches caused by artificial light sources can interfere with sea turtle hatchlings' ability to orient properly towards the sea. Exhaustion due to extended disorientation crawling may then increase hatchling mortality. This study evaluated the energetic consequences of long-distance crawls in green and loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings. Turtles crawled for 200 m or 500 m on a treadmill, followed by a 30 minute evaluation of swim performance. Metabolic activity was quantified via measures of blood glucose, blood lactate, and oxygen consumption. No significant changes in metabolism resulted from long-distance crawling activity in loggerheads ; however, loggerheads rested for extended periods of time during the crawl trials, often unresponsive to stimuli. This behavior implies that loggerhead hatchlings would be vulnerable to predation or temperature stress due to exhaustion from extended periods of crawling. Further data is required to draw any significant conclusions about long-term disorientatin crawling in green hatchlings. / by Sean Williams. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Plasma Steroid Hormones in Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtle Hatchlings

Unknown Date (has links)
Florida’s sea turtle populations are increasing due to conservation efforts; however, sea turtle species are vulnerable to climate change. Turtles exhibit temperaturedependent sex determination, in which nest environment influences sex. Environmental changes may produce altered sex ratios that limit reproduction potential; therefore hatchling sex ratios should be monitored. Hatchlings are not externally sexually dimorphic, making sex identification difficult. This study established baseline plasma hormone concentrations in hatchling and post-hatchling green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Five hormones were assayed and were present in the majority of samples (testosterone: N.D.-10.12, progesterone: N.D.-0.43, estradiol: N.D.-4.78, estriol: N.D.-5.55 and estrone: N.D.-1.67 μg/mL). Plasma hormones did not distinguish hatchling sex because male and female ranges overlapped. Hormone concentrations varied with sex but also with incubation temperature, indicating that climate change could impact hatchling and posthatchling hormone profiles and thus could impact future fitness. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Spatial and temporal distributions of sea turtles within the Florida current and surrounding waters

Unknown Date (has links)
Assessing the spatial and temporal distributions of marine turtles in an open system poses both observational and analytical challenges due to their migratory nature and use of large current systems. Concentrations of animals can shift because turtles undergo large-scale migrations and habitat shifts seasonally as well as a function of lifestage. Surface counts of marine turtles in waters off Florida’s east coast were made in and adjacent to the Florida Current using standard aerial surveys. While it is understood that marine turtles use waters off the eastern coast of Florida, here we document the magnitude of the shift in turtle presence each season throughout a two year study and identify habitat characteristics where turtles occur most frequently. Our assessment of marine turtles in the waters off southeast Florida provide valuable metrics describing the in-water biology of sea turtles in this area to inform future management strategies of these endangered species. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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