Spelling suggestions: "subject:"econdary educationization anda breaching"" "subject:"econdary educationization anda creaching""
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Case Study on How High School Teachers Incorporate Technology in the Classroom to Meet 21st Century Student Learning NeedsSharick, Sara 01 January 2016 (has links)
Students are not adequately prepared to contribute to the workforce or engage in global citizenship in the 21st century. Research indicates proper education of students cannot be accomplished without teachers' acceptance of technology in the classroom, engagement in effective professional development, and ability to transform their curricula. Although there is an abundance of research supporting the use of technology in the classroom, little research has examined how to incorporate the technology into student-centered learning. The research questions in this study examined teachers' use and acceptance of technology in the classroom and how teachers incorporate technology to meet the 21st century learning skills requirements. This qualitative case study used Bandura's social cognitive theory and the Partnership for 21st Century Learning Framework. The purposeful sample included 6 participants teaching in Grades 9-12. Data were gathered using a selection survey, interviews, and course documents. The data analysis included the organization of participant responses and development of 6 primary themes. The results indicated that a high level of technology self-efficacy drove these teachers' integration of technology into student-centered activities that built 21st century learning skills. The results also showed a lack of effective professional development provided to teachers that focused on incorporating technology into the curriculum. These findings are significant for educators to understand how to meet the learning needs of their students. Implications for positive change include providing educators with knowledge and understanding of the importance to design professional development opportunities for teachers that not only teach how to use the technologies available to them but to also teach how to effectively incorporate that technology into the learning process.
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Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Parental Involvement on Students' Academic AchievementClay-Spotser, Helen Faye 01 January 2015 (has links)
Minority students are lagging behind their non-minority peers in academic achievement. Compounding this problem is the lack of research on minority students' perceptions on their connections to school, their feelings of autonomy, and their relationship with their parents. These variables are important considerations in this problem, as Ryan and Deci's self-determination theory suggests a strong relationship between student performance in school and students' perceptions of their intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. To address that gap, this cross-sectional, quantitative research study examined the relationship between minority high school students' perceived self-efficacy, locus of control, and parents' educational involvement on their self-reported academic achievement at a suburban charter high school. Differences in these variables by grade level and gender were also assessed. A convenience sample of 158 male and female students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades completed the Self-in-School instrument, Levenson Multidimensional Locus of Control Inventory, Importance of Parent Involvement Scale, and a demographic survey that included self-reported academic achievement. Regression analyses and multivariate analysis of variance revealed that school self-efficacy and students' perception of parental involvement of minority students were statistically significant predictors of self-reported academic achievement. No statistically significant differences were found on the 3 scales by grade, but statistically significant differences were obtained between male and female minority students' perception of parental involvement on their academic achievement. These findings may contribute to social change by helping mental health professionals and educators understand the importance of psychosocial variables in charter students' academic performance.
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Perceptions of the Community of Inquiry in an Online RN to BSN ProgramTownsend, Beth Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
Basic nursing education is no longer sufficient to meet the escalating demands of today's complex healthcare environment. Recognizing the need for the advanced cognitive skills incurred by these demands, increasing numbers of registered nurses (RNs) have been enrolling in online Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs. The problem identified in the RN to BSN degree completion program at a large Midwestern university was the lack of information as to how online teaching and learning strategies were experienced by students. Research has demonstrated that the online community of inquiry (CoI) model facilitates higher order thinking through collaborative learning strategies and the interaction of teaching, social, and cognitive presence. The purpose of this sequential explanatory mixed methods study was to investigate the perceptions of RNs enrolled in the program about a recently completed course utilizing a 34-item CoI survey and semi-structured interviews. The data from 109 completed survey responses were analyzed via descriptive statistics and indicated that student perceptions of social and teaching presence were lower than perceptions of cognitive presence, meaning that the perceived establishment of online relationships and instructor engagement were not as high as were the perceived experiences of higher order thinking. Interviews with 15 purposefully selected students were analyzed for emergent themes and suggested limited online collaboration, which is considered to be fundamental to higher order learning. Based on these findings, a faculty development workshop was designed using the CoI model to encourage collaboration. A potential increase in RN proficiency in higher order thinking fostered by the CoI model will optimize the quality of patient-related decisions, minimize medical errors, and provide the impetus to challenge the status quo in health care.
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Motivations for Volunteering in a Faith-Based Mentoring ProgramWeatherspoon Willis-Jones, Trudy 01 January 2014 (has links)
Adolescent males are being suspended or expelled at high rates. Faith-based organizations have developed programs to address these problems by using adult male volunteers to mentor high-risk youth; however, recruiting sufficient mentors is a problem because organizers lack an understanding of the factors that motivate men to volunteer. If this problem can be alleviated, then faith-based organizations will be better able to recruit volunteers to serve students. Guided by the functionalist theory, the purpose of this study was to determine what demographic characteristics and motivating factors discriminated between volunteers and non-volunteers. A causal comparative design was employed and the Volunteer Function Inventory was administered to determine differences between volunteers (n = 112) and non-volunteers (n = 202) in terms of motivating factors, demographic characteristics, and future intentions to volunteer. In alignment with the functionalist theory, multivariate analysis of variance revealed that volunteers were more motivated by social, value, understanding, and self-enhancement factors than were non-volunteers. Descriptive data analyses indicated that volunteers were older, unmarried, employed full time, and less educated than non-volunteers, and revealed no difference in future intentions to volunteer. Based upon the findings of this study, it is concluded that faith-based organizations recruit and retain adult males as role models who exhibit social, value, understanding, and self-enhancement factors to provide support for adolescent males. It is recommended that faith-based leaders use the Volunteer Function Inventory as a screening tool to identify volunteers who would mentor high risk male students. This practice may enable male at risk students to remain in school, graduate, and lead fulfilling lives, thus resulting in positive social change.
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Academic Outcomes of a Precollege Intervention ProgramPhung, John Tri 01 January 2016 (has links)
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 demanded that public schools demonstrate adequate yearly progress by increasing student educational achievements. In 2014, the local high school at this study enrolled 62.7% socioeconomically disadvantaged students and implemented a precollege intervention program; however, little is known about its efficacy due to a lack of a formal evaluation, prohibiting an informed approach to continual improvement. The purpose of this program evaluation was to determine if program participation resulted in the higher academic outcomes. Guided by the theory of change, the program evaluation was used to assess the efficacy of the local high school's year-long precollege intervention program in a convenience sample of 112 Grade 9 students. The research questions examined the difference between the program participants and non-participants' academic outcomes including grade point average and semester course grades in math, English, science, and social science from Semester 1 to Semester 2 in the 2014-2015 school year. Independent samples t tests were used to identify whether there was a significance difference between the mean-scores of the intervention and control groups. The results indicated that the program did not significantly impact the participants' academic outcomes, and the program goals were not met. The evaluation report included the results, provided recommendations to increase understanding of the intervention program and students' needs, inform and engage stakeholders, redesign program goals, allocate resources, and streamline program activities. The improved program model could enhance students' academic outcomes and lead to higher high school graduation and college enrollment rates for students.
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Experiences Teaching Stoichiometry to Students in Grades 10 and 11Bridges, Cynthia Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Many students have problems learning stoichiometry, a complex mathematical chemistry concept used to determine how much product will be produced or formed from a given quantity of reactants. The problem addressed in this study was teachers' lack of understanding of how to teach stoichiometry in a Midwestern urban school district. The conceptual framework of the study was based upon constructivist theory. A qualitative narrative approach was used to obtain the perceptions of 5 high school chemistry instructors related to their experiences, successful or unsuccessful, in teaching stoichiometry to students in Grades 10 and 11. Data were gathered through face-to-face interviews, which were analyzed via an inductive approach to reveal 6 themes: a difficult subject to teach, presentation of stoichiometry, relevancy, students' reactions, barriers, and gender differences. Findings suggested the need for teachers to be knowledgeable, creative, and resourceful in their subject areas to help their students to learn stoichiometry. Findings also revealed the need for teachers to adapt their instructional strategies and modes of delivery to reflect their students' individual learning styles. Understanding how the participating teachers explained stoichiometry to their students might help other chemistry teachers to examine and adapt their own instructional styles and delivery methods of the concept. This understanding might, in term, help to improve student achievement in stoichiometry in particular and chemistry in general.
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AP and IB Instructional Practices for Students who Demonstrate Advanced Proficiency in SpanishAndersen, Carol Mable 01 January 2014 (has links)
Linguistically gifted and talented students often do not receive appropriate instruction in the classroom. Little research has been conducted about how teachers of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses provide instruction to students who demonstrate advanced proficiency in a second language. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore how teachers of these courses provided instruction for students who demonstrate advanced proficiency in Spanish. The conceptual framework was based on Krashen's second language acquisition theory and Gardner's multiple intelligences theory. Participants included 2 teachers from 2 high schools in 1 county in a western state. Data were collected from individual teacher interviews, reflective journals, and documents such as course standards and course descriptions. Single case analysis involved coding and category construction, using the constant comparative method for interview and journal data, and a content analysis for documents. Cross case analysis involved an examination of all data sources and cases to determine themes and discrepant data. A key finding was that, in addition to course rigor, teachers used a variety of instructional strategies, such as flexible grouping, choice, higher order thinking skills, and formative assessments to meet the needs of all students, including advanced proficiency students. Recommendations are to improve the identification of linguistically gifted and talented students and to provide professional development in differentiated instruction. This study contributes to positive social change by providing educators with a deeper understanding that students who are proficient in languages will be invaluable in building a strong global community.
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Characteristics of Effective Reading Language Arts Teachers in Closing the Achievement GapBassette, LaTasha Price 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study examined an urban school district in the southern United States that continued to experience student achievement gaps despite the implementation of initiatives as the African American Success Initiative. The school leadership needed a deeper understanding regarding what strategies were successful with closing the achievement gap. Using Gay's theory of cultural responsive pedagogy, the purpose of this study was to identify inward attributes, outward strategies, and professional development perceptions of teachers with no achievement gap among ethnically diverse students. Employing an instrumental case study design, 8 middle school reading teachers who closed the reading achievement gap were interviewed; these narratives were supplemented with classroom observations and archival data of district-administered students' surveys for the teachers, professional development plans, and teacher lesson plans. Data were analyzed using comparative and inductive analysis and were thematically coded. Findings indicated that teachers who closed the achievement gap shared culturally responsive characteristics and behaviors, including a caring attitude, high expectations, content relevance, and a belief that their existing Professional Development (PD) was not specific to the needs of teachers working in high-minority, low-socioeconomic urban school environments. A 3-day PD was designed to produce positive social change by reframing the beliefs, responses, and approaches to teaching minority students, allowing teachers to develop stronger teacher-student relationships, tolerance, and strategies, to ultimately increase student motivation and achievement.
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Secondary Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Professional Learning CommunityStewart, Catina Shontelle 01 January 2017 (has links)
The implementation of professional learning communities (PLCs) in schools has been shown to serve as a catalyst in transforming school culture and increasing the academic performance of students. Our school district mandated that PLCs were established at the research site, an urban Louisiana school, for the primary purpose of closing the achievement gap. Yet, recent data from the local district indicate that these PLCs have not resulted in capacity building for sustainable improvement. Ineffective implementation of the current PLCs may have contributed to the poor outcomes. One purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine teachers' perceptions of the implementation of PLCs. Another was to gauge teachers' views on PLCs as a means of promoting a positive school culture and increasing academic achievement among students. A social constructivist framework was used for this qualitative case study. Research questions centered on teachers' perceptions regarding refinement of the currently implemented PLCs. Purposeful sampling was used to select 13 seventh through ninth grade teachers as participants. Qualitative data were collected through questionnaires and telephone interviews and then analyzed for emergent themes. Findings revealed that the current PLCs were beneficial but needed refinement related to relevance, intent, and planning. The following four themes emerged: time, collaboration, shared responsibility, and a focus on learning for all students. Study findings provide insight about PLCs from the perspectives of the teachers who work within them. The implications for social change include enhanced knowledge and understanding that may help educators in better implementing PLCs with intent and transparency and by positively contributing to school improvement and student achievement.
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A Qualitative Case Study of Developing Teacher Identity among American Indian Secondary Teachers from the Ute Teacher Training ProgramExton, Virginia Norris 01 May 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this foundational study was to explore the factors that contributed to developing teacher identity among new American Indian teachers. Multifaceted research into the history of American Indian education, the design of American Indian teacher training programs, and the beliefs and experiences of four American Indian secondary teachers gave this study a richly detailed context. Three overarching patterns emerged during the process of analyzing the data: (a) solidarity and independence, (b) habit and change, and (c) tradition and invention. From these patterns, six factors were identified as contributing to developing teacher identity. School-based experiences that affected developing teacher identity included cohort-based peer support, preparation for content area expertise, and teachers as role models. Personal, home, and community beliefs that affected developing teacher identity were as follows: giving back to American Indian communities, serving American Indian students, and becoming empowered as American Indian teachers. Participants in this study represented various tribe affiliations but were all registered students in the Ute Teacher Training Program from 2002 to 2005. The goal of this program, administrated by the Ute Tribe, was to mentor, train, and certify American Indian secondary teachers through an ongoing university education program offered at a rural location close to the Ute reservation. Recommendations in the final chapter of this qualitative case study may provide useful information for the design and implementation of future American Indian teacher education programs.
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