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Detecting incised valley-fill sandstone in Beauchamp field by using seismic attributes, Stanton County, USAAlmalki, Saad Abdullah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew W. Totten / A 3D seismic survey was conducted on Beauchamp, Beauchamp North and Beauchamp Northwest fields, which are located in Stanton County, southwest Kansas, by Berexco, Inc.
Stanton County is situated on the Hugoton embayment which is the shelf of the Anadarko basin.
The producing formation in this area is the Morrow formation, which is the lower Pennsylvanian period. The Morrow formation is mostly a clastic unit and its base was transgressive marine. It is considered an unconformity lying on the Mississippian rocks. Wide geologists agreed with the name of Morrow as name in the rock stratigraphic sequence in the study area (Forgotson, et al.,
1966). "The Morrowan series is defined as the interval between the base of the Atokan Thirteen finger limestones and the top of the pre-Pennsylvanian unconformity" (Puckette, et al., 1996).
The depositional environment of upper Morrow Formation in western Kansas, according to
Sonnenberg (1985), Krystinik et al (1990), was a valley-fill deposit. The purpose of this study is to focus on detecting valley-fill sandstone in the study area by using appropriate seismic attributes. Coherence and discontinuity along dip succeeded to map incised valley-fill sandstone width. On another hand, spectral decomposition displayed subtle changes in incised valley thickness. Positive curvature shows valley edges in moderate resolution, but the most negative curvature wasn't clear enough to display the valley-fill sand. The result of RMS amplitude and average energy attributes results were almost the same. They exhibited four areas of high amplitude and energy in the valley which may indicate the presence of hydrocarbon. Sweetness and envelope amplitude both detected the valley in the study area. A gamma ray cross section shows that there are sequences of incised valley-fill sandstone which are sandstone A, B, C and D of the upper Morrow formation. Johns 2-12 well is producing oil from lower Morrow and sandstone A, thus the valley in the study area may produce oil from Sandstone A or B as RMS amplitude and average energy showing high amplitude in four areas in the valley.
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Incorporating seismic attribute variation into the pre-well placement workflow, a case study from Ness County, Kansas, USAAbbas, Mazin Y. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew W. Totten / 3D seismic surveys have become the backbone of many exploration programs because of their high resolution and subsequent success for wildcat test wells. There are occasions when the predicted subsurface geology does not agree with the actual geology encountered in the drilled well. A case in point occurred during the drilling of several wells based upon a 3D seismic survey in Ness County, Kansas, where the predicted Cherokee Sand did not meet the expectations. By better understanding the subsurface geologic features in the subject area, this study will attempt to answer the question “what went wrong?”
Seismic attribute analysis workflow was carried out and the results were correlated to the available geological and borehole data within the survey boundaries. The objective of running this workflow was to describe facies variations within the Cherokee Sandstone. Correlations between seismic attributes and physical properties from well data were used to define these variations. Finally, Distributions of the seismic facies were mapped to predict the distribution of potential reservoir rocks within the prospect area.
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A two square mile (5.2 square kilometer) 3-D seismic reflection survey was completed in northeastern White County, Illinois for petroleum exploration in January of 2008. Well log data was made available from Royal Drilling and Producing, who contracted the seismic survey, and additional data was retrieved from the ILOIL database. Raster (TIFF format) images that were available for nearly every well location in the study area were calibrated for depth and stratigraphic tops picked. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Aux Vases formation using 3-D seismic reflection data and attribute analysis by comparing this data to well log information that is greatly available in the study area. Synthetic seismograms were calculated to calibrate seismic reflection data time to actual geological depth to a formation. The synthetic seismograms were calculated using wavelets extracted from the 3-D seismic data and edited, digital (LAS format) sonic and density logs measured in three wells. Geophysical log data from wells in the area were used to interpret formation top and bottoms. With the Aux Vases and Ste. Genevieve top information, an isopach was generated. Horizons were handpicked in all 318 seismic lines and isochron maps were generated to compare time thickness to actual thickness of the isopach maps. Attribute analysis was performed on horizon and volume cubes to interpret the Aux Vases formation in the study area. These attributes included instantaneous phase, instantaneous amplitude, and instantaneous frequency. Additionally, multiple spectral decomposition cubes (from four SEG-Y volumes) were generated for 520-580 ms intervals and interpreted at 550 ms. The combination of this data lead to identification of two larger stratigraphic bodies and several smaller ones in the study area. Thickness comparison between these attributes and isopach maps was completed and found similarities that can be used to determine potential thickness. A thickness estimate was completed at Well B using the frequency from spectral decomposition. A channel was mapped in the western edge of the survey using spectral decomposition and other attributes. Finally, a fault was identified in the southeastern portion of the survey area.
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3D seismic attributes analysis in reservoir characterization: the Morrison NE field & Morrison field, Clark County KansasVohs, Andrew B. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Abdelmoneam Raef / Seismic reservoir characterization and prospect evaluation based 3D seismic attributes analysis in Kansas has been successful in contributing to the tasks of building static and dynamic reservoir models and in identifying commercial hydrocarbon prospects. In some areas, reservoir heterogeneities introduce challenges, resulting in some wells with poor economics. Analysis of seismic attributes gives insight into hydrocarbon presence, fluid movement (in time lapse mode), porosity, and other factors used in evaluating reservoir potential. This study evaluates a producing lease using seismic attributes analysis of an area covered by a 2010 3D seismic survey in the Morrison Northeast field and Morrison field of Clark County, KS. The target horizon is the Viola Limestone, which continues to produce from seven of twelve wells completed within the survey area. In order to understand reservoir heterogeneities, hydrocarbon entrapment settings and the implications for future development plans, a seismic attributes extraction and analysis, guided with geophysical well-logs, was conducted with emphasis on instantaneous attributes and amplitude anomalies. Investigations into tuning effects were conducted in light of amplitude anomalies to gain insight into what seismic results led to the completion of the twelve wells in the area drilled based on the seismic survey results. Further analysis was conducted to determine if the unsuccessful wells completed could have been avoided. Finally the study attempts to present a set of 3D seismic attributes associated with the successful wells, which will assist in placing new wells in other locations within the two fields, as well as promote a consistent understanding of entrapment controls in this field.
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3D seismic attributes analysis and inversions for prospect evaluation and characterization of Cherokee sandstone reservoir in the Wierman field, Ness County, KansasBoumaaza, Bouharket January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Abdelmoneam Raef / Matthew W. Totten / This work focuses on the use of advanced seismically driven technologies to estimate the distribution of key reservoir properties which mainly includes porosity and hydrocarbon reservoir pay. These reservoir properties were estimated by using a multitude of seismic attributes derived from post-stack high resolution inversions, spectral imaging and volumetric curvature.
A pay model of the reservoir in the Wierman field in Ness County, Kansas is proposed. The proposed geological model is validated based on comparison with findings of one blind well. The model will be useful in determining future drilling prospects, which should improve the drilling success over previous efforts, which resulted in only few of the 14 wells in the area being productive. The rock properties that were modeled were porosity and Gamma ray. Water saturation and permeability were considered, but the data needed were not available.
Sequential geological modeling approach uses multiple seismic attributes as a building block to estimate in a sequential manner dependent petrophysical properties such as gamma ray, and porosity. The sequential modelling first determines the reservoir property that has the ability to be the primary property controlling most of the other subsequent reservoir properties. In this study, the gamma ray was chosen as the primary reservoir property. Hence, the first geologic model built using neural networks was a volume of gamma ray constrained by all the available seismic attributes.
The geological modeling included post-stack seismic data and the five wells with available well logs. The post-stack seismic data was enhanced by spectral whitening to gain as much resolution as possible. Volumetric curvature was then calculated to determine where major faults were located. Several inversions for acoustic impedance were then applied to the post-stack seismic data to gain as much information as possible about the acoustic impedance. Spectral attributes were also extracted from the post-stack seismic data.
After the most appropriate gamma ray and porosity models were chosen, pay zone maps were constructed, which were based on the overlap of a certain range of gamma ray values with a certain range of porosity values. These pay zone maps coupled with the porosity and gamma ray models explain the performance of previously drilled wells.
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[pt] A interpretação sísmica consiste em um conjunto de metodologias que
visam compreender o modelo estrutural e estratigráfico de uma determinada
região. Durante este processo, o intérprete analisa a imagem sísmica
buscando identificar estruturas geológicas como falhas, horizontes e canais,
dentre outras. Dada a baixa razão sinal-ruído, os algoritmos que dão
suporte à interpretação precisam de uma etapa de pré-processamento onde
o ruído é reduzido. Esta tese propõe um novo método de filtragem por
difusão anisotrópica que melhor preserva as feições sísmicas de interesse. A
formulação do processo de difusão permite que os atributos identificadores
de horizontes e de falhas sejam incorporados ao método a fim de evitar
que estas estruturas sejam corrompidas durante a difusão da amplitude
sísmica. O método proposto implementado apresenta resultados aplicados
a dados reais disponíveis na literatura. Para estes resultados, é apresentada
uma análise da influência do método de filtragem anisotrópica proposta
nas medidas de correlação ao longo de horizontes previamente rastreados.
Finalmente, a tese apresenta algumas conclusões e sugestões para trabalhos
futuros. / [en] Seismic interpretation can be viewed as a set of methodologies to
enhance the understanding of the structural and stratigraphic model of
a given region. During this process, the interpreter analyzes the seismic
imaging seeking to identify geological structures such as faults, horizons and
channels, among others. Given the low signal to noise ratio, the algorithms
that support the interpretation require a pre-processing stage where the
noise is reduced. This thesis proposes a new filtering method based on
the anisotropic diffusion of the amplitude field. The formulation of the
diffusion process proposed here uses seismic attributes to identify horizons
and faults that are preserved in the diffusion process. The proposed method
implemented in this thesis also presents results applied to real and synthetic
data. Based on these results, we present an analysis of the influence of
the proposed method in correlation measurements over horizons previously
tracked. Finally the thesis presents some conclusions and suggestions for
future work.
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[pt] A interpretação sísmica é um processo fundamental para a exploração de
hidrocarbonetos. Essa atividade consiste na identificação de informação geológica através do processamento e análise de dados sísmicos. Com o crescimento
acentuado e a complexidade dos dados sísmicos, a análise manual de fácies
sísmicas tornou-se um desafio significativo. O mapeamento de fácies sísmicas
é um processo demorado e que requer profissionais especializados. O objetivo
deste trabalho visa aplicar a classificação multiatributos usando uma rede neural encoder-decoder para mapear as fácies sísmicas e auxiliar no processo de
interpretação. Um conjunto de atributos sísmicos, foram calculados utilizando
o software Opendtect versão 6.6 a partir dos dados de amplitude contidos no
Dataset Facies-Mark . Sendo eles: Energia, Pseudo Relevo, Fase instantânea
e Textura, todos foram selecionados por um intérprete. A função de perda
utilizada pela rede foi weighted categorical crossentropy, pelo fato das classes
serem consideravelmente desbalanceadas. O treinamento foi realizado nas direções inlines e crosslines para as respectivas combinações: atributos, atributo
+ amplitude, e somente a amplitude. Os resultados baseado na métrica frequency weighted intersection over union (FWIU), mostraram que os atributos
junto com a amplitude obtiveram o melhor resultado, 85,73 por cento, em comparação
com as outras combinações citadas. Em comparação direta com o trabalho que
inspirou essa dissertação, o multiatributos performou melhor. / [en] Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity consists of identifying geological information through the
processing and analysis of seismic data. With seismic data s rapid growth and
complexity, manual seismic facies analysis has become a significant challenge.
Mapping seismic facies is a time-consuming process that requires specialized
professionals. The objective of this work is to apply multi-attribute classification using an encoder-decoder neural network to map the seismic facies and
assist in the interpretation process. A set of seismic attributes were calculated
using Opendtect version 6.6 software from the amplitude data contained in
the Facies-Mark Dataset. These being: Energy, Pseudo Relief, Instant Phase,
and Texture were all selected by an interpreter. The loss function used by the
network was weighted categorical cross-entropy, because the classes are considerably unbalanced. The training was performed in the inlines and crosslines
directions for the respective combinations: attributes, attribute + amplitude,
and only the amplitude. The results based on the frequency weighted intersection over union (FWIU) metric showed that the attributes along with the amplitude obtained the best result, 85.73 percent, compared to the other combinations
mentioned. In direct comparison with the work that inspired this dissertation,
multi-attribute performed better.
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Submarine mass movement processes on the North Sea Fan as interpreted from the 3D seismic dataGafeira Gonçalves, Joana January 2010 (has links)
This research has been focused on the characterisation and analysis of the deposits of large-scale mass movement events that shaped the North Sea Fan since the Mid-Pleistocene. Located at the mouth of the cross-shelf trough Norwegian Channel, the North Sea Fan is one of the largest through-mouth fans in the glaciated european margin with an area of approximately 142,000 km2. Submarine mass movement processed have occurred intermittenrly throughout the Quarternary history of the North Sea Fan, related to recurrent climate-related episodes of growth and retreat of the ice sheets. These processes can transport large amounts of sediment from the upper shelf up to the abyssal basins, playing an important role on the evolution of continental margins and can also reporesnet major geological hazards. This thesis uses mainly 3D seismic data to investigate the external geometry and internal structure of large-scale mass movement deposits. The high spatial resolution provided by the 3D seismic data has allowed a detailed geomorpholocial analysis of these deposits, This study involved the interpretation of the seismic data and the detailed pickling of key reflectors followed by tge extraction of both horizon and window-based seismic attributes. Digital elevation models of the key reflectors and their seismic attribute maps were then transferred to a geographical information system (GIS) where they were interactively interpreted using spatial analysis tools and the full visualisation potential of the software. The outcomes of this study highlight the importance of detailed horizon pickling and interactice interpretation followed by spatial analysis and visualisation in GIS environment. The identification of acoustic patterns within deposits that are normally described from 2D seismic as chaotic or acoustically transparent emphasizes the potential of detailed analysis of 3D seismic data. It gives an example of how this type of data can provide new insights into the mechanisms and processes associated with mass movements. In particular, amplitude and RMS amplitude maps provide remarkable detailed information of internal deformation structures whereas slope, shaded-relief and thickness maps allowed detailed characterisation of the external geometry. Various types of kinematic indicators can be recognized within the mass movement deposits through combined seismic analysis and detaield morphological mapping.
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Komplexní seismické atributy a jejich aplikace na data z Mistlbašské kry / Complex seismic attributes and their application to Mistelbach blockVoroňáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to apply complex seismic attributes on 3D seismic data from Mistelbach block area and trying to figure out whether they are useful by seismic interpretation process. The geology of Vienna basin and the characteristics of Complex seismic attributes will be discussed. The thesis also includes analysis of the Lednice 11 gas reservoir and a new potential hydrocarbon reservoir identification, both using complex seismic attributes.
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Accélération matérielle pour l’imagerie sismique : modélisation, migration et interprétation / Hardware acceleration for seismic imaging : modeling, migration and interpretationAbdelkhalek, Rached 20 December 2013 (has links)
La donnée sismique depuis sa conception (modélisation d’acquisitions sismiques), dans sa phase de traitement (prétraitement et migration) et jusqu’à son exploitation pour en extraire les informations géologiques pertinentes nécessaires à l’identification et l’exploitation optimale des réservoirs d’hydrocarbures (interprétation), génère un volume important de calculs. Nous montrons dans ce travail de thèse qu’à chacune de ces étapes l’utilisation de technologies accélératrices de type GPGPU permet de réduire radicalement les temps de calcul tout en restant dans une enveloppe de consommation électrique raisonnable. Nous présentons et analysons les éléments sous-jacents à ces performances. L’importance de l’utilisation de motifs d’accès mémoire adéquats est particulièrement mise en exergue étant donné que l’accès à la mémoire représente le principal goulot d’étranglement pour les algorithmes abordés. Nous reportons des facteurs d’accélération de l’ordre de 40 pour la modélisation sismique par résolution de l’équation d’onde par différences finies (brique de base pour la modélisation et l’imagerie sismique) et entre 8 et 113 pour le calcul d’attributs sismiques. Nous démontrons que l’utilisation d’accélérateurs matériels élargit considérablement le champ du possible, aussi bien en imagerie sismique (modélisation de nouveaux types d’acquisitions à grande échelle) qu’en interprétation (calcul d’attributs complexes sur station de travail, paramétrage interactif des calculs, etc.). / During the seismic imaging workflow, from seismic modeling to interpretation, processingseismic data requires a massive amount of computation. We show in this work that, at eachstage of this workflow, hardware accelerators such as GPUs may help reducing the time requiredto process seismic data while staying at reasonable energy consumption levels.In this work, the key programming considerations needed to achieve good performance are describedand discussed. The importance of adapted in-memory data access patterns is particularlyemphasised since data access is the main bottleneck for the considered algorithms. When usingGPUs, speedup ratios of 40× are achieved for FDTD seismic modeling, and 8× up to 113× forseismic attribute computation compared to CPUs.
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