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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optoelektronické a fotogrammetrické měřicí systémy / Optoelectronic and photogrammetric measuring systems

Stančík, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation deals with analysis and design of optoelectronic and photogrammetric measuring systems. Specific design of optoelectronic contactless flat object area meters with analysis of attainable measurement accuracy is described. Next part is dedicated to stereophotogrammetry - principles of 3D reconstructions, methods of camera self-calibration and matching points in images are described. The analysis of attainable accuracy of monitored parameters is discussed too. Finally, the test program with implemented described routines is introduced. This test program enables practical aplication of stereophotogrammetric system for taking spatial coordinates of 3D objects.

Implementace metod pro měření rychlosti otáčení rotačních strojů na platformě cRIO / Implementation of methods for measurement of rotational speed using cRIO platform

Fábry, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis implements methods for a measurement of rotational speed. It is implemented on the Compact RIO platform from National Instruments. Corresponding SW is implemented using the graphical programming language G in LabView environment. Developed system uses two different sensors – incremental encoder and tacho sensor for measurements of rotational speed. Thesis further analysis and implements a method for an encoder nonlinearity determination and for its on-line correction. For used methods, effects adding errors into the measurements are evaluated and quantified.

Apprentissage simultané d'une tâche nouvelle et de l'interprétation de signaux sociaux d'un humain en robotique / Learning from unlabeled interaction frames

Grizou, Jonathan 24 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à un problème logique dont les enjeux théoriques et pratiques sont multiples. De manière simple, il peut être présenté ainsi : imaginez que vous êtes dans un labyrinthe, dont vous connaissez toutes les routes menant à chacune des portes de sortie. Derrière l'une de ces portes se trouve un trésor, mais vous n'avez le droit d'ouvrir qu'une seule porte. Un vieil homme habitant le labyrinthe connaît la bonne sortie et se propose alors de vous aider à l'identifier. Pour cela, il vous indiquera la direction à prendre à chaque intersection. Malheureusement, cet homme ne parle pas votre langue, et les mots qu'il utilise pour dire ``droite'' ou ``gauche'' vous sont inconnus. Est-il possible de trouver le trésor et de comprendre l'association entre les mots du vieil homme et leurs significations ? Ce problème, bien qu'en apparence abstrait, est relié à des problématiques concrètes dans le domaine de l'interaction homme-machine. Remplaçons le vieil homme par un utilisateur souhaitant guider un robot vers une sortie spécifique du labyrinthe. Ce robot ne sait pas en avance quelle est la bonne sortie mais il sait où se trouvent chacune des portes et comment s'y rendre. Imaginons maintenant que ce robot ne comprenne pas a priori le langage de l'humain; en effet, il est très difficile de construire un robot à même de comprendre parfaitement chaque langue, accent et préférence de chacun. Il faudra alors que le robot apprenne l'association entre les mots de l'utilisateur et leur sens, tout en réalisant la tâche que l'humain lui indique (i.e.trouver la bonne porte). Une autre façon de décrire ce problème est de parler d'auto-calibration. En effet, le résoudre reviendrait à créer des interfaces ne nécessitant pas de phase de calibration car la machine pourrait s'adapter,automatiquement et pendant l'interaction, à différentes personnes qui ne parlent pas la même langue ou qui n'utilisent pas les mêmes mots pour dire la même chose. Cela veut aussi dire qu'il serait facile de considérer d’autres modalités d'interaction (par exemple des gestes, des expressions faciales ou des ondes cérébrales). Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une solution à ce problème. Nous appliquons nos algorithmes à deux exemples typiques de l'interaction homme robot et de l'interaction cerveau machine: une tâche d'organisation d'une série d'objets selon les préférences de l'utilisateur qui guide le robot par la voix, et une tâche de déplacement sur une grille guidé par les signaux cérébraux de l'utilisateur. Ces dernières expériences ont été faites avec des utilisateurs réels. Nos résultats démontrent expérimentalement que notre approche est fonctionnelle et permet une utilisation pratique d’une interface sans calibration préalable. / This thesis investigates how a machine can be taught a new task from unlabeled humaninstructions, which is without knowing beforehand how to associate the human communicative signals withtheir meanings. The theoretical and empirical work presented in this thesis provides means to createcalibration free interactive systems, which allow humans to interact with machines, from scratch, using theirown preferred teaching signals. It therefore removes the need for an expert to tune the system for eachspecific user, which constitutes an important step towards flexible personalized teaching interfaces, a key forthe future of personal robotics.Our approach assumes the robot has access to a limited set of task hypotheses, which include the task theuser wants to solve. Our method consists of generating interpretation hypotheses of the teaching signalswith respect to each hypothetic task. By building a set of hypothetic interpretation, i.e. a set of signallabelpairs for each task, the task the user wants to solve is the one that explains better the history of interaction.We consider different scenarios, including a pick and place robotics experiment with speech as the modalityof interaction, and a navigation task in a brain computer interaction scenario. In these scenarios, a teacherinstructs a robot to perform a new task using initially unclassified signals, whose associated meaning can bea feedback (correct/incorrect) or a guidance (go left, right, up, ...). Our results show that a) it is possible tolearn the meaning of unlabeled and noisy teaching signals, as well as a new task at the same time, and b) itis possible to reuse the acquired knowledge about the teaching signals for learning new tasks faster. Wefurther introduce a planning strategy that exploits uncertainty from the task and the signals' meanings toallow more efficient learning sessions. We present a study where several real human subjects controlsuccessfully a virtual device using their brain and without relying on a calibration phase. Our system identifies, from scratch, the target intended by the user as well as the decoder of brain signals.Based on this work, but from another perspective, we introduce a new experimental setup to study howhumans behave in asymmetric collaborative tasks. In this setup, two humans have to collaborate to solve atask but the channels of communication they can use are constrained and force them to invent and agree ona shared interaction protocol in order to solve the task. These constraints allow analyzing how acommunication protocol is progressively established through the interplay and history of individual actions.

Um m?todo para determina??o da profundidade combinando vis?o est?reo e autocalibra??o para aplica??o em rob?tica m?vel

Sousa Segundo, Jos? S?vio Alves de 30 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseSASS.pdf: 1375081 bytes, checksum: 1561bdbc1ba8feb7671abf9ebca84641 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work proposes a method to determine the depth of objects in a scene using a combination between stereo vision and self-calibration techniques. Determining the rel- ative distance between visualized objects and a robot, with a stereo head, it is possible to navigate in unknown environments. Stereo vision techniques supply a depth measure by the combination of two or more images from the same scene. To achieve a depth estimates of the in scene objects a reconstruction of this scene geometry is necessary. For such reconstruction the relationship between the three-dimensional world coordi- nates and the two-dimensional images coordinates is necessary. Through the achievement of the cameras intrinsic parameters it is possible to make this coordinates systems relationship. These parameters can be gotten through geometric camera calibration, which, generally is made by a correlation between image characteristics of a calibration pattern with know dimensions. The cameras self-calibration allows the achievement of their intrinsic parameters without using a known calibration pattern, being possible their calculation and alteration during the displacement of the robot in an unknown environment. In this work a self-calibration method based in the three-dimensional polar coordinates to represent image features is presented. This representation is determined by the relationship between images features and horizontal and vertical opening cameras angles. Using the polar coordinates it is possible to geometrically reconstruct the scene. Through the proposed techniques combination it is possible to calculate a scene objects depth estimate, allowing the robot navigation in an unknown environment / Este trabalho prop?e um m?todo para determinar a profundidade de objetos em cena utilizando uma combina??o das t?cnicas de vis?o est?reo e autocalibra??o. Determinando a dist?ncia relativa entre objetos visualizados e um rob? m?vel, dotado de uma cabe?a est?reo, ? poss?vel efetuar sua navega??o em ambientes desconhecidos. As t?cnicas de vis?o est?reo fornecem uma medida de profundidade a partir da combina??o de duas ou mais imagens de uma mesma cena. Para a obten??o de estimativas da profundidade dos objetos presentes nesta cena ? necess?rio uma reconstru??o da geometria da mesma. Para tal reconstru??o ? necess?rio o relacionamento das coordenadas tridimensionais do mundo com as coordenadas bidimensionais das imagens. Atrav?s da obten??o dos par?metros intr?nsecos das c?meras ? poss?vel fazer o relacionamento entre os sistemas de coordenadas. Estes par?metros podem ser obtidos atrav?s da calibra??o geom?trica das c?meras, a qual ? geralmente feita atrav?s da visualiza??o de um objeto padr?o de calibra??o com dimens?es conhecidas. A autocalibra??o das c?meras permite a obten??o dos par?metros intr?nsecos das mesmas sem a utiliza??o de um padr?o conhecido de calibra??o, sendo poss?vel a obten??o e a altera??o destes durante o deslocamento do rob? m?vel em um ambiente desconhecido. ? apresentado neste trabalho um m?todo de autocalibra??o baseado na representa??o de caracter?sticas da imagem por coordenadas polares tridimensionais. Estas s?o determinadas relacionando-se caracter?sticas das imagens com os ?ngulos de abertura horizontal e vertical das c?meras. Utilizando-se estas coordenadas polares ? poss?vel efetuar uma reconstru??o geom?trica da cena de forma precisa. Atrav?s desta combina??o das t?cnicas proposta ? poss?vel obter-se uma estimativa da profundidade de objetos cena, permitindo a navega??o de um rob? m?vel aut?nomo em um ambiente desconhecido

Využití optovláknových senzorů pro aplikace ve stavebním inženýrství při použití široce přeladitelného laseru / Interrogation of Optical Fiber Sensors for Civil Engineering Applications using Widely Tunable Laser

Heininger, Hilmar January 2014 (has links)
Předložená disertační práce zkoumá možnosti použití nového typu polovodičového MGY- Laseru elektricky laditelného v širokém spektrálním rozsahu a zabývá se možnostmi jeho nasazení v optovláknové senzorové síti založené na metodě FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating). Výzkum byl započat komplexními dlouhodobými testy reálného měřícího scénáře z oblasti stavebnictví, sestaveného pro účely ověření limitujících aspektů současných technik. Inženýrské aplikace nabízejí velké množství vzájemně se vylučujících požadavků pro návrh strukturálních senzorových systémů. Tyto požadavky jsou sdíleny mnoha dalšími technologickými oblastmi, což přispívá k vysokému stupni univerzálnosti použití dosažených výsledků. Na základě posouzení stavu současné techniky a aplikačních požadavků byly v práci nejprve identifikovány aspekty, které mají být výzkumem zlepšeny. V dalším kroku byl detailně charakterizován MG-Y laser Syntune/Finisar S7500. Na základě dat získaných měřením byla zkoumána nová metoda spojitého řízená vlnové délky záření laseru. Provedené experimenty vedly nejen k návrhu nového způsobu spojité regulace vlnové délky ale také k vytvoření prostředků pro vlastní kalibraci systému na základě jeho vnitřních vlastností (podélných módů rezonátoru).

VBS-RTK GPS輔助UAV影像自率光束法空三平差之研究 / VBS-RTK GPS Supported Self-Calibration Bundle Adjustment for Aerial Triangulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images

李敏瑜, Li, Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)於要求精度之圖資測製應用時,因飛行高度較低並可在雲下飛行取像,與大型載具相比可更機動性獲取空間解析度較高之影像,雖無法如大型載具酬載大像幅感測器供大區域圖資製作,但於小區域之圖資更新卻相當適合。但一般UAV因酬載重量限制,僅可酬載體積小且重量輕之感測器,如非量測型相機及低精度定位定向系統,即AHRS系統。因此,本研究嘗試在UAV上酬載Trimble BD970 GNSS OEM GPS接收模組,此GPS接收模組體積小且重量輕可安置於UAV上,並透過VBS-RTK GPS定位技術獲取UAV精確飛行軌跡資訊,再經時間內插相機曝光瞬時的GPS資訊供空中控制使用,輔助UAV影像空中三角測量(簡稱空三)平差,以降低地面控制點需求。 但欲引入GPS觀測量供空中控制使用必須考量GPS天線與相機投影中心偏移量之問題,但因UAV所酬載之非量測型相機,將造成此偏移量不易透過地面測量方式測得,於本研究將於空三平差時使用線性漂移參數克服此偏移量無法量測之問題;此外,UAV所酬載之非量測型相機,相機參數乃透過地面近景攝影測量以自率光束法平差方式率定所得,但率定所得相機參數無法完全描述相機在航拍取像時的情況,故本研究於空三平差將採用自率光束法克服相機參數率定不完全之問題。實驗中,首先確定GPS模組BD970在VBS-RTK GPS定位技術下在地面高速移動時可獲得高精度的定位成果;接續驗證線性漂移參數及自率光束法平差於此研究的適用性;最後亦探討不同地面控制點配置及來源對空三平差之精度探討,並提出1/5000基本圖圖資測製精度要求下,VBS-RTK GPS輔助UAV影像自率光束法空三平差的地面控制點最適配置。 / UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is currently used in civil purpose such as mapping and disaster monitoring. One of UAV advantages is to collect images with high resolution for mapping demand. However, due to payload limitations of UAV, it is difficult to mount metric aerial camera and precise POS(Positioning and Orientation System) device. Instead, only the non-metric camera and the low accurate AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) can be installed. For mapping demands, Trimble BD970 GNSS OEM board will be carried on the UAV to collect the high accurate flying trajectory as control information for AT (aerial triangulation) by VBS-RTK(Virtual Base Station - Real Time Kinematic) GPS technique. Meanwhile self-calibration bundle adjustment will be employed for AT(Aerial Triangulation) to overcome the imperfect calibration of non-metric camera by the close-range photogrammetric approach. The precise offset between image perspective center and GPS antenna center, called GPS antenna-camera offset, is hard to measure in centimenter level by terrestrial measurement approach. Therefore the drift parameters will be utilized to solve the problem of GPS antenna-camera offset while performing bundle adjustment with self-calibration for AT of UAV images. In the experiments of this study, the height positioning accuracy of BD970 by VBS-RTK GPS approach at high speed movement will be proved firstly. Then the adaptability of drift parameters and self-calibration for GPS supported AT of UAV images will be verified. Finally, the accuracy of AT by using different control information will be analized and appropriate configuration of GCPs(Ground Control Points) for VBS-RTK GPS supported self-calibration bundle adjustment for AT of UAV images will be proposed under the mapping demand with the scale of 1 : 5000.

航空影像控制實體 於近景影像光束法區域平差控制之精度探討 / Accuracy Investigation on Using Control Entities of Aerial Images as Controls in Bundle Adjustment of Close Range Images

林汝晏, Lin, Ju Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近來三維數值城市及數碼城市(Cyber City)為各界極欲發展及研究的課題,為了要增加三維數值城市的擬真性及美觀程度,通常是將建物模型敷貼真實拍攝之牆面影像,增加三維模型的細緻化程度。而欲精確的敷貼牆面紋理影像,必須嚴密地將所拍攝之近景影像定位定向,一般採用光束法區域平差解算,此時需加上適當的控制點控制資訊才能完成,因此控制點控制資訊若來自地面測量將相當耗費成本。多年來,各地方政府製作大比例尺地形圖時已拍攝相當多的航照影像,可用來做為上述的控制資訊,亦即航空影像控制實體,若能使用這些航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊,不但可有效利用資源,亦能減少控制點取得所需花費的成本。因此,本研究將使用航空影像控制實體所提供的控制資訊做為控制來源。 本研究探討以航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊時,使用非量測型相機以類似傳統航測拍攝方式及旋轉多基線交向拍攝方式拍攝涵蓋建物牆面的目標區影像後,於最少控制且不同控制分布時,對光束法區域平差精度之影響。因使用非量測型相機,故本研究先以iWitnessPRO近景攝影測量軟體率定相機參數,接著以PHIDIAS近景攝影測量軟體解算光束法區域平差。過程中探討使用航空影像控制實體作為控制資訊時,於最少控制且不同控制分布時,加入附加參數解算的自率光束法區域平差與與一般光束法區域平差之精度。根據實驗結果,低樓層取像的光束法區域平差之檢核點RMSE精度,其結果大多可應用於LOD 3精度等級的牆面敷貼。另,因都市地區高樓林立,狹小巷弄多,有鑒於此,本研究使用旋轉多基線交向攝影,結果顯示其將有機會運用於近景攝影測量LOD 3精度等級的牆面紋理敷貼。 / Recently, the studies about the cyber city have become a popular topic. For improving the level of detail of cyber city, photo-realistic textures from images are mapped onto the surfaces of 3D building models. Before the accurate texture mapping, bundle block adjustment can be performed to recover the parameters of exterior orientation for each close-range images more accurate and more precise, where the control information is necessary. For the past years, many aerial photogrammetry projects were done by local governments for the mapping of 1/1000 topographic maps. Those historic aerial images can be used as control information to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency. Therefore, this study investigates the accuracy of bundle block adjustment about non-metric close-range images, taken from the ways similar to the traditional aerial photogrammetry and the rotating multi-baseline photogrammetry, by using control entities from historic aerial images as the minimal controls under various control distributions. Since the non-metric camera is used for collecting the close-range images, the iWitnessPRO software is utilized for camera calibration. After that, the PHIDIAS software, a close-range photogrammetry software, is employed to performed the bundle block adjustment. During performing the bundle block adjustment, the camera parameters are regarded as unknowns and determined, called as self-calibration bundle adjustment. The results of self-calibration bundle adjustment will be compared with conventional bundle adjustment. The test results show that the accuracy of most self-calibration bundle adjustment about close-range images covered with low buildings can be used for the application of LOD 3 texture mapping. Moreover, the test results of using close-range images from rotating multi-baseline photogrammetry in urban areas show the potential possibility for LOD 3 texture mapping in urban areas with high buildings and narrow alleys.

Development of a data acquisition architecture with distributed synchronization for a Positron Emission Tomography system with integrated front-end

Aliaga Varea, Ramón José 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a non-invasive nuclear medical imaging modality that makes it possible to observe the distribution of metabolic substances within a patient's body after marking them with radioactive isotopes and arranging an annular scanner around him in order to detect their decays. The main applications of this technique are the detection and tracing of tumors in cancer patients and metabolic studies with small animals. The Electronic Design for Nuclear Applications (EDNA) research group within the Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M) has been involved in the study of high performance PET systems and maintains a small experimental setup with two detector modules. This thesis is framed within the necessity of developing a new data acquisition system (DAQ) for the aforementioned setup that corrects the drawbacks of the existing one. The main objective is to define a DAQ architecture that is completely scalable, modular, and guarantees the mobility and the possibility of reusing its components, so that it admits any extension of modification of the setup and it is possible to export it directly to the configurations used by other groups or experiments. At the same time, this architecture should be compatible with the best possible resolutions attainable at the present instead of imposing artificial limits on system performance. In particular, the new DAQ system should outperform the previous one. As a first step, a general study of DAQ arquitectures is carried out in the context of experimental setups for PET and other high energy physics applications. On one hand, the conclusion is reached that the desired specifications require early digitization of detector signals, exclusively digital communication between modules, and the absence of a centralized trigger. On the other hand, the necessity of a very precise distributed synchronization scheme between modules becomes apparent, with errors in the order of 100 ps, and operating directly over the data links. A study of the existing methods reveals their severe limitations in terms of achievable precision. A theoretical analysis of the situation is carried out with the goal of overcoming them, and a new synchronization algorithm is proposed that is able to reach the desired resolution while getting rid of the restrictions on clock alignment that are imposed by virtually all usual schemes. Since the measurement of clock phase difference plays a crucial role in the proposed algorithm, extensions to the existing methods are defined and analyzed that improve them significantly. The proposed scheme for synchronism is validated using commercial evaluation boards. Taking the proposed synchronization method as a starting point, a DAQ architecture for PET is defined that is composed of two types of module (acquisition and concentration) whose replication makes it possible to arrange a hierarchic system of arbitrary size, and circuit boards are designed and commissioned that implement a realization of the architecture for the particular case of two detectors. This DAQ is finally installed at the experimental setup, where their synchronization properties and resolution as a PET system are characterized and its performance is verified to have improved with respect to the previous system. / [ES] La Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones (PET) es una modalidad de imagen médica nuclear no invasiva que permite observar la distribución de sustancias metabólicas en el interior del cuerpo de un paciente tras marcarlas con isótopos radioactivos y disponer después un escáner anular a su alrededor para detectar su desintegración. Las principales aplicaciones de esta técnica son la detección y seguimiento de tumores en pacientes con cáncer y los estudios metabólicos en animales pequeños. El grupo de investigación Electronic Design for Nuclear Applications (EDNA) del Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M) ha estado involucrado en el estudio de sistemas PET de alto rendimiento y mantiene un pequeño setup experimental con dos módulos detectores. La presente tesis se enmarca dentro de la necesidad de desarrollar un nuevo sistema de adquisición de datos (DAQ) para dicho setup que corrija los inconvenientes del ya existente. En particular, el objetivo es definir una arquitectura de DAQ que sea totalmente escalable, modular, y que asegure la movilidad y la posibilidad de reutilización de sus componentes, de manera que admita cualquier ampliación o alteración del setup y pueda exportarse directamente a los de otros grupos o experimentos. Al mismo tiempo, se desea que dicha arquitectura no limite artificialmente el rendimiento del sistema sino que sea compatible con las mejores resoluciones disponibles en la actualidad, y en particular que sus prestaciones superen a las del DAQ instalado previamente. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo un estudio general de las arquitecturas de DAQ para setups experimentales para PET y otras aplicaciones de física de altas energías. Por un lado, se determina que las características deseadas implican la digitalización temprana de las señales del detector, la comunicación exclusivamente digital entre módulos, y la ausencia de trigger centralizado. Por otro lado, se hace patente la necesidad de un esquema de sincronización distribuida muy preciso entre módulos, con errores del orden de 100 ps, que opere directamente sobre los enlaces de datos. Un estudio de los métodos ya existentes revela sus graves limitaciones a la hora de alcanzar esas precisiones. Con el fin de paliarlos, se lleva a cabo un análisis teórico de la situación y se propone un nuevo algoritmo de sincronización que es capaz de alcanzar la resolución deseada y elimina las restricciones de alineamiento de reloj impuestas por casi todos los esquemas usuales. Dado que la medida de desfase entre relojes juega un papel crucial en el algoritmo propuesto, se definen y analizan extensiones a los métodos ya existentes que suponen una mejora sustancial. El esquema de sincronismo propuesto se valida utilizando placas de evaluación comerciales. Partiendo del método de sincronismo propuesto, se define una arquitectura de DAQ para PET compuesta de dos tipos de módulos (adquisición y concentración) cuya replicación permite construir un sistema jerárquico de tamaño arbitrario, y se diseñan e implementan placas de circuito basadas en dicha arquitectura para el caso particular de dos detectores. El DAQ así construído se instala finalmente en el setup experimental, donde se caracterizan tanto sus propiedades de sincronización como su resolución como sistema PET y se comprueba que sus prestaciones son superiores a las del sistema previo. / [CA] La Tomografia per Emissió de Positrons (PET) és una modalitat d'imatge mèdica nuclear no invasiva que permet observar la distribució de substàncies metabòliques a l'interior del cos d'un pacient després d'haver-les marcat amb isòtops radioactius disposant un escàner anular al seu voltant per a detectar la seua desintegració. Aquesta tècnica troba les seues principals aplicacions a la detecció i seguiment de tumors a pacients amb càncer i als estudis metabòlics en animals petits. El grup d'investigació Electronic Design for Nuclear Applications (EDNA) de l'Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M) ha estat involucrat en l'estudi de sistemes PET d'alt rendiment i manté un petit setup experimental amb dos mòduls detectors. Aquesta tesi neix de la necessitat de desenvolupar un nou sistema d'adquisició de dades (DAQ) per al setup esmentat que corregisca els inconvenients de l'anterior. En particular, l'objectiu és definir una arquitectura de DAQ que sigui totalment escalable, modular, i que asseguri la mobilitat i la possibilitat de reutilització dels seus components, de tal manera que admeta qualsevol ampliació o alteració del setup i pugui exportar-se directament a aquells d'altres grups o experiments. Al mateix temps, es desitja que aquesta arquitectura no introduisca límits artificials al rendiment del sistema sinó que sigui compatible amb les millors resolucions disponibles a l'actualitat, i en particular que les seues prestacions siguin superiors a les del DAQ instal.lat amb anterioritat. En primer lloc, es porta a terme un estudi general de les arquitectures de DAQ per a setups experimentals per a PET i altres aplicacions de física d'altes energies. Per una banda, s'arriba a la conclusió que les característiques desitjades impliquen la digitalització dels senyals del detector el més aviat possible, la comunicació exclusivament digital entre mòduls, i l'absència de trigger centralitzat. D'altra banda, es fa palesa la necessitat d'un mecanisme de sincronització distribuïda molt precís entre mòduls, amb errors de l'ordre de 100 ps, que treballi directament sobre els enllaços de dades. Un estudi dels mètodes ja existents revela les seues greus limitacions a l'hora d'assolir aquest nivell de precisió. Amb l'objectiu de pal.liar-les, es duu a terme una anàlisi teòrica de la situació i es proposa un nou algoritme de sincronització que és capaç d'obtindre la resolució desitjada i es desfà de les restriccions d'alineament de rellotges imposades per gairebé tots els esquemes usuals. Atès que la mesura del desfasament entre rellotges juga un paper cabdal a l'algoritme proposat, es defineixen i analitzen extensions als mètodes ja existents que suposen una millora substancial. L'esquema de sincronisme proposat es valida mitjançant plaques d'avaluació comercials. Prenent el mètode proposat com a punt de partida, es defineix una arquitectura de DAQ per a PET composta de dos tipus de mòduls (d'adquisició i de concentració) tals que la replicació d'aquests elements permet construir un sistema jeràrquic de mida arbitrària, i es dissenyen i implementen plaques de circuit basades en aquesta arquitectura per al cas particular de dos detectors. L'electrònica desenvolupada s'instal.la finalment al setup experimental, on es caracteritzen tant les seues propietats de sincronització com la seua resolució com a sistema PET i es comprova que les seues prestacions són superiors a les del sistema previ. / Aliaga Varea, RJ. (2016). Development of a data acquisition architecture with distributed synchronization for a Positron Emission Tomography system with integrated front-end [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63271 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

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