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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring social competence, task competence and self-protection in an organisational context

Gold, Sharon January 2009 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In Chapter 1, I describe social competence, task competence and self-protection in an organisational context. In Chapter 2, I review key self theories and relate them to the self-competence construct. In Chapter 3, I review the research on self-competence to show that there is a need for a construct of social competence and self-protection. I discuss the limitations of three self-competence theories: Bandura’s (1977) self-efficacy theory, Williams and Lillibridge’s (1992) self-competence theory and Tafarodi & Swann’s (1995) self-competence/self-liking theory. In Chapter 4, I present my selfcompetence model. I raise the research questions and specify my hypotheses. In Chapter 5, I describe the construction of Social and Task Competence Scale. I present evidence of the reliability and factor structure of the Social and Task Competence Scale. I concluded that scale revisions were needed. In Chapter 6, I present evidence of the reliability, factor structure and predictive validity of the revised Social and Task Competence Scale and Self-Protection Scale. I describe the results of an experiment that investigated the interaction of task setting, social competence, task competence and selfprotection. I concluded that the measures predicted performance. In Chapter 7, I investigate the factor structure and reliability of the revised Social and Task Competence Scale and revised Self-Protection Scale. I provide evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of these measures with reliable measures of self-competence, selfesteem, self-monitoring, personality and social desirability. In Chapter 8, I investigate the factor structure and reliability of the Social and Task Competence Scale and Self-Protection Scale after final revisions and show that these measures are acceptable for use in scientific research. I present evidence of their convergent validity with a valid andreliable measure of emotional intelligence, and describe experimental results that supported the hypothesised relationships between perceived task difficulty, social competence, task competence and self-protection and task performance. In Chapter 9, I discuss the implications of my research for self-competence theory, self-regulation and self-esteem and the prediction of social and task performance in organisations.

Sebeobrana v širších souvislostech / Self-defense in Broader Context

KOPEČNÝ, Roman January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the question of just and unjust violence and also compares approach to the just violence today and in the past. It presents comparison of systems of if-conception self-defense and MS-1 self-defense which comes from sindefendology. From this comparison is clear, why it is necessary to refuse all so called if-conceptions self-defense (jujitsu, aikijitsu, karate, kenjitsu or other similar systems). The two main sources of this thesis are sindefendology (science of self-defense) and Christian ethics. The criteria for ethical justification are following: St. Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae, Catechism of theCatholic Church and real possibilities of attacked person to defense (with regard to dangers, which come from the situation). It is necessary to distinguish between self-defensive and self-protective situations. This distinction helps to comprehend the nature of combat situation, and therefore also to choose the ethical acceptable actions on time. There are described some cases which shows importance of the knowledge of sindefendology about real possibilities of attacked person. Course of justice without the knowledge of sindefendology and ethics can be unjust for attacked man.

Gestion autonomique de performance, d'énergie et de qualité de service : Application aux réseaux filaires, réseaux de capteurs et grilles de calcul / Autonomic management of performance, energy consumption and quality of service : Application to wired networks, sensors networks and grid computing facilities

Sharrock, Rémi 08 December 2010 (has links)
La motivation principale de cette thèse est de faire face à l'accroissement de la complexité des systèmes informatiques, qui, dans un futur proche ( de l'ordre de quelques années) risque fort d'être le principal frein à leur évolution et à leur développement. Aujourd'hui la tendance s'inverse et le coût de gestion humaine dépasse le coût des infrastructures matérielles et logicielles. De plus, l'administration manuelle de grands systèmes (applications distribuées, réseaux de capteurs, équipements réseaux) est non seulement lente mais aussi sujette à de nombreuses erreurs humaines. Un des domaines de recherche émergent est celui de l'informatique autonomique qui a pour but de rendre ces systèmes auto-gérés. Nous proposons une approche qui permet de décrire des politiques de gestion autonomiques de haut niveau. Ces politiques permettent au système d'assurer quatre propriétés fondamentales de l'auto-gestion: l'auto-guérison, l'auto-configuration, l'auto-protection et l'auto-optimisation. Nos contributions portent sur la spécification de diagrammes de description de politiques de gestion autonomiques appelés (S)PDD "(Sensor) Policy Description Diagrams". Ces diagrammes sont implémentés dans le gestionnaire autonomique TUNe et l'approche a été validée sur de nombreux systèmes: simulation électromagnétique répartie sur grille de calcul, réseaux de capteurs SunSPOT, répartiteur de calcul DIET. Une deuxième partie présente une modélisation mathématique de l’auto-optimisation pour un « datacenter ». Nous introduisons un problème de minimisation d’un critère intégrant d’une part la consommation électrique des équipements du réseau du « datacenter » et d’autre part la qualité de service des applications déployées sur le « datacenter ». Une heuristique permet de prendre en compte les contraintes dues aux fonctions de routage utilisées. / The main challenge of this thesis is to cope with the growing complexity of IT systems. In a near future (mainly the next few years) this complexity will prevent new developments and system evolutions. Today the trend is reversing and the managing costs are overtaking the hardware and software costs. Moreover, the manual administration of large systems (distributed applications, sensor networks, and network equipment) is not only slow but error-prone. An emerging research field called autonomic computing tries to bring up self-managed systems. We introduce an approach that enable the description of high level autonomic management policies. These policies allow the system to ensure four fundamental properties for self-management: self-healing, self-self-configuring, self-protecting and self-optimizing. We specify autonomic management Policy Description Diagrams (PDD) and implement them in Toulouse University Network (TUNe). We validated our approach on many systems: electromagnetic simulations distributed on computer grids (grid’5000), wireless sensor networks with SunSPOTs and the computing scheduler DIET. A second part of this thesis presents a mathematical modeling for self-optimizing datacenters. We introduce a minimization problem with a criterion integrating both the electrical consumption of the datacenter networking equipment and the quality of service of the deployed applications. A heuristic takes into account the routing functions used on the network.

I danni da dequalificazione e demansionamento / The Damages Caused by Downgrading

PONTE , FLAVIO VINCENZO 23 February 2007 (has links)
L'elaborato si propone di analizzare le conseguenze dannose scaturenti dalla violazione dell'art. 2103 c.c. Nel primo capitolo ci si sofferma sul concetto di danno, rendendo notizia delle varie teorie concernenti il sistema di responsabilità civile. Nel secondo capitolo si esplorano le diverse ipotesi di danno. in particolare: danni da inadempimento, alla professionalità, alla salute ed esistenziale. Nel terzo capitolo si affronta il tema della tutela assicurativa del danno biologico, ponendo in evidenza i rapporti tra l'indennizzo erogato dall'I.N.A.I.L. ed il risarcimento del danno differenziale. / The dissertation concerns torts and liability in case of transgression of the paragraph 2103 of the Italian civil code. The first chapter is dedicated to torts and liability theories. The second chapter is about various kinds of torts, in the Italian civil code regulation. The author speaks about downgrading consequences, involving workers' health and competences. Moreover he speaks about the loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, caused by the employer's unlawful behaviour. The third chapter concerns workers' insurance, halfway social insurance and accident insurance.

POTERE PUBBLICO E AUTOTUTELA AMMINISTRATIVA / Public authority and autoprotection powers

SILVESTRI, MAURO 08 July 2019 (has links)
La tesi ha per oggetto l’autotutela amministrativa, specialmente quella c.d. decisoria “spontanea”, ovvero quell’insieme di poteri che consentono all’amministrazione di riesaminare i propri provvedimenti e di rimuoverli a vario titolo.
Di questi poteri si è indagato il fondamento dogmatico e positivo. La questione del fondamento è stata per lunghi anni affrontata dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza in termini totalmente pre-critici e non problematici: l’esistenza di questi poteri era semplicemente scontata e le riflessioni sulla loro base giuridica si esaurivano perlopiù nella constatazione della loro necessità nell’immemore consenso circa la loro ammissibilità. Negli ultimi anni, invece, una parte degli Autori ha disconosciuto la natura implicita e per così dire “originaria” di questi poteri e ne ha perciò patrocinato la stretta riconduzione al principio di legalità: in altre parole, l’annullamento e la revoca non sarebbero affatto conseguenza della c.d. inesauribilità del potere amministrativo – negata da questa dottrina – e sarebbero perciò oggi ammissibili unicamente nei casi e nei modi disciplinati dalle due norme introdotte nella legge sul procedimento nel 2005. Ciò a garanzia della certezza dei rapporti giuridici e del legittimo affidamento dei destinatari dei provvedimenti ampliativi. Secondo un filone ricostruttivo in pare contrastante con il primo, altri Autori hanno inteso valorizzare gli elementi de iure condito a favore della obbligatorietà dell’avvio del procedimento di riesame, auspicandone contemporaneamente la generalizzazione, nell’ottica di una più complessiva trasformazione dell’annullamento d’ufficio in un nuovo istituto ibrido, rispondente alla funzione di alternative dispute risolution system o, se si vuole, di ricorso gerarchico. Per le stesse ragioni, l’istituto dovrebbe perdere il carattere ampiamente discrezionale, in favore di una vincolatezza totale o parziale. Questo secondo “fronte di attacco” alla ricostruzione tradizionale intende offrire soluzione al venir meno del sistema dei controlli di legalità sull’azione amministrativa. Lo studio ha sottoposto a verifica entrambi i filoni evolutivi richiamati, discostandosi dal secondo e, pur accogliendo parte delle argomentazioni ad esso sottostanti, anche dal primo. Quanto alla teoria dell’esauribilità del potere amministrativo, oggetto della prima linea evolutiva, si è ritenuto di condividere le considerazioni circa la tutela dell’affidamento degli interessati e della stabilità dei rapporti giuridici. È parsa tuttavia meglio rispondente alle categorie generali e alle esigenze del sistema (anche sulla base di una visione del diritto amministrativo quale “diritto dei terzi”, per natura volto alla tutela dell’interesse generale e non solo dell’interesse privato particolare coinvolto dall’esercizio del potere) la conservazione della tradizionale inesauribilità del potere, seppur assai mitigata, nella pratica, con riferimento all’esercizio dei poteri di ritiro degli atti favorevoli ai privati il cui affidamento sia concretamente meritevole di tutela. La natura discrezionale dell’annullamento d’ufficio (e della revoca), sottoposta a critica dalla seconda linea evolutiva, viene difesa sia sul piano del diritto positivo e pretorio (attraverso la riconduzione dei principali casi di annullamento c.d. doveroso al modello generale), sia sul piano delle categorie generali, a partire dalla natura dei poteri coinvolti e dall’analisi delle posizioni giuridiche dei soggetti interessati dai procedimenti di secondo grado. / The thesis focuses on the Italian system of so called autoprotection or selfprotection. This expression refers to the powers of public administration to revoke its own acts when deemed necessary to repair a vice of legitimacy or a vice of opportunity, without being bind to resort to the courts. Given the aim of this powers – the same of first grade powers plus a semi-judicial one – they are usually meant by judges and scholars as “widely discretionary”. Furthermore, it has always been believed that the choice to activate the correspondent proceeding is totally free for public administration; consequently, a demand of interested parties does not make binding the start of the procedure, opposite to what happens with administrative appeal proceedings. In recent years ECJ, ECHR and national case law has emboldened the limits to selfredress, making clear that legitimate expectations and the public interest to legal certainty must be taken into consideration and given sufficient protection. Lately, also the Legislator followed, making the annulment and the revocation harder to be put in effect when the first act is favorable to the addressed subject. In such cases, the revocation cannot be ordered for a mere reconsideration of already known circumstances (ius poenitendi) but only if new ones show up. At the same time, ex officio annulment is precluded after 18 months from the issuing of the first act, instead of the previous general limit of a “reasonable time”. On the other hand, the case law has apparently pointed out some hypothesis of mandatory annulment, such as for “anticomunitarian acts” and cost-producing acts. Based on these two orientation, some scholars suggested a global rethinking of the self-protection, its bases and its rules. The study analyzes the case law and the latest legislative reforms, proving that no mandatory annulment exists in the Italian legal system. Therefore, nor the ECJ principle of equivalence nor other principles require that selfredress become generally obliged. The thesis also aims to prove that selfprotection remains a discretionary power, in order to ensure that the contrasting needs (the rule of law on the one hand, and the legal certainty and legitimate expectation on the other hand) can be properly balanced in every decision, according to the Constitutional provision of article 97, which requires that both impartiality and good administration are pursued.

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