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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La motivation sémantique dans les réponses des informateurs de l’Atlas Linguistique de l’État d’Alagoas (ALEAL) / PSemantic motivation in the responses of the informants of the Atlas Linguistic of the State of Alagoas (ALEAL) / A motivaçao semântica nas repostas dos informantes do Atlas linguistico do estado de Alagoas Aleal

Barbosa-Doiron, Maranúbia Pereira 28 April 2017 (has links)
En 1953, le linguiste Antenor Nascentes proposa la classique division dialectale du Brésil en deux grands parlers : le Nord, subdivisé lui-même en trois autres parlers – « amazônico, nordestino et baiano » ; et les parlers du Sud : « fluminense, mineiro et sulista ». Outre ces subdivisions, il considéra une aire nommée territoire atypique. L’Alagoas, une des neuf unités fédératives du Nord-Est du Brésil, d’une surface d’environ 27 000 km2, est le deuxième plus petit état du pays en superficie. Dans la division de Nascentes, il s’insère dans le subparler « nordestino ». En considérant la proposition de Nascentes, et appuyée sur les approches théoriques et méthodologiques de la Géolinguistique (DAUZAT, 1922) et Dialectologie Pluridimensionnelle (THUN, 1998), cette thèse, grâce à un atlas linguistique, a pour objectif de vérifier si l’État d’Alagoas se situe dans le subparler « nordestino ». L’Atlas linguistique d’Alagoas (ALEAL) produit de cette recherche, documente et décrit la réalité linguistique des locuteurs résidant dans la zone urbaine de l’État cité ci-dessus, dans son espace délimité et en tenant compte prioritairement des différences diatopiques dans leur aspects phoniques, lexico-sémantiques et morpho-syntatiques. Le réseau composé de 21 localités suit les orientations de Nascentes (1958). Dans chaque localité deux informateurs ont été enquêtés, un homme et une femme dont les tranches d’âge se situent entre 30 et 50 ans, analphabètes et /ou ayant un niveau de scolarité élémentaire . Pour l’analyse de l’influence du facteur de l’âge sur les réponses, dans 7 localités parmi les plus anciennes de cet état, 4 informateurs de deux tranches d’âge – 30 à 50 ans et 55 à 75 ans – ont été interrogés. Les questionnaires appliqués sont ceux utilisés dans l’Atlas linguistique du Brésil (AliB). L’ALEAL regroupe deux volumes : dans le premier on trouve l’introduction, l’hypothèse, les objectifs, la méthodologie et les approches théoriques relatives à la Géolinguistique et la Dialectologie. Dans ce même volume on trouve également les principes théoriques concernant la motivation lors de la création lexicale (Guiraud, Dalbera, Alinei, Contini, parmi les principaux auteurs). Ces théories sont à la base de l’analyse de certaines désignations enregistrées par les informateurs de l’ALEAL. L’étude motivationnelle, dont l’objectif est de vérifier si le signe linguistique est motivé au moment de sa genèse, concerne trois champs sémantiques : la faune, quelques phénomènes climatiques et atmosphériques, et quelques plantes et des produits dérivés de celles-ci. Ces données de l’ALEAL sont comparées aux mêmes référents enregistrés dans différents atlas régionaux brésiliens, à l’AliB, à l’Atlas linguistique roman (ALIR), et à l’Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE). Dans le deuxième volume se trouvent les cartes phonétiques, lexicales et morpho-syntatiques. Dans la base des données recueillies, au moins deux faits linguistiques certifient la division dialectale de Nascentes : dans l’aire enquêtée prédominent les voyelles moyennes prétoniques ouvertes ; quant aux rotiques en coda interne, on a vérifié la prédominance de la fricative vélaire sourde. Quant à l’analyse motivationnelle des désignations établies, on a avéré que toute création lexicale est motivée à l’origine. / In 1953, the linguist Antenor Nascentes proposed the classic dialectal division of Brazil in two great spoken languages: the North, subdivided into three other spokes – “amazônico, nordestino and baiano”; And the Southern languages: "fluminense, mineiro and sulista". In addition to these subdivisions, he considered an area known as atypical territory. Alagoas, one of the nine federative units in northeastern Brazil, with a surface area of about 27,000 km2, is the second smallest state in the country. In the division of Nascentes, it is inserted in the subparler "nordestino". The Linguistic Atlas of Alagoas (ALEAL) produces this research, documents and describes the linguistic reality of the speakers residing in the urban area of the abovementioned State, within its defined area and taking into account, as a matter of priority, the diatopic differences in Their phonic, lexico-semantic and morpho-syntatic aspects. The network of 21 localities follows the orientations of Nascentes (1958). In each locality two informants were interviewed, a man and a woman whose age range is between 30 and 50 years, illiterate and / or have a basic level of education. For the analysis of the influence of the age factor on the responses, four informants from two age groups - 30 to 50 and 55 to 75 - were identified in 7 of the oldest localities in this state. Interviewed. The questionnaires applied are those used in the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (AliB). ALEAL brings together two volumes: in the first one we find the introduction, hypothesis, objectives, methodology and theoretical approaches related to Geolinguistics and Dialectology. In this same volume we also find the theoretical principles concerning motivation during lexical creation (Guiraud, Dalbera, Alinei, Contini, among the main authors). These theories form the basis of the analysis of certain designations recorded by the ALEAL informants. Motivational study, the objective of which is to verify whether the linguistic sign is motivated at the time of its genesis, concerns three semantic fields: fauna, some climatic and atmospheric phenomena, and some plants and products derived from them. These ALEAL data are compared with the same references recorded in various Brazilian regional atlases, the AliB, the Novel Linguistic Atlas (ALIR), and the Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE). In the second volume are phonetic, lexical and morpho-syntatic maps. In the database, at least two linguistic facts certify the dialectal division of Nascentes: in the area surveyed predominate the open pretonic vowels; As for the roots in internal coda, the predominance of the deaf fel- lative has been verified. As for the motivational analysis of established designations, it has been found that any lexical creation is motivated at the outset.

Urbanonyma v Ostrově / Urbanonyms in the city of Ostrov

KOCOURKOVÁ, Jiřina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with characteristic of the concept urbanonyms and subsequent research urbanonyms in the town Ostrov in terms of their changes in six historical periods of the 20th century. To the group of urbanonyms are included the names of streets, parks, gardens, bridges, churches, chapels, monasteries, famous buildings and monuments of the historical center and the new part of town. The urbanonyms are analyzed and categorized by semantic motivation. Attention is focused on the factors that influence motivation and their subsequent transformations over the years. The development of street nomenclature is monitored with regard to honorific motivation and representation of the types of motives. The aim of the diploma thesis is to explore urbanonyms of the Ostrov and contribute to the local toponymy,which has not yet been analyzed.

Urbanonyma v městě Tábor / Urbanonyms in the city of Tábor

ŽIVNŮSTKOVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the names of streets, squares, embankments, parks and bridges in Tabor. Based on archival sources, cartographic tracks changes names Tabor streets in five historical periods during the 20th century. In each period, the newly - granted titles arranged in passwords, which explain their semantic motivation. Emphasis is placed on exploring the development honorifikačního motive in naming streets, thus awarding the title by important personalities, events, places and values that do not usually have a designated place of a direct link. The final section analyzes the formal formation of the current and defunct street names and submit their structural classification. The thesis aims to analyze the terminology street in the center of Tabor and their development, and contribute to the local place names, which have so far not been addressed.

Názvy ulic ve Volyni / The street names in the town of Volyně

KUNEŠ, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with names of streets, squares, embankments and parks in the town Volyně in the district of Strakonice. Based on archival sources, it researches the development of the local street names in seven historical periods since the first designation in 1871 to the present. In every period the names are organized into a dictionary that explains their semantic motivation. A classification according to particular semantic categories is included, too. Attention is paid to the development of honorific motivation in street designation which means giving names of significant personalities, historical events, places and values that mostly have no connection with the designated place. The final part analyses the formation of both present and defunct street names and brings their structural classification. The aim of the diploma thesis is to explore systematically the designations of streets in Volyně and their development, and thus contribute to the knowledge of the local toponymy and the history of the town.

The Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase from a Construction Grammar Perspective

Hillert, Albin January 2010 (has links)
<p>English noun phrases (NP) which include degree modified adjectives show some interesting variation of the position of the indefinite article. A particularly salient pattern is displayed in <em>This is anticipated to be <strong>more common a scenario</strong> than fleas spreading bubonic plague </em>(BoE, BU-NX022521)<em>.</em> The present paper is based on a study of utterances where this pattern was used even though a canonical word order would have been possible. Such constructs are referred to as the <em>Optional Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase </em>(OPIANP) and have been collected from the British National Corpus (BNC) and <em>Collins Word Banks Online: English Corpus</em> (BoE). The central question is whether there is semantic motivation for this postposition of the indefinite article. The results suggest that there is such motivation, namely that the OPIANP could be an extension of a more frequent construction identified as the <em>Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase</em> (PIANP). Furthermore, it is shown that the pattern’s semantics is unpredictable from the composition of its parts and that its primary function is that it positions already given arguments on an adjectival scale. That is, it foregrounds scalar qualities and backgrounds the noun. These conclusions stem from observations of patterns of unification with other constructions, illustrating how the OPIANP unifies best with the non-referential, descriptive PC-constructions and less well with referential constructions such as the subject and direct object constructions. These findings are remarkable as the idea of an adjective-scalar centred NP-construction challenges the idea of NPs being centred round their head, the noun.</p>

Vývoj urbanonymie Litoměřic / The Development of the Urbanonymy of Litoměřice

Nešev, Toma January 2015 (has links)
The task of this thesis is to describe the dynamics and evolution of street terminology in Litomeřice, with a focus on its motivation and semantic structure of word formation. The material will be obtained with excerpts from archival materials, urban plans, lists of streets and squares, records of the municipal council and other historical and newer sources. When classifying a material, which will allow an overview of the motivational circuits, which are involved in the development of urbanonyms and used word-formation processes, it will underpin Šmilauer's semantic classification of anoikonyms and Dejmek's word formation and semantic classification of urbanonyms. The Development of the street terminology will be analyzed after each time period, the definition is determined by the circumstances, which had an considerable impact in the studied urbanonymia. Quantitative changes in the use of each motivation circuit and word-formation process will be illustrated by graph, all partial findings will be incorporated into the final synthetic whole. An important part of the work will consist an alphabetical list of names of current Litoměřice streets, squares and other public spaces including the time of their formation, interpretation of the names and brief overview of all urbanonyms, which preceded the...

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