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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neologismo semântico na massorá tiberiense / The semantic neologisms in the Tiberian Masorah

Francisco, Edson de Faria 07 March 2008 (has links)
O trabalho meticuloso de preservação e de transmissão da Bíblia Hebraica elaborado pelos massoretas, no período medieval, recebe o nome de massorá. Tal designação técnica refere-se, especificamente, ao conjunto de anotações escrito nos códices massoréticos medievais de tradição tiberiense. Tais observações são também encontradas nas modernas edições críticas da Bíblia Hebraica e em algumas publicações de Bíblias rabínicas. As observações foram elaboradas e desenvolvidas por três tradições massoréticas distintas: a babilônica, a palestina e a tiberiense. A massorá de tradição tiberiense é aquela que se tornou definitiva e a mais estudada pelo mundo acadêmico. A massorá de tradição tiberiense é composta por itens terminológicos de procedência aramaica e hebraica. Os termos massoréticos foram usados de forma específica para indicar os vários aspectos do texto da Bíblia Hebraica, como questões relacionadas a consoantes, sinais vocálicos, acentos de cantilação, palavras, expressões, grafias, além de detalhes e observações gramaticais. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo principal a preservação e a transmissão completa do corpus das Sagradas Escrituras hebraicas. Devido a tal fato, esta tese é dedicada a dois objetivos principais: 1. Estudar e trazer contribuições sobre a realidade lingüística vivida pelos massoretas e seu trato das línguas hebraica e aramaica dentro da massorá. Esse estudo pretende verificar se a linguagem da massorá poderia constituir um jargão, uma gíria ou uma linguagem de especialidade. Além disso, o trabalho aborda, mesmo que brevemente, questões relacionadas à linguagem elíptica e sintetizada da massorá. 2. Seleção e análise de um conjunto de itens terminológicos massoréticos registrados no Códice de Leningrado: Firkowitch I. B19a (L), classificando-os de acordo com sua natureza semântica, como monossememia e polissememia e tipos de neologia semântica, como extensão, estreitamento, sinédoque etc. Em suma, uma classificação de possíveis situações de neologismos semânticos presentes na massorá tiberiense, como registrada no Códice L. / The meticulous work of preservation and transmission of the Hebrew Bible created by the masoretes, in the Medieval period, is called Masorah. This technical designation refers, specifically, to the annotations written in the Medieval Masoretic codices of Tiberian tradition. These notes are also found in the modern critical editions of the Hebrew Bible and in some publications of Rabbinical Bibles. The notes were created and developed by three different Masoretic traditions: Babylonian, Palestinian and Tiberian. The Tiberian Masorah has been the definitive form and the most-studied one in the scholarly world. The Tiberian Masorah has terminological items of Aramaic and Hebrew origins. The Masoretic terms were used in a specific way to show the several aspects of the Hebrew Bible text, such as consonants, vocalic signals, intonation accents, words, expressions, spelling, orthography and also grammatical notes. The main aim of such work was the complete preservation and transmission of the corpus of the Sacred Hebrew Scriptures. On account of this fact, this thesis is dedicated to two main aims: 1. To study and to present contributions about the linguistic reality of the masoretes and their approach to the Hebrew and Aramaic languages inside the Masorah. In addition, this research verifies if the Masorah language would be jargon, slang or speciality language. Besides, this work broaches, briefly, issues about the elliptic and synthetic language of the Masorah. 2. Collection and analysis of a set of Masoretic terminological items registered in the Leningrad Codex: Firkowitch I. B19a (L), classifying them according to their semantic nature, such as monossememic and polissememic and classes of semantic neology such as extension, narrowing, synecdoche and so on. In summary, a linguistic classification of possible situations of semantic neologisms in the Tiberian Masorah that is found in the Codex L.

Neologismo semântico na massorá tiberiense / The semantic neologisms in the Tiberian Masorah

Edson de Faria Francisco 07 March 2008 (has links)
O trabalho meticuloso de preservação e de transmissão da Bíblia Hebraica elaborado pelos massoretas, no período medieval, recebe o nome de massorá. Tal designação técnica refere-se, especificamente, ao conjunto de anotações escrito nos códices massoréticos medievais de tradição tiberiense. Tais observações são também encontradas nas modernas edições críticas da Bíblia Hebraica e em algumas publicações de Bíblias rabínicas. As observações foram elaboradas e desenvolvidas por três tradições massoréticas distintas: a babilônica, a palestina e a tiberiense. A massorá de tradição tiberiense é aquela que se tornou definitiva e a mais estudada pelo mundo acadêmico. A massorá de tradição tiberiense é composta por itens terminológicos de procedência aramaica e hebraica. Os termos massoréticos foram usados de forma específica para indicar os vários aspectos do texto da Bíblia Hebraica, como questões relacionadas a consoantes, sinais vocálicos, acentos de cantilação, palavras, expressões, grafias, além de detalhes e observações gramaticais. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo principal a preservação e a transmissão completa do corpus das Sagradas Escrituras hebraicas. Devido a tal fato, esta tese é dedicada a dois objetivos principais: 1. Estudar e trazer contribuições sobre a realidade lingüística vivida pelos massoretas e seu trato das línguas hebraica e aramaica dentro da massorá. Esse estudo pretende verificar se a linguagem da massorá poderia constituir um jargão, uma gíria ou uma linguagem de especialidade. Além disso, o trabalho aborda, mesmo que brevemente, questões relacionadas à linguagem elíptica e sintetizada da massorá. 2. Seleção e análise de um conjunto de itens terminológicos massoréticos registrados no Códice de Leningrado: Firkowitch I. B19a (L), classificando-os de acordo com sua natureza semântica, como monossememia e polissememia e tipos de neologia semântica, como extensão, estreitamento, sinédoque etc. Em suma, uma classificação de possíveis situações de neologismos semânticos presentes na massorá tiberiense, como registrada no Códice L. / The meticulous work of preservation and transmission of the Hebrew Bible created by the masoretes, in the Medieval period, is called Masorah. This technical designation refers, specifically, to the annotations written in the Medieval Masoretic codices of Tiberian tradition. These notes are also found in the modern critical editions of the Hebrew Bible and in some publications of Rabbinical Bibles. The notes were created and developed by three different Masoretic traditions: Babylonian, Palestinian and Tiberian. The Tiberian Masorah has been the definitive form and the most-studied one in the scholarly world. The Tiberian Masorah has terminological items of Aramaic and Hebrew origins. The Masoretic terms were used in a specific way to show the several aspects of the Hebrew Bible text, such as consonants, vocalic signals, intonation accents, words, expressions, spelling, orthography and also grammatical notes. The main aim of such work was the complete preservation and transmission of the corpus of the Sacred Hebrew Scriptures. On account of this fact, this thesis is dedicated to two main aims: 1. To study and to present contributions about the linguistic reality of the masoretes and their approach to the Hebrew and Aramaic languages inside the Masorah. In addition, this research verifies if the Masorah language would be jargon, slang or speciality language. Besides, this work broaches, briefly, issues about the elliptic and synthetic language of the Masorah. 2. Collection and analysis of a set of Masoretic terminological items registered in the Leningrad Codex: Firkowitch I. B19a (L), classifying them according to their semantic nature, such as monossememic and polissememic and classes of semantic neology such as extension, narrowing, synecdoche and so on. In summary, a linguistic classification of possible situations of semantic neologisms in the Tiberian Masorah that is found in the Codex L.

L’arabe face à la modernité : la néologie dans la presse arabe du 19e siècle / Arabic in front of the modernity : the neology in the Arabic press of the 19th century

Jhima, Kaled 19 June 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ce travail, il est question d’analyser un corpus de néologisme épuisé dans plusieurs journaux de 19ème siècle. En effet, nous avons étudié des nouvelles formes néologiques, lexicales et syntaxiques, et les procédés de formation néologique que les journalistes avaient choisis pour faire face à la modernité que le monde arabe et du coup la langue arabe ont connue à cette époque, appelée l’époque de la renaissance où le lexique a connu un plein essor à l’aide de plusieurs procédés de formation néologique, tels l’emprunt, le changement sémantique et la création morphosyntaxique. Cet essor paraît en réalité comme le résultat nécessaire d’une alliance de deux facteurs: celui de la communauté linguistique, avec ses besoins de se renouveler sans cesse et le temps qui accentue cette nécessité; celle de créer des mots nouveaux pour répondre à ses besoins nouveaux. Nous avons traité ce sujet en trois parties : la première porte sur des problèmes théoriques de la néologie. Autrement dit, une réflexion théorique sur le phénomène même où nous avons ainsi soulevé quelques-unes des problématiques dérivant de l’analyse de la néologie, tels, l’histoire et la définition de la néologie et celle du néologisme auxquelles nous avons consacré le premier chapitre de la deuxième partie, la néologie et les approches linguistiques modernes que nous avons traitées dans le deuxième chapitre et le problème des typologies et de classifications abordé dans le troisième chapitre.La deuxième partie, quant à elle, nous l’avons consacrée à l’analyse des néologismes lexicaux de notre corpus en trois chapitres où nous avons traité dans chacun l’un des aspects de la néologie. Dans le premier, nous avons analysé les néologies de forme, d’après l’approche théorique d’A. Roman qui divise le système de l’arabe en deux sous-systèmes à savoir le système de nomination qui se préoccupe de la formation des unités lexicales simples et son jumeau le système de communication qui se charge de la formation des unités complexes. Le deuxième chapitre, nous l’avons réservé à l’analyse des autres néologismes crées par d’autres moyens du système de l’arabe. Il s’agit, dans ce cas, des néologismes sémantiques produits par des procédés sémantiques, en l’occurrence le processus tropologique, métaphore et métonymie, paratropologique, extension et resserrement de sens. Dan le troisième chapitre, nous avons étudié les néologismes venus d’autres systèmes linguistiques, en l’occurrence des termes que les journalistes ont empruntés à des langues étrangères.Dans la troisième partie, nous avons abordé le problème de néologie syntaxique en deux chapitres: dans le premier, nous avons traité les néologismes survenus dans le domaine verbal, notamment les nouvelles relations entre des modus verbaux et leurs expansions complétives. Quant au deuxième, nous y avons révélé et analysé certains changements concernant quelques fonctionnels, tels que, des coordonnants, des translatifs. / Within the framework of this work, it is question to analyze a corpus of neologism exhausted in several newspapers of 19th century this Indeed, we studied new neological, lexical and syntactical forms, and the processes of neological formation which the journalists had chosen to face the modernity which the Arabic world and the blow the Arabic language knew about this time period, called up the period of the revival where the lexicon knew a full development by means of several processes of neological formation, such the loan, the semantic change and the morphosyntactic creation. This development appears in reality as the necessary result of an alliance of two factors that of the speech community, with its needs being ceaselessly renewed and the time which stresses this necessity: that to create new words to answer These new needs. We treated this subject in three parts: The first one concerns theoretical problems of the neology.Such, the history and the definition of the neology and that of the neologism to whom we dedicated the first chapter of the second part the neology and the modern linguistic approaches which we treated in the second chapter and the problem of the typologies and the classifications approached on the third chapter.The second part, as for her, we dedicated her to the analysis of the lexical neologisms of our corpus in three chapters where we treated in each one of the aspects of the neology. In the first one, we analyzed the neologies of shape, according to the theoretical approach of A. Roman who divides the system of Arabic into two sub-systems namely the system of appointment which worries about the formation of the simple unités items and his twin the system of communication which takes care of the formation of the complex units. The second chapter, we reserved him(it) for the analysis of the other neologisms create by the other means of the system of Arabic. It is, in that case, about semantic neologisms produced by semantic processes, in this particular case the process tropologique, metaphor and metonymy, paratropologique, extension and contraction of sense. In the third chapter, we studied the neologisms come from the other linguistic systems, in this particular case the terms which the journalists borrowed from foreign languages.In the third part we approached the problem of syntactic neology in two chapters: in the first one, we treated the neologisms arisen in the verbal domain, in particular the new relations between verbal modus and their substantival expansions. As for the second, we revealed there and analyzed certain changes concerning some functional, such as, co-ordinating conjunctions, translative.

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