Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cotensor"" "subject:"condensor""
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On-chip photonic crystal waveguide for chemical and biological sensingLai, Weicheng 21 November 2014 (has links)
Photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) based device has been used in many applications in recent years due to its unique slow light effect. In this work, the application of PCW on sensing is presented. First, we present a PCW structure based Infrared (IR) spectroscopy combining with slot structure which has a large electric field enhancement for light-matter interaction for chemical sensing. The slow light effect and the electric field enhancement of our designed structure greatly enhance the absorption factor of chemical analytes by 1000. We then use multimode interference (MMI) optical splitter and Y junction combiner to connect two PCWs to show multiplexed detections of two chemicals on a single chip. Our results show the detection is down to 1 ppb for xylene in water and 100ppm for methane in nitrogen. We also present PCW microcavities structure for biological sensing in our work. Due to its high quality factor and easier immobilization of biomaterials, we are able to use ink jet printing method to bind the biomaterials on top of our chip. We choose linear-type 13 (L13, missing 13 holes) microcavities to do the biosensing for antibodies and cancer cell lysates because of its higher sensitivity combining with slow light effect. Our work achieves the cancer cell lysates detection down to 2 cells/μl., and further applications will be presented in our group in the future. / text
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Measurement of the convective heat transfer with wind : Developing and testing an Earth Scaled Atmospheric Temperature SensorWittmann, Philipp January 2016 (has links)
The HAbitability, Brine Irradiation and Temperature Package (HABIT) instrument of the ExoMars Surface Platform will investigate the present day habitability of Mars at the near surface environment. This instrument includes three Atmospheric Temperature Sensor's (ATS's) which are similar to the ones previously used on the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, that has now been operating on Mars for more than four years. The ATS of REMS is only used to provide the air temperature, however on HABIT it will be used furthermore to provide information about winds and heat transfer at the surface of Mars. The retrieval method needs to be further investigated and validated. This master thesis is aimed at three goals: 1) the development and testing of an Earth Scaled Atmospheric Temperature Sensor (ESATS) to test the retrieval concept; 2) the validation with other Earth-based standard wind sensing technologies under outdoors uncontrolled conditions; and 3) the analysis of the existing observations of the ATS of REMS on Mars to get a better understanding of its expected future performance on HABIT once it operates on Mars. The ESATS is an up-scaled semi-autonomous prototype version of an ATS which consists of a rod of different size and material to those that are used on REMS and will be used on HABIT. The rod shall be heated from the base where it is attached to. The temperature profile shall be measured at three different measurement points. All these temperatures are different from the one of the atmosphere to which the rod is exposed to. The temperature profile along the rod changes depending on the air temperature, air density and the wind speed because of the convective heat transfer. A preliminar analysis is used to define what is the ideal length of the rod, and what is the material that is best adapted for this experimental prototype. Since the air density is needed to retrieve the wind speed, the pressure will be monitored as well. In parallel, a second wind measuring technique based on the dynamic pressure changes detected in a Pitot tube is used as control. The measuring campaign is subdivided in several stages: 1) The first part will take place in a laboratory, where the system is exposed to static conditions with no heating and no wind, which means that there is no forced convection caused by wind. In this setup all sensors are calibrated against one another and with help of a reference resistor the temperature sensors are also calibrated to 273.15K. Additionally different Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps) will be used to observe how the noise level is affecting the measurements, so that the best one will be used in the end. 2) Furthermore, the best position to place the intermediate temperature sensor is investigated by testing one of the rods with different locations of the middle temperature sensor. 3) Next, also within the laboratory environment, the different rods are used to obtain the temperature profile and retrieve the air temperature and heat transfer values, solving the equations that describe the heat transfer problem under static conditions. 4) The second part of the measurement campaign will take place outdoors, where the ESATS is exposed to forced convection due to wind. In this setting first the influence of the Sun on the system is measured, as it is important to know, if the measurement can be performed when the illumination conditions change. 5) Next, the system is tested with the 50cm rod in long term tests with the reference measurement of a commercial weather station (HOBO) next to it. With the data obtained the convective heat transfer method is used and the retrieved wind speed is compared to the one received from the HOBO. Finally, to get a better understanding of its expected future performance on HABIT once it operates on Mars, the data of the ATS of REMS is used to perform the wind speed retrieval for Mars and to compare it with the data received from the REMS wind sensor. It is only operating during daytime and has still difficulties to retrieve a precise wind speed. The measurement campaign has given several information about ATS in general. First it was decided to place the temperature sensor in the middle at 1/4 of the rod length, which is optimal for the retrieval process and which is also coincident with the one chosen for HABIT and REMS. The measurements in the laboratory are providing good and constant temperature profiles with the chosen setup which correspond with the one expected from the equations that describe the heat transfer problem in a long rod. On the other hand, it is not possible to calculate a valid ambient temperature for the short rods, which is because of an overheated boundary layer around the rods due to the heating. For this reason, it is recommended to use the longest rod in the lab. For outside testing the influence of the Sun could be confirmed and was affecting the measurements of the copper rod. During the time span where the prototype was in the Sun, it was not possible to get any reasonable results. The next measurement campaign was defined in a shadowed area with diffuse light only. Finally, the tests of exposure to dynamic changes over time are in excellent agreement with the ones provided by the HOBO station and can even give a better resolution and sensitivity to small changes of wind magnitude. This prototype has confirmed experimentally, that under Earth conditions, this method can be used to retrieve the wind speed. Finally, the Martian data of the REMS ATS are analyzed and the comparisons suggest that the method is sensitive to wind changes on Mars as well, and shows better time and magnitude resolution than the existing REMS wind sensor. This confirms that this method can be successfully used for the HABIT sensor. In this work the methodology that shall be used on HABIT to retrieve the convective heat transfer and wind on the surface of Mars is validated for Earth outdoors conditions. It is recommended to verify the obtained results with tests in a wind tunnel and to see how the system will behave with a higher heating and different rod materials. Furthermore, the setup should be tested in a way which makes it possible to determine the different directions of the wind.
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Detecção e rastreamento de obstáculos com uso de sensor laser de varredura. / Obstacle detection and tracking using laser 2D.Habermann, Danilo 27 July 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de rastreamento de obstáculos, utilizando sensor laser 2D e filtro de Kalman. Este filtro não é muito eficiente em situações em que ocorrem severas perturbações na posição medida do obstáculo, como, por exemplo, um objeto rastreado passando por trás de uma barreira, interrompendo o feixe de laser por alguns instantes, tornando impossível receber do sensor as informações sobre sua posição. Este trabalho sugere um método de minimizar esse problema com o uso de um algoritmo denominado Corretor de Discrepâncias. / An obstacle detection and tracking system using a 2D laser sensor and the Kalman filter is presented. This filter is not very efficient in case of severe disturbances in the measured position of the obstacle, as for instance, when an object being tracked is behind a barrier, thus interrupting the laser beam, making it impossible to receive the sensor information about its position. This work suggests a method to minimize this problem by using an algorithm called Corrector of Discrepancies.
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Estudo de filmes poliméricos ultrafinos de polianilinas para aplicação em sensores / Not availableBorato, Carlos Eduardo 17 October 2002 (has links)
Filmes ultrafinos de polímeros condutores, polímeros naturais e lipídios foram depositados sobre microeletrodos interdigitados a fim de se desenvolver sensores capazes de detectar gases liberados durante o processo de amadurecimento de frutas e avaliar a qualidade de bebidas. Foi investigado o efeito do ácido dopante em um filme self-assembly de poli(o-etoxianilina) (POEA) na detecção do gás etileno utilizando-se medidas elétricas em corrente contínua (DC). Observou-se um aumento na sensibilidade do dispositivo aos gases quando o polímero é dopado com o ácido p-toluenosulfônico, acompanhado de um comportamento não ôhmico na resposta elétrica do sensor. Em contraste, a dopagem da POEA em ácido clorídrico indica um comportamento ôhmico, sem melhorar a sensibilidade do sensor polimérico ao gás. O sensoriamento dos gases etileno e CO2 também foi realizado por meio das medidas elétricas em corrente alternada (AC), que se mostrou mais eficiente tanto na aquisição dos dados quanto na sensibilidade do sensor aos gases de interesse. A variação de umidade foi observada de forma bastante pronunciada pelo sensor polimérico, que demonstrou menores valores de resistência elétrica para maiores valores de umidade relativa. A combinação das diferentes técnicas de deposição de filmes ultrafinos, automontagem (SA) e Langmuir - Blodgett (LB), e a escolha adequada de diversos materiais (polímeros condutores, lignina e lipídio) para a fabricação das unidades sensoriais de uma \"língua eletrônica\" permitiu o reconhecimento de soluções padrões de paladares distintos e a análise da qualidade de vinhos. A sensibilidade da língua eletrônica mostrou-se acima da sensibilidade humana, sendo muito eficiente tanto na diferenciação de vinhos com características semelhantes de paladar, como por exemplo, distinguir Cabernet Sauvignon de Cabemet Franc, como entre vinhos rosados, brancos e tintos de diferentes tipos e produtores. O modelo teórico que combina capacitores e resistores em um circuito equivalente descreveu com muito boa aproximação o comportamento do sistema em estudo, o que foi evidenciado pela boa concordância entre os valores calculados e aqueles encontrados na literatura para as constantes dielétricas do 16-mero e ácido esteárico. / Ultra-thin films of conducting polymers, a natural polymer and a lipid-like material were deposited onto gold interdigitated rnicroelectrodes envisaging the development of sensors able to detect gases released in the fruit ripening process and also to evaluate the quality of some beverages. It was checked the doping effect over a self assembled film of poly(o-ethoxyalinine) (POEA) regarding to the detection of ethylene through DC measurements. The POEA doping with p-toluenesulphonic acid (TSA) leads to a non-ohmic behavior and to an increase in the sensitivity of the device. On the other band, HCI doping points to an ohmic behavior regardless to the gas with no improvement in the sensor sensitivity. AC measurements were also acquired in the assessment of the sensor, displaying a better data acquisition and a higher sensibility of the polymeric film to the gaseous species ana1ysed. The humidity effect was quite strong in the sensor response, as the polymeric film became more conducting at high humidity environments. The combination of the self-assembly and Langmuir-Blodgett techniques together with the right choice of the materials (conducting polymers, a natural polymer and stearic acid) to make the sensing units of an electronic tongue allowed the distinction of tastants and the appraisal of wine quality in a simple and cheaper way than the conventional techniques normally employed in the analysis of complex liquid system threshold of the device was quite below of that observed in humans, and a very good efficiency was observed in the distinction of similar wines, e.g., Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc as well as between white, rose and red wines from different brands and producers. A theoretical model using an equivalent circuit described well the system investigated providing a very good agreement between the relative permittivity values found in the literature and those from the curve fitting for 16-mer polyaniline and stearic acid
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Derivados de lignina de DNA como agentes modificadores no desenvolvimento de sensores voltamétricos / Lignin derivatives and DNA as modificating agents in the development of voltammetric sensorsBuoro, Rafael Martos 05 December 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, 2 diferentes procedimentosforam utilizados para a extração de lignina a partir do licor negro, caracterizando-se quimicamente as amostras de lignina obtidas em relação a umalignina comercial, visando a aplicação no desenvolvimento de sensores voltamétricos. A análise elementar, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, análise térmica e caracterização eletroquímica do material mostraram que, tanto a origem da lignina quanto a metodologia de obtenção da mesma, a partir do licor negro, podem fornecer materiais com propriedades químicas distintas, embora possuam comportamento eletroquímico similar. Observou-se, também, que a lignina só pode ser armazenada na forma sólida,devido à oxidação pelo oxigênio dissolvidodurante o tempo em que a solução mãe é armazenada.No entanto, a oxidação dalignina é necessária quando se tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de sensores voltamétricos, devido a predominância de carbonos sp2na estrutura químicaoxidada, condição em que se obtém maior condutividade. Constatou-se também a necessidade de utilizar um transdutor metálico para o desenvolvimento de eletrodos qumicamente modificados com este material, visto que os eletrodos de carbono modificados com lignina oxidada ou não oxidada não apresentaram atividade eletroquímica. Devido à pequena porcentagem de enxofre existente na estrutura química, a lignina oxidada tende a se organizar pelos grupamentos SH quando na presença de ouro, expondo os grupamentos quinônicos eletroativos. A lignina oxidada ainda foi utilizada no preparo de eletrodo de pasta de carbono com nanopartículas de ouro, na qual a lignina oxidada impregnada no grafite atua como redutor \"in-situ\" do ouro, permitindo o preparo de um sensor voltamétrico versátil, capaz de realizar a determinação de ácido ascórbico, dopamina, nitrito e iodato. No que tange ao comportamento eletroquímico de fármacos e estudos de interação fármaco-DNA, eletrodos de carbono foram modificados com DNAdupla fita com a finalidade de monitorar a interação DNA-Gemcitabina.O fármaco não apresentou atividade eletroquímica tanto na região positiva quanto na região negativa de potencial. A interação do mesmo com o DNA promove a condensação/agregação das duplas fitas do DNA em uma primeiraetapa, seguida da clivagem do nucleosídeo guanosina, formando guanina livre. O comportamento eletroquímico de leflunomida e sulfasalazina, dois fármacos aplicados ao tratamento da artrite reumatóide, foi estudado e mecanismos de oxidação foram propostos para cada fármaco. / The chemical properties of samples of lignin, which were precipitated from black liquor using two different methodologies (precipitation with CO2 and H2SO4), were studied and the results compared to those obtained from a commercial lignin sample in order to prepare voltammetric sensors. The elementary analysis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis and electrochemical characterization of the material demonstrated that both, the source of lignin and the precipitation method from the black liquor, can provide lignin samples with different chemical properties, although the electrochemical behavior of all samples has been the same. Lignin could only be stored in solid form as lignin in the black liquor is slowly and quantitatively oxidized by dissolved oxygen, preventing the extraction procedures. However, the lignin as extracted from black liquor cannot be used to modify solid electrodes due its high resistivity. The previous oxidation of the all material was necessary when the aim was its application on the sensors development. The electrical conductivity in the oxidized lignin was achieved, probably due to the predominance of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms, which improved orbital overlapping in the material. In addition, it was necessary to use a metallic transducer to produce electrodes modified with films of lignin with good electrochemical activity. The films drying time was also important parameter, which suggested a specific organization of lignin macromolecules over the electrode surface. Due to the small percentage of sulfur in the material, the oxidized lignin tended to be organized by the SH groups in the presence of metallic substrates, exposing its electroactive quinone groups. The oxidized lignin was further used to prepare carbon paste electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles, in which the impregnated oxidized lignin on graphite acted as an \"in situ\" reducing agent towards HAuCl4.The resulting composite allowed the preparation of a versatile voltammetric sensor, capable of detecting ascorbic acid, dopamine, nitrite and iodate. Regarding the electrochemical behavior and drug interaction studies DNA-molecule, carbon electrodes were modified with double strand DNA with the purpose of monitoring Gemcitabine-DNA interaction. The drug showed no electrochemical activity both, in the positive and the negative potential. The Gemcitabine-DNA interaction promoted condensation / aggregation of the double strand DNA in a first step, followed by cleavage of the nucleoside guanosine in the form of free guanine. In addition, the electrochemical behavior of sulfasalazine and leflunomide, two pharmacological compounds applied to the treatment of rheumathoid arthritis, were studied and their oxidation mechanisms were proposed.
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Síntese e caracterização elétrica de materiais com comportamento termistor à base de óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto / Synthesis and electrical characterization of ceramic thermistors based on manganese, nickel and cobalt oxidesFerreira Junior, Jose Mario 17 December 2007 (has links)
Materiais cerâmicos à base de óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto foram preparados por meio de mistura de óxidos seguida de homogeneização e sinterização controlada em 1250 °C. Os óxidos foram caracterizados por meio das técnicas de difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, termogravimetria e determinação de distribuição de tamanho de partículas por espalhamento laser. A caracterização dos corpos sinterizados foi feita por meio de análise por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X e fluorescência de raios X. O comportamento termistor foi estudado por meio de medidas de resistividade elétrica pela técnica dc de duas pontas de prova entre temperatura ambiente e 220 °C. Os principais resultados mostram ser possível a preparação de termistores em ampla faixa de resposta elétrica por meio da variação da composição relativa dos óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto. / Ceramic tliermistors based on manganese, nickel and cobalt oxides were prepared by mixing these oxides followed by pressing and sintering at 1250 °C range. The oxides were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis, and by the determination of particle size distribution by laser scattering. After sintering. X-ray diffraction. X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy analyses were carried out. The thermistor behavior was studied by two-probe dc electrical resistivity measurements in the room temperature-220 °C range. The main results show the possibility of designing thermistors with the required electrical response by suitable choice of the relative concentrations of the precursor oxides.
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Desenvolvimento de uma superfície bifuncional Pt/Au modificada com glicose oxidase para determinação de glicose em amostras alimentícias / Development of a bifunctional surface Pt/Au modified with glucose oxidase for glucose determination in food samplesDadamos, Tony Rogério de Lima 19 July 2013 (has links)
A glicose é um açúcar redutor importante na dieta humana, sendo abundante em diversos alimentos, como sucos de frutas, mel, iogurtes e refrigerantes e pode ser facilmente ingerido e metabolizado. Ela fornece a energia para o corpo humano, entretanto, diversos desequilíbrios metabólicos estão associados com variações no teor de glicose no sangue, saliva ou urina. Sendo assim é preciso desenvolver métodos de baixo custo, simples e rápidos que permitam o monitoramento deste metabólito. Portanto, no presente trabalho foi desenvolvido e caracterizado um eletrodo composto por uma superfície bifuncional de Pt/Au, onde a superfície de Au foi modificada com uma monocamada auto-organizada de cistamina na qual foi ancorada a enzima glicose oxidase e a superfície da Pt com ferroceno, para determinação de glicose em amostras alimentícias. O eletrodo foi construído utilizando-se um eletrodo de platina, sobre o qual foram eletrodepositado nanoestruturas de ouro, através de voltametria linear em uma solução contendo o ânion tetracloroáurico. As nanoestruturas de ouro foram modificadas com o alcanotiol cistamina, formando uma camada auto-organizada, para servir de plataforma para ancoragem da glicose oxidase. O peróxido de hidrogênio, que é um dos produtos da reação enzimática foi determinado na platina modificada com ferroceno. Sendo assim, as nanoestruturas de ouro serviriam de sítios específicos para as enzimas, e a platina modificada com ferroceno servirá para quantificar o produto da reação enzimática. Para a detecção da glicose foram construídos três eletrodos, o eletrodo embutido (EE) para detecção de glicose em refrigerantes, o eletrodo por evaporação de platina (EEP) para detecção de glicose em amostras de iogurte e o ultramicroeletrodo (UME) para futuras aplicações de detecção de glicose por métodos não invasivos. Encontrou-se um limite de detecção de 2,4 µmol L-1 para o eletrodo EE, de 2,2 µmol L-1 para o eletrodo EEP e 0,03 µmol L-1 para o UME. Foram realizados diversos tratamentos estatísticos como erro relativo, desvio padrão e incertezas para verificar a resposta do eletrodo. Por fim, os eletrodos desenvolvidos foram aplicados na detecção de glicose em amostras de refrigerantes, chás e iogurtes, e obteve-se uma resposta satisfatória para a detecção do analito nestas amostras. / Glucose is a reducing sugar very important in the human diet and is abundant in many foods, such as fruit juices, honey, yogurt and soft drinks and can be easily ingested and metabolized. It provides the energy for the human body perform its healthy functioning. However, many metabolic imbalances associated with variations in the level of glucose in the blood, urine or saliva. Therefore it is necessary to develop methods cheap, simple and quick to allow the monitoring of this metabolite. Therefore, in the present work was developed and characterized an electrode composed of a bifunctional surface Pt/Au, where Au surface was modified with a selforganized monolayer of cystamine which was anchored in the enzyme glucose oxidase and the surface of Pt with ferrocene for the determination of glucose in food samples. The electrode was constructed using a platinum electrode, which was electrodeposited gold nanostructures, using the technique of linear voltammetry in a solution containing the anion tetrachloroauric. The gold nanostructures were modified with cystamine alkanethiol forming a self-organized layer to serve as a platform for anchoring the glucose oxidase. Hydrogen peroxide, which is a product of the enzyme reaction, was determined in the platinum modified with ferrocene. Therefore, the gold nanostructures serve as sites for specific enzymes, and platinum modified with ferrocene serve to quantify the product of the enzymatic reaction. For detection of glucose were built three electrodes, the electrode embedded (EE) for detecting glucose in soft drinks, the electrode by evaporating platinum (EEP) for detection of glucose in samples of yogurt and ultramicroelectrode (UME) for future sensing applications glucose through non-evasive. We found a detection limit of 2.4 µmol L-1 to the electrode EE, 2.2 µmol L-1 to the electrode EEP and 0.03 µmol L-1 for UME. Various statistical treatments were performed as relative error, standard deviation and uncertainties to check the response of the electrode. Finally, the electrodes developed were applied to the detection of glucose in samples of soft drinks, teas and yogurts, which gave a satisfactory response to the detection of the analyte in food samples.
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Hummingbird: An UAV-aided Energy E cient Algorithm for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor NetworksUnknown Date (has links)
Energy e ciency is a critical constraint in wireless sensor networks. Wireless
sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of battery-powered sensor nodes,
connected to each other and equipped with low-power transmission radios. Usually,
the sensor nodes closer to the sink are more likely to become overloaded and subject
to draining their battery faster than the nodes farther away, creating a funneling
e ect. The use of a mobile device as a sink node to perform data gathering is a
well known solution to balance the energy consumption in the entire network. To
address this problem, in this work we consider the use of an UAV as a mobile sink.
An unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft without a human pilot on-board,
popularly known as a Drone.
In this thesis, besides the use of the UAV as a mobile sink node, we propose an
UAV-aided algorithm for data gathering in wireless sensor networks, called Humming-
bird. Our distributed algorithm is energy-e cient. Rather than using an arbitrary
path, the UAV implements an approximation algorithm to solve the well-known NP-
Hard problem, the Traveling Salesman Problem (or TSP), to setup the trajectory of
node points to visit for data gathering. In our approach, both the path planning and the data gathering are performed by the UAV, and this is seamlessly integrated with
sensor data reporting.
The results, using ns-3 network simulator show that our algorithm improves
the network lifetime compared to regular (non-UAV) data gathering, especially for
data intensive applications. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Síntese e caracterização elétrica de materiais com comportamento termistor à base de óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto / Synthesis and electrical characterization of ceramic thermistors based on manganese, nickel and cobalt oxidesJose Mario Ferreira Junior 17 December 2007 (has links)
Materiais cerâmicos à base de óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto foram preparados por meio de mistura de óxidos seguida de homogeneização e sinterização controlada em 1250 °C. Os óxidos foram caracterizados por meio das técnicas de difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, termogravimetria e determinação de distribuição de tamanho de partículas por espalhamento laser. A caracterização dos corpos sinterizados foi feita por meio de análise por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X e fluorescência de raios X. O comportamento termistor foi estudado por meio de medidas de resistividade elétrica pela técnica dc de duas pontas de prova entre temperatura ambiente e 220 °C. Os principais resultados mostram ser possível a preparação de termistores em ampla faixa de resposta elétrica por meio da variação da composição relativa dos óxidos de manganês, de níquel e de cobalto. / Ceramic tliermistors based on manganese, nickel and cobalt oxides were prepared by mixing these oxides followed by pressing and sintering at 1250 °C range. The oxides were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis, and by the determination of particle size distribution by laser scattering. After sintering. X-ray diffraction. X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy analyses were carried out. The thermistor behavior was studied by two-probe dc electrical resistivity measurements in the room temperature-220 °C range. The main results show the possibility of designing thermistors with the required electrical response by suitable choice of the relative concentrations of the precursor oxides.
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Implementação em hardware/firmware de um sensor virtual utilizando algoritmo de identificação nebulosa. / Hardware/firmware implementation of a soft sensor using a fuzzy identification algorithm.Berni, Cassio de Carvalho 13 April 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um projeto e implementação de um sensor virtual (soft sensor) "embedded", ou seja, um módulo de hardware genérico e autônomo, o qual pode ser utilizado em diversos processos complexos, nos quais uma determinada variável de interesse não possa ser diretamente medida por sensores convencionais. O hardware é baseado em um processador digital de sinais da família TMS320, com a adição de circuitos de instrumentação, como interface de entrada e saída em padrões industriais (0..10V, 4..20mA), conversores A/D e D/A, entre outros. A implementação do sensor virtual em hardware foi constituída basicamente de três etapas. A primeira consistiu no treinamento do modelo, realizado off-line, utilizando um microcomputador PC e o software Matlab. Neste trabalho, o modelo nebuloso obtido possui uma estrutura do tipo Takagi-Sugeno e os antecedentes são definidos com base no algoritmo de clusterização FCM. Em uma segunda etapa, o modelo de sensor obtido foi validado no PC, comparando-se sua saída com a do sensor "real". Finalmente, a terceira etapa consistiu em traduzir e implementar o modelo no formato do processador digital de sinais. O firmware contém então o modelo obtido e opera on-line, estimando a variável desejada a partir de outra(s) variável(eis) disponível(eis). Os testes foram realizados empregando-se uma planta simulada de neutralização de pH. / This work presents a design and implementation of an embedded soft sensor, i. e., a generic and autonomous hardware module, which can be used in many complex plants, wherein a certain variable can not be measured directly by convencional sensors. The hardware is based on a digital signal processor of TMS320 family, with the addition of instrumentation circuits, like industrial standard i/o interface (0..10V, 4..20mA), A/D and D/A converters, among other ones. The implementation of the embedded soft sensor basically consisted of three steps. The first one was the model training, done off-line, using a PC microcomputer and Matlab software. In this work, the obtained fuzzy model has a Takagi-Sugeno structure and the antecedents are defined based on the FCM clustering algorithm. In a second step, the obtained sensor model was validated in PC environment, comparing its output with the "real" sensor output. Finally, the third step consisted of translating and implementing the model to the digital signal processor format. The firmware so contains the obtained model and runs on-line, estimating the target variable from other available ones. The tests have been performed using a simulated pH neutralization plant.
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