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Developmental Signaling Requires Inwardly Rectifying K+ Channels in Drosophila melanogasterDahal, Giri Raj 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Inwardly rectifying potassium (IRK/Kir) channels regulate intracellular K+ concentrations and membrane potential. Disruption of Kir2.1 causes dominantly inherited Andersen Tawil Syndrome (ATS). ATS patients suffer from cardiac arrhythmias, periodic paralysis, and cognitive impairment. These symptoms are consistent with current understanding of the role of ion channels in muscle cells and neurons. However, ATS symptoms also include craniofacial and digital deformities such as cleft palate, dental defects, wide set eyes, low set ears, and crooked or fused digits. These developmental defects were not consistent with current understanding of developmental signaling or previously described roles for ion channels. We found that phenotypes exhibited by the Kir2.1 knockout mouse recapitulate ATS symptoms. The Kir2.1 knockout mouse phenotypes are strikingly similar to those that occur when Transforming Growth Factor β/Bone Morphogenetic Protein (TGFβ/BMP) signaling is disrupted. Based on this observation, we hypothesized that Kir2.1 may play a role in TGFβ/BMP signaling. We tested this hypothesis using Drosophila melanogaster. We reduced a Kir2.1 homologue Irk2 by siRNA, eliminated the Irk2 channel with a deficiency, and abolished heteromeric Irk channel function with a dominant negative Irk2. Reduction of Irk2 function caused wing patterning defects and size reduction that are similar to BMP/Decapentaplegic (DPP) mutant phenotypes. Ubiquitous expression of Irk2DN is lethal. Wing specific Irk2DN expression caused severe defects compared to irk2Df demonstrating that Irk channels are heteromeric. We found that two downstream targets of Dpp were reduced in irk2Df and siRNA expressing wing discs showing that Dpp requires Irk2 activity. We found that wing specific expression of Irk2DN completely prevents Mad phosphorylation and induces apoptosis. Suppression of apoptosis does not rescue MAD phosphorylation showing that apoptosis is caused by lack of an external signal. We systemically tested the components of the Dpp signaling cascade to find at what point in Dpp signaling Irk2 is required. We found that Irk2 is not directly required for the intracellular propagation of the Dpp signal. Irk2DN could not eliminate the phosphorylation of Mad by a constitutively activated Tkv. We showed that Irk2 affects Dpp spread across the disc. We speculate that Irk2 affects the endocytic pathway that transports Dpp from medial cells to lateral cells. We tested the impact of irk2DN on the development of the Drosophila eye where Irk2 is expressed and Dpp is required for normal patterning. We found that abolition of Irk channels causes eye defects that are similar to those that occur with the loss of Dpp signaling. Trachea development also depends on Dpp. Blocking Irk2 in the developing trachea results in severe defects. We conclude that Irk2 plays a global role in Dpp signaling. Kir/Irk channels could be therapeutic targets to treat diseases that are impacted by TGFβ/BMP signaling, such as cancer. Furthermore, the demonstration that Irk2 is a node for BMP-like signaling could be used to control cell fate decisions for regenerative medicine or stem cell therapeutics.
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Measurement of the convective heat transfer with wind : Developing and testing an Earth Scaled Atmospheric Temperature SensorWittmann, Philipp January 2016 (has links)
The HAbitability, Brine Irradiation and Temperature Package (HABIT) instrument of the ExoMars Surface Platform will investigate the present day habitability of Mars at the near surface environment. This instrument includes three Atmospheric Temperature Sensor's (ATS's) which are similar to the ones previously used on the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, that has now been operating on Mars for more than four years. The ATS of REMS is only used to provide the air temperature, however on HABIT it will be used furthermore to provide information about winds and heat transfer at the surface of Mars. The retrieval method needs to be further investigated and validated. This master thesis is aimed at three goals: 1) the development and testing of an Earth Scaled Atmospheric Temperature Sensor (ESATS) to test the retrieval concept; 2) the validation with other Earth-based standard wind sensing technologies under outdoors uncontrolled conditions; and 3) the analysis of the existing observations of the ATS of REMS on Mars to get a better understanding of its expected future performance on HABIT once it operates on Mars. The ESATS is an up-scaled semi-autonomous prototype version of an ATS which consists of a rod of different size and material to those that are used on REMS and will be used on HABIT. The rod shall be heated from the base where it is attached to. The temperature profile shall be measured at three different measurement points. All these temperatures are different from the one of the atmosphere to which the rod is exposed to. The temperature profile along the rod changes depending on the air temperature, air density and the wind speed because of the convective heat transfer. A preliminar analysis is used to define what is the ideal length of the rod, and what is the material that is best adapted for this experimental prototype. Since the air density is needed to retrieve the wind speed, the pressure will be monitored as well. In parallel, a second wind measuring technique based on the dynamic pressure changes detected in a Pitot tube is used as control. The measuring campaign is subdivided in several stages: 1) The first part will take place in a laboratory, where the system is exposed to static conditions with no heating and no wind, which means that there is no forced convection caused by wind. In this setup all sensors are calibrated against one another and with help of a reference resistor the temperature sensors are also calibrated to 273.15K. Additionally different Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps) will be used to observe how the noise level is affecting the measurements, so that the best one will be used in the end. 2) Furthermore, the best position to place the intermediate temperature sensor is investigated by testing one of the rods with different locations of the middle temperature sensor. 3) Next, also within the laboratory environment, the different rods are used to obtain the temperature profile and retrieve the air temperature and heat transfer values, solving the equations that describe the heat transfer problem under static conditions. 4) The second part of the measurement campaign will take place outdoors, where the ESATS is exposed to forced convection due to wind. In this setting first the influence of the Sun on the system is measured, as it is important to know, if the measurement can be performed when the illumination conditions change. 5) Next, the system is tested with the 50cm rod in long term tests with the reference measurement of a commercial weather station (HOBO) next to it. With the data obtained the convective heat transfer method is used and the retrieved wind speed is compared to the one received from the HOBO. Finally, to get a better understanding of its expected future performance on HABIT once it operates on Mars, the data of the ATS of REMS is used to perform the wind speed retrieval for Mars and to compare it with the data received from the REMS wind sensor. It is only operating during daytime and has still difficulties to retrieve a precise wind speed. The measurement campaign has given several information about ATS in general. First it was decided to place the temperature sensor in the middle at 1/4 of the rod length, which is optimal for the retrieval process and which is also coincident with the one chosen for HABIT and REMS. The measurements in the laboratory are providing good and constant temperature profiles with the chosen setup which correspond with the one expected from the equations that describe the heat transfer problem in a long rod. On the other hand, it is not possible to calculate a valid ambient temperature for the short rods, which is because of an overheated boundary layer around the rods due to the heating. For this reason, it is recommended to use the longest rod in the lab. For outside testing the influence of the Sun could be confirmed and was affecting the measurements of the copper rod. During the time span where the prototype was in the Sun, it was not possible to get any reasonable results. The next measurement campaign was defined in a shadowed area with diffuse light only. Finally, the tests of exposure to dynamic changes over time are in excellent agreement with the ones provided by the HOBO station and can even give a better resolution and sensitivity to small changes of wind magnitude. This prototype has confirmed experimentally, that under Earth conditions, this method can be used to retrieve the wind speed. Finally, the Martian data of the REMS ATS are analyzed and the comparisons suggest that the method is sensitive to wind changes on Mars as well, and shows better time and magnitude resolution than the existing REMS wind sensor. This confirms that this method can be successfully used for the HABIT sensor. In this work the methodology that shall be used on HABIT to retrieve the convective heat transfer and wind on the surface of Mars is validated for Earth outdoors conditions. It is recommended to verify the obtained results with tests in a wind tunnel and to see how the system will behave with a higher heating and different rod materials. Furthermore, the setup should be tested in a way which makes it possible to determine the different directions of the wind.
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Adjudicating orthopraxy: a history of accreditation practices in theological education in the United States, 1918 - 1968Hessler, Soren Michael 08 September 2021 (has links)
Grounded in practical theology, this project examines the practices of accreditation exhibited by the American Association of Theological Schools, its predecessor body, and its constituent member institutions in order to explicate the evolution of values in accreditation and to map a history of accreditation in theological education in the United States from 1918 to 1968. Examining accreditation history through the lens of practical theology elucidates the ways in which practices inform and are informed by the theologies of stakeholders in theological education. An analysis of practices of accreditation in the early and mid-twentieth century also helps contextualize contemporary practices of adjudicating orthopraxy, both through Association of Theological Schools accreditation and through the work of organizations that support and coordinate professional religious leadership formation for non-Christian communities.
Chapter 1 provides background on the intersections of the study of theological education with research in practical theology and organizational behavior; outlines the recorded history of accreditation in theological education; and establishes the method of the study. Chapters 2 through 4 engage different periods of accreditation history by analyzing the information about accrediting published by the Association and quantifying data provided in its publication, the Bulletin. This data is amplified with analysis of cases that reveal particular aspects of accreditation practice as they developed in member schools of the Association, utilizing primary source materials from leaders of the member schools. Chapter 2 examines the Association’s identification and early regulation of “right” institutional practices and situates the Association as both designer and arbiter of institutional orthopraxy. Chapter 3 follows the evolution of the Association’s adjudication of institutional practices and how those efforts are influenced by individuals and member schools. Chapter 4 traces a shift in the Association from expecting conformity to a singular orthopraxy toward embracing a multiplicity of best practices, happening alongside expansions in the diversity of the Association. The final chapter suggests that contemporary administrative practices should be informed by institutional history, and it proposes other implications for the practices of the Association of Theological Schools, its member institutions, and emerging graduate programs for the training of religious professionals in non-Christian religious traditions. / 2023-09-08T00:00:00Z
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Control Charts with Missing ObservationsWilson, Sara R. 05 May 2009 (has links)
Traditional control charts for process monitoring are based on taking samples from the process at regular time intervals. However, it is often possible in practice for observations, and even entire samples, to be missing. This dissertation investigates missing observations in Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) and Multivariate EWMA (MEWMA) control charts. The standardized sample mean is used since this adjusts the sample mean for the fact that part of the sample may be missing. It also allows for constant control limits even though the sample size varies randomly. When complete samples are missing, the weights between samples should also be adjusted.
In the univariate case, three approaches for adjusting the weights of the EWMA control statistic are investigated: (1) ignoring missing samples; (2) adding the weights from previous consecutive missing samples to the current sample; and (3) increasing the weights of non-missing samples in proportion, so that the weights sum to one. Integral equation and Markov chain methods are developed to find and compare the statistical properties of these charts. The EI chart, which adjusts the weights by ignoring the missing samples, has the best overall performance.
The multivariate case in which information on some of the variables is missing is also examined using MEWMA charts. Two methods for adjusting the weights of the MEWMA control statistic are investigated and compared using simulation: (1) ignoring all the data at a sampling point if the data for at least one variable is missing; and (2) using the previous EWMA value for any variable for which all the data are missing. Both of these methods are examined when the in-control covariance matrix is adjusted at each sampling point to account for missing observations, and when it is not adjusted. The MS control chart, which uses the previous value of the EWMA statistic for a variable if all of the data for that variable is missing at a sampling point, provides the best overall performance. The in-control covariance matrix needs to be adjusted at each sampling point, unless the variables are independent or only weakly correlated. / Ph. D.
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Хемијско проређивање цветова и плодова јабуке / Hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova jabuke / Flower and fruit chemical thinning of appleMilić Biserka 25 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ савременог гајења јабуке је да се у засаду велике густине садње, заснованом са садницама високог квалитета које рађају већ у години садње, и савременим сортиментом који укључује и сорте склоне алтернативној родности, успоставе редовни и високи приноси који ће се кретати од 50-70 t/ha и добар квалитет плодова. Мера која је од највећег значаја за регулисање родности јесте хемијско проређивање цветова и плодова јабуке.<br />Циљ обављених истраживања је да се испита утицај хемијског проређивања цветова и плодова на заметање, квалитет плодова и родност пупољака сорти јабуке као и да се испита интеракција између минералне исхране азотом и хемијског проређивања. Резултати истраживања били би смернице за хемијско проређивање плодова у агроеколошким условима Србије, са тежњом да у скорој будућности постану део законске регулативе и припадајућих правилника за интегралну производњу, као и развој побољшаних формулација препарата за проређивање.<br />На основу испитивања проређивања цветова може се закључити да сорте јабуке бребурн и златни делишес различито реагују на примену ATS и KTS. Примена 3% ATS и 1,5% KTS код сорте бребурн изазива јаке ожеготине на листовима које могу бити узрок смањеној маси плода и слабијем образовању родних пупољака. Код сорте златни делишес ATS концентрације 3% не испољава негативно дејство на крупноћу плодова и родност пупољака, али са друге стране није ефикаснији од ATS нижих концентрација, док KTS има знатно слабије дејство.<br />Ефикасност препарата на бази NAA у смањењу заметања и приноса сорте јабуке бребурн није зависила од примењене концентрације, док је маса плода у свим варијантама била веома велика, те се за практичну примену могу препоручити ниже концентрације, до 10 μl/l NAA. Сви третмани са NAA у распону концентрација од 8 до 12 μl/l били су једнако ефикасни у редуковању заметања и приноса плодова, док је BA испољио слабију ефикасност у проређивању сорте јабуке камспур. Родност пупољака у третманима проређивања плодова сорти бребурн и камспур није сразмерна повећању концентрације препарата, већ у великој мери зависи од године испитивања.<br />Значајна интеракција је утврђена између фактора ђубрење и проређивање за параметре заметања плодова. Интеракција ова два фактора огледа се у томе да се у режиму интензивног ђубрења азотним ђубривима концентрација препарата на бази NAA и BA треба повећати како би се постигао задовољавајући ниво проређивања.<br />Додавање нафтенских киселина нафтилсирћетној киселини и бензиладенину значајно доприноси повећању просечне масе плода сорте јабуке златни делишес у односу на формулације без нафтенских киселина, као последица биолошке активности нафтенских киселина у смеши. Запажено је повећање чврстине плода у варијантама где је примењена формулација BA са нафтенским киселинама у односу на формулације без<br />нафтенских киселина.<br />Датум прихватања теме од стране Сената:<br />ДП<br />30.5.2013.<br />Чланови комисије:</p> / <p>Cilj savremenog gajenja jabuke je da se u zasadu velike gustine sadnje, zasnovanom sa sadnicama visokog kvaliteta koje rađaju već u godini sadnje, i savremenim sortimentom koji uključuje i sorte sklone alternativnoj rodnosti, uspostave redovni i visoki prinosi koji će se kretati od 50-70 t/ha i dobar kvalitet plodova. Mera koja je od najvećeg značaja za regulisanje rodnosti jeste hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova jabuke.<br />Cilj obavljenih istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj hemijskog proređivanja cvetova i plodova na zametanje, kvalitet plodova i rodnost pupoljaka sorti jabuke kao i da se ispita interakcija između mineralne ishrane azotom i hemijskog proređivanja. Rezultati istraživanja bili bi smernice za hemijsko proređivanje plodova u agroekološkim uslovima Srbije, sa težnjom da u skoroj budućnosti postanu deo zakonske regulative i pripadajućih pravilnika za integralnu proizvodnju, kao i razvoj poboljšanih formulacija preparata za proređivanje.<br />Na osnovu ispitivanja proređivanja cvetova može se zaključiti da sorte jabuke breburn i zlatni delišes različito reaguju na primenu ATS i KTS. Primena 3% ATS i 1,5% KTS kod sorte breburn izaziva jake ožegotine na listovima koje mogu biti uzrok smanjenoj masi ploda i slabijem obrazovanju rodnih pupoljaka. Kod sorte zlatni delišes ATS koncentracije 3% ne ispoljava negativno dejstvo na krupnoću plodova i rodnost pupoljaka, ali sa druge strane nije efikasniji od ATS nižih koncentracija, dok KTS ima znatno slabije dejstvo.<br />Efikasnost preparata na bazi NAA u smanjenju zametanja i prinosa sorte jabuke breburn nije zavisila od primenjene koncentracije, dok je masa ploda u svim varijantama bila veoma velika, te se za praktičnu primenu mogu preporučiti niže koncentracije, do 10 μl/l NAA. Svi tretmani sa NAA u rasponu koncentracija od 8 do 12 μl/l bili su jednako efikasni u redukovanju zametanja i prinosa plodova, dok je BA ispoljio slabiju efikasnost u proređivanju sorte jabuke kamspur. Rodnost pupoljaka u tretmanima proređivanja plodova sorti breburn i kamspur nije srazmerna povećanju koncentracije preparata, već u velikoj meri zavisi od godine ispitivanja.<br />Značajna interakcija je utvrđena između faktora đubrenje i proređivanje za parametre zametanja plodova. Interakcija ova dva faktora ogleda se u tome da se u režimu intenzivnog đubrenja azotnim đubrivima koncentracija preparata na bazi NAA i BA treba povećati kako bi se postigao zadovoljavajući nivo proređivanja.<br />Dodavanje naftenskih kiselina naftilsirćetnoj kiselini i benziladeninu značajno doprinosi povećanju prosečne mase ploda sorte jabuke zlatni delišes u odnosu na formulacije bez naftenskih kiselina, kao posledica biološke aktivnosti naftenskih kiselina u smeši. Zapaženo je povećanje čvrstine ploda u varijantama gde je primenjena formulacija BA sa naftenskim kiselinama u odnosu na formulacije bez<br />naftenskih kiselina.<br />Datum prihvatanja teme od strane Senata:<br />DP<br />30.5.2013.<br />Članovi komisije:</p> / <p>The goal of modern apple growing in high density orchards, established with high-quality nursery trees which bear fruits in the year of planting, often including varieties prone to biennial bearing is to achieve high and regular yields that range from 50 to 70 t/ha with good fruit quality. Chemical thinning of flowers and fruits is a technical practice which is of great importance for crop regulation.<br />The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of chemical thinning of apple flowers and fruits on fruit set, fruit quality and bearing potential of apple buds as well as to examine the interaction between the nitrogen supply and chemical thinning treatments. The research will result with guidelines for the chemical thinning in agroecological conditions of Serbia, aiming to become a part of the legislation and associated regulations for integrated production in the near future. Testing of improved formulations of thinning chemicals will be included into expe rimental plan.<br />Considering the results derived from flower thinning experiments, it could be concluded that cv. Braeburn and Golden Delicious react differently to the application of ATS and KTS. Application of 3% ATS and 1.5% of KTS in cv Braeburn causes severe leaf burns that may be causing reduced fruit weight and a decrease in bearing potential. In cv Golden Delicious ATS applied at the concentration of 3% does not exhibit a negative effect on fruit size and bearing potential, but at the other side is not more efficient than ATS at lower concentrations, whereas KTS has a much weaker thinning effect.<br />The efficacy of NAA in reducing fruit set and yield of apple variety Braeburn is not dependent on the concentration applied, while fruit size was very large within the range of NAA concentrations. Therefore, for the practical application, concentrations lower than 10 ml/l NAA would be recommended. All treatments with NAA at concentrations ranging from 8 to 12 ml/l were equally effective in reducing fruit set and yield, while the BA exhibited decreased efficiency in thinning apple variety Camspur. Fertility of buds in Braeburn and Camspur varieties was not proportional to the increase in concentration of chemical, but to a large extent depends on the conditions of the experimental year.<br />An interaction between nitrogen supply and chemical thinning significantly affected fruit set in a way that concentration of NAA and BA for fruit thinning should be increased in order to achieve a satisfactory level of thinning at a higher level of nitrogen supply.<br />Adding of naphthenic acids to NAA and BA significantly contributed to the increase of average fruit weight of apple variety Golden Delicious compared to same chemical formulation without naphthenic acids, as a result of the biological activity of naphthenic acids in the mixture. An increase of fruit firmness was detected in thinning treatments where naphthenic acids were added to BA compared BA applied alone.</p>
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Bortsorterad? : Två professioners syn på konsekvenserna av automatisk klassificering inom rekrytering / Sorted out? : Two professions’ views on the consequences of automatic classification within recruitmentKlingborg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
To classify is human. Whether intentionally or not, we classify the world around us, though not all classification has the same level of impact. Throughout history and well into modern day, classification of people, from the apartheid regime in South Africa to gender classification of trans people, has had significant and sometimes devastating impact on individuals. This bachelor thesis examines the views of developers and recruiters regarding automatic classification of CVs within recruitment, and how these differ. Nine interviews with twelve informants – three developers and nine recruiters – form the empirical base of the thesis. A thematical analysis is applied and the results are presented in relation to the everyday consequences in Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star’s (1999) theoretical perspective. Three main topics are discerned as common themes in the interviews: time saving, precision, and reliability. The differing focus on each theme in the respective professions is further discussed. The width of the study does not allow for a generalised view of the opinions of each profession but provides an interesting starting point for further studies within the field.
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Plačialapių miškų žolinių augalų vegetacijos ir žydėjimo kaita skirtingų klimatinių sąlygų metais Kamšos draustinyje / Herbaceous plants of broad – hardwood forest in the Kamsa rezerve vegetation and flowering change under different climatic conditions in different yearsGustainytė, Jurgita 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 51 puslapis. Jame yra 5 lentelės, 36 paveikslėliai, 49 literatūros šaltiniai.
Magistro darbe analizuojami vegetacijos pradžios ir žydėjimo pradžios datų kitimai 1991, 2000, 2006, 2007 ir 2008 metais, atliekant kiekvienų metų kritulių ir temperatūros dinamikos analizę.
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Kamšos draustinyje plačialapių – lapuočių miškų žolinių augalų vegetacijos ir žydėjimo kaitą skirtingomis klimatinėmis sąlygomis.
Darbo objektas: Kamšos botaniniame – zoologiniame draustinyje augantys augalai: Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Aegopodium podagraria, Pulmonaria obscura, Polygonatum multiflorum, Stachys sylvatica, Ficaria verna, Mercurialis perennis, Stellaria holostea, Carex sylvatica, Phyteuma spicatum.
Darbo metodai: Tyrimui panaudoti 1991, 2000, 2006, 2007ir 2008 metų meteorologiniai ir fenologiniai rodikliai Rudenį parenkama dešimt 1x1 m² dydžio barelių, kurie išdėstomi taip, kad kuo įvairesnės augalų rūšys užimtų nustatytą plotelį. Kiekvienais metais visą vegetacijos periodą nuo pavasario iki rudens kartą per savaite registruojama bareliuose augančių rūšių aukščiai, projekciniai padengimai ir fenologinės fazės. Registruojant nurodoma mėnuo ir diena. Analizuojami kritulių ir temperatūros duomenys. Duomenų grafiniam vaizdavimui panaudotas Microsoft „Office Xp“ programinis paketas.
Darbo rezultatai: Tyrimo rezultatai parodo, kad kiekvienas augalas skirtingai reaguoja į temperatūros ir kritulių kitimus pagal savo poreikį. Ankščiausiai augalai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master work consists of 51 pages. It contains 5 tables, 36 illustrations, 49 references. Master's work analyzes vegetation and flowering dates of the beginning of variation 1991, 2000, 2006, 2007 and 2008, during each year of precipitation and temperature dynamics in the analysis.
The purpose of work: To evaluate the Kamsa rezerve the broad – hardwood forest herbaceous plant vegetation and flowering change under different climatic conditions.
The subject of work: The Kamsa reserve with herbaceous plants: Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Aegopodium podagraria, Pulmonar obscura, Polygonatum multiflorum, Stachy sylvatica, Ficaria Vernon, mercurial perennis, Stellar holostea, Carex sylvatica, Phyteuma spicatum.
The methods of work: The 1991, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008 year meteorological and phenological indicators was selected by the autumn of ten 1x1 m size barrels, which is structured as follows, that the widest possible range of plant species employed in fixed space. Each year from spring to fall once a week has been register the growing species of heights, projectors coverage and phenological phases. Precipitation and temperature data has been analysed. Graphic depiction of data used in Microsoft Office XP software.
The results of works: The results of this study show that each plant reacts differently to temperature and precipitation variation in accordance with their needs. Early vegetation and flowering date for each plant was 2007 and 2008. Strong correlations between the beginning... [to full text]
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Placement of work stations for optimized and efficient cooperation in the Östgöta control center / Placering av arbetspositioner för optimerat och effektivt samarbete på Östgöta kontrollcentralLenner, Andreas, Zawadzki, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Det finns olika sätt att öka kapaciteten hos en flygledare. En av de är att göra samordningar mer effektiva. Samordningar sker idag via datalänk eller verbalt, då genom telefonsamordning eller face-to-face. Det finns även icke verbala samordningar där bara kroppsspråk står för en del av kommunikationen. På en kontrollcentral utförs många samordningar och informationsdelningar mellan flygledare. Detta görs för att kunna hålla en hög säkerhet men ändå arbeta på ett effektivt sätt. Östgöta kontrollcentral, ÖKC, har undersökts för att se om informationsdelningen kan bli effektivare samt om en flygledarassistent kan stötta två flygledare samtidigt. Med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram och litteraturstudie har det visat sig att bland annat Lean production kan appliceras på området för att utvärdera ÖKC. Författarna har observerat den operativa verksamheten på ÖKC och samlat data som i sin tur ligger till grund för de mätningar som gjorts. Därefter har ett alternativt ÖKC tagits fram med förankring i teorin om hur kontrollcentraler bör se ut för en bra social samverkan och teamwork. Utifrån data från observationen är informationssträckan som information inne på ÖKC måste färdas 150,8 meter. Detta mätetal är undersökningens viktigaste mätetal och visar att alternativet har motsvarande 130,5 meter informationssträcka, vilket ger en minskning med 20,3 meter.
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Žena a válka: Československé ženy sloužící za druhé světové války v britských pomocných sborech ATS a WAAF / Woman and War: Czechoslovak Women serving during the Second World War in the British Auxiliary Services ATS. and WAAFStegurová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation thesis describes and analyses military service of Czechoslovak women in British army namely in ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) and WAAF (Women's Auxiliary Air Force) units. First Czechoslovak women joined British armed forces in mid 1941 and served directly on the British soil in the Army and Airforce bases. Other Czechoslovak women joined ATS and WAAF in the Middle East campaing since 1943. During the WWII more than two hundreds Czechoslovak citizens served in the auxillary units. The thesis describes the course of WAAF/ATS training, working set up and everyday life in the military with all pros and cons linked. The text further deals with the approach of the Czechoslovak exile institutions e.g. National Defence ministry, towards Czechoslovak women serving in the foreign army. One of the main topics is finding answer to question why Czechoslovakian women could serve only in the army of the allied state and if there were ever thoughts or plans for creation of similar unit directly with Czechoslovak foreign units. This is being considered in the broader context of British environment and war policy. In order to achieve understanding of the Czechoslovak women situation the text further focuses on reasons behind creation/reinstating of women auxiliary units. The text describes...
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Indonesia is trying to take over airspace Sector A, B, and C from Singapore and this desire has been going on for decades. To carry out these dreams, Indonesia was faced with a series of agreements with Singapore and Malaysia because both countries have interests in that airspace sector. To take over that airspace, Indonesia must perform a series of efforts. One of the efforts is by improving Air Traffic Services (ATS) quality in Indonesia. In determining ATS service quality, pilot perceiving and expectation must be assessed. Pilot employed tangible and intangible cues to determine the quality. The author determined forty items to describe pilot perception and expectation based on 10 (ten) criteria in evaluating service quality. Moreover, total ATS quality which is including technical quality and functional quality dimensions are clearly presented. Other factor influencing ATS quality is safety culture which is merged with ATS quality. Human factor as the main source in conducting service is described clearly in relation with ATS. Human factor become important because human and its environment can affect ATS performance. Six principles of service management are elaborated in ATS system to improve ATS quality. Combined with service and management theories to obtain the conclusion of Indonesia ATS quality and ATS readiness, this research discussed the Indonesia strategic plan to improve service quality. Then, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will work together with Indonesia ANSP and ATS Unit authority to manage ATS quality in Indonesia in order to taking over airspace Sector A, B, and C from Singapore. / Transportation Research
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