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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Complement verb variation in present-day Serbian

Belic, Bojan, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005. / Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xv, 231 p.; also includes graphics. Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-231). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center.

Současná srbská frazeologie ve srovnání s češtinou / Contemporery Serbian phraseology in comparison with Czech

Altmanová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is about Serbian phraseology, specifically about a survey of knowledge and usage frequency of selected Serbian similes. It provides short summary of phraseographic history and development of phraseology and idiomatics on the territory of Czech Republic, Serbia and Croatia. It also gives theoretical description of phraseology and idiomatics and it focuses in great detail on similes. It deals with survey of knowledge and usage frequency of some Serbian similes based on questionnaires. It dedicates to an external factors that influence knowledge and usage of selected group of similes. A small Serbian-Czech dictionary with phrasemes from the questionnaire is included. Keywords: phraseology - similes - Serbian language - questionnaire

Polysémie et homonymie nominale en serbe et en français : La métonymie et la polysémie nominale / Nominal polysemy and homonymy in Serbian and French : Metonymy and nominal polysemy

Jovanović, Ivana 12 October 2012 (has links)
Le présent travail traite la lange serbe et la littérature serbe dès ses origines jusqu'à l'époque contemporaine ; les notions élémentaires concernant les termes employés en sémantique en général ainsi que ceux employés dans ledit travail, tels que l'homonymie, la polysémie, la synonymie etc. Notre travail présente la liaison entre la sémantique et la rhétorique. A cette fin, il traite les figures de style et les tropes, sous le prisme linguistique. Il s'agit particulièrement de la métaphore, la métonymie et la synecdoque. Les différents types de métaphores sont abordés : la métaphore morte, la métaphore avec la copule et la métaphore ayant le verbe autre que la copule. Le dernier type de métaphore fait preuve qu'elle n'est pas une comparaison abrégée. Toutes les formes de métonymie sont examinées, ainsi que la synecdoque avec ses sous formes. La théorie ensembliste à l'aide de laquelle la métonymie et la synecdoque sont présentées démontre clairement que la synecdoque a une autonomie significative et qu'elle ne peut être considérée comme une simple sous forme de métonymie. / This work focuses on the Serbian language and literature from its beginnings until the present days, and on the basic concepts concerning the terms used in the general semantic as well as the terms that were used in this work such as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy etc. This work represents the connection between the semantics and the rhetoric. It deals with the figures of speech and the tropes in the light of linguistics. It focuses mainly on metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche. The different types of the metaphor have been taken in consideration: dead metaphor, metaphor with the copula and metaphor with a verb instead of the copula. The last mentioned type of metaphor proves that this figure of speech is not an abbreviated comparison. All the types of the metonymy were examined, as well as synecdoche with its subtypes. The theory of sets that was used for graphic presentation of the different types of metonymy and synecdoche clearly shows that the synecdoche has a significant autonomy and cannot be considered as a simple subtype of the metonymy.

Early vs. late Serbian-English bilinguals' responses to two Australian English vowel contrasts

Krebs-Lazendic, Lidija, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, MARCS Auditory Laboratories January 2008 (has links)
Adults learning a second language (L2) (“late learners”) have difficulty achieving a native speaker’s level of accuracy in both perception and production of L2 phonetic segments. This difficulty often results in deviant production of L2 segments that is perceived as accented speech by native speakers of that language. It is generally agreed that this failure in non native segmental production and perception is caused by previous linguistic experience with the first (L1) language. Late learners are expected to show stronger L1 effects than learners who learnt their L2 in early childhood (“early learners”). However, not all L2 phonetic segments are equally difficult for late learners. The learnability of L2 phonetic segments is thought to be perceptual in nature and depends on the perceived phonetic distance between them and the acoustically, phonetically and/or articulatorily most similar segment(s) in the learner’s L1 phonetic inventory. It is generally assumed that specific L2 segments will be perceptually related or assimilated to the most similar L1 segment(s) even if there is a detectable acoustic difference between them. The studies reported in this thesis examined Serbian-English bilinguals’ perception and production difficulties with two Australian English vowel contrasts that are not contrastive in Serbian: /e/ - /æ/ and /i:/ - //. We compared participants who began learning English before 5 years (“early”) versus those who began after 15 years (“late”). In Study 1and Study 2 early learners discriminated and produced both contrasts equally well, whereas late learners had greater difficulties perceiving and producing /e/ - /æ/. In Study 3 a priming paradigm was applied to discrimination and perceptual assimilation tasks in which the prime and target contain phonologically identical, phonetically similar or phonologically and phonetically unrelated vowels under two interstimulus intervals (ISI) that tap phonological versus phonetic levels of processing, according to prior research. Early versus late group differences suggest that discrimination and production accuracy reflect how listeners assimilate Australian English vowels to native Serbian vowels. “Early” and “late” learners related L2 vowels to L1 differently, which reflects differences in establishment of the L1 phonetic system at the time of L2 onset. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Early vs. late Serbian-English bilinguals' responses to two Australian English vowel contrasts

Krebs-Lazendic, Lidija. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D) -- University of Western Sydney, 2008. / A thesis submitted to the University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Includes bibliographical references.

Diskurs analiza medijskog izveštavanja olokalnim ratnim sukobima u Jugoslaviji od1991. do 1995. godine

Pankov Miloš 26 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj rada bio je da ustanovim relacije kojima<br />se u medijima razvija empatija prema jednoj od<br />sukobljenih strana u kontekstu ratnih sukoba, a koja<br />postaje deo kolektivnog identiteta publike (MI) i<br />negativno predstavljanje druge, neprijateljske strane u<br />kontekstu radnog sukoba (ONI).<br />Osnovna naučna hipoteza bila je da se empatijski<br />odnos medija prema jednoj od zaraćenih strana u<br />ratnom sukobu veoma često manifestuje pristrasnim<br />izve&scaron;tavanjem, tako da se jezičkim mehanizmima<br />simboličke identifikacije jedna od zaraćenih strana<br />određuje kao prijateljska strana u ratu, a njoj<br />suprotstavljena kao neprijateljska .<br />Korpus empirijskih podataka obuhvata &scaron;est dnevnih<br />listova (ukupno 58 primeraka dnevnih izdanja) i tri<br />televizijske stanice (1197 minuta televizijskog<br />programa) u desetodnevnom periodu. Primenjena<br />analiza diskursa obuhvata veće jedinice od rečenice.<br />Rezultati analize pokazuju sledeće.<br />1. U najvećem broju ratnih izve&scaron;taja iskazan je<br />(negativan ili pozitivan) medijski stav prema jednom<br />od aktera koji odgovaraju oružanim formacijama u<br />sukobu<br />2. Postoji simbolički prostor sa kojim se identifikuje<br />reportersko JA, u sklopu jedinstvene grupe koja<br />povezuje autora sa identitetom medijske publike<br />(grupom MI).<br />3. Medijski stav usmeren ka vojno-političkim<br />predstavnicima zaraćenih strana zavisi od toga da li je<br />određena ličnost od strane medija prepoznata kao<br />nosilac realne vojno-političke moći.<br />4. Na leksičkom nivou medijski stav je iskazan<br />najče&scaron;će: upotrebom ličnih zamenica u funkciji deiksi, ekspresivima, upotrebom termina sa</p><p>istorijskom konotacijom i kvalifikacijama, sve do<br />ironičnih naziva i pejorativa kao karakterističnih<br />obeležja negativnog stava. Dominirajuće diskursne<br />strategije upotrebljene u tom cilju su: predikacija,<br />perspektivizacija, legitimizacija (delegitimizacija) i<br />intenzifikacija, kao i konstruktivne i perpetuacione<br />makrostrategije izgrađivanja nacionalnog identiteta.<br />Zaključujem sledeće.<br />1. Analiza diskursno-jezičkih obeležja za iskazivanje<br />ličnog stava pokazala se kao odgovarajuća naučna<br />osnova za istraživanje jednostranog odnosa medija<br />prema stranama u ratnom sukobu.<br />2.Tokom daljnjeg usavr&scaron;avanja kritičke diskurs<br />analize kao metoda potreban je ujednačeniji i<br />sistematizovaniji pristup određivanju diskursnih<br />obeležja, usvojen i primenjen od strane grupa<br />istraživača koji promovi&scaron;u različite pristupe.<br />3.Vi&scaron;estruka studija slučaja u sklopu metoda kritičke<br />diskurs analize doprinela je da se identifikovane<br />pojave mogu tumačiti u odnosu na vremensku<br />perspektivu, dru&scaron;tvene i medijske uslove njihovog<br />nastanka.<br />Rezultati se mogu primeniti: 1. za pobolj&scaron;anje<br />medijske pismenost građana i građanki tokom procesa<br />razobličavanja mehanizama manipulacije medijskom<br />porukom; 2. za uspostavljanje minimuma standarda<br />objektivnog medijskog izve&scaron;tavanja koji bi bili<br />obezbeđeni i u uslovima vanrednih i ratnih okolnosti;<br />3. za usavr&scaron;avanje kritičke diskurs analize kao metoda<br />u interpretiranju medijskog diskursa.</p> / <p>The main aim of this paper was to ascertain the<br />relations media employ to promote, on the one hand,<br />empathy towards one of the conflicting parties at war,<br />which consequently becomes a part of the collective<br />identity of the audience (US), and on the other,<br />negative imaging of the opposing side or the enemy<br />(THEM).<br />The basic scientific hypothesis was that empathetic<br />attitude of media towards one of the warring sides is<br />often reflected in partial reporting. The linguistic<br />mechanism of symbolic identification helps to<br />determine one of the conflicting sides as friendly and<br />the opposing one as unfriendly.<br />Empirical data corpus includes six daily newspapers<br />(58 copies in total), plus three TV stations (1,197<br />minutes of television broadcasting) over a ten-day<br />period. Discourse analysis applied here focused on<br />linguistic units larger than a sentence.<br />The analysis results are as follows:<br />1. A vast majority of war reports express a certain<br />(positive or negative) media attitude towards<br />one of the participants in an armed<br />conflict.<br />2. There is a symbolic space a reporter&rsquo;s I is<br />identified with as a part of a unique group<br />which connects the author to the identity of<br />the media audience (the` US` group). 3. Media bias towards military and political representatives</p><p>of the warring parties depends on<br />who is considered to wield the real military<br />and political power.<br />4. Lexically speaking, a negative attitude of the<br />media is most frequently expressed by the following<br />means: deictic use of personal pronouns,<br />a use of expressive language, a use of<br />language with historic connotation and quality,<br />as well as a use of irony and derogatory<br />terms. Dominant discourse strategies employed<br />with the same aim are predication,<br />perspectivization, legitimization (delegitimatizon),<br />intensification, as well as the use of<br />macro-strategies of construction and perpetuation<br />in creating national identities.<br />Conclusions:<br />1.The analysis of linguistic discourse features<br />used to express personal attitude proved to be<br />a proper scientific basis for research into a<br />biased approach of media towards warring<br />parties.<br />2. Further improvement of the method of critical<br />discourse analysis requires the adoption<br />of a more balanced and systematic approach<br />to defining discourse features by various research<br />groups promoting different attitudes.<br />3. A multiple case study as part of a critical<br />discourse analysis method helped to interpret<br />the identified phenomena with reference to a<br />temporal, social and media context of their<br />occurrence.<br />The results can be useful in 1.improving media<br />literacy of general public in an attempt to<br />unmask manipulation mechanisms applied in<br />media messages; 2.establishing a basic standard<br />of unbiased media reporting which would<br />apply even in emergency and war conditions;<br />3.improving critical discourse analysis as a<br />method for interpretation of media discourse.</p>

Exploring the facilitating effect of diminutives on the acquisition of Serbian noun morphology

Seva, Nada January 2006 (has links)
Studies of Russian, Polish, and Lithuanian language learners converge on the finding that morphological features of nouns are first generalized to word clusters of high morpho-phonological similarities such as diminutives, that grammatical categorisation is are more easily applied to novel words that fall into these clusters. The present thesis explores whether the facilitating effect of diminutives on the acquisition of complex noun morphology can be extended to Serbian, a south Slavic language, morphologically similar to Russian and Polish. Specifically, the thesis explores the role of parameters responsible for the obtained diminutive advantage: high frequency of a particular cluster of words in child-directed speech (CDS) and morpho-phonological homogeneity within this cluster. A corpus analysis of the distribution of diminutives in Serbian CDS indicated a rather unexpected difference in frequency relative to Russian and Polish CDS, despite the high similarity of the diminutive derivation across these three Slavic languages. Out of the total number of nouns in Serbian CDS only 7% were diminutives, compared to 20-30% in Polish and 45% in Russian. Two experimental studies explored whether the low frequency of diminutives in Serbian CDS attenuates the diminutive advantage in morphology learning compared to Russian and Polish. In the first two experiments, Serbian children exhibited a strong diminutive advantage for both gender agreement and case marking in the same range as Russian children, indicating that morpho-phonological homogeneity within the cluster of diminutives may play as important a role as their frequency for grammatical categorisation of novel nouns. A third study investigated in more detail the effects of morpho-phonological homogeneity on the emergence of the diminutive advantage using a gender-agreement task with novel nouns in simplex and pseudo-diminutive form over four sessions with Serbian children. The results showed a pseudo-diminutive advantage for gender agreement by Session 2, suggesting that the categorisation of nouns into grammatical categories is based on morpho-phonological homogeneity of the word cluster, emerges relatively fast, and can occur despite the much lower frequency of diminutives in Serbian CDS. Finally, a series of neural network simulations designed to capture the pattern of results from the third experimental study was used to examine to what extent a simple associative learning mechanism, relying on morpho-phonological similarity of the noun endings, can explain the findings. The performance of three models, a whole-word feed-forward network, a Simple Recurrent Network (SRN) and a last-syllable feed-forward network, was compared to the experimental data. The superior fit of the SRN suggests that gender learning is based on a very fast sequential build-up of representations of the entire word, allowing the system to exploit the predictive power of word stems to anticipate regularised endings. Overall, the findings of this thesis contribute to our general understanding of mechanisms responsible for the acquisition of complex inflectional noun morphology in two ways. First, by extending experimental studies and neural network simulations to Serbian, the results underline the universality of the idea that noun morphology is learned and processed through a single-route associative mechanism based on the frequency and morpho-phonological structure of nouns. More specifically, the results from experimental studies and neural network simulations demonstrate that for diminutives, the low-level grammatical categorisation is based mainly on the morpho-phonological similarity of word endings, and can emerge after just a few exposures. And second, the neural network simulations suggest that during the process of categorisation of nouns into gender categories, learners rely not only on predictable information from the noun endings, but also on phonological regularities in the stems of nouns. Taken together, these findings contribute also to a better understanding of the facilitating role of CDS in morphology acquisition.

Виноградарска терминологија Војводине / Vinogradarska terminologija Vojvodine / Vinicultural terminology in Vojvodina

Marković Brankica 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Војводина је део Србије северно од Саве и Дунава и административна<br />јединица са статусом аутономне покрајине, која заузима територију од 22.572 км2.<br />Као пространа и плодна равница погодна је за разноврсну пољопривредну<br />производњу: ратарство, повртарство, воћарство и виноградарство. На падинама<br />планина и пешчарама земљиште је изузетно погодно за воћарску и виноградарску<br />производњу. У Војводини постоје три виноградарска региона: Фрушкогорски,<br />Вршачки и Регион суботичко-хоргошке пешчаре.<br />Виноградарска терминологија је до сада врло мало обрађена у нашој<br />лингвистичкој литератури, стога је циљ овог рада био да се представи целокупна<br />виноградарска терминологија у три поменута виноградарска региона у Војводини.<br />Грађа је прикупљена на терену (у 39 пунктова) помоћу Упитника за бележење<br />виноградарске лексике Института за српски језик САНУ и снимањем спонтаног<br />говора информатора. Пажња је била посвећена лексичко-семантичкој и творбеној<br />анализи, изради речника и представљању једног дела грађе помоћу лингвистичких<br />карата.<br />Лексичко-семантичка анализа рађена је према основним поставкама теорије<br />семантичких микропоља Н. И. Толстоја, која је (унеколико модификована)<br />заступљена у основи и свих осталих досад описиваних терминологија у оквиру<br />новосадске лингвистичке школе. Прикупљена грађа разврстана је у оквиру 15<br />семантичких поља, која су даље представљена и анализирана.<br />Творбеном анализом обухваћене су именице, придеви и глаголи. Анализа је<br />вршена на префиксалном, суфиксалном и префиксално-суфиксалном творбеном<br />плану. Исто тако, обрађене су и сложенице и сложене (вишечлане) лексеме.<br />У раду је примењен и лингвогеографски метод, па је део грађе представљен<br />кроз 20 лингвистичких карата (са пратећим коментарима), помоћу којих је добијена<br />јаснија слика о територијалној распрострањености појединих лексема.<br />С обзиром на то да детаљно и системско проучавање виноградарске<br />терминологије до сада није урађено, ово истраживање ће попунити тај видни<br />недостатак.</p> / <p>Vojvodina je deo Srbije severno od Save i Dunava i administrativna<br />jedinica sa statusom autonomne pokrajine, koja zauzima teritoriju od 22.572 km2.<br />Kao prostrana i plodna ravnica pogodna je za raznovrsnu poljoprivrednu<br />proizvodnju: ratarstvo, povrtarstvo, voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo. Na padinama<br />planina i peščarama zemljište je izuzetno pogodno za voćarsku i vinogradarsku<br />proizvodnju. U Vojvodini postoje tri vinogradarska regiona: Fruškogorski,<br />Vršački i Region subotičko-horgoške peščare.<br />Vinogradarska terminologija je do sada vrlo malo obrađena u našoj<br />lingvističkoj literaturi, stoga je cilj ovog rada bio da se predstavi celokupna<br />vinogradarska terminologija u tri pomenuta vinogradarska regiona u Vojvodini.<br />Građa je prikupljena na terenu (u 39 punktova) pomoću Upitnika za beleženje<br />vinogradarske leksike Instituta za srpski jezik SANU i snimanjem spontanog<br />govora informatora. Pažnja je bila posvećena leksičko-semantičkoj i tvorbenoj<br />analizi, izradi rečnika i predstavljanju jednog dela građe pomoću lingvističkih<br />karata.<br />Leksičko-semantička analiza rađena je prema osnovnim postavkama teorije<br />semantičkih mikropolja N. I. Tolstoja, koja je (unekoliko modifikovana)<br />zastupljena u osnovi i svih ostalih dosad opisivanih terminologija u okviru<br />novosadske lingvističke škole. Prikupljena građa razvrstana je u okviru 15<br />semantičkih polja, koja su dalje predstavljena i analizirana.<br />Tvorbenom analizom obuhvaćene su imenice, pridevi i glagoli. Analiza je<br />vršena na prefiksalnom, sufiksalnom i prefiksalno-sufiksalnom tvorbenom<br />planu. Isto tako, obrađene su i složenice i složene (višečlane) lekseme.<br />U radu je primenjen i lingvogeografski metod, pa je deo građe predstavljen<br />kroz 20 lingvističkih karata (sa pratećim komentarima), pomoću kojih je dobijena<br />jasnija slika o teritorijalnoj rasprostranjenosti pojedinih leksema.<br />S obzirom na to da detaljno i sistemsko proučavanje vinogradarske<br />terminologije do sada nije urađeno, ovo istraživanje će popuniti taj vidni<br />nedostatak.</p> / <p>Vojvodina is a part of Serbia, north from the rivers Sava and Danube and is an<br />administrative unit with the status of autonomous province. Vojvodina covers an area of<br />22,572 km2. The vast fertile plain is suitable for a wide range of agricultural production:<br />truck farming, olericulture, pomology and viniculture. The soil on slopes of mountains<br />and in sandy areas is extremely suitable for pomology and viniculture. There are three<br />vinicultural regions in Vojvodina: the Fruska Gora region, Vrsac region and the region of<br />Subotica &ndash; Horgos sandy area.<br />The vinicultural terminology has not been researched to any greater extent in our<br />linguistic literature, therefore, it is the aim of this paper to present the entire vinicultural<br />terminology in the aforementioned three vinicultural regions in Vojvodna. The material<br />has been gathered in the field (on 39 sites) with the use of Upitnik za beleženje<br />vinogradarske leksike (Questionnaire for registering vinicultural lexis) of the SANU<br />Institute for the Serbian Language and by recording respondents&rsquo; spontaneous speech.<br />The focus of the research was the lexical-semantical and word formational analysis for<br />the purpose of compiling a dictionary as well as presentation of part of the material in<br />linguistic cards.<br />The lexical-semantical analysis was conducted in accordance with the basic<br />postulates of N. I. Tolstoy&rsquo;s theory of semantic micro fields, which is (modified on<br />occasion) present in all other terminologies described by the linguistic school of Novi<br />Sad up to now. The material compiled is organized in 15 semantic fields, which are<br />further presented and analyzed.<br />The word formational analysis included nouns, adjectives and verbs. The analysis<br />has been conducted on the prefix, suffix, and prefix-suffix word formational aspects.<br />Also, compound nouns and compound (multi-part) lexemes have been analyzed.<br />The linguo-geographic method was applied for the paper, therefore, part of the<br />material is presented in 20 linguistic cards (with respective comments), which help create<br />a clearer picture of territorial distribution of certain lexemes.<br />Since no detailed and systematic study of vinicultural terminology has been<br />conducted so far, this research will fill this obvious void.</p>

Česká a srbská frazeologie: srovnání, aspekty a struktura česko-srbského frazeologického slovníku. / Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionary

Linda Popović, Snežana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionary Author: Mgr. Snežana Linda Popović Department: Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies Supervisor: prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc. Abstract Despite the fact that phraseology is present-day and appealing theme in linguistic, that many linguists gain from, which is due to fact that our language is made up of many steady and idiomatic structures that foreign students have to learn, this scientific discipline is still an area where the linguists have not yet agreed on the definition of its basic unit and field of research. Besides that, there is evident variance in the number of works within phraseology and phraseography in Czech and Serbian linguistics. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse the Czech and Serbian phraseological theory, classification of phrasemes and phraseography, including the theoretical background to create a bilingual phraseological dictionary. The analysis was based on field of definition of phrasemes, its formal distribution, equivalents on all combinatorial levels and design of dictionary entry in monolingual and bilingual phraseological dictionaries. The findings have confirmed that there are areas in context of phraseology that did...

Кулинарска терминологија у француској,италијанској и српској фразеологији / Kulinarska terminologija u francuskoj,italijanskoj i srpskoj frazeologiji / Culinary terminology in French, Italian andSerbian phraseology

Marčeta Jovana 16 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет нашег истраживања су француски,<br />италијански и српски фраземи који садрже<br />кулинарску терминологију (лексеме које<br />означавају различите намирнице (нпр.<br />јабука, јаје), поједине врсте једноставнијих<br />јела (нпр. кајгана, каша), месне прерађевине<br />(нпр. кобасица, салама) итд.). Циљ<br />истраживања је да компаративно-<br />контрастивном анализом установимо<br />лексичка и семантичка (не)подударања<br />одабраних фразема француског,<br />италијанског и српског језика. Поред тога,<br />циљ је да фраземе тематски групишемо<br />према концептима које изражавају и да<br />утврдимо на који начин је кулинарска<br />терминологија учествовала у изградњи<br />фразеолошког значења.<br />Први део рада представља теоријски оквир<br />истраживања, док други део рада садржи<br />анализу корпуса и обухвата две целине &ndash;<br />анализу мотивације фразема и концептуалну<br />анализу фразема. У делу рада у којем<br />анализирамо мотивацију фразема грађу ћемо<br />разврстати по компонентама које су носиоци<br />значења, док ћемо у оквиру концептуалне<br />анализе фраземе тематски груписати и<br />придружити им одговарајуће дескрипторе<br />који их прецизније описују и представљају<br />односе сличности међу њима.</p> / <p>Predmet našeg istraživanja su francuski,<br />italijanski i srpski frazemi koji sadrže<br />kulinarsku terminologiju (lekseme koje<br />označavaju različite namirnice (npr.<br />jabuka, jaje), pojedine vrste jednostavnijih<br />jela (npr. kajgana, kaša), mesne prerađevine<br />(npr. kobasica, salama) itd.). Cilj<br />istraživanja je da komparativno-<br />kontrastivnom analizom ustanovimo<br />leksička i semantička (ne)podudaranja<br />odabranih frazema francuskog,<br />italijanskog i srpskog jezika. Pored toga,<br />cilj je da frazeme tematski grupišemo<br />prema konceptima koje izražavaju i da<br />utvrdimo na koji način je kulinarska<br />terminologija učestvovala u izgradnji<br />frazeološkog značenja.<br />Prvi deo rada predstavlja teorijski okvir<br />istraživanja, dok drugi deo rada sadrži<br />analizu korpusa i obuhvata dve celine &ndash;<br />analizu motivacije frazema i konceptualnu<br />analizu frazema. U delu rada u kojem<br />analiziramo motivaciju frazema građu ćemo<br />razvrstati po komponentama koje su nosioci<br />značenja, dok ćemo u okviru konceptualne<br />analize frazeme tematski grupisati i<br />pridružiti im odgovarajuće deskriptore<br />koji ih preciznije opisuju i predstavljaju<br />odnose sličnosti među njima.</p> / <p>The subject of this research are French, Italian<br />and Serbian idioms comprising the culinary<br />terminology (lexemes that denote groceries (e.g.<br />apple, egg), certain types of simple meals (e.g.<br />omelette, porridge), meat products (e.g.<br />sausage, salami), etc.). The aim of this study is<br />to determine the lexical and semantic<br />similarities and differences of the chosen idioms<br />by using comparative-contrastive analysis.<br />Furthermore, our objective is to classify the<br />idioms into groups based on the concepts which<br />they express and to determine the way in which<br />the culinary terminology motivates the<br />phraseological meaning.<br />The first part of this work presents the<br />theoretical frame of the research, while the<br />second part contains the analysis of the corpus<br />and consists of two parts &ndash; analysis of the<br />motivation of the idioms and conceptual<br />analysis of the idioms. In the part where we<br />analyse the motivation of the idioms, the corpus<br />is classified according to components which are<br />the carriers of meaning, while in the conceptual<br />analysis we will classify the idioms into<br />thematic groups and we will associate the<br />idioms with appropriate descriptors which<br />describe them more precisely and represent the<br />relations of similarity between them.</p>

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