Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cserine/threonine kinase"" "subject:"buferine/threonine kinase""
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Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of CYLD-Mediated Necrosis: A DissertationMoquin, David M. 13 May 2013 (has links)
TNFα-induced programmed necrosis is a caspase-independent cell death program that is contingent upon the formation of a multiprotein complex termed the necrosome. The association of two of the components of the necrosome, receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) and RIP3, is a critical and signature molecular event during necrosis. Within this complex, both RIP1 and RIP3 are phosphorylated which are consequential for transmission of the pro-necrotic signal. Namely, it has been demonstrated that RIP3 phosphorylation is required for binding to downstream substrates. Nevertheless, the regulatory mechanisms governing necrosome activation remain unclear. Since necrosis is implicated in a variety of different diseases, understanding the biochemical signaling pathway can potentially yield future drug targets. I was interested in identifying other regulators of necrosis in hope of gaining a better understanding of the necrosis signaling pathway and regulators of the necrosome. To address this, I screened a cancer gene siRNA library in a cell line sensitive to necrosis. From this, I independently identified CYLD as a positive regulator of necrosis. Previous studies suggest that deubiquitination of RIP1 in the TNF receptor (TNFR)-1 signaling complex is a prerequisite for transition of RIP1 into the cytosol and assembly of the RIP1-RIP3 necrosome. The deubiquitinase cylindromatosis (CYLD) is presumed to promote programmed necrosis by facilitating RIP1 deubiquitination in this membrane receptor complex. Surprisingly, I found that TNFα could induce RIP1-dependent necrosis in CYLD-/- cells. I show that CYLD does not regulate RIP1 ubiquitination at the receptor complex. Strikingly, assembly of the RIP1-RIP3 necrosome was delayed, but not abolished in the absence of CYLD. In addition to the TNFR-1 complex, I found that RIP1 within the necrosome was also ubiquitinated. In the absence of CYLD, RIP1 ubiquitination in the NP-40 insoluble necrosome was greatly increased. Increased RIP1 ubiquitination correlated with impaired RIP1 and RIP3 phosphorylation, a signature of kinase activation. My results show that CYLD regulates RIP1 ubiquitination in the NP-40 insoluble necrosome, but not in the TNFR-1 signaling complex. Contrary to the current model, CYLD is not essential for necrosome assembly. Rather, it facilitates RIP1 and RIP3 activation within the necrosome and the corollary is enhancement of necrosome functionality and subsequent necrosis. My results therefore indicate that CYLD exerts its pro-necrotic function in the NP-40 insoluble necrosome, and illuminates the mechanism of necrosome activation.
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Endothelial Driven Inflammation in Metabolic Disease: A DissertationMatevossian, Anouch 25 February 2015 (has links)
Obesity has been on the rise over the last 30 years, reaching worldwide epidemic proportions. Obesity has been linked to multiple metabolic disorders and co-morbidities such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and various cancers. Furthermore, obesity is associated with a chronic state of low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue (AT), and it is thought that insulin resistance (IR) and T2DM is associated with the inflammatory state of AT.
Endothelial cells (ECs) mediate the migration of immune cells into underlying tissues during times of inflammation, including obesity- and cardiovascular disease-associated inflammation. Cytokines and chemoattractants released from inflamed tissues promote EC activation. Upon activation, ECs increase the expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules (LCAMs) including intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), vascular adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin (E-sel) and P-selectin (P-sel). Increased expression of these LCAMs and increased infiltration of inflammatory cells such as macrophages, have been linked to IR, diabetes and atherosclerosis in obese individuals. Preliminary data from our lab suggests that lipolysis induced by the β-adrenergic receptor agonist CL 316,243 causes an increase in endothelial LCAM gene expression. In addition, histological analyses show increased content of immune cells within AT after the ECs become activated.
Here, we demonstrate that CL 316,243-induced lipolysis causes infiltration of neutrophils in wild type (WT) but not E-sel knockout (KO) mice. Following EC activation, there was also a marked increase in cytokine gene expression including IL-1β, MCP-1, and TNF-α in an E-sel-dependent manner. In contrast, fasting-induced lipolysis was associated with increased macrophage infiltration into AT in the absence of EC activation in an E-sel-independent manner.
We also examined the role of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 (MAP4K4) as a potential contributor to endothelial activation and atherosclerosis. Here we demonstrate that deletion of MAP4K4 in ECs in vitro diminishes TNF-α-induced EC activation. Additionally, MAP4K4 depletion in primary ECs derived from lungs of mice expressing MAP4K4 shRNA decreases EC activation. Finally, endothelial specific depletion or loss of MAP4K4 reduced atherosclerotic plaque formation in vivo. Taken together, these results highlight the importance of the endothelium in modulating obesity-associated comorbidities. Furthermore, these data implicate endothelial MAP4K4 as a novel regulator of EC activation and consequently AT inflammation and atherosclerosis.
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Requirement and Function of Hippo Pathway Signaling in the Mammalian Gastrointestinal Tract: A DissertationCotton, Jennifer L. 21 October 2016 (has links)
In cancer, aberrant activation of developmental signaling pathways such as the Hippo Pathway has been shown to drive proliferation and invasion of cancer cells. Therefore, understanding the normal function of the Hippo Pathway during embryonic development can provide critical insight into how aberrant activity contributes to tumorigenesis. This dissertation explores the role of the Hippo Pathway members YAP and TAZ in gastrointestinal (GI) development and tumorigenesis. I use mouse genetics to systematically dissect the roles of YAP/TAZ in the endoderm-derived gastrointestinal epithelia and mesoderm-derived gastrointestinal mesenchyme during mammalian development. In the GI epithelium, I demonstrate that YAP/TAZ are dispensable for development and homeostasis. However, YAP/TAZ are required for Wnt pathway-driven tumorigenesis. I find that YAP/TAZ are direct transcriptional targets of Wnt/TCF4 signaling. In the GI mesenchyme, I describe a previously unknown requirement for YAP/TAZ activity during mammalian GI development. YAP/TAZ are involved in normal GI mesenchymal differentiation and function as transcriptional co-repressors in a progenitor cell population. In this way, YAP/TAZ act as molecular gatekeepers prior to Hedgehog-mediated differentiation into smooth muscle cells. This work unveils a previously unknown requirement for Hippo pathway signaling in the mammalian GI tract and a novel mechanism wherein YAP/TAZ function as transcriptional co-repressors to maintain a mesenchymal progenitor cell population.
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Maintenance of Constitutive and Inactive X Heterochromatin in Cancer and a Link to BRCA1: A DissertationPageau, Gayle Jeannette 13 June 2007 (has links)
The development of cancer is a multi-step process which involves a series of events, including activation of oncogenes and loss of tumor suppressor function, leading to cell immortalization and misregulated proliferation. In the last few years, the importance of epigenetic defects in cancer development has become increasingly recognized. While most epigenetic studies focus on silencing of tumor suppressors, this thesis addresses defects in the maintenance of silenced heterochromatin in cancer, particularly breast cancer. Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer in women and many familial cases have been linked to mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2. BRCA1 has been linked to DNA repair as well as multiple other cellular processes, including cell cycle checkpoints, ubiquitination, centrosome function, and meiotic silencing of the XY body. This work began with a particular interest in the report that BRCA1 was linked to the failed maintenance of random X-inactivation in female somatic cells, via a role in supporting XIST RNA localization to the inactive X chromosome (Xi). XIST RNA is a non-coding RNA that fully coats or “paints” the Xi and induces its silencing. Work presented in Chapter II substantially clarifies the relationship of BRCA1 to XIST RNA, based on several lines of experimentation. Loss of BRCA1 does not lead to loss of XIST RNA in these studies, nor did reconstitution of HCC1937 BRCA1-/- tumor cells with BRCA1 lead to XIST RNA localization on Xi, although an effect on XIST RNA transcription is possible. Studies of BRCA1 localization with Xi showed that BRCA1 has a limited association with the Xi in ~3-10% of cells, it rarely colocalizes with XIST RNA to a significant extent, but rather is in close apposition to a small part of the XIST RNA/Xi territory. Additionally, analysis of several breast cancer cell lines revealed mislocalization of XIST RNA in some breast cancer cell lines.
Many studies have examined BRCA1 foci that form following DNA damage and demonstrated that these are sites of repair. However, whether the numerous large foci consistently present in normal S-phase nuclei were storage sites or had any function was unknown. In Chapter III, I demonstrate that the BRCA1 foci in normal S-phase nuclei associate overwhelmingly with specific heterochromatic regions of the genome. More specifically, BRCA1 foci often associate with centromeric or pericentromeric regions in both human and mouse cells. In human cells BRCA1 foci often appear juxtaposed to centromeric signal, whereas in mouse, BRCA1 often rings or paints the large chromocenters, clusters of DAPI-dense pericentric and centric heterochromatin. Using PCNA and BrdU as markers of replication, I demonstrate that BRCA1 preferentially associates with the chromocenters during their replication, although high-resolution analysis indicates that BRCA1 and PCNA foci rarely directly overlap. Interestingly, cells with defects in BRCA1 were found to have lagging chromosomes and DNA bridges which nearly always contained satellite DNA, which is consistent with the possibility that BRCA1 deficit contributes to failed separation of sister chromatids at the centromere. This is consistent with other recent reports that BRCA1 is necessary for DNA decatenation by topoisomerase II during routine replication and with my demonstration that topoisomerase II also accumulates on pericentric heterochromatin (PCH) during replication.
Chapter IV presents recent work which reveals that RNA is commonly expressed from the centric/pericentric heterochromatin and appears to be linked to its replication. In mouse cells RNA from heterochromatic sequences is readily detected using a broad molecular cytological assay for repeat transcription (the COT-1 RNA assay). In addition to a more dispersed nucleoplasmic signal from euchromatic nuclear regions, distinct localized foci of repeat RNA are detected with COT1 probe or pancentromeric probe. Further analysis with the minor satellite (centromere proper) and the major satellite (comprising the larger pericentric heterochromatin) reveals that the large RNA foci often contain these satellite sequences, long thought to be essentially silent. These foci generally associate with the PCH of chromocenters, and produce various patterns similar to BRCA1- including a larger signal partially painting or ringing the chromocenter in a fraction of cells. In conjunction again with PCNA staining, it was possible to determine that the major satellite RNAs associate with the chromocenters during replication. While the satellite RNA co-localizes precisely with PCNA, neither of these co-localizes at high resolution with BRCA1, although they all are present on replicating chromocenters contemporaneously. These findings show that satellite RNAs are more widely expressed in normal cells than previously thought and link their expression to replication of centromere-linked heterochromatin.
Finally, Chapter V presents three lines of recent results to support a major concept forwarded in this manuscript: that loss of Xi heterochromatin may reflect defects in the broader heterochromatic compartment, which may be manifest at multiple levels. I provide evidence using two new assays that both the peripheral heterochromatic compartment and the expression and silencing of satellite repeats is commonly compromised in cancer, although this appears to vary among cancer lines or types. The final results connect back to the question with which I began: what maintains XIST RNA localization to the chromosome in normal cells. These results demonstrate for the first time that Aurora B Kinase activity, mediated by Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1) during interphase, controls the interphase retention and mitotic release of XIST RNA from the chromosome, likely linked to chromatin modifications such as H3Ser10 phosphorylation. As Aurora B Kinase is commonly over-expressed in cancer and is linked to chromatin changes, this exemplifies one type of mechanism whereby broad epigenetic changes in cancer may impact XIST RNA localization and the maintenance of heterochromatin more generally. This thesis represents a melding of cancer biology with the study of X inactivation and heterochromatin, with findings of fundamental interest to both of these fields.
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Activation of mTORC1 Improves Cone Cell Metabolism and Extends Vision in Retinitis Pigmentosa Mice: A DissertationVenkatesh, Aditya 12 April 2016 (has links)
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited photoreceptor degenerative disease that leads to blindness and affects about 1 in 4000 people worldwide. The disease is predominantly caused by mutations in genes expressed exclusively in the night active rod photoreceptors; however, blindness results from the secondary loss of the day active cone photoreceptors, the mechanism of which remains elusive. Here, we show that the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is required to delay the progression of cone death during disease and that constitutive activation of mTORC1 is sufficient to maintain cone function and promote cone survival in RP. Activation of mTORC1 increased expression of genes that promote glucose uptake, retention and utilization, leading to increased NADPH levels; a key metabolite for cones. This protective effect was conserved in two mouse models of RP, indicating that the secondary loss of cones can be delayed by an approach that is independent of the primary mutation in rods. However, since mTORC1 is a negative regulator of autophagy, its constitutive activation led to an unwarranted secondary effect of shortage of amino acids due to incomplete digestion of autophagic cargo, which reduces the efficiency of cone survival over time. Moderate activation of mTORC1, which promotes expression of glycolytic genes, as well as maintains autophagy, provided more sustained cone survival. Together, our work addresses a long-standing question of non-autonomous cone death in RP and presents a novel, mutation-independent approach to extend vision in a disease that remains incurable.
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Nuclear translocation in the Drosophila eye disc : an inside look at the role of misshapen and the endocytic-recycling traffic pathwayHoualla, Tarek. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Structural and functional analysis of MCM helicases in eukaryotic DNA replication /Leon, Ronald P. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Biophysics & Genetics, Program in Molecular Biology) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2007. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-98). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;
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Transcriptional Regulation of VEGFA by Unfolded Protein Response Signaling PathwayGhosh, Rajarshi 23 March 2010 (has links)
The endoplasmic reticulum is the primary organelle in the cell which has the responsibility of properly folding proteins belonging to the secretory pathway. Secretory proteins are essential for a variety of functions within the body like metabolism, growth and survival. Hence, proper folding of the proteins in the ER is absolutely essential to maintain cellular and body function. The environment of the ER is substantially different from that of the cytoplasm and is primed essentially to provide the optimum conditions to fold newly synthesized polypeptides following translation by the ribosomes in the cytoplasm and on the surface of the ER.
In order for secretory proteins to fold properly, ER homeostasis must be maintained. ER homeostasis is defined by the dynamic balance between the ER protein load and the ER capacity to process this load. The optimum environment of the ER, or ER homeostasis, can be perturbed by pathological processes such as hypoxia, glucose deprivation, viral infections, environmental toxins, inflammatory cytokines, and mutant protein expression, as well as by physiological processes such as aging. Disruption of ER homeostasis causes accumulation of unfolded and misfolded proteins in the ER. This condition is referred to as ER stress. Cells cope with ER stress by activating the unfolded protein response (UPR).
The UPR is initiated by three ER transmembrane proteins: Inositol requiring 1 (IRE1), PKR-like ER kinase, and activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6). These three master regulators sense and interpret protein folding conditions in the ER and translate this information across the ER membrane to activate downstream effectors, spliced XBP1, phosphorylated eIF2α and ATF4, and cleaved active ATF6 respectively. These effectors have two distinct outputs, homeostatic and apoptotic. Homeostatic outputs are adaptive responses that function to attenuate ER stress and restore ER homeostasis. These responses include the attenuation of protein translation to reduce ER workload and prevent further accumulation of unfolded proteins, upregulation of molecular chaperones and protein processing enzymes to enhance the ER folding activity, and the increase in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) components to promote clearance of unfolded proteins. When ER stress reaches a point where the cells cannot tolerate the load of unfolded proteins any more, apoptosis sets in.
One of the major secretory proteins in mammals, vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF, is essential for either normal or pathological angiogenesis (blood vessel development). VEGFA is the primary member of this family which is expressed in all endothelial cells and is responsible for sprouting and invasion of blood vessels into the interstitium and thus helps in supplying nutrients and oxygen to growing cells. Recent studies have indicated that cells suffering from insufficient blood supply experience ER stress. The ER needs energy and oxygen for the folding process, thus nutrient deprivation (low ATP production) and hypoxia caused by insufficient blood supply leads to inefficient protein folding and ER stress in cells, especially in cancer cells that grow and spread rapidly. This condition also occurs in the development of the mammalian placenta. The placenta is an essential tissue characterized by a lot of blood vessels. It is responsible for the exchange of nutrients and growth factors between maternal and fetal blood vessels and hence is essential for survival of the embryo. Nutrient deprivation and hypoxia stimulate the production of VEGFA and other angiogenic factors, leading to protection against ischaemic injury in both cancer cells as well as the developing placenta.
In this dissertation, we report that the three master regulators of the UPR, IRE1α, PERK and ATF6α, mediate transcriptional regulation of VEGFA under ER stress in cancer cells. Inactivation of any of the three master regulators leads to attenuation of VEGFA expression under ER stress. We show that IRE1α is able to regulate VEGFA through its downstream transcription factor XBP1 which activates the VEGFA promoter. IRE1α mediated VEGFA regulation is also essential for normal development of labyrinthine trophoblast cells in the placenta. ATF6α also regulates VEGFA via its promoter. PERK is able to activate VEGFA by preferential activation of its downstream effector, ATF4, which binds intron 1 of the VEGFA gene. Thus our work reveals a twopronged differential regulatory action of the UPR sensors on VEGFA gene expression.
This work suggests that a fully active UPR is essential for VEGFA upregulation under ER stress. All three regulators are required in cancer cells for normal VEGFA expression. This tight regulation of VEGFA by the UPR presents a wonderful opportunity for therapeutic intervention into angiogenic growth of tumors.
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mTORC2 Promotes Lipid Storage and Suppresses Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue in Part Through AKT-Independent Regulation of FoxO1: A DissertationHung, Chien-Min 23 October 2016 (has links)
Recent studies suggest adipose tissue plays a critical role in regulating whole body energy homeostasis in both animals and humans. In particular, activating brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity is now appreciated as a potential therapeutic strategy against obesity and metabolic disease. However, the signaling circuits that coordinate nutrient uptake and BAT function are poorly understood. Here, I investigated the role of the nutrient-sensing mTOR signaling pathway in BAT by conditionally deleting Rictor, which encodes an essential component of mTOR Complex 2 (mTORC2) either in brown adipocyte precursors or mature brown adipocytes. In general, inhibiting BAT mTORC2 reduces glucose uptake and de novo lipogenesis pathways while increases lipid uptake and oxidation pathways indicating a switch in fuel utilization. Moreover, several key thermogenic factors (Ucp1, Pgc1α, and Irf4) are elevated in Rictor-deficient BAT, resulting in enhanced thermogenesis. Accordingly, mice with mTORC2 loss in BAT are protected from HFD-induced obesity and metabolic disease at thermoneutrality. In vitro culture experiments further suggest that mTORC2 cell-autonomously regulates the BAT thermogenic program, especially Ucp1 expression, which depends on FoxO1 activity. Mechanistically, mTORC2 appears to inhibit FoxO1 by facilitating its lysine-acetylation but not through the canonical AKT-mediated phosphorylation pathway. Finally, I also provide evidence that β-adrenergic signaling which normally triggers thermogenesis also induces FoxO1 deacetylation in BAT. Based on these data, I propose a model in which mTORC2 functions in BAT as a critical signaling hub for coordinating nutrient uptake, fuel utilization, and thermogenic gene expression. These data provide a foundation for future studies into the mTORC2-FoxO1 signaling axis in different metabolic tissues and physiological conditions.
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Role of the Yeast Ste20 Protein Kinase Ortholog Map4k4 in Adipose Tissue Function: A DissertationGuntur, Kalyani V. P. 10 February 2011 (has links)
Obesity has increased globally in epidemic proportions and as have the associated disorders. Insulin resistance that could further lead to type 2 diabetes is a major obesity associated dysfunction. Studies using insulin resistant mouse models and observations from human subjects exhibiting insulin resistance provide evidence for ectopic lipid deposition in organs like liver, muscle and heart as one of the major risk factors for developing insulin resistance. These observations suggest that deregulated adipose function to sequester and store excess energy as fat, could lead to insulin resistance. Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated adipose tissue dysfunction leading to inflammation and related syndromes. Interestingly, a mouse model with transgenic expression of glucose transporter in the adipose tissue exhibited improved glucose tolerance and increased insulin sensitivity despite development of obesity, upon high fat feeding. Thus mechanisms that improve adipose function could alleviate insulin resistance and associated diseases.
Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 (MAP4K4) was identified in our laboratory as a negative regulator of adipocyte function. Interestingly, siRNA mediated knockdown of MAP4K4 promoted PPARγ protein expression. Additionally, silencing of MAP4K4 increased adipocyte triglyceride content. Because MAP4K4 is a negative regulator of PPARγ expression and adipocyte function, understanding the mechanism by which MAP4K4 regulates PPARγ expression is of interest. Thus, for the first part of this thesis, I characterized the signaling pathways utilized by MAP4K4 to regulate PPARγ expression in cultured adipocytes. Here I show that MAP4K4 regulates PPARγ expression through regulation of its protein translation. siRNA mediated MAP4K4 gene silencing stimulated PPARγ protein synthesis without changing its mRNA transcription or its protein degradation. This increase in PPARγ protein translation was due to an increase in the activity of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). The increase in PPARγ protein expression mediated by mTOR activation was a specific effect of the 4E-BP1 phosphorylation that leads to its inactivation and was not a general increase in mTOR activity towards all of its substrates. Finally, adenovirus mediated over expression of MAP4K4 inhibited mTOR activation, and suppressed PPARγ protein translation.
For the second part of this thesis, I assessed the role of MAP4K4 in adipocytes in vivo. To accomplish this, a lentivirus mediated shRNA construct was generated to attenuate MAP4K4 expression selectively in the mouse adipose tissue. First we demonstrate that the MAP4K4 shRNA construct is able to efficiently silence the expression of MAP4K4 in vitro when co-expressed with Cre recombinase. Furthermore, we show that following modification of the lentiviral conditional vector that was introduced into a mouse embryo at one cell stage, and crossing the resulting founders with aP2-Cre mice, adipose tissue specific MAP4K4 gene silencing was achieved. Moreover, shRNA mediated gene silencing is a faster and an inexpensive means of achieving tissue specific gene knockdown relative to the available traditional gene knockout approaches.
Utilizing these adipose specific MAP4K4 gene knockdown mice, I reveal that MAP4K4 silencing enhanced fat mass as well as PPARγ expression significantly. This is accompanied by improved whole body insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, when challenged with high fat diet, adipose-specific MAP4K4 silenced mice exhibit enhanced adiposity with decreased lean mass. Moreover, adipocyte cell size and triglyceride content are significantly increased. Interestingly, despite increased adiposity, hepatic insulin sensitivity is significantly improved leading to decreased glucose output. Thus MAP4K4 is an important regulator of adipocyte function that mediates whole body glucose homeostasis, through a mechanism that is yet to be identified.
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