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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Setor de serviços e dinâmica econômica regional no Estado da Bahia

Silva das Almas, Rondinaldo 23 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a dinâmica econômica proporcionada pelo setor de serviços no estado da Bahia com base na hierarquia dos municípios em termos das variáveis relacionadas a estas atividades e da concentração de população urbana. De maneira secundária, buscou identificar padrões espaciais no âmbito dos municípios e correlação entre as atividades de serviços e industriais, identificando, também, as atividades de serviços induzidas e indutoras do desenvolvimento, bem como a sua dinâmica em termos do crescimento e especialização nos municípios. Utilizou-se como bases teóricas principais a teoria dos lugares centrais, a teoria dos polos de crescimento e a teoria da base de exportação, além das teorias da dinâmica econômica urbana e as características peculiares dos setores de serviços para mostrar a conformação hierárquica e espacial dos municípios baianos quanto às variáveis em análise. Foram utilizados métodos de análise regional a fim de observar a especialização (e consequente perfil de exportação) e a polarização exercida pelos principais municípios do estado, especificamente o Quociente Locacional (QL) e Índice de Terciarização Ajustado (IT Ajust). Alternativamente, mas ao mesmo tempo em complemento e reforço aos resultados da utilização dos métodos anteriores, o trabalho usou a análise fatorial (AF), identificando correlações entre as varáveis que permitiram agrupa-las segundo a sua similaridade, quando se constatou complementaridade entre as atividades industriais e de serviços. Em consequência do uso deste método, foi construído um ranking dos municípios do estado em termos do seu potencial de desenvolvimento urbano/serviços que ratificou os resultados principais advindos no uso do QL e do IT Ajust, quais sejam, a estreita relação entre a dinâmica das atividades de serviços, a sua concentração (especialização), sua capacidade polarizadora e o uso de variáveis em conjunto que possibilitaram a criação do ranking mencionado, destacadamente aquelas relacionadas à dinâmica urbana e populacional. Ao ranquear os principais municípios, este trabalho também os utilizou como referência a fim de verificar o perfil dos subsetores de serviços quanto à sua dinâmica (ou tendência a esta) e estagnação (ou tendência a esta) bem como a configuração econômica e espacial dos municípios que apresentaram dinâmica nos subsetores induzidos e indutores do desenvolvimento, concluindo que os primeiros estão localizados, principalmente, nos municípios de maior potencial de desenvolvimento urbano/serviços. Para alcançar estes objetivos, foi utilizado o método diferencial-estrutural (shift-share). Assim, verificou-se que os municípios que apresentaram melhor posição no ranking concentram a maior parte dos serviços indutores do desenvolvimento, dotados de maior intensidade no uso de capital e tecnologias. / The objective of this study was to estimate the economic dynamics provided by the services sector in the state of Bahia. The study is based on the ranking of municipalities in terms of relating variables to these activities and the concentration of urban population. Secondarily, the spatial patterns within the municipalities and correlation between the industrial and service activities were identify. The activities of induced and inducing development services as well as its dynamics in terms of growth and specialization in cities also were identified. The main theoretical bases used was the central place theory, the theory of growth poles and export base theory. Furthermore, the theories of urban economic dynamics and the unique characteristics of services sectors were used to show the hierarchical and spatial conformation of the municipalities in the State of Bahia, regarding the variables under consideration. Regional analysis methods were used to observe the specialization (and consequent export profile) and polarization exerted by the major cities of the state. The Locational Quotient (QL) and Tertiarization Adjusted Index were calculated (IT Adj). Alternatively and at the same time to support and strength the results from the above methods, the work used the factor analysis (FA) to identify correlations between variables that allowed grouping them according to their similarity, because of the complementarities among industrial and service activities sectors. As a result of using this method, we built a ranking of municipalities in the state of Bahia in terms of its potential for urban development/services that have ratified key results arising in the use of QL and IT Adj. Namely, the ranking reflects the close relationship between the dynamics of service activities, its concentration (specialization), their polarizing capacity and use of variables together that enabled the creation of the rank mentioned, notably those related to urban and population dynamics. To rank the major cities, this study also used them as a reference to check the profile of the service subsectors for their dynamic (or trend) and stagnation (or trend) as well as the economic and spatial configuration of the municipalities showed that the induced dynamic subsectors and are inducers to development. The conclusion was that the former are mainly located in the municipalities of greater potential for urban/services development. To achieve these goals, the shift-share method was used. Thus, it was found that municipalities that showed higher ranking concentrate most of inducing development services, with more intensity in the use of capital and technology.

Coral reef ecosystem services economic valuation experiences from the South Pacific

Pascal, Nicolas 11 November 2013 (has links)
Economic approaches through ecosystem services (ES) valuation are increasingly recommended by conservation organisations to face main market externalities affecting biodiversity in general and coral reef ecosystems. In this dissertation, we will analyse the experience of two economic valuations of coral reef ecosystems in the Pacific focusing on two aspects. The first is to evaluate if current methods of Coral Reef Ecosystem Services Valuation (CRESV) permits to transmit a correct signal about ES and the second is to assess the impacts of results on policy-making and market externalities. The first study is the economic valuation of the coral reef ecosystems of New Caledonia. Financed by French Ministries of Environment and Oversea Territories, the main objective was to make visible the value of this ecosystem in the economy of the territory. The second one is a cost-benefit analysis of Marine Protected Areas in Vanuatu. Required by the French Development Bank, the aim was to realize an ex-post valuation of the impacts of marine biodiversity conservation on the economic development of the implicated villages and other stakeholders. More precisely, MPA impacts on the ES were quantified, total costs linked to each MPA were calculated and the C-B (Cost-Benefit) ratio and RoI (Return-on-Investment) were computed. More than 10 ecosystem services have been analysed with methods mainly based on financial values through producer surplus and avoided damage costs. Applied methods are classic ones with some improvements and originality such as the use of protein content equivalent for subsistence fishery, the larval stomach content to quantify links between reef ecosystem and pelagic fisheries, the application of the Advertising Image Analysis to tune the role of CR in the tourism motivation, the setup of experimental fishery to determine precise improvements in fishery productivity and the adaptation of a bio-physical model for coastal protection ES. Results in New Caledonia have permitted to make visible a contribution comprised between 195 and 330 M!.y-1 highlighting the importance of the coastal protection, the noncommercial fishery and the underwater tourism. In Vanuatu, for donors and local policymakers, we demonstrated that, after at least 6 years of MPA implementation, all RoI except one were above 0, implying that financial benefits exceed costs. Based on a 25-year project life, the average expected C-B ratios was 4.1. We estimate the mean aggregate economic value of MPA impacts to be approximately US$ 44,000 per year per km2. Tourism ES were the largest estimated effect for all MPAs, despite stark differences in tourism development across sites. Impacts on tourism were followed by impacts on fish productivity. CRESV in the South Pacific context are complex exercises, which face a series of specific challenges to transmit a "right" signal about their importance. Some solutions have been proposed and discussed. The results of the 2 reports have mostly been used for "informative" purposes by public organisations and support in an ex-ante decision has been scarce. Different reasons are advanced to explain this lower than expected impact such as the lack of precise definition of the decision making question and the absence of a clear strategy of communication to different audiences. The next step to improve the application of information produced by CRESVs is to directly inform public decisions, play a role in designing instruments such as PES, and be utilised in local development planning. In parallel, the financial approach of ESV can bring concrete information about potential returns for private sources of financing for conservation. Funds such as impact investment may be attracted by the MPA¿s financial ratios as the business case for Vanuatu was convincingly made.

Factores que determinan la calidad del servicio de la enseñanza universitaria

Arrieta Quispe, María del Carmen 15 June 2015 (has links)
Llegida a la Universitat Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas / The following doctoral thesis, through qualitative research, develops a case study conducted among students and graduates from the Business Administration and Finance major at UPC (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas). Since both groups are consumers of the school teaching services, the study determines the key factors related to service quality and compares the results between them in order to analyze its similarities and differences. The purpose of the current study is to improve available models of service quality analysis in higher education. After an exhaustive review in the state of the art literature, a case study has been selected to conduct a comprehensive qualitative analysis in order to identify the key factors in college teaching service quality. The research has been extended to include the group of graduates, which has not been address in other work, providing a source to measure not only the quality of the process but also the result of the provided service. / La presente tesis doctoral, a través de un estudio cualitativo de caso realizado a estudiantes y graduados de la carrera de Administración y Finanzas de la UPC (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas), consumidores del servicio de la enseñanza universitaria, identifica, en opiniones de ambos, cuáles son los factores que determinan la calidad del servicio de la misma, haciendo además un estudio comparativo entre los dos, para analizar las semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos. El objetivo de la tesis es mejorar los modelos de análisis de la calidad del servicio de la enseñanza universitaria, después de un detallado estudio del estado de la cuestión. Siguiendo la metodología del caso se realiza un análisis cualitativo exhaustivo y profundo para poder identificar, de la manera más ajustada posible, los determinantes de la calidad del servicio de la enseñanza universitaria, y amplía además el estudio al grupo de los graduados, grupo que no había sido antes incluido en dicha identificación, de manera que los resultados garantizan la posibilidad de poder medir no solo la calidad del proceso, sino también la calidad del resultado del servicio mencionado

European chemical industry and its innovation policy with focus on large chemical companies

Das, Supriyo 15 June 2015 (has links)
La indústria química és un dels sectors productius on major i més àmpliament s'apliquen recursos d'I + D de totes les economies avançades. A més, la indústria química europea abasteix virtualment a tots els sectors de l'economia i representa un 17,8% de les vendes totals de productes químics en el món. Aquesta tesi doctoral ofereix una visió general del panorama industrial químic europeu així com de l'escenari canviant de la indústria química a nivell mundial. La investigació es centra en l'anàlisi de les dinou empreses químiques europees principals per oferir una idea sobre els problemes actuals als què s'enfronta el sector a Europa, especialment després de tenir lloc la crisi econòmica i mostrant com Europa i les pròpies empreses de referència estan invertint en I + D com a forma de superar els reptes actuals. La investigació mostra que la despesa en I + D al sector químic ha estat igual en els últims anys i és encara el major inversor de totes les activitats d'I + D. En termes d'inversió en I + D, BASF és l'empresa que ha realitzat més inversió, seguida de Bayer i Syngenta; encara que si s'analitza la intensitat de la inversió ha estat més gran en Syngenta i Bayer. BASF i Bayer són les empreses líders en l'aplicació de patents així com en el nombre de patents concedides. La qualitat de la recerca en el cas de les empreses químiques és molt alta. La majoria de les grans empreses europees realitzen la seva primera aplicació de patents a Europa, comparades amb la d’altres localitzacions geogràfiques. Totes les empreses químiques més importants estan utilitzant Merger & Acquisition (M & A) per accedir a la innovació. La col·laboració empresa-universitat és també una forma de generar innovació en la indústria química a Europa. La investigació també mostra que la regulació REACH està tenint un efecte negatiu en l'àrea d'innovació en la indústria química europea. Els clústers químics i la distribució geogràfica de les empreses químiques juguen igualment un paper significatiu en la generació de la innovació. / La industria química es uno de los sectores productivos donde mayor y más ampliamente se aplican recursos de I+D en todas las economías avanzadas. Además, la industria química europea abastece virtualmente a todos los sectores de la economía y representa un 17,8% de las ventas totales de productos químicos en el mundo. Esta tesis doctoral ofrece una visión general del panorama industrial químico europeo así como del escenario cambiante de la industria química a nivel mundial. La investigación se centra en el análisis de las diecinueve empresas químicas principales europeas para ofrecer una idea sobre los problemas actuales a los que se enfrenta el sector en Europa, especialmente después de tener lugar la crisis económica y mostrando cómo Europa y las propias empresas de referencia están invirtiendo en I+D como forma de superar los retos actuales. La investigación muestra que el gasto en I+D en el sector químico ha permanecido igual en los últimos años y es aún el mayor inversor de todas las actividades de I+D. En términos de inversión en I+D, BASF es la empresa que ha realizado mayor inversión, seguida de Bayer y Syngenta; aunque si se analiza la intensidad de la inversión ha sido mayor en Syngenta y Bayer. BASF y Bayer son las empresas líderes en la aplicación de patentes así como en el número de patentes concedidas. La calidad de la investigación en el caso de las empresas químicas es muy alta. La mayoría de las grandes empresas europeas realizan su primera aplicación de patentes en Europa, comparadas con otras localizaciones geográficas. Todas las empresas químicas más importantes están utilizando Merger & Acquisition (M&A) para tener acceso a la innovación. La colaboración empresa-universidad es también una forma de generar innovación en la industria química en Europa. La investigación también muestra que la regulación REACH está teniendo un efecto negativo en el área de innovación en la industria química europea. Los clústeres químicos y la distribución geográfica de las empresas químicas juegan igualmente un rol significativo en la generación de la innovación. / The chemical industry is one of the largest and most R&D- intensive manufacturing sectors in all advanced economies and European chemical industry supplies virtually all sectors of the economy and accounts for 17.8 % of the total chemical sales in the world. This thesis gives an overview of the European chemical industry and the changing scenario of the world chemical industry. The study focusses on the top nineteen chemical companies of this region. It gives an idea about the current problems this industry is facing in Europe especially after the economic crisis and shows how the region and the top companies are investing in R&D to bring innovation to overcome the current challenges. It shows that the R&D spending in this industry in absolute term has remained similar over the years and it is still globally the largest investor for the R&D activities. In terms of R&D Investment, BASF has been making the largest investment followed by Bayer and Syngenta while the R&D intensity is highest for Syngenta and Bayer. BASF and Bayer are the leader in patent application and number of granted patent. The quality of research in case of most chemical companies is very high. Most of the large European company makes their first patent application in Europe compared to other Geographical location. All the large chemical companies are using Merger & Acquisition (M&A) to gain access to innovation. Industry-academia collaboration is a way to generate innovation in chemical industry in Europe. The study also shows that REACH regulation is having a negative impact on innovation in European chemical industry. Chemical clusters and geographical distribution of the chemical companies play a significant role in generating innovation.

Competition and Regulation in the Retail Broadband Sector: a Holistic Approach for Pricing Policies

Martínez Santos, Fernando 07 July 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses the pricing policies used by operators when they establish broadband tariffs. The studies draw on datasets that combine broadband plans’ characteristics and tariffs with other sources of data at country level to reflect the market structure and regulation activity. The pricing models in this dissertation share the common thread of using three groups of variables to explain the level of broadband prices: 1- the characteristics of the broadband service, 2- the operators’ commercial strategies, and 3- the market structure and regulatory policies implemented. The pricing models are estimated using the following econometric techniques: pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) with country and time fixed effects, and two stage least squares (2SLS, instrumental variable techniques). The level of broadband prices concerns both national governments and international organisations, and this dissertation contributes to provide some guidance to regulators and competition authorities, helping them in the implementation of policies so as to foster competition in the market and ultimately stimulate the diffusion of broadband services. The first thesis chapter analyses the determinants of broadband Internet access prices in a group of 15 EU countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a rich panel data set of broadband plans, it is shown how downstream speed (Mbps) increases prices, and that the price per Mbps of cable modem and fibre technologies is lower than that of xDSL. Operators’ marketing strategies are also analysed as it is shown how much prices rise when the broadband service is offered in a bundle with voice telephony and/or television, and how much they fall when download volume caps are included. The most insightful results of this study are provided by a group of metrics that represent the situation of competition and entry patterns in the broadband market. It is found that consumer segmentation positively affects prices. Moreover, broadband prices are higher in countries where entrants make greater use of bitstream access and lower in countries where there is an intensive use of direct access (local loop unbundling). However, there is not a significant impact of inter-platform competition on prices. The second chapter analyses the strategies adopted by mobile operators when they set the prices of broadband plans. It is explained that operators design multi-tier price schemes in order to segment consumers according to their preferences. Operators usually offer only a few unlimited usage contracts and three-part tariffs for data limited plans. In the later case, the tariff includes an access fee, a usage allowance (the number of GB that consumers can use for free), and a penalty system for the case in which consumers exceed the contracted allowance. The empirical model shows that the prices of usage based contracts are lower than those of unlimited contracts, and that the monthly price depends on the type of penalty included in the plan. The prices also depend on other characteristics of the service such as the provided technology, the download speed and the telephone call allowances. It is also explained that most plans bundle mobile broadband plans with smartphones. This type of plans last longer and might be more expensive than the plans that only include the SIM card. Specifically, it is shown that the monthly price of the broadband service is more expensive when the plan includes an iPhone or a Samsung. Moreover, it is found that the monthly prices are higher when the plan includes a discount for the acquisition of the smarthphone. Finally, this chapter also studies the effects of market structure and entry regulation on prices and shows that mobile virtual operators have helped to reduce prices. The third chapter studies the mobile broadband market in Spain. The mobile broadband service has experienced a strong expansion in Spain, reaching a penetration of over 70% of the population at the beginning of 2014. This growth can be explained by the benefits that offer the third and the fourth generation of mobile technology, and by the continuous price reductions. In spite of this, prices in Spain are still higher than the European average. This chapter explains the process of technological innovation that has allowed the emergence of mobile broadband, and its launch in Spain. New commercial strategies used by mobile operators, such as bundling and plans that include fixed and mobile services are examined. The analysis shows that the presence of mobile virtual network operators and bundling have been effective in fostering competition and reducing prices. It is also discussed how technological convergence between fixed and mobile services has promoted restructuring and market concentration.

Gestión de los costes en el sector ganadero porcino, La

Sabata, Anna 26 May 2008 (has links)
La presente tesis se enmarca en una propuesta de un modelo de tratamiento de costes para las explotaciones ganaderas porcinas, intensivas y de ciclo cerrado. A continuación exponemos de forma resumida el contenido de esta tesis:- En el Capitulo I desarrollamos un análisis general del sector. También se hace referencia al modelo de asignación de costes a fin de establecer el marco teórico-conceptual sobre el cual desarrollaremos nuestro trabajo.- En el Capítulo II explicamos con detalle todo el proceso productivo. Esta descripción, nos permite conocer con detalle todo el proceso hasta obtener el producto final que es el cerdo engordado. Antes de la descripción del mismo se definen las características del inmovilizado de una explotación ganadera porcina intensiva de ciclo cerrado, ya que uno de los aspectos más importantes es el inmovilizado semoviente existente en este sector el cual, no existe en el sector secundario y terciario. Posteriormente definimos el proceso productivo considerando que parte del mismo se puede externalizar. En todo el proceso productivo se generan subproductos y sus diferentes métodos de eliminación son descritos en este capítulo. - Conocidos los materiales, las instalaciones y la evolución del proceso productivo, en el Capítulo III, trataremos las clases de coste, proponiendo para cada una de ellas el criterio de valoración que consideramos mas adecuado. Dada las características de las empresas de este sector en algunas clases proponemos que se proceda a su estimación en términos de coste- oportunidad. - A partir de la estructura de la organización del proceso productivo, en el capítulo siguiente -Capítulo IV- proponemos un conjunto de lugares de trabajo, clasificándolos entre lugares principales y auxiliares según sea su intervención en el ciclo de explotación de la empresa. También se definen lugares "virtuales" que son necesarios para el análisis económico de la misma. Algunos de estos lugares virtuales son necesarios únicamente cuando la empresa externaliza una parte del proceso, mientras que otros son necesarios para el control de la propia explotación. La definición de todos estos lugares presenta una mejora en el análisis económico del sector respecto a los modelos utilizados actualmente al conseguir tener información a nivel de centro de coste que permite ayudar a tomar decisiones al empresario. También la creación de estos lugares permite a la explotación conseguir información técnica del proceso.A continuación se proponen las unidades de obra más adecuadas para las clases de coste que son indirectamente localizables en los lugares. Posteriormente, el coste localizado en los lugares auxiliares, se liquida a los lugares principales en la medida que corresponda a través de la determinación de la unidad de obra más adecuada para liquidar este lugar. - En el último capítulo teórico - Capítulo V - imputamos los costes de los diferentes lugares principales a los portadores de coste. En las diferentes fases del proceso productivo existen unidades en curso al principio y al final, aspecto a tener en cuenta para valorar el semielaborado o producto final, ya sea tanto por el tratamiento de las unidades equivalentes como las unidades potenciales que finalizarán el proceso. En este capítulo tratamos rigurosamente la imputación del coste de los subproductos.- En el Capítulo VI desarrollamos la aplicación práctica con el modelo de costes propuesto a partir de la información facilitada por una explotación ganadera porcina de ciclo cerrado. Se aplican todos los aspectos teóricos desarrollados en los capítulos anteriores para poder constatar que el modelo resulta útil para este sector. A partir de la determinación del coste unitario de producción se realizará un análisis final del resultado. / This work is in line with a proposal of a model of cost treatment for pig farms of intensive and closed-cycle, that is, farms that develop the breeding and fattening of animals. In particular we will apply a complete model of costs and an organic system. First of all, we will talk about the different types of cost, proposing for each one the criteria of assessment that fits better. Consequently, we will propose a group of work places, classifying them as main or auxiliary jobs depending on their intervention in the cycle of the farm. Some "virtual" places are also defined because are necessary for the economic analysis of the farm. Some of these virtual places are only necessary when the business outsource part of the process, while others are needed for the farm own control. The definition of all these places represents an improvement on the economic analysis of the sector in relation to the models use nowadays because it obtains information at cost centre level that helps the owner in the process of decision making. Also the establishment of these places allows the farm to obtain technical information of the process. After that the better units of work are proposed for the different types of cost that are indirectly found in the places. Subsequently, the cost found in the auxiliary places is settled to the main ones in its correspondent extent through the decision of the better unit of work to settle this place. Finally, we assign the costs of the different main places to the holders of the cost. In the different phases of the productive process there are units in course at the beginning and at the end, this aspect has to be considered in order to evaluate the semi elaborated or final product, not only for the treatment of the equivalent units but also for the potential ones that will end the process. The holders are also proposed when some phases of the productive process are developed outsource. All this theory is reflected in the development of a practical application.

Estratègies de finançament dels municipis turístics i competitivitat: el cas dels municipis catalans

Ruiz García, Ernest 23 July 2010 (has links)
La problemàtica del finançament dels municipis turístics és un assumpte present en el món local des de fa anys, tot i que no ha trobat una adequada resposta. Aquest treball pretén avaluar si les finances locals representen un problema per l'activitat turística i quines serien les possibles solucions. L'estudi de les característiques dels municipis turístics permet constatar les importants repercussions sobre el territori que comporta la gran concentració geogràfica del turisme, com el ràpid creixement demogràfic d'aquest municipis i un important augment dels habitatges. Dels resultats de la investigació es desprèn que els municipis turístics no tenen ni unes despeses, ni uns ingressos per càpita superiors als dels no turístics. Conseqüentment, tampoc presenten problemes de dèficit especials. El que es produeix és una redistribució interna de la despesa en perjudici de la despesa amb una baixa vinculació amb el turisme, que bàsicament té per destinatària la població resident / The problem concerning the funding of tourist destinations has been a problem which has been present at a local level for many years, without a satisfactory answer. This thesis has as its objective to evaluate if local funding represents a problem for tourism and what could constitute possible solutions. The study of the characteristics of tourist destinations allows one to perceive that the important geographical concentration of tourism results in important collateral effects on the territory such as a rapid increase in population, a growth in the number of households. The research throws light on the fact that a tourist resort has neither higher costs nor higher income per capita in comparison to non-touristic towns and cities. Consequently, they do not present specific problems of deficit. However what does appear is an internal redistribution of costs to the detriment of local budgetary needs not neccesarily linked to tourism but rather to those destined to the local population.

Avaliação dos impactos socioeconômicos do turismo na região metropolitana de Fortaleza (Ceará-Brasil)

Rabelo Bastos, Claudio 17 October 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho de investigação analisa o modelo turístico da cidade de Fortaleza, capital do estado do Ceará (Brasil) e pretende alcançar os seguintes objetivos: em primeiro lugar elaborar um marco teórico de referência que possibilite a mensuração dos impactos do turismo nos campos econômico e sócio-cultural; em segundo lugar, mensurar a percepção dos impactos sóciocultural e econômicos decorrentes do aumento da demanda turística na cidade e na região; finalmente, determinar o nível de competitividade da oferta turística de Fortaleza. Para atingir estes objetivos seguiu a seguinte metodologia: revisão da bibliografia existente sobre o tema, pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas e questionários com turistas, residentes e gestores do turismo local (Trade Turístico), e finalmente, a realização de testes de hipótese. O tratamento dos dados qualitativos e quantitativos foi realizado através do método misto e da triangulação dos resultados obtidos nos questionários e entrevistas. O ponto de partida da investigação foi identificar as categorias dos agentes intervenientes, as pressões que influenciam na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e na competitividade do destino no contexto nacional e internacional. A metodologia desenvolvida se inspira nas obras de Krippendorf (1984); Mahielson e Wall (1982); e Slootweeg, Vanclay e Schooten (2003). O modelo teórico proposto avalia a percepção dos impactos provocados pelo fluxo turístico, seus reflexos sobre a produção local dos serviços turísticos, sua incidência na qualidade de vida dos residentes e no grau de competitividade dos produtos comercializados em Fortaleza. O estudo detecta que o maior obstáculo à competitividade local se constitui nas deficiências atribuídas ao modelo de governo que leva a um uso indevido dos recursos, a criação das de mazelas sociais, e deterioração da qualidade de vida de seus cidadãos. Confirma-se a hipótese de que Fortaleza, apesar de possuir alto potencial para o desenvolvimento turístico, não é capaz de transformar seus recursos e ativos em vantagens comparativas para competir internacionalmente de modo satisfatório. Assim mesmo, a região do Ceará começa a perceber os efeitos do crescimento do turismo e que estes são sentidos heterogeneamente pelos residentes, seja por nível educacional, de renda ou espacial. Destaca-se também que as maiores pressões foram percebidas no nível intra-institucional e não entre turistas e residentes como se pensava. Os turistas, residentes e o trade apresentaram diversas sugestões de melhoria a posição de Fortaleza como destino, que representam uma ferramenta a ser utilizada para a melhoria da gestão pública-privada (governança). / Este trabajo de investigación analiza el modelo turístico de la ciudad de Fortaleza, capital del estado de Ceará (Brasil) y persigue alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: en primer lugar elaborar un marco teórico de referencia que posibilite la medición de los impactos del turismo en los campos económico y socio-cultural; en segundo lugar, evaluar la percepción por parte de la población local de los impactos socioculturales y económicos derivados de la creciente demanda turística en la ciudad y la región; finalmente, determinar el nivel de competitividad de la oferta turística de Fortaleza. Para lograr estos objetivos se siguió la metodología siguiente: revisión de la bibliografía existente sobre el tema; investigación de campo a través de entrevistas y encuestas a los turistas, los residentes y los gestores del turismo local y, finalmente, la realización de pruebas de hipótesis. El tratamiento de los datos cualitativos y cuantitativos obtenidos se realizó mediante el método mixto de la triangulación de los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas. Los supuestos de partida de la investigación son identificar las categorías de agentes intervinientes, las presiones que influyen en la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos y la competitividad de destino en el contexto nacional e internacional. La metodología desarrollada se inspira en las obras de Krippendorf (1984); Mahielson y Wall (1982) y Slootweeg, Vanclay y Schooten (2003). El modelo teórico propuesto evalúa la percepción de los impactos causados por el flujo turístico, sus efectos sobre la producción local de servicios turísticos, su incidencia en la calidad de vida de los residentes y el grado de competitividad de los productos que se comercializan en Fortaleza. El estudio detecta que el mayor obstáculo para la competitividad del destino proviene de las deficiencias del modelo de gobierno que conlleva un uso indebido de los recursos, la creación de diferencias sociales y el deterioro de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Ello confirma la hipótesis que Fortaleza, a pesar de tener un alto potencial de desarrollo turístico no es capaz de transformar sus recursos y activos en ventajas comparativas que le permitan competir a nivel internacional de una manera satisfactoria. Asimismo, la región de Ceará empieza a notar los efectos del crecimiento del turismo y que éstos son percibidos por la ciudadanía de forma heterogénea, ya sea por el nivel educativo de ingresos o por el lugar de residencia. Cabe destacar que las tensiones más altas se detectan más a nivel institucional que entre los turistas y los residentes. Los turistas, los residentes y el comercio local aportan numerosas sugerencias para mejorar la posición de Fortaleza como destino, que representan una herramienta que puede utilizarse para mejorar la gestión turística.

The impact of immigration on health, longevity and dependency of the elderly in the Spanish and European population / L'impacte de la immigració en salut, longevitat i dependència de la població d'edat avançada a Espanya i Europa

Solé i Auró, Aïda 17 September 2009 (has links)
a) Scenarios for the impact of immigration on longevity and dependency of the elderly in the Spanish populationThe composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. We find a bound for the change in magnitude of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability when the population of foreign residents is taken into account. For this population there is no information about the mortality experience and the disability prevalence. With data from the Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status from 1999, we can estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data come are taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute (INE) and the WHO. We adapt Sullivan's method to the case of two different populations and we establish possible scenarios. The differences between the mortality table that has been estimated for the foreign resident population and the Spanish mortality table are apparent and they are more evident for women. At 65 year of age in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population is not considered. Our scenarios reveal that the impact on the calculation of in life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is of moderate size.b) Health Indicators and the use of medical services on the foreign-born population resident in Catalonia.This paper examines health differences in Catalonia for those individuals who were born in another country compared to the native population, in seven health districts. Data come from the Survey of Health in Catalonia 2006 for people aged 15 or above. Logistic regression is used to examine the effect of foreign origin on health indicators and the use of medical services, controlled by sex, age, level of education, presence of chronic diseases and social status. No significant differences in the presence of chronic diseases, smoking behaviour and overweight are found. We observe that residents who were born in another country have a lower health perception that those born in Spain. They also have less private health insurance coverage; they are more prone to use emergency services and tend to visit the usual primary care physician than their native analogues. No evidence is found of differences between the two populations when considering visits to any primary physician. The comparative behaviour of the foreign born population when compared to the native population is analogous, when using controls. The higher likelihood to visit the usual primary physician by the foreign born population could be explained by a lower private insurance coverage for this group.c) Health of Immigrants in European countriesThe health of older immigrants can have important consequences for needed social support and demands placed on health systems. This paper examines health differences between immigrants and the native-born populations aged 50 years and older in 11 European countries. We examine differences in functional ability, disability, disease presence and behavioural risk factors, for immigrants and non-immigrants using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) database. Among the 11 European countries, migrants generally have worse health than the native population. In these countries, there is a little evidence of the "healthy migrant" at ages 50 years and over. In general, it appears that growing numbers of immigrants may portend more health problems in the population in subsequent years.d) Gender Differences in Health in 11 European Countries: Results from SHAREWe examine gender differences in health in 11 European countries. It is not clear if differences between men and women in multiple dimensions of health are the same across countries. We use the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) with a sample of 27,444 persons (ages 50+) across the 11 countries. We examine how health behaviours, the presence of functioning problems, disease prevalence, self-rated health, and health care utilization, differ for men and women in multiple countries. We also examine how gender differences in self-rated health are mediated by differences in functioning and disease. There are similarities in gender differences in health across these countries. Men are more likely than women to be overweight and to be current smokers; while women are more likely to report having recently seen or talked to a doctor. Functioning problems and IADL difficulties are more prevalent among women across all countries; the presence of ADL difficulties does not differ by gender in many countries. Hypertension and arthritis are also more common among women; while heart disease is more common among men. Other diseases do not consistently differ by gender. While subjective assessment of health is poorer among women, part of this difference is due to women being older and having more functioning problems. While women have worse functioning and more disability than men; we cannot generalize that women's health is worse than men's. Some diseases are more prevalent among men. Gender differences in health depend on the dimensions studied.KEYWORDS: Immigration, Health economics, Life expectancy, Health care usage, Count data models / L'objectiu de la tesi doctoral era examinar tendències en l'impacte de la salut, la utilització dels serveis sanitaris, la longevitat i les cures de llarga durada de la población adulta d'Europa i d'Espanya, en particular. En general, s'estudien les diferències en diverses dimensions de salut per gènere, i també les diferències en salut i ús de serveis mèdics entre immigrants i no immigrants adults en onze països europeus. Per últim, s'estudien els possibles canvis en l'esperança de vida i la dependència deguts a l'impacte de la immigració dels últims anys a Espanya.L'envelliment és un fenomen conegut en moltes societats, i dia rere dia es fa més evident, ja que és palpable un increment en la proporció de població adulta en les últimes dècades, especialment a Europa, on el percentatge d'aquest col·lectiu és generalment més gran que a la resta del món, i on els increments de la població adulta en relació amb la població activa són notables. Les principals causes de l'envelliment de la població es poden englobar en tres parts: una esperança de vida més llarga, un decreixement del nombre de naixements i el fenomen de la immigració. Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en el paper de la immigració i la població adulta que viu a Espanya i en 11 països europeus:(1) Analitza les diferències de gènere en salut dels individus de 50 i més anys en 11 països d'Europa, explicant com els comportaments de salut, la presència de problemes funcionals, la prevalença de malalties, l'autopercepció de la salut, i la utilització de serveis mèdics difereixen entre homes i dones en múltiples països;(2) S'examinen les diferències de salut entre immigrants i no immigrants de 50 i més anys d'edat en 11 països europeus. Les diferències en salut examinades són les habilitats funcionals, discapacitats, la presència de malalties i el comportament de factors de risc.(3) S'analitza la utilització dels serveis mèdics dels immigrants i es compara amb la població nativa de 50 i més anys d'edat i en múltiples països europeus. Particularment, s'explica com difereix el nombre esperat de visites al metge, al metge de capçalera o les visites a l'hospital entre els dos grups; i per últim(4) S'estudia l'efecte de l'entrada massiva d'estrangers residents a Espanya en els últims anys en el càlcul de l'esperança de vida lliure de discapacitat i l'esperança de vida en discapacitat.

Sostenibilidad económica municipal de los crecimientos y servicios urbanos asociados al planeamiento urbanístico

Garrido Jiménez, Francisco Javier 05 July 2013 (has links)
El constante crecimiento de la urbanización de las ciudades hace necesaria una continua expansión de los servicios públicos municipales hacia las zonas recién urbanizadas. El coste del mantenimiento de las infraestructuras o servicios urbanos asociados está asociado a la distribución de los viales y espacios libres. Por ello la forma urbana afecta a la morfología de los elementos físicos del servicio, y por tanto incide sobre su balance económico de explotación. Dado que la estructura de la ciudad y particularmente la de sus espacios públicos es muy rígida en el tiempo, tiene gran trascendencia el adecuado conocimiento de las relaciones que vinculan la ordenación urbanística de un ámbito con los futuros ingresos y gastos generados en la gestión de los servicios públicos asociados. Con objeto de definir y cuantificar estos nexos de unión entre urbanismo y Haciendas Locales, se ha procedido a seleccionar de entre todas las competencias municipales aquellas relacionadas con el territorio. Globalmente se ha obtenido que, de media, el 41% de los ingresos y el 28% de los gastos corrientes del municipio se destinan a servicios íntimamente ligados a la ordenación urbanística. En un segundo nivel de escala, se ha analizado el rol de cada una de las variables urbanísticas con incidencia en el balance económico de explotación de los servicios públicos municipales en zonas residenciales. Se ha encontrado que la edificabilidad, el valor de las propiedades y la densidad de viviendas serían los determinantes urbanísticos de los ingresos municipales, mientras que la eficiencia lineal, la eficiencia superficial y la densidad lo serían en el paso de los gastos. A partir de las variables anteriores se han podido estimar las funciones de ingreso y de gasto corriente municipal para zonas de nuevo desarrollo, así como los umbrales urbanísticos de la sostenibilidad económica de los nuevos crecimientos urbanísticos. Finalmente, se ha estudiado la elasticidad del balance económico municipal en los nuevos sectores urbanizados frente a la existencia de parcelas sin edificar, viviendas vacías y segundas residencias, observándose que todas las situaciones anteriores pueden derivar en enormes variaciones de ingresos y gastos sobre los teóricos previstos. / El constant creixement de la urbanització de les ciutats fa necessària una contínua expansió dels serveis públics municipals cap a les zones recentment urbanitzades. El cost del manteniment de les infraestructures o serveis urbans associats està associat a la distribució dels vials i espais lliures. Per això la forma urbana afecta a la morfologia dels elements físics del servei, i per tant incideix sobre el seu balanç econòmic d'explotació. Atès que l'estructura de la ciutat i particularment la dels seus espais públics és molt rígida en el temps, té gran transcendència l'adequat coneixement de les relacions que vinculen l'ordenació urbanística d'un àmbit amb els futurs ingressos i despeses generades en la gestió dels serveis públics associats. A fi de definir i quantificar aquests nexes d'unió entre urbanisme i Hisendes Locals, s'ha procedit a seleccionar d'entre totes les competències municipals aquelles relacionades amb el territori. Globalment s'ha obtingut que, de mitjana, el 41% dels ingressos i el 28% de les despeses corrents del municipi es destinen a serveis íntimament lligats a l'ordenació urbanística. En un segon nivell d'escala, s'ha analitzat el rol de cadascuna de les variables urbanístiques amb incidència en el balanç econòmic d'explotació dels serveis públics municipals en zones residencials. S'ha trobat que l'edificabilitat, el valor de les propietats i la densitat d'habitatges serien els determinants urbanístics dels ingressos municipals, mentre que l'eficiència lineal, l'eficiència superficial i la densitat ho serien en el cas de les despeses. A partir de les variables anteriors s'han pogut estimar les funcions d'ingrés i de despesa corrent municipal per a zones de nou desenvolupament, així com els llindars urbanístics de la sostenibilitat econòmica dels nous creixements urbanístics. Finalment, s'ha estudiat l'elasticitat del balanç econòmic municipal en els nous sectors urbanitzats enfront de l'existència de parcel·les sense edificar, habitatges buits i segones residències, observant-se que totes les situacions anteriors poden derivar en enormes variacions d'ingressos i despeses sobre els teòrics previstos. / The steady urban growth in cities calls for a continued expansion of municipal services to newly urbanized areas. The cost of infrastructure maintenance and associated urban services is closely related to the distribution of roads and open spaces. Therefore urban form affects the morphology of the physical elements of the service and therefore affects its operating economic balance. Since the structure of the city, and particularly its public spaces, is very rigid over time, it is of great significance to have an adequate knowledge of the relationship linking the urban planning of an area with future income and expenses arising from the management of associated utilities. In order to define and quantify these links between urban planning and local budget, we have selected from all municipal powers only those related to physical territory. Overall it was shown that, on average, 41% of revenues and 28% of the running costs of the municipality are for services closely linked to urban planning. On a secondary level, the role of each of the urban variables has been analyzed along with its impact on the economic balance of the exploitation of municipal utilities in residential areas. It has been found that buildability, property values and housing density are the urban determinants of municipal revenues, whereas the linear efficiency, open space efficiency and housing density are the determinants with respect to costs. From the above variables we have been able to estimate revenue from current expenditures for areas of new development as well as establish the urban thresholds of economic sustainability of new urban growth. Finally, the elasticity of the municipal economic balance in the newly urbanized areas has been studied, given the existence of undeveloped parcels, empty homes and second homes, noting that all the above situations can lead to huge variations of income and expenses expected on the theoretical predictions.

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