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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reuse of Phosphorus : - a key to sustainable food production

Dominius, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Ett växande problem i världen idag är att nå en hållbar matproduktion. Världens befolkning växer stadigt och miljontals människor lever på gränsen till svält. Fosfor är en icke-förnyelsebar resurs på jorden och ett av de näringsämnen jorden behöver för att ge bra avkastning. Fosfor förekommer i alla växter, djur och människor och kan återvinnas av naturen på egen hand. Ibland när människor och den moderna teknologin påverkar den naturliga cykeln så förändras den till ett öppet system där resurser överutnyttjas. I den här uppsatsen har fyra fallstudier från Sverige, Ghana, Thailand och Zimbabwe jämförts med fokus på hur organiskt hushållsavfall hanteras i de olika länderna. Resultatet visar inte på några större skillnader mellan utvecklingsländer och industrialiserade länder, vilket kan bero på tillgänglig data. Alla länder i studien har förutsättningar att använda sig av olika återvinningsmetoder av organiskt avfall, både med och utan exkrementer. Genom att använda olika tekniska lösningar, som exempelvis rötning och olika typer av kompostering, kan förlusterna av fosfor minskas ordentligt. Ofta kostar teknik och den nödvändiga kunskapen pengar, men i många fall kan återvinning av organiskt avfall vara en ekonomisk vinst då mindre kemiska gödningsmedel behöver importeras. För att nå en hållbar matproduktion bör fosfor från alla olika utflöden användas; organiskt avfall (från kök och trädgård), avloppsvatten (från bad, kök och tvätt), och från exkrementer (urin och fekalier). / Sustainable food production is an important issue in a world with a rapidly growing population and millions of people living on the verge of starvation. Phosphorus is a non-renewable resource and one of the nutrients needed for soil to give good crop outcomes. Phosphorus is essential to all plants, animals and humans, and can be recycled by nature itself within the phosphorus cycle. Problems could arise when humans and modern technology interfere with this cycle and turn it into an open-ended system. In this thesis four case studies from Sweden, Ghana, Thailand and Zimbabwe are compared with focus on how organic waste is handled in the different countries. There results show no big differences between developing and developed countries. This might depend on the data used for the study. All countries show potential for using different recycling methods to increase the reuse of organic waste, both including and excluding excreta, but lacks technology and knowledge. By using technology, for example anaerobic digestion or composting, phosphorus losses could be reduced substantially. Technology costs money and needs knowledge, but in many cases these costs could probably be offset by not needing chemical fertilizers, or less of these. To reach a sustainable food production, phosphorus from all outflows needs to be considered for reuse: solid organic waste (food waste and garden waste), greywater (water from kitchen, bath and laundry) and excreta (urine and faeces).

Etude des propriétés physicochimiques des vecteurs nanoparticulaires

Banquy, Xavier 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse rapporte l’étude des propriétés physicochimiques des nanoparticles polymériques et leur impact sur l’interaction avec les cellules vivantes. Nous nous sommes tout spécialement attachés à étudier l’effet des propriétés adhésives et mécaniques des nanoparticules sur leur capacité de pénétration de la membrane cellulaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons tout d’abord utilisé des nanoparticules d’acide polylactique (PLA) fonctionnalisées en surface avec un ligand des sélectines E et P. Le greffage du ligand sur la particule s’est fait par une nouvelle méthode expérimentale garantissant la présence du ligand à la surface de la particule durant toute sa durée de vie. Cette méthode consiste à mélanger un polymère fonctionnalisé avec le ligand avec un autre polymère non fonctionnalisé. La présence du ligand à la surface des nanoparticules formées à partir de ce mélange de polymères a été confirmée par analyse ToF SIMS. Nous avons pu prouver que les particules possédant le ligand greffé à leur surface démontraient une capacité adhésive supérieure à leurs homologues non fonctionnalisés sur des cellules endothéliales HUVEC activées par différentes drogues. De plus, le captage des particules par les cellules HUVEC est modulé par le niveau d’expression des récepteurs selectine E et P et aussi par la quantité de ligand libre. Ces résultats montrent clairement que le greffage du ligand confère aux particules des propriétés adhésives accrues et spécifiques ce qui permet leur usage postérieure comme vecteur pharmaceutique capable de cibler un récepteur particulier à la surface d’une cellule. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’interaction entre les nanoparticules et la membrane cellulaire peut aussi être contrôlée aussi bien par les propriétés mécaniques de la cellule que de la nanoparticule. Dans une première étape, nous avons mesuré à l’aide de l’appareil de forces de surface l’élasticité de cellules macrophagiques déposées sur différents substrats. En contrôlant l’interaction entre la cellule et le substrat sur lequel elle repose nous avons montré qu’il était possible de modifier à ii volonté les propriétés mécaniques cellulaire. Une augmentation de l’élasticité cellulaire s’accompagne d’une augmentation systématique de l’internalisation de nanoparticules de PLA non fonctionnalisées. Ceci suggère un rôle prépondérant des propriétés mécaniques du cortex cellulaire dans le captage des nanoparticules de PLA. Dans une seconde étape, nous avons étudié l’effet des propriétés mécaniques des nanoparticules sur leur capacité de pénétration cellulaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons synthétisé des particules d’hydrogel dont l’élasticité était contrôlée par le degré d’agent réticulant inclus dans leur formulation. Le contrôle des propriétés mécaniques des nanoparticules a été confirmé par la mesure du module de Young des particules par microscopie de force atomique. L’impact des propriétés mécaniques de ces particules sur leur capacité de pénétration dans les cellules vivantes a été étudié sur des cellules macrophagiques de souris. Les résultats ont montré que la cinétique d’internalisation, la quantité de particules internalisées et le mécanisme d’internalisation dépendent tous du module de Young des nanoparticules. Aucune différence dans le trajet intracellulaire des particules n’a pu être observée malgré le fait que différentes voies d’internalisation aient été observées. Ce dernier résultat peut s’expliquer par le fait que les nanoparticules sont internalisées par plusieurs voie simultanément ce qui facilite leur accumulation dans les organelles digestives intracellulaires. Un modèle simple permettant d’expliquer ces résultats a été proposé et discuté. / This thesis reports the study of physical chemical properties of polymeric nanoparticles and their impact on the interaction with living cells. In particular we endeavoured to study the effect of the adhesive and mechanical properties of the vector on its capacity of penetration of the cellular membrane. With this intention, we firstly used nanoparticules of polylactic acid (PLA) functionalized on their surfaces with a ligand of the selectines E and P receptor. The grafting of the ligand on the particle’s surface was carried out thanks to a new experimental method guaranteeing the presence of the active molecule on the surface of the particle during its whole life cycle. This method consists in mixing a polymer functionalized with the ligand with another polymer not functionalized. The presence of the ligand on the surface of the nanoparticules formed starting from this mixture of polymers was confirmed by ToF SIMS analysis. We could show that the particles having the ligand grafted on their surface exhibit a higher adhesive capacity than their non-functionalized counterpart on endothelial cells HUVEC activated by various drugs. Nanoparticles adhesion on cells membrane was modulated by the level of expression of the receptors selectine E and P and also by the quantity of free ligand. These results show clearly that the functionalized particles possess all the characteristics of a pharmaceutical vector capable of targeting a particular receptor on a cell surface. The interaction between nanoparticules and cellular membrane can also be controlled by the mechanical properties of the cell as well as of the nanoparticule. To demonstrate it we have measured the elasticity of macrophagic cells deposited on various substrates using the SFA. We have thus showed that it was possible to control the cell mechanical properties at will by controlling the interaction between the cell and the substrate on which it rests. An increase of the cell elasticity is accompanied by an increase of the internalization of non-functionalized PLA nanoparticules. This suggests a major role of cytocortical mechanical properties in the capture of hard PLA particles. iv Lastly, we studied the effect of the mechanical properties of the nanoparticules on their cellular penetration capacity. With this intention, we synthesized hydrogel particles whose elasticity was controlled by the degree of crosslinking agent included in their formulation. The control of the mechanical properties of the nanoparticules was confirmed by the measurement of the Young modulus of the particles by AFM. The interaction of these particles with macrophagess showed that the mechanical properties of the particles affect various aspects related to the internalization of the nanoparticles. The internalization kinetics, the quantity of internalized particles and the mechanism of internalization depend all on the Young modulus of the nanoparticules. No differences in the intracellular pathway could be observed in spite of the fact that various pathways of internalization were observed for these nanoparticules. This last result can be explained by the fact that the nanoparticules are internalized by several mechanisms of simultaneously which facilitates their accumulation in intracellular digestive organelles. A simple model explaining these results is proposed and discussed.

A Comperative Assessment Of Available Methods For Seismic Performance Evaluation Of Buried Structures

Ozcebe, Ali Guney 01 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In the last three decades, seismic performance assessment of buried structures has evolved through the following stages : i) buried structures are not prone to seismically-induced damages, thus no need for detailed investigations, ii) eliminating soil-structure-earthquake interaction and use of seismically-induced free field ground deformations directly as the basis for seismic demand, thus producing conservative results, and finally iii) soil-structure and earthquake interaction models incorporating both kinematic and inertial interactions. As part of soil-structure and earthquake interacting models, simplified frame analysis established the state of practice and is widely used. Within the confines of this thesis, the results of simplified frame analysis based response of buried structures are compared with those of 2-D finite element dynamic analyses. For the purpose, 1-D dynamic and 2-D pseudo-dynamic analyses of free field and buried structural systems are performed for a number of generic soil, structure and earthquake combinations. The analyses results revealed that, in general, available closed form solutions are in pretty good agreement with the results of finite element analyses. However, due to the fact that dynamic analyses can model both kinematic and inertial effects / it should be preffered for the design of critical structures.

Etude des propriétés physicochimiques des vecteurs nanoparticulaires

Banquy, Xavier 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse rapporte l’étude des propriétés physicochimiques des nanoparticles polymériques et leur impact sur l’interaction avec les cellules vivantes. Nous nous sommes tout spécialement attachés à étudier l’effet des propriétés adhésives et mécaniques des nanoparticules sur leur capacité de pénétration de la membrane cellulaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons tout d’abord utilisé des nanoparticules d’acide polylactique (PLA) fonctionnalisées en surface avec un ligand des sélectines E et P. Le greffage du ligand sur la particule s’est fait par une nouvelle méthode expérimentale garantissant la présence du ligand à la surface de la particule durant toute sa durée de vie. Cette méthode consiste à mélanger un polymère fonctionnalisé avec le ligand avec un autre polymère non fonctionnalisé. La présence du ligand à la surface des nanoparticules formées à partir de ce mélange de polymères a été confirmée par analyse ToF SIMS. Nous avons pu prouver que les particules possédant le ligand greffé à leur surface démontraient une capacité adhésive supérieure à leurs homologues non fonctionnalisés sur des cellules endothéliales HUVEC activées par différentes drogues. De plus, le captage des particules par les cellules HUVEC est modulé par le niveau d’expression des récepteurs selectine E et P et aussi par la quantité de ligand libre. Ces résultats montrent clairement que le greffage du ligand confère aux particules des propriétés adhésives accrues et spécifiques ce qui permet leur usage postérieure comme vecteur pharmaceutique capable de cibler un récepteur particulier à la surface d’une cellule. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’interaction entre les nanoparticules et la membrane cellulaire peut aussi être contrôlée aussi bien par les propriétés mécaniques de la cellule que de la nanoparticule. Dans une première étape, nous avons mesuré à l’aide de l’appareil de forces de surface l’élasticité de cellules macrophagiques déposées sur différents substrats. En contrôlant l’interaction entre la cellule et le substrat sur lequel elle repose nous avons montré qu’il était possible de modifier à ii volonté les propriétés mécaniques cellulaire. Une augmentation de l’élasticité cellulaire s’accompagne d’une augmentation systématique de l’internalisation de nanoparticules de PLA non fonctionnalisées. Ceci suggère un rôle prépondérant des propriétés mécaniques du cortex cellulaire dans le captage des nanoparticules de PLA. Dans une seconde étape, nous avons étudié l’effet des propriétés mécaniques des nanoparticules sur leur capacité de pénétration cellulaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons synthétisé des particules d’hydrogel dont l’élasticité était contrôlée par le degré d’agent réticulant inclus dans leur formulation. Le contrôle des propriétés mécaniques des nanoparticules a été confirmé par la mesure du module de Young des particules par microscopie de force atomique. L’impact des propriétés mécaniques de ces particules sur leur capacité de pénétration dans les cellules vivantes a été étudié sur des cellules macrophagiques de souris. Les résultats ont montré que la cinétique d’internalisation, la quantité de particules internalisées et le mécanisme d’internalisation dépendent tous du module de Young des nanoparticules. Aucune différence dans le trajet intracellulaire des particules n’a pu être observée malgré le fait que différentes voies d’internalisation aient été observées. Ce dernier résultat peut s’expliquer par le fait que les nanoparticules sont internalisées par plusieurs voie simultanément ce qui facilite leur accumulation dans les organelles digestives intracellulaires. Un modèle simple permettant d’expliquer ces résultats a été proposé et discuté. / This thesis reports the study of physical chemical properties of polymeric nanoparticles and their impact on the interaction with living cells. In particular we endeavoured to study the effect of the adhesive and mechanical properties of the vector on its capacity of penetration of the cellular membrane. With this intention, we firstly used nanoparticules of polylactic acid (PLA) functionalized on their surfaces with a ligand of the selectines E and P receptor. The grafting of the ligand on the particle’s surface was carried out thanks to a new experimental method guaranteeing the presence of the active molecule on the surface of the particle during its whole life cycle. This method consists in mixing a polymer functionalized with the ligand with another polymer not functionalized. The presence of the ligand on the surface of the nanoparticules formed starting from this mixture of polymers was confirmed by ToF SIMS analysis. We could show that the particles having the ligand grafted on their surface exhibit a higher adhesive capacity than their non-functionalized counterpart on endothelial cells HUVEC activated by various drugs. Nanoparticles adhesion on cells membrane was modulated by the level of expression of the receptors selectine E and P and also by the quantity of free ligand. These results show clearly that the functionalized particles possess all the characteristics of a pharmaceutical vector capable of targeting a particular receptor on a cell surface. The interaction between nanoparticules and cellular membrane can also be controlled by the mechanical properties of the cell as well as of the nanoparticule. To demonstrate it we have measured the elasticity of macrophagic cells deposited on various substrates using the SFA. We have thus showed that it was possible to control the cell mechanical properties at will by controlling the interaction between the cell and the substrate on which it rests. An increase of the cell elasticity is accompanied by an increase of the internalization of non-functionalized PLA nanoparticules. This suggests a major role of cytocortical mechanical properties in the capture of hard PLA particles. iv Lastly, we studied the effect of the mechanical properties of the nanoparticules on their cellular penetration capacity. With this intention, we synthesized hydrogel particles whose elasticity was controlled by the degree of crosslinking agent included in their formulation. The control of the mechanical properties of the nanoparticules was confirmed by the measurement of the Young modulus of the particles by AFM. The interaction of these particles with macrophagess showed that the mechanical properties of the particles affect various aspects related to the internalization of the nanoparticles. The internalization kinetics, the quantity of internalized particles and the mechanism of internalization depend all on the Young modulus of the nanoparticules. No differences in the intracellular pathway could be observed in spite of the fact that various pathways of internalization were observed for these nanoparticules. This last result can be explained by the fact that the nanoparticules are internalized by several mechanisms of simultaneously which facilitates their accumulation in intracellular digestive organelles. A simple model explaining these results is proposed and discussed.

Nanorhéologie de fluides complexes aux interfaces / Nanorheology of complex fluids at interfaces

Barraud, Chloé 06 July 2016 (has links)
Les liquides confinés présentent beaucoup de comportements fascinants, très différents de ceux qui sont observés dans leur volume. Le confinement peut induire un déplacement de l'équilibre des phases (par exemple de la transition liquide-vapeur, aussi appelé condensation capillaire), il peut modifier la température de transition vitreuses des polymères, ou bien imposer un ordre dans l'arrangement moléculaire du fluide. Les modifications des propriétés mécaniques des liquides aux interfaces sont particulièrement importantes au niveau des applications. Cependant au niveau de la compréhension, le simple cas des liquides newtoniens est toujours sujet à controverse, avec d'une part des simulations numériques montrant que la viscosité ne devrait pas être modifiée pour des confinements supérieurs à quelques tailles moléculaires, et d'autre part des expériences non unanimes, montrant parfois des modifications qualitatives des propriétés rhéologiques sous confinement. Récemment nous avons montré que les méthodes d'impédance hydrodynamique en géométrie sphère-plan constituent une méthode privilégiée, non-intrusive et non-ambigüe, pour aborder la nano-mécanique des liquides aux interfaces (1,2). S'agissant d'interphases, cad de couches fluides dont les propriétés sont modifiées par la proximité d'un solide, il est possible d'accéder à leur module sans contact, donc sans la perturbation apportée par une seconde surface. S'agissant de l'effet du confinement sur la rhéologie, nous avons montré que la déformation élastique à l'échelle du pico-mètre des surfaces confinantes, donne une forte modification de la rhéologie apparente du fluide, même en l'absence de tout effet intrinsèque. Le sujet de thèse vise à mettre en oeuvre les méthodes d'impédance hydrodynamique pour étudier la rhéologie de solutions de polymères confinés. On étudiera plus précisément deux systèmes modèles d'importance fondamentale aussi bien que pratique : les brosses de polymères greffés, dont les propriétés mécaniques sont un enjeu dans les applications de lubrification aussi bien que pour les écoulements biologiques, et les solutions de polymères hydro-solubles d'intérêt pour la récupération assistée du pétrole, en vue de comprendre les effets de fluidification sous confinement et de faire la part entre modification de la viscosité et couche de déplétion induite par l'écoulement. Au niveau instrumental, un des enjeux de la thèse sera de mettre en oeuvre les mesures d'impédance hydrodynamique sur deux types d'instruments complémentaires au niveau de l'échelle de la sonde: l'appareil de mesure de forces dynamique (SFA) du Liphy, et l'AFM à détection interférométrique développé à l'Institut Néel. Ces différentes échelles d'investigation devront permettre de préciser les propriétés moyennes mécaniques moyennes des liquides confinés et leurs gradients au voisinage de la paroi. Une perspective du travail sera de mettre en regard les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques intrinsèques des brosses polymères déterminées directement sur SFA ou AFM, avec leur propriétés fonctionnelles: propriétés de lubrification des contacts frottants, ou de modification des écoulements des dans micro-canaux. Ceci sera poursuivi sur la plateforme expérimentale mise en place par Lionel Bureau au Liphy : SFA de friction, systèmes micro-fluidiques à visée biomimétique (parois fonctionnalisées par des brosses polymères). L'enjeu sera alors de comprendre comment les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques des brosses déterminent celles des systèmes dans lesquels elles interviennent. / Liquids confined present many fascinating behaviors very different from those observed in their volume. Confinement can induce a shift in the balance of phases (eg the liquid-vapor transition, also called capillary condensation), it can change the glass transition temperature of the polymer, or impose order on the molecular arrangement of fluid. The changes in the mechanical properties of liquid interfaces are particularly important in applications. However the level of understanding, the simple case of Newtonian liquids is still controversial, with one hand, numerical simulations show that the viscosity should not be changed for some higher molecular sizes containment, and secondly non-unanimous experiences, sometimes showing qualitative changes in rheological properties under confinement. Recently we have shown that the methods of hydrodynamic impedance sphere-plane geometry is a privileged, non-intrusive method and unambiguous, to discuss the mechanics of nano-liquid interfaces (1,2). As interphase, ie fluid layers whose properties are modified by the proximity of a solid, it is possible to accede their contactless module, so without the disturbance caused by a second surface.S As regards the effect of confinement on the rheology, we have shown that the elastic deformation across the pico meter of confining surfaces, gives a strong modification beyond apparent rheology of the fluid, even in the absence of any intrinsic effect. The thesis aims to implement the hydrodynamic impedance methods to study the rheology of polymer solutions confined. We specifically consider two models of fundamental importance as well as practical systems: brushes grafted polymer whose mechanical properties are an issue in lubrication applications as well as for biological flows and solutions of water-soluble polymers interest in enhanced oil recovery, in order to understand the effects of thinning containment and to distinguish between changes in viscosity and depletion layer induced by the flow. At the instrumental level, one of the challenges of the thesis is to implement the hydrodynamic impedance measurements on two complementary instruments at the level of the probe: the measuring dynamic power (SFA) of Liphy, and AFM interferometric detection developed at the Institut Néel. These different scales of investigation will help to clarify the medium average mechanical properties of liquids confined and their gradients near the wall. A view of work will be to look mechanical and rheological properties of polymer brushes intrinsic determined directly on SFA or AFM with their functional properties: lubricating properties of sliding contacts, or modification of the flow in microchannels. This will continue on the implementation by Lionel Bureau Liphy experimental platform: SFA friction advised biomimetic micro-fluidic systems (walls functionalized polymer brushes). The challenge will be to understand how the mechanical and rheological properties of brushes determine those systems in which they operate.

Entrepreneurial Marketing : The emergence of a new strategy in a small venture

Rogard, Maxime, Dubreuil, François January 2016 (has links)
Historically speaking, marketing and entrepreneurship have been separated into two different concepts. However, more and more studies are now doing a link between them. They have shown that both concepts have strengths but also weaknesses. Marketers are not entrepreneurial and innovative enough, and entrepreneurial businesses that do not include marketing are less competitive on the market than those who use marketing. These new pieces of research put forward the idea that an innovation does not imply value making for an enterprise. The marketing part that increases the customer value and really makes the difference on the market. The purpose of this thesis is to discover and evaluate the importance and the role of the relationship between entrepreneurship and marketing in the SME SFA Romani. It will then study how this relationship helps SFA Romani in their new strategy (creation of a new R&D department) with the increasing of the customer value as main objective. In order to fulfil the purpose, a deductive approach has been used. Four members of the new R&D department have been interviewed around their vision of the connection between entrepreneurship and marketing. Finally, and after analyzing the empirical data, a conclusion has been drawn. It showed that the new strategy of the company uses entrepreneurial marketing. Firstly, through a close cooperation between the different departments of the company. Secondly, through marketing tools used to understand the customers’ needs and to increase the final customer value. This study finally shows that entrepreneurial marketing is a sustainable way for SFA Romani to increase its competitive advantage and to ensure its long-term survival on the market

Dietary Fatty Acids, Body Composition and Ectopic Fat : Results from Overfeeding Studies in Humans

Rosqvist, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of dietary fatty acids on body composition and ectopic fat in humans, with emphasis on the role of the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and the saturated fatty acid (SFA) palmitic acid (16:0). The overall hypothesis was that linoleic acid would be beneficial compared with palmitic acid during overfeeding, as previously indicated in animals. Papers I, II and IV were double-blinded, randomized interventions in which different dietary fats were provided to participants and Paper III was a cross-sectional study in a community-based cohort (PIVUS) in which serum fatty acid composition was assessed as a biomarker of dietary fat intake. In Paper I, overfeeding with sunflower oil (n-6 PUFA) for 7 weeks caused less accumulation of liver fat, visceral fat and total body fat (as assessed by MRI) compared with palm oil (SFA) in young and lean subjects despite similar weight gain among groups. Instead, sunflower oil caused a larger accumulation of lean tissue. In Paper II, plasma from Paper I was analyzed with NMR-based metabolomics, aiming to identify metabolites differentially affected by the two dietary treatments. Acetate decreased by PUFA and increased by SFA whereas lactate increased by PUFA and decreased by SFA. In Paper III, the proportion of linoleic acid in serum was inversely associated with contents of visceral-, subcutaneous- and total body adipose tissue whereas the proportion of palmitic acid was directly associated with visceral- and total body adipose tissue in 70-year old men and women. In Paper IV, overfeeding with sunflower oil for 8 weeks caused less accumulation of liver fat compared with palm oil also in overweight and obese subjects. SFA increased visceral fat in men only. Accumulation of lean tissue was similar between groups. In conclusion, SFA (palmitic acid) from palm oil promotes marked liver fat accumulation in both normal-weight and overweight/obese subjects during overeating, whereas n-6 PUFA (linoleic acid) from sunflower oil prevents such liver fat accumulation. Diverging effects of SFA and PUFA on visceral adipose tissue and lean tissue may only be applicable in some groups and/or circumstances. These results imply that negative effects associated with weight gain (e.g. fatty liver) may be partly counteracted by the type fat in the diet, overall supporting a beneficial role of diets higher in unsaturated fat compared with saturated fat for preventing liver fat accumulation.

Road traffic metals : sources and emissions

Hjortenkrans, David January 2008 (has links)
As the environmental regulations and technical progress have forced the factories’ old “end of pipe” solutions to improve, the metal emissions from point sources have decreased. Instead, the diffuse consumption emissions from goods in use now are in focus. The increased awareness of traffic as a major diffuse metal emission source emphasizes the need for more detailed information on the various traffic related sources. The main scope of this thesis is to study specific parts of metal emissions from some road traffic related sub sources such as brake lining and tyres. The metals in focus are antimony (Sb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), nickel(Ni) and zinc (Zn), and the research quantifies emissions from the different sub sources, trace changes over time as well as dispersal patterns and metal mobility in the roadside environment. The results show that even if the road traffic associated metal stocks are small compared to total in use stocks, their emissions are of major importance. The updated figures show that despite material developments during the last 10 years, tyres still are one of the main sources of Zn and Cd, while it can be excluded as a source of concern for the other metals studied. Brake linings are shown to be an especially pronounced source for Cu and Sb. The Pb and Cd emissions from brake linings and tyres have decreased as a result of decreasing material concentrations in these sources, most likely a result of EU regulations. Further the results reveals galvanized goods to be a major road traffic related source for Zn. The results show that the total metal concentrations in roadside soils have increased 3-16 times compared to regional background during the last decades. Each metal has a limited dispersal distance from the roads as well as down in the soil profile. Most metals are found within 10 m from the road in the uppermost 10 cm of the topsoil. However, the sequential extractions show that a large part of the metals found in the soil are rather easily mobilized and can be redistributed if the roadside soils become disturbed. Metals emitted due to decelerating activities are not correlated to elevated concentrations near road junctions. Instead the metals appear to be more evenly spread along the whole driven distance. The study points out Sb as an element that might be problematic to analyse. For Sb, which is sparsely studied as a roadside contaminant, there is a need of more general knowledge as it has a high accumulation rate in roadside soils. / I takt med ökade regleringar inom miljöområdet och en snabb teknikutveckling har fabrikerna allt mer spelat ut sin roll som emissionskällor till miljön. Istället har den diffusa emissionen som kommer från produktanvändning fått en större betydelse. En ökad medvetenhet om transporter och trafikens betydelse för samhällets konsumtionsemissioner understryker det ökade kunskapsbehovet för de trafikrelaterade emissionskällorna. Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att studera specifika delar av metallemissionen från vissa trafikrelaterade källor så som bromsbelägg och däck. Metallerna som är i fokus är antimon (Sb), bly (Pb), kadmium (Cd), koppar (Cu), krom (Cr), nickel (Ni) och zink (Zn) och forskningen strävar efter att kvantifiera emissionerna från de olika källorna, spåra förändringar i emissioner över tid, kartlägga utsläppsmönster och metallrörlighet i vägnära jord. Resultaten pekar på att även om de trafikrelaterade källorna kvantitativt är små i jämförelse med de totala källorna så är deras emissioner av stor betydelse. De nya siffrorna visar att trots en materialutveckling inom området under det senaste årtiondet så är fortfarande däck en av de största källorna för Cd och Zn i stadsmiljö, medan de kan avfärdas som källa för de övriga studerade metallerna. Studien visar att bromsbelägg fortfarande är en viktig källa för Cu och Sb. Bly- och Cd-emissionerna från däck och bromsbelägg har däremot minskat drastiskt under samma period. Denna minskning beror troligen på en reglering på EU-nivå. Dessutom visar resultaten att galvaniserade ytor är den viktigaste källan till Zn i stadsmiljö. Metallkoncentrationerna i vägnära jord har ökat med 3 – 16 ggr jämfört med bakgrundshalterna i de undersökta områdena. Metallerna uppvisar endast en begränsad spridning från vägen och ner i jordprofilen. Den största metallpåverkan återfinns inom 10 m från vägen och i de översta 10 cm av jorden. Trots den begränsade spridningen så uppvisar de flesta metallerna en förhållandevis hög rörlighet, vilket innebär att de kan bli mobila vid störning av jorden. De bromsrelaterade metallerna uppvisar ingen korrelation till förhöjda halter nära korsningar utan är mer jämnt spridda över hela körsträckan. Studien pekar ut Sb som ett element som kan vara problematiskt att analysera på grund av dess flyktighet. Trots att Sb för närvarande har en snabb ackumulationstakt i trafikmiljö så är den endast sparsamt studerad. Mer generell kunskap om Sb är därför önskvärd.

Measuring The Efficiency Of The Turkish Electric Distribution Sector Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis

Celen, Aydin 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the technical efficiencies of Turkish electricity distribution companies (21 in total) throughout 2002 and 2009. For this aim, we used six different model specifications, all of which are generated from two different Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) models (Battese ve Coelli (1992&amp / 1995)). At the end of the estimations of the models, it has been seen that the signs and significance levels of the coefficient estimations are very consistent and satisfactory in all models. We also observed consistency between the coefficient estimations of the different models despite the differences in the magnitudes of the coefficient estimations. For example, all model specifications confirm the presence of increasing returns to scale and of a mild technological progress over time in the market. In addition, among the inputs, all inputs except the quality of the electricity delivered are important in enhancing technical efficiency of the electricity distribution companies, according to the all alternative specifications. Again, all models showed that inefficiency effects rather than random error effects are of crucial importance in Turkish electricity distribution market. As for the efficiency estimations of the alternative models, the main conclusion revealed by our study is that efficiency estimations of the Battese ve Coelli (1995) models are remarkably higher than those of the Battese ve Coelli (1992) models. The efficiency estimation differences between Battese and Coelli (1992&amp / 1995) models can be attributed to the environmental variables included into the Battese ve Coelli (1995) models, which are not generally controlled by electricity distribution companies.

An Empirical Analysis on the Transmission System Productivity and Efficiency of the Taiwan Power Company¡ÐThree Stage DEA

Huang, Chung-yi 02 September 2008 (has links)
This research use three phase stage- Data Envelopment Analysis to examine six power transmit organizations of Taipower Company from 2002 to 2006 regarding the statistical data of Taipower Company. In phase one, using SBM-DEA method analyses the management efficiency and the amount of input and output variable. Second, using SFA regression analysis probe into the environmental variable influencing degree to each power transmit organizations of Taipower Company. In addition, it take account of the environmental effect and the random interference effect to improve input and output variable. Finally, by way of DEA and Malmguist productivity index, it can measure the relative effects and the productivity change situation between each power transmit organization. The model result shows that SBM-DEA can weigh input difference and total output difference at the same time, by the way of using ratio adjustment, it can determine the really administration efficiency of every power transmit organization. According to phase one analysis results, Only 7 DMUs efficiency value are 1, it is 23% of all the DMUs efficiency value and shows that still have very big improvement space. By the regression analysis of phase 2, we know that the environmental parameter will exert an huge influence on input and output difference, in which the most influence is total asserts rate for working capital, asserts value, accident times, circuit lose and power supply. After adjustment every DMUs, there are 20 efficiency values getting higher, with 5 efficiency values unchanged, with 5 efficiency values decreasing. The amount of getting higher efficiency value is approximately 67% all of the DMUs. After adjustment environmental parameter, there is above 73% change in rank, with 9 DMUs advancement in rank ,13 DMUs degeneracy in rank, and only 8 DMUs unchanged. It shows that 9 DMUs work in unwell environment before adjustment, and 13 DMUs work in well environment before adjustment. It also shows that each power transmit organization still exist difference in working environment. Although the whole power transmit system efficiency represent is no bad ,but it still has large improvement space. Furthermore, according to Malmquist model efficiency index analysis from 2002 to 2006 data of power transmit system show that the total productivity element in Taipei, Hsintou, Chinan and Kaoping power transmit organization are higher than 1, it can attributes to the increasing of technology ,and Taizhong, Huitung, power transmit organization are lesser than 1, it can attributes to the decreasing of technology efficiency.

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