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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implications of Shallow Water in Numerical Simulations of a Surface Effect Ship

Lyons, David Geoffrey 15 October 2014 (has links)
Overset, or Chimera, meshes are used to discretize the governing equations within a computational domain using multiple meshes that overlap in an arbitrary manner. The overset meshing technique is most applicable to problems dealing with multiple or moving bodies. Deep water simulations were carried out using both single and overset grid techniques for the evaluation of the overset grid application. These simulations were carried out using the commercial CFD code STAR-CCM+ by CD-adapco. The geometry simulated is that of a SES model (T-Craft) tested at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division. The craft is simulated with two degrees of freedom, allowing movement in heave and pitch in response to displacement of the free surface. Agreement between the single and overset grid techniques was deemed reasonable to extend to future shallow water cases. However, due to longer run times of the overset mesh, the traditional or single mesh technique should be employed whenever applicable. In order to extend existing full craft CFD simulations of a surface effect ship (SES) into shallow water and maneuvering cases, an overset mesh is needed. Simulations of the SES were performed and monitored at various depth Froude numbers resulting in subcritical, critical, and supercritical flow regimes. Resistance, pitch response, and free surface response of the SES were compared between the shallow water simulations. The SES produced wider wakes, perpendicular to the craft, at simulations closer to the critical flow regime. Critical flow occurs at a depth Froude number between 0.9 and 0.95. Progression of shallow water effects through the three flow regimes agrees well with shallow water theory. / Master of Science

Schémas compacts hermitiens sur la Sphère : applications en climatologie et océanographie numérique / Hermitian compact schemes on the sphere : applications in numerical climatology and oceanography

Brachet, Matthieu 03 July 2018 (has links)
L’enjeu de la simulation de la dynamique atmosphérique et océanographique a pris ces dernières années une importance accrue avec la question du réchauffement climatique. Le modèle à simuler est complexe. Il combine les équations de la mécanique des fluides avec celles de la thermodynamique. Au 19ème siècle, le mathématicien Adhémar Barré de Saint-Venant formule un système d’équations aux dérivées partielles décrivant les mouvements d’un fluide soumis à la gravité et de faible épaisseur. Il s’agit des équations Shallow Water. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer et d’analyser un algorithme de résolution des équations Shallow Water sur une sphère en rotation. Dans un premier temps, j’étudie différents aspects mathématiques des opérateurs aux différences finis utilisés par la suite en géométrie sphérique. Les schémas aux différences obtenus sont utilisés pour résoudre l’équation de transport, l’équation des ondes et l’équation de Burgers. Les propriétés de stabilité précision et conservation sont analysées. Dans un second temps, la grille Cubed-Sphere est introduite et analysée. La structure de ce maillage est analogue à celle d’un cube. L'interprétation de la Cubed-Sphere à l’aide de grands cercles permet de construire des opérateurs sphériques discrets gradient, divergence et vorticité d'ordre au moins égal à 3 (en pratique d'ordre 4). La troisième partie de la thèse est dédiée à différents tests pour le système d’équations Shallow Water ainsi que pour l’équation d’advection. Les résultats démontrent une précision proche de celle obtenue par les algorithmes conservatifs d'ordre 4 les plus récents / The problem to obtain accurate simulations of the atmospheric and oceanic equations has become essential in recent years for a proper understanding of the climate change. The full mathematical model to simulate is rather complex. It consists of the coupling of several equations involving fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. In the 19th century, Adhémar Barré de Saint-Venant first formulated the equations describing the dynamic of a fluid subject to gravity and bottom topography. This system is Shallow Water equations. The goal of this thesis is to develop and analyze a numerical scheme to solve the shallow water equation on a rotating sphere. First, a mathematical analsysis of finite difference operators that will be used on the sphere is presented. These schemes are then used to solve various equations in a spehreical setting, in particular the advection equation, the wave equation and the Burgers equation. Stability, accuracy and conservation properties are studied. In a second part, I consider in detail the Cubed-Sphere grid. This particular spherical grid has the mesh topology of a cube. Another interpretation makes use of great circles, this allows to obtain spherical discret operators gradient, divergence and curl of a preved third order. These operators are numercially of 4th order. Numerial results are show in particular for the SW equations an acurracy similar to the one of conservative schemes of 4th order published recently

"Variabilité décennale de la circualtion océanique et modes de bassin : influence de la topographie et de la circulation moyenne." / Decadal ocean circulation variability and basin modes

Ferjani, Dhouha 28 May 2013 (has links)
Un des mécanismes proposés pour expliquer l'origine de la variabilité climatique sur des périodes décennales à multidécennales est une oscillation propre de la circulation océanique thermohaline. Son mécanisme s'apparente aux modes de bassin basse fréquence et grande échelle qui résultent de l'interaction entre les ondes lentes planétaires et les ondes rapides de bord au cours du processus d'ajustement du bassin. Toutefois, la plupart des études de ce prototype oscillation décennale ont été menées dans des contextes simplifiés quasi-géostrophiques, à gravité réduite ou à fond plat. On se propose dans ce travail de thèse d'étudier l'effet de la topographie du fond et de la circulation moyenne sur les caractéristiques des modes de bassin baroclines. On utilise un modèle shallow water à deux couches verticales avec surface libre. Différentes bathymétries analytiques type fond plat, dorsale médio-océanique et pentes continentales sont étudiées.L'obtention des vecteurs propres du modèle linéarisé par analyse de stabilité linéaire autour d'un état au repos révèle que (1) la sélection de ces modes à basse résolution s'établit par la dissipation explicite introduite dans le modèle, (2) la période décennale et l'amortissement du mode le moins amorti sont faiblement sensibles à la topographie. Les budgets d'énergie et de vorticité de ces modes sont calculés dans le but de rationaliser le rôle amortisseur de la topographie via la conversion d'énergie qui a lieu entre les modes barotrope et barocline. En effet, une circulation barotrope, absente à fond plat, émerge à travers l'interaction entre le mode barocline à fond plat et la topographie. Toutefois, cette conversion d'énergie sous l'effet JEBAR demeure faible comparée aux processus visqueux.En présence d'une circulation stationnaire forcée par le vent et les flux de chaleur, les intégrations temporelles du modèle nonlinéaire perturbé par des structures baroclines cohérentes type tourbillons gaussiens montrent la forte interaction entre le vortex et la topographie. Cette interaction se manisfeste par : (1) une accélération de la vitesse de phase vers l'ouest par rapport au résultat à fond plat, (2) une circulation barotrope construite par la conversion de l'énergie barocline en barotrope, et (3) un déplacement méridien de l'anomalie dépendant de son signe même en l'absence d'advection nonlinéaire.Par ailleurs, le mode majeur de variabilité barocline, fortement amorti par la topographie et la dissipation dans la configuration non forcée paraît renforcé par l'écoulement stationnaire qui diminue son taux d'amortissement. Sa période d'oscillation développe une dépendance à la migration méridienne de l'advection zonale par l'écoulement moyen: elle est raccourcie (T ̴ 16 ans) pour le forçage par le vent et rallongée (T ̴ 22 ans) pour le forçage par les flux de chaleur. / One of the potential mechanisms at the origin of climatic variability on decadal to multidecadal timescales is the thermohaline oscillation corresponding to large-scale and low frequency basin modes that result from the interaction between long planetary waves and fast inertia-gravity waves during the adjustment process. However, most of the studies dealing with this decadal oscillation were carried out in a simplified flat bottom or reduced-gravity quasigeostrophic context.This dissertation aims to study the effect of bottom topography and mean flow on the characteristics of the gravest baroclinic basin modes in a mid-latitude idealized ocean basin. To that end, we make use of a two-layer shallow water (SW) model. Different bathymetries such as a flat bottom, a mid-ocean ridge and continental slopes are studied. Getting the eigenvectors from the linearized model through linear stability analysis around a state of rest reveals that (1) the selection of these modes is set by the explicit dissipation introduced in the model, (2) the oscillation period and decay rate are weakly sensitive to the form and height of the topography. Vorticity and energy budgets are computed in order to give a rationale for the decaying role of the topography via energy conversion from the baroclinic to the barotropic mode. Indeed, the barotropic flow absent in a flat bottom, results accurately from the interaction of the flat-bottomed baroclinic motion with the topographic height. However, the energy conversion under the JEBAR effect remains weaker with respect to the frictional processes.A stationary circulation is now included through wind or thermal forcing. Temporal integrations of the nonlinear model perturbed by coherent baroclinic structures with a gaussian eddy form show the strong interaction between the vortex and the topography. This interaction implies: (1) a westward acceleration of the zonal phase speed (with respect to the classic flat-bottom result), (2) a barotropic circulation built up by the conversion of the baroclinic energy into a barotropic one, and (3) an eddy sign-dependent meridional migration, even in the absence of nonlinear advection. Moreover, the decadal basin mode strongly damped by the topography and the dissipation shows a decrease of its decay rate by the large scale stationary forcing. Its oscillation period is found to be a strong function of the meridional migration of the eastward advection by the mean flow: it is shortened (T ̴ 16 yrs) in the wind-forced experiment and lengthened (T ̴ 22 yrs) with a thermal forcing.

Numerical simulation of depth-averaged flows models : a class of Finite Volume and discontinuous Galerkin approaches / Simulation numérique de modèles d'écoulement type "depth averaged" : une classe de schémas Volumes Finis et Galerkin discontinu

Duran, Arnaud 17 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré au développement de schémas numériques pour approcher les solutions de modèles d'écoulement type “depth averaged”. Dans un premier temps, nous détaillons la construction d'approches Volumes Finis pour le système Shallow Water avec termes sources sur maillages non structurés. En se basant sur une reformulation appropriée des équations, nous mettons en place un schéma équilibré et préservant la positivité de la hauteur d'eau, et suggérons des extensions MUSCL adaptées. La méthode est capable de gérer des topographies irrégulières et exhibe de fortes propriétés de stabilité. L'inclusion des termes de friction fait l'objet d'une analyse poussée, aboutissant à l'établissement d'une propriété type “Asymptotic Preserving” à travers l'amélioration d'un autre récent schéma Volumes Finis. La seconde composante de cette étude concerne les méthodes Elements Finis type Galerkin discontinu. Certaines des idées avancées dans le contexte Volumes Finis sont employées pour aborder le système Shallow Water surmaillages triangulaires. Des résultats numériques sont exposés et la méthode se révèle bien adaptée à la description d'une large variété d'écoulements. Partant de ces observations nous proposons finalement d'exploiter ces caractéristiques pour étendre l'approche à une nouvelle famille d'équations type Green-Nadghi. Des validations numériques sont également proposées pour valider le modèle numérique. / This work is devoted to the development of numerical schemes to approximatesolutions of depth averaged flow models. We first detail the construction of Finite Volume approaches for the Shallow Water system with source terms on unstructured meshes. Based on a suitable reformulation of the equations, we implement a well-balanced and positive preserving approach, and suggest adapted MUSCL extensions. The method is shown to handle irregular topography variations and demonstrates strong stabilities properties. The inclusion of friction terms is subject to a thorough analysis, leading to the establishment of some Asymptotic Preserving property through the enhancement of another recent Finite Volume scheme.The second aspect of this study concerns discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elementmethods. Some of the ideas advanced in the Finite Volume context areemployed to broach the Shallow Water system on triangular meshes. Numericalresults are exposed and the method turns out to be well suited to describe a large variety of flows. On these observations we finally propose to exploit its features to extend the approach to a new family of Green-Nadghi equations. Numerical experiments are also proposed to validate this numerical model.

Schémas numériques explicites à mailles décalées pour le calcul d'écoulements compressibles / Explicit staggered schemes for compressible flows

Nguyen, Tan trung 12 February 2013 (has links)
We develop and analyse explicit in time schemes for the computation of compressible flows, based on staggered in space. Upwinding is performed equation by equation only with respect to the velocity. The pressure gradient is built as the transpose of the natural divergence. For the barotropic Euler equations, the velocity convection is built to obtain a discrete kinetic energy balance, with residual terms which are non-negative under a CFL condition. We then show that, in 1D, if a sequence of discrete solutions converges to some limit, then this limit is the weak entropy solution. For the full Euler equations, we choose to solve the internal energy balance since a discretization of the total energy is rather unnatural on staggered meshes. Under CFL-like conditions, the density and internal energy are kept positive, and the total energy cannot grow. To obtain correct weak solutions with shocks satisfying the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, we establish a kinetic energy identity at the discrete level, then choose the source term of the internal energy equation to recover the total energy balance at the limit. More precisely speaking, we prove that in 1D, if we assume the L∞ and BV-stability and the convergence of the scheme, passing to the limit in the discrete kinetic and internal energy equations, we show that the limit of the sequence of solutions is a weak solution. Finally, we consider the computation of radial flows, governed by Euler equations in axisymetrical (2D) or spherical (3D) coordinates, and obtain similar results to the previous sections. In all chapters, we show numerical tests to illustrate for theoretical results. / We develop and analyse explicit in time schemes for the computation of compressible flows, based on staggered in space. Upwinding is performed equation by equation only with respect to the velocity. The pressure gradient is built as the transpose of the natural divergence. For the barotropic Euler equations, the velocity convection is built to obtain a discrete kinetic energy balance, with residual terms which are non-negative under a CFL condition. We then show that, in 1D, if a sequence of discrete solutions converges to some limit, then this limit is the weak entropy solution. For the full Euler equations, we choose to solve the internal energy balance since a discretization of the total energy is rather unnatural on staggered meshes. Under CFL-like conditions, the density and internal energy are kept positive, and the total energy cannot grow. To obtain correct weak solutions with shocks satisfying the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, we establish a kinetic energy identity at the discrete level, then choose the source term of the internal energy equation to recover the total energy balance at the limit. More precisely speaking, we prove that in 1D, if we assume the L∞ and BV-stability and the convergence of the scheme, passing to the limit in the discrete kinetic and internal energy equations, we show that the limit of the sequence of solutions is a weak solution. Finally, we consider the computation of radial flows, governed by Euler equations in axisymetrical (2D) or spherical (3D) coordinates, and obtain similar results to the previous sections. In all chapters, we show numerical tests to illustrate for theoretical results.


Reid, Robert 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 22-25, 2001 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Undersea warfare (USW) was perceived as a large-area, deep-water operation in the past therefore Fleet USW training ranges were designed to meet these requirements. Currently the bigger threat is the likelihood of regional conflict throughout the world by aggressive nations in littoral waters. The U.S. Navy must stand ready to respond to these regional conflicts when national interests are threatened. Consequently, naval forces must train to operate in the littoral environments where such regional conflicts are likely to occur. The West Cost Shallow Water Undersea Warfare Training Range (WC SWUWTR) is being developed to provide this training.


Chen, Chunfang 01 January 2006 (has links)
Many applications in engineering practice can be described by thehyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). Numerical modeling of this typeof equations often involves large gradients or shocks, which makes it achallenging task for conventional numerical methods to accurately simulate suchsystems. Thus developing accurate and efficient shock capturing numericalschemes becomes important for the study of hyperbolic equations.In this dissertation, a detailed study of the numerical methods for linearand nonlinear unsteady hyperbolic equations was carried out. A new finitedifference shock capturing scheme of finite volume style was developed. Thisscheme is based on the high order Pad?? type compact central finite differencemethod with the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) reconstruction toeliminate non-physical oscillations near the discontinuities while maintain stablesolution in the smooth areas. The unconditionally stable semi-implicit Crank-Nicolson (CN) scheme is used for time integration.The theoretical development was conducted based on one-dimensionalhomogeneous scalar equation and system equations. Discussions were alsoextended to include source terms and to deal with problems of higher dimension.For the treatment of source terms, Strang splitting was used. For multidimensionalequations, the ?? -form Douglas-Gunn alternating direction implicit(ADI) method was employed. To compare the performance of the scheme withENO type interpolation, the current numerical framework was also applied usingENO reconstruction.The numerical schemes were tested on 1-D and 2-D benchmark problems,as well as published experimental results. The simulated results show thecapability of the proposed scheme to resolve discontinuities while maintainingaccuracy in smooth regions. Comparisons with the experimental results validatethe method for dam break problems. It is concluded that the proposed scheme isa useful tool for solving hyperbolic equations in general, and from engineeringapplication perspective it provides a new way of modeling open channel flows.

The adjoint method of optimal control for the acoustic monitoring of a shallow water environment/La méthode adjointe de contrôle optimal pour la caractérisation acoustique d'un environnement petits fonds.

Meyer, Matthias 19 December 2007 (has links)
Originally developed in the 1970s for the optimal control of systems governed by partial differential equations, the adjoint method has found several successful applications, e.g., in meteorology with large-scale 3D or 4D atmospheric data assimilation schemes, for carbon cycle data assimilation in biogeochemistry and climate research, or in oceanographic modelling with efficient adjoint codes of ocean general circulation models. Despite the variety of applications in these research fields, adjoint methods have only very recently drawn attention from the ocean acoustics community. In ocean acoustic tomography and geoacoustic inversion, where the inverse problem is to recover unknown acoustic properties of the water column and the seabed from acoustic transmission data, the solution approaches are typically based on travel time inversion or standard matched-field processing in combination with metaheuristics for global optimization. In order to complement the adjoint schemes already in use in meteorology and oceanography with an ocean acoustic component, this thesis is concerned with the development of the adjoint of a full-field acoustic propagation model for shallow water environments. In view of the increasing importance of global ocean observing systems such as the European Seas Observatory Network, the Arctic Ocean Observing System and Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment (MREA) systems for defence and security applications, the adjoint of an ocean acoustic propagation model can become an integral part of a coupled oceanographic and acoustic data assimilation scheme in the future. Given the acoustic pressure field measured on a vertical hydrophone array and a modelled replica field that is calculated for a specific parametrization of the environment, the developed adjoint model backpropagates the mismatch (residual) between the measured and predicted field from the receiver array towards the source. The backpropagated error field is then converted into an estimate of the exact gradient of the objective function with respect to any of the relevant physical parameters of the environment including the sound speed structure in the water column and densities, compressional/shear sound speeds, and attenuations of the sediment layers and the sub-bottom halfspace. The resulting environmental gradients can be used in combination with gradient descent methods such as conjugate gradient, or Newton-type optimization methods tolocate the error surface minimum via a series of iterations. This is particularly attractive for monitoring slowly varying environments, where the gradient information can be used to track the environmental parameters continuously over time and space. In shallow water environments, where an accurate treatment of the acoustic interaction with the bottom is of outmost importance for a correct prediction of the sound field, and field data are often recorded on non-fully populated arrays, there is an inherent need for observation over a broad range of frequencies. For this purpose, the adjoint-based approach is generalized for a joint optimization across multiple frequencies and special attention is devoted to regularization methods that incorporate additional information about the desired solution in order to stabilize the optimization process. Starting with an analytical formulation of the multiple-frequency adjoint approach for parabolic-type approximations, the adjoint method is progressively tailored in the course of the thesis towards a realistic wide-angle parabolic equation propagation model and the treatment of fully nonlocal impedance boundary conditions. A semi-automatic adjoint generation via modular graph approach enables the direct inversion of both the geoacoustic parameters embedded in the discrete nonlocal boundary condition and the acoustic properties of the water column. Several case studies based on environmental data obtained in Mediterranean shallow waters are used in the thesis to assess the capabilities of adjoint-based acoustic inversion for different experimental configurations, particularly taking into account sparse array geometries and partial depth coverage of the water column. The numerical implementation of the approach is found to be robust, provided that the initial guesses are not too far from the desired solution, and accurate, and converges in a small number of iterations. During the multi-frequency optimization process, the evolution of the control parameters displays a parameter hierarchy which clearly relates to the relative sensitivity of the acoustic pressure field to the physical parameters. The actual validation of the adjoint-generated environmental gradients for acoustic monitoring of a shallow water environment is based on acoustic and oceanographic data from the Yellow Shark '94 and the MREA '07 sea trials, conducted in the Tyrrhenian Sea, south of the island of Elba. Starting from an initial guess of the environmental control parameters, either obtained through acoustic inversion with global search or supported by archival in-situ data, the adjoint method provides an efficient means to adjust local changes with a couple of iterations and monitor the environmental properties over a series of inversions. In this thesis the adjoint-based approach is used, e.g., to fine-tune up to eight bottom geoacoustic parameters of a shallow-water environment and to track the time-varying sound speed profile in the water column. In the same way the approach can be extended to track the spatial water column and bottom structure using a mobile network of sparse arrays. Work is currently being focused on the inclusion of the adjoint approach into hybrid optimization schemes or ensemble predictions, as an essential building block in a combined ocean acoustic data assimilation framework and the subsequent validation of the acoustic monitoring capabilities with long-term experimental data in shallow water environments.

Mathematical modelling of shallow water flows with application to Moreton Bay, Brisbane

Bailey, Clare L. January 2010 (has links)
A finite volume, shock-capturing scheme is used to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured triangular meshes. The conditions are characterised by: slow flow velocities (up to 1m/s), long time scale (around 10 days), and large domains (50-100km across). Systematic verification is carried out by comparing numerical with analytical results, and by comparing parameter variation in the numerical scheme with perturbation analysis, and good agreement is found. It is the first time a shock-capturing scheme has been applied to slow flows in Moreton Bay. The scheme is used to simulate transport of a pollutant in Moreton Bay, to the east of the city of Brisbane, Australia. Tidal effects are simulated using a sinusoidal time-dependent boundary condition. An advection equation is solved to model the path of a contaminant that is released in the bay, and the effect of tide and wind on the contaminant is studied. Calibration is done by comparing numerical results with measurements made at a study site in Moreton Bay. It is found that variation in the wind speed and bed friction coefficients changes the solution in the way predicted by the asymptotics. These results vary according to the shape of the bathymetry of the domain: in shallower areas, flow is more subject to shear and hence changes in wind speed or bed friction had a greater effect in adding energy to the system. The results also show that the time-dependent boundary condition reproduces the tidal effects that are found on the Queensland coast, i.e. semi-diurnal with amplitude of about 1 metre, to a reasonable degree. It is also found that the simulated path of a pollutant agrees with field measurements. The computer model means different wind speeds and directions can be tested which allows management decisions to be made about which conditions have the least damaging effect on the area.

An investigation into the use of balance in operational numerical weather prediction

Devlin, David J. J. January 2011 (has links)
Presented in this study is a wide-ranging investigation into the use of properties of balance in an operational numerical weather prediction context. Initially, a joint numerical and observational study is undertaken. We used the Unified Model (UM), the suite of atmospheric and oceanic prediction software used at the UK Met Office (UKMO), to locate symmetric instabilities (SIs), an indicator of imbalanced motion. These are areas of negative Ertel potential vorticity (in the Northern hemisphere) calculated on surfaces of constant potential temperature. Once located, the SIs were compared with satellite and aircraft observational data. As a full three-dimensional calculation of Ertel PV proved outwith the scope of this study we calculated the two-dimensional, vertical component of the absolute vorticity, to assess the inertial stability criterion. We found that at the synoptic scale in the atmosphere, if there existed a symmetric instability, it was dominated by an inertial instability. With the appropriate observational data, evidence of inertial instability from the vertical component of the absolute vorticity, predicted by the UM was found at 12km horizontal grid resolution. Varying the horizontal grid resolution allowed the estimation of a grid length scale, above which, the inertial instability was not captured by the observational data, of approximately 20km. Independently, aircraft data was used to estimate that horizontal grid resolutions above 20-25km should not model any features of imbalance providing a real world estimate of the lower bound of the grid resolution that should be employed by a balanced atmospheric prediction model. A further investigation of the UM concluded that the data assimilation scheme and time of initialisation had no effect on the generation of SIs. An investigation was then made into the robustness of balanced models in the shallow water context, employing the contour-advective semi-Lagrangian (CASL) algorithm, Dritschel & Ambaum (1997), a novel numerical algorithm that exploits the underlying balance observed within a geophysical flow at leading order. Initially two algorithms were considered, which differed by the prognostic variables employed. Each algorithm had their three-time-level semi-implicit time integration scheme de-centred to mirror the time integration scheme of the UM. We found that the version with potential vorticity (PV), divergence and acceleration divergence, CA[subscript(δ,γ)], as prognostic variables preserved the Bolin-Charney balance to a much greater degree than the model with PV, divergence and depth anomaly CA[subscript(tilde{h},δ)], as prognostic variables. This demonstrated that CA[subscript(δ,γ)] was better equipped to benefit from de-centring, an essential property of any operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. We then investigate the robustness of CA[subscript(δ,γ)] by simulating flows with Rossby and Froude number O(1), to find the operational limits of the algorithm. We also investigated increasing the efficiency of CA[subscript(δ,γ)] by increasing the time-step Δt employed while decreasing specific convergence criteria of the algorithm while preserving accuracy. We find that significant efficiency gains are possible for predominantly mid-latitude flows, a necessary step for the use of CA[subscript(δ,γ)] in an operational NWP context. The study is concluded by employing CASL in the non-hydrostatic context under the Boussinesq approximation, which allows weak stratification to be considered, a step closer to physical reality than the shallow water case. CASL is compared to the primitive equation pseudospectral (PEPS) and vorticity-based pseudospectral (VPS) algorithms, both as the names suggest, spectral-based algorithms, which again differ by the prognostic variables employed. This comparison is drawn to highlight the computational advantages that CASL has over common numerical methods used in many operational forecast centres. We find that CASL requires significantly less artificial numerical diffusion than its pseudospectral counterparts in simulations of Rossby number ~O(1). Consequently, CASL obtains a much less diffuse, more accurate solution, at a lower resolution and therefore lower computational cost. At low Rossby number, where the flow is strongly influence by the Earth's rotation, it is found that CASL is the most cost-effective method. In addition, CASL also preserves a much greater proportion of balance, diagnosed with nonlinear quasigeostrophic balance (NQG), another significant advantage over its pseudospectral counterparts.

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