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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultrafast laser-absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared for spatiotemporally resolved measurements of gas properties

Ryan J Tancin (10711722) 27 April 2021 (has links)
<div>Laser-absorption spectroscopy (LAS) is widely used for providing non-intrusive and quantitative measurements of gas properties (such as temperature and absorbing species mole fraction) in combustion environments. However, challenges may arise from the line-of-sight nature of LAS diagnostics, which can limit their spatial resolution. Further, time-resolution of such techniques as scanned direct-absorption or wavelength-modulation spectroscopy is limited by the scanning speed of the laser and the optical bandwidth is often limited by a combination of a laser's intrinsic tunability and its scanning speed. The work presented in this dissertation investigated how recent advancements in mid-IR camera technology and lasers can be leveraged to expand the spatial, temporal, and spectral measurement capabilities of LAS diagnostics. Novel laser-absorption imaging and ultrafast laser-absorption spectroscopy diagnostics are presented in this dissertation. In addition, the high-pressure combustion chamber (HPCC) and high-pressure shock tube (HPST) were designed and built to enable the study of, among others, energetic material combustion, spectroscopy, non-equilibrium and chemistry using optical diagnostics.<br></div><div><br></div>

Wall Heat Transfer Effects In The Endwall Region Behind A Reflected Shock Wave At Long Test Times

Frazier, Corey 01 January 2007 (has links)
Shock-tube experiments are typically performed at high temperatures (≥1200K) due to test-time constraints. These test times are usually ~1 ms in duration and the source of this short, test-time constraint is loss of temperature due to heat transfer. At short test times, there is very little appreciable heat transfer between the hot gas and the cold walls of the shock tube and a high test temperature can be maintained. However, some experiments are using lower temperatures (approx. 800K) to achieve ignition and require much longer test times (up to 15 ms) to fully study the chemical kinetics and combustion chemistry of a reaction in a shock-tube experiment. Using mathematical models, analysis was performed studying the effects of temperature, pressure, shock-tube inner diameter, and test-port location at various test times (from 1 - 20 ms) on temperature maintenance. Three models, each more complex than the previous, were used to simulate test conditions in the endwall region behind the reflected shock wave with Ar and N2 as bath gases. Temperature profile, thermal BL thickness, and other parametric results are presented herein. It was observed that higher temperatures and lower pressures contributed to a thicker thermal boundary layer, as did shrinking inner diameter. Thus it was found that a test case such as 800K and 50 atm in a 16.2-cm-diameter shock tube in Argon maintained thermal integrity much better than other cases - pronounced by a thermal boundary layer ≤ 1 mm thick and an average temperature ≥ 799.9 K from 1-20 ms.

Performance Comparison of Higher-Order Euler Solvers by the Conservation Element and Solution Element Method

Underwood, Tyler Carroll 29 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Awad, Neveen January 2014 (has links)
Blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury (BImTBI) is one of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries. BImTBI mechanisms are not well identified, as most previous blast-related studies were focused on the visible and fatal injuries. BImTBI is a hidden lesion and long-term escalation of related complications is considered a serious health care challenging due to lack of accurate data required for early diagnosis and intervention. The experimental studies presented in this thesis were performed to investigate aspects of blast shock wave mechanisms that might lead to mild traumatic brain injury. A compressed air-driven shock tube was designed and validated using finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental investigation. Two metal diaphragm types (steel and brass) with three thicknesses (0.127, 0.76, and 0.025mm) were utilized in the shock tube calibration experiment, as a new approach to generate shock wave. The consistency of generated shock waves was confirmed using a statistical assessment of the results by evaluating the shock waves parameters. The analysis results showed that the 0.127mm steel diaphragm induces a reliable shock waveform in the range of BImTB investigations. Evaluation of the shock wave impacts on the brain was examined using two sets of experiments. The first set was conducted using a gel brain model while the second set was performed using a physical head occupied with a gel brain model and supported by a neck model. The gel brain model in both the experimental studies was generated using silicone gel (Sylgard-527). The effects of tested models locations and orientations with respect to the shock tube exit were investigated by measuring the generated pressure wave within the brain model and acceleration. The results revealed that the pressure waveform and acceleration outcomes were greatly affected by the tested model orientations and locations in relation to the path of shock wave propagation. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Investigation of Ignition Delay Times of Conventional (JP-8) and Synthetic (S-8) Jet Fuels: A Shock Tube Study

Balagurunathan, Jayakishan 27 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Etude expérimentale de l'interaction d'une onde de choc avec une structure mobile autour d'un axe

Biamino, Laurent 30 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’appuie sur une étude expérimentale en tube à choc, plus précisément, c’est une approche expérimentale de l'étude de l'interaction fluide-structure. Considérons un solide indéformable auquel on laisse un degré de liberté en rotation autour d'un axe. Cette structure ferme un espace clos. Si le contenu de l'espace clos subit le passage d'une onde de choc, ce solide va être mis mouvement et tourner autour de son axe. Concrètement, l'onde de choc va augmenter les caractéristiques physiques, en particulier sa pression, du fluide en contact avec la face impactée de cette porte. La face opposée de la porte ne subissant pas ou que très peu l'influence de l'onde de choc, une seule de ses faces est soumise à la surpression. Au moment de l'impact, le déséquilibre ainsi créé impose une action mécanique sur la porte qui va la faire accélérer et tourner autour de son axe de rotation. Jusqu'à ce stade tout est relativement simple. La difficulté intervient à l'instant où la porte commence à s'ouvrir, car les frontières du volume dans lequel le fluide évolue sont modifiées. Des fuites apparaissent et le gaz qui était maintenu dans un volume clos peut maintenant s'écouler vers un milieu libre. Une communication entre les gaz agissant de chaque coté de la porte est créée modifiant leurs propriétés et par conséquent la pression agissant sur chaque côté de la porte. Les actions mécaniques qui s'appliquent sur la porte ne sont plus les mêmes, et par conséquent l'accélération que la porte subit aussi. Au fur et à mesure que la porte change de position, le problème fluide continue d'être modifié et change en retour son action sur la porte. Cette interaction perdure soit jusqu'à ce que les limites du problème cessent d'être modifiées, la porte ne peut plus bouger, ou bien lorsque les actions mécaniques agissant sur la porte s'équilibrent, les fluides de chaque côté de la porte étant dans le même état physique. Le travail présenté ici est une étude des paramètres du fluide ou du solide en mouvement qui sont les acteurs de la loi comportementale gérant ce système complexe. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une maquette expérimentale mettant en action la physique que nous venons de décrire et nous l'avons adaptée à un tube à choc. En éprouvant de nombreuses configurations expérimentales, nous avons pu déterminer comment l'écoulement interne d'un tube à choc évolue lorsqu'il est plus ou moins ouvert à son extrémité. Comment une porte fermée réagit-elle à l'impact d'une onde de choc et quelles en sont les conséquences sur l'évolution des fluides mis en jeu? Quelles sont les conséquences d'une position différente de la porte au moment de l'impact avec l'onde de choc? Ou encore, quel rôle joue l'intensité de l'onde de choc incidente ou l'inertie de la porte sur toute cette dynamique? / This thesis is based on an experimental study carried out in shock tube; in particular, this is an experimental approach to the study of fluid-structure interaction. Consider a rigid body which is allowed to rotate only around an axis and which closes a confined space. If a shock wave crosses the content of the confined space, the body will accelerate and rotate around its axis. Specifically, the shock wave will increase the physical characteristics, especially its pressure, of the fluid acting on the impacted face of the door. The opposite side of the door is not influenced by the incident shock wave, only one of its faces is subjected to overpressure. Following the first impact, the resulting imbalance imposes a mechanical action on the door that will increase its speed and make it turn around its rotation axis. The difficulty comes when the door begins to open: the volume boundaries in which the fluid is contained are modified. Leaks occur and the gas kept in this closed volume can now flow to the atmosphere. Communication between the gas acting on each side of the door is created modifying their properties and consequently the pressure acting on each side of the door.The mechanical actions that apply to the door are no more the same with time, and therefore the acceleration of the door is changing. As the door moves, the fluid problem continues to be changed and in turn it changes its action on the door. This interaction process continues until either the limits of the problem ceases to be changed, the door cannot move, or when the mechanical actions acting on the door are in equilibrium, fluids on each side of the door are in the same physical state. The presented work is a study of the parameters of the fluid or the solid motion which are main actors in the behavioral law managing this complex system. In this aim, we designed an experimental device involving the physics that we have described and we have adapted it to a shock tube. Testing many experimental configurations, we could determine how the internal flow of a shock tube evolves when the end of this shock tube is more or less open.How a closed door reacts to the impact of a shock wave and what are the implications for the evolution of the involved fluids? What are the consequences of a different position of the door at the instant of the impact with the incident shock wave? What role plays the intensity of the incident shock wave or the inertia of the door on this dynamic?

Etude du mélange gazeux produit par instabilité de Richtmyer-Meshkov en régime initial périodique faiblement diffus / Experimental study of a gaseous mixing zone induced by the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability with a periodic and weakly diffuse initial interface

Graumer, Pierre 04 June 2019 (has links)
Le travail de thèse présenté dans ce manuscrit propose une analyse expérimentale du dé-veloppement spatio-temporel d’une zone de mélange (air/hélium) initiée par instabilité deRichtmyer-Meshkov (IRM). Cette étude s’appuie sur la mise en oeuvre d’un tube à chocspositionné verticalement et sur le développement d’un nouveau protocole expérimental associéà un système innovant de génération de l’interface initiale entre les deux espèces gazeuses enprésence. Ce système est basé sur un dispositif d’obturation/ouverture composé d’un rideau rigiderétractable et d’une série volets mobiles. La caractérisation de l’interface initiale et de l’évolutionspatio-temporelle de la zone de mélange ainsi obtenue est effectuée en exploitant les résultats dedifférentes techniques de mesures telles que la visualisation strioscopique (Schlieren) résolue entemps, la tomoscopie plan laser (TPL) et la Vélocimétrie par Imagerie de Particules (PIV). Enpremier lieu, différentes campagnes de mesures visant à caractériser l’interface initiale ont permisde quantifier la répétabilité du système et de démontrer ses capacités à générer une interfacepériodique faiblement diffuse. Dans un second temps, une étude du mélange gazeux obtenu pourun jeu de paramètres expérimentaux donné, est proposée. L’analyse s’intéresse en particulieraux mécanismes d’initiation et de transition a la turbulence de la zone de mélange produite parl’IRM. L’interaction entre cette zone de mélange en cours de développement et le choc réfléchisur l’extrémité supérieure du tube (phénomène de rechoc) est également étudiée dans l’optique deconfirmer la transition turbulente de la zone de mélange. / This work proposes an experimental analysis of the spatio-temporal development of an air/heliummixing zone promoted by the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability (RMI). This study relies on the useof a vertical shock tube and on the development of a new experimental protocol associated with aninnovative device for the generation of an initial interface between two gazeous species. This deviceconsists a rigid retractable curtain and of a series of rotating shutters. The characterization ofthis initial interface and the spatio-temporal evolution of the RMI-induced mixing zone is carriedout by exploiting the results of various experimental methods such as time resolved Schlierenvisualizations, planar laser mie scattering and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). In a first step,various measurement campaigns have made it possible to quantify the repeatability of the newdevice and to demonstrate its ability to generate a periodic, weakly diffused interface. In a secondstep, a study of the gaseous mixing for a given set of experimental parameters is proposed. Theanalysis focuses on the understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving the gaseous interfaceformation and the transition to turbulence of the RMI-induced mixing. The interaction betweenthis mixing zone and the reflected shock from the upper end of the tube (re-shock phenomenon)is also studied in order to confirm the turbulent transition of the mixing zone.

Design And Development Of Diaphragmless Hypersonic Shock Tunnel

Hariharan, M S 11 1900 (has links)
The growing requirements to achieve hypersonic flights, as in the case of reentry vehicles, pose a serious challenge to the designers. This demands an understanding of the features of hypersonic flow and its effect on hypersonic vehicles. Hypersonic shock tunnels are one of the most widely used facilities for the purpose of obtaining valuable design data by conducting experiments on scaled down models. They are operated by conventional shock tubes by rupturing metal diaphragms placed between the driver and driven sections of the shock tube. Shock tunnels are being extensively used in spite of some of the drawbacks they possess. Due to the varying nature of metal diaphragm rupture, reproducibility of the experiment results is difficult to obtain. Damage to model and inner surface of the shock tube can happen when the diaphragm petal breaks away from the diaphragm. Lastly the time consuming diaphragm replacement process is not desired in applications which require quick loading of shock waves on the specimen. All these disadvantages call for the replacement of the diaphragm mode of operation with a diaphragmless mode of operation for the generation of shock waves. The main objective of the present study is to design and demonstrate the working of a diaphragmless hypersonic shock tunnel. The motivation for the present study comes from the fact that the diaphragmless operation of a shock tunnel has not been reported so far in the open literature. All the research works carried out deal with diaphragmless drivers operating only a shock tube. In the present work, the conventional metal diaphragm is substituted by fast acting pneumatic valves which serve the purpose of quickly opening the driven section of the shock tube to allow the driver gas to rush in, resulting in the formation of a shock wave. To design a diaphragmless driver, a detailed study of the shock formation process is accomplished which helps in understanding the effect of valve opening time on the shock formation distance. Also the theoretical basis for the design of a pneumatic cylinder is understood. Following the theoretical studies, three types of diaphragmless drivers are designed and tested. The first setup incorporates a rubber membrane, which acts as a valve. The rubber membrane when bulged closes the mouth of the driven section and on retraction the driven section is opened to the driver gas. The second and the third setups utilise two different types of double acting pneumatic cylinders. Experimental results of the three diaphragmless drivers operating a shock tube are analysed and compared with the ideal shock tube theory. Better repeatability in terms of shock Mach number is shown with all three diaphragmless shock tubes when compared with a conventionally operated shock tube. Finally, the best among the three systems is identified to operate the hypersonic shock tunnel 2 (HST2) facility of the Shock Waves laboratory, IISc. Demonstration of the working of the diaphragmless shock tunnel is shown by performing heat transfer measurements on a 3 mm backward facing step flat plate model. The experimental results are compared with those obtained in a conventional shock tunnel. CFD studies on diaphragmless shock tube model are done to have an idea on the flow in the shock tube there by identifying the shock formation distance. ANSYS-CFX package is used for this purpose. Further, results from the numerical simulation of hypersonic flow over the backward facing step model are compared with the experimental results thus validating the code.

Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Dissoziationen von Tetrafluorethen, Hexafluorpropen und Hexafluorcyclopropan / Experimental and theoretical analysis of the dissociation of tetrafluoroethene, hexafluoropropene and hexafluorocyclopropane

Sölter, Lars 27 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Behaviour of Light-frame Wood Stud Walls Subjected to Blast Loading

Lacroix, Daniel 24 July 2013 (has links)
Deliberate and accidental explosions along with the heightened risk of loss of life and property damage during such events have highlighted the need for research in the behaviour of materials under high strain rates. Where an extensive body of research is available on steel and concrete structures, little to no details on how to address the design or retrofitting of wood structures subjected to a blast threat are available. Studies reported in the literature that focused on full scale light-frame wood structures did not quantify the increase in capacity due to the dynamic loading while the studies that did quantify the increase mostly stems from small clear specimens that are not representative of the behaviour of structural size members with defects. Tests on larger-scale specimens have mostly focused on the material properties and not the structural behaviour of subsystems. Advancements in design and construction techniques have greatly contributed to the emergence of taller and safer wood structures which increase potential for blast threat. This thesis presents results on the flexural behaviour of light-frame wood stud walls subjected to shock wave loading using the University of Ottawa shock tube. The emphasis is on the overall behaviour of the wall subsystem, especially the interaction between the sheathing and the studs through the nailed connection. The approach employed in this experimental program was holistic, where the specimens were investigated at the component and the subsystem levels. Twenty walls consisting of 38 mm x 140 mm machine stress-rated (MSR) studs spaced 406 mm on center and sheathed with two different types and sheathing thicknesses were tested to failure under static and dynamic loads. The experimental results were used to determine dynamic increase factors (DIFs) and a material predictive model was validated using experimental data. The implications of the code are also discussed and compared to the experimental data. Once validated, an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model incorporating partial composite action was used to evaluate current analysis and design assumptions. The results showed that a shock tube can effectively be used to generate high strain-rate flexural response in wood members and that the material predictive model was found suitable to effectively predict the displacement resulting from shock wave loading. Furthermore, it was found that current analysis and design approaches overestimated the wall displacements.

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