Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shock have"" "subject:"shock wave""
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衝撃波流れによって形成される粉塵雲の数値シミュレーション土井, 克則, DOI, Katsunori, MEN'SHOV, Igor, 中村, 佳朗, NAKAMURA, Yoshiaki 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Short time scale thermal mechanical shock wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packaging configurationNagaraj, Mahavir 15 November 2004 (has links)
The generalized theory of thermoelasticity was employed to characterize the coupled thermal and mechanical wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packages. Application of a Gaussian heat source of spectral profile similar to high performance devices was shown to induce rapid thermal and mechanical transient phenomena. The stresses and temporal gradient of stresses (power density) induced by the thermal and mechanical disturbances were analyzed using the Gabor Wavelet Transform (GWT). The arrival time of frequency components and their magnitude was studied at various locations in the package. Comparison of the results from the classical thermoelasticity theory and generalized theory was also conducted. It was found that the two theories predict vastly different results in the vicinity of the heat source but that the differences diminish within a larger time window. Results from both theories indicate that the rapid thermal-mechanical waves cause high frequency, broadband stress waves to propagate through the package for a very short period of time. The power density associated with these stress waves was found to be of significant magnitude indicating that even though the effect, titled short time scale effect, is short lived, it could have significant impact on package reliability. The high frequency and high power density associated with the stress waves indicate that the probability of sub-micron cracking and/or delamination due to short time scale effect is high. The findings demonstrate that in processes involving rapid thermal transients, there is a non-negligible transient phenomenon worthy of further investigation.
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Optical and X-Ray Diagnostics of the Formation of Laser-Induced Plasmas in Gases and VacuumNikitine, Dmitri 10 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die Wechselwirkung intensiver Laserstrahlung mit Festkörperoberflächen ruft oberhalb einer bestimmten Leistungsdichte eine Materialablation hervor und führt schließlich zur Herausbildung sogenannter laserinduzierter Plasmen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in der Literatur über nichtlinear-optische Phänomene wie Selbstfokussierung und -Kanalisierung der Laserstrahlung, sowie Ausbildung beschleunigter Plasmafragmente berichtet. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Form und der Dynamik solcher laserinduzierten Plasmen an verschiedenen metallischen Targets (Al, Cu, W, Ta) in verschiedenen Umgebungen (Luft, Vakuum, Argon) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vor-pulskonfigurationen des Laserstrahles. Es ist festzustellen, daß sich nach der Einwirkung eines Vorpulses der Energie 10¹²...10¹³ W/cm² auf das metallische Target in Luft und Argon eine Stoßwelle ausbildet, die im Falle von Luft zu einem Plasmakanal der Elektronendichte um 10²º 1/cm³, im Falle von Argon zu mehreren pulsierenden Kanälen führt.
In der Arbeitsregime des Lasers mit einigen Vorpulsen wird in Luft und Argon die Herausbildung einer entsprechenden Anzahl von Stoßwellen im Plasma beobachtet. Als Ergebnis der Einwirkung des nachfolgenden Hauptpulses auf die entstandene Stoßwellenstruktur formiert sich ein Plasmakanal. Infolge der komplexen hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Hauptpuls und den Stoßwellen, sowie der Einwirkung starker Magnetfelder, erfolgt ein Auswurf von Plasmafragmenten entgegengesetzt dem Vektor der einfallenden Laserstrahlung. Die Fragestellung nach Abhängigkeit der Anzahl der Plasmafragmente von der Anzahl der Stoßwellen und der Pulsenergie des Lasers wird in dieser Arbeit verfolgt. Im Vakuum rufen die Vorpulse dagegen lediglich eine flache Plasmawolke hervor, in der sich als Ergebnis der Einwirkung des Hauptlaserimpulses wiederum eine Stoßwelle bildet. Weiter wird die Herausbildung von Plasmakanälen beobachtet, die in einem stumpfen Winkel zum Vektor des einfallenden Laserausstrahles geneigt sind. Mittels röntgenspektroskopischer Untersuchungen werden für die Plasmakanäle Elektronentemperaturen bis zu 2.7 keV ermittelt, was als Nachweis einer Vorbedingung zur Schaffung eines Röntgenlasers auf der Basis der vorliegenden Effekte gelten kann.
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Development of Interatomic Potentials for Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon Materials under Extreme ConditionsPerriot, Romain 01 January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this PhD research project is to devise a robust interatomic potential for large scale molecular dynamics simulations of carbon materials under extreme conditions. This screened-environment dependent reactive empirical bond order potential (SED-REBO) is specifically designed to describe carbon materials under extreme compressive or tensile stresses. Based on the original REBO potential by Brenner and co workers, SED-REBO includes reparametrized pairwise interaction terms and a new screening term, which serves the role of a variable cutoff. The SED-REBO potential overcomes the deficiencies found with the most commonly used interatomic potentials for carbon: the appearance of artificial forces due to short cutoff that are known to create erroneous phenomena including ductile fracture of graphene and carbon nanotubes, which contradicts the experimentally observed brittle character of these materials. SED-REBO was applied in large scale molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation of graphene membranes and shock-induced compression of diamond. It was shown in the first computational experiment that graphene membranes exhibit a non-linear response to large magnitude of indentation, followed by a brittle fracture in agreement with experiments. The strength of graphene was determined using the kinetic theory of fracture, and the crack propagation mechanisms in the material were identified. It was found in large-scale shock simulations that SED-REBO improves the predictive power of MD simulations of carbon materials at extreme conditions.
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Non-axisymmetric and Steerable Acoustic Field for Enhanced Stone Comminution in Shock Wave LithotripsyLautz, Jaclyn Mary January 2014 (has links)
<p>The primary goal of this dissertation was to assess the feasibility of transforming an electromagnetic (EM) shock wave lithotripter with an acoustic lens as its focusing device from the original axisymmetric pressure distribution to a non-axisymmetric steerable acoustic field. This work was motivated by the desire to better match the distribution of effective acoustic pressure and pulse energy with the trajectory and anatomical features around renal and ureteral calculi during clinical shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). The acoustic field transformation was accomplished by the design of a fan-shaped acoustic barrier (mask) placed on top of the lithotripter acoustic lens to selectively reduce the source aperture along the direction of the barrier axis, therefore effectively broadening the beam width (<italic>BW</italic>) of the lithotripter field in this preferred direction. Moreover, the geometry of the original lens (L<sub>1</sub>) was modified so that the acoustic focus of the new lens (L<sub>2</sub>) at high output voltages (necessitated by the incorporation of the mask) is closely aligned with the lithotripter focus. The mask was further driven by a motor-controlled gear system to rotate around the lithotripter axis, generating a steerable and non-axisymmetric acoustic field. In this dissertation project, a linear acoustic model was first used for parametric studies to assess the effects of mask geometry (opening angle and thickness) on beam elongation and peak pressure reduction. Based on this analysis, two mask geometries (L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub> and L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub>) were selected for modest and maximum beam elongation within the acceptable output range of the shock wave source. The acoustic and cavitation fields of the new lens with masks, as well as the corresponding field produced by the original lens, were characterized using fiber optical probe hydrophone measurements and stereoscopic high-speed imaging. Different output voltage settings were used for each lens configuration (i.e., 14 kV for L<sub>1</sub>, 15.8 kV for L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub>, and 17 kV L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub>) to produce equivalent acoustic pulse energy of 45 mJ in all setups, measured in the lithotripter focal plane. Under this condition, L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub> and L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub> generate lower peak pressure (38.2 and 36.8 MPa) with a significantly broadened BW<sub>y</sub> (11.4 and 14.3 mm) along the y-axis (head-to-toe direction of the patient), which is aligned with the mask axis, compared to the high peak pressure (44.1 MPa) and moderate <italic>BW</italic> (7.5 mm) of L<sub>1</sub>. It is worth noting that L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub> and L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub> produce a <italic>BW</italic><sub>x</sub> (7.6 and 7.5 mm) in the orthogonal direction to the mask axis, which is also comparable to L<sub>1</sub>. Similarly, the beam width of the cavitation field was broadened from 8.1 to 12.2 mm for L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub>, and from 10.9 to 17.9 mm for L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub>, compared to the range of 8.8 to 9.4 mm measured from L<sub>1</sub>. In comparison, L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub> produces a denser and narrower bubble cloud along the y-axis than L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub>. In vitro stone comminution (<italic>SC</italic>) tests in a tube holder (Diameter = 14 mm) have demonstrated that L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>8025</sub> and L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub> are more effective at off-axis positions and during simulated respiratory motion along the elongated beam direction. The results of <italic>SC</italic> also confirmed the correlation between <italic>SC</italic> and the average peak pressure, p<sub>+(avg)</sub>, and effective acoustic pulse energy, E<sub>eft</sub>, delivered to the stone, as shown in previous studies. Furthermore, a ureter model was developed and used to assess the performance of L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub>, which has the maximally elongated <italic>BW</italic> under various static and simulated respiratory motion conditions. The results suggest that L<sub>2</sub>+M<sub>9030</sub> can produce significantly better <italic>SC</italic> than L<sub>1</sub> when the elongated beam is effectively aligned with the stone/fragments in the ureter or with their motion trajectory during the course of SWL treatment. Altogether, the results of this dissertation work have demonstrated <italic>in vitro</italic> that a non-axisymmetric and steerable acoustic field can significantly enhance stone comminution under clinically relevant SWL conditions. Future work is warranted to optimize the mask design and steering protocol to maximize the benefit of such an adaptable and versatile design to improve the performance and safety of clinical EM lithotripters.</p> / Dissertation
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The development of a novel method for arresting tunnel explosionsDwomoh, Michael January 1998 (has links)
The onset of an explosion in an underground mining environment is a threat that has over years attracted a lot of attention. Much of this attention has focused on either arresting the explosion after it has been initiated or preventing the initiation. The methods devised have proved successful in most cases, but on the odd occasion that they fail, the end results can be disastrous. There have been fatalities from underground mining explosions as a result of fires burning and sapping all the oxygen in the atmosphere leading to asphyxiation. A different approach to arresting these explosions would enhance safety in the face of increased productivity. A novel method using an explosion door with a porous media acting as a shock wave attenuator and arresting the flames has been introduced. This research investigates the ability of the porous media used in the explosion door to withstand explosions. The performance of the porous media is crucial, as its failure would render the explosion door useless. In order to assess the performance of the porous media, a shock tube was built capable of generating shock waves with a Mach number of 1.5. By placing samples of the porous media within the test section of the shock tube, pressure measurements were taken fore and aft of the porous media as it was impinged upon by the shock wave. Tests were also conducted using thin orifice plates to provide data for comparing the performance characteristics of the porous media. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the porous media and the orifice plates were performed to validate the experimental work as well providing graphic detail of the flow around the test specimen. The work presented in this thesis makes a contribution to the efforts towards the provision of a safe underground environment. This contribution is achieved by investigating the performance of the porous media to be used in an explosion door and correlating the performance of the porous media with thin orifice plates. The porous media in the work presented here is currently used in the castings industry and its application as a shock wave attenuator and fire arrester would contribute greatly to the well being of all people working underground.
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A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of High-Speed Liquid Jets - Their Characteristics and Dynamics.Zakrzewski, Sam, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2002 (has links)
A comprehensive understanding of high-speed liquid jets is required for their introduction into engine and combustion applications. Their transient nature, short lifetime, unique characteristics and the inability to take many experimental readings, has inhibited this need. This study investigates the outflow of a high-speed liquid jet into quiescent atmospheric air. The key characteristics present are, a bow shock wave preceding the jet head, an enhanced mixing layer and the transient deformation of the liquid jet core. The outflow regime is studied in an experimental and numerical manner. In the experimental investigation, a high-speed liquid water jet is generated using the momentum exchange by impact method. The jet velocity is supersonic with respect to the impinged gaseous medium. The resulting jet speed is Mach 1.8. The jet is visualised with the use of shadowgraph apparatus. Visualisation takes place over a variety of time steps in the liquid jet???s life span and illustrates the four major development stages. The stages progress from initial rapid core jet expansion to jet stabilisation and characteristic uniform gradient formation. The visualisation shows that at all stages of the jet???s life it is axi-symmetric. One dimensional nozzle analysis and a clean bow shock wave indicate that the pulsing jet phenomenon can be ignored. In the numerical investigation, a time marching finite volume scheme is employed. The bow shock wave characteristics are studied with the use of a blunt body analogy. The jet at a specific time frame is considered a solid body. The jet shape is found to have an important influence on the shock position and shape. Analysis of the results indicates a shock stand-off similar to that seen in experimental observations and the prediction of shock data. The jet life span is modelled using a species dependent density model. The transient calculations reproduce the key jet shape characteristics shown in experimental visualisation. The mushrooming effect and large mixing layer are shown to develop. These effects are strongest when the shock wave transience has yet to stabilise. Quantitative analysis of the mixing layer at varying time steps is presented.
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Avaliação por ultrassonografia quantitativa do osso terceiro metacarpiano de equinos atletas tratados com ondas de choque extracorpóreas /Pyles, Marcelo Damas. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Liz Garcia Alves / Banca: Carlos Alberto Hussni / Banca: Elisa Holthausen Caminoto / Banca: Luciane Rasera / Banca: Vânia Maria Vasconcelos Machado / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de ondas de choque extracorpóreas no osso terceiro metacarpiano de equinos hígidos através da determinação da elasticidade óssea. Para tanto, foram utilizados 20 equinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, machos e fêmeas, com dois anos de idade, clinicamente sadios e em início de treinamento, sendo selecionados quanto ao estado de higidez com especial atenção quanto à integridade do aparelho locomotor. No D0, dia zero do experimento, todos os animais foram submetidos à avaliação da elasticidade óssea realizada no osso terceiro metacarpiano. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de dez animais em cada (Grupo Controle e Grupo Tratamento). A aplicação da terapia com ondas de choque extracorpóreas (ESWT) foi realizada no membro torácico direito dos animais do Grupo Tratamento, na região coincidente à da avaliação da elasticidade óssea e para tanto foi utilizado aparelho para terapia de ondas extracorpóreas com densidade de fluxo de energia de 0,15 mJ/mm2 e 2000 pulsos com sonda E6R20, com a característica do foco da onda de choque de 20mm. As aplicações da ESWT foram repetidas a cada 21 dias totalizando três sessões (D0, D21 e D42). A análise da determinação da elasticidade óssea, além do D0, foi realizada no 21o dia após a primeira aplicação, no 21o dia após a segunda aplicação e no 30o dia após a terceira aplicação de ESWT (D21, D42 e D72). A média da velocidade ultrassonográfica (SOS) diferiu entre os grupos no D21, D42 e D72, sendo que os animais do Grupo Tratamento apresentaram menor densidade mineral óssea após as aplicações da ESWT. Houve diferença também à análise da massa óssea (Z-Score) entre os grupos no D21 e D42, quando... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock waves in third metacarpus bone from healthy horses by determination of bone elasticity. It were used 20 Thoroughbred horses, male and female, with two years old, clinically healthy and on top of training, selected as healthy state and special attention on the integrity of the locomotor system. At D0, day zero of the experiment, all animals were submitted to evaluation of bone elasticity held in the third metacarpus bone. The animals were randomly divided into two groups of ten animals (Control Group and Treatment Group). The application of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was performed on the right forelimb of the animals in the Treatment group in the same location evaluated for bone elasticity and extracorporeal therapy of waves was applied with 0.15mJ/mm2 energy flux density and 2000 pulses with E6R20 probe, with focus feature of the shock wave of 20mm. The applications of ESWT were repeated every 21 days, a total of three sessions (D0, D21 and D42). The analysis of bone elasticity determination was realized at D21, D42 and D72. The average speed ultrasound (SOS) differed between groups at D21, D42 and D72, and the animals from treatment group had lower bone mineral density after applications of ESWT. There was also difference in the analysis of bone mass (Z-Score) between the groups at D21 and D42, where animals from treatment group showed a significant decrease in bone mass. The risk of fracture were higher in animals from treatment group at D21. It was concluded that ESWT is able to promote change in bone mineral density. / Doutor
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Studies On Shock Wave Attenuation In LiquidsBhaskar, K 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The attenuation mechanism of shock waves of arbitrary strength propagating in air has been reasonably well understood. On the other hand, very little is known about the precise mechanism of shock wave attenuation and energy dissipation in liquids. The equation of state for shock propagation in water is empirical in nature and considerable differences exist with reference to the exact value of various constants even in the cast of Tait’ s equation of state, which is popularly used by researchers to describe the shock wave propagating through water. In recent times, considerable attention is being focused by researchers on shock wave attenuation and associated features in liquid medium mainly in the backdrop of development of many innovative industrial applications of shock waves. The present study focuses on generating reliable experimental data on shock wave attenuation in liquids of different viscosity. Experiments have been performed in a conventional vertical
shock tube and a modified diaphragmless shock tube to understand how
shock wave of requisite strength attenuates in liquids. A new vertical shock
tube was designed, fabricated and successfully tested in the laboratory as a part of this study. In this new facility shock loading experiments with liquids or any complex fluid medium can be carried out. In the present study five liquids (Water, Castor Oil, Sodium Chloride (10%NaCl aqueous solution), Kerosene and Glycerin) have been subjected to shock wave loading. Exhaustive static pressure measurements in the liquid medium have been carried out to understand the attenuation characteristics of shock waves. The validity of Taits equation state has been experimentally verified for water. Based on the experimental results modified Taits equation of state has been obtained for castor oil, sodium chloride, kerosene and glycerin. Illustrative theoretical study is also carried out to complement the experiments.
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Unsteadiness in transonic shock-wave/boundary layer interactions : experimental investigation and global stability analysisSartor, Fulvio 17 March 2014 (has links)
Dans cette étude nous considérons l'interaction entre une onde de choc et une couche limite turbulente sur un écoulement transsonique sur une bosse d'un point de vue expérimentale et théorique.Des mesures expérimentales ont permis de montrer que l'interaction est caractérisée par la coexistence de deux fréquences caractéristiques distinctes, mais l'origine des oscillations est controversée. Des simulations numériques permettent une description de l'écoulement moyen, mais ne sont pas capables de reproduire le comportement instable de l'interaction. Nous proposons d'abord une étude de stabilité globale: une décomposition en valeurs propres de l'opérateur de Navier-Stokes linéarisé indique que l'interaction est un phénomène stable, et la dynamique de l'écoulement ne peut pas être décrite par un mode global instable.Nous considérons ensuite une approche linéarisée, où la réceptivité de l'écoulement à un forçage externe est analysée à travers une décomposition en valeurs singulières du Résolvant global. Cette nouvelle approche est proposée afin d'expliquer le processus de sélection de fréquence dans cet écoulement, et montre que l'interaction filtre et amplifie le bruit résiduel existant.La même approche est enfin appliquée sur un cas d'écoulement transsonique autour d'un profil d'aile, qui peut présenter des oscillations périodiques de l'onde de choc. La décomposition en valeurs propres de opérateur de Navier-Stokes linéarisé est capable de décrire la dynamique du choc, tandis que la décomposition en valeurs singulières du Résolvant global peut indiquer la présence des instabilité convectives. / A transonic interaction between a shock wave and a turbulent boundary layer is experimentally and theoretically investigated. The configuration is a channel flow over a bump, where a shock wave causes the separation of the boundary layer and a recirculating bubble is observed downstream of the shock foot.The mean flow is experimentally investigated by means of PIV, then different techniques allows to identify the main unsteadiness of this shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction. As recognised in similar configurations, the flow presents two distinguished characteristic frequencies, whose origins are still unknown.Numerical simulations are performed solving RANS equations. Results are in good agreement with the experimental mean flow, but the approach fails to predict the unsteady. The solution of RANS equations is then considered as a base flow, and a global stability analysis is performed. Eigenvalue decomposition of the Navier-Stokes operator indicates that the interaction is stable, and the dynamics cannot be described by unstable global modes.A linearised approach based on a singular-value decomposition of the Resolvent is then proposed: the noise-amplifier behaviour of the flow is highlighted by the linearised approach. Medium-frequency perturbations are shown to be the most amplified in the mixing layer, whilst the shock wave behaves as a low-pass filter.The same approach is then applied to a transonic flow over a profile, where the flow can present high-amplitude shock oscillations. The stability analysis can describe both the buffet phenomenon when an unstable mode is present, and the convective instabilities responsible of medium-frequency unsteadiness.
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