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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sibling structure and gender inequality: assessing gender variation in the effects of sibling structure on housework performance, education, and occupation

Wang, Yan 01 May 2013 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effect of sibling structure on women's and men's socialization and achievement outcomes in three areas: housework performance, education, and occupation. Data from China and the United States are used for analyses. The findings indicate that the effect of sibling structure largely depends on the cultural and structural contexts in each society. More specifically, although women and men on average have the same sibling structure, the meaning of sibling configuration is different for women and men because of macro-level factors, such as cultural expectations, gender stereotypes, historical legacy, and political propaganda, and micro-level factors, such as parental preferences, parent-child communication and sibling competition. To examine the effect of sibling structure on each outcome, I conduct three empirical studies. In the first study, using data from the 2006 wave of the China Health and Nutrition Survey, I investigate the effect of sibling structure on children's housework performance. The results show that sibship size, sex composition, and birth order are important predictors of children's housework performance in China. On average, children's probability of doing housework increases as number of siblings increases and singletons are least likely to do housework. In two-child families, for girls, a brother increases the likelihood of doing housework, whereas a sister has no impact. For boys, the presence of a younger brother increases the likelihood of performing housework, whereas a sister and an older brother have no impact. In the second study, I focus on the effect of sibling structure on educational attainment and the role of siblings' education in this relationship. Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) are used for analyses. I find that the effects of sibship size and sibling sex composition on educational attainment are mediated through siblings' educational achievements. These effects are divergent for men and women. For women, sibship size and sex composition do not impact their educational attainment after accounting for siblings' educations. For men, only the number of brothers (but not sisters) has a negative effect on their educational attainment after controlling for siblings' educational achievements. In the third study, I investigate the influence of birth order on the prestige and sex type of adolescents' occupational aspirations using the first wave of the NLSY79. The results indicate that for both females and males, firstborn and lastborn adolescents on average expect higher prestige occupations compared to middleborns, and lastborns are more likely to have nontraditional occupational aspirations than firstborns and middleborns. Taken together, the results suggest that the gender gap in important child and adult behavioral outcomes is smaller among individuals with fewer siblings, fewer brothers, and among lastborn young adults.

手足結構對個人教育及收入之影響 / Sibling Structure, Educational Attainment, and Earnings

王慈君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD)分別於1999、2000及2003年針對台灣家庭所執行之第一波調查資料,探討台灣地區成年人家庭背景與手足結構對其教育、起薪及多年後工作收入的影響。由於過去台灣文獻探討有關家庭背景與手足結構對個人的影響時,大部分僅探討其對子女教育成就的影響,或是藉由家庭背景對個人教育成就的影響,探討教育報酬之高低,而非探討家庭背景對個人收入的影響。與過去文獻不同的是,本文除了探討家庭背景與手足結構對個人教育成就之影響力外,我們另外加入個人起薪及多年後的工作收入為研究對象,藉由將個人生命週期時間拉長,觀察家庭背景與手足結構變數隨著時間經過,對個人的影響是否有所不同。 對個人教育成就而言,我們發現家庭資源多寡主要受家庭背景變數所決定,手足人數越多,雖然會彼此競爭資源,不利個人取得較高的教育成就,但當手足互助激勵效果大於資源競爭效果,手足的存在可能反而對其教育成就的取得存在正向幫助。對個人起薪而言,家庭資源多寡仍為重要影響因素,但家庭背景變數的影響力已逐漸減弱,手足結構變數則決定個人在家庭資源的競爭上是否存在優勢,競爭失利者將提早離開學校進入職場,起薪相對較低。由於擁有支撐家庭經濟的能力及相同性別的威脅,我們發現女性擁有年齡差距大的妹妹對其起薪存在顯著負影響;男性則基於資源競爭效果,有年齡相近的姊姊對其起薪存在正向影響,有年齡相近的弟弟則對其起薪存在負向影響。 但隨著時間經過,個人工作收入不再受家庭資源多寡影響,家庭背景變數對個人收入的影響力幾乎皆不顯著,原本因手足人數眾多,而需互相競爭家庭資源的情況也不復存在,反而是在成長過程中透過手足互動所形成的個人特質,可能是在多年後手足結構變數仍對其工作收入存在影響性之原因。擁有年齡相近弟妹的兄姊,除了手足情感及互動關係較密切外,在成長過程中由於常被父母要求作弟妹榜樣及擔任弟妹的照顧者,可能因此形成習慣照顧別人,自我要求較高的個人特質,本文發現女性擁有年齡相近的弟妹對其收入存在正向影響,男性擁有年齡相近的妹妹對其存在正向影響;另外,由於哥哥一旦進入職場工作後,自然便成為家庭資源提供者,身為弟妹者可能因此較不需為家庭經濟狀況擔心,本文發現女性擁有年齡差距大的哥哥對其工作收入存在負向影響,男性則因有年齡相近哥哥對其存在負向影響。 雖然教育年數、起薪與多年後的工作收入皆可當作個人成就衡量標的,但從模型的結果來看,可發現其成因與影響方式並不盡相同,若僅用個人教育年數來衡量其未來成就,可能因而忽略家庭背景及手足結構對個人未來更長遠的影響。 再者,擁有高學歷並不代表能在職場上有好的表現,故納入不同時期的工作收入為衡量個人成就的另一指標,應可彌補單以教育程度來衡量的不足。 / This thesis investigates impacts of family background and sibling structure on the future achievement of individuals by the first wave of the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) survey conducted in 1999, 2000, and 2003. We find that family resources determined by parents play an important role on children’s future achievement measured by educational attainment, initial earnings, and current earnings. However, the importance of family background decreases gradually. For example, family background has relatively few effects on individual’s current earnings. On the other hand, sibling structure has persistent impacts on individuals because family resources each child gets decrease with the number of siblings and sibling structures determine how children compete for family resources. We also find that the impacts of sibling structure on current earnings may be due to the personal characteristics built by sibling interactions. Though educational attainments, initial earnings, and current earnings can be measurements of future achievements, most studies in Taiwan only investigate how educational attainments are affected by family background and sibling structures. The thesis can shed some new light on the impacts of family background and sibling structures on initial earnings and current earnings.

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