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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die literarische bedeutung des Hartmann-Reinbeckschen hauses in Stuttgart, 1779-1849

Gerlach, Bernhard, January 1910 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.-Münster. / Cover title. Lebenslauf.

Reichsprivilegien und Reichsdienste der eidgenössischen Orte unter König Sigmund, 1410-1437 /

Schuler Alder, Heidi January 1900 (has links)
Diss. : Philosophie : Zürich : [1985]. / Bibliogr. p. 246-257. Index. -

Die literarische bedeutung des Hartmann-Reinbeckschen hauses in Stuttgart, 1779-1849

Gerlach, Bernhard, January 1910 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.-Münster. / Cover title. Lebenslauf.

Vinnare och Förlorare : En studie av gästande adelskretsar och deras politiska övertygelse på Kalmar slott, 1579-1600 / Winners and losers : A study of the visiting noblemen and their political conviction at the Castle of Kalmar, 1579-1600

Carlsson, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine whether visiting noblemen at the castles of Borgholm and Kalmar with their vast network of acquaintances can determine a tendency towards a political stance in the civil war of Sweden in the late 16th century. This is done by examining the guests and the company of the bailiff, born as a commoner but later governor and nobleman, Christoffer Gyllengrip Andersson, who in the end of the century would perish in the same manner as many of the peerage who fell at the bloodbath of Linköping in the year 1600. The networks are analyzed with the help of accountings and census records from the above mentioned castles between the years 1579-1592 whereon by the year 1593 the following national as well as local events will be analyzed and presented until the year 1600. The essay shows that allegiance to one or the other side can be seen to certain degree in the presented era delving into Kalmar Castle generally, allthough the true nature of one’s political ideals become most visible in the later 1590s when the noblemen actually are forced to take sides, instead of the double-agent poppycock of which they were in the antecedent decade of 1580. The essay shows that the information given by the census-records can be anchored in history’s more famous line such as when Olof Andersson Oxehufvud (one of many) is assigned as governor in the year 1594 to prevent the eminent empowerment of his uncle Karl, Duke of Södermanland, Närke and Värmland.

Diplomatika a správa kláštera Teplá ve 2. polovině 15. století. / Diplomatics and Administration of the Monastery of Teplá in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century

Trnka, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the thesis are the documents of the canony of Teplá, as well as some aspect of the administration of the monastery in the Middle Ages, namely under the abbot Sigismund Hausmann (1459-1506). It contains, besides the introductory chapter, three main parts, treating the history of the monastery in the Middle Ages, its documents and its administration, respectively. In the introduction, the basic secondary literature and primary sources for the topic are introduced. In addition, the structure and the methodology of the thesis are outlined. The history of the canony from its foundation up to the year 1526 is given in the first part. The following turning points are chosen for the periodization: 1420, 1459, and 1507. The presentation is based mostly on primary sources and it is focused mainly on the later Middle Ages. The second section, devoted to the medieval diplomatics of the monastery, begins with the typology of the diplomatic material of the Premonstratensian canonies in Bohemia and Moravia. The treatment of the documents of Teplá is divided according to the extant types of material (charters, letters pattent, letters missive, cartularies, registers and the remaining official books). External as well as internal features of every diplomatic type are followed in three periods: to the...

Gli italiani a Dresda

Baggio, Serenella 02 July 2020 (has links)
La SLUB di Dresda riflette nella sua collezione italiana di manoscritti e antiche stampe non solo l’eclettismo dei gusti dei bibliofili sassoni o le diverse fortune dei loro agenti in Italia, ma la varietà dell’offerta culturale italiana, riflessa in modelli linguistici diversi per ragioni geografiche, sociali o anche solo diafasiche. Il giovane Cristiano I fu educato all’italiano probabilmente su due grammatiche in contrasto fra loro per motivi ideologici, una italianista, l’altra toscanista, come mostra il confronto delle loro marche d’uso. Allo straniero italofilo era richiesta una paziente tolleranza della variabilità, alimentata da accese questioni della lingua e da un polimorfismo ineliminabile in un paese da sempre poli-centrico e conflittuale.

Parléřovská architektura na západním Slovensku / The Parlerian Architecture

Okruhlicová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav pro dějiny umění Dějiny výtvarného umění - Obecná teorie a dějiny umění a kultury Erika O k r u h l i c o v á Parlerovská architektúra na západnom Slovensku The Parlerian Architecture in the Western Slovakia Disertační práce vedoucí práce - Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., Dr. h. c. 2015 ABSTRAKT Dizertačná práca sa venuje parlerovskej architektúre na západnom Slovensku. Parlerovská architektúra, súvisiaca s priamou činnosťou rodu Parler, trvala približne od poslednej tretiny 14. storočia do polovice 15. storočia. Stavitelia, ktorí pokračovali v odkaze rodu Parler, stavali približne do záveru 15. storočia. Uvedená architektúra zahŕňa cirkevné stavby (kostoly, kaplnky), hrady (v rámci ktorých boli stavané aj kaplnky) a radničnú kaplnku. Stavby priamo, resp. sprostredkovane súvisia so staviteľskou činnosťou rodu Parler, ktorého člen Peter Parler, pôsobiaci predovšetkým v Prahe, uviedol do architektúry nové riešenia, uplatňované počas viacerých generácií staviteľov, aj členmi iných staviteľských rodov. Priama činnosť členov rodu Parler s menami Henrich ml., Václav a Janco je v práci preskúmaná z hľadiska pravdepodobnosti a hypotéz ich pôsobenia na západnom Slovensku. V stredoveku bola aj svetská architektúra úzko spojená s božským poslaním s odkazmi na...

Začlenění Lucemburska mezi země Koruny české / Incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown

Stehlík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. This theme was chosen primarily for the reason that it have not been compiled and analyzed by historiography so far. Available literature usually takes the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown automatically as a fact without further reasoning. As a result of this approach there is considerable amount of inaccuracies and mistakes in literature. Primary inaccuracy is in a date or in a time period determining the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown, when literature often indicate the reign of King Charles IV or even the reign of King John of Luxembourg. The purpose of this diploma thesis is not only analyzing the process of incorporation, but also disproves continuing inaccuracies. For this reason the diploma thesis draws and analyzes essential facts primarily from original sources and confront them with available literature. First chapter briefly introduces the institution of the Bohemian Crown for her distinguish from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Further it analyzes the terms "crown" and "incorporation". At last it describes a beginning of the Bohemian Crown and analyzes fundamental documents of this institution. Following second chapter describes the personal union...

Чланови династија југоисточне Европе у средњовековној Угарској / Članovi dinastija jugoistočne Evrope u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj / The members of the dynasties of South EastEurope in medieval Hungary

Krstić Aleksandar 18 November 18204 (has links)
<p>Tokom srednjeg veka u Ugarskoj su se na&scaron;li i<br />mnogi pripadnici dinastija iz susednih, ali i iz<br />drugih evropskih zemalja. Predmet istraživanja<br />u ovoj tezi su clanovi dinastija iz zemalja<br />jugoistocne Evrope, odnosno sa Balkanskog<br />poluostrva (Srbija, Bosna, Vizantija, Bugarska,<br />Osmansko carstvo), koji su u periodu od 12. do<br />prvih decenija 16. veka boravili u Ugarskoj<br />kraljevini i bili ukljuceni u njen državno-pravni<br />sistem. U fokusu istraživanja su srpski župan i<br />ugarski palatin Belo&scaron; iz 12. veka, njemu<br />savremeni bosanski ban Boric i njegovi<br />potomci, sinovi biv&scaron;e vizantijske carice<br />Margarite Jovan An&#39;eo i Viljem od Sentomera,<br />bosanski banovi iz 13. veka, narocito Prijezda I<br />i njegovi sinovi, srpski kralj Stefan Dragutin,<br />bosanski ban Stjepan (( Kotromanic i njegova<br />kci Jelisaveta, supruga ugarskog kralja Lajo&scaron;a (,<br />zatim sinovi kralja Vuka&scaron;ina Dmitar i Andrija&scaron;,<br />despoti Stefan Lazarevic, &amp;ura&#39; Brankovic i<br />njegovi potomci, srpski despoti u Ugarskoj iz<br />druge polovine 15. stoleca, bosanski kraljevi<br />pocev od Tvrtka I do Stefana Toma&scaron;evica,<br />herceg Vladislav Kosaca i njegovi naslednici, i<br />konacno, bugarski carevic Fružin i osmanski<br />princevi Murat i Davud Celebija. Njihov<br />položaj u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj razlikovao<br />se u zavisnosti od vremena i okolnosti u kojima<br />su do&scaron;li u ovu zemlju (bracne i porodicne veze<br />me&#39;u dinastijama, izbegli clanovi vladarskih<br />porodica koji su na&scaron;li utoci&scaron;te u Ugarskoj,<br />vladari susednih država koji su kao vazali<br />ugarskih kraljeva dobijali posede na teritoriji<br />kraljevine). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na<br />osnovu raspoloživih podataka u istorijskim<br />izvorima sagleda položaj clanova dinastija iz<br />zemalja jugoistocne Evrope u pravnom i<br />politickom sistemu Ugarske kraljevine, njihovi<br />posedi, uloge koje su ove licnosti imale u<br />odnosima Ugarske sa zemljama iz kojih su<br />poticale, i, na kraju, da se na taj nacin bolje<br />osvetli politika ugarskih vladara prema<br />njihovim jugoistocnim susedima u srednjem<br />veku.</p> / <p>During the Middle Ages many members of the<br />dynasties from neighboring countries came to<br />Hungary, as well as from other European<br />countries. In this Ph.D. thesis members of the<br />dynasties from South Eastern Europe are<br />studied, that is from the Balkan countries<br />(Serbia, Bosnia, Byzantium, Bulgaria, Ottoman<br />Empire), those who stayed in the Kingdom of<br />Hungary during the period from 12th to the<br />early decades of the 16th century and were<br />involved in its state and legal system. The study<br />focuses on the Serbian župan and Hungarian<br />Palatine Belo&scaron; from the 12th century, his<br />contemporary Bosnian ban Boric and his<br />descendants, the sons of former Byzantine<br />Empress Margaret John Angel and William of<br />Saint Omer, Bosnian bans from the 13th<br />century, especially Prijezda I and his sons,<br />Serbian king Stefan Dragutin, Bosnian ban<br />Stjepan II Kotromanic and his daughter<br />Elizabeth, the wife of Hungarian King Lajos I,<br />then the sons of King Vuka&scaron;in Dimitar and<br />Andrija&scaron; (14th century), Despots Stefan<br />Lazarevic, George Brankovic and his<br />descendants, who became Serbian despots in<br />Hungary in the second half of the 15th century,<br />then Bosnian kings from Tvrtko I to Stefan<br />Toma&scaron;evic, Duke Vladislav Kosaca and his<br />successors, and finally, Bulgarian prince Fružin<br />and Ottoman princes Murat and Dawud Celebi.<br />Their position in medieval Hungary differed depending on the time and circumstances in</p><p>which they came to this country (marriage and<br />family ties between dynasties, exiled members<br />of royal families who have found refuge in<br />Hungary, the rulers of neighboring countries,<br />who had received estates in the Kingdom as<br />vassals of the Hungarian kings). The aim of the<br />study is to perceive, based on the data available<br />in historical sources, the position of members of<br />the dynasties from the South-East Europe in the<br />legal and political system of the Kingdom of<br />Hungary, their possessions, the roles that these<br />persons have played in Hungarian relations with<br />the countries from which they were originated,<br />and, finally, to better highlight policies of<br />Hungarian rulers to their southeastern neighbors<br />in the Middle Ages.</p>

Poslední lucemburská princezna. Životní osudy Elišky Zhořelecké v letech 1390 - 1425. / The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life of Elizabeth of Görlitz in the period between years 1390 - 1425.The Last Princess of Luxembourg.

Bolerazká, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Title: The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life Elizabeth of Görlitz in the Period between Years 1390 - 1425. Abstract: The thesis aims to describe the life of the last princess of the House of Luxembourg, Elisabeth of Görlitz. Based on an analysis of narrative and diplomatic material spanning between 1390 - 1425 it describes her life from birth until the moment she ultimately became a widow. Elisabeth of Görlitz (1390 - 1451) was the granddaughter of the emperor Charles the IV. and the Swedish king Albrecht I. During a significant period she used to be the only heir of the House of Luxembourg and therefore since her childhood she was an important woman from the political point of view. She married Anthony Duke of Brabant after several unsuccessful engagements. This marriage led Elizabeth to the Western Europe, where she spent the rest of her life. Thanks to this marriage, Luxembourg became the property of the newly married couple. After few years Anthony died in one of the most famous battles of Hundred Years' War - The battle of Agincourt. Soon after that, Elizabeth got married for the second time. Her second husband was John III the Pitiless, the former Prince-Bishop of Liège, which was during this time most known for his efforts of acquiring Holland and Zeeland. However, John died a few years after the...

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