Spelling suggestions: "subject:"silviculture."" "subject:"silvicultures.""
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Slash Mulching and Incorporation as Mechanical Site Preparation for Pine Plantation Establishment and Subsequent Effects on Soil Moisture and Site HydrologyLakel, William A. 15 September 2000 (has links)
Over one million hectares of pocosins and wet flats in the southeastern coastal plain are intensively managed for the production of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations. These management activities may have adverse effects on soil physical properties, site hydrology, and overall site productivity. Substantial quantities of wood residues are often left on these sites by timber harvesting operations, and it was hypothesized that the incorporation of this slash into the soil could improve the soil physical properties and site hydrology. One organic pocosin site and one mineral wet flat site were chosen post-harvest for treatment. The wet flat study was organized as an incomplete block design having four blocks and six treatments: (i) conventional bedding, (ii) strip surface mulching with bedding, (iii) strip surface mulching with tillage and bedding, (iv) broadcast mulch without bedding, (v) broadcast mulch with bedding, and (vi) flat planted control. The pocosin study was organized as a randomized complete block design with four blocks and four treatments. The treatments are identical to those of the wet flat site without the broadcast mulch treatments (iv and v). Soil physical property data was analyzed pre- and post-treatment, while post-treatment site hydrology and soil water chemistry data was analyzed periodically for one year. Seedling survival and height data were analyzed after one growing season.
The treatments had little effect on soil physical properties, site hydrology, soil water nutrients, or seedling survival on the wet flat study site. Bedding in general significantly increased tree height growth, but mulching had no significant effects. The treatments had little effect on soil physical properties on the pocosin study site except for soil macroporosity, which was significantly increased by bedding. Site hydrology and soil water nutrients were not significantly affected by the treatments, but seedling survival and height growth were significantly increased by bedding. Mulching had no significant effects on any of the parameters studied. / Master of Science
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Effects of Low-Input Vegetation Management on Pine-Hardwood Mixed Stands in the Northern PiedmontHeinze, Jason A. 26 June 2000 (has links)
In an attempt to provide low-cost, low-input alternatives for regenerating pine-hardwood mixtures, this study examined several mechanisms that influence the growth of pine-hardwood stands. The Regeneration Alternatives Study is an ongoing experiment that was designed to gain biological and economical information concerning the growth and yield of loblolly pine and mixed hardwood species. Low-cost herbicide applications (stump treatment, basal stem spray, release, and soil spot release) were used to control competing vegetation during the study.
The four even-aged regeneration treatments applied to loblolly pine and mixed hardwood stands of this study had a significant effect on their growth. Loblolly pine growth increased and mixed hardwood growth decreased as the intensity of herbicide treatment increased for all age classes. In general, loblolly pine was more productive with more intense treatment applications on poorer sites following a growing season harvest. Hardwood species were more productive with less intense treatment applications on higher-quality sites following a dormant season harvest for all age classes. Loblolly pine planting following clearfelling, coupled with a herbicide stump and release treatment (treatment 4), resulted in the highest yields of loblolly pine, the greatest economic returns, and the greatest level of site utilization. However, treatment 4 also resulted in the lowest yield of mixed hardwoods and the lowest level of species richness. Loblolly pine planting following clearfelling, with (treatment 3) and without (treatment 2) a hardwood stump treatment application, resulted in a more even distribution of pines and hardwoods, depending on the treatment. Treatment 3 favored loblolly pine growth, especially following a growing season harvest on poor sites. Treatment 2 favored mixed hardwood growth, especially following a dormant season harvest on good sites. There were no differences between methods of release (basal spray or soil spot herbicide application). Economically, treatments 2 and 3 did not realize a profit on returns.
Pine yields, dbh, and basal area were all significantly greater following a summer season harvest as opposed to pine growth following a winter harvest with the same chemical treatments. The pine growth data indicated that less intense chemical treatments following a summer harvest can achieve the same or greater growth results than more intense chemical treatments following a winter harvest. The results of this study indicate a significant biological and economic tradeoff, depending on the level of hardwood control applied and the time of harvesting. / Master of Science
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Kohlenstoffspeicherung als Teilziel der strategischen Waldbauplanung / erläutert an Reinbeständen verschiedener Baumarten in Niedersachsen / Carbon storage as part of strategic silviculture planning / explained to pure stands of different tress species in Lower SaxonyWördehoff, René 08 April 2016 (has links)
Die Speicherung von Kohlenstoff im Wald ist ein hochaktuelles, klimapolitisches Thema. Dabei werden als Speicher die lebende und die tote Baumbiomasse sowie die aus
dem geernteten Holz hergestellten Produkte und deren Substitutionseffekte betrachtet.
Die Kohlenstoffbindung in der lebenden Baumbiomasse der Wälder ist vornehmlich von
der Baumart, dem Standort und der Waldbehandlung abhängig. Außerhalb des Wal-
des, bei den Holzprodukten und deren Substitutionspotenzial, ist die Art und Dauer
der Verwendung maßgeblich für die Kohlenstoffbindung. Forstbetriebe können durch
ihre strategische Ausrichtung das Teilziel der Kohlenstoffspeicherung stärker gewichten und somit zum gesellschaftlich geforderten Klimaschutz einen Beitrag leisten. Dazu
sind jedoch Kenntnisse über baumarten-, standort- und behandlungsspezifische Effekte notwendig, welche die Kohlenstoffspeicherung beeinflussen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden
Simulationen einer naturnahen und einer kohlenstofforientierten waldbaulichen Behandlung der fünf wichtigsten Baumarten im niedersächsischen Landeswald auf bedeutenden
Standortseinheiten durchgeführt.
Die Hauptwirtschaftsbaumarten im Landeswald von Niedersachsen sind Eiche, Buche,
Fichte, Douglasie und Kiefer. Die analysierten Standorte verteilen sich auf jeweils vier
Wuchsbezirke im Tief- und Bergland. Für die Identifikation wichtiger Kombinationen
aus Wasser- und Nährstoffversorgung sowie der entsprechenden Leistungsfähigkeit der
Baumarten wurden Informationen der Standortskartierung sowie der Forsteinrichtung
der Niedersächsischen Landesforsten genutzt.
Auf der Grundlage der Betriebsinventur der Niedersächsischen Landesforsten konnten Modelle zur Generierung von Einzelbaumdaten erstellt werden, die insbesondere zur
Schätzung der aktuellen Bestandesgrundflächen und der zu Grunde liegenden Durchmesserverteilungen genutzt wurden. Mit ihrer Hilfe konnten realitätsnahe Weiserbestände
als Grundlage der Simulationen, entsprechend den Informationen aus Forsteinrichtung
und Standortskartierung, generiert werden.
Damit die waldbauliche Behandlung abgebildet werden kann, ist es notwendig die
Durchforstungsstärke und -art nachzubilden. Unter Verwendung von ertragskundlichen
Versuchsflächendaten der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt wurden erstmalig mittels Quantilsregression baumartenspezifische Funktionen zur Bestimmung der
maximalen Bestandesgrundfläche für Nordwestdeutschland hergeleitet. Diese stellen aufgrund der größeren Datengrundlage und der verwendeten Methoden eine Verbesserung
im Vergleich zum vorher benutzten Ansatz der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt dar. Mit ihnen lässt sich die maximale Bestandesgrundfläche sicherer schätzen.
Zur Definition eines praxisnahen Nutzungskonzeptes mit unterschiedlichen Pflegephasen abgegrenzt durch bestimmte Höhenbereiche, wird die aktuelle Bestandesgrundfläche ins
Verhältnis zur maximal möglichen Grundfläche des Bestandes gesetzt. Mit dem neu
erstellten Konzept kann nun eine grundflächengesteuerte, gestaffelte Durchforstung ab-
gebildet werden. Wobei mit den entwickelten Methoden auch die Nachbildung anderer
Nutzungskonzepte möglich ist.
Mit den generierten Weiserbeständen und dem Waldwachstumssimulator WaldPlaner
wurden die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen waldbaulichen Behandlungen auf die Bestandesentwicklung und die Kohlenstoffspeicherung untersucht. Dazu wurden u. a. die
Einzelbaumdaten mittels bekannter Funktionen aus der Literatur in Biomasse umgerechnet, ein neuer Holzverwendungsschlüssel zur Verteilung des eingeschlagenen Rohholzes
zu Produktklassen aufgestellt und ein Modell zur Kaskadennutzung in die Auswertung
Durch die Bildung einer Kohlenstoffspeicherrate sind Rückschlüsse über den Einfluss
der Wasser- und Nährstoffversorgung auf die Kohlenstoffspeicherung möglich. Sie erlaubt die Vergleichbarkeit der Baumarten, der Standorte sowie der einzelnen Speicher.
Es zeigt sich bei einer Gesamtbetrachtung der untersuchten Pools (lebende und tote
Baumbiomasse, Holzprodukte sowie deren Substitutionspotenzial), dass sich die Kohlenstoffspeicherraten deutlich zwischen den Baumarten unterscheiden und sich folgende
Reihung ergibt: Douglasie, Fichte > Kiefer > Buche, Eiche.
Der Forstbetrieb kann durch eine standortgemäße Baumartenwahl und -mischung, die
Waldbehandlung und der Berücksichtigung der erwartbaren Holzqualitäten und Risiken
das Teilziel der Kohlenstoffspeicherung im Rahmen des strategischen Managements stärker gewichten. Dabei haben standortgerechte Nadelbaumarten eine große Klimaschutzwirkung. Sie sollten allerdings nur insoweit angebaut werden, als das die multifunktionale
Nachhaltigkeit der Wälder nicht verletzt wird. Im Bereich der Holzverwendung ist die
Kaskadennutzung und stoffliche Nutzung weiter auszubauen, um möglichst viele Holzprodukte im Zivilisationskreislauf zu halten und abschließend energetisch zu nutzen. Auf
forstpolitischer Ebene ergeben sich verschiedene Handlungsfelder. Einerseits sind konkrete Wege zur Lösung von Zielkonflikten zwischen nationaler Klimapolitik und anderen
Strategien (z. B. Nationale Biodiversitätsstrategie, Waldstrategie 2020) zu entwickeln.
Andererseits ist die große Bedeutung der Wälder als Kohlenstoffspeicher und nachhaltiger Rohstofflieferant, intensiver als bisher, der Gesellschaft näher zu bringen. Dessen
ungeachtet besteht noch enormer Forschungsbedarf über den Einfluss des Klimawandels
und verschiedener Risiken sowie der Kaskadennutzung auf die Kohlenstoffspeicherung
im Forst-Holz-Sektor.
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Evaluating the effects of initial stocking, physiological age and species on wood stiffnessWatson, Liam January 2013 (has links)
The influence of initial stocking and physiologically aged cuttings (taken from 1-year- old and 5-year-old parents) on corewood modulus of elasticity (MOE) in 6-year-old Pinus radiata D. Don was studied in a Nelder-design experiment in Rolleston, Canterbury. In the same experiment, the influence of initial stocking on MOE in 5-year- old Eucalyptus nitens was also investigated. The study incorporated 19 different stocking levels ranging from 207 to 40,446 stems/ha. Green dynamic modulus of elasticity was assessed in standing trees using the TreeTap stress-wave method over the lower part of the stem (0.3 – 1.9m) for 151 P. radiata trees and 115 E. nitens trees.
The interaction between species and stocking significantly influenced MOE (P<0.001). MOE of P. radiata increased by 55% (or 3.9 GPa) between 271 and 40,466 stems/ha, and by 41% (or 2.2 GPa) between 271 and 4370 stems/ha. MOE of E. nitens was also influenced by stocking but the slope was significantly lower indicating that the effect of stocking was less pronounced than for P. radiata. Over the usual range of stockings for E. nitens there was an insignificant relationship between stocking and stiffness (P=0.335). Trees were also assessed for DBH, height, and stem slenderness (height/ DBH). None of these latter variables had a significant influence on MOE after the effects of stocking and species were accounted for. No effects of physiological age of cuttings were detected in this study.
The findings of this study highlight the importance of stocking as a tool that forest managers can utilize to regulate corewood stiffness in P. radiata trees. These results also suggest that for E. nitens, where wood stiffness is a priority, forest managers could reduce establishment costs by planting at much lower initial stockings. This study also highlights the superior stiffness of E. nitens in direct comparison with P. radiata, with many trees in the experiment already exceeding stiffness thresholds for structural timber in New Zealand.
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Integrating management for old-growth characteristics with enhanced carbon storage of northern hardwood-conifer forestsFord, Sarah Eliot 01 January 2016 (has links)
Forest management practices emphasizing stand structural complexity are of interest across the northern forest region of the United States because of their potential to enhance carbon storage. Our research is nested within a long-term study evaluating how silvicultural treatments promoting late-successional forest characteristics affect aboveground biomass development in northern hardwood forests. We are testing the hypothesis that biomass development (carbon storage) will be greater in structural complexity enhancement (SCE) treatments when compared to conventional uneven-aged treatments. SCE treatments were compared against selection systems (single-tree and group) modified to retain elevated structure. Manipulations and controls were replicated across 2-hectare treatment units at two study areas in Vermont, USA. Data on aboveground biomass pools (live trees and coarse woody material, standing dead and downed wood) were collected pre- and post-harvest then again a decade later in 2013. Species group-specific allometric equations were used to estimate live and standing dead biomass and downed log biomass was estimated volumetrically. We used Forest Vegetation Simulator to project "no-treatment" baselines specific to treatment units, allowing measured carbon responses to be normalized relative to differences in site-specific characteristics and pre-treatment conditions.
Results indicate that 10 years post-harvest biomass development and carbon storage were greatest in SCE treatments compared to conventional treatments, with the greatest increases in coarse woody material (CWM) pools. Structural complexity enhancement treatments contained 12.67 Mg ha-1 carbon in CWM compared to 6.62 Mg ha-1 in conventional treatments and 8.84 Mg ha-1 in areas with no treatment. Percentage differences between post-harvest carbon and baseline values indicate that carbon pool values in SCE treatments returned closest to pre-harvest or untreated levels over conventional treatments. Total carbon storage in SCE aboveground pools was 15.90% below baseline conditions compared to 44.94% less in conventionally treated areas (P = 0.006). Results from CART models indicated treatment as the strongest predictor of aboveground C storage followed by site-specific variables, suggesting a strong influence of both on carbon pools. Structural enhancement treatments have potential to increase carbon storage in managed northern hardwoods based on these results. They offer an alternative for sustainable management integrating carbon, associated climate change mitigation benefits, and late-successional forest structure.
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Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des plantations forestières industrielles dans le sud chilien : de l'analyse diachronique à la modélisation prospective / Dinamica espacio-temporal de las plantaciones forestales industriales en el sur de Chile : del analisis diacronica hacia la modelization prospectiva / Spatio-temporal dynamics of industrial timber plantations in Southern Chile : diachronic analysis and prospective modelingMaestripieri, Nicolas 11 December 2012 (has links)
Le couvert forestier dans le sud chilien représente un enjeu environnemental majeur. La forêt native, intégrée à l’Ecorégion Valdivienne (35°S–48°S), fait partie de ces écosystèmes ayant la plus haute priorité de conservation dans le monde. L’application du Decreto-Ley 701 en 1974 généra l’expansion de monocultures de pins et d’eucalyptus dans le sud chilien. L’intensification des pratiques sylvicoles, combinée à la substitution des écosystèmes forestiers natifs, remet en question leur soutenabilité à court et moyen terme. Cette étude cherche à appréhender et à anticiper la dynamique des plantations forestières à plusieurs échelles spatiales et temporelles afin d’identifier les enjeux futurs d’occupation du sol. Dans un premier temps, l’utilisation de données satellitales à moyenne résolution MODIS a permis de détecter et de quantifier les coupes forestières et les forêts stables de la 8ème Région du Bío-Bío au sud continental de la 10ème Région de Los Lagos. Le recours aux images LANDSAT a, dans un second temps, fourni des éléments de précision sur le cycle de rotations des plantations industrielles à l’échelle de deux régions. Enfin, une classification multi-dates a constitué une base d’étude pour aborder les changements d’occupation et d’utilisation du sol (LUCC) dans la commune de San Juan de la Costa. Aussi, entre 1986 et 2008, la progression des monocultures au détriment de la forêt native et des autres types d’occupation du sol atteint respectivement 3 366 ha et 6 132 ha. Bien que l’identification des facteurs explicatifs combinée à l’analyse rétrospective mette en évidence une grande complexité au sein de ce système, quatre scénarii prospectifs ont pu être proposés. Ces derniers permettent d’obtenir une vision panoramique des dynamiques évolutives des plantations forestières et de la forêt native. Si les scénarii prédictif et intensif traduisent une expansion des plantations monospécifiques en 2017 et 2026, les scénarii, exploratoire et« éco-centré », apportent une vision à contre-courant, avec un regain de forêt native et un déclin des plantations à l’horizon 2035. Le croisement des scénarii établit également un degré de congruence spatialisé susceptible de fournir, dans une perspective de gestion, des informations complémentaires d’aide à la décision. / Southern Chile forest cover represents a major environmental issue. The native forest, integrated into the Valvidian Ecoregion (35°S-48°S), belongs to ecosystems with the highest conservation priority in the world. The application of the Decree Law 701 in 1974 generated the expansion of pines and eucalyptus monocultures in Southern Chile. The intensification of silvicultural practices, combined with the substitution of native forested ecosystems, reappraises their sustainability on both short and mid-term. This study wishes to apprehend and anticipate timber plantation dynamics on several spatial and temporal scales to identify tomorrow's land occupation issues. In a first phase, the use of MODIS medium-resolution remotely sensed data enables the detection and quantification of timber cutting and stable forests from the 8th region of the Bio-Bio to the continental south of the 10th region of Los Lagos. In a second phase, turning to LANDSAT images enables to specify the rotation cycle of industrial plantations on a scale of two regions. Finally, a multi-date classification is used to build a data base in order to study land use and cover changes in the municipality of San Juan de la Costa. Between 1986 and 2008, the spread of monoculture at the expense of native forest and other types of land occupation reaches respectively 3 366 ha and 6 132 ha. Even though the identification of the explanatory factors together with retrospective analysis highlights the complexity of the system, four prospective scenarios are offered. They give us a panoramic vision of the timber plantations future dynamics, as well as those of the native forest. If the predictive and intensive scenarios express an expansion of the monospecific plantations in 2017 and 2026, the exploratory and “eco-centered” scenarios bring a vision that goes against the grain, with a resurgence of native forest and a decline in plantations by 2035. The crossing of the scenarios establishes a degree of spatial congruence and brings information that can help decision-making. / La cubierta forestal en el sur de Chile representa un desafío medio ambiental mayor. El bosque nativo, ubicado en la Ecorregión Valdiviana (35°S–48°S), forma parte de ecosistemas que tienen una alta prioridad de conservación en el mundo. La aplicación del Decreto Ley 701 en 1974 provocó la expansión de monocultivos de pinos y eucaliptos en el sur chileno. La intensificación de las prácticas silvícolas, junto con la sustitución de ecosistemas forestales nativos, pone en cuestión su sustentabilidad a corto y mediano plazo. Este estudio trata de comprender y anticipar la dinámica de las plantaciones forestales en diversas escalas espaciales y temporales para así identificar desafíos de ocupación futuros. En primer lugar, el uso de datos satelitales a resolución media con MODIS ha permitido la detección y la cuantificación tanto de las cortas como de las cubiertas forestales estables desde la Octava Región del Bío-Bío al sur continental de la Décima Región de Los Lagos. El uso de imágenes LANDSAT ha permitido reconocer el ciclo de rotaciones de las plantaciones industriales a la escala de dos regiones. Finalmente, se ha establecido una clasificación multi-temporal como base para el estudio de los cambios de ocupación y de utilización de los suelos (LUCC) en la comuna de San Juan de la Costa. Así, entre 1986 y 2008, la progresión de los monocultivos en detrimento del bosque nativo y de otros tipos de ocupación del suelo alcanza 3366 ha y 6132 ha respectivamente. A pesar que la identificación de factores explicativos relacionados con el análisis retrospectivo posee una gran complejidad dentro del sistema, cuatros escenarios prospectivos han podido ser propuestos. Estos, permiten obtener una visión panorámica de la dinámica futura de las plantaciones forestales, y también del bosque nativo. Mientras que los escenarios predictivo e intensivo reflejan una expansión de las plantaciones monoespecíficas en 2017 y 2026, los escenarios exploratorio y “eco-centrado” revelan un comportamiento contrario, con una recuperación del bosque nativo y un decrecimiento de las plantaciones en 2035. El cruce de los escenarios muestra un grado de congruencia espacial capaces de proponer, en una perspectiva de gestión, informaciones complementarias de ayuda a la decisión.
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A sustentabilidade volumétrica do manejo florestal madeireiro / The volumetric sustainability of timber-based forest managementLoconte, Caio de Oliveira 08 March 2018 (has links)
A conservação das florestas tropicais é uma necessidade de escalas global e nacional. A Amazônia é possivelmente a maior detentora de madeira tropical do mundo, sendo o manejo florestal madeireiro uma alternativa que possibilita promover o desenvolvimento econômico e garantir a integridade dos recursos naturais. Porém, a efetividade e a continuidade dessa atividade dependem da sustentabilidade volumétrica da produção, de forma que o processo de regeneração florestal deve ser monitorado para garantir que o incremento florestal seja composto por proporção economicamente aceitável de espécies de interesse comercial. O presente trabalho avaliou as alterações do valor econômico do estoque madeireiro de florestas após 21 anos de manejo realizado por Exploração Convencional (EC) e Exploração de Impacto Reduzido (EIR), comparando-os com uma floresta sem exploração (Testemunha (TE)). Os resultados apontam que a floresta manejada via EIR recuperou 91% do volume de espécies comerciais e 94% do volume total, enquanto que os valores para EC foram, respectivamente, 72% e 85%. As explorações promoveram aumento do incremento médio anual, que foram de 0,68 m3/ha/ano em EC e 1,05 m3/ha/ano para EIR, sendo de 0,35 m3/ha/ano para TE. Porém, nos dois tipos de exploração observou-se maior dominância de espécies pioneiras, que na média aumentaram em 8% o número de indivíduos, 10% o volume e 9% a área basal. Além disso, a recuperação volumétrica ocorreu essencialmente em árvores de diâmetro <= 75 cm em EIR e <= 50 cm em EC, de forma que o diâmetro médio das árvores passíveis de corte reduziu em 8,4%. Enquanto as variáveis se mantiveram estáveis em TE, nos talhões manejados as árvores com diâmetro menor que 50 cm aumentaram a sua proporção em 13% na densidade, 29% no volume e 22% na área basal. Por outro lado, na média para os blocos, as 6% maiores árvores representam 45% do volume total, e o incremento volumétrico individual aumenta exponencialmente com o aumento do diâmetro. Esses dados permitem concluir que as técnicas de EIR são superiores ao manejo realizado via EC, mas parecem ser insuficientes para garantir a sustentabilidade volumétrica. As árvores maiores são mais importantes tanto em valor econômico quanto em incremento volumétrico, de forma que a gestão florestal orientada para a produção madeireira deve monitorar o diâmetro médio do povoamento e buscar promover o estabelecimento de estoques de elevado interesse comercial, seja através da otimização no planejando da colheita (garantindo que o estoque remanescente não seja dominado por árvores de menor porte) e pela aplicação de tratamentos silviculturais. Os tratamentos silviculturais implicam na domesticação das florestas, sendo que o desafio da silvicultura tropical é determinar qual é o limite aceitável de transformação das florestas. Até um determinado ponto, essa domesticação não é incompatível com objetivos de conservação, e a sustentabilidade da aplicação dos tratamentos deve se orientar pelo limite no qual as alterações não comprometam as funções ecológicas, a produtividade florestal e a resiliência do ecossistema. / The conservation of tropical forests is a necessity at global and national scales. The Amazon is possibly the largest stock of tropical timber in the world, and timber-based forest management is an alternative that allows to promote economic development and guarantee the integrity of natural resources. However, the effectiveness and continuity of this activity depends on the volumetric sustainability of the production, so that the process of forest regeneration must be monitored to ensure that the forest increment is composed of an economically acceptable proportion of species of commercial interest. The present study evaluated the changes in the economic value of the timber\'s stock in forests after 21 years of management by Conventional Exploration (EC) and Reduced Impact Logging (EIR), comparing them to a forest without exploration (TE). The results indicate that the forest managed by EIR recovered 91% of the volume of commercial species and 94% of the total volume, while the values for EC were, respectively, 72% and 85%. The logging operations promoted an increase of the average annual increment, which was 0.68 m3/ha/year for EC and 1.05 m3/ha/year for RIL, and just 0.35 m3/ha/year for TE. However, in both types of exploration, there was observed dominance of pioneer species, which on average increased by 8% the number of trees, 10% the volume and 9% the basal area. In addition, volumetric recovery occurred essentially in trees with diameter <= 75 cm in EIR and <= 50 cm in EC, so that the average diameter of the trees susceptible to cutting reduced by 8.4%. While the variables remained stable in TE, trees with a diameter smaller than 50 cm increased their proportion by 13% in density, 29% in volume and 22% in the basal area. On the other hand, in the average for the blocks, the 6% bigger trees represent 45% of the total volume, and the individual volumetric growth is exponentially greater with the increase of the diameter. These data allow to conclude that EIR techniques are superior to the EC\'s management, but appear to be insufficient to guarantee volumetric sustainability. Larger trees are more important in terms of both economic value and volumetric increase, so that timber-based forest management should monitor the average diameter of the stands and seek to promote the establishment of stocks of high commercial interest, either through optimization in the harvest (ensuring that the remaining stock is not dominated by smaller trees) and by the application of silvicultural treatments. Silvicultural treatments involve the domestication of forests, and the challenge of tropical forestry is to determine the acceptable limit of forest transformation. To a certain point, this domestication is not incompatible with conservation objectives, and the sustainability of the application should be guided by the limit where the changes do not compromise ecological functions, forest productivity and ecosystem resilience.
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Mamíferos de médio e grande porte em paisagem silvicultural da região do Alto Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil / Middle-to large sized mammals in silviculture landscapes at the Alto Paranapanema region, São Paulo State, BrazilLacôrte, Marina Cobra 29 August 2011 (has links)
A alteração dos ecossistemas naturais e a criação de novos ambientes podem alterar significativamente o padrão de distribuição das espécies silvestres e a disponibilidade dos recursos naturais. A expansão agrícola pode ser considerada como uma das principais perturbações antrópicas responsáveis pela conversão das florestas nativas. Mamíferos de médio e grande porte são responsáveis por processos ecológicos determinantes na estrutura das comunidades. Estes possuem importantes funções na manutenção e regeneração das florestas e sua contínua provisão de bens e serviços ecossistêmicos. Dieta e uso do espaço estão intimamente relacionados ao potencial adaptativo das espécies. Seu estudo é útil na tentativa de avaliar a conservação das mesmas nos ambientes alterados. Neste contexto dois estudos envolvendo mamíferos de médio e grande porte foram conduzidos em paisagens agrícolas da Região do Alto Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo. No primeiro estudo, entre setembro de 2008 e setembro de 2010, foi avaliada a freqüência de ocorrência das espécies deste grupo, em corpos dágua naturais e artificiais da Fazenda Três Lagoas, no município de Angatuba. Ambos os ambientes (açudes e riachos) estavam associados à plantação recente de Eucalipto. Foram detectadas 20 espécies no total (18 em açudes e 17 em riachos), sugerindo razoável riqueza de espécies para o ambiente em questão, no entanto os ambientes ripários (i.e., que abrigam os corpos dágua naturais) apontaram maior riqueza e abundância. Tais resultados reforçam a importância da presença de remanescentes florestais sob proteção legal na paisagem agrícola, para a conservação dos mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Além disto, os resultados sugerem aumento da capacidade de suporte do ambiente em função da manutenção dos açudes. O segundo estudo trata do uso de abrigos e dieta de Lontra longicaudis (Mammalia, Carnivora), mamífero carnívoro semi-aquático já considerado como espécie vulnerável. Entre agosto de 2008 e julho 2009, foi realizada a coleta mensal das fezes de lontra encontradas em trecho sob influência antrópica do rio Paranapanema. Os abrigos foram descritos e representados graficamente e a dieta foi quantificada por meio da análise de 60 amostras de fezes. Foram identificados 15 itens alimentares, sendo peixes das famílias Cichlidae e Loricariidae os itens mais comuns. A amplitude de nicho apontou a espécie como especialista (utilizando o índice padronizado de Levins), reforçando a importância do ambiente e fauna aquáticos para sua conservação. No entanto, os resultados sugerem, de forma geral, certa plasticidade de L. longicaudis em relação aos ambientes alterados. Ambos os estudos, sugerem a relevância de paisagens alteradas na conservação da biodiversidade, e a necessidade de inserção de tais áreas em planos de manejo e conservação. / The expansion of agricultural land is recognized as one of the most significant anthropic alterations within the natural ecosystems. The conversion of forest into agricultural landscapes can change biotic interactions and natural resources availability. Alterations as such can have consequences in respect to the ecosystems services which are provided by natural forested areas. Mammals are responsible for ecological processes which are determinant for the forest maintenance and regeneration. Diet and habitat use are essential tools to determine species conservation status and how it deals with human-driven ecological changes. Hence within this context, two studies took place in disturbed areas in Southern São Paulo State, Brazil. Both studies involve middle-to large sized mammals in agricultural landscapes at the Alto Paranapanema watershed. In the first study, during the period of August 2008 to July 2010, every two months, the frequency of occurrence of middle-to large sized mammals was surveyed and recorded around streams of remaining gallery forests and artificial reservoirs originally built for cattle water supply. Both habitats are associated with new Eucalyptus plantations. As a result a total of 20 species were detected, 18 around artificial reservoirs and 17 in streams of gallery forests. However streams of gallery forests showed significantly higher species richness and abundance than artificial reservoirs. These results outline the importance of maintaining protected native vegetation areas by law in such landscapes. Results also suggest that the artificial reservoirs may increase habitat carrying capacity for middle- to large-sized mammals in such circumstances. The second study reports the diet and use of shelters by the neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) in a disturbed area. Otters are semi-aquatic carnivores with a potentially functional role in freshwater ecosystems. During the period from August 2008 to July 2009, otter scats were collected monthly at Paranapanema River. The shelters were described and graphically represented and the diet was quantified by analyzing 60 scats. The niche breadth analysis classifies L. longicaudis as a specialist species according to the trophic niche amplitude index (Levins index). The most common items identified were fishes from the Cichlidae and Loricariidae families, probably because of the habits of such species which makes them an easier prey. Such results stress the importance of freshwater ecosystems for the neotropical otter conservation. Results also suggest the adaptative potential of L. longicaudis and that some disturbed areas may be significant for this species conservation. Both studies emphasize the relevance of such altered ecosystems and it insertion requirement on protection and conservation initiatives towards biodiversity conservation.
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Influência de práticas de manejo e contexto da paisagem sobre a ocorrência de aves em plantio exótico de eucalipto / Influence of management practices and landscape context on bird occupancy in exotic eucalyptus plantationsMillan, Cristiane Honora 21 June 2013 (has links)
1. O manejo da vida silvestre em matrizes antropizadas, fora de reservas naturais, é importante para melhorar a eficácia de esforços conservacionistas que visam proteger e restaurar a biodiversidade. Desta forma, é fundamental entender as características da matriz que aumentam a adequabilidade do habitat para as espécies remanescentes e também avaliar as respostas das espécies à práticas de manejo alternativas. 2. Neste estudo utilizamos uma abordagem de modelagem hierárquica, que leva em conta o efeito de falhas de detectabilidade das espécies, para estimar o efeito de práticas de manejo adotadas dentro de talhões de plantios de Eucalyptus sobre a ocupação de aves. Nossos modelos incorporam características sítio-específicas, como tipo de prática de manejo e o contexto da paisagem em que se inserem cada unidade amostral. Também incorpora características espécie-específicas, em particular à sensibilidade das espécies aos distúrbios e estrato de forrageio. 3. O principal fator associado a diferenças na ocupação de aves dentro de nossa área de estudo é o tipo de pratica de manejo. A presença de árvores nativas dispersas e de sub-bosque em estágio inicial de sucessão dentro dos talhões está associada com um aumento na proporção de espécies do pool regional capaz de ocupar a matriz silvicultural. O contexto da paisagem teve um efeito relativamente menor sobre a ocupação de aves na área de estudo. 4. Síntese e Aplicação. A ocupação de aves está associada positivamente ao aumento da complexidade estrutural dentro dos talhões de eucalipto, as espécies respondem a retenção de árvores nativas dispersas e a presença de sub-bosque. Gerenciadores interessados em aumentar o valor conservacionista de plantios de Eucalyptus para as aves deveriam preservar as arvores maduras e adotar práticas que estimulem a regeneração do sub-bosque durante o preparo do local e rotação do plantio. / 1. Managing for wildlife in human-dominated matrices outside natural reserves has great importance to improve the efficacy of conservation efforts aiming to protect and restore biodiversity. As such, it is critical to understand which features of the matrix that enhance habitat suitability to the remaining species and also to evaluate species responses to alternative management practices. 2. We used hierarchical modeling to estimate the effect of stand level management practices adopted in Eucalyptus plantations on bird occupancy while accounting for species detection failure. Our models incorporate site- specific traits, such as management practice type and the landscape context of each sampling unit. It also incorporates species specific-traits, particularly species sensitivity to disturbance and species foraging stratum. 3. The major factor associated with differences in bird occupancy within our study site is the management practice type. Scattered native trees and early successional stage understory within mature stands was associated with an increase in the proportion of bird species from the regional pool that was able to occupy the silvicultural matrix. Landscape context had a relatively minor effect on bird occupancy in our study area. 4. Synthesis and applications. Bird occupancy is positively associated with increasing spatial heterogeneity within eucalyptus stands with species responding to the retention of native scattered trees and understory presence. Managers interested in improving the conservation value of Eucalyptus plantations to birds should preserve some existing trees and adopt practices that trigger understory regeneration during site preparation and stand rotation.
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Florestal e Agricultura Familiar: o caso da Regi?o Serrana Fluminense / Forestry Production and Family Farming: the case of the Serrana Region of Rio de Janeiro.C?rtes, Ra?ssa Tamassia 25 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-18T12:48:44Z
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2017 - Ra?ssa Tamassia C?rtes.pdf: 2683408 bytes, checksum: 8cbfad45de6c298658d7e774a1167e8a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T12:48:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017 - Ra?ssa Tamassia C?rtes.pdf: 2683408 bytes, checksum: 8cbfad45de6c298658d7e774a1167e8a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-25 / This study seeks to present the dynamic of forestry production in family farming properties, to comprehend their practice of usual management, to apprehend the producers? interests in forestry activities, and the capacity that these activities have to provide wood for the local market. The Serrana Region of Rio de Janeiro State was chosen as study area because in it land structure predominates small rural properties, of family farming. This Region has the second major reforestation area of the State. As the topic of family forestry production has been little discussed in academic level, this essay is an exploratory research, with a collective case study. The presence or absence of forestry activities in the small properties of the region, as well as the supply and the demand of wood products in local level was obtained through secondary data. The analysis of the family producers? silvicultural system, in terms of management and production costs, availed information collected through interviews with technicians and local farmers. The study showed that the forestry production in familiar farming in the Serrana Region has potential to supply the wood local market. The forestry activities has great value to diversify the rural landscape and combating illegal logging of tropical forests. There is still a lot of resistance to these activities by farmers, given the history of eucalyptus monoculture expansion. Other species with silvicultural potential, and suitable to the small and medium farmers management, should be studied to meet the market demands. The forest element must bring a ransom and a respect to the traditional management and the way the activities are performed into each farm, in the life of each family, in the way of more sustainable activities. / O presente estudo procura apresentar a din?mica da produ??o florestal em propriedades de agricultura familiar, no sentido de compreender a pr?tica do manejo usual nessas propriedades, perceber os interesses dos produtores nas atividades florestais, e a capacidade dessas atividades para abastecer o mercado local de madeira. A Regi?o Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro foi escolhida como ?rea de estudo pois sua estrutura fundi?ria se caracteriza pela predomin?ncia de pequenas propriedades rurais, de produ??o principalmente familiar. Esta regi?o se destaca por ter a segunda maior ?rea de plantios de reflorestamento do Estado, e tem como foco principal o abastecimento do mercado local. Visto que o tema da produ??o florestal familiar tem sido pouco discutido no ?mbito acad?mico, este trabalho se caracteriza como uma pesquisa explorat?ria, a partir de um estudo de caso coletivo. A presen?a ou aus?ncia da atividade florestal nas pequenas propriedades da regi?o, bem como as rela??es de oferta e demanda de produtos madeireiros a n?vel local foram obtidas de dados secund?rios. J? a an?lise do sistema silvicultural utilizado pelos produtores, em termos de manejo e custos de produ??o, foi realizada a partir das informa??es obtidas dos depoimentos de t?cnicos e produtores locais. Neste trabalho, notou-se que a produ??o florestal que ocorre em propriedades de agricultura familiar na Regi?o Serrana apresenta potencial para abastecer o mercado local de madeira. As atividades florestais t?m grande import?ncia para a diversifica??o da paisagem rural e no combate ? extra??o ilegal de madeira nativa de florestas tropicais. Ainda h? muita resist?ncia a essas atividades por parte dos agricultores, visto o hist?rico da expans?o dos monocultivos de eucalipto. Outras esp?cies com potencial silvicultural, e adequadas ao sistema de manejo existente nas pequenas e m?dias propriedades, devem ser estudadas para atender as demandas do mercado. A inser??o do elemento florestal deve trazer um resgate e um respeito ao manejo tradicional e ? forma como as atividades s?o realizadas dentro de cada propriedade, na viv?ncia de cada fam?lia, no caminho em dire??o a atividades mais sustent?veis.
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