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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die omvang en funksionaliteit van voëlverwysings in die gedigte van D.J. Opperman

Franzsen, Riel January 2013 (has links)
In die Afrikaanse letterkunde speel voëls by verskeie digters ’n belangrike rol – as simbole of metafore, of bloot as onderwerp in tradisionele natuurgedigte. Ook in die oeuvre van D.J. Opperman, een van die grootste Afrikaanse digters van die vorige eeu, speel voëls ’n belangrike rol. In sy nege bundels is daar verwysings na 32 voëlspesies en 26 voëlsoorte. In 123 uit 389 Opperman-gedigte is daar voël-verwante verwysings. Opperman gebruik voëls baie effektief as simbole en metafore om onder meer menslike emosies en handelinge te suggereer of beklemtoon. Veral in sy eerste twee bundels, Heilige beeste (1945) en Negester oor Ninevé (1947), sy laaste bundel, Komas uit ’n bamboesstok (1979), asook sy bundel-in-wording waarin hy voor sy massiewe beroerte gewerk het, Sonklong oor Afrika, figureer voëls prominent. Die voëlkundige en bio-regionale akkuraatheid waarmee Opperman verwysings na voëls gebruik om die temas van gedigte toe te lig, is bevestiging van sy besondere fyn waarnemingsvermoë en dui daarop dat hy ’n meer as toevallige kennis van en belangstelling in voëls gehad het. Veral lesers met ’n kennis van voëls behoort ’n ryke leeservaring te hê by die lees en herlees van Opperman se gedigte. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Unit for Creative Writing / unrestricted

Die gebruik van rituele en simbole binne die erediens as draers van hoop (Afrikaans)

Small, Alwyn Johannes 17 June 2005 (has links)
When looking at the society of today, we get a picture of a society that has lost hope in their lives. This picture also has an effect on the church. Regarding this phenomenon is the remark of Gerard Dekker that the church has become a fringe phenomenon and that the church has lost contact with the world. The church is in a situation of uncertainty and in a search of identity. The use of symbolism and rituals provides identity and security. When a person is confronted with the meaning of the symbol that is been used, it helps that person to give meaning to its life on to give hope for that person. But for this to happen it is necessary that the symbols are being used correct and from the basis of the Scripture. The main place were the symbols and rituals are being used is in the place of public worship. Therefore it is necessary that we will understand what happens in the public worship and who the person is that comes to the public worship. It is also necessary to look at reasons for the insufficient use of symbols in the public worship. In a study that is being made we find that the most significant aspect on the preaching is the atmosphere that there is in the public worship. The church lives in a time of changes and these changes have an affect on the church and the preaching. The public worship is also a creative process were the role of the Scripture, the traditions and the context are important. When using symbols in the public worship we have to look at the communication theory of Ricoeur. For Ricoeur the narrative plays an important role. The process of understanding is for him a creative process where he makes use of stories, metaphors and symbols. From his communication theory it is important that the listener are included. The use of symbols is for him a help in understanding. The symbols also have a double significance, namely unveiling and concealing. The thesis also shows out the role that the Reformation, the Modernism and the Post Modernism have on a person and the way we understand the Word of God. The use of symbols is helpful in the communication of the Word of God to the Post Modern person. The challenge for the preaching is that the symbols are being used in a manner that the other reality is being communicated to the Post Modern person. The last two chapters of the thesis concentrates on the role that symbols plays in our lives; the characteristic of symbols; the conditions for the use of symbols and the use of symbols and rituals. When it comes to the use of symbols we see that these symbols gives meaning and hope to a person. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

'n Prakties-teologiese ondersoek na die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus

Uys, Jacobus Stephanus Petrus 29 September 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans This research paper has been prepared against a background of an apparent lack of symbols and rituals in Reformed services of worship. Chapter 1 deals with the importance of symbols and rituals in light of the demands of changing times. It has furthermore been suggested that the Dutch Reformed Church (“DRC”) has a particular problem with the use of symbols and rituals during the Easter Season. The central hypothesis has been formulated as follows: “In the Reformed liturgy it is necessary that the use of liturgical symbols and rituals be adapted to be presented in a way, meaningful and relevant in the world of churchgoers.” Chapter 2 describes the Practical Theological grounds on which the study is based. It has been demonstrated that Practical Theology is a theological science in its own right. The use of liturgy as a communications medium in the proclamation of the gospel allows liturgical symbols and rituals to claim their rightful place. The formulation of liturgical practice must also be determined by and within the background of the local religious community. The outcome of the study of relevant literature is set out in Chapter 3. The Reformed liturgical tradition, when adapted to the demands of changing times, allows for the use of liturgical symbols and rituals during the Easter Season in a concrete form. Liturgy, including all verbal and non verbal liturgical actions, finds its place as a communicative medium in evangelical services. The communications media of the 21st century serve as strong carriers for the formation of liturgy. The traditional Reformed liturgy is enriched by an amalgamated liturgy that is the result of a unique process based on the similar use of symbols and rituals by the various traditional religious groupings. Ritualism is the term used to describe liturgical acts. Symbols and rituals are used as the communication tools to translate the relevance of liturgy into modern life. The Easter Season, with its inherent Christian content, is an ideal opportunity for the use of ritualism. The liturgical symbols and rituals used during Easter must be based on sound Biblical and theological grounds and must be focused on God and the religious requirements of mankind. The maximum use of modern multimedia is necessary out of respect for the experience of the worshipper. The experiences and the senses of man, however, must be accessed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As the church is essentially outwardly directed, the <ib>missio Dei</ib> must play its rightful role in the formation of the liturgy. At the end of Chapter 3, a theological theory is put forward suggesting a new and unique proposal on the possible use of symbols and rituals in the Easter Season. Based on a questionnaire, in which the needs and attitudes of worshippers were tested empirically, Chapter 4 indicates that in general their needs are adequately catered for by the current liturgical practices of the Easter Season. However it has also been established that the people do not have a great need for physical symbolism and neither are they keen to become involved in the preparation for or delivery of worship services. Chapter 5 sets out the insights gained from the study of literature and the empirical investigation. It is indicated that the Reformed liturgy, enriched by other media, still has the ability to bring the message of the relevant Christian events of Easter into the world of the worshipper in a meaningful way. Ekserp Hierdie navorsing is gedoen teen die agtergrond van ‘n oënskynlike armoede aan simbole en rituele wat in die Gereformeerde erediens bestaan. In Hoofstuk 1 is die belangrikheid van simbole en rituele in die lig van die eise van veranderende tye, aangetoon. Daar is ook uitgewys dat daar in die NG Kerk ‘n probleem bestaan wat die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus betref. Die sentrale hipotese is soos volg geformuleer: “In die Gereformeerde liturgie is dit noodsaaklik dat die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele gedurende die Paassiklus aangepas word om die toepaslike Christusgebeure singewend te verkonkretiseer in die wêreld van erediensgangers”. In Hoofstuk 2 is die Prakties-teologiese vertrekpunte vir die studie beskryf. Daar is uitgewys dat Praktiese Teologie ‘n teologiese wetenskap is. Die liturgie as kommunikatiewe handeling in diens van die evangelie, bied die ruimte waarbinne liturgiese simbole en rituele tot hul reg kom. Die konteks waarin die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap haarself bevind speel ‘n medebepalende rol in liturgievorming. Hoofstuk 3 dien as resultaat van die literatuurstudie. Die gebruik van liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus kry konkreet gestalte in die Gereformeerde liturgiese tradisie met inagneming van die eise van veranderende tye. Liturgie vind plaas as kommunikatiewe handelinge in diens van die evangelie en sluit alle verbale en nieverbale liturgiese handelinge in. Een-en-twintigste eeuse kommunikasiemiddele dien as struktuurdraers vir liturgievorming. Verder verryk konvergensieliturgie die tradisionele Gereformeerde liturgie. Die term ‘samevoegingsliturgie’ is geskep as ‘n unieke proses waarvolgens liturgieë uit verskillende tradisiestrome ‘n sinergerende gebruik van simbole en rituele teweeg bring. Die term ritualiteit word gebruik as aanduiding van die liturgiese handelinge. Simbole en rituele dien as kommunikasiedraers wat mense in kontak met die werklikhede van die lewe bring. Die Paassiklus, met gepaardgaande Christusinhoude, vorm ‘n geskikte medium waarbinne ritualiteit gestalte kry. Liturgiese simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus moet Bybels teologies verantwoord wees. Dit moet gefokus wees op God en antropologies gerig wees. Omdat die ervaring van erediensgangers ernstig geneem word, moet die moderne multimedia maksimaal en konkreet ontgin word. Onder die leiding van die Heilige Gees moet erns gemaak word met die ervaring en sintuie van die mens. Omdat die kerk in wese ook gerig is na ‘buite’, moet die <bi>missio Dei in liturgievorming ‘n regmatige rol speel. Aan die einde van Hoofstuk 3 word ‘n teologiese teorie vir die gebruik van simbole en rituele in die Paassiklus beskryf en aangebied as ‘n besondere bydrae tot ‘n nuwe verstelde praktykteorie. In Hoofstuk 4 is die behoeftes en houdings van erediensgangers met behulp van ‘n vraelys empiries getoets en is bepaal dat daar oorwegend tevredenheid heers oor die bestaande liturgiese praktyke gedurende die Paassiklus. Daar is egter ook vasgestel dat mense nie groot behoefte het aan liggaamlikheid nie en nie begerig is om mee te werk aan die voorbereiding en aanbieding van eredienste nie. In Hoofstuk 5 is die insigte verkry uit die literatuurstudie en die empiriese ondersoek, beskryf. Verskeie verdere navorsingsmoontlikhede is uitgewys en daar is aangetoon dat die Gereformeerde liturgie, met verryking deur ander media, steeds oor die drakrag beskik om die toepaslike Christusgebeure in die Paassiklus singewend te verkonkretiseer in die wêreld van erdiensgangers. / Thesis (DD (PracticalTheology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Die rol van die liturgie in die fasilitering van 'n ontmoeting tussen God en "soekers" (Afrikaans)

Malherbe, Pieter Abraham 15 October 2010 (has links)
Hoofstuk een handel oor die worsteling van die NG Kerk om 'n dalende tendens in erediensbywoning die hoof te bied en die beste benadering te vind ten opsigte van vernuwing in die erediens, sodat ook mense wat nie deel van die kerk is nie, belang sal stel om eredienste by te woon. Die erediens is 'n byeenkoms waar mense op uitnodiging van God bymekaar kom, maar hoe moet sodanige byeenkomste ingerig word sodat mense dit werklik as 'n ontmoeting met God sal ervaar? Hoe belangrik is dit om 'n liturgiese orde in sodanige byeenkomste te volg en watter rol speel die reformatoriese liturgie om 'n ontmoeting tussen God en mens te fasiliteer? Wat moet in die proses van liturgiese vernuwing behou of laat vaar word? In hoofstuk twee word duidelikheid verkry of die reformatoriese liturgie inderdaad interensiek kommunikatief van aard is en of die erediensganger, deur middel van die liturgie, God al luisterende in die erediens kan ervaar. Die reformatoriese liturgie word vervolgens vanuit `n hermeneuties-kommunikatiewe handelingsteoretiese perspektief bespreek ten einde sekerheid te verkry dat God ook deur middel van die reformatoriese liturgie in die erediens aan die werk is. Die basis van die praktiese teologie is `n hermeneuties-kommunikatiewe praxis (Van der Ven 1990:47). Dit beteken dat die homiletiek ook vanuit `n hermeneutieskommunikatiewe perspektief verstaan kan word (Vos 1996:11-12). Hermeneutiek is die refleksie op die proses van die koms van God in sy Woord na die mens in sy situasie, waarin drie momente onderskei kan word: die verstaan (begrip), die verstaanbaar maak (verklaar) en die tot verstaan kom (toe-eien). Die hermeneutiese komponent van die praktiese teologie (Van der Ven 1990:54-55) word hier vir die homiletiek diensbaar gemaak. Hermeneutiek handel oor die verstaan van die Woord, die verstaanbaar maak daarvan binne die eie kultuur en die tot verstaan kom van die mens vir wie die heil bedoel is (Vos 1996:12). Dit moet as uitgangspunt dien wanneer besin word oor die aanbieding van die evangelie aan mense van `n nie-kerklike agtergrond sodat hulle in die erediens-gebeure gelei kan word tot `n ontmoeting met God en verlossing deur Jesus Christus. In hoofstuk drie word die herkoms van die huidige reformatoriese liturgie aan die orde gestel ten einde aan te toon hoe sterk die liturgie in die vroeë kerk gefunksioneer het en hoe dit deur die eeue gegroei het tot dit wat ons huidiglik in die reformatoriese tradisie ken. Dit sluit in besinning oor die betekenis van die begrip “liturgie” en die ontwikkeling daarvan in die byeenkomste van die volk van God. Dit sluit die orde waarin die erediens verloop in, maar is baie meer as net dit. Liturgie is die diens aan God wat telkens weer vorm aanneem in `n bepaalde erediens (Barnard 1981:52; Van der Ven 1990:48; Vos 1996c:150-151). In hoofstuk vier word die gespreksmatigheid van die liturgiese gebeure, insluitend die preek, ondersoek. Die taal van die liturgie word ondersoek op die basis van 'n keuse vir die dialogiese kommunikasieteorie. Dit is juis omdat die verskillende liturgiese elemente kommunikatief in die erediens funksioneer, dat elkeen belangrik is, met groot omsigtigheid aangewend moet word en nie sonder goeie rede weggelaat kan word gedurende 'n erediens nie. In hoofstuk vyf word gefokus op wat met die term “soeker sensitiewe eredienste” bedoel word. Hoe het die begrip deur die geskiedenis ontwikkel en hoe word dit in verskillende denominasies verstaan? Die Willow Creek Gemeente in Chicago, VSA, onder leiding van pastoor Bill Hybels, staan algemeen bekend as die baanbreker op die gebied van ‘seekerservices’ (Long 2001:7). In die konteks van die NG Kerk in Suid-Afrika is dit nodig om hiervan kennis te neem, aangesien die bevindings in Kerkspieël 2005 daarop wys dat erediensbywoning in die NG Kerk steeds aan die afneem is en daar toenemend afgewyk word van die tradisionele liturgiese inkleding van die liturgie. Sal `n soortgelyke benadering as dié van Willow Creek, in Suid-Afrika en spesifiek in die NG Kerk suksesvol wees om mense wat nie meer belangstel in lidmaatskap van `n kerk of die bywoning van eredienste nie, weer terug te bring? Bevat die “tradisionele gereformeerde liturgie” inherente eienskappe wat `n ontmoeting tussen God en mens in die erediens waarborg? In hoofstuk ses word aangetoon wat die belang van `n Bybels-gefundeerde liturgie in die fasilitering van `n ontmoeting tussen God en die soeker in die erediens is. `n Voorbeeld van so `n liturgie en preek word voorsien en terreine vir verdere navorsing op die gebied word vermeld. ENGLISH : Chapter one describes the struggle of the Dutch Reformed Church to curb a decline in church attendance and to find the best approach towards shaping the worship service in order to attract churchmembers as well as the “unchurched.” In the worship service people come together because God has invited them, but how should such a meeting be structured so that people would experience it as a meeting with God? How important is a liturgical order in such meetings and what is the role of reformed liturgy in order to facilitate a meeting between God and man in the worship service? What should be kept and what should be discarded in the process of liturgical reformation? Chapter two seeks to clarify whether reformed liturgy is in fact essentialy communicative and if those attending a worship service can experience God in the liturgy by listening to all that is happening during the service. The reformed liturgy is thus researched from a hermeneuticalcommunicative acting theory perspective in order to determine whether God is indeed at work through reformed liturgy during worship. The basis of practical theology is a hermeneuticalcommunicative praxis (Van der Ven 1990:47). This means that homiletics can be understood from a hermeneutic-communicative perspective (Vos 1996:11-12). Hermeneutics is a reflection on the process of the coming of God in Scripture to man in his situation, in which three processes can be determined: understanding it (comprehension), to make it understandable (explaining) and to come to the conclusion (make it your own). The hermeneutical component of practical theology (Van der Ven 1990:54-55) is applied to homiletics. Hermenetics is all about understanding Scripture, to make it understandable within the own culture and the process of understanding of the person for whom the grace is intended (Vos 1996:12). That must be the starting point when the Gospel is presented to unchurched people so that they can be brought into a relationship with God and salvation through Jesus Christ in a worship service. In chapter three the origin of the current reformed liturgy is presented in order to show how strongly the liturgy functioned in the early church and how it developed to become what we recognise today in the reformed tradition. This includes reflection on the meaning of the term “liturgy” and its development in the congregation of Gods people. It includes the order of liturgical actions in the service, but it is more than just that. Liturgy is the service unto God which takes on a new form in a specific worship service (Barnard 1981:52; Van der Ven 1990:48; Vos 1996c:150-151). In chapter four the aspect of conversational identity of the liturgical actions, including the sermon, is researched. The language of liturgy is researched on the basis of a choice for the dialogical communicative theory. It is indeed because of the communicative identity of the liturgical elements that each and every one of them is important, should be applied with great circumspection and should not be left out during the worship service without good reason. In chapter five it is determined what is meant by the term “seeker services”. How did the term developed through the ages and how is it understood in different denominations? Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, USA, under the leadership of Pastor Bill Hybels, is viewed as the pioneer on the aspect of “seeker services” (Long 2001:7). In the context of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, it is vital to take note of the “seeker services”, as it has become apparant that the number of people attending church is declining and that congregations are more and more deviating from the traditional reformed liturgy. Will the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa benefit by following Willow Creeks’s approach to bring back people that have lost interest in membership of a church as well as attending worship services? Does reformed liturgy contain interinsic caracteristics that guarantees a devine meeting between God and those who attend worship services? In chapter six the significance of a Scripture-based liturgy in facilitating an experience of a devine meeting between God and “seekers” is determined. An example of such a liturgy is provided and subjects for further research are suggested. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

'n Model vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele

Viljoen, David Muller 30 June 2003 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This thesis embarked with the problem within the liturgy that tension exists in trying to minister justly according to the current context and trying to minister faithful to Scripture. A departing perspective is that the liturgy is the heartbeat in the congregation whereto and from where every aspect is networking. Also, that the emphasis can be on both proclaiming and celebrating in Protestant liturgies. Dialogical communication was chosen as theoretical approach together with communicative action for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first and last chapters illustrate what is meant with the term liturgy. The problem is stated (and investigated) that liturgy is a complicated and central phenomenon, which ought to let Reformed theology as well as a postmodern context come to their own. It is also indicated that liturgical spirituality, liturgical communication and liturgical pastorate can better be used and improved during Sunday liturgies. For the liturgy in order to serve the Reformed tradition and the postmodern context, and to uplift the three liturgical aspects of spirituality, communication and pastorate, liturgical symbols and rituals are posed as timeless agents to better the liturgy. Attention was also given to symbolism in Scripture. This led to a model of application as a theory of praxis for the liturgical use of symbols and rituals. The core of this model or theory of praxis, is: I. The highest priority in liturgical symbolism will always be to promote the holy Trinity and Biblical principles. II. The supplementary use of right-brain components, such as experience, emotion and music. III. A high premium on active participation and repetition. IV. An approach of simplicity and soberness. V. Relevance to the culture and context of the day. VI. Services that take hold of total persons and focus on multiple senses and corporeality (bodily involvement). i VII. Room for transendence, imagination and mystic worship of God. VIII. Actions and services that embrace diversity, pluralism and generative variety. IX. Meetings where pastoral and therapeutic dimensions are included. X. Celebration and positive experiences in meetings. XI. The use of images, stories, metaphors and icons. XII. The use of meta-communicative principles such as attitude, intention and high validation of other people. / Hierdie proefskrif het vertrek met die probleem vanuit die liturgie dat daar binne die huidige konteks en die deurlopende poging tot getrouheid aan die Skrif toenemend spanning groei in die eredienspraktyk. Die proefskrif vertrek ook vanuit die perspektief dat die liturgie die hartklop en voedingsaar van die gemeente is van waaruit en waarheen die totale gemeente netwerk en dat die verkondigingsbenadering en die vierings-benadering altwee 'n legitieme plek in die Protestantse liturgiese tradisie het. As teoretiese vertrekpunt vir die liturgiese handelinge word dialogiese kommunikasie gekies saam met kommunikatiewe handelinge ter wille van die evangelie van Jesus Christus. In die eerste en laaste hoofstukke word verduidelik wat met die begrip liturgie bedoel word. Die probleem word gestel dat die liturgie 'n komplekse handeling en kardinale fenomeen is wat reg moet laat geskied aan die Gereformeerde teologie en aan 'n postmoderne konteks. Verder word uitgewys dat liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat in ons huidige tydgleuf meer benut en uitgebou kan word tydens die weeklikse liturgiee. Ten einde die liturgie in haar Gereformeerde tradisie en postmoderne konteks te dien en om die drie liturgiese fasette van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat te bevorder, word liturgiese simbole en rituele aangebied as tydlose en tydige agente om die liturgie mee te verryk. Om die ondersoeke af te rond, is daar ook aan simboliek in die Bybel aandag gegee. 'n Werkswyse is gevolg waar die Gereformeerde teologie en postmoderniteit ontleed is en in verband gebring is met simbole en rituele. Liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat is ook gedissekteer, ten einde dit beter te begryp, en in verband te bring met liturgiese simbole en rituele. Daarna het simboliek aan die beurt gekom en is simbole en rituele gedefinieer, ontleed en na aard, wese en toepassing bestudeer. Simboliek in die Bybel is afgetas om gewig te verleen aan die ondersoeke. Uit al die genoemde ontledings en bevindings wys die proefskrif uit dat simbole en rituele inderdaad uitnemend geskik is om die liturgie eer aan te doen in die eiesoortige soeke na voortreflike vlakke van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat binne Gereformeerde en postmoderne kontekste. Hieruit is 'n toepassingsmodel as omvattende praktykteorie aangebied vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele as die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif. (5.4 en 5.5). Die kern van die model of praktykteorie vir die liturgiese toepassing van simboliek is: I. Dat die hoogste doelstelling en swaarwigtigste vergestalting met simboliek in die erediens altyd God Drie-Enig en Bybelse waardes en beginsels is. II. Dat aanvullende gebruikmaking en verrekening van regterbreinkomponente soos ervaring, emosie en musiek noodsaaklik is. Ill. 'n Doelbewuste hoe premie op handelende deelname en herhaling. IV. 'n Benadering van eenvoud en soberheid. V. Handelinge en momente wat spreek tot die kultuur en konteks van die dag. VI. Erediensmomente wat die totale mens betrek en infokus op veelsintuiglikheid en liggaamlikheid. VII. Ruimte vir transendensie, verbeelding en mistiek om God te aanbid. VIII. Handelinge wat diversiteit, pluralisme en generatiewe verskeidenheid omhels en vier. IX. Byeenkomste wat pastorale en terapeutiese roepings insluit. X. Samekomste waar feestelikheid en aangename ervarings beleef word. XI. Kommunikeerders wat beelde, verhale, metafore en ikone gebruik. XII. Handelinge waar ag geslaan word op metakommunikatiewe beginsels soos gesindheid, intensie en hoe waardetoekennings aan die ander persoon. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

‘n Gemeenskapsgerigte model vir geloofsvorming van tieners in die verbondsgesin deur middel van simbole en rituele (Afrikaans)

De Wet, Dirk Cornelis 02 October 2003 (has links)
Compare diagram 1: ‘n Paradigmaverandering van teorie na praktyk en van gemeente na gesin en gemeenskap” and diagram 2: “Die siklus van geloofsbemiddeling”. The family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. The family is also the cradle and even the womb of the symbolic way in religious education. Almost all families stay in a community where interactions of faith take place. Teenagers leave the church because there are not enough exciting activities in the community to be part of a transformation process for a better life. For that reason the paradigm in this research emphasises an event-driven teenage and family ministry within the community. That means a ministry that accentuates processes, people and relations. Faith development cannot find a place outside the relationship of human beings. Relationship is the password to understanding and the most natural form of relationship is the family. The covenantal family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. To develop a model for teenage and family ministry for this purpose, the research will emphasise practicing more than theorising, although the dialogue between these two factors in practical theology is of utmost importance. Better relationships within the family, congregation and the community needs better communication. For that reason symbols and rituals are a necessary part of the whole process of teenage and family ministry which is community-directed. God acts within the lives of individuals and groups, but planned the family as the most important unit for interaction. No religion can be without a God and no religion can be without people. All people are born into one or another kind of family and have a God-given need to be part of a group even when ostracised by families or the society. The community of faith never lives in a vacuum - it is always in the midst of cultural reality which is a powerful influence. The faith of this community is embedded in the context of symbols, rituals and narratives. To be busy with practical theology, with this paradigm in mind, needs a threefold exegesis: an exegesis of the Bible, an exegesis of the culture, and an exegesis of the self and the community. Strengthening the inner life of churches and their relation to their immediate communities should be the first priority of the leaders of churches. Churches have a covenant responsibility to help people develop and sustain strong and healthy families. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Model vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele

Viljoen, David Muller 30 June 2003 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This thesis embarked with the problem within the liturgy that tension exists in trying to minister justly according to the current context and trying to minister faithful to Scripture. A departing perspective is that the liturgy is the heartbeat in the congregation whereto and from where every aspect is networking. Also, that the emphasis can be on both proclaiming and celebrating in Protestant liturgies. Dialogical communication was chosen as theoretical approach together with communicative action for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first and last chapters illustrate what is meant with the term liturgy. The problem is stated (and investigated) that liturgy is a complicated and central phenomenon, which ought to let Reformed theology as well as a postmodern context come to their own. It is also indicated that liturgical spirituality, liturgical communication and liturgical pastorate can better be used and improved during Sunday liturgies. For the liturgy in order to serve the Reformed tradition and the postmodern context, and to uplift the three liturgical aspects of spirituality, communication and pastorate, liturgical symbols and rituals are posed as timeless agents to better the liturgy. Attention was also given to symbolism in Scripture. This led to a model of application as a theory of praxis for the liturgical use of symbols and rituals. The core of this model or theory of praxis, is: I. The highest priority in liturgical symbolism will always be to promote the holy Trinity and Biblical principles. II. The supplementary use of right-brain components, such as experience, emotion and music. III. A high premium on active participation and repetition. IV. An approach of simplicity and soberness. V. Relevance to the culture and context of the day. VI. Services that take hold of total persons and focus on multiple senses and corporeality (bodily involvement). i VII. Room for transendence, imagination and mystic worship of God. VIII. Actions and services that embrace diversity, pluralism and generative variety. IX. Meetings where pastoral and therapeutic dimensions are included. X. Celebration and positive experiences in meetings. XI. The use of images, stories, metaphors and icons. XII. The use of meta-communicative principles such as attitude, intention and high validation of other people. / Hierdie proefskrif het vertrek met die probleem vanuit die liturgie dat daar binne die huidige konteks en die deurlopende poging tot getrouheid aan die Skrif toenemend spanning groei in die eredienspraktyk. Die proefskrif vertrek ook vanuit die perspektief dat die liturgie die hartklop en voedingsaar van die gemeente is van waaruit en waarheen die totale gemeente netwerk en dat die verkondigingsbenadering en die vierings-benadering altwee 'n legitieme plek in die Protestantse liturgiese tradisie het. As teoretiese vertrekpunt vir die liturgiese handelinge word dialogiese kommunikasie gekies saam met kommunikatiewe handelinge ter wille van die evangelie van Jesus Christus. In die eerste en laaste hoofstukke word verduidelik wat met die begrip liturgie bedoel word. Die probleem word gestel dat die liturgie 'n komplekse handeling en kardinale fenomeen is wat reg moet laat geskied aan die Gereformeerde teologie en aan 'n postmoderne konteks. Verder word uitgewys dat liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat in ons huidige tydgleuf meer benut en uitgebou kan word tydens die weeklikse liturgiee. Ten einde die liturgie in haar Gereformeerde tradisie en postmoderne konteks te dien en om die drie liturgiese fasette van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat te bevorder, word liturgiese simbole en rituele aangebied as tydlose en tydige agente om die liturgie mee te verryk. Om die ondersoeke af te rond, is daar ook aan simboliek in die Bybel aandag gegee. 'n Werkswyse is gevolg waar die Gereformeerde teologie en postmoderniteit ontleed is en in verband gebring is met simbole en rituele. Liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat is ook gedissekteer, ten einde dit beter te begryp, en in verband te bring met liturgiese simbole en rituele. Daarna het simboliek aan die beurt gekom en is simbole en rituele gedefinieer, ontleed en na aard, wese en toepassing bestudeer. Simboliek in die Bybel is afgetas om gewig te verleen aan die ondersoeke. Uit al die genoemde ontledings en bevindings wys die proefskrif uit dat simbole en rituele inderdaad uitnemend geskik is om die liturgie eer aan te doen in die eiesoortige soeke na voortreflike vlakke van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat binne Gereformeerde en postmoderne kontekste. Hieruit is 'n toepassingsmodel as omvattende praktykteorie aangebied vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele as die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif. (5.4 en 5.5). Die kern van die model of praktykteorie vir die liturgiese toepassing van simboliek is: I. Dat die hoogste doelstelling en swaarwigtigste vergestalting met simboliek in die erediens altyd God Drie-Enig en Bybelse waardes en beginsels is. II. Dat aanvullende gebruikmaking en verrekening van regterbreinkomponente soos ervaring, emosie en musiek noodsaaklik is. Ill. 'n Doelbewuste hoe premie op handelende deelname en herhaling. IV. 'n Benadering van eenvoud en soberheid. V. Handelinge en momente wat spreek tot die kultuur en konteks van die dag. VI. Erediensmomente wat die totale mens betrek en infokus op veelsintuiglikheid en liggaamlikheid. VII. Ruimte vir transendensie, verbeelding en mistiek om God te aanbid. VIII. Handelinge wat diversiteit, pluralisme en generatiewe verskeidenheid omhels en vier. IX. Byeenkomste wat pastorale en terapeutiese roepings insluit. X. Samekomste waar feestelikheid en aangename ervarings beleef word. XI. Kommunikeerders wat beelde, verhale, metafore en ikone gebruik. XII. Handelinge waar ag geslaan word op metakommunikatiewe beginsels soos gesindheid, intensie en hoe waardetoekennings aan die ander persoon. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Tweedimensionele stilbeelde in 'n multimediapakket in tersiêre afstandsonderrig : didaktiese riglyne

Blignaut, Ernst Philippus 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The transformative mission of the White Paper on Education (1995: 19) states that the South African education system is moving towards a single, national, non-racial system where all people are offered equil opportunities. Demographic and other changes make particular demands on the education system. The HSRC (1987:54) claim that distance edcation is increasingly viewed as a possible solution for educational problems. The literature study aims to motivate, from an andragogic-didactical perspective, the use of two-dimensional silent images in study material. A literature study was also undertaken on the perception of silent images and the elements involved in the perception of depth, movement, size, colour, etc., from which certain didactic guidelines were deducted with a view to the design of silent images. The ability of distance education students to identify the elements above, was emperically researched. The validity of the didactic guidelines were verified in this phase. / Die transformatiewe missie van die Witskrif vir Onderwys (1995: 19) stel dit dat die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel oorgaan na 'n "enkele nasionale, nie-rassige stelsel" waar daar gelyke geleenthede vir aile mense gebied word. Demografiese en ander veranderinge stel besondere eise aan die onderwysstelsel. Die RGN (1987: 54) stel dit dat afstandsonderrig al meer as 'n moontlike oplossing gesien vir die onderwysprobleme. Die literatuurstudie het dit ten doe! om die gebruik van tweedimensionele stilbeelde in studiemateriaal in die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie andragogies-didakties te fundeer. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die persepsie van stilbeelde en die elemente wat betrokke is by die persepsie van diepte, beweging, grootte, kleur, ens. is gedoen waaruit sekere didaktiese riglyne met die oog op die ontwerp van stilbeelde gestel is. Die afstandsonderrigstudente se vermoe om bogenoemde elemente waar te neem, was empiries nagevors. Die geldigheid van die didaktiese riglyne is tydens hierdie fase geveri fireer. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didaktiek)

Tweedimensionele stilbeelde in 'n multimediapakket in tersiêre afstandsonderrig : didaktiese riglyne

Blignaut, Ernst Philippus 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The transformative mission of the White Paper on Education (1995: 19) states that the South African education system is moving towards a single, national, non-racial system where all people are offered equil opportunities. Demographic and other changes make particular demands on the education system. The HSRC (1987:54) claim that distance edcation is increasingly viewed as a possible solution for educational problems. The literature study aims to motivate, from an andragogic-didactical perspective, the use of two-dimensional silent images in study material. A literature study was also undertaken on the perception of silent images and the elements involved in the perception of depth, movement, size, colour, etc., from which certain didactic guidelines were deducted with a view to the design of silent images. The ability of distance education students to identify the elements above, was emperically researched. The validity of the didactic guidelines were verified in this phase. / Die transformatiewe missie van die Witskrif vir Onderwys (1995: 19) stel dit dat die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel oorgaan na 'n "enkele nasionale, nie-rassige stelsel" waar daar gelyke geleenthede vir aile mense gebied word. Demografiese en ander veranderinge stel besondere eise aan die onderwysstelsel. Die RGN (1987: 54) stel dit dat afstandsonderrig al meer as 'n moontlike oplossing gesien vir die onderwysprobleme. Die literatuurstudie het dit ten doe! om die gebruik van tweedimensionele stilbeelde in studiemateriaal in die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie andragogies-didakties te fundeer. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die persepsie van stilbeelde en die elemente wat betrokke is by die persepsie van diepte, beweging, grootte, kleur, ens. is gedoen waaruit sekere didaktiese riglyne met die oog op die ontwerp van stilbeelde gestel is. Die afstandsonderrigstudente se vermoe om bogenoemde elemente waar te neem, was empiries nagevors. Die geldigheid van die didaktiese riglyne is tydens hierdie fase geveri fireer. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didaktiek)

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