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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mistura fina, ou a verdadeira história das Aventuras de David Simple / The Adventures of David Simple, Sarah Fielding

Marques, Mariana Teixeira 04 October 2006 (has links)
As Aventuras de David Simple, primeiro romance de Sarah Fielding publicado em 1744, foi redescoberto pela crítica anglo-saxã nos anos 60 através da adoção de perspectivas que buscavam questionar as abordagens canônicas no que se refere ao romance moderno como gênero. Neste trabalho, procuramos compreender a contribuição, dentro da história do romance, dos principais estudos acerca de David Simple, e propor uma análise crítica que, aproximando-se do material narrativo, visa a expor como se formulam, no nível da fatura, algumas das questões fundamentais da vida socioeconômica e literária da Inglaterra neste período / The Adventures of David Simple, Sarah Fielding\'s first novel published in 1744, was rediscovered by Anglo Saxon critics in the 1960\'s who employed new perspectives that aimed at questioning earlier canonical assumptions regarding the modern novel as a genre. The aim of this research is to understand the contributions, to the history of the novel, of the main studies concerning David Simple, and also to propose a critical analysis that, approaching the narrative material, aims at exposing how the novel formulates, in the managing of its structure and themes, some of the fundamental issues in socioeconomic and literary English life in this period

Resolution of Singularities of Pairs Preserving Semi-simple Normal Crossings

Vera Pacheco, Franklin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Let X denote a reduced algebraic variety and D a Weil divisor on X. The pair (X,D) is said to be semi-simple normal crossings (semi-snc) at a in X if X is simple normal crossings at a (i.e., a simple normal crossings hypersurface, with respect to a local embedding in a smooth ambient variety), and D is induced by the restriction to X of a hypersurface that is simple normal crossings with respect to X. For a pair (X,D), over a field of characteristic zero, we construct a composition of blowings-up f:X'-->X such that the transformed pair (X',D') is everywhere semi-simple normal crossings, and f is an isomorphism over the semi-simple normal crossings locus of (X,D). The result answers a question of Kolla'r.

Resolution of Singularities of Pairs Preserving Semi-simple Normal Crossings

Vera Pacheco, Franklin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Let X denote a reduced algebraic variety and D a Weil divisor on X. The pair (X,D) is said to be semi-simple normal crossings (semi-snc) at a in X if X is simple normal crossings at a (i.e., a simple normal crossings hypersurface, with respect to a local embedding in a smooth ambient variety), and D is induced by the restriction to X of a hypersurface that is simple normal crossings with respect to X. For a pair (X,D), over a field of characteristic zero, we construct a composition of blowings-up f:X'-->X such that the transformed pair (X',D') is everywhere semi-simple normal crossings, and f is an isomorphism over the semi-simple normal crossings locus of (X,D). The result answers a question of Kolla'r.

Possibilities of Royal Power in the Late Carolingian Age : Charles III "The Simple" / Champ d'action et marges de manoeuvre du pouvoir royal au temps des derniers Carolingiens : L'exemple de Charles III "Le Simple" (893/898 à 923)

Lösslein, Horst 08 February 2017 (has links)
La thèse est dédiée à analyser les possibilités du pouvoir royal à l’époque des derniers Carolingiens en étudiant le règne de Charles III le Simple (893/898-923) et en le comparant avec ceux de ses prédécesseurs depuis la mort de son grand-père Charles II le Chauve en 877, c’est ce que permet aussi l’identification des développements à moyen terme des structures politiques du monde Franc. Le pouvoir royal se devait de naître des interactions entre le roi et les nobles autour de lui. Selon les interprétations de la recherche récente, ces derniers sont considérés comme des partenaires du premier, qui participent dans le processus de sa prise de décision et qui fonctionnent comme des exécuteurs des décisions prises en consensus, transmettant ainsi le pouvoir royal dans les différentes parties du royaume. La question des marges de manœuvre du pouvoir royal est donc une question des relations entre le roi et les nobles qui l’entourent. En conséquence, l’étude de ces relations constitue l’axe central de cette étude. Les réseaux des nobles en contact avec les rois sont identifiés et l’influence des nobles individuels ainsi que des groupes est déterminée en analysant les diplômes royaux et en les mettant dans le contexte des sources narratives. Pendant les règnes de Louis II le Bègue (877-897) et ses fils Louis III (879-882) et Carloman II (882-884), jusqu'à celui de Charles III le Gros (884-888), l’existence d’un et plus tard de deux groupes qui dominaient la politique royale est révélée. Cette image change sous le dernier, qui promouvait certains nobles qui entretenaient des liens avec ces anciens groupes. Le manque de cohérence de cette nouvelle élite devient évident après la mort de Charles le Gros, quand des groupes rivaux soutinrent différents candidats pour le trône vacant. Cette fragmentation de l’élite du royaume continua pendant le règne d’Eudes (888-898) jusqu’aux premières années de Charles le Simple. Ce n’est qu’après la mort de certaines figures clés que l’intégration des nobles qui s’opposaient au nouvel ordre dans le cercle autour du nouveau roi devint possible. Pendant les prochaines décennies du règne de Charles, ce cercle fut modifié encore plusieurs fois, par l’addition d’un grand nombre de nobles après l’acquisition de la Lotharingie ainsi que par l’ascendance d’un nouveau groupe favorisé par Charles vers les dernières années 910s. Cette analyse constitue la base pour une évaluation des activités des rois concernant leurs pairs et les Vikings. Une collaboration étroite entre les rois est mise en lumière pour avoir d’une part stabilisé les relations entre ces rois et leurs nobles, et d’autre part, pour avoir limité aussi au même moment les marges de manœuvres des rois concernant leurs propres intérêts dans les royaumes voisins. Concernant les mesures prises contre les Vikings, des stratégies purement militaires pour sécuriser le royaume s’avèrent avoir été inefficaces. Ce n'était seulement que par des accords diplomatiques avec les Vikings, négociés et mis en œuvre avec le soutien des grands, que des succès sur le long terme pouvaient être obtenus. Quand pour la majeure partie de son règne Charles le Simple profitait du soutien des nobles, sa fin arriva quand même par leur rébellion en 922. Cette contradiction est résolue par l’introduction du concept sociologique de la confiance. Son importance dans les relations entre les rois et les nobles est déterminée par l’analyse de différentes situations de conflits. Il semble que la détérioration des liens entre Charles et les grands autour de lui était causée par la perception de certaines actions royales comme des violations des normes par les nobles ainsi que sa mauvaise grâce à employer une langue appropriée pour répondre à cette crise de confiance. / The thesis aims to determine the possibilities of royal power in the late Carolingian age, analysing the reign of Charles III the Simple (893/898-923). His predecessors’ reigns up to the death of his grandfather Charles II the Bald (843-877) serve as basis for comparison, thus also allowing to identify mid-term developments in the political structures shaping the Frankish world toward the turn from the 9th to the 10th century. Royal power is understood to have derived from the interaction of the ruler with the nobles around him. Following the reading of modern scholarship, the latter are considered as partners of the former, participating in the royal decision-making process and at the same time acting as executors of these decisions, thus transmitting the royal power into the various parts of the realm. Hence, the question for the royal room for manoeuvre is a question of the relations between the ruler and the nobles around him. Accordingly, the analysis of these relations forms the core part of the study. Based on the royal diplomas, interpreted in the context of the narrative evidence, the noble networks in contact with the rulers are revealed and their influence examined. Thus, over the course of the reigns of Louis II the Stammerer (877-879) and his sons Louis III (879-882) and Carloman II (879-884) up until the rule of Charles III the Fat (884-888), the existence of first one, then two groups of nobles significantly influencing royal politics become visible. This image changes only under the latter, when individual nobles originating in the immediate vicinity of the older groups were promoted. The missing inner coherence of this new elite is revealed after the death of Charles the Fat, when rivalling parties formed, which supported different candidates for the vacant throne. This fragmentation of the leading nobility continued throughout Odo’s reign (888-898) until the first years of Charles the Simple’s rule. Only then, after the death of political key figures, the full integration of those nobles opposing the new king into the circle around him became possible. Over the course of the next decades this circle underwent a number of further modifications, most of all by the integration of numerous nobles after the addition of Lotharingia to Charles’ rule as well as the ascent of a new group of nobles promoted by the king in the late 910s. These analyses constitute the basis for an evaluation of the rulers’ activities in regard to their peers as well as the Vikings. A close cooperation between the rulers is revealed to have had a stabilizing effect on the relations between the rulers and the nobles. At the same time, however, these alliances also limited their room for manoeuvre when it came to pursuing their interests against their partners. Concerning the politics pursued against the Vikings, purely military measures to secure the realm remained rather ineffective. Longer lasting success could only be obtained by diplomatic agreements with the Northmen, negotiated and implemented with the support of the leading nobles of the realm. While for the most part of his reign Charles enjoyed the support of the leading nobles, his rule, nevertheless, remains under the shadow of their rebellion against him in 922. Outlining the importance of trust by analysing different conflict situations, this contrast is resolved by arguing that the deterioration of the relations between Charles and the nobles was caused by repeated actions of the king, which were perceived as violations of the existing norms and a failure to adjust his symbolic language to respond to this crisis.

Mistura fina, ou a verdadeira história das Aventuras de David Simple / The Adventures of David Simple, Sarah Fielding

Mariana Teixeira Marques 04 October 2006 (has links)
As Aventuras de David Simple, primeiro romance de Sarah Fielding publicado em 1744, foi redescoberto pela crítica anglo-saxã nos anos 60 através da adoção de perspectivas que buscavam questionar as abordagens canônicas no que se refere ao romance moderno como gênero. Neste trabalho, procuramos compreender a contribuição, dentro da história do romance, dos principais estudos acerca de David Simple, e propor uma análise crítica que, aproximando-se do material narrativo, visa a expor como se formulam, no nível da fatura, algumas das questões fundamentais da vida socioeconômica e literária da Inglaterra neste período / The Adventures of David Simple, Sarah Fielding\'s first novel published in 1744, was rediscovered by Anglo Saxon critics in the 1960\'s who employed new perspectives that aimed at questioning earlier canonical assumptions regarding the modern novel as a genre. The aim of this research is to understand the contributions, to the history of the novel, of the main studies concerning David Simple, and also to propose a critical analysis that, approaching the narrative material, aims at exposing how the novel formulates, in the managing of its structure and themes, some of the fundamental issues in socioeconomic and literary English life in this period

Propriétés magnétiques de matériaux hybrides lamellaires incluant des phthalocyanines métallées : essais en vue d’un couplage entre le magnétisme et la conductivité / Magnetic properties of lamellar hybrid materials including metallated phthalocyanine : testing for a coupling between magnetism and conductivity

Bourzami, Riadh 20 January 2014 (has links)
Les travaux décrits portent sur des matériaux hybrides organiques-inorganiques présentant des propriétés magnétiques, de formule générale Mx(OH)2x-ny(Xn-)y (avec M(II) = Co, Cu, Zn, X= phtalocyanines métallées tétrasulfonate, MPc). Deux objectifs distincts ont guidé cette thèse : coupler la conductivité de la MPc au magnétisme des plans, d'une part, et déterminer expérimentalement, d'autre part, les couplages entre plans de Co conduisant à la mise en ordre autour de 6 K. Des étapes préliminaires de synthèse originale ont été nécessaires concernant la LiPc tétrasulfonate et des HSL de Zn. Ni la synthèse de la LiPc tétrasulfonate, ni les essais de dopage des MPc n'ont été suffisamment concluant pour pouvoir bénéficier des conductivités des MPc dans l'hybride associé. Les mesures magnétiques réalisées par SQUID ont montré que les HSL à base de feuillets de Cu sont antiferromagnétique sans mise en ordre. Ceux dont les feuillets sont constitués de Co s'ordonnent ferrimagnétiquement autour de 6 K quelle que soit la nature de Pc insérée, prouvant qu'il n'y a pas d'échange magnétique entre les feuillets,et que seule l’ interaction dipolaire est responsable de la mise en ordre. La CuPc insérée a joué le rôle de sonde paramagnétique et a permis, grâce à des mesures par RPE en bande X et en bande Q, d'estimer la valeur du champ dipolaire à 30 mT. Ces études valident le modèle théorique proposé par M. Drillon et al. Des études ont été réalisées sur CoPc insérées. qui sont majoritairement muettes en RPE du fait de leur agrégation et ne constituent pas de bonnes sondes RPE. Les HSL MCoPc montrent un pouvoir de réduction de l'O2. / This PhD work focus on hybrid layered organic-inorganic materials, with general formulation Mx(OH)2x-ny(Xn-)y (M(II)=Co, Cu; X- = metal phthalocyanine sulfate MPcTs). Two leading ideas founded this PhD work: i) the investigation of the possible interplay between the magnetic properties of the LSH hosts and possible charge transport through phthalocyanine guests ii) the experimental evidence of the underlying mechanism for magnetic ordering in LSH. Synthesis of new molecules was required, as LiPcTs and Zn LSH. The yield of the synthesis of LiPcTs was not high to allow for subsequent insertion. The next route under investigation considered the anions and cations issued from the reduction and oxidation of CuPc and CoPc. Those revealed much too instable to be inserted into lamellar hosts. The investigations of the magnetic properties by SQUID magnetometry showed that all copper hydroxide-based compounds behave similarly, presenting an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour without magnetic ordering. The cobalt HSL compound presents a ferrimagnetic ordering around 6K, whatever the nature of the metal phthalocyanine. This points to the solely dipolar interactions between the inorganic layers. Using the inserted CuPc as a fine paramagnetic probe, X-band and Q-band EPR spectroscopy allowed to assess the amplitude of the dipolar field Bdipolar≈30mT. These measurements validate the theoretical model of M. Drillon and al on the role of dipolar interactions in layered ferromagnets. The formation of EPR silent aggregates of inserted CoPc discards it as a suitable probe for similar experiments. Preliminary results show that these hybrids catalyze the reduction of O2.

Etude de la régulation de l’export nucléaire de l’ARN non-épissé du virus de la leucémie murine / Study of the unspliced RNA nuclear export regulation of the murine leukemia virus (MLV)

Pessel-Vivares, Lucie 09 October 2014 (has links)
Les cellules eucaryotes ont évolué de façon à s'assurer qu'aucun ARNm contenant des introns ne soit exporté du noyau. Néanmoins, les rétrovirus ont besoin d'exporter leur ARN non-épissé vers le cytoplasme afin de servir de matrice pour la traduction des protéines virales, ou d'être encapsidé comme ARN génomique dans les néo-virions. Différentes stratégies ont alors été mises en place par ces virus dans le but de détourner les voies d'export nucléaire cellulaires pour mener à bien l'export de leur ARN non-épissé. Le virus de la leucémie murine (MLV), l'un des premier rétrovirus de mammifère découvert, possède un génome qui, à l'inverse d'autres rétrovirus ne permet pas de coder pour des protéines accessoires pouvant aider à l'export de son ARN non-épissé. Bien que différentes séquences cis-régulatrices présentes sur l'ARN non-épissé ont été montrées comme favorisant l'export nucléaire de cet ARN, la/(les) voie(s) d'export détournée(s) par le MLV reste(nt) jusqu'alors inconnue(s).Dans les travaux présentés ici nous démontrons que le virus du MLV est capable de détourner la voie d'export cellulaire Tap pour exporter ses ARN épissé et non-épissé du noyau. Cet export permet notamment au virus d'exprimer ses protéines structurales et enzymatiques. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent également que l'export de l'ARN non-épissé du MLV est aussi possible par la voie d'export cellulaire CRM1, afin de favoriser leur encapsidation. En résumé, nos données révèlent un mode de régulation complexe, mis en place par le MLV, afin d'exporter l'ARN non-épissé et ainsi de distinguer sa destinée. / Eukaryotic cells have evolved to ensure that intron-containing mRNA do not leave the nucleus. However, retroviruses must export their intron-containing RNA in the cytoplasm to be either translated in viral proteins or packaged as genomic RNA in progeny viruses. Then, retroviruses are using different mechanisms in order to hijack cellular nuclear export pathway to export their unspliced RNA. Murine leukemia virus (MLV) is a simple retrovirus, one of the first discovered, which do not have the possibility to encode accessory proteins to help its unspliced RNA export. Although several cis-elements of the MLV unspliced RNA have been identified to regulate the cytoplasmic accumulation of this RNA, the pathway(s) hijacked by the MLV is(are) unrevealed until today. The researches present in this manuscript show that the MLV is able to hijack the cellular export pathway Tap dependant to export its spiced and unspliced RNA from the nucleus. This export leads to the expression of structural and enzymatic viral proteins. Moreover, our results suggest that the MLV can also hijack the cellular export factor CRM1 to export its unspliced RNA in order to package them. Finally, our data reveal the existence of a complex regulation mechanism use by the MLV to export and distinguish unspliced RNA regarding their destiny.

Character Degree Graphs of Almost Simple Groups

Montanaro, William M., Jr. 28 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Simple Modules over Lie Algebras

Nilsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Simple modules are the elemental components in representation theory for Lie algebras, and numerous mathematicians have worked on their construction and classification over the last century. This thesis consists of an introduction together with four research articles on the subject of simple Lie algebra modules. In the introduction we give a light treatment of the basic structure theory for simple finite dimensional complex Lie algebras and their representations. In particular we give a brief overview of the most well-known classes of Lie algebra modules: highest weight modules, cuspidal modules, Gelfand-Zetlin modules, Whittaker modules, and parabolically induced modules. The four papers contribute to the subject by construction and classification of new classes of Lie algebra modules. The first two papers focus on U(h)-free modules of rank 1 i.e. modules which are free of rank 1 when restricted to the enveloping algebra of the Cartan subalgebra. In Paper I we classify all such modules for the special linear Lie algebras sln+1(C), and we determine which of these modules are simple. For sl2 we also obtain some additional results on tensor product decomposition. Paper II uses the theory of coherent families to obtain a similar classification for U(h)-free modules over the symplectic Lie algebras sp2n(C). We also give a proof that U(h)-free modules do not exist for any other simple finite-dimensional algebras which completes the classification. In Paper III we construct a new large family of simple generalized Whittaker modules over the general linear Lie algebra gl2n(C). This family of modules is parametrized by non-singular nxn-matrices which makes it the second largest known family of gl2n-modules after the Gelfand-Zetlin modules. In Paper IV we obtain a new class of sln+2(C)-modules by applying the techniques of parabolic induction to the U(h)-free sln+1-modules we constructed in Paper I. We determine necessary and sufficient conditions for these parabolically induced modules to be simple.

Specifity of Allergic Responses Following Injection of Simple Chemical Protein Conjugates

Lowke, George Edward 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation has been to determine the characteristics of the immune response to 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene when this hapten is conjugated with various types of proteins.

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