Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bingle case"" "subject:"bringle case""
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Dům s pečovatelskou službou / Nursing homePella, Radim January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Nursing home in the city of Prostějov. The object includes 36 one room flats and 2 three room flats. There are proposed another equipments which are related to nursing services such as two surgeries, rehabilitation, massage salon, coffee bar and hairdressing salon in the building. The hole building was designed as accesible. The object is two storied, cellarless and its grand plan is indented. It is staffed on plane plot in a quiet area of apartment blocks. There are going to be build new road, parking places and surfaces outside. The roof is designed as flat single casing or double casing. The main structure system is designed as walls of ceramic blocks and ceiling of reinforced concrete. All of the flats are situated on the southern side and the entrances are situated on the northern side.
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Exploration de l’impact d’un programme de danse-thérapie sur la mobilité de personnes atteintes de condition neurologique : un devis expérimental à cas uniqueLachance, Brigitte 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Plusieurs approches thérapeutiques sont utilisées afin d’améliorer la mobilité en contexte de réadaptation. La danse-thérapie fait partie des approches innovantes auprès de populations ayant des troubles neurologiques. Une étude quasi expérimentale avec un groupe témoin n'a pas apporté d’évidence de l'efficacité d'un programme de danse-thérapie de 12 semaines, dispensé une fois par semaine à des personnes souffrant d'un handicap physique (DTDP) et visant à améliorer leur mobilité. Étant donné les avantages perçus de l'intervention, il était important de poursuivre les recherches.
Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude expérimentale à cas unique avec la statistique Tau-U sur 28 semaines avec des mesures répétées (quatre outils pour évaluer la mobilité) dans la phase pré-danse (A1), la phase du programme de danse (B) et la phase post-danse (A2). L'échelle de l’état de flow (Flow State Scale, FSS) et l'échelle de confiance de l’équilibre spécifique à l'activité (ABC Scale) ont fourni des scores avant et après l'intervention.
Résultats : Cinq participants ont amélioré de manière significative (p <0,05) leurs scores pour le Mini BESTest (MBT), 2/5 pour le 4 Square Step Test (4Sq) et 4/5 pour le Multi Directional Reach Test - Behind (MDRT-behind) avec de très grandes tailles d'effet (TE). Les TE agrégés pour A1 et A2 sont passés de modérés à très grandes. Les changements sur les échelles FSS et ABC n'étaient pas significatifs. Les objectifs personnels ont été perçus et mesurés comme atteints.
Conclusions : Ces résultats suggèrent l'efficacité du programme DTDP pour les adultes souffrant de troubles neurologiques et l'utilisation du devis expérimental à cas unique avec la statistique Tau- U pour explorer l'efficacité des interventions en danse pour des cohortes hétérogènes. Les outils utilisés pour mesurer la mobilité semblent prometteurs pour détecter les changements dus à la danse. / Background: Several therapeutic approaches are used to improve mobility in rehabilitation settings. Dance therapy is one of the innovative approaches for populations with neurological disorders. A quasi-experimental study with a control group did not provide evidence to support the effectiveness of a 12-week weekly outpatient dance therapy program for persons with physical disability (DTPD) aimed at improving their mobility. Given the perceived benefits of the intervention, further investigation was important.
Method: We conducted a single case experimental design (SCED) with the Tau-U statistic over 28 weeks with repeated measures (4 tools to assess mobility) in the pre-dance phase (A1), dance program phase (B) and post-dance phase (A2). The Flow State Scale and the Activity-specific balance confidence scale (ABC) provided scores pre-and post intervention.
Results: Five participants significantly (p <0.05) improved scores for the Mini BESTest (MBT), 2/5 for the 4 Square Step Test (4Sq) and 4/5 for the Multi-Directional Reach Test – Behind (MDRT- behind) with very large effect sizes (ES). Aggregated ES for A1 and A2 went from moderate to very large. Changes on the FSS and ABC scales were not significant. Personal objectives were perceived and measured as attained.
Conclusions: These results support the effectiveness of the DTPD program for adults with neurological conditions, and for the use of SCED with the Tau-U statistic to explore effectiveness of dance interventions for heterogeneous cohorts. The tools used to measure mobility appear promising to detect changes due to dance.
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Vliv reklamy v dražební společnosti / The Effect of the Advertising in an Auction CompanyZajíc, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
In the framework of public auctions the auction-companies work, which on the one hand face the problem of realizing the public auction from the point of view of marketing, on the other hand, at the same time, they try to be visible in the relationship the auctioneer and the auction proposer. It is a closed cycle whose task is to strengthen the marketing potential and, at the same time to increase the financial profit of the firm. The aim of this diplom thesis is focused on the advertising acivities of a smalll auction company, which at present is not very effective. This auction company has been lately rather successful and has proved its vitality, on the contrary, its profits in the form af the auctioneer´s rewards have started to stagnate. One of the reasons may be its lack of financial means which might have been released for the purpose of advertising. That is why, the aim of this diploma thesis is to avaluate the present advertising activities of an auction company. The positive and negative working of a concrete auctioneer in the public auctions market is going to be specified by help of single cases. The aim is also the identifying of the elementary mistakes giving evidences of bad advertising activities of the company. In the conclusion some recommendations concerning advertising activities are defined; their task is to enable small auction companies to make themselves more visible in the public auctions market.
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A framework for competitive intelligence in strategic decision-making (SDM) in an Ethiopian conglomerate / Uhlaka lobuhlakani bokuqhathanisa izinkampani ezincintisanayo ekuthatheni izinqumo ezihambisana namasu kwinhlanganyela yezinkampani eTopiya / Raamwerk vir mededingingsintelligensie In strategiese besluitneming in 'n Etiopiese konglomeraatBezabih Bekele Tolla 09 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The primary intent of this study was to develop a competitive intelligence (CI) programme implementation strategy framework for the effective use of CI in strategic decision-making (SDM) in a conglomerate, using embedded multiple units and a single-case exploratory study that is qualitative dominant. The study therefore explored the strategic value of CI for SDM in a company that has a conglomerate structure and whose subsidiaries are vertically integrated.
Despite the perceived usefulness of CI for distinctive SDM, the case conglomerate and its subsidiaries had collected and employed the available CI products to support their strategic, tactical and other business decisions. Overall results indicated differences between the subsidiaries and the headquarter; and among the subsidiaries on CI practice (CI collection, CI coordination, CI sharing and CI effort) and CI usage for SDM and other decisions. Although a similar strategy development process (guided by the grand corporate strategy), management structure, decision-making process and orientation in the subsidiaries existed, these uniformities did not significantly result in a uniform level of application and usage of CI for SDM across the conglomerate. The conclusion is that CI application is very subjective and contextual even in a vertically integrated conglomerate. Through theory, literature review and empirical findings, synthesis and iteration, a middle-range theory that integrates the CI and SDM disciplines in terms of the contextual issues both share is also constructed.
The study also developed a novel way of crafting CI for SDM, which may fit into the existing structure and realities of the conglomerate so as to formalise CI. The CI programme implementation strategy framework was developed considering the proof of tested theories, best practices, existing context, strategy, decision-making process, structure, enabling factors and capabilities of the conglomerate. The CI programme implementation strategy framework, accompanied by a proposed CI structure, has immediate pragmatic utility. It could enable the conglomerate to initiate a formal CI programme without delay and to develop it following an organisational maturation cycle.
The study makes an original contribution by conceptualising a CI programme implementation strategy for a unique case and theorising the case within a novel extension within middle-range theory (“SDM and CI application can be viewed in the contextual domains both share”). The exploratory study itself, which led to merging theory and best practices with empirical results and fitting the theories and best practices into case conglomerate’s realities, also makes the study unique in terms of its approach and outputs. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwakungukusungula uhlaka lokuqala ukusebenzisa uhlelo lwamasu obuhlakani bokuqhathanisa izinkampani ezincintisanayo, obaziwa ngokuthi yiCompetitive Intelligence (iCI) ngesiNgisi ukuze isebenze kahle ekuthathweni kwezinqumo ezihambisana namasu okwaziwa ngestrategic decision-making (iSDM) ngesiNgisi kwinhlanganyela yezinkampani, kusetshenziswa uhlobo locwaningo olungamayunithi amaningi afakwe ndawonye, oluhlola udaba olulodwa nolugxile kakhulu ekuqoqweni kwemininingwane. Ngakhoke, lolu cwaningo luhlole umthelela omuhle wamasu eCI ngokuthatha izinqumo ezihambisana namasu (iSDM) enkampanini enomumo wenhlanganyela yezinkampani enezinkampani ezingena ngaphansi kwayo ezenza imisebenzi eyahlukahlukene.
Phezu kokumsebenzi obonakalayo weCI ngokuhlukile kwiSDM, inhlangayela yezinkampani okuyiyo ebhekiwe kanye nezinkampani ezingaphansi kwayo yaqoqa yase isebenzisa imikhiqizo yeCI etholakalayo ukusingatha ukuthatha kwayo izinqumo ezihambisana namasu, namaqhinga kanye nezinye izinqumo zebhizinisi. Imiphumela ephelele yabonisa ukuthi kukhona ukungafani phakathi kwezinkampani ezingena ngaphansi kwayo kanye nekomkhulu; kanti futhi phakathi wezinkampani ezingena ngaphansi kwayo kokuphathelene neCI (Ukuqoqwa kwemininingwane yeCI, ukuhlanganiswa kwemininingwane yeCI, ukusabalalisa imininingwane yeCI nokusebenza kweCI) nokusetshenziswa kweSDM nezinye izinqumo. Nakuba kwakukhona inqubo yokuthuthukisa isu elifanayo (elandela imigomo yesu elihle lenkampani), ukwakheka kohlaka lwabaphethe, inqubo yokuthatha izinqumo kanye nokuqondiswa kwezinkampani ezingaphansi kwenye, lokhu kwefaniswa akuzange kube ngokufanayo endleleni yokwenza nokusebenziswa kweCI kwiSDM kwinhlangayela yezinkampani. Isiphetho ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza lweCI luncike kakhulu ohlangothini nasengqikithini eyodwa kwinhlanganyela yezinkampani ezenza izinto ezahlukahlukene. Ngokulandela ukuhlaziywa kwemibhalo yemibono yezinzululwazi, kanye nokutholakele uma kwenziwa ucwaningo olubheka izinto ngenkathi zenzeka, ukuhlanganiswa kwemininingwane kanye nokuphindaphindwa kokuhlolwa, kuphinde kwakhiwe imibono yezinzululwazi emibili ehlanganisa imikhakha yeCI neSDM maqondana nezingqikithi ezifanayo kuyona.
Ekugcineni, ucwaningo luphinde lwasungula indlela engakaze ibe khona yokwakha iCI iyakhela iSDM engangena ithi khaxa ekwakhekeni nasesimweni esikhona senhlanganyela yezinkampani ukuze iCI ihleleke ngokusemthethweni. Uhlaka lwesu lokuqaliswa kokusebenza kohlelo lweCI lwenziwa ngoba kucatshangwa ngobufakazi obutholakala kwimibono yezinzululwazi ehloliwe, okusebenze ngempumelelo, indikimba ekhona njengamanje, isu, inqubo yokuthatha izinqumo, ukwakheka, yilokho okwenza izinto zenzeke futhi kusebenzeke kwinhlanganyela yezinkampani. Uhlaka lwesu lokuqaliswa kokusebenza kohlelo lweCI, oluphelezelwa ukwakheka okuhlongoziwe kweCI kukwazi ukuhlolisisa kahle umqondo wokukwazi ukubona ubungako bolwazi nesidingo solunye ucwaningo. Kungasiza inhlanganyela yezinkampani, cishe, ukuba ikwazi ukuqala uhlelo olusha lweCI nokulithuthukisa kulandela uchungechunge lwendlela yokukhula yenhlangano.
Ucwaningo lufaka ulwazi olusha esivivaneni ngokuqhamuka nomqondo omusha wesu lokuqala ukusebenzisa uhlelo lweCI odabeni olungajwayelekile, bese lubeka imibono ngodaba olubhekwayo ngendlela engakaze yenzeke nehlanganisa imibono yezinzululwazi kanye nocwaningo olubheka izinto ngenkathi zenzeka (“Ukusetshenziswa kweSDM neCI kungabhekwa ezizindeni zengqikithi ezifanayo kukona”). Ucwaningo oluhlolayo, lona uqobo, oluholela ekuhlanganisweni kwemibono yezinzululwazi nokubhekwa kwalokho okucwaningwayo ukuthi kusebenza kahle kuphi kanye nemiphumela yocwaningo olubheka izinto ngenkathi zenzeka, nokuhlanganisa lokho nokwenzeka ngempela enhlanganyeleni yezinkampani, nakho kwenza lolu cwaningo lube ngolwehlukile maqondana nendlela oluyilandelayo kanye nemiphumela evelayo. / Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om 'n strategieraamwerk vir programimplementering van mededingingsintelligensie (MI) te ontwikkel vir die doeltreffende gebruik van MI in strategiese besluitneming in 'n konglomeraat, deur 'n vasgelegde veelvoudige eenhede, enkelgeval-verkenningstudie, wat ook kwalitatief dominant is, te gebruik. Die studie het dus die strategiese waarde van MI vir strategiese besluitneming verken in 'n maatskappy wat 'n konglomeraatstruktuur het en wie se filiale vertikaal geïntegreer is.
Ondanks die waargenome nuttigheid van MI vir spesifiek strategiese besluitneming, het die gevallestudiekonglomeraat en sy filiale die beskikbare MI-produkte versamel en aangewend om hul strategiese, taktiese en ander sakebesluite te ondersteun. Algehele resultate het die bestaan van verskille tussen die filiale en die hoofkantoor aangedui; en tussen die filiale oor MI-praktyke (MI-versameling, MI-koördinering; MI-deling en MI-pogings) en MI-gebruik vir strategiese en ander besluite. Alhoewel daar soortgelyke strategiese ontwikkelingsprosesse bestaan (gelei deur die groot korporatiewe strategie), het hierdie eenvormigheid in bestuurstrukture, besluitnemingprosesse en oriëntering in die filiale nie 'n beduidende eenvormige vlak van toepassing en gebruik van MI vir strategiese besluitneming regdeur die konglomeraat tot gevolg gehad nie. Gevolglik is MI-toepassing baie subjektief en kontekstueel, selfs in 'n konglomeraat wat vertikaal geïntegreer is. Deur teoretiese, literatuuroorsig- en empiriese bevindinge is sintese en iterasie, twee middelvlakteorieë, ook saamgestel wat velde van MI en strategiese besluitneming met betrekking tot die kontekstuele kwessies wat albei deel, geïntegreer het.
Op die ou end het die studie ook 'n nuwe manier ontwikkel om MI vir strategiese besluitneming te bewerk wat by die bestaande struktuur en realiteite van die konglomeraat kan inpas om MI te formaliseer. Die strategieraamwerk vir programimplementering van MI is ontwikkel met die bewys van getoetste teorieë, beste praktyke, bestaande konteks, strategie, besluitnemingsproses, faktore wat strukture moontlik maak en vermoë van die konglomeraat, in gedagte. Die strategieraamwerk vir programimplementering van MI, saam met die voorgestelde MI-strukture, het onmiddellike pragmatiese nut. Dit kan die konglomeraat onmiddellik in staat te stel om 'n formele MI-program te inisieer en dit te ontwikkel deur 'n organisatoriese verouderingsiklus te volg.
Die studie maak 'n oorspronklike bydra deur 'n strategie vir programimplementering van MI te konseptualiseer vir 'n unieke geval, die teoretisering van die geval binne 'n nuwe uitbreiding in 'n middelvlakteorie ("Toepassing van strategiese besluitneming en MI kan in die kontekstuele domeine beskou word wat beide deel"). Die verkenningstudie self, wat tot die samesmelting van teorie en beste praktyke met die empiriese resultate gelei het en die passing van die teorieë en beste praktyke in die gevallestudiekonglomeraat se realiteite, maak die studie ook uniek met betrekking tot sy benadering en opbrengs. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Guiding a child to adjust in a children's home: a Gestalt approachOverberg, Cindy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
This single case study was undertaken to determine how the Gestalt approach can be used to guide the child to adjust in a children's home. The study dealt with two models of children's homes, namely the traditional setting and the family centered home setting, as well as adjustment and attachment of a single child's experience in the middle school years, in the family centered home setting. In addition, the trauma, loss and culture shock are highlighted to demonstrate the difficulty children experience in adjusting to a new environment such as a children's home. Data were captured around the participant's experience and process, entering the children's home and the facilitating through intervention. Through the intervention the participant's process was identified, helping him to cope with his new situation. Through Gestalt play therapy the participant's active involvement in his adjustment process was clear and his adjustment was increased. / Social work / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)
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Caractériser et comprendre le processus de changement des psychothérapies complexes : modélisation des processus, mécanismes et conditions des changements associés à la psychothérapie de 66 enfants et adolescents présentant des troubles du spectre autistique / Characterizing and understanding the process of change in complex psychotherapies : modeling the processes, mechanisms and conditions of changes associated with the psychotherapy of 66 children and adolescents with autism spectrum disordersThurin, Jean-Michel 31 May 2017 (has links)
La méthodologie de l’évaluation en psychothérapie s’est longtemps limitée aux résultats issus d’essais cliniques comparatifs de groupes. L’objectif, engagé dans les années 2000, de comprendre ce qui cause son efficacité a engagé un renouvellement méthodologique. Son application concrète est peu documentée. La première partie présente, à partir d’une revue de la littérature centrée sur l’introduction de la recherche sur le processus associée aux résultats, comment le paradigme interactionnel multifactoriel de la psychothérapie a stimulé le développement de méthodes adaptées à la complexité et à l’observation en conditions naturelles. La seconde partie introduit autour de cinq axes principaux les questions méthodologiques générales et spécifiques de cette nouvelle orientation : 1. une épistémologie interactionnelle et transactionnelle ; 2. Un recentrage sur les études mixtes intensives de cas ; 3. Une investigation clinique et théorique multifocale des processus et mécanismes de changement ; 4. une forte relation clinicien-chercheur ; 5. une approche statistique innovante. La troisième partie expose l’expérience et les questions soulevées par la mise en œuvre de ce programme dans le cadre d’un réseau de recherche clinique centré sur les pratiques, du recueil des données jusqu’à l’analyse des processus et mécanismes de changement, et les résultats qui en sont issus. La quatrième partie présente une revue détaillée de la littérature. Ce travail devrait favoriser les collaborations avec les disciplines connexes et l’efficience des traitements par une meilleure connaissance des conditions et des mécanismes de changement associée au développement d’une base de données issue d’études de cas. / The methodology of assessment in psychotherapy has long been limited to results from comparative group clinical trials. The objective, expressed in the 2000s, to understand what is causing its effectiveness has involved a methodological renewal. Its concrete application is poorly documented. The first part presents, from a review of the literature focusing on the introduction of research on the process associated with outcomes, how the multifactorial interactional paradigm of psychotherapy has stimulated the development of methods adapted to the complexity and observation in natural conditions. The second part introduces the general and specific methodological questions of this new orientation around five main axes: 1. an interactional and transactional epistemology; 2. A refocusing on intensive mixed case studies; 3. A multifocal clinical and theoretical investigation of the processes and mechanisms of change; 4. a strong clinical-researcher relationship; 5. an innovative statistical approach. The third part presents the experience and issues raised by the implementation of this program as part of a practice-oriented clinical research network, from data collection to analysis of processes and mechanisms of change, and results. The fourth part presents a detailed review of the literature. This work should foster collaborations with related disciplines and treatment efficiency through a better understanding of the conditions and mechanisms of change associated with the development of a case study database.
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Guiding a child to adjust in a children's home: a Gestalt approachOverberg, Cindy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
This single case study was undertaken to determine how the Gestalt approach can be used to guide the child to adjust in a children's home. The study dealt with two models of children's homes, namely the traditional setting and the family centered home setting, as well as adjustment and attachment of a single child's experience in the middle school years, in the family centered home setting. In addition, the trauma, loss and culture shock are highlighted to demonstrate the difficulty children experience in adjusting to a new environment such as a children's home. Data were captured around the participant's experience and process, entering the children's home and the facilitating through intervention. Through the intervention the participant's process was identified, helping him to cope with his new situation. Through Gestalt play therapy the participant's active involvement in his adjustment process was clear and his adjustment was increased. / Social work / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)
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