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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tribuna atletického stadionu ve Zlíně / Tribune of athletic stadium in Zlín

Gregor, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the processing of project documentation of tribune construction and sporting facilities of athletic stadium in Zlin. Project documentation and attachments are processed according the current legislation, regulations and standards. The tribune is situated on a plot 1090/26, st.5541, which belongs to cadastral area of municipality Zlín, Hradská 854, Zlín. The premises takes up ground plan area of 988,5m2 and the carrying system is designed by skeletal system from prefabricated pieces. This three-storey building lies in natural slope and partly is embedded into in. Capacity of tribune is about 650 spectators and sporting facilities can use about 90 persons.

Multifunkční dům / Multifunctional building object

Bobek, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis solves the design and creation of project documentation for the construction of new multifunctional building on parcel 399/30 in the cadastral area Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice. This building plot is intended for construction and is owned by the town of Uherské Hradiště. The location is located in close proximity to the block of flats Pod Svahy. The enclosed building documentation is made in accordance with applicable laws, decrees and standards. Designed multifunctional house is a multipurpose building with one underground and five above ground floors. Basement areas serve as collective garages and backroom areas for residential units. The first floor has a commercial use with cafes, design offices, copy center and a hairdresser. Other above ground floors serve as permanent accommodation in the form of thirteen residential units. A reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton is designed as a support system. The roof is made in the form of a flat roof. The object is based on a base plate.

Arel VUT Krav­ hora / BUT Area Krav­ hora

Vrlov, Ela January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis BUT Area Kravi hora is a strategic study of the BUT area at Kravi hora from the previous semester to a scale of 1:200. The subject is the elaboration of the concept in order to bring together the interests of BUT and Brno city in this extraordinary territory for the benefit of both subjects. This work deals in detail with newly proposed objects in the BUT territory. A number of regulations have been issued in the territory limiting the subsequent use of the area, but the current area does not suit the existing potential of the site. The main concept was a creation of a set of buildings that will serve the University for representation and public activities, while allowing the access and use of the general public by the inhabitants of the city of Brno. The whole site will be set up in a newly-built city-wide park and other park areas that will create an attractive part of the now-inaccessible and unspoilt area connecting Veveri with Kravi hora. There will also be added additional features inspired by the existing features in the area, namely the Art Colony with ateliers, then Business Units and spacious Public Workshops. The entire Kravi hora area will be interwoven with a number of services serving both adults and children. The new proposal will also lead to the diversion of car traffic from the whole territory in order to ensure the safest relaxed movement of visitors. There will be numerous parking spaces located on the outskirts of the area. The main goal is to create a strong concept focusing on relaxation, health, education and sport, which should result in the overall opening and attractiveness of the territory.

Hasičská stanice / Firehouse

Hladký, Adam January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis „Firehouse“ is processed in the form of design documentation for building construction. It´s a new building of firehouse, JPO IV category, P type, for firefighters of Správa železniční dopravní cesty. Object is composed from three parts - administrative and operational part, garage for fire vehicles and maintenance part. Main entrance and exits from the garages are situated on west. Administrative and operational part has two floors and it´s roofed by double-shell roofs. The garage and maintenance have one floor and they are roofed by single-shell roof. Structural system is partly masonry and partly reinforced concrete. Object is located in flat terrain in peripheral locality of the Přerov city.

Zázemí biatlonového areálu / Biathlon Complex Facilities

Minářová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is processing of project documentation for the new building of biathlon bleachers and sport facilities. The compound is located in the town of Staré Město pod Landštejnem, situated on a plot of land no.1818/6. The building is detached, designed partly as a double-deck and in the remaining part as four-storey. The supporting structure is designed as a solid reinforced concrete prefabricated skeletal system, supplemented by filling brick blocks. The compound is based on foundation plinths and the bleachers on foundations. The ceiling construction is made up of POD ceramic panels. The roof is designed as a single skin flat roof with the powder of washed river stone, and the roof above the duplex part is designed as a walkable roof with a wear layer of paving on supports. The project was prepared using a computer program AutoCAD. When processing, the emphasis was placed on the correct layout design, architectural design, static requirements and the safe use of the building.

Modèles animaux et pathologies humaines : caractérisation de 3 lignées murines ENU présentant des anomalies du système vestibulaire ou locomoteur / Animal models and human pathologies : characterization of 3 ENU murine lines with abnormalities of the vestibular or musculoskeletal system

El Hakam, Carole 05 February 2016 (has links)
La mutagenèse chimique aléatoire par l’Ethyl-Nitroso-Urée (ENU), dont la puissance a été largement démontrée au cours de ces dernières décennies dans la création de modèles murins constitue un outil remarquable et essentiel en génomique fonctionnelle. Cette approche est en effet d’un apport considérable pour la compréhension de la fonction des gènes et de leur régulation et constitue un accélérateur pour identifier des éléments clés dans une voie de signalisation. Cette approche systématique, basée sur le criblage simultané d’un grand nombre de souris ne nécessite aucune connaissance préalable sur l’identité et la fonction des gènes étudiés. Les mutants sont identifiés au travers de cribles phénotypiques spécifiques, hiérarchisés et non-invasifs. L’identification du gène et de la mutation causale responsable du phénotype sont réalisés par un travail de cartographie génique en utilisant une série de marqueurs polymorphes ou par séquençage nouvelle génération. L’objectif de ma thèse a été de caractériser au niveau phénotypique et moléculaire, 3 lignées murines indépendantes issues de deux cribles ENU, un crible récessif et un crible dominant sensibilisé. Le premier crible visait à développer des modèles de pathologies humaines, à partir duquel a été isolée la lignée vdb, qui présente des défauts du système vestibulaire dus à une mutation dans le gène otog codant pour l’otogeline, et constitue un modèle de surdité chez l’homme. Le deuxième crible avait été mis en place dans le but d’approfondir nos connaissances fondamentales sur le développement du système squeletto-musculaire chez les mammifères, plus particulièrement chez l’homme et le bovin. Les analyses de deux lignées issues de ce crible, GMA24 et GMA06, ont permis d’identifier la mutation dans le gène Phex pour les souris GMA24 qui présentent un retard de croissance et constituent un modèle pour la maladie XLH (X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets) chez l’homme. Pour les souris GMA06 présentant une hypermusculature, la mutation a été localisée sur le chromosome 2 et son identification est en cours. Ces trois modèles murins constituent des outils intéressants qui peuvent s’ajouter aux modèles déjà existants pour la surdité, la maladie XLH et les maladies type myopathies pour mieux appréhender les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans ces pathologies et les interactions génétiques mises en jeu dans l’objectif de tester de nouvelles thérapies. / The random chemical mutagenesis with the Ethyl-Nitroso-Urea (ENU), whose power has been widely demonstrated during these last decades in the murine models creation, is a remarkable and essential tool in functional genomics. This approach is indeed a significant contribution to the understanding of the genes’ function and regulation; it also establishes an accelerator to identify the key elements in a signaling pathway. This systematic approach, based on the simultaneous screening of a large number of mice, requires no prior knowledge on the identity and the function of the studied genes. The mutants are identified through specific, hierarchical and non-invasive phenotypic screens. The identification of the gene and the causal mutation responsible for the mutant phenotype are achieved by gene mapping by using a series of polymorphic markers or by new generation sequencing. The objective of my thesis has been to characterize at the phenotypic and molecular level 3 independent murine lines from two ENU screens, a recessive and a sensitized dominant one. The first screen aimed to develop models for human diseases, from which has been isolated the vbd murine line, presenting vestibular system defects due to a mutation in the Otog gene coding for the otogelin. This mouse line presents a model for human deafness. The second screen had been established in order to deepen our fundamental knowledge on the skeletto-muscular system development in mammals, more particularly in humans and cattle. Analyzes of two lines from this screen, GMA24 and GMA06, have allowed to identify the mutation in Phex gene for GMA24 mice showing a growth retardation and modeling XLH (X-linked Hypophosphatemic rickets) disease in humans. For the GMA06 mice presenting an increase muscle mass, the mutation has been localized on chromosome 2 and its identification is in progress. These three murine models are interesting added tools to the existing models for deafness, XLH and myopathies diseases for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms and genetic interactions involved in these pathologies and so testing new therapies.

MORAVSKÉ VINAŘSKÉ CENTRUM BRNO / Moravian wine centre Brno

Kasalová, Nicol January 2016 (has links)
The study design includes the new building of the Moravian wine and cultural center on the Hlinky street in Brno. There are spaces designed for wineries (producing, maturing and storing wine), administration, congress center (with business lounges), spa, restaurant and gastro-studio, shops, exhibition, hotel and parking. The building is trapezoidal shape and replace the existing object in a vacant lot, only some historical cellars will be retained. The supporting structure consists of reinforced concrete skeleton system and reinforced concrete reinforcing inner core around the staircase leading to all floors, the building is covered by a flat green roof. On the facade dominates the element that its shape resembles the vine shoots, which holds the glass facade. The construction is divided into two expansion units - the main part of the building and garage, which is set into the ground sloping towards the south. The building has six floors and one underground floor. The first four floors are connected by open gallery at the southern facade.

Sportovní centrum / Sports Centre

Janča, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This Diploma thesis „Sports centre“ was made as a documentation for a building construction. The object of the sports centre is designed for 337 people and consists of two above-ground floors sports hall itself and joined one above-ground floor restaurant. It is detached building. Building is designed in slightly sloping terrain. The sports centre is located on the outskirts of city named Odry, within walking distance of residential buildings. The sports hall is divided into sections for athletes and referees, part for employees and parts for the public. The restaurant has own entrance from the western side of the building and is functionally connected to sports hall. The restaurant is further divided into units for the public and for the staff. The construction system of the sports hall is made of a prefabricated skeletal system based on baseplaces and a filling wall on the strip foundations, the restaurant is only bricked and based on the base on the strip foundations.

Požární stanice - stanice typu P / Firehouse - station type P1

Tuza, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves creating of the layout study and creation of documentation for the realization of a new fire station. In the building, the location of the JPO I rescue units is considered. The territorial jurisdiction is usually considered to be within 20 minutes of dislocation. The category of the fire station will be considered as P1. The object consists of two structurally and functionally different parts. The first part is designed as a one-storey reinforced concrete skeleton roofed with pre-stressed ceiling panels. This section includes technical background and garages. The cladding of the skeletal part of the building is solved by a masonry block made of lime-sand blocks with external thermal insulation composite system. The second part is walled from lime-sand blocks with external thermal insulation composite system. There are spaces of administrative and operational character. This section has two above-ground floors. The ground plan is fractured, the maximum dimensions are 45.59 x 28.34 m. The building has no basement, roofed only with flat roofs. The object is situated in the peripheral locality of Příbor, the terrain is slightly sloping.

Sportovní centrum v Hodoníně / Sports Centre in Hodonín

Chlebíková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This is a proposal of a detached building sports center with squash courts and a café. The building's basement, with two floors. Ground plan of the building is composed of two rectangles. The second floor is only over part of the building. Above the squash courts is a roof of wooden trusses and load-bearing part of the skeletal system consists of brick walls. The structural system of the building is brick system Porotherm, ceilings Spiroll. The building is covered single layer flat roof, and has a ventilated facade.

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