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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cementitious binder from high-alumina slag generated in the steelmaking process

Adesanya, E. D. (Elijah D.) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract About 4 Mt of ladle slag is generated in steelmaking processes in Europe per year, a large proportion of which (80%) is placed in landfills or stored. This pattern is expected to continue without further research for their valorisation due to increasing demand for quality steel products worldwide. Ladle slag (LS) produced in Finland possesses large amounts of calcium and aluminium and mineralogical phases which can exhibit cementitious capabilities and can be utilized in applications where expensive commercial cements are currently being used. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the properties of ladle slag in different activation pathways, including alkali activation and use as a hydraulic binder with gypsum. The results showed that ladle slag can be used alone as a precursor in alkali activation or as the sole binder or a co-binder with gypsum in hydraulic binding. Depending on the activation pathway, compressive strength between 35–92 MPa can be achieved after 28 days. The reaction properties of alkali activated ladle slag are characterized, and it is confirmed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) that the reaction product after alkali activation is mainly an x-ray amorphous (calcium aluminate silicate hydrate-like) phase. Characterization techniques (SEM, XRD, TGA and NMR) used to analyze the LS paste binder with just water showed the hydration products of ladle slag to be dicalcium aluminate octahydrate (C₂AH₈), tricalcium aluminate hexahydrate (C₃AH₆), gibbsite (AH₃) and stratlingite (C₂ASH₈) was also identified after a prolonged period of hydration. Furthermore, it was found that to minimize the conversion, the ideal water-to-binder ratio is 0.35. The conversion mechanism is reduced at this ratio and the strength is slightly affected. Another pathway that can be used to annul the conversion of calcium aluminate hydrates formed in LS paste is through the addition of gypsum to the LS paste system to produce an ettringite-rich binder (C₆A\(\bar{S}\)₃H₃₂). When ettringite is formed in place of calcium aluminate hydrates the strength increases, frost resistance is improved, and drying shrinkage is enhanced. Lastly, a potential application of ladle slag as a refractory material was also investigated. / Tiivistelmä Euroopassa syntyy vuosittain noin 4 Mt terästeollisuden sivutuotetta, JV-kuonaa, josta 80 % läjitetään tai kaatopaikoitetaan. Maailmanlaajuisesti syntyvän kuonan määrä tulee todennäköisesti kasvamaan laadukkaiden terästuotteiden ennustetun kysynnän kanssa. Tämän vuoksi kuonalle tulisi löytää hyötökäyttökohde, jota vältyttäisiin läjitykseltä. JV-kuona sisältääkin suuria määriä kalsiumia ja alumiinia sekä mineralogisia faaseja, joilla on sementtimäisiä ominaisuuksia. Näin kuonaa voitaisiin käyttää sovelluksissa, joissa tällä hetkellä käytetään kalliita kaupallisia sementtejä. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena oli tutkia JV-kuonan ominaisuuksia sementtimäisenä sideaineena alkali-aktivoinnissa sekä hydraulisena sideaineena yksinään että kipsin kanssa sekoitettuna. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittivat, että JV-kuonaa voidaan käyttää prekursorina alkali-aktivoinnissa tai hydraulisena sideaineena pelkästään veden kanssa tai yhdessä kipsin ja veden kanssa. Saavutetut puristuslujuuset vaihtelivat 35 ja 92 MPa:n välillä, jotka vastaavat normaalin ja erityislujan betonin lujuuksia. JV-kuonan reaktiotuotteet alkali-aktivonnin jälkeen analysoitiin XRD- ja FTIR-analyyseillä. Tuloksista nähtiin, että alkali-aktivoinnin jälkeen reaktiotuote on sementin kaltainen kalsium-aluminatti-silikaati-hydraati (C-A-S-H) -tyyppinen faasi. XRD-, SEM-, TGA- ja NMR-analyysit osoittivat JV-kuonan hydrataatiotuotteiden olevan erilaisia kalsium-aluminaattihydraatteja (C₂AH₈, C₃AH₆, AH₃ ja C₂ASH₈). Tämän vuoksi työssä tutkittiin eri vesi–kuona-suhteita, ja havaittiin, että kun käytetään alhaista kuona-vesi –suhdetta (0,35), reaktiotuoteiden muutos vähenee ja lujuus paranee. Toinen tapa, jolla voidaan estää reaktiotuotteiden muuttuminen, on kipsin lisäys: lisäämällä kipsiä tuotetaan runsaasti ettringiittiä (C₆A\(\bar{S}\)₃H₃₂). Kun ettringiittiä muodostuu kalsium-aluminaattihydraattien sijaan, lujuus kasvaa, pakkaskestävyys paranee ja kuivumiskutistuma paranee. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä osiossa tutkittiin JV-kuonan mahdollista käyttöä tulenkestävänä materiaalina ja huomattiin, että sen tulenkestävyysominaisuudet vaihtelevat käytetyn aktivointityypin mukaan.

Interactions between freeze lining and slag bath in ilmenite smelting

Zietsman, Johannes Hendrik 05 November 2004 (has links)
This study focused on the dynamic behaviour of the freeze lining and slag bath, and the interactions between these components in an ilmenite-smelting furnace process. The purpose of the work was to gain a better understanding of these issues and to ultimately contribute to an improved understanding of the ilmenite-smelting process in its entirety, and to future improvements in the design, operation and control of these processes. A mathematical model of the freeze lining and furnace sidewall was developed. This model was used in isolation for focused characterisation of the dynamic behaviour and interactions of the freeze lining and slag bath. The influences of net power input and slag composition were studied and various aspects of the freeze lining and slag bath were considered. These aspects included freeze lining thickness, temperature distribution through the freeze lining and furnace sidewall, composition distribution through the freeze lining, slag bath temperature and slag bath composition. The thermal response of thermocouples installed in the furnace sidewall to changing conditions on the inside of the furnace was also investigated. A mathematical model of the crust that forms on the slag bath surface was developed. This model was not used in isolation, and was only incorporated into a complete model of the process. A mathematical model of the entire ilmenite-smelting furnace process was constructed. This model incorporated the two models mentioned above and was able to describe the metal bath, slag bath, furnace atmosphere, freeze lining, furnace sidewall and the crust that is sometimes present on top of the slag bath. The model was used to study the influence of changes in operational parameters on the slag bath and freeze lining. The operational parameters that were studied included electrical power and reductant feed rate, both relative to ilmenite feed rate. The influence of severe operational errors and furnace down time were also investigated. Operational errors included loss of all feed while maintain electrical power input, and loss of reductant feed while maintaining power input and ilmenite feed. The above-mentioned studies were conducted by executing numerous experiments with two of the mathematical models. The experimental results were processed into sets of graphs displaying variations in the aspects that were considered. Many valuable insights resulted from the interpretation of these results. One specific aspect that formed part of the scope of this work was the origin of the compositional invariance of the slag close to the stoichiometric M3O5composition. This invariance was studied and a mechanism was proposed that explains the observed behaviour. The proposed mechanism created some questions about other mechanisms in the process. These mechanisms were also considered and elaborated on. The models and results produced in this study provide valuable insights into the behaviour of the ilmenite-smelting process. It also represents a useful foundation for future modelling work, and finally, it presents numerous opportunities for organisations operating ilmenite-smelting furnaces to improve their understanding and even the performance of their processes. / Thesis (PhD (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Towards Understanding slag build-up in a Grate-Kiln furnace : A study of what parameters in the Grate-Kiln furnace leads to increased slag build-up, in a modern pellet production kiln / Mot ökad förståelse av slaguppbyggnad i ett kulsintersverk

Olsson, Oscar, Österman, Uno January 2022 (has links)
As more data is being gathered in industrial production facilities, the interest in applying machine learning models to the data is growing. This includes the iron ore mining industry, and in particular the build-up of slag in grate-kiln furnaces. Slag is a byproduct in the pelletizing process within these furnaces, that can cause production stops, quality issues, and unplanned maintenance. Previous studies on slag build-up have been done mainly by chemists and process engineers. Whilst previous research has hypothesized contributing factors to slag build-up, the studies have mostly been conducted in simulation environments and thus have not used real sensor data utilizing machine learning models. Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) has provided data from one of their grate-kiln furnaces, a time-series data of sensor readings, that compressed before storage.  A Scala package was built to ingest and interpolate the LKAB data and make it ready for machine learning experiments. The estimation of slag within the kiln was found too arbitrary to make accurate predictions. Therefore, three quality metrics, tightly connected to the build-up of slag, were selected as target variables instead. Independent and identically distributed (IID) units of data were created by isolating fuel usage, product type produced and production rate. Further, another IID criterion was created, adjusting the time for each feature in order to be able to compare feature values for a single pellet in production. Specifically, the time it takes for a pellet to go from the feature sensor to the quality test was added to the original timestamp. This resulted in a table where each row represents multiple features and quality measures for the same small batch of pellets. An IID unit of interest was then used to find the most contributing features by using principal component analysis (PCA) and lasso regression. It was found that using the two mentioned methods, the number of features could be reduced to a smaller set of important features. Further, using decision tree regression with the subset of features, selected from the most important features, it was found that decision tree regression had a similar performance with the subset of features as the lasso regression. Decision tree and lasso regression were chosen for interpretability, which was important in order to be able to discuss the contributing factors with LKAB process engineers. / Idag genereras allt mer data från industriella produktionsanläggningar och intresset att applicera maskininlärningsmodeller på denna data växer. Detta inkluderar även industrin för utvining av järnmalm, i synnerhet uppbyggnaden av slagg i grate-kiln ugnar. Slagg är en biprodukt från pelletsproduktionen som kan orsaka produktionsstopp, kvalitetsbrister och oplanerat underhåll av ugnarna. Tidigare forskning kring slagguppbyggnad har i huvudsak gjorts av kemister och processingenjörer och ett antal bidragande faktorer till slagguppbyggnad ha antagits. Däremot har dessa studier främst utförts i simulerad experimentmiljö och därför inte applicerat maskininlärningsmodeler på sensordata från produktion. Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) har till denna studie framställt och försett data från en av deras grate-kiln ugnar, specifikt tidsseriedata från sensorer som har komprimerats innan lagring. Ett Scala-paket byggdes för att ladda in och interpolera LKAB:s data, för att sedan göra den redo och applicerbar för experiment med maskininlärningsmodeller. Direkta mätningar för slagguppbyggnad och slaggnivå upptäcktes vara för slumpartade och bristfälliga för prediktion, därför användas istället tre kvalitetsmätningar, med tydligt samband till påföljderna från slagguppbyggnad, som målvariabler. Independent and identically distributed (IID) enheter skapades för all data genom att isolera bränsleanvändning, produkttyp och produktionstakt. Vidare, skapades ytterligare ett kriterie för IID:er, en tidsjustering av varje variabel för att göra det möjligt att kunna jämföra variabler inbördes för en enskild pellet i produktion. Specifikt, användes tiden det tar för en pellet från att den mäts av en enskild sensor till att kvalitetstestet tas. Tidsskillnaden adderas sedan till sensormätningens tidsstämpel. Detta resulterade i en tabell där varje rad representerade samma lilla mängd av pellets. En IID enhet av intresse analyserades sedan för att undersöka vilka variabler som har störst varians och påverkan genom en principal komponentsanalys (PCA) och lassoregression. Genom att använda dessa metoder konstaterades det att antalet variabler kunde reduceras till ett mindre antal variabler och ett nytt, mindre, dataset av de viktigaste variablerna skapades. Vidare, genom regression av beslutsträd med de viktigaste variablerna, konstaterades att beslutträdsregression och lassoregression hade liknande prestanda när data med de viktigaste variablerna användes. Beslutträdsregression och lassoregression användes för att experimentens resultat skulle ha en hög förklaringsgrad, vilket är viktigt för att kunna diskutera variabler med högst påverkan på slagguppbyggnaden och ge resultat som är tolkbara och användbara för LKAB:s processingenjörer.

A study of solid and liquid inclusion separation at the steel-slag interface

Strandh, Jenny January 2005 (has links)
This thesis work aimed to provide a better knowledge of inclusion behavior at the steel-slag interface. All results are based on mathematical modeling of liquid and solid inclusion separation to the slag. The model descriptions of the inclusion transfer are based on the equation of motion at the system. It is assumed that the inclusion transfer is governed by four forces acting on the inclusion as it has reached the steel-slag interface. These are the buoyancy force, the added mass force, the drag force and the rebound force. The models assume two cases of inclusion separation depending on the inclusion Reynolds number. In the case where Reynolds number is larger or equal to unity, Re≥1, a steel film is formed between the inclusion and the slag. This steel film must first be drained before the inclusion can separate to the slag. If Reynolds number, Re<1, then no steel film is formed and the inclusion will be in direct contact with the slag. The mathematical models also propose three types of inclusion behavior as the inclusion crosses the steel-slag interface. The inclusion can either, pass and separate to the slag, oscillate at the interface with the possibility of reentering the steel bath with the steel flow or it can remain at the interface not completely separated to the slag. A parameter study for 20 μm inclusions showed that the most important parameters controlling the inclusion behavior at the steel-slag interface are the slag viscosity and the interfacial tensions between the phases. For 100μm inclusions also the inclusion density affects the inclusion behavior. The models were applied to ladle and tundish conditions. Since the slags in the chosen industrial conditions have not been studied experimentally before, estimations of the important physical property parameters were made. Future measurements will therefore be needed in order to make predictions of inclusion transfer behavior at the steel-slag interface which are more relevant for the industry. The main conclusion is that useful plots can be made in order to illustrate the tendency for the inclusion transfer and how to manipulate the physical property parameters in order to increase the inclusion separation in ladles and tundishes. / QC 20101221

Evaluation of Test Methods for De-icer Scaling Resistance of Concrete

Vassilev, Dimitre Georgiev 27 November 2012 (has links)
The standard ASTM C672 de-icer salt scaling resistance test has been found to be overly aggressive to concretes containing slag cement. It was compared to the newly proposed ASTM WK9367 method, based on the Quebec BNQ test, as well as several modifications, including use of an accelerated curing regime developed in Virginia (VADOT). Sixteen concrete mixtures were studied using high-alkali cement, low-alkali cement, grade 100 slag and grade 120 slag with slag contents of 0%, 20%, 35% and 50%. Vinsol resin air-entraining admixture was compared to Micro Air®. Reducing the water cement ratio from 0.42 to 0.38 had the biggest impact on improving scaling resistance of slag concretes. In general, increased slag contents increased scaling regardless of the test method used. The Micro Air® admixture provided a lower air void actor and higher hardened air content compared to Vinsol resin.

Evaluation of Test Methods for De-icer Scaling Resistance of Concrete

Vassilev, Dimitre Georgiev 27 November 2012 (has links)
The standard ASTM C672 de-icer salt scaling resistance test has been found to be overly aggressive to concretes containing slag cement. It was compared to the newly proposed ASTM WK9367 method, based on the Quebec BNQ test, as well as several modifications, including use of an accelerated curing regime developed in Virginia (VADOT). Sixteen concrete mixtures were studied using high-alkali cement, low-alkali cement, grade 100 slag and grade 120 slag with slag contents of 0%, 20%, 35% and 50%. Vinsol resin air-entraining admixture was compared to Micro Air®. Reducing the water cement ratio from 0.42 to 0.38 had the biggest impact on improving scaling resistance of slag concretes. In general, increased slag contents increased scaling regardless of the test method used. The Micro Air® admixture provided a lower air void actor and higher hardened air content compared to Vinsol resin.

Développement d'une matrice à base d'aluminate de calcium pour la cimentation de boues issues de la décontamination d'effluents actifs / Developement of calcium aluminate based systems for sludge cementation from radwaste decontamination

Martin, Isabelle 24 June 2016 (has links)
L'industrie nucléaire est une industrie génératrice de déchets, dont certains sont radioactifs. Ces déchets radioactifs ont des formes et des origines diverses, allant de la paire de gant de manutention faiblement contaminés, à la suspension aqueuse de produits de fissions hautement radioactifs. Dans ce travail, un type de déchet bien particulier a été étudié ; des boues issues de la décontamination d'effluents liquides radioactifs, possédant entre autres les trois particularités suivantes ; * Etre moyennement radioactif, selon les critères de l'ANDRA. * Etre composé d'une forte teneur en eau de constitution (ne pouvant être retirée par simple évaporation) ; * Etre composé d'un sorbant (PPFeNi) dont la stabilité chimique n'est pas assurée pour un pH supérieur à 11. Ces particularités font qu'un enrobage dans une matrice minérale forte consommatrice d'eau, et bas-pH (pH < 11) est envisageable. Le choix c'est alors porté sur le développement d'une matrice ettringitique réalisée à partir d'un mélange de Ciment d'Aluminate de Calcium (CAC) et de sulfate de calcium. Dans un premier temps, la stabilité du sorbant du césium utilisé dans cette étude a été testée dans différents environnements de pH (2 à 14) et de température. Pour cela des analyses chimiques de solution ainsi que des caractérisations du composé par diffraction de rayons X, FTIR et microscopie électronique à balayage-EDS ont permis de fixer les bornes de stabilité que la formulation ettringitique doit avoir. Puis une étude microstructurale (nature et morphologie des produits) de mélanges ettringitiques binaires CAC/sulfate de calcium type hémihydrate et/ou anhydrite a été effectuée afin de caractériser la stabilité de l'ettringite, hydrate fort consommateur d'eau. Les propriétés bas-pH ont été vérifiées notamment par analyse chimique de solutions porales. Certaines limites de ces systèmes concernant le dégagement de chaleur et la possible formation de systèmes expansifs ont été mises en évidence. L'effet de l'augmentation du rapport eau/liant, responsable d'un effet de dilution et permettant de réduire les deux effets précédents, a été également regardé pour ces systèmes binaires. Afin de réduire la chaleur dégagée à court terme tout en permettant le développement de l'hydratation à long terme de systèmes ettringitiques, ces systèmes binaires ont été substitués par des additions minérales à hydraulicité latente type laitier de haut fourneau. Une étude microstructurale de la réactivité du laitier et de la modification de l'assemblage ettringitique a montré une réactivité modérée de ce dernier à jeune âge conformément aux attentes. Pour favoriser sa réactivité à long terme par activation alcaline/sulfatique différentes proportions de sulfate de calcium à dissolution plus lente ont été testés. Les caractéristiques microstructurales de ces systèmes ternaires en présence de différentes teneurs en eau intrinsèquement liée à la nature de type boue du déchet a été étudiée. Enfin, les différentes informations sur l'effet des paramètres de formulation obtenues ont débouché sur la mise en place de tests sur des formulations contenant un déchet simulé inerte et enrichi en chlorures. Des essais systématiques de fluidité, de résistances mécaniques et pour certains d'entre eux d'expansion et de dégagement de chaleur doivent permettre d'identifier une série de mélanges adaptés au test à l'échelle de prototype industriel pour la cimentation de boues. / Nuclear industry generated waste including radioactive wastes, which have different forms and origins. The wastes produced by reprocessing of nuclear fuel are characterized by important water content, by high pH and temperature sensitivity. The cementation in ettringite systems might be a promising solution to solidify radioactive wastes. Mixtures of Calcium Aluminate Cement (CAC) and calcium sulfate are planned to be used, instead of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), to form a significant amount of ettringite able to catch water molecules when forming. Moreover, due to the low pH of CAC-based matrices, the latter have a good compatibility with the compounds used to stabilize active elements. Initially, the stability of the sorbent of cesium used in this study was tested in different pH environments (2 to 14) and temperature. Chemical analysis and different microstructural characterizations like X-ray diffraction, FTIR and SEM-EDS have allowed to set stability limits of ettringite systems. Then microstructural study on binary systems composed by mixture of CAC/calcium sulfate (hemihydrate and/or anhydrite) was realized to characterize ettringite stability during the time of hydration. Low pH properties were checked by chemical pore solutions analysis. However, the heat generated by hydration and the possible formation of expansive systems require an increase of e/s ratio and additional components like Ground Granulated Furnace Slag (GGBS). These two parameters were studied subsequently. Microstructural study of GGBS reactivity and the modification of ettringite assemblage were showed that GGBS act as filler at early time of hydration. To promote the GGBS reactivity at long term of hydration by alkaline and sulfate activation, different nature of calcium sulfate was used. Then the microstructural characteristic of this ternary system in presence of different e/s ratio was studied. Finally, different information on the effect of formulation parameters obtained led to the development of tests on formulations containing an inert simulated waste and enriched in chlorides. Systematic tests of fluidity, mechanical strength and for some expansion and heat generation should identify a series of mixtures adapted to test prototype to industrial scale for cementing wastes.

Class-F Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) Mixtures for Enhanced Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Applications

Sharma, Anil Kumar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Fly ash and blast furnace slag are the two major industrial solid by-products generated in most countries including India. Although their utilization rate has increased in the recent years, still huge quantities of these material remain unused and are stored or disposed of consuming large land area involving huge costs apart from causing environmental problems. Environmentally safe disposal of Fly ash is much more troublesome because of its ever increasing quantity and its nature compared to blast furnace slag. Bulk utilization of these materials which is essentially possible in civil engineering in general and more particular in geotechnical engineering can provide a relief to environmental problems apart from having economic benefit. One of the important aspects of these waste materials is that they improve physical and mechanical properties with time and can be enhanced to a significant level by activating with chemical additives like lime and cement. Class-C Fly ashes which have sufficient lime are well utilized but class-F Fly ashes account for a considerable portion that is disposed of due to their low chemical reactivity. Blast furnace slag in granulated form is used as a replacement for sand to conserve the fast declining natural source. The granulated blast furnace slag (GBS) is further ground to enhance its pozzolanic nature. If GBS is activated by chemical means rather than grinding, it can provide a good economical option and enhance its utilization potential as well. GGBS is latent hydraulic cement and is mostly utilized in cement and concrete industries. Most uses of these materials are due to their pozzolanic reactivity. Though Fly ash and GGBS are pozzolanic materials, there is a considerable difference in their chemical composition. For optimal pozzolanic reactivity, sufficient lime and silica should be available in desired proportions. Generally, Fly ash has higher silica (SiO2) content whereas GGBS is rich in lime (CaO) content. Combining these two industrial wastes in the right proportion may be more beneficial compared to using them individually. The main objective of the thesis has been to evaluate the suitability of the class-F Fly ash/GGBS mixtures with as high Fly ash contents for Geotechnical and Geo-environmental applications. For this purpose, sufficient amount of class-F Fly ash and GGBS were collected and their mixtures were tested in the laboratory for analyzing their mechanical behavior. The experimental program included the evaluation of mechanical properties such as compaction, strength, compressibility of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures at different proportions with GGBS content varying from 10 to 40 percent. An external agent such as chemical additives like lime or cement is required to accelerate the hydration and pozzolanic reactions in both these materials. Hence, addition of varying percentages of lime is also considered. However, these studies are not extended to chemically activate GBS and only GGBS is used in the present study. Unconfined compressive strength tests have been carried out on various Fly ash/ GGBS mixtures at different proportions at different curing periods. The test results demonstrated rise in strength with increase in GGBS content and with 30 and 40 percent of GGBS addition, the mixture showed higher strength than either of the components i.e. Fly ash or GGBS after sufficient curing periods. Addition of small amount of lime increased the strength tremendously which indicated the occurrence of stronger cementitious reactions in the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures than in samples containing only Fly ash. Improvement of the strength of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures was explained through micro-structural and mineralogical studies. The microstructure and mineralogical studies of the original and the stabilized samples were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction techniques respectively. These studies together showed the formation of cementitious compounds such as C-S-H, responsible for imparting strength to the pozzolanic materials, is better in the mixture containing 30 and 40 percent of GGBS content than in individual components. Resilient and permanent deformation behavior on an optimized mix sample of Fly ash and GGBS cured for 7 day curing period has been studied. The Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a measure of subgrade material stiffness and is actually an estimate of its modulus of elasticity (E). The permanent deformation behavior is also important in predicting the performance of the pavements particularly in thin pavements encountered mainly in rural and low volume roads. The higher resilient modulus values indicated its suitability for use as subgrade or sub-base materials in pavement construction. Permanent axial strain was found to increase with the number of load cycles and accumulation of plastic strain in the sample reduced with the increase in confining pressure. Consolidation tests were carried on Fly ash/GGBS mixtures using conventional oedometer to assess their volume stability. However, such materials develop increased strength with time and conventional rate of 24 hour as duration of load increment which requires considerable time to complete the test is not suitable to assess their volume change behavior in initial stages. An attempt was thus made to reduce the duration of load increment so as to reflect the true compressibility characteristics of the material as close as possible. By comparing the compressibility behavior of Fly ash and GGBS between conventional 24 hour and 30 minutes duration of load increment, it was found that 30 minutes was sufficient to assess the compressibility characteristics due to the higher rate of consolidation. The results indicated the compressibility of the Fly ash/GGBS mixtures slightly decreases initially but increase with increase in GGBS content. Addition of lime did not have any significant effect on the compressibility characteristics since the pozzolanic reaction, which is a time dependent process and as such could not influence due to very low duration of loading. Results were also represented in terms of constrained modulus which is a most commonly used parameter for the determination of settlement under one dimensional compression tests. It was found that tangent constrained modulus showed higher values only at higher amounts of GGBS. It was also concluded that settlement analysis can also be done by taking into account the constrained modulus. The low values of compression and recompression indices suggested that settlements on the embankments and fills (and the structures built upon these) will be immediate and minimal when these mixtures are used. In addition to geotechnical applications of Fly ash/GGBS mixture, their use for the removal of heavy metals for contaminated soils was also explored. Batch equilibrium tests at different pH and time intervals were conducted with Fly ash and Fly ash/GGBS mixture at a proportion of 70:30 by weight as adsorbents to adsorb lead ions. It was found that though uptake of lead by Fly ash itself was high, it increased further in the presence of GGBS. Also, the removal of lead ions increased with increase in pH of the solution but decreases at very high pH. The retention of lead ions by sorbents at higher pH was due to its precipitation as hydroxide. Results of the adsorption kinetics showed that the reaction involving removal of lead by both the adsorbents follow second-order kinetics. One of the major problems which geotechnical engineers often face is construction of foundations on expansive soils. Though stabilization of expansive soils with lime or cement is well established, the use of by-product materials such as Fly ash and blast furnace slag to achieve economy and reduce the disposal problem needs to be explored. To stabilize the soil, binder comprising of Fly ash and GGBS in the ratio of 70:30 was used. Different percentages of binder with respect to the soil were incorporated to the expansive soil and changes in the physical and engineering properties of the soil were examined. Small addition of lime was also considered to enhance the pozzolanic reactions by increasing the pH. It was found that liquid limit, plasticity index, swell potential and swell pressure of the expansive soil decreased considerably while the strength increased with the addition of binder. The effect was more pronounced with the addition of lime. Swell potential and swell pressure reduced significantly in the presence of lime. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the expansive soils can be successfully stabilized with the Fly ash-GGBS based binder with small addition of lime. This is also more advantageous in terms of lime requirement which is typically high when Fly ash, class-F in particular, is used alone to stabilize expansive soils. Based on the studies carried out in the present work, it is established that combination of Fly ash and GGBS can be advantageous as compared to using them separately for various geotechnical applications such as for construction of embankments/fills, stabilization of expansive soils etc. with very small amount of lime. Further, these mixtures have better potential for geo-environmental applications such as decontamination of soil. However, it is still a challenge to activate GBS without grinding.

A Study of EAF Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steelmaking Slags Characteristics

Mostafaee, Saman January 2010 (has links)
<p>The high temperature microstructure of the solid phases within the electric arc furnace (EAF) slag has a large effect on the process features such as foamability of the slag, chromium recovery, consumption of the ferroalloys and the wear rate of the refractory. The knowledge of the microstructural and compositional evolution of the slag phases during the EAF process stages is necessary for a good slag praxis.</p><p>In <strong>supplement 1</strong>, an investigation of the typical characteristics of EAF slags in the production of the AISI 304L stainless steel was carried out. In addition, compositional and microstructural evolution of the slag during the different EAF process stages was also investigated. Computational thermodynamics was also used as a tool to predict the equilibrium phases in the top slag as well as the amount of these phases at the process temperatures. Furthermore, the influence of different parameters (MgO wt%, Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> wt%, temperature and the top slag basicity) on the amount of the spinel phase in the slag was studied. In <strong>supplement 2</strong>, a novel study to characterize the electric arc furnace (EAF) slags in the production of duplex stainless steel at the process temperatures was performed. The investigation was focused on determining the microstructural and compositional evolution of the EAF slag during and at the end of the refining period.</p><p>Slag samples were collected from 14 heats of AISI 304L steel (2 slag samples per heat) and 7 heats of duplex steel (3 slags sample per heat). Simultaneously with each slag sampling, the temperature of the slag was measured. The selected slag samples were studied both using SEM-EDS and LOM. In some cases (<strong>supplement 2</strong>), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were also performed on fine-powdered samples to confirm the existence of the observed phases.</p><p>It was observed that at the process temperature and at all process stages, the stainless steel EAF slag consists mainly of liquid oxides, magnesiochromite spinel particles and metallic droplets. Under normal operation and at the final stages of the EAF, 304L steelmaking slag contains 2-6 wt% magnesiochromite spinel crystals. It was also found that, within the compositional range of the slag samples, the only critical parameter affecting the amount of solid spinel particles in the slag is the chromium oxide content. Petrographical investigation of the EAF duplex stainless steelmaking showed that, before FeSi-addition, the slag samples contain large amounts of undissolved particles and the apparent viscosity of the slag is higher, relative to the subsequent stages. In this stage, the slag also includes solid stoichiometric calcium chromite. It was also found that, after FeSi-injection into the EAF and during the refining period, the composition and the basicity of the slag in the EAF duplex steelmaking and EAF stainless steelmaking are fairly similar. This indicates that, during the refining period, the basic condition for the utilization of an EAF foaming-slag praxis, in both austenitic and duplex stainless steel cases, is the same. Depending on the slag basicity, the slag may contain perovskite and/or dicalcium silicate too. More specifically, the duplex stainless steel slag samples with a higher basicity than 1.55 found to contain perovskite crystals.</p>

Environmental Performance of Copper Slag and Barshot as Abrasives

Potana, Sandhya Naidu 20 May 2005 (has links)
The basic objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental performance of two abrasives Copper Slag and Barshot in terms of productivity (in terms of area cleaned- ft2/hr), consumption and or used-abrasive generation rate (of the abrasive- ton/2000ft2; lb/ft2) and particulate emissions (mg/ft2; mg/lb; lb/lb; lb/kg; lb/ton). This would help in evaluating the clean technologies for dry abrasive blasting and would help shipyards to optimize the productivity and minimize the emissions by choosing the best combinations reported in this study to their conditions appropriately. This project is a joint effort between the Gulf Coast Region Maritime technology Center (GCRMTC) and USEPA. It was undertaken to simulate actual blasting operations conducted at shipyards under enclosed, un-controlled conditions on plates similar to steel plates commonly blasted at shipyards.

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