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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Ladle Treatment on Steel Cleanness in Tool Steels

Steneholm, Karin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the present work was to get an overview of the steel cleanness in tool steel. Plant trial studies of three steel grades were done with different focuses. Firstly the change of the inclusion characteristics during the vacuum degassing in the ladle was looked upon. The top slag composition was altered and sampling was made before and after vacuum degassing and the results showed that the top slag composition has an effect on the inclusion composition. Thermodynamic calculations indicated that the oxygen activity for the steel/inclusion was twice as large as that of the steel/top slag before vacuum degassing. However, after vacuum degassing the oxygen activity values were close. In order to study the inclusion characteristics during vacuum degassing the process was interrupted at five pre-determined time points for sampling. During vacuum the number of the smaller inclusions was decreased. However, for the larger inclusions (&gt;11.2µm) the number of inclusions had increased. Throughout the degassing process the inclusion composition was found to approach the top slag composition and at the end of the process only one type of inclusion composition was found. The removal of hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur was studied. Samples were taken before and after vacuum degassing. It was found that the removal kinetics of hydrogen and nitrogen can be described with first-order reactions. When 10 minutes of vacuum degassing have passed, the removal of hydrogen and nitrogen is more or less finished for the studied steel grades. Two steel grades with similar process route and with only a few differences in steel composition were studied. The sum of FeO and MnO was found to be a clear indicator for when reoxidation had taken place. The results from oxygen activity calculations indicate that calculations of oxygen activities with multivalence slag species such as Fe and Cr requires measurements for validations to ensure that reliable results are obtained. / Syftet med denna studie var att få en överblick av verktygsståls renhet. Studier på tre olika stålsorter utfördes. Inneslutningsbilden under vakuumbehandling undersöktes. Resultaten är baserade på industriförsök likväl som termodynamiska beräkningar. Försöken gjordes på två olika stålsorter där toppslaggens sammansättning varierades och stål- och slaggprover tog ut före och efter vakuumbehandling. Proverna analyserades för att bestämma den kemiska sammansättningen på stål och slagg, men inneslutningsbilden undersöktes också. Med hjälp av termodynamiska beräkningar beräknades syreaktiviteten för jämvikterna stål/inneslutning och stål/toppslag. Beräkningarna jämfördes sinsemellan samt med uppmätt syreaktivitet från stålsmältan. Resultaten visar att toppslaggens sammansättning har en påverkan på inneslutningarnas sammansättning. Specifikt så fanns att när CaO-halten i toppslaggen ökar syns en ökning av CaO i inneslutningssammansättningen. De termodynamiska beräkningarna visar att syreaktiviten för jämvikten stål/inneslutning är dubbelt så stor som den för jämvikten stål/topplagg före vakuumbehandling. Dock är syreaktiviteterna för de olika jämvikterna lika efter vakuumbehandlingen. För att studera hur inneslutningsbilden utvecklas under vakuumbehandling avbröts vakuumbehandlingen vid fem förutbestämda tidpunkter. Vid varje avbrott av vakuumbehandlingen togs stål- och slaggprover som analyserades för att bestämma totalsyre, inneslutningsmängd och inneslutningssammansättning. Före vakuumbehandlingen var antalet inneslutningar stort, medan antalet små inneslutningar minskade under vakuumbehandlingen. Däremot konstaterades att antalet stora inneslutningarna (&gt;11.2μm) ökade under avgasningen. Vad beträffar inneslutningssammansättningen syntes en variation i analys före vakuumbehandlingen som sedan förändrades till att likna toppslaggens sammansättning under vakuumbehandlingstiden. I slutet av processen märktes endast en typ av inneslutningssammansättning i stålsmältan. Vad som också noterades var att efter ungefär 10 minuter av vakuumbehandling så hade inneslutningsantalet nått sitt minimumvärde. För att erhålla rent stål är väte-, kväve- och svavelreningen också av stor vikt under vakuumbehandlingen. Dessa tre element studerades genom att prover togs vid olika tillfällen i processen; före, under (vid fem olika förutbestämda tidpunkter) och efter vakuumbehandling. De kemiska sammansättningarna för stål- och slaggproverna användes för att beräkna väte-, kväve- och svavelreningarna. Beräkningarna visade att för väte och kväve så kan kinetiken beskrivas med en förstagradsekvation. Specifikt så gäller detta för stålsorten i studien, samt under förutsättningen att svavelhalten är lägre än 0,003 vikts-%. Dessutom så visade resultaten att väte- och kvävereningen är i stort sett klar för den studerade stålsorten efter 10 minuters vakuumbehandling. När det gäller svavel så kan en förstagradsekvation inte användas vid beräkningarna Istället uppvisar svavel en tendens att följa jämviktshalten av svavel genom hela avgasningsprocessen. Genom att kontrollera processen finns stora möjligheter att erhålla en bra renhet på stålet. Två stålsorter studerades i denna specifika studie, där de hade en liknande processväg samt endast ix några små skillnader i stålanalysen. Stål- och slaggprover samlades in och analyserades. Summan av FeO och MnO visade sig vara en klar indikation på när reoxidation har skett, men mängden "carry-over" slagg från ljusbågsugnen kunde inte predikteras med hjälp av någon specifik indikator. Dessutom så beräknades syreaktiviten och beräkningarna jämfördes sedan med uppmätt syre i stålet. Resultaten indikerar att beräkningar av syreaktivitet med toppslagger som innehåller multivalenselement, såsom Fe och Cr, kräver valideringar med mätningar för att trovärdiga predikteringar ska erhållas. / <p>QC 20160523</p>

Mechanical properties of fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete with the addition of macro fibres

Ryno, Barnard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Geopolymer concrete is an alternative construction material that has comparable mechanical properties to that of ordinary Portland cement concrete, consisting of an aluminosilicate and an alkali solution. Fly ash based geopolymer concrete hardens through a process called geopolymerisation. This hardening process requires heat activation of temperatures above ambient. Thus, fly ash based geopolymer concrete will be an inadequate construction material for in-situ casting, as heat curing will be uneconomical. The study investigated fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete. When slag is added to the matrix, curing at ambient temperatures is possible due to calcium silicate hydrates that form in conjunction with the geopolymeric gel. The main goal of the study is to obtain a better understanding of the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete, cured at ambient temperatures. A significant number of mix variations were carried out to investigate the influence that the various parameters, present in the matrix, have on the compressive strength of fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete. Promising results were found, as strengths as high as 72 MPa were obtained. The sodium hydroxide solution, the slag content and the amount of additional water in the matrix had the biggest influence on the compressive strength of the fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete. The modulus of the elasticity of fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete did not yield promising results as the majority of the specimens, regardless of the compressive strength, yielded a stiffness of less than 20 GPa. This is problematic from a structural point of view as this will result in large deflections of elements. The sodium hydroxide solution had the most significant influence on the elastic modulus of the geopolymer concrete. Steel and polypropylene fibres were added to a high- and low strength geopolymer concrete matrix to investigate the ductility improvement. The limit of proportionality mainly depended on the compressive strength of the geopolymer concrete, while the amount of fibres increased the energy absorption of the concrete. A similar strength OPC concrete mix was compared to the low strength geopolymer concrete and it was found that the OPC concrete specimen yielded slightly better flexural behaviour. Fibre pull-out tests were also conducted to investigate the fibre-matrix interface. From the knowledge gained during this study, it can be concluded that the use of fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete, as an alternative binder material, is still some time away as there are many complications that need to be dealt with, especially the low modulus of elasticity. However, fly ash/slag based geopolymer concrete does have potential if these complications can be addressed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geopolimeerbeton is ‘n alternatiewe konstruksiemateriaal wat vergelykbare meganiese eienskappe met beton waar OPC die binder is, en wat bestaan uit ‘n aluminosilikaat en ‘n alkaliese oplossing. Vliegas-gebaseerde geopolimeerbeton verhard tydens ‘n proses wat geopolimerisasie genoem word. Hierdie verhardingsproses benodig hitte-aktivering van temperature hoër as dié van die onmiddellike omgewing. Gevolglik sal vliegas-gebaseerde geopolimeerbeton ‘n ontoereikende konstruksiemateriaal vir in situ gietvorming wees, aangesien hitte-nabehandeling onekonomies sal wees. Die studie het vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton ondersoek. Wanneer slagment by die bindmiddel gevoeg word, is nabehandeling by omliggende temperature moontlik as gevolg van kalsiumsilikaathidroksiede wat in verbinding met die geopolimeriese jel vorm. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om ‘n beter begrip te kry van die meganiese eienskappe van geopolimeerbeton, wat nabehandeling by omliggende temperature ontvang het. ‘n Aansienlike aantal meng variasies is uitgevoer om die invloed te ondersoek wat die verskeie parameters, aanwesig in die bindmiddel, op die druksterkte van die vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton het. Belowende resultate is verkry en sterktes van tot so hoog as 72 MPa is opgelewer. Daar is gevind dat die sodiumhidroksiedoplossing, die slagmentinhoud en die hoeveelheid water in die bindmiddel die grootste invloed op die druksterkte van die vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton gehad het. Die styfheid van die vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton het nie belowende resultate opgelewer nie. Die meeste van die monsters, ongeag die druksterkte, het ‘n styfheid van minder as 20 GPa opgelewer. Vanuit ‘n strukturele oogpunt is dit problematies, omdat groot defleksies in elemente sal voorkom. Die sodiumhidroksiedoplossing het die grootste invloed op die styfheid van die vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton gehad. Staal en polipropileenvesels is by ‘n hoë en lae sterke geopolimeer beton gevoeg om die buigbaarheid te ondersoek. Die die maksimum buigbaarheid het hoofsaaklik afgehang van die beton se druksterkte terwyl die hoeveelheid vesels die beton se energie-opname verhoog het. ‘n OPC beton mengsel van soortgelyke sterkte is vergelyk met die lae sterkte geopolimeerbeton en daar is gevind dat die OPC beton ietwat beter buigbaarheid opgelewer het. Veseluittrektoetse is uitgevoer om die veselbindmiddel se skeidingsvlak te ondersoek. Daar kan tot die gevolgtrekking gekom word dat, alhoewel belowende resultate verkry is, daar steeds sommige aspekte is wat ondersoek en verbeter moet word, in besonder die styfheid, voordat geopolimeerbeton as ‘n alternatiewe bindmiddel kan optree. Volgens die kennis opgedoen tydens hierdie studie, kan dit afgelei word dat die gebruik van vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton, as 'n alternatiewe bindmiddel, nog 'n geruime tyd weg is, as gevolg van baie komplikasies wat gehandel moet word, veral die lae elastisiteitsmodulus. Tog het vliegas/slagmentgebaseerde geopolimeerbeton potensiaal as hierdie komplikasies verbeter kan word.

The technology of ancient and medieval directly reduced phosphoric iron

Godfrey, Evelyne January 2007 (has links)
After carbon, phosphorus is the most commonly detected element in archaeological iron. The typical phosphoric iron range is 0.1wt% to 1wt%P. The predominant source of phosphorus in iron is the ore smelted. Around 60% of economic UK rock iron ore formations contain over 0.2%P. Under fully reducing conditions, both in liquid-state (cast iron) and solid-state bloomery smelting (direct reduction) processes, such rock ores would be predicted to produce phosphoric iron, and bog iron ores even more so. Ore-metal-slag phosphorus ratios for bloomery iron are derived here, by means of: laboratory experiments; full-scale experimental bloomery smelting; and analysis of remains from three Medieval and two Late Roman-Iron Age iron production sites in England and the Netherlands. Archaeological ore, slag, metal residues (gromps), and iron artefacts were analysed by metallography, SEM-EDS, EPMA, and XRD. The effects of forging and carburising on phosphoric iron were studied by experiment and artefact analysis. The ore to slag %P ratio for solid-state reduction was determined to range from 1:1.2 to 1: 1.8. The ore to metal %P ratio varied from 1:0.2 to 1:0.7-1.4, depending on furnace operating conditions. Archaeological phosphoric iron and steel microstructures resulting from non-equilibrium reduction, heat treatment, and mechanical processing are presented to define the technology of early phosphoric iron. Microstructures were identified by a combination of metallography and chemical analysis. The phosphoric iron artefacts examined appear to be fully functional objects, some cold-worked and carburised. Modern concepts of 'quality' and workability are shown to be inapplicable to the archaeological material.

Suitability of FPGA-based computing for cyber-physical systems

Lauzon, Thomas Charles 18 August 2010 (has links)
Cyber-Physical Systems theory is a new concept that is about to revolutionize the way computers interact with the physical world by integrating physical knowledge into the computing systems and tailoring such computing systems in a way that is more compatible with the way processes happen in the physical world. In this master’s thesis, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are studied as a potential technological asset that may contribute to the enablement of the Cyber-Physical paradigm. As an example application that may benefit from cyber-physical system support, the Electro-Slag Remelting process - a process for remelting metals into better alloys - has been chosen due to the maturity of its related physical models and controller designs. In particular, the Particle Filter that estimates the state of the process is studied as a candidate for FPGA-based computing enhancements. In comparison with CPUs, through the designs and experiments carried in relationship with this study, the FPGA reveals itself as a serious contender in the arsenal of v computing means for Cyber-Physical Systems, due to its capacity to mimic the ubiquitous parallelism of physical processes. / text

Tungmetaller i lakvatten : avskiljning med mineraliska filtermaterial

Hjelm, Veronica January 2005 (has links)
<p>Four different kinds of filter-materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb heavy metals in leachate from a municipal waste deposit. The heavy metals studied were: lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, chromium, nickel and zinc. The leachate contains high levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and has a high pH-value along with a high buffer capacity. These characteristics of the leachate make it difficult to remove pollutants and require efficient filters. The filters that were examined in the report are blast-furnace slag with CaO, sand covered with iron oxides, olivine and nepheline. The experiment was carried out in two sets, starting with batch experiments followed by a column study. The objective of the batch experiments was to find out how variations in pH affected the sorption capacity of the materials. The interval used during the test was from pH 5 to pH 10. The computer program VisualMinteq was used to evaluate the dominating sorption processes when the materials interacted with the solutions. Two different kinds of solutions were used in the batch experiment. One of them was the leachate, to which known concentrations of heavy metals were added (about 1 μM) and the other consisted of sodium nitrate, a solution without organic compounds, which was used as a reference. The sodium nitrate solution was also spiked with the same concentration of heavy metals as the leachate.</p><p>The results from the batch experiment showed that the sorption of heavy metals was lowered if the DOC level was high. No relation between pH and sorption ability could be found for the leachate, but for some metals in the sodium solution a higher pH improved the removal of heavy metals. The two materials that showed best results in the batch experiment were the blast-furnace slag and the sand with iron oxides. These materials were used in the column study. The olivine material was somewhat better than the nepheline in the batch experiment.</p><p>Four columns were used in the column study, two for each material. Leachate with heavy metals was pumped into the columns with a specific flow rate; at first a low flow rate was used and when half the experiment time had passed the flow rate was increased. The flow rates used were 0.12 m/24 h and 0.62 m/24 h. The outcome of the column experiment showed that the slag had the highest ability to adsorb metals. The metal sorption was over 60 percent for lead, cadmium and zinc, where the highest sorption was obtained for lead. No affects were noticed when the flow rate was increased.</p> / <p>I detta examensarbete har fyra olika reaktiva filtermaterials kapaciteter att ur deponilakvatten avskilja tungmetallerna bly, kadmium, koppar, kvicksilver, krom, nickel och zink testats. Deponilakvatten är ett avloppsvatten med höga halter organiskt material (DOC), högt pH och en hög buffertkapacitet. Dess sammansättning ställer stora krav på ett filter och närvaron av ligander påverkar sorptionprocesserna. Filtren som ingått i studien är kalciumoxiddopad masugnsslagg, järnoxidtäckt sand, olivin och nefelin.</p><p>Försöken utfördes i två delar, med inledande skakförsök och därefter kolonnförsök. I båda försöken användes lakvatten med en extra tillsats av tungmetaller. I skakförsöken användes även natriumnitrat; ett referensvatten utan organiska ligander, även det spikat med tungmetaller. I skakförsöken studerades avskiljningens pH-beroende för de olika filtren, med ett pH-intervall på ca 5 – 10. Därefter modellerades resultaten i jämviktsprogrammet VisualMinteq för att fastställa vilka processer som styr avskiljningen. Skakförsöken och kolonnförsöken utfördes båda i klimatrum vid 8 ºC, för att efterlikna markens naturliga temperatur.</p><p>Resultaten från skakförsöken visade att masugnsslagg och järnoxidsand gav bäst avskiljning för de flesta tungmetaller. Olivin och nefelin var sämre metallsorbenter, där olivin uppvisade något bättre resultat än nefelin. Inget tydligt pH-beroende för lakvattnet kunde utläsas, men för natriumnitratlösningen gav en pH-höjning en ökad sorption för vissa metaller. Den kemiska jämviktsmodelleringen visade att den dominerande processen i filtermaterialen var sorption på filterytorna. De två filtermaterialen som visade bäst resultat i skakförsöken (slagg och järnoxid) studerades vidare i kolonnförsök, där ett bestämt lakvattenflöde pumpades genom kolonner packade med materialen. Två olika flödeshastigheter testades (0,12 m/dygn och 0,62 m/dygn) och sorptionen av metaller analyserades. Slaggen uppvisade högst avskiljningskapacitet av de studerade filtren. De metaller som sorberades bäst var bly, kadmium och zink (över 60 % avskiljning), där den högsta sorptionen erhölls för bly. Gemensamt för både skak- och kolonnförsöken var att sorptionen försvårades då halten organiskt material (DOC) ökade, vilket beror på att DOC konkurrerar med de reaktiva ytorna på filtren om att binda den fria metalljonen. Ingen minskande avskiljningseffekt av en flödesökning kunde utläsas.</p>

Fosforavskiljning i reaktiva filter vid småskalig avloppsrening / Reactive Filter Materials for Removal of Phosphorus in Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants

Stark, Therese January 2004 (has links)
<p>An excessive input of nutrients to lakes and other water bodies has created a problem with eutrophication in Sweden. Untreated, or partially treated, domestic sewage is a major source for discharge of phosphorus (P), which is the nutrient most frequently responsible for eutrophication of most fresh waters and the Baltic Sea. The waste water can be cleaned by filter materials, which have a high P-retention ability and which after saturation may be used as fertilizers. Four potentially suitable filter materials were tested in batch- and column experiments in this study. In the batch experiments, the following materials were shaken with waste water in time series ranging from 5 seconds to 60 minutes: coarse (1-4 mm) and fine (0-2 mm) Polonite® (heated bedrock from Poland); Filtralite® (light expanded clay aggregates with limestone added before burning); water cooled blast furnace slag (BF-slag) and BF-slag mixed with 10% burned limestone. In the column experiment, the phosphorus sorption capacity in BF-slag and BF-slag mixed with burned limestone was observed under saturated and unsaturated flow conditions for 10 weeks. The waste water used in both experiments originated from the full scale testing site at Ångersjön in Sweden. After the column experiment was ended, the filter materials were investigated with XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SEM (scanning electron microscope) in order to figure out which chemical reactions that had taken place.</p><p>The results from the batch experiments show that fine Polonite® and BF-slag mixed with limestone have the fastest P sorption capacity. Already after 5 seconds of shaking the materials showed effective retention of P. The coarse Polonite®, Filtralite® and BF-slag showed similar sorption capacities, although the coarse Polonite® tended to be somewhat inferior. The column studies showed that the materials used in the columns had a sorption capacity of 98 % or more. The XRD and SEM indicated that an amorphous calcium-P-compound was created in the filter material.</p> / <p>I Sverige är reningen av fosfor i vatten från enskilda avlopp ofta bristfällig, vilket bland annat kan leda till övergödning av sjöar, hav och vattendrag. Sedan några år tillbaka har olika filtermaterial med speciella reaktiva egenskaper, som bland annat avskiljer fosfor från avloppsvatten, undersökts. Tanken med filtermaterialen är att de efter mättnad med näringsämnen ska kunnas användas som jordförbättringsmedel. I denna rapport har några olika filtermaterial, lämpade för fosforavskiljning, undersökts genom skak- och kolonnförsök. I skakförsök, där skaktiderna varierade mellan 5 sekunder och 60 minuter, testades Polonite®, Filtralite®, Hyttsand och Hyttsand blandad med 10 % bränd kalk. Polonite® är en upphettad form av bergarten opoka varav två olika kornstorleksfraktioner (0-2 mm och 1-4 mm) användes. Filtralite® och Hyttsand är antropogena filtermaterial. Filtralite® tillverkas i Norge och består av kalkhaltiga kulor av expanderad lera (Leca®). Hyttsand framställs genom vattenkylning av masugnsslagg som bildas vid framställningen av råjärn vid stålverket i Oxelösund. I kolonnförsöken, som utfördes under 10 veckor, studerades Hyttsand och Hyttsand blandad med 10 % bränd kalk under omättade och mättade flödesförhållanden. I samtliga experiment användes avloppsvatten från reningsverket vid Ångersjön, där Filtralite® och Hyttsand testas i fullskala. Efter kolonnförsöken avslutats undersöktes filtermaterialen med XRD (röntgendiffraktion) och SEM (svepelektron mikroskop) för att utreda vilka mekanismer som medverkat vid avskiljningen av fosfor.</p><p>Resultaten från skakförsöken visade att finkornig Polonite® och Hyttsand blandad med kalk avskiljer fosfor effektivt redan efter skakning i 5 sekunder. Grovkornig Polonite, ren Hyttsand och Filtralite® sorberade fosfor tämligen likartat, även om den grovkorniga Poloniten® tenderade att vara aningen sämre än de övriga. Resultaten från kolonnförsöken visade att fosfor kunde avskiljas till över 98 % i alla kolonner och att det bildats amorfa fosfatföreningar, främst med kalcium, under den 2,5 månader långa experimentperioden.</p>

Aspects of Ash Transformations in Pressurised Entrained-Flow Gasification of Woody Biomass : Pilot-scale studies

Ma, Charlie January 2017 (has links)
Pressurised entrained-flow gasification (PEFG) of woody biomass has the potential to produce high purity syngas for the production of vital chemicals, e.g., biofuels. However, ash-related issues such as reactor blockages and refractory corrosion need to be addressed before this potential can be realised from a technical perspective. These undesirable consequences can be brought about by slag formation involving inorganic ash-forming elements and the chemical transformations that they undergo during fuel conversion. The objective of this study was to elucidate the ash transformations of the major ash-forming elements and the slag formation process. A pilot-scale PEFG reactor was used as the basis of the study, gasifying different woody biomass-based fuels including wood, bark, and a bark/peat mixture. Different ash fractions were collected and chemically analysed. Reactor slags had elemental distributions differing from that of the fuel ash, indicating the occurrence of fractionation of ash material during fuel conversion. Fly ash particles from a bark campaign were also heterogeneous with particles exhibiting differing compositions and physical properties; e.g., molten and crystalline formations. Si was consistently enriched in the reactor slags compared to other major ash-forming elements, while analyses of other ash fractions indicated that K was likely volatilised to a significant extent. In terms of slag behaviour, near-wall temperatures of approximately 1050-1200 °C inside the reactor were insufficient to form flowing ash slag for continuous extraction of ash material during firing the woody biomass fuels alone. However, fuel blending of a bark fuel with a silica-rich peat changed the chemical composition of the reactor slags and bulk slag flow behaviour was evident. Thermochemical equilibrium calculations supported the importance of Si in melt formation and in lowering solidus and liquidus temperatures of Ca-rich slag compositions that are typical from clean wood and bark. Viscosity estimations also showed the impact that solids have upon slag flow behaviour and corresponded qualitatively to the experimental observations. Corrosion of reactor refractory was observed. The mullite-based refractory of the reactor formed a slag with the fuel ash slag, which caused the former to flux away. Reactor blockages were also resultant because of the high viscosity of this slag near the outlet.  A preliminary study into the corrosion of different refractories was also carried out, based on firing a bark/peat mixture.  Alumina-rich refractories consisting of corundum, hibonite, mullite, and andalusite tended to form anorthite and exhibited varying degrees of degradation. Infiltration of slag was evident for all the samples and was a severe mode of degradation for some refractories. For fused-cast periclase and spinel-based refractories, slag infiltration was limited to voids and no extensive signs of refractory dissolution were found. This is also supported by a thermochemical equilibrium calculations mimicking slag infiltration that incorporated viscosity estimations. The findings from this thesis contribute towards the development of woody biomass PEFG by highlighting issues concerning ash fractionation, slag behaviours and ash\slash refractory interaction that should be investigated further.

Interfacial Phenomena in Two-Phase systems: Emulsions and slag Foaming

Kapilashrami, Abha January 2004 (has links)
In the present work studies were performed to provide understanding for further model development of the two-phase phenomena, film formation from o/w emulsions and slag foaming. The drying of o/w emulsions of different oil viscosities on hydrophobic and hydrophilic substrates was studied. The hydrophobic substrate was found to destabilise the oil droplets and to result in a different mechanism for forming continuous oil film. Studies of adsorption behaviour of a series of non-ionic diblock copolymers at relevant interfaces showed that the adsorption behaviour at hydrophobic and hydrophilic solid surfaces differed at high polymer concentration. Emulsion droplets were found to interact with the hydrophobic interface. Adsorption at silicone oil-water interface resembled adsorption at solid hydrophobic surfaces. Gas was generated through chemical reaction at the interface between two immiscible liquids and the bubbles formation from the generated was studied optically. The gas bubble size was seen to be uninfluenced by the reaction rate. However, bubble formation was seen to take place in one of the phases, held up at the interface before detaching from the interface with a surrounding aqueous film. It was argued that this may affect the final bubble sizes. Slag foaming at high temperatures was studied in laboratory scale with X-ray imaging under dynamic conditions. The foam displayed a fluctuating behaviour, which the presently available models are not able to take into account. The concept of foaming index was found to be unsatisfactory in describing the foaming behaviour under dynamic conditions, thus emphasizing the need for alternative theories. The rate of fluctuations was seen to be related to the difference between rate of gas generation and rate of gas escape from the system (Ug-Ue) as well as the bubble sizes. Thus, it seems like model development of dynamic foaming phenomenon has to take the effective chemical reaction rate as well as the bubble sizes into consideration

Evaluating Alternative Technologies And Monitoring Methods For Water Quality In A Field Setting; Research On Effects On Phosphorous And Solids Removal From Cheese Factory Wash Water And Stormwater Runoff Treatment

Allen, Dana J. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Lake Champlain is a major economic driver for Vermont's tourism economy, as well as a primary source of drinking water for many of the state's residents but nutrient pollution represents a potential threat to ecosystem health and economic well-being. From December 2011 to December 2012 a field trial of an EAF steel slag filter was assessed for its feasibility in treating wastewater originating from Swan Valley Cheese (SVC), in Swanton, VT. The study focuses on a period of the filter's operation from May 4 to October 10, 2012. The plant generates approximately 20,000 gallons per day of high P concentration wash water which is treated in an open aerated lagoon. The filter treated effluent from this lagoon. The major goals of this research were to conduct a field trial of an EAF steel slag filter to evaluate its effect on total P (TP), dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total suspended solids (TSS). Research was also conducted on pH reduction for filter effluent. Results indicate that the filter removed 95.83% of TP, 96.65% of DRP, and 52.25% of TSS. Average pH effluent was measured at 10.12 ±1.55. Additionally, a field study was conducted on sampling two unlined bioretention systems treating urban stormwater runoff. Methods used are presented and methodological considerations for future studies are presented to guide researchers in more effective and efficient methods for obtaining influent and effluent samples from bioretention systems that are not necessarily designed for sampling.

Valorisation des laitiers issus de l'élaboration d'aciers inoxydables dans le béton / Use of stainless steel slag as aggregate in concrete

Adegoloye, Obafèmi Gildas Franck 19 September 2014 (has links)
Le laitier EAF inox et le laitier AOD sont les deux principaux laitiers issus de l'élaboration des aciers inoxydables. Aujourd'hui ces laitiers ne sont valorisés qu'en construction routière. Cette utilisation ne permet pas d'assurer une valorisation complète et pérenne de ces laitiers dont une large part reste stockée. Compte tenu des propriétés physiques des laitiers EAF inox et AOD solidifié par stabilisation, leur utilisation comme granulats dans le béton peut être intéressante. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la faisabilité de cette voie de valorisation. Ces travaux sont réalisés en deux parties.Premièrement les propriétés physico-chimiques et mécaniques des granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé sont déterminées. La composition minéralogique complète de ces granulats de laitiers issus de l'élaboration d'aciers inoxydables est aussi analysée afin de rechercher la présence éventuelle de minéraux instables et incompatibles à leur utilisation dans le béton. Compte tenue de la fluorescence sous rayons ultra-violet (UV) des laitiers, une nouvelle approche qui associe les UV et les analyses minéralogiques courantes (DRX, MEB, EDS) est développée dans cette étude. Cette étape de caractérisation des granulats des laitiers étudiés fait de ce mémoire de thèse le premier rapport sur la caractérisation physique, chimique et minéralogique des granulats de laitier AOD stabilisé. La deuxième étape de cette étude consiste à réaliser des bétons en substituant, dans des proportions variées, des granulats naturels silico-calcaires d'un béton de référence par des granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé. Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques de ces bétons à matrice ordinaires et à hautes performances sont évaluées. Une étude de durabilité de ces bétons est aussi effectuée à travers le suivi des propriétés mécaniques des bétons sur 365 jours, l'analyse d'indicateurs de durabilité et la réalisation d'essais de gonflement. Enfin des observations MEB sont faites sont faites les échantillons de béton âgés de 365 jours pour observer et analyser le réseau de fissures à l'interface granulat – matrice cimentaire. Les résultats montrent des propriétés adaptées à une utilisation structurelle, avec une légère amélioration des caractéristiques mécaniques et des propriétés de durabilité acceptables pour les bétons de granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé. / Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slag and Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD) slag are the two principal slags resulted from stainless steel manufacture. Unlike blast furnace slag, a significant part of these steel slags is not valued and has to be treated as waste. Stainless steel slags are nowadays only used as aggregates in road construction and their future valorisation in concrete for building could be interesting. To our knowledge, that possibility has not yet been studied in the literature. The objective of this work is to study the possibility of using slags from stainless steel process as aggregates in concrete. Moreover, this is the first report on mineral composition and physical properties of stabilized AOD slags from stainless steel process.In this study, physicochemical and mechanical properties of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates are firstly determined. Mineralogical composition of these stainless steel slag aggregates is also analysed to verify if they contain mineral phases likely to show expansion reactions. An original method using short and long UV lights was developed for studying the mineralogical composition of slag. Secondly, the natural aggregates of reference concretes are substituted, in different proportions, by stainless steel slag aggregates and several physical and mechanical properties are measured on concrete samples. The evolution of concrete mechanical properties has been followed over the time up to 365 days. Similarly, durability tests and swelling tests are made on concrete samples to assess the impact of EAF and AOD slag aggregates. SEM observations of crack network at the paste-aggregate interface and in concrete samples were carried out. The results show adequate structural properties, with a slight improvement of the mechanical properties for concretes made of stainless steel slag aggregates. The durability and expansion characteristics of these concretes are sufficient for construction use.

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