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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Texturen – Identitäten – Theorien : Ergebnisse des Arbeitstreffens des Jungen Forums Slavistische Literaturwissenschaft in Trier 2010 / Textures - Identities - Theories : Results of the workshop of the Young Forum of Slavonic Literary Studies in Trier 2010

January 2011 (has links)
Der Sammelband umfasst die Beiträge des 10. Arbeitstreffens slavistischer Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Rahmen des Jungen Forums Slavistischer Literaturwissenschaft (JFSL), das vom 26. bis zum 28. März 2010 an der Universität Trier stattfand. Präsentiert wird ein Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsrichtungen und -themen der deutschsprachigen Slavistik, der trotz der weiter bestehenden Dominanz der Russistik eine zunehmende Tendenz zu Studien über verschiedene slavische Literaturen zeigt. Die Beiträge lassen sich in drei große Bereiche differenzieren: Der erste Teil ,Texturen' beinhaltet literaturwissenschaftliche Studien, die sich mit den textimannenten Effekten literarischer Werke auseinandersetzen. Der Text als Gewebe wird auf seine Fadendichte und -verkreuzung wie Entstehung und Tradierung bestimmter Motive und Topoi, Decodierung intertextueller Referenzen oder Allegorisierungs- und Symbolisierungprozesse hin analysiert. Der zweite Teil vereinigt unter dem Begriff ,Identitäten' Arbeiten aus dem Bereich der kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Literaturwissenschaft, die mit Geschlechter-, Raum-, Erinnerungs- und postkolonialen Konzepten den Fragen der literarischen Identitätsgenese nachgehen. Untersucht werden ästhetische Umsetzungen von Machtdispositiven, Hierarchiebildungen und Ausschlussmechanismen. Die Beiträge des dritten Teils ,Theorien' reflektieren entweder die Literaturforschung und ihre Ästhetiktheorien oder unternehmen einen Theorieimport aus verschiedenen Disziplinen wie Philosophie, strukturalistische Psychoanalyse, Neuro-, Geschichts- oder Translationswissenschaften, die sich für die Analyse literarischer Texte als fruchtbar erweisen und damit das Literaturverständnis erweitern. / This collection covers the articles compiled in the 10th workshop of Slavonic Study PhD-Students and postgraduates within the framework of the ‘Young Forum of Slavonic Literary Studies’ (JFSL) which took place at Trier University between March 26 and March 28 2010. Participants presented an overview of the current fields of research in German language Slavonic studies, which, despite a prevalence of Russian Studies, shows a growing trend towards multi-Slavonic literature studies. The articles can be divided into three different categories: The first category, textures, comprises literary studies which expose anticipated text effects of literary works. Text is analyzed in the context of its fabric density, for instance, development of particular motives and topics, and the decoding of intertextual references or allegories and symbology. The second category, identities, aggregates works from culturally-oriented Literary studies, which follow questions of the literary genesis of identity concerning gender, space, memory and post-colonialism. Here, the aesthetic shifts of power disposition, demonstrative hierarchy and the mechanisms of exclusion are evaluated. The third category, theories, reflects literary research and its theories of the aesthetic or importation of theory from a variety of disciplines such as philosophy, structural psychoanalysis, neuroscience, history and translation studies, which show themselves as fertile literary texts for analysis and as such may extend our understandings of literature.

Překladová technika z latiny do staroslověnštiny na základě Gumpoldovy legendy a Druhé staroslověnské legendy o sv. Václavu / The translation technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the basis of the Gumpold's legend and the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas

Spurná, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The Translation Technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the Basis of Gumpold's Legend and the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas Kateřina Spurná Summary This dissertation analyses the translation technique from Latin to Old Church Slavonic on the basis of Gumpold's Legend (Gump) from the end of the 10th century and its translation, the Second Old Church Slavonic Life of Saint Wenceslas (VencNik), which was written in early Přemyslid Bohemia probably in the second half of the 11th century. The introductory chapters provide the basic characteristics of the Gump and deal with its preservation in manuscripts and other Latin and Old Church Slavonic legends of St Wenceslas. Afterwards, attention is focused on the analysis of the VencNik, its preservation in manuscripts of Russian provenance and the basic phonetic and morphological characteristics of the text. These chapters are followed by a new edition of the VencNik, in which the Old Church Slavonic text is presented in the form actually preserved in manuscripts (unlike the earlier edition of Josef Vašica from 1929, who tried to reconstruct the original version), and compared with the partly revised and supplemented edition of the Gump. The edition of the Old Church Slavonic text is followed by a brief chapter on the biblical quotations...

Dějiny kláštera Na Slovanech za husitství v letech 1419-1442 / History of the Slavonic Monastery in the Hussite Time between 1419-1442

Pohunek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Bc. Michal Pohunek: Dějiny kláštera Na Slovanech za husitství v letech 1419 - 1442 Abstract History of the Slavonic Monastery in the Hussite Period between 1419 - 1442 This thesis describes the history of the Slavonic monastery, situated in Nové Město in Prague, and later also known as Emaus. My thesis concerns the period of the Hussite revolt between 1419-1442. At that period Holy Communion in the Slavonic monastery was offered to lay people in the utraquist mode - i.e., both bread and wine - and the monastic community became a part of the Hussite movement. The goals of this thesis are primarily theological, in line with the discipline of church history. First I want to contribute to the understanding of the spiritual and religious atmosphere in the whole of the Czech kingdom of that historical period, by describing its particular history in the Slavonic monastery. Second I would like to contribute to the comprehension of the possibility of Benedictine monastic life in the context of the Hussite movement and the influence of the utraquist monastery on the religious evolution of the time. This needs knowledge of the situation in the monastic community and its neighbourhood in that time. To understand the theological orientation of the monastic community in that period it is necessary to describe the...

Distribution of Uncontracted and Contracted Imperfect Verbs in the 11th Century Russian Manuscript of the Sinaiskij Paterik

Myers, Elena K. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Русские и японские волшебные сказки: сравнительный анализ : магистерская диссертация / Russian and Japanese tales of magic: comparative analysis

Выстороп, А. О., Vystorop, A. O. January 2017 (has links)
This final qualification work is devoted to a comparative analysis of Russian and Japanese fairy tales (tales of magic), the purpose of which is to identify the similarities and differences that exist between them.Comparative analysis is based on the methodology of the Russian folklorist V. Ya. Propp, which allows to make a comprehensive research of the inner structure of fairy tales. In the course of the comparative analysis, the main attention is paid to studying the influence of archaic social and ritual institutions on the origin and formation of the main plots and motifs of Russian and Japanese fairy tales, as well as to identify the causes of similarities and differences between fairy tales of Japan and Russia. Comparative analysis is carried out with the involvement of a wide range of research literature on the Slavic and Japanese cultures, which allows to give a scientific justification for the presence of similarities and differences between Russian and Japanese fairy tales. / В работе проводится сравнительный анализ русских и японских волшебных сказок, целью которого являетсявыявление существующих между ними сходств и различий. Сравнительный анализ основывается на методологии русского фольклориста В.Я. Проппа, которая позволяет комплексно исследовать внутреннее строение волшебных сказок. В ходе сравнительного анализа основное внимание уделяется изучению влияния архаических социальных и обрядовых институтов на происхождение и формирование основных сюжетов и мотивов русских и японских волшебных сказок, а также выявлениюпричин возникновения сходств и различий между волшебными сказками Японии и России. Сравнительный анализ проводится с привлечением широкого круга исследовательской литературы, посвященной славянской и японской культурам,что позволяет дать научное обоснование наличию сходств и различий между русскими и японскими волшебными сказками.

Vývoj sémantiky společného lexikálního základu češtiny, slovinštiny a ruštiny / Semantic development of the common lexical basis of Czech, Slovenian and Russian languages

Shchelokova, Galina January 2016 (has links)
The object of the study is to follow and compare the development of the semantics of lexical units, which have the common Proto-Slavonic base and different meanings in modern languages. The development is studied within a time period ranging from the Proto-Slavonic period up to the modern language state. To cover all three representative groups of Slavic languages: West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic were selected the appropriate languages: Czech, Russian and Slovenian. The selection of lexical units is morphologically restricted. The research is focused on adjectives. The work contains theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part specifies terminology and presents a number views on the potential significance of the development of lexical units in terms of diachronic lexicology. The analysis is devoted to the development and is categorized as follows: each of the twelve selected semantic groups includes sections devoted to Proto-Slavonic, Old Church Slavonic, Russian, Czech and Slovenian languages. Each group is enclosed with a brief summary.

Языковые особенности церковнославянского текста начала ХХ в. (на материале акафиста святому Иоанну Кронштадтскому) / Bažnytine slavų kalba XXa. pradžioje parašyto teksto kalbos ypatumai (remiantis akafisto šventajam Ioanui iš Kronštadto tekstu) / The linguistic pecularities of the Church Slavonic text of the beginning of the XX century (under the material of the acathistus for Saint John of Kronshtadt

Ivanikova, Taisija 27 June 2011 (has links)
В данной работе с лингвистической точки зрения рассматривается современный церковнославянский текст, написанный в тридцатые годы двадцатого века: акафист святому Иоанну Кронштадтскому. Рассмотрение акафистов представляет особый интерес для исследователей церковнославянского языка, так как этот жанр является одним из ценных лингвистических источников, позволяющих восполнить малоизученность и недостаточное описание современного церковнославянского языка. Работа состоит из двух глав – теоретической и исследовательской. В первой главе приводится история возникновения, периодизация и проблемы изучения современного церковнославянского языка. Во второй главе проводится исследование грамматических форм, синтаксических конструкций, используемых в тексте акафиста, характеризуется и анализируется лексический состав акафиста, путем сопоставления употребления определенных словоформ в церковнославянском и русском языках делаются выводы об обоснованности перевода тех или иных конструкций на современный русский язык. На основании лингвистического анализа сделан перевод акафиста на современный русский язык. / Šiame darbe lingvistiniu aspektu analizuojamas dabartinės bažnytinės slavų kalbos tekstas, parašytas XX a. ketvirtame dešimtmetyje: Akafistas Šv. Ioanui iš Kronštadto. Akafistų tyrinėjimas labai svarbus mokslininkams, nes šis žanras yra vienas vertingiausių lingvistinių šaltinių, leidžiančių užpildyti spragas tyrinėjant mažai žinoma ir nepakankamai aprašyta dabartine bažnytine slavų kalba. Darbas susideda iš dviejų skyrių - teorinė dalis ir mokslinis tyrimas. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikiama bažnytinės slavų kalbos atsiradimo istorija, jos periodizacija, bei dabartinės bažnytinės slavų kalbos tyrinėjimo problemos. Antrame skyriuje tiriamos gramatinės formos, sintaksinės konstrukcijos, kurios naudojamos akafisto tekste. Charakterizuojama ir analizuojama akafisto leksinė sandara. Lyginant tam tikrų žodžių formas dabartinėje slavų kalboje, su rusų kalbos formomis, daromos išvados apie jų vertimo pagrįstumą į šiuolaikinę rusų kalbą. Remiantis padaryta lingvistine analize akfistas buvo padarytas teksto vertimas į dabartinę rusų kalbą. / This work examines the modern Church Slavonic text: The acathistus to Saint John of Kronshtadt, which was written in the thirtieths of the XX century, from the linguistic point of view. The researchers of the Church Slavonic language pay serious consideration for the examination of acathistus, because this genre is considerd to be one of the most valuable linguistic sources, which gives the possibility to fill in the gaps in the unsufficient knowledge of the modern Church Slavonic language. The work consists of two chapters: the theoretical and reseach ones. The first chapter presents the history of the origin, the division of the periods and the problems of the study of the modern Church Slovonic language. The second chapter presents the reseach of the grammar formes, syntactical constructions, which are examined in the text of the acathistus. The lingvistic structures of the acathistus are characterized and analised. The comparison of certain word forms used in the Church Slavonic and Russian languages makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the validity of the translation of some constructions into the modern Russian language. The translation of the acathistus into the modern Russian language is based on the linguistic analyses.

A portrait of the artist as a political dissident : the life and work of Aleksandar Petrović

Sudar, Vlastimir January 2007 (has links)
Exploration of the influence that politics may have on artists’ creativity has been undertaken by looking at selected works of Yugoslav film director Aleksandar Petrović. An attempt was made to identify thematic or stylistic motifs in his films that could be understood as reflections on the political context in which the work was made. One of the most common approaches to examine a work of one filmmaker, the auteur theory, has been modified into the theory of political auteur, to aid in identifying recurrent motifs and themes that artists introduce in their work as a reaction to the surrounding political reality. As Petrović worked in Yugoslavia during Socialism, this period was historicised in order to support the identification of ‘political motifs’ in his films. The period between 1965 and 1973 is taken as the focus of research, since it is known as the 'liberal hour', the period of great artistic and intellectual freedoms, during which Petrović directed four of his most significant films. Each of these four films is analysed in respective chapters, first by elaborating on the then current political background, and then by analysing the films’ narratives against it, and extrapolating thematic and stylistic motifs reflecting back on this background. Such exploration of art and politics has been undertaken with a view to emphasise consistent motifs in art works, not only to do with an artist’s personal interests, but also those that emerge as a result of imposing societal structures.

Svatojimramská modlitba jako svědek slovansko-germánského jazykového kontaktu / St Emmeram's Prayer as a Witness of the Slavonic-Germanic Language Contact

Špádová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with so-called St Emmeram's Prayer preserved in Old High German and Old Church Slavonic manuscript versions. It summarises the up-to-date state of research. In the analytical part, on the ground of the structure of an Old High German confession formula a text analysis is carried out for both versions of the prayer, as well as for another Latin confession formula recorded in the b 9 manuscript. Old High German / Old Church Slavonic index is attached to the thesis.

Formes spatiales héritées, discontinuités et espaces boisés : France du Nord et Benelux, escapades hercyniennes et slaves / Inherited spatial forms, discontinuities and wooded areas : northern France and Benelux, hercynian and eastern european adventures

Dumouch, Rodolphe 01 April 2011 (has links)
André MEYNIER, héritier de la géographie rurale française, étudia, avec le concours de la télédétection, les formes des parcellaires bocagers et y détecta ce qu’il nomma des « ellipses bocagères ». Il y consacra plusieurs articles, parmi lesquels «les ensembles cadastraux circulaires en Bretagne », dans les Annales de Bretagne, (Rennes, 1945) et «la genèse du parcellaire breton » (Norois, Poitiers, 1966). Après la révolution épistémologique de la géographie française des années 1960 et 1970, cet objet d’étude tomba progressivement en désuétude, sort qui fut d’ailleurs celui de la géographie rurale morphologique dans son ensemble. Dans cette thèse, cet objet – élargi à la notion de forme spatiale héritée, donc liée au temps historique long au sens braudélien – est exhumé pour en réexaminer la pertinence au regard des paradigmes de la géographie contemporaine. Comment insérer le temps long – parfois perçu comme permanence et immobilité, du moins à l’échelle de l’actualité – dans une géographie à vocation dynamique ? Comment les nouveaux courants géographiques auraient-ils pu s’emparer de cet objet qu’un regard rapide condamne à une accusation de passéisme ? Les réflexions engagées se veulent ouvertes à tous les courants de la géographie et n’en rejettent aucun. L’objectif est aussi de développer une dialectique disciplinaire qui transgresse les paradoxes apparents. Pour explorer ces problématiques, les formes spatiales héritées sont choisies non plus en Bretagne mais en France du Nord et au Benelux, où les espaces boisés, notamment ardennais, jouent un rôle majeur dans les limites de finages ; ce sont aussi des espaces frontaliers, ce qui permet la mise en relation avec des discontinuités. Cet espace, situé au seuil du monde Hercynien vaudra quelques escapades vers l’est où il se prolonge, engageant à un voyage vers le monde slave / André MEYNIER, one of the heirs of French rural geography studied the forms in partitioned bocage landscapes and with the help of remote sensing distinguished what he called enclosed landscapes ellipses. He dedicated several articles to them among which “les ensembles cadastraux circulaires en Bretagne” in les Annales de Bretagne (Published in 1945 in Rennes) and “la genèse du parcellaire Breton” (Published in 1966 in Norois). After the epistemological revolution of French geography in the 1960’s and 1970’s, this subject gradually became obsolete as well as classical rural geography as a whole. In this thesis, the subject of my study – broadened to the notion of Inherited Spatial Forms, and consequently connected to long historical time as Fernand Braudel defines it – is reexamined to evaluate its relevance when confronted to the paradigms of modern geography. Along with a geography intending to be dynamic, how could we bring long historical time into the equation when such a time is - on a recent scale at least - sometimes perceived as still and permanent ? How would new geographical streams have been able to express interest in this subject when it is often overlooked as a remnant of the past? The present reflection is meant to encompass all geographical streams without leaving any aside. The objective is also to develop a disciplinary dialectic that would go further than visible paradoxes. In order to delve into these problems, Inherited spatial forms were chosen not only in Brittany but in Northern France and in the Benelux as well, where wooded areas on the outskirts of villages, especially in the Ardennes, have a major role on defining the limits of said villages: they are also bordering areas allowing the link with discontinuities to be made. This region on the threshold of the Hercynian world will take us to an adventurous trip through Eastern Europe

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