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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Estudo do comportamento de um solo residual de gnaisse não saturado para avaliar a influência da infiltração na estabilidade de taludes\" / \"Study of the behavior of a residual unsatured soil for evaluated of the influence infiltration in the slope stability\"

Cardoso Junior, Carlos Rezende 01 June 2006 (has links)
Deslizamentos em solos tropicais são frequentemente resultados do avanço de uma frente de umedecimento devido às águas das chuvas. O avanço desta frente de umedecimento provoca elevação da poro-pressão de água ou redução da sucção, e consequentemente, perda de resistência do solo. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento dos solos não saturados, abrangendo uma fase experimental envolvendo ensaios de caracterização, resistência e obtenção das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos e um estudo numérico, com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento da poro-pressão no interior de um talude e a influência na sua estabilidade. Os ensaios de resistência foram realizados no aparato de cisalhamento direto, para a condição inundada, e no aparato de compressão simples com medida direta de sucção, por meio do tensiômetro de alta capacidade (TAC), para a condição não saturada. O equipamento TRIFLEX 2 foi utilizado para se determinar os coeficientes de permeabilidade na condição saturada, e as curvas de retenção foram obtidas utilizando-se a placa de sucção, o TAC e o método do papel filtro. A partir dos resultados obtidos na fase experimental, avaliou-se a influência das características das precipitações (duração e intensidade), condições inicias de sucção no talude e das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos na variação da poro-pressão de água, no interior do talude, ao longo do tempo. Paralelamente à variação da poro-pressão de água, foi obtida a variação do fator de segurança durante e após a precipitação. / Landslides in tropical soils are often the result of advance of the wetting due to rainfall. This advance results from an increase in pore water pressure, reduction in present soil matric suction, reduction in the shear strength of the soil. This work will present a study related to the shear strength of unsaturated soils, including an experimental study, involving characterization, shear strength tests and obtaining hydraulic characteristics of the soils. There is also a numeric study with the aim to analyze the pore water pressure behavior in slopes and its influence in the slope stability. The shear strength tests were carried out in the direct shear test device, for the flooded condition, and concerning the unconfined compression with direct measured matric suction using a high capacity tensiometer (HCT) placed at the base of the sample, for the unsaturated condition. The permeability tests were carried out with TRIFLEX 2 device, and the retention curves were determined using suction plate, HCT and filtered paper. The experimental data permitted the evaluation of the influence of the characteristics of the rainfall (duration and intensity), initial conditions of the slope and of the hydraulic characteristics of the soils in the pore-pressure change of water in the slope, during the test time. In parallel to the pore pressure change of water, the variations of the safety factors during and after the rainfall were obtained.

Influência do tipo de revestimento superficial no fluxo não saturado e sua influência na estabilidade de taludes. / Influence of superficial coating on unsaturated flux and on slope stability.

Franch, Flavio Augusto Jacob Parada 07 July 2008 (has links)
Taludes formados por solos na condição não saturada são muito comuns no Brasil. Nestes casos a poro-pressão de água contribui para a estabilidade desses taludes. Este trabalho pretende avaliar o efeito do tipo de revestimento superficial na alteração do perfil de poro-pressão de água provocado por fluxos gerados a partir de precipitações, evaporação e evapo-transpiração, e conseqüentemente na estabilidade de talude experimental. São apresentadas aqui as características geológico-geotécnica, geomorfológica, climática e pluviométrica de campo experimental implantado na zona leste de São Paulo/SP, onde foram instalados e monitorados tensiômetros, pluviômetro e medidor de nível dágua por um período oito meses. Resultados de ensaios de caracterização, resistência e obtenção das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos que compõem o maciço estudado são analisados, assim como ensaios realizados com a argamassa de revestimento do talude, ensaios para a análise do funcionamento dos tensímetros e tubos tensiométricos utilizados no monitoramento, e outros ensaios realizados in situ. O monitoramento realizado indicou coerência entre precipitações e variação da poropressão de água, e variação do nível dágua do terreno, em ambos os tipos de revestimento superficial, vegetação natural e argamassa, nos dois tipos de solo presentes no maciço. Análises de estabilidade do talude indicaram o efeito do tipo de revestimento superficial e das variações sazonais de poro-pressão de água no fator de segurança ao escorregamento do talude. / Slopes formed by unsaturated soils are very common in Brazil. In these cases porewater pressure contribute for the slope stability behavior. This work aims at evaluating the effects of types of superficial coating on the profile of pore-water pressure changes, due to flow generated by precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration, and consequently on the stability of a experimental slope. It is presented here the geological-geotechnical, geomorfological, climatic and pluvial characterizations of the experimental field located in the east zone of São Paulo/SP, where have been installed and monitored tensiometers, pluviometer and groundwater level measurer during eight months. Results of tests of characterization, shear strength, and for obtaining the hydraulic properties of the in situ soils are analyzed, as well as the tests carried out with de mortar applied over the slope, as well as the functionality tests for the tensimeters and tensiometric tubes used on the monitoring, as well as other in situ tests. Monitoring indicated coherence between precipitation and change in pore-water pressure profile, and groundwater level, in both types of superficial coatings, natural vegetation and mortar, and in both types of in situ soils. Stability analyzes indicated the effect of the type of superficial coating and of the variation of pore-water pressure profile, during the experiment, on the factor of safety of the experimental slope.

Estudo de estabilidade de taludes da mina a céu aberto São Luís em Catas Altas/MG combinando técnicas de geoprocessamento e métodos usuais de investigação e análise geológico-geotécnicas / Study of slope stability of open pit mine São Luís in Catas Altas/MG combining geoprocessing techniques and usual methods of investigation and geological-geotechnical analysis

Menezes, Ítalo Prata de 31 August 2012 (has links)
Métodos de estudo de estabilidade de taludes são diversificados e estão bastante desenvolvidos e consolidados na Geologia de Engenharia. Paralelamente, a aplicação de ferramentas de geoprocessamento tem se intensificado bastante em todos os campos de conhecimento técnico científico, demonstrando ser uma ferramenta de grande importância e auxiliando a tomada de decisão, sendo inclusive utilizado no estudo de escorregamentos e processos correlatos a instabilização de taludes. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma abordagem de estudo para caracterizar a estabilidade de taludes de mineração combinando técnicas e métodos usuais de investigação e análise geológico-geotécnica. A pesquisa foi aplicada nas minas de ferro do complexo Fazendão, localizadas no município de Catas Altas (MG) e são de propriedade da companhia VALE S/A. O trabalho está dividido essencialmente em duas etapas de estudo: primeiramente um foco semi-regional, seguido de um estudo de detalhe em uma mina em particular. Para a análise semi-regional foi utilizando Sistema de Informação Geográfica - SIG para geração de mapas temáticos, abrangendo todas as minas do complexo. Já no estudo de detalhe, foram realizados levantamentos sistemáticos em campo na mina de São Luís, sendo posteriormente realizado um levantamento específico de seções dentro da mina. A partir dos mapas temáticos foram identificadas as principais drenagens e bacias hidrográficas da área de estudo. Estes mapas juntamente com os mapas de declividade, curvatura, direção de vertente e mapa geológico, forneceram informações importantes sobre a região onde as minas estão inseridas, o que possibilita um melhor planejamento das intervenções que vierem a serem feitas. As análises por estereogramas indicaram várias situações de instabilidade frente às direções de fraturas e bandamento, com relação à direção e ângulo de mergulho de alguns taludes, sendo várias destas feições identificadas em campo. Por outro lado, a análise por equilíbrio limite apontam fatores de segurança muito altos, desde que não ocorra a influência do nível de água. Por fim, a abordagem utilizada foi bastante útil na caracterização da região. O estudo semi-regional em conjunto com uma análise de detalhe permitiu identificar feições que comprometem a segurança dentro da mina. A partir do resultado deste estudo, espera-se auxiliar a programação do avanço da mina de forma otimizar sua exploração, sem comprometer a segurança. / Methods of study of slope stability are diverse and are well developed and consolidated in Engineering Geology. In addition, the application of GIS tools has intensified greatly in all fields of scientific expertise, proven to be an important tool aiding in the decision making, including being used in the study of landslides and processes related to slope instability. Within this context, this study aimed to develop a approach to characterize the stability of slopes mining combining geoprocessing techniques and the usual methods of investigation and analysis of geological-geotechnical. The research was applied to the iron mines of Fazendão complex, located in the municipality of Catas Altas (MG) and are the property of the company VALE S/A. The research is divided into two main stages of the study: first a semi-regional focus followed by a study in detail of a particular mine. For the semi-regional analysis has been using GIS for thematic maps, covering all the mines the complex. In the study of detail, systematic surveys were conducted in the field for geological and geotechnical parameters in the mine of São Luís, and later conducted a survey within specific sections of the mine. From the thematic maps were identified the major drainage and hydrographic basins of the study area. Those maps, analyzed together with the slope map, curvature, direction of slope and geologic map provided important information about the area which the mines are located, allowing better planning of interventions that were to be made. The stereograms analyzes indicated various situations of instability depending of the fractures and banding directions, according to direction and dip angle of some slopes, some of it identified in the field. Moreover, the limit equilibrium analysis safety factors showed very high, since there was no influence of the water levels. Finally, the used approach was useful in characterizing the region. The semi-regional study combined with a detail analysis allowed to identify features that compromise the safety inside the mine. From the results of this study is expected to help advance the schedule of the mine in order to optimize their operations, without compromising security.

Estudo geotécnico visando o aumento da plataforma na ERS/122 através de aterro com materiais leves : resíduos de pneus

Tomazini, Darlan January 2015 (has links)
O crescimento econômico acarreta na necessidade de aumento de capacidade de rodovias existentes. Quando localizadas em meia-encostas, muitas vezes estão vinculadas a ocorrências de instabilidade de modo que obras de aumento da capacidade geram grande impacto. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o aumento de capacidade de um trecho da Rodovia ERS/122, minimizando os impactos através da definição da seção-tipo com dimensões mínimas, segurança para o usuário, e utilização de um material leve como aterro a ser construído na meia encosta. O principal material avaliado para utilização como aterro são restos de pneus triturados, já encontrados no mercado atual. A avaliação desta solução de aterro em meia encosta decorre principalmente do fato de evitar desmontes de rocha que ocasionariam a interrupção do tráfego em uma importante rodovia do estado. Aliado a isso, é baixa a ocorrência de solos de boa qualidade no trecho, de modo que o aterro é geralmente realizado com materiais rochosos de ocorrência local ou materiais importados. A possibilidade de diminuir a utilização de um material nobre a ser explorado na natureza, juntamente com a utilização de materiais que ainda não possuem 100% de destinação adequada, aliada ao baixo peso específico e adequada resistência ao cisalhamento, incentivaram a realização dos estudos. Ensaios de resistência ao cisalhamento e comportamento de compressão foram realizados para avaliar os parâmetros geotécnicos, a fim de obter um modelo geomecânico. Devido aos resultados de teste satisfatórios, tem sido considerado possível o uso de tais materiais. Os parâmetros obtidos em condições de confinamento foram aceitáveis para aterros de rodovias especialmente quando as aparas de pneus foram misturadas com agregados rochosos. Seu uso como um material de aterro pode ser incentivado, a fim de reduzir o uso de rochas naturais, para obter uma utilização adequada de restos de pneus e para gerar uma maior estabilidade dos aterros com a substituição de solos com comportamento geotécnico pobre. Isto é conseguido principalmente pela diminuição do peso do aterro, pela melhoraria das condições de drenagem e pela definição de uma seção transversal geometricamente segura. / Economic growth leads to the need to increase the capacity of existing highways. When crossing natural slopes often are linked to occurrences of instability so that increased work capacity generate big impact. The objective of this research is to evaluate the increase in capacity of a highway stretch ERS / 122, minimizing impacts by setting the standard section with minimum dimensions, but safe for the user, using a lightweight material as fill. The main material evaluated for use as embankment is shredded tire debris, already found on the market. The evaluation of this embankment solution on natural slopes is mainly to avoid rock blasting which would interrupt the traffic on this important State highway. As there is few occurrences of good quality soil near the construction sites, the fills are usually built with local or imported rock materials. The ability to reduce the use of rock to be exploited from nature by the use of recycled materials combined with its low specific weight and adequate shear strength encouraged this study. Tests of shear strength and compression behavior were carried out to evaluate geotechnical parameters in order to obtain a geomechanical model. Due to satisfactory test results the use of such materials has been considered possible. The parameters obtained on confined conditions were acceptable for road fills especially when scrab tires were mixed with rock aggregates. Its use as an embankment material can be incentivatedf in order to reduce the use natural rocks, to obtain an adequate use for tire scraps and to generate a greater stability for embankments as replacement of soils with poor geotechnical behavior. This is achieved mainly by decreasing landfill weight, improving the drainage conditions and definition of geometrically safe embankment cross-section.

\"Estudo do comportamento de um solo residual de gnaisse não saturado para avaliar a influência da infiltração na estabilidade de taludes\" / \"Study of the behavior of a residual unsatured soil for evaluated of the influence infiltration in the slope stability\"

Carlos Rezende Cardoso Junior 01 June 2006 (has links)
Deslizamentos em solos tropicais são frequentemente resultados do avanço de uma frente de umedecimento devido às águas das chuvas. O avanço desta frente de umedecimento provoca elevação da poro-pressão de água ou redução da sucção, e consequentemente, perda de resistência do solo. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento dos solos não saturados, abrangendo uma fase experimental envolvendo ensaios de caracterização, resistência e obtenção das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos e um estudo numérico, com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento da poro-pressão no interior de um talude e a influência na sua estabilidade. Os ensaios de resistência foram realizados no aparato de cisalhamento direto, para a condição inundada, e no aparato de compressão simples com medida direta de sucção, por meio do tensiômetro de alta capacidade (TAC), para a condição não saturada. O equipamento TRIFLEX 2 foi utilizado para se determinar os coeficientes de permeabilidade na condição saturada, e as curvas de retenção foram obtidas utilizando-se a placa de sucção, o TAC e o método do papel filtro. A partir dos resultados obtidos na fase experimental, avaliou-se a influência das características das precipitações (duração e intensidade), condições inicias de sucção no talude e das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos na variação da poro-pressão de água, no interior do talude, ao longo do tempo. Paralelamente à variação da poro-pressão de água, foi obtida a variação do fator de segurança durante e após a precipitação. / Landslides in tropical soils are often the result of advance of the wetting due to rainfall. This advance results from an increase in pore water pressure, reduction in present soil matric suction, reduction in the shear strength of the soil. This work will present a study related to the shear strength of unsaturated soils, including an experimental study, involving characterization, shear strength tests and obtaining hydraulic characteristics of the soils. There is also a numeric study with the aim to analyze the pore water pressure behavior in slopes and its influence in the slope stability. The shear strength tests were carried out in the direct shear test device, for the flooded condition, and concerning the unconfined compression with direct measured matric suction using a high capacity tensiometer (HCT) placed at the base of the sample, for the unsaturated condition. The permeability tests were carried out with TRIFLEX 2 device, and the retention curves were determined using suction plate, HCT and filtered paper. The experimental data permitted the evaluation of the influence of the characteristics of the rainfall (duration and intensity), initial conditions of the slope and of the hydraulic characteristics of the soils in the pore-pressure change of water in the slope, during the test time. In parallel to the pore pressure change of water, the variations of the safety factors during and after the rainfall were obtained.

Influência do tipo de revestimento superficial no fluxo não saturado e sua influência na estabilidade de taludes. / Influence of superficial coating on unsaturated flux and on slope stability.

Flavio Augusto Jacob Parada Franch 07 July 2008 (has links)
Taludes formados por solos na condição não saturada são muito comuns no Brasil. Nestes casos a poro-pressão de água contribui para a estabilidade desses taludes. Este trabalho pretende avaliar o efeito do tipo de revestimento superficial na alteração do perfil de poro-pressão de água provocado por fluxos gerados a partir de precipitações, evaporação e evapo-transpiração, e conseqüentemente na estabilidade de talude experimental. São apresentadas aqui as características geológico-geotécnica, geomorfológica, climática e pluviométrica de campo experimental implantado na zona leste de São Paulo/SP, onde foram instalados e monitorados tensiômetros, pluviômetro e medidor de nível dágua por um período oito meses. Resultados de ensaios de caracterização, resistência e obtenção das propriedades hidráulicas dos solos que compõem o maciço estudado são analisados, assim como ensaios realizados com a argamassa de revestimento do talude, ensaios para a análise do funcionamento dos tensímetros e tubos tensiométricos utilizados no monitoramento, e outros ensaios realizados in situ. O monitoramento realizado indicou coerência entre precipitações e variação da poropressão de água, e variação do nível dágua do terreno, em ambos os tipos de revestimento superficial, vegetação natural e argamassa, nos dois tipos de solo presentes no maciço. Análises de estabilidade do talude indicaram o efeito do tipo de revestimento superficial e das variações sazonais de poro-pressão de água no fator de segurança ao escorregamento do talude. / Slopes formed by unsaturated soils are very common in Brazil. In these cases porewater pressure contribute for the slope stability behavior. This work aims at evaluating the effects of types of superficial coating on the profile of pore-water pressure changes, due to flow generated by precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration, and consequently on the stability of a experimental slope. It is presented here the geological-geotechnical, geomorfological, climatic and pluvial characterizations of the experimental field located in the east zone of São Paulo/SP, where have been installed and monitored tensiometers, pluviometer and groundwater level measurer during eight months. Results of tests of characterization, shear strength, and for obtaining the hydraulic properties of the in situ soils are analyzed, as well as the tests carried out with de mortar applied over the slope, as well as the functionality tests for the tensimeters and tensiometric tubes used on the monitoring, as well as other in situ tests. Monitoring indicated coherence between precipitation and change in pore-water pressure profile, and groundwater level, in both types of superficial coatings, natural vegetation and mortar, and in both types of in situ soils. Stability analyzes indicated the effect of the type of superficial coating and of the variation of pore-water pressure profile, during the experiment, on the factor of safety of the experimental slope.

Weather-related geo-hazard assessment model for railway embankment stability

Gitirana Jr., Gilson 01 June 2005
The primary objective of this thesis is to develop a model for quantification of weather-related railway embankments hazards. The model for quantification of embankment hazards constitutes an essential component of a decision support system that is required for the management of railway embankment hazards. A model for the deterministic and probabilistic assessment of weather-related geo-hazards (W-GHA model) is proposed based on concepts of unsaturated soil mechanics and hydrology. The model combines a system of two-dimensional partial differential equations governing the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of saturated/unsaturated soils and soil-atmosphere coupling equations. A Dynamic Programming algorithm for slope stability analysis (Safe-DP) was developed and incorporated into the W-GHA model. Finally, an efficient probabilistic and sensitivity analysis framework based on an alternative point estimate method was proposed. According to the W-GHA model framework, railway embankment hazards are assessed based on factors of safety and probabilities of failures computed using soil property variability and case scenarios. <p> A comprehensive study of unsaturated property variability is presented. A methodology for the characterization and assessment of unsaturated soil property variability is proposed. Appropriate fitting equations and parameter were selected. Probability density functions adequate for representing the unsaturated soil parameters studied were determined. Typical central tendency measures, variability measures, and correlation coefficients were established for the unsaturated soil parameters. The inherent variability of the unsaturated soil properties can be addressed using the probabilistic analysis framework proposed herein. <p> A large number of hypothetical railway embankments were analysed using the proposed model. The embankment analyses were undertaken in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed model and in order to determine the sensitivity of the factor of safety to the uncertainty in several input variables. The conclusions drawn from the sensitivity analysis study resulted in important simplifications of the W-GHA model. It was shown how unsaturated soil mechanics can be applied for the assessment of near ground surface stability hazards. The approach proposed in this thesis forms a protocol for application of unsaturated soil mechanics into geotechnical engineering practice. This protocol is based on predicted unsaturated soil properties and based on the use of case scenarios for addressing soil property uncertainty. Other classes of unsaturated soil problems will benefit from the protocol presented in this thesis.

Development of a riverbank asset management system for the city of Winnipeg

James, Alena 07 April 2009 (has links)
The City of Winnipeg, located at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, has over 240 km of natural riverbank property. The increased frequency and magnitude of flooding along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers over the past decade appears to have influenced the number of slope failures along riverbank property, resulting in the loss of both public green space and privately owned land. The loss of private and public property adjacent to the river has led to the loss of valuable real estate and public parkland amenities. To ensure that riverbank property is preserved for future generations, the City of Winnipeg wants to increase the stability of certain reaches of publicly owned riverbank property along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers that are prone to slope movements. Extensive research has been conducted on slope stability problems in the Winnipeg area, but a transparent prioritization procedure for the remediation of riverbank stability problems has not existed. Therefore, a Riverbank Asset Management System (RAMS) was developed for publicly owned riverbank property to prioritize riverbank slope stability problems along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The RAMS provides the City of Winnipeg with a rational approach for determining risk levels for specific reaches of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The calculated risk levels allow the City to develop recommended response levels for slope stability remediation projects in a fiscally responsible manner with minimal personal and political influences. This system permits the City to facilitate timely and periodic reviews of priority sites as riverbank conditions and input parameters change. / May 2009

Geotechnics and hydrology of landslides in Thompson River Valley, near Ashcroft, British Columbia

Bishop, Nicholas Franklin January 2008 (has links)
Landslides in Pleistocene sediments along the Thompson River, south of Ashcroft, British Columbia have been known since before the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway was built through the valley in the 1880s. The Canadian National (CN) mainline railway, built in the early twentieth century, also follows the valley. Since the CP mainline was open to traffic in 1886, landslides have occurred along both sides of the Thompson valley and have resulted in derailments and traffic disruption along this strategic railway corridor. Past work identified a critical interbedded glaciolacustrine silt and clay unit at the base of the valley fill in which the sliding planes of the landslides were located. In our geotechnical characterization of this unit we identify the clay as the main contributing factor towards the instability of slopes in the Thompson River Valley due to its low residual strength parameters. Ring shear testing of this unit indicate residual friction angles between 10o and 15o. The use of residual shear strength parameters is necessitated by the presence of pre-sheared surfaces in the valley fill material caused by historical landsliding and glacial overriding. An additional contributing factor to slope instability in Thompson River Valley is the presence of artesian pore water pressures located below the failure surfaces of landslides in the valley. Previously suggested explanations for development of the elevated pore pressures include dynamic change in the Thompson River stage, and over irrigation of upslope farm lands. Groundwater models of Thompson River Valley were constructed using the advanced modeling tool HydroGeoSphere in order to determine the origin of these elevated pressures, and to explore additional influences on the regional groundwater flow system, including irrigation and river stage. Analysis of groundwater simulations showed that due to its low permeability, the glaciolacustrine silt and clay unit is important in controlling groundwater flow patterns, and explains the development of artesian pressures in the valley bottom. Further, it was shown that fluctuation in river stage and additional infiltration due to irrigation of upslope farm lands had minimal impact on pore water pressures, and cannot explain the development of landslides in the study area. Groundwater simulations were coupled with slope stability analyses in order to assess the slope Factor of Safety associated with certain groundwater conditions. This was achieved by using SLOPE/W and SEEP/W. Slopes were found to be unstable under natural conditions with a Factor of Safety close to unity. Significant changes to the Factor of Safety were noted for scenarios where precipitation was doubled and halved, but irrigation was again shown to have a minimal effect on the stability of Thompson Valley slopes.

Geotechnics and hydrology of landslides in Thompson River Valley, near Ashcroft, British Columbia

Bishop, Nicholas Franklin January 2008 (has links)
Landslides in Pleistocene sediments along the Thompson River, south of Ashcroft, British Columbia have been known since before the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway was built through the valley in the 1880s. The Canadian National (CN) mainline railway, built in the early twentieth century, also follows the valley. Since the CP mainline was open to traffic in 1886, landslides have occurred along both sides of the Thompson valley and have resulted in derailments and traffic disruption along this strategic railway corridor. Past work identified a critical interbedded glaciolacustrine silt and clay unit at the base of the valley fill in which the sliding planes of the landslides were located. In our geotechnical characterization of this unit we identify the clay as the main contributing factor towards the instability of slopes in the Thompson River Valley due to its low residual strength parameters. Ring shear testing of this unit indicate residual friction angles between 10o and 15o. The use of residual shear strength parameters is necessitated by the presence of pre-sheared surfaces in the valley fill material caused by historical landsliding and glacial overriding. An additional contributing factor to slope instability in Thompson River Valley is the presence of artesian pore water pressures located below the failure surfaces of landslides in the valley. Previously suggested explanations for development of the elevated pore pressures include dynamic change in the Thompson River stage, and over irrigation of upslope farm lands. Groundwater models of Thompson River Valley were constructed using the advanced modeling tool HydroGeoSphere in order to determine the origin of these elevated pressures, and to explore additional influences on the regional groundwater flow system, including irrigation and river stage. Analysis of groundwater simulations showed that due to its low permeability, the glaciolacustrine silt and clay unit is important in controlling groundwater flow patterns, and explains the development of artesian pressures in the valley bottom. Further, it was shown that fluctuation in river stage and additional infiltration due to irrigation of upslope farm lands had minimal impact on pore water pressures, and cannot explain the development of landslides in the study area. Groundwater simulations were coupled with slope stability analyses in order to assess the slope Factor of Safety associated with certain groundwater conditions. This was achieved by using SLOPE/W and SEEP/W. Slopes were found to be unstable under natural conditions with a Factor of Safety close to unity. Significant changes to the Factor of Safety were noted for scenarios where precipitation was doubled and halved, but irrigation was again shown to have a minimal effect on the stability of Thompson Valley slopes.

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