Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bsloping terrain"" "subject:"devloping terrain""
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Polyfunkční dům ve Velkém Meziříčí / Multifunctional Building in Velké MeziříčíLysý, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is design and processing of the design documentation for the new building in Velké Meziříčí. The building is designed as a four-storey building with a partial basement, which serves like garage for 4 cars. On the above floors there are 8 residential units. Other premises are used as a business and administrative area. The loadbearing structure is made of sand-lime bricks, which are insulated with combined thermal insulation.
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Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - LíšeňHrubjaková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
By entering the diploma thesis is to create an architectural study of the sacral object and the Salesian community center in Brno - Líšeň. The first mention of the creating church appeared in 1987 and because of this reason Salesians came to this city, they focus on working with children and youth, according to Don Bosca. Their method od education was reflected in the overall project concept. The building will be linked to the existing object of the Salesian Youth Center, but it will also serve for a wider circle of believers. The consecration of the church will be a third divine person - the Holy Spirit. The object will be on the Horníková ulica, on the parcels no. 5037/30,32. On the plot with parc. No.5037/32 is currently a building, that is the property of the Nadácia pre radosť, and it will by removed during construction. The proposal is based on urban analyzes performed and responds to the surrounding buildings. It also affects the conditions of the building plot and uses terrain sloping. The proposal consists of one object that includes a church with a capacity for 400 seat and 100-standing persons with chorus, sacristy, adoration chapel and technical and hygienic backgrounds. Furthermore, there is a educational/multifunction room, workshop and store of religious products, farther the parish part with the apartments, office for priests and underground garage. In addition to the building, there was created paved areas for pedestrian which responding to existing communications. Due to the removal of the parking lot in the northern part of the solved territory, the existing parking lot was extended on the south side and there was also created a new communication for cars, which connects the Northern Street Horníková with Western. In this communication, it is necessary to create a suitable road signage to prevent the supply of vehicles and it must not be used as an abbreviation in the traffic jam at the 2nd grade road communication.
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Energeticky efektivní horská chata / Energy efficient mountain chaletVáňa, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis solves project energy efficient mountain chalet in a sloping terrain. The building is located in the Protected Landscape Area Jeseníky near the nature reserve Pod Jelení studánkou. Object is located on plot number 91 in the cadastral Žďárský potok on the site of the initial burnt chalet. Objective of the proposal was ensure maximum energy self-sufficiency of the chalet. Built-up area is 496,47 square meters. The building has one floor, basement and attic. Object is used for temporary accommodation and restaurant services. Perimeter and interior bearing walls in the basement and ground floor are made of calcium silicate blocks, the attic has a timber frame walls made of KVH profiles. Ceiling plates are monolithic reinforced concrete. Cottage has a saddle roof with dormers, slope of the main part the roof is 40°. Entrance doors and windows are made of wood from Slavona. Included the diploma thesis is also seminar work on the topic of supporting structural systems of timber structure.
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Horský penzion / Mountain pensionLandecký, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to create the documentation for building construction. Designed building is a mountain guesthouse. Building plat is located in the cadastral Poteč. Project documentation has been prepared in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and standards. The object is designed as one floor building with basement and residential loft and is fitted in sloping terrain. The building is shaped in layout L with the longest plane dimensions 40,11 x 39,05 m. Foundations are designed as strips of plain concrete. The building is designed as a wall support system. Wall system is combined of shuttering blocks filled with concrete, ceramic brick blocks and wood timbering. Roofed building is realized through the roof with a vertical stool. The ceiling above the ground floor is designed as a reinforced concrete slab ceiling and above the first floor as the timber.
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Penzion SKI - Orlické hory / Penzion SKI - Orlické horyKubík, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The content of the master thesis is processing of project documentation for he mountain boarding house in Zdobnice in Orlické hory, first done as a pilot project and then as a building construction project. It concerns a three floor building. Vertical load-bearing structures are made of ceramic blocks. Horizontal load-bearing structures are made of prestressed hollow core slabs. Roofing is solved with mono-pitched roof and flat roof. The access to building is from the west for the public and from the east for the staff. There is the ski and bike rental in this building.
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Penzion / PenzionNěmečková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis solves newly built pension in the village Jestřabí v Krkonoších - Křížlice. The pension is separately standing in a sloping terrain. It has a cuboid shape with gable roof, three aboveground floors and an underground floor with partial basement. The house is designed for accomodation of persons including families with children in the summer and winter season, with possibility of conferences and corporate training courses in off-season. As a part of pension there is a flat for its owner. Structural system is transversal, wall, technology of masonry. Horizontal load-bearing structures are combined. Gable roof is made by timber truss girders with metal roofing. Staircase is straight, two-arm with landing, monolithic. Foundation structures are shallow, foundation strips are monolithic, rectangular shaped, made from plain concrete.
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Domov pro seniory / Home for the SeniorsKnapčíková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is elaborate the project documentation to execution of a new building home for the elderly. The building is detached and situated in a sloping terrain on the selected piece of land in the cadastral area of Smíchov in Prague 5. This new building is designated for permanent housing for persons of retirement age with a good level of their ability to perform routine daily tasks and take care of themselves, but also for people without this ability. Home for the Elderly offers a 40 beds in single and double rooms. The building has three above grounds and one underground floor. The entire building is expected movement of persons with reduced mobility. Entry to the first functional part is located on the north side of the home. It consists of a reception room and each floors with rooms. In the home for the elderly is 30 rooms with private bathroom. The second function of the operation home is located in the basement floor, entrance is possible from the south or staircase or elevator from the first floor. All floors are connected by two staircases, and three elevators. The object is designed in a technology of Porotherm system. Roof structure consists of single-layer flat roof with a classic sequence of layers, combined DUO and extensive green. The project documentation which is needed for a realization of a new home for the elderly is worked up with eight structural details including in a computer program AutoCAD.
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Static analysis of soil-steel composite bridges in sloping terrainSkrobic, Karina, Bergström, Josefine January 2014 (has links)
Soil-steel composite bridges are for many reasons very favorable bridges to build. Up to a certain span length they are economical, practical to transport and simple and quick to build. Especially in remote places, with unfavorable sloping terrain, this can be of great interest when the transport of material can be difficult and costly. The swedish manual for design of soil steel composite bridges was presented by Lars Pettersson and Håkan Sundquist in the year 2000. It is today used in Sweden and other neighboring countries as the main manual for the design of soil-steel composite bridges. The design manual is however only valid for longitudinal slopes up to 10%, which is low in comparison to natural sloping hillsides. The purpose of this thesis is to study the structural behavior of soil steel composite bridges in sloping terrain, with the use of the finite element software PLAXIS 2D. Two case studies of one low arch culvert bridge and one pipe arch culvert are studied and later modeled in PLAXIS. The two case studies does not have sloping terrain, but are used to assure that the FEM-models behaves correctly during the backfilling process in PLAXIS. The analysis studies the change in sectional forces in the bridges during an increase inslope above the structures. The values from the FEM-models are compared to field measurements from the case studies, as well as to values calculated in accordance to the swedish design manual. This is done to see how well the different approaches compare to each other, and, since the design manual does not consider slopes exceeding 10%, it is interesting to investigate if the SDM-calculated values still appear valid for slopes larger than 10%. In addition to sectional forces, the slope stability of the FEM-models is also evaluated and compared to analytical values calculated using the ordinary method of slices. This slope stability study focuses on if the bridges affect the slope stability safety factor. The thesis also investigates if these bridges are more sensitive to increasing slopes from a slope stability or sectional forces point of view. I.e if the slope inclination magnitude will be determined based on the sectional forces in the structure or the slope stability of the soil surrounding the structure. The criteria that are researched to come to this conclusion are for example the slope stability safety factor, or the possible yielding of the culvert wall due to too large sectional forces in the structure. The results show that for low cover depths, the slope stability safety factor decreases slightly when a structure is introduced to the slope. For larger cover depths, read 3 meters or more, the slope stability seems unaffectedby the structure. The results also shows that the sectional forces in the structures compares well to both measured and calculated values for slope inclinations up to 30% for rather small cover depths, i.e 1 meter. For slopes larger than 30% the sectional forces grows and no longer reflect the measured and calculated values. However, since only two case studies are performed, these conclusions might not be valid for different profile shapes. Additionally there are indications that the low arch bridge is more sensitive to slopes than the pipearch culvert. / Rörbroar, eller “soil-steel composite bridges”, är av många anledningar fördelaktiga att bygga. Upp till en viss spännvidd är de ekonomiska, praktiska att transportera samt enkla och snabba att konstruera. Särskilt vid vissa svåråtkomliga platser, med ofördelaktigt sluttande terräng, kan det vara av stort intresse när materialtransport annars kan vara både komplicerat och kostsamt. Den svenska manualen för dimensionering av rörbroar presenterades av Lars Pettersson och Håkan Sundquiståret 2000. Manualen används idag i Sverige samt angränsande länder som den huvudsakliga dimensioneringsmanualen för rörbroar. Dock är den svenska manualen enbart giltig för lutningar upp till 10%, vilket ären låg lutning i jämförese med många naturliga sluttningar. Syftet för detta arbete är att studera det statiska beteendet hos kringfyllda rörbroar i lutande terräng,med hjälp av det finita element programmet PLAXIS 2D. Två fallstudier av dels en låg bågbro, dels en sluten kulvertbro, studeras och modelleras senare i PLAXIS. De två fallstudierna har inte sluttande terräng, men används för att säkerställa att FEM-modellerna beter sig korrekt under återfyllnadsfasen I PLAXIS. Analysen studerar förändringen av tvärsnittskrafter i broarna när sluttningen de belastas av ökar. Värdena från FEM-modellerna jämförs mot mätdata från fallstudierna, samt mot värden beräknade enligt den svenska manualen. Detta utförs för att se hur väl de olika metoderna överensstämmer med varandra, och, eftersom dimensioneringsmanualen inte tar hänsyn till lutningar överstigande 10%, är det intressant att se om deSDM-beräknade värdena fortfarande gäller för lutningar större än 10%. Utöver tvärsnittskrafter utvärderas släntstabiliteten hos FEM-modellerna, och dessa resultat jämförs sen mot analytiska värden beräknade enligt lamellmetoden, eller “the ordinary method of slices”. Släntstabilitetsstudien fokuserar på hur broarna påverkar säkerhetsfaktorn för släntstabilitet. Avhandlingen undersöker även om dessa broar är mer känsliga för ökande lutningar från en släntstabilitets- eller tvärsnittskrafts-synvinkel, dvs. om lutningens största storlek kommer att avgöras baserat på de tvärsnittskrafter som uppstår i konstruktionen eller på släntstabiliteten i marken runt konstruktionen. För att bilda oss en uppfattning om detta jämförs exempelvis säkerhetsfaktorn för släntabilitet mot ett eventuellt brott i stålprofilen orsakat av för stora tvärsnittskrafter i konstruktionen. Resultaten visar att säkerhetsfaktorn för släntstabilitet, vid liten överfyllnadshöjd över hjässan, minskar något när en bro byggs i en sluttning. För större överfyllnadshöjder, läs 3 meter och högre, verkar släntstabiliteten vara oförändrad vid introducering av en bro. Resultaten visar även att tvärsnittskrafterna i konstruktionerna överensstämmer bra både mot mätdata samt beräknade värden, för lutningar upp till 30% och små överfyllnadshöjder på exampelvis 1 meter. För lutningar större än 30% växer tvärsnittskrafterna och är inte längre jämförbara mot varken mätdata eller beräknade värden. Dock bör det tilläggas att eftersom endast två fall har studerats utförs så behöver dessa slutsatser inte gälla för andra profiltyper. Utöver detta finns indikationer på att den låga rörbron är mer känslig för en ökning i släntlutning i jämförelse mot denandra bron när det gäller tvärsnittskrafter.
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Horský hotel / Mountain HotelSkala, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
The building will be situated by the village Slupečná near the Lipno dam and located on the land that slopes to the south. It’s designed as a separately standing, four-storey. The technology of implementation is a brick. The construction system is designed as a longitudinal wall system stiffened in the transverse direction inner supporting walls. The concrete breeze blocks from the company BS Klatovy are used as main building material. Basic constructions are designed as planar and out of plain concrete and reinforced concrete. Stiff reinforced concrete prefabricated and prefamonolitic ceiling constructions from the company BS Klatovy are designed. Roofing is designed with tilt roof. The bearing construction is made up of purlin system of wood truss. Height of the roof ridge, including the covering is +13.650 m (considering relative height of 0.000). The height of the chimney head is +14.400 m. Profiled metal roof covering Lindab Goodlock is designed.
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Energeticky efektivní horská chata / Energy efficient mountain chaletHartman, František January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with project energy efficient mountain chalet. The building is located in the Krkonoše national park, near by highest Czech mountain named Sněžka. Object is located on plot number 899 in the cadastral Pec pod Sněžkou, on the site of the initial ,,Giant” chalet. The aim of this thesis is proposal of energy efficient mountain chalet in extreme climate conditions, such as in the mountain area, at the elevation 1378 m. Proposal of the chalet emphasis is on achieving maximum energy self-sufficiency. The building consists of two objects SO 01 and SO 02 interconnected by the roof. The total built-up area is 191.39 square meters. The accommodation capacity is 20 people.
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