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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution to the study of semiochemical slow-release formulations as biological control devices

Heuskin, Stéphanie 16 May 2011 (has links)
English: Semiochemicals informative molecules used in insect-insect or plant-insect interactions have been widely considered within various integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. In the present thesis, two sesquiterpenoids, E-β-farnesene and E-β-caryophyllene, were formulated for their related properties as aphid enemy attractants. E-β-farnesene, the alarm pheromone of many aphid species, was also identified as a kairomone by attracting and inducing oviposition of aphid predators (Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae)) and by attracting aphid parasitoids (Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)). E-β-caryophyllene was identified as a potential component of the aggregation pheromone of the Asian ladybird, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, another aphid predator. The two products were purified from essential oils of Matricaria chamomilla L. (Asteraceae) and Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae) for E-β-farnesene and E-β-caryophyllene, respectively. Natural and biodegradable slow-release formulations were then investigated in order to deliver these molecules on crop fields for a long period of time as biological control devices. Due to their sensitivity to oxidation, both sesquiterpenes needed to be protected from oxygen degradation. For this purpose, alginate hydrophilic matrix with low oxygen permeability was used as polymer for the formulations: the main objective was to deliver semiochemical substances in the air in a controlled way. Consequently, a careful selection of alginates was realised. Formulated beads showed different structural and encapsulation properties depending on various formulation factors. Alginate formulations were characterized by texturometry and by confocal microscopy in order to observe the distribution of semiochemicals in alginate network. The last step of alginate bead characterisation consisted in studying release rate of semiochemicals in laboratory-controlled conditions by optimised trapping and validated Fast-GC procedures. Finally, the efficiency of formulations as aphid predator (Syrphidae) and parasitoids (A. ervi) attractants was demonstrated by field trapping and olfactometry experiments. Français: Les sémiochimiques molécules véhiculant des informations au sein des interactions insecte-insecte ou plante-insecte ont été largement utilisés dans de nombreuses stratégies de lutte intégrée. La présente thèse de doctorat décrit la formulation de deux sesquiterpènes, le E-β-farnésène et le E-β-caryophyllène, pour leurs propriétés relatées dans la littérature en tant quattractants des ennemis des pucerons. En effet, le E-β-farnésène, la phéromone dalarme de nombreuses espèces de pucerons, a également été identifié comme kairomone en attirant des parasitoïdes (Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)) et des prédateurs de pucerons (Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae)) et en induisant un comportement doviposition chez ces derniers. Le E-β-caryophyllène a récemment été identifié comme un composé probable de la phéromone dagrégation des coccinelles asiatiques, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, également prédatrices de pucerons. Les deux produits ont été purifiés au départ des huiles essentielles de Matricaria chamomilla L. (Asteraceae) et de Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae) respectivement dans le cas du E-β-farnésène et du E-β-caryophyllène. Des formulations biodégradables et dorigine naturelle ont ensuite été développées comme outil de contrôle biologique afin de libérer les deux composés de façon progressive. En raison de leur sensibilité à loxydation, ces deux sesquiterpènes devaient être protégés de loxygène. A cette fin, de lalginate matrice hydrophile offrant une faible perméabilité à loxygène a été utilisé comme polymère de formulation : le principal objectif était de délivrer les substances sémiochimiques dans lair dune façon contrôlée. En conséquence, lalginate a été sélectionné de façon minutieuse. Les billes formulées ont montrés des propriétés structurelles et dencapsulation différentes en fonction de nombreux facteurs intervenant lors de la formulation. Les formulations ont été caractérisées par texturométrie et par microscopie confocale de façon à observer la distribution des sémiochimiques au sein du réseau dalginate. La dernière étape de caractérisation des billes a consisté en létude du taux de libération des sémiochimiques dans des conditions contrôlées de laboratoire après avoir optimisé la technique de piégeage des volatils et validé la procédure danalyse par GC rapide. Finalement, lefficacité dattraction des formulations envers les prédateurs et les parasitoïdes de pucerons a été démontrée par des expériences de piégeage sur cultures et des essais dolfactométrie.
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Evaluating Innovative Nutrient Management Options and Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Dynamics in an Agricultural Source Water Protection Area

Brook, Jacqueline Marie 29 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents two interrelated studies that consider nutrient management and seasonal changes in recharge on agricultural lands within the context of source water protection. The research focuses first on the management of the risk to groundwater quality through the implementation of various nutrient management practices and secondly considers the dynamic nature of the transport pathway to the groundwater system associated with seasonal changes in climate and hydrology. The combined results provide insight into several of the key factors influencing the protection of groundwater sources within the agricultural landscape. Field work was completed between 2009 and 2010 on an agricultural field near the City of Woodstock, Ontario. The site is located within a source water protection area; the two-year travel time zone of the Thornton Well Field which represents the primary water supply for the City of Woodstock and which has experienced chronic increases in nitrate concentrations over the last few decades. The wells are completed in glacial overburden consisting of intermingling sand and gravel till aquifers which overly a limestone bedrock aquifer. Agricultural best or beneficial management practices (BMPs) field have been implemented and monitored since 2004. The BMPs were adopted in order to reduce nitrogen losses to the aquifer, and consisted of a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates over a series of agricultural fields located near the well The first study is a one year experiment designed to compare alternative nutrient management practices for corn. Combinations of fertilizer treatments with or without a legume cover crop (red clover) were assessed. The fertilizer treatments studied were: a polymer coated urea (slow-release fertilizer) applied at planting, a conventional urea applied at planting, side-dress treatment of a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water containing 28% nitrogen with two different application rates applied in the early summer, and a control. The legume cover crop was incorporated in the soil in the previous fall, and acts as a slow release fertilizer as nitrogen is made available to the following crop as the plants decompose. Treatments were compared based on crop yield, overall economic return, and the potential for nitrate leaching. The potential for nitrate leaching was evaluated with bi-weekly shallow soil core during the growing season, and deep soil cores taken before planting, after harvest and the following spring. The deep cores allowed changes in nitrate storage below the rooting zone to be assessed. The results of this study highlight the importance of timing of fertilizer applications and rate of fertilizer applications. Treatments which provide a delay in the release or application of fertilizer, the polymer-coated urea, the calculator-rate side-dress and the clover cover crop, were found to be advantageous. The polymer-coated urea treatments and side-dress treatments were found to reduce leaching compared to the conventional urea treatment. Treatments with the clover cover crops were not found to reduce crop yields or increase leaching potential, and lower fertilizer costs associated to this practice were found to have a positive economic effect. Plots treated with the high-rate side-dress fertilizer application lost more nitrate to the subsurface compared to the other treatment options, and an economic disadvantage was observed as yields did not compensate for higher fertilizer costs. The study highlights the advantages of the different treatments under study, which may be used to inform policy makers and farmers in the selection of economically and environmentally sustainable nutrient management BMP options. Groundwater monitoring at the site over the years has indentified interesting recharge dynamics, particularly in the vicinity of an ephemeral stream which develops annually during spring and winter melt events in a low lying area of the study site. It was hypothesized that rapid recharge could occur beneath the stream allowing for surface water to quickly reach groundwater, posing a threat to municipal water wells. The current framework of source water protection does not take into account the potential risk posed by this type recharge event. At this field site, rapid infiltration associated with this type of event may pose a risk to drinking water quality due to the proximity of the stream to the pumping wells and the nature of the aquifer. The second study examines rapid groundwater recharge processes beneath the ephemeral stream during the course of a spring melt in 2010. The goals of the study were to quantify recharge at one location beneath the stream and to assess whether temperature variations above the water table can be used as a tracer to reasonably estimate recharge during a short live recharge event. A novel housing for the temperature sensors was designed in order to deploy and position them into gravelly materials within the vadose zone, which reduced the potential for the formation of preferential pathways and permitted the retrieval of the sensors at a later date. Field data were collected during the course of the spring melt period from a network of groundwater monitoring wells and subsurface temperature sensors. Spatial and temporal changes in groundwater geochemistry, hydraulic head and temperature were were used to characterize recharge dynamics at the field site. Recharge beneath a segment of the ephemeral stream was quantified through the numerical analysis of the field data using Hydrus 1-D, a one-dimensional numerical model designed to simulate soil water flow and heat transport in variably saturated porous media. Site specific data were used to create the model domain, provide estimates of physical parameters, and to define initial and time variable boundary conditions. Model parameters were first calibrated by simulating periods where it was expected that soils would be gravity drained with minimal soil water flow, and then further refined by simulating the period when the ephemeral stream was present. A final set of parameters was determined, and the initial gravity drained conditions were re-simulated. The model was able to reproduce field observations under different flow scenarios using the final set of parameters, suggesting that the conceptual model and final model domain representative of the actual field conditions. The successful simulation of the field data sets under the different flow scenarios also increases confidence in the uniqueness of the model results. The model estimated that 0.15 m of recharge occurred beneath the instrumented site during the period between March 9th and March 22nd of 2010 when the ephemeral stream was present. This represents approximately a third of the expected total annual recharge for this location. Regional changes in hydraulic head, groundwater temperature and groundwater chemistry provided additional insight into the dynamic nature of the recharge process during the spring meld period and further illustrated the spatial variability of the aquifers’ response to the stream. The study found that the use of temperature as a tracer provided useful and quantifiable insight into recharge phenomena. The results of this study suggest that high rates of rapid recharge occur beneath the ephemeral stream, and are spatially variable. This type of focused infiltration that occurs during the spring melt may represent a risk to municipal water quality if the infiltrating waters are carrying contaminants.
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Synthesis of zeolites and their application as soil amendments to increase crop yield and potentially act as controlled release fertilizers

Jakkula, Vijay S. January 2005 (has links)
Zeolites have been used in agriculture since the 1960s, due to the effectiveness of these crystalline microporous solids as soil amendments for plant growth, their cation exchange capacity (CEC) and slow-release fertilizer properties. Most work on slow-release fertilizers has focused on natural Clinoptilolite, Phillipsite and Chabazite. The aim of this study was to synthesize zeolites, study their effectiveness as soil amendments and their ability to act as controlled release fertilizers to decrease nitrate leaching. Nitrate pollution of groundwater is a major agro-environmental concern. The zeolites Phillipsite and Linde-type F were synthesized from aluminosilicate gels; ion exchanged to introduce ammonium and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, both before and after ion exchange. Ammoniumexchanged Phillipsites (natural and synthetic), ammonium-exchanged synthetic Linde-type F (the zeolite having highest affinity towards ammonium) and ammonium exchanged Phillipsites (high crystalline and high aluminium) were compared with conventional NPK fertilizer.Three glasshouse experiments were performed to study the effects of zeolite-amended soils on maize growth. Ion exchanged synthetic and natural Phillipsites were first used as soil amendments (w/w 2, 4, 8% zeolite to soil). Synthetic Phillipsite, at 2% loading, resulted in the most significant improvement in both plant growth and phased ammonium release. The synthetic ammonium-exchanged zeolites Phillipsite and Linde-type F (at w/w 1, 2, 4%) were then compared; synthetic Phillipsite, at 2% loading, again resulted in the most significant plant growth response with an increase (≥15%) in shoot dry weight and a decrease (≥30%) in nitrate leaching. Experiments using unexchanged synthetic Phillipsite (at w/w 2%), but with added NPK fertilizer, showed increased plant growth and decreased nitrate leaching, compared with parallel experiments containing unexchanged synthetic Linde-type F (at w/w 2%) and a conventional fertilizer amended soil. This revealed the beneficial effect of Phillipsite for soil amendment, even without ion exchange to the ammonium form. To study the physico-chemical properties affecting the release of ammonium from the Phillipsite framework; high crystalline/low aluminium and low crystalline/high aluminium forms were synthesized and ion exchanged. Both forms were introduced as soil amendments (at w/w 1 and 2%) and experiments showed that the lower zeolite crystallinity decreased cation exchange and therefore decreased nitrate leaching. Experimental results from the glasshouse experiments and cation exchange capacity (CEC) experiments suggest that synthetic Phillipsite, at lower loadings (1 and 2% w/w zeolite to soil) have most potential as soil amendments for both plant growth and controlled-release applications. This conclusion is supported by soil leachate and shoots dry weight analysis. Furthermore, Phillipsite, synthesized in a low crystalline and low ammonium form, may be an even better soil amendment for controlled release of ammonium, which will thereby further decrease nitrate pollution.
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Evaluating Innovative Nutrient Management Options and Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Dynamics in an Agricultural Source Water Protection Area

Brook, Jacqueline Marie 29 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents two interrelated studies that consider nutrient management and seasonal changes in recharge on agricultural lands within the context of source water protection. The research focuses first on the management of the risk to groundwater quality through the implementation of various nutrient management practices and secondly considers the dynamic nature of the transport pathway to the groundwater system associated with seasonal changes in climate and hydrology. The combined results provide insight into several of the key factors influencing the protection of groundwater sources within the agricultural landscape. Field work was completed between 2009 and 2010 on an agricultural field near the City of Woodstock, Ontario. The site is located within a source water protection area; the two-year travel time zone of the Thornton Well Field which represents the primary water supply for the City of Woodstock and which has experienced chronic increases in nitrate concentrations over the last few decades. The wells are completed in glacial overburden consisting of intermingling sand and gravel till aquifers which overly a limestone bedrock aquifer. Agricultural best or beneficial management practices (BMPs) field have been implemented and monitored since 2004. The BMPs were adopted in order to reduce nitrogen losses to the aquifer, and consisted of a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates over a series of agricultural fields located near the well The first study is a one year experiment designed to compare alternative nutrient management practices for corn. Combinations of fertilizer treatments with or without a legume cover crop (red clover) were assessed. The fertilizer treatments studied were: a polymer coated urea (slow-release fertilizer) applied at planting, a conventional urea applied at planting, side-dress treatment of a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water containing 28% nitrogen with two different application rates applied in the early summer, and a control. The legume cover crop was incorporated in the soil in the previous fall, and acts as a slow release fertilizer as nitrogen is made available to the following crop as the plants decompose. Treatments were compared based on crop yield, overall economic return, and the potential for nitrate leaching. The potential for nitrate leaching was evaluated with bi-weekly shallow soil core during the growing season, and deep soil cores taken before planting, after harvest and the following spring. The deep cores allowed changes in nitrate storage below the rooting zone to be assessed. The results of this study highlight the importance of timing of fertilizer applications and rate of fertilizer applications. Treatments which provide a delay in the release or application of fertilizer, the polymer-coated urea, the calculator-rate side-dress and the clover cover crop, were found to be advantageous. The polymer-coated urea treatments and side-dress treatments were found to reduce leaching compared to the conventional urea treatment. Treatments with the clover cover crops were not found to reduce crop yields or increase leaching potential, and lower fertilizer costs associated to this practice were found to have a positive economic effect. Plots treated with the high-rate side-dress fertilizer application lost more nitrate to the subsurface compared to the other treatment options, and an economic disadvantage was observed as yields did not compensate for higher fertilizer costs. The study highlights the advantages of the different treatments under study, which may be used to inform policy makers and farmers in the selection of economically and environmentally sustainable nutrient management BMP options. Groundwater monitoring at the site over the years has indentified interesting recharge dynamics, particularly in the vicinity of an ephemeral stream which develops annually during spring and winter melt events in a low lying area of the study site. It was hypothesized that rapid recharge could occur beneath the stream allowing for surface water to quickly reach groundwater, posing a threat to municipal water wells. The current framework of source water protection does not take into account the potential risk posed by this type recharge event. At this field site, rapid infiltration associated with this type of event may pose a risk to drinking water quality due to the proximity of the stream to the pumping wells and the nature of the aquifer. The second study examines rapid groundwater recharge processes beneath the ephemeral stream during the course of a spring melt in 2010. The goals of the study were to quantify recharge at one location beneath the stream and to assess whether temperature variations above the water table can be used as a tracer to reasonably estimate recharge during a short live recharge event. A novel housing for the temperature sensors was designed in order to deploy and position them into gravelly materials within the vadose zone, which reduced the potential for the formation of preferential pathways and permitted the retrieval of the sensors at a later date. Field data were collected during the course of the spring melt period from a network of groundwater monitoring wells and subsurface temperature sensors. Spatial and temporal changes in groundwater geochemistry, hydraulic head and temperature were were used to characterize recharge dynamics at the field site. Recharge beneath a segment of the ephemeral stream was quantified through the numerical analysis of the field data using Hydrus 1-D, a one-dimensional numerical model designed to simulate soil water flow and heat transport in variably saturated porous media. Site specific data were used to create the model domain, provide estimates of physical parameters, and to define initial and time variable boundary conditions. Model parameters were first calibrated by simulating periods where it was expected that soils would be gravity drained with minimal soil water flow, and then further refined by simulating the period when the ephemeral stream was present. A final set of parameters was determined, and the initial gravity drained conditions were re-simulated. The model was able to reproduce field observations under different flow scenarios using the final set of parameters, suggesting that the conceptual model and final model domain representative of the actual field conditions. The successful simulation of the field data sets under the different flow scenarios also increases confidence in the uniqueness of the model results. The model estimated that 0.15 m of recharge occurred beneath the instrumented site during the period between March 9th and March 22nd of 2010 when the ephemeral stream was present. This represents approximately a third of the expected total annual recharge for this location. Regional changes in hydraulic head, groundwater temperature and groundwater chemistry provided additional insight into the dynamic nature of the recharge process during the spring meld period and further illustrated the spatial variability of the aquifers’ response to the stream. The study found that the use of temperature as a tracer provided useful and quantifiable insight into recharge phenomena. The results of this study suggest that high rates of rapid recharge occur beneath the ephemeral stream, and are spatially variable. This type of focused infiltration that occurs during the spring melt may represent a risk to municipal water quality if the infiltrating waters are carrying contaminants.
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Estudo In vitro de nanocompósitos para a liberação lenta de nitrogênio sobre a alimentação animal / Study in vitro of nanocomposites for the slow release of nitrogen about the animal feed

Cruz, Camila Conceição Tomé da 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-09T12:45:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-10T19:05:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-10T19:05:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-10T19:26:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Supplementation with nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) has been widely used in ruminant feeding in diets of low quality forages. This is because these animals have a number of microorganisms in the rumen able to use ammonia for microbial protein production of excellent quality, ammonia is obtained through the action of urease enzyme on the nitrogenous products supplied in food, for example, urea. However, an excessive consumption of urea may result in poisoning by NH3. Thus, a controlled release of urea into the rumen is an essential aspect for ruminants feed, but few studies to control the release of urea in the rumen have been identified to date Thus this paper proposes obtaining nanocomposites montmorillonite and urea, formulated by the extrusion process, as a source of slow-release nonprotein nitrogen on the feed. The materials were characterized by diffraction of X-ray (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and elemental analysis (CHN). Also was studied the behavior solubilization in an aqueous medium of urea present in the nanocomposites. Characterization results can be observed that the montmorillonite exfoliation suffered in all nanocomposites, urea served as montmorillonite dispersed phase in a matrix. The release results showed that the presence of MMT acts as a barrier to release of urea making all nanocomposites have slower release of urea compared to the pure material In order to assess the effect of the use of such nanocomposites as non-protein nitrogen supplement for sugarcane (bulky), was carried out in vitro digestibility test for dry matter, which simulates the food digestion conditions in the rumen. Different nanocomposite showed gain on the digestibility of sugar cane, which is considered low quality forage, especially for presenting low protein value and be difficult to digest. The nanocomposite MMT/Ur 1:4/HG 2% was the most effective in increasing the digestibility of the sugar cane. The gain on digestibility was not very significant for displaying nanocomposites release kinetics urea very slowly, suggesting that an ideal release rate is required, being synchronized with the power supply supplied from the carbohydrate in the diet. The pH remained within the optimal range for urease activity, the enzyme responsible for metabolizing urea to ammonia and also for maximum microbial synthesis. These results show that the development of nanostructures is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of conventional fodder, and can serve as a basis for further in vivo testing. / A suplementação com nitrogênio não proteico (NNP) vem sendo muito utilizada na alimentação de ruminantes em dietas com volumosos de baixa qualidade. Isto porque estes animais possuem uma série de microrganismos no rumem capazes de utilizar amônia (NH3) para produção de proteína microbiana de excelente qualidade. Essa amônia utilizada pode ser obtida através da ação da enzima urease sobre os produtos nitrogenados fornecidos na alimentação, como por exemplo, a ureia. No entanto, um consumo excessivo de ureia pode resultar em intoxicação por NH3. Assim, uma liberação controlada de ureia no rúmen é um aspecto essencial na alimentação de ruminantes, porém poucos estudos relacionados ao controle da liberação de ureia no rúmen foram identificados até o momento. Com isso esse trabalho propõe a obtenção de nanocompósitos de montmorilonita e ureia com ou sem a adição de compostos poliméricos (paraformaldeido e hidrogel), formulados pelo processo de extrusão, como fonte de liberação lenta de nitrogênio não proteico sobre a alimentação animal. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difratometria de raios-X (DRX), Microscopia eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Análise termogravimétrica (TG) e Análise elementar (CHN). Estudou-se também o comportamento de solubilização em meio aquoso da ureia presente nos nanocompósitos. Dos resultados de caracterização pode-se observar que a montmorillonita sofreu intercalação em todos os nanocompósitos, a ureia atuou como fase dispersa em uma matriz de montmorilonita. Os resultados de liberação mostraram que a presença da MMT atua como barreira na liberação de ureia fazendo com que todos os nanocompositos tenham liberação mais lenta de ureia em relação ao material puro. A fim de avaliar o efeito da utilização desses nanocompósitos como suplemento de nitrogênio não proteico para a cana de açúcar, realizou-se o teste de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, para melhorar a digestibilidade da cana de açúcar. Diferentes nanocompósitos apresentaram ganho sobre a digestibilidade da cana de açúcar, que é considerada uma forragem de baixa qualidade, principalmente por apresentar baixo valor proteico e ser de difícil digestão. O nanocompósito MMT/Ur 1:4/HG foi o mais eficaz no aumento da digestibilidade da cana de açúcar. O incremento sobre a digestibilidade não foi muito expressivo para os nanocompósitos com liberação de ureia muito lenta, o que sugere que uma taxa de liberação ideal é necessária, esta idealidade estaria relacionada a sincronização de energia proveniente dos carboidratos ingeridos na dieta e a concentração de amônia disponível, uma vez que ambos são utilizados na síntese proteica e ambas influenciam na digestão dos alimentos. O valor de pH manteve-se dentro de uma faixa ideal para atividade da urease. Estes resultados mostram que o desenvolvimento de nanoestruturas é uma ferramenta poderosa para incrementar a eficiência de forragens convencionais, e pode servir como base para futuros ensaios in vivo.
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Volatilização de amônia e produtividade do feijoeiro irrigado adubado com diferentes fontes de nitrogênio / Ammonia volatilization and yield of irrigated common beans fertilized with different sources of nitrogen

BERNARDES, Tatiely Gomes 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:52:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Tatiely Gomes Bernardes.pdf: 3901076 bytes, checksum: 77f283cbe299fcc0bcaed40f25f8e6f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / In the bean crop nitrogen (N) is the nutrient required in greatest quantity, being related to increases in common bean yield. As the source of this nutrient urea fertilizer is used more in the world due to its low cost per unit of N, however, its use can result in high losses due to ammonia (NH3) volatilization. This work was developed from three experiments performed in the field, conducted in the winter crop in the years 2009 and 2010, at Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antonio de Goiás, GO, Brazil. The objective was to evaluate N by NH3volatilization loss, using different sources of nitrogen fertilizer applied to irrigated common beans. The first experiment was a randomized block, with four replications, in a factorial 3 x 4, consisted of three sources of nitrogen fertilizer, urea, urea + NBPT and gradual release N fertilizer, and four rates of N, 0; 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1, on side-dressing fertilization. In the second experiment, the design was a randomized block, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four different amounts of straw tifton (Cynodon spp. Cv. Tifton 85) on the soil surface, 0; 5; 10 and 20 Mg ha-1, and side-dressing fertilizer nitrogen with two sources, urea and gradual release N fertilizer. The third experiment was in randomized block design, with five repetitions. The treatments consisted of the application of five sources of nitrogen fertilizer, urea, urea + NBPT, urea + polymer, ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate at sowing and in coverage, more control (without N). The N rates had a positive influence on grain yield of common bean. Urea caused higher NH3 volatilization, however, the conditions of the present study these losses were relatively low. Less accumulated volatilization occurred in soil with 20 Mg ha-1 straw tifton soil surface, due to higher soil water storage. The urease activity in soil was not influenced by the sources and rates of N. The common bean grain yield was not influenced by sources of nitrogen fertilizer. / Na cultura do feijoeiro o nitrogênio (N) é o nutriente exigido em maior quantidade, estando relacionado com aumentos de produtividade. Como fonte deste nutriente a uréia é o adubo mais utilizado no mundo devido ao seu baixo custo por unidade de N, entretanto, seu uso pode resultar em altas perdas por volatilização de amônia (NH3). O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de três experimentos realizados em campo, conduzidos na safra de inverno, nos anos de 2009 e 2010, na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, município de Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. O objetivo foi de avaliar as perdas de N por volatilização de NH3, com utilização de diferentes fontes de N aplicadas no feijoeiro irrigado. O primeiro experimento foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4, constituído por três fontes nitrogenadas, uréia, uréia +NBPT e N liberação gradual, e quatro doses de N, 0; 50; 100 e 150 kg ha-1, em cobertura. No segundo experimento o delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro diferentes quantidades de palhada de tifton (Capim Cynodon spp. cv. Tifton 85) na superfície do solo, 0; 5; 10 e 20 Mg ha-1, e adubação em cobertura com duas fontes nitrogenadas, uréia e N liberação gradual. O terceiro experimento foi instalado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação de cinco fontes nitrogenadas, uréia, uréia + NBPT, uréia + polímero, sulfato de amônio e nitrato de amônio, no plantio e em cobertura, mais testemunha (sem N). As doses de N influenciaram positivamente no rendimento de grãos do feijoeiro. A uréia proporcionou maior volatilização de NH3, embora, nas condições do presente estudo estas perdas tenham sido relativamente baixas. Menor volatilização acumulada ocorreu no solo com 20 Mg ha-1 de palhada de tifton na superfície do solo, em razão do maior armazenamento de água pelo solo. A atividade de urease no solo não foi influenciada pelas fontes e doses de N. O rendimento de grãos do feijoeiro não foi influenciado pelas fontes nitrogenadas.
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Utilização de uréia encapsulada de liberação lenta na alimentação de novilhos Nelore / Use of polymer-coated slow release urea in the feeding of beef Nellore

Rodrigo Gardinal 27 January 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido à partir de dois experimentos. No primeiro objetivou-se foi avaliar a utilização de uréia encapsulada de liberação lenta em dietas de novilhos Nelore canulados no rúmen e seus efeitos sobre o consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes, fermentação e produção microbiana ruminal, balanço de nitrogênio, e as concentrações de parâmetros sangüíneos. Foram utilizados 8 novilhos canulados da raça Nelore, mantidos em regime de confinamento, alocados em baias individuais cobertas, tipo tie stall. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 2 quadrados latinos 4 x 4 balanceados e contemporâneos, para receber as seguintes rações experimentais: 1) Controle (C), composta por ração sem a inclusão de uréia; 2) Uréia pecuária (Reforce N) (U), com a utilização de 2,0% de uréia pecuária na ração, baseada na matéria seca; 3) Uréia encapsulada 1 (UE-1), a utilização de 2,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 1 na ração, baseada na matéria seca; e 4) Uréia encapsulada 2 (UE-2), com a utilização de 2,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 2 na ração, baseada na matéria seca. O volumoso foi a silagem de milho, sendo a proporção volumoso: concentrado da dieta de 50:50. Foi observado maior consumo de MS, MO, PB, EE, CNF, FDN, FDN e consumo de MS em relação a %PV nos animais controle em relação aos alimentados com uréia. Foi observado menor digestibilidade da PB nos animais controle em relação aos alimentados com uréia. Maiores concentrações de N-NH3 ruminal foram observadas nos animais alimentados com uréia comum em relação aos alimentados com uréia encapsulada e maiores concentrações de propionato foram encontradas nos animais alimentados com uréia encapsulada em relação aos com uréia comum. Foi observado maior consumo de energia bruta, energia digestível, energia líquida, produção de energia líquida de ganho e eficiência energia líquida de produção nos animais submetidos a dieta controle em relação aos alimentados com uréia. Também foi observado maior consumo de nitrogênio (N) (g/dia) nos animais controle em relação aos com uréia, ainda maior quantidade de N e %N total nas fezes nos animais controle em relação aos alimentados com uréia e maior quantidade de N e %N urinário nos animais alimentados com uréia comum em relação aos com uréia encapsulada. Observou-se maiores concentrações de colesterol sérico nos animais controle em relação aos com uréia e maiores concentrações de uréia e N-ureico séricos nos animais alimentados com uréia em relação aos com uréia encapsulada. A utilização de uréia encapsulada alterou positivamente a fermentação ruminal, porém níveis de inclusão de 2% diminui o consumo dos animais. No segundo experimento, objetivou-se avaliar a utilização de uréia encapsulada de liberação lenta em dietas de novilhos Nelore em confinamento e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho animal, qualidade de carcaça e parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizados 84 animais novilhos inteiros, da raça Nelore, com idade aproximada de 18 meses e peso vivo inicial médio de 350 kg. Os animais foram confinados por um período de 84 dias, precedido de um período de adaptação, de 7 dias para receber as seguintes rações experimentais: 1) Controle (C), composta por ração sem a inclusão de uréia; 2) Uréia pecuária (Reforce N) (U-1), com a utilização de 1,0% de uréia pecuária na ração, baseada na matéria seca; 3) Uréia pecuária (Reforce N) (U-2), com a utilização de 2,0% de uréia pecuária na ração, baseada na matéria seca; 4) Uréia encapsulada 1 (UE1-1), a utilização de 1,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 1 na ração, baseada na matéria seca; 5) Uréia encapsulada 1 (UE1-2), a utilização de 2,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 1 na ração, baseada na matéria seca; e 6) Uréia encapsulada 2 (UE2-1), com a utilização de 1,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 2 na ração, baseada na matéria seca; e 7) Uréia encapsulada 2 (UE2-2), com a utilização de 2,0% de uréia encapsulada com o polímero 2 na ração, baseada na matéria seca. O volumoso utilizado foi a silagem de milho, sendo a proporção volumoso: concentrado da dieta de 50:50. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas no 28º, 56º e 84º dias, junto com a pesagem dos animais. Após 84 dias de experimento os animais foram abatidos, foi avaliado, área de olho de lombo (AOL cm2) e espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS mm) do músculo Longissimus. Foi observado maior ganho de peso (kg/dia) e peso final (kg) nos animais alimentados com a dieta controle em relação aos alimentados com uréia e também maior ganho de peso nos animais alimentados com a dieta controle em relação aos alimentados com dietas contendo 2% de uréia. Também foi observado maior ganho de peso nos animais alimentados com dietas contendo 1% de uréia em relação aos alimentados com dietas contendo 2% de uréia. Observou-se menores concentrações de glicose sérica (mg/dl) e AST (UI/L) nos animais alimentados com uréia pecuária em relação aos alimentados com uréia encapsulada. Maiores concentrações (mg/dl) de uréia e nitrogênio ureico sérico foram observados nos animais alimentados com dietas contendo 2% de uréia em relação aos com 1% de uréia. A utilização de uréia encapsulada, independente dos níveis de inclusão na dieta, não influenciou na qualidade da carcaça dos animais. Quando utilizada com inclusão de 2% na dieta, influenciou negativamente o desempenho dos animais. / The present study was developed from two experiments. At first the aim was to evaluate the use of polymer-coatedslow release urea in rations of Nelore bulls with ruminal cannulas and its effect on consumption and nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and microbial production, nitrogen balance, and blood parameters concentrations. Eight Nelore bulls with ruminal cannulas, kept in individual tie stalls, were assigned to two 4 x 4 contemporary Latin squares balanced to receive the following experimental diets: 1) Control (C), consisting of diet without the addition of urea, 2) Feed-grade Urea (FGU) with 2,0% urea in ration, based on dry matter (DM), 3) Polymer-coated urea1 (PCU-1), with 2.0% PCU1 in the ration, based on DM, and 4) Polymer-coated urea 2 (PCU-2) with 2.0% PCU2 in the ration based on DM. The forage source was corn silage, and the proportion forage:concentrate diet was 50:50. There was higher dry matter intake (DMI), original matter intake (OMI), crude protein (PB), ether extract (EE), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in relation to percentage of body weight (BW%) in control animals compared with those fed urea. Lower digestibility of CP was observed in control animals compared with those fed urea. Higher concentrations of ruminal NH3-N were found in animals fed urea compared to those fed PCU and higher concentrations of propionate were found in animals fed PCU compared to those fed FGU. There was a higher consumption of gross energy, digestible energy, net energy, net energy production and efficiency gains net energy production in animals receiving control diet than those fed urea. There was a greater consumption of nitrogen (N) (g/day) in animals receiving control diet compared to urea fed groups, even greater amount of N and total % N in feces in control animals than urea fed groups and higher N and % urinary Nin ureafed animals compared to those fed PCU. Higher concentrations were observed in serum cholesterol in the control group compared urea fed groups and higher concentrations of urea and serum urea-N in FGU group compared to PCU group. The use of PCU positively affected ruminal fermentation, however inclusion levels of 2% decreases the intake of animals. In the second experiment, to evaluate the use of PCU in diets of bull calves in confinement and its effect on intake, animal performance, carcass quality and blood parameters. Animals were used 84 whole steers, Nellore, aged approximately 18 months and initial weight of 350 kg. The animals were confined for a period of 84 days, preceded by an adaptation period of 7 days to receive the following experimental diets: 1) Control (C), consisting of diet without the addition of urea, 2) 1FGU-1, with 1.0% urea in ration based on DM, 3) 2FGU-1, with 2.0% urea in ration, based on DM, 4) 1PCU-1, with 1.0% PCU1in ration, based on DM, 5) 2PCU-1 with 2.0% PCU1in ration, based on DM and 6) 1PCU-2, with 1.0% PCU2 in ration, based on DM, and 7) 2PCU-2, with2.0% PCU2 in ration, based on DM. The forage source was corn silage, and the proportion forage: concentrate diet was 50:50. Blood samples were collected at the 28th, 56th and 84th days with the weighing of the animals. After the 84thof the experiment the animals were slaughtered, was evaluated rib eye area (REA square centimeters) and subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT mm) of the Longissimus muscle. There was more weight gain (kg/day) and final weight (kg) in animals fed the control diet than those fed urea and these parameters were also higher in animals fed the control diet than those fed diets containing 2 % urea and was even higher higher in animals fed diets containing 1% urea than those fed diets containing 2% urea. It was observed lower concentrations of serum glucose (mg/dl) and AST (IU L) in animals fed FGU than those fed PCU. Also, higher concentrations (mg/dl) of urea and serum urea nitrogen levels were observed in animals fed diets containing 2% urea compared to those with 1% urea in rations. The use of PCU, regardless the levels in diet did not influenced the carcass quality When used with inclusion of 2% in the ration, had a negative effect on animal performance.
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Uso de uréia de liberação lenta para vacas alimentadas com silagem de milho ou pastagens de capim Elefante manejadas com intervalos fixos ou variáveis de desfolhas / The use of a slow release urea for cows fed corn silage, or elephant-grass pastures managed with fixed or variable grazing intervals

Rafaela Carareto 14 December 2007 (has links)
Foram conduzidos 2 estudos com vacas leiteiras no Departamento de Zootecnia da ESALQ/USP com os objetivos de avaliar a utilização de fonte de uréia de liberação lenta (Optigen ®) e ID (intervalos de desfolhas) fixos ou variáveis em pastagens de capim Elefante. No Experimento 1, foram utilizadas 32 vacas no terço médio de lactação, produzindo 20,8 kg leite dia-1 e pesando 524 kg no início do período experimental. O tratamento controle (C) continha apenas farelo de algodão como suplemento protéico. No tratamento U30, 30 % da PB do farelo de algodão foi substituída por uréia. No tratamento O30, 30% da PB do farelo de algodão foi substituída pela uréia de liberação lenta e no tratamento O60, 60% da PB do farelo de algodão foi substituída pela uréia de liberação lenta. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o quadrado latino 4 x 4 com 8 repetições e as variáveis foram analisadas utilizando o PROC MIXED (SAS). A produção de leite não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos C (20,2 kg dia-1), O30 (19,8 kg dia-1) e U30 (19,5 kg dia-1). No tratamento O60 a produção de leite foi reduzida (19,0 kg dia-1) em comparação aos tratamentos C e O30 (P<0,05) e U30 (P<0,06). Não houve diferenças (P>0,05) nos teores de gordura, proteína, lactose, sólidos totais e contagem de células somáticas entre os tratamentos. A concentração de uréia no leite (NUL) foi menor (P<0,05) no tratamento U30 (7,2 mg dL-1) em relação aos tratamentos O30 (9,3 mg dL-1), C (9,1 mg dL-1) e O60 (8,9 mg dL- 1). No Experimento 2 foram utilizadas 32 vacas no terço médio de lactação, produzindo 15 kg de leite dia-1, pesando 466 kg. A área experimental foi composta por 56 piquetes de Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon, com 0,1 ha cada um. Os tratamentos corresponderam a duas estratégias de ID dos pastos de capim Elefante (ID fixos de 27 dias ou ID variáveis determinados pela altura do dossel de 1,0 m) e dois concentrados isoprotéicos com diferentes fontes de N (farelo de algodão e uréia de liberação lenta). Foi adotado o delineamento experimental em blocos aleatorizados e as variáveis foram analisadas utilizando o PROC MIXED (SAS). Não houve efeito (P>0,05) de fonte de N sobre os parâmetros avaliados. Houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos com ID fixos de 27 dias e os com ID variáveis para as alturas das pastagens no pré-pastejo (1,20 X 1,03 metros), no pós-pastejo (0,47 e 0,41 metros), nas massas de forragem pré-pastejo (6642 e 6209 kg MS ha-1), pós-pastejo (3666 e 3277 kg MS ha-1) e nas densidades volumétricas (55,04 e 60,06 kg MS ha-1 cm-1) para os tratamentos com ID fixos ou variáveis respectivamente. A produção de leite foi maior para os animais dos tratamentos com ID variáveis (12,59 e 12,06 kg leite dia -1) em relação aos tratamentos com ID fixos de 27 dias (10,94 e 10,66 kg leite dia -1). Os componentes do leite e taxas de ganho diário de peso não foram alterados com os tratamentos (P>0,05). / Two studies were conducted with lactating dairy cows at the Animal Sciences Department of the School of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\", University of São Paulo, to evaluate the use of a slow release urea source (Optigen®) and fixed or variable grazing intervals on Pennisetum purpureum pastures. The objective of Experiment 1 was to evaluate the partial replacement of cotton seed meal (CSM) by urea or by a slow release urea (Optigen®) on the performance of dairy cows fed corn silage. Thirty two mid lactating cows, averaging 20.8 kg of milk day-1 and 524 kg of BW at the beginning of the experimental period were used to compare the 3 treatments. The control treatment (C) contained cotton seed meal (CSM) as protein source, the U30 treatment had 30% of the CSM crude protein replaced by urea, the O30 treatment, had 30% of the CSM crude protein replaced by slow release urea and the O60 treatment, had 60 % of the CSM crude protein replaced by slow release urea. A 4x4 Latin Square design was used and the variables were analyzed using the PROC MIXED (SAS). Replacing 30% of CSM crude protein by urea (U30) or slow release urea (O30) had no effect (P>0.05) on milk yield (20.2, 19.5, and 19.8 kg day-1 respectively). However, replacing 60% of CSM crude protein by slow release urea (O60) (19.0 kg day-1) reduced milk yield compared to C and O30 (P<0.05) and U30 (P<0.06). Milk fat, milk protein, milk lactose, and milk total solids contents, and milk somatic cells counting were not different (P>0.05) among the treatments. The milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was lower (P<0.05) for the U30 treatment (7,2 mg dL-1) compared to the other treatments (9.3 mg dL-1 (O30); 9.1 mg dL-1 (C), and 8.9 mg dL-1 (O60)). On Experiment 2, were used 32 midlactating cows averaging 15 kg of milk day -1 and 466 kg of BW at the beginning of the trial. Experimental area contained 56 paddocks of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon, averaging 0.1ha each. Treatments were 2 grazing interval (fixed grazing intervals of 27 days or variable grazing intervals based on the dossel height of 1 m), and two protein supplement (CSM x slow release urea). A randomized block design was used and the variables were analyzed using PROC MIXED (SAS). There were no effects (P>0.05) for N source on the evaluated parameters. There were differences (P<0.05) between the fixed and variable grazing intervals (GI). Pre-grazing dossel height (1.03 x 1.2 m), post-grazing stubble height (0.41 e 0.47 meters), pre-grazing (6209 and 6642 kg DM ha-1) and post-grazing forage mass (3277 and 3666 kg DM ha-1) were lower (P<0.05) for variable GI compared to 27 days fixed GI. Volumetric density (55.04 and 60.06 kg DM ha-1 cm-1) was higher for variable GI (P<0.05). Cows grazing pastures managed with variable GI produced more milk (P<0.06) (12.32 and 10.8 kg milk day -1) than cows grazing pastures managed with fixed GI. Milk components and cow average daily gain were not affected by the treatments (P>0.05).
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Effects of Feeding High-Moisture Corn Grain with Slow-Release Urea in Dairy Diets on Lactational Performance, Energy and Nitrogen Utilization, and Ruminal Fermentation Profiles by Lactating Cows

Tye, Braden M. 01 May 2016 (has links)
The objective of this experiment was to determine if nutrient utilization and energy partitioning by lactating dairy cows would differ in response to dietary corn grain (CG) types [steam-flaked corn (SFC) vs. high-moisture corn (HMC)] and to test if the types of CG would interact with slow-release urea (SRU) on lactational performance and energy utilization. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (32 ± 8.2 days-in-milk) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square with one square consisting of ruminally cannulated cows. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement was used to test 4 dietary treatments: SFC without SRU, SFC with SRU, HMC without SRU, and HMC with SRU. The experimental diets contained 60.5% dry matter (DM) of forages, whereas 12.9% or 14.4% DM of SFC or HMC was added in the diets, respectively. The SRU was supplemented at 0.46% DM, replacing a mixture of soybean meal and canola meal in a 50:50 ratio. Feeding HMC decreased intakes of DM, crude protein, and fiber compared with SFC. Supplementation of SRU did not affect intakes of DM and nutrients, whereas it tended to increase intakes of DM or increased crude protein intake under SFC but no effect under HMC, leading to CG ×SRU interactions on DM and crude protein intakes. Neither type of CG nor SRU supplementation affected milk production except that cows fed HMC-based diets tended to decrease energy-corrected milk yield compared to those fed SFC-based diets. Utilization of HMC in the diet had a tendency to increase dairy efficiency based on milk yield over SFC utilization. Cows fed HMC diets gained more body weight (BW) than those fed SFC diets, whereas supplementing SRU tended to reduce BW gain regardless of type of CG. Cows fed HMC diets shifted more net energy into BW compared with those fed SFC diets, whereas supplementing SRU tended to decrease a portion of net energy partitioned into BW gain under both SFC and HMC diets. Dietary treatments exerted minor impacts on ruminal fermentation profiles. Feeding HMC diets decreased fecal N excretion compared with SFC diets. In addition, supplementing SRU increased fecal N excretion under SFC, but it was decreased by SRU with HMC, leading to an interaction between CG and SRU. These collective results demonstrate that feeding HMC with SRU can be a practical option in high-forage lactation diets to maintain or improve nutrient and energy utilization efficiency and minimize negative environmental impacts.
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LUIS MIGUEL GUTIERREZ BELENO 27 June 2024 (has links)
[pt] Os mosquitos são os principais vetores de transmissão de doenças como zika, dengue e chikungunya, causando mais de 700 mil casos por ano. O uso de repelentes, principalmente formulações tópicas, é uma das melhores medidas de proteção para reduzir e/ou prevenir a transmissão de muitas doenças transmitidas por insetos. Neste trabalho, formulamos emulsões de DEET/óleo em água para liberação controlada de repelentes como estratégia para desenvolver formulações repelentes com tempo de proteção superior a 6 h. Investigamos os efeitos do valor de HLB na estabilidade e viscosidade das emulsões, usando uma mistura de surfactantes (Span 80 e Tween 80) para formular emulsões em uma faixa de HLB entre 4-14. Também avaliamos o tamanho das gotas, comportamento reológico, método de mistura e índice de estabilidade da emulsão. As emulsões de DEET-óleo-em-água desenvolvidas contendo N, N-dietil-3-metilbenzamida (DEET) foram estabilizadas usando dois nanomateriais carregados negative e positivamente, nanopartículas de sílica (SiNP) e nanofibrilas de celulose catiônica (CCNF), e uma mistura de surfactantes não iônicos de grau para evitar a precipitação por agregação eletrostática. Os resultados indicam que no HLB 10, esta mistura pode estabilizar as emulsões independentemente do tipo de óleo (mineral ou vegetal), e as emulsões apresentam comportamento newtoniano independentemente do método de mistura. As formulações foram estáveis por mais de quatro meses à temperatura ambiente, mostrando-se fortemente resistentes à desestabilização por estresse centrífugo e térmico quando se utiliza nanomateriais em combinação com surfactantes. O CCNF e o SiNP mantiveram a distribuição granulométrica estável devido ao aumento da viscosidade da fase contínua. A ação combinada desses materiais na estabilização da fase oleosa contendo DEET diminuiu significativamente a taxa de liberação do composto ativo em comparação com o DEET não emulsificado, produzindo uma liberação sustentada de DEET nas primeiras 6 h. / [en] Mosquitoes are the main vectors of transmission of diseases such as zika, dengue and chikungunya, causing more than 700,000 cases per year. The use of repellents, mainly topical formulations, is one of the best protective measures to reduce and/or prevent the transmission of many insect-borne diseases. In this work, we formulated DEET/oil-in-water emulsions for the controlled release of repellents as a strategy to develop repellent formulations with a protection time greater than 6 h. We investigated the effects of the HLB value on the stability and viscosity of the emulsions, using a blend of surfactants (Span 80 and Tween 80) to formulate emulsions in an HLB range between 4-14. We also evaluated droplet size, rheological behavior, mixing method and emulsion stability index. The developed DEET-oil-in-water emulsions containing N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) were stabilized using two positively and negative charged nanomaterials, silica nanoparticles (SiNP) and cationic cellulose nanofibrils (CCNF), and a blend of food-grade nonionic surfactants to prevent precipitation by electrostatic aggregation. The results indicate that at HLB 10, this mixture can stabilize the emulsions regardless of the type of oil (mineral or vegetable), and the emulsions present Newtonian behavior regardless of the mixing method. The formulations were stable for more than four months at room temperature, showing to be strongly resistant to destabilization by centrifugal and thermal stress when using nanomaterials in combination with surfactants. The CCNF and SiNP kept the droplet size distribution stable due to the increase in the viscosity of the continuous phase. The combined action of these materials in stabilizing the DEET-containing oil phase significantly decreased the rate of active compound release compared to non-emulsified DEET, producing a sustained release of DEET within the first 6 h.
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