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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A smart house energy management system

Alquthami, Thamer 21 September 2015 (has links)
The impact of distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicles/plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs/PHEVs), and smart appliances on the distribution grid has been expected to be beneficial in terms of environment, economy, and reliability. But, it can be more beneficial by implementing smart controls. In the absence of additional controls, a negative effect was identified regarding the service lifetime of power distribution components. This research presents a new class of a smart house energy management system that can provide management and control of a residential house electric energy without inconvenience to the residents of the house and without overloading the distribution infrastructure. The implementation of these controls requires an infrastructure that continuously monitors the house power system operation, determines the real-time model of the house, computes better operating strategies over a planning period of time, and enables control of house resources. The smart house energy management system provides benefits for the good of utility and customer. In case of variable electricity rates, the management system can reduce the customer’s total energy cost. The benefits can be also extended to provide ancillary services to the utility such as control of peak load and reactive power support– assuming that this is worked out under a certain mutually beneficial arrangement between the utility and customer.

Smart Urban Metabolism : Toward a New Understanding of Causalities in Cities

Shahrokni, Hossein January 2015 (has links)
For half a century, urban metabolism has been used to provide insights to support transitions to sustainable urban development (SUD). Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) has recently been recognized as a potential technology enabler to advance this transition. This thesis explored the potential for an ICT-enabled urban metabolism framework aimed at improving resource efficiency in urban areas by supporting decision-making processes. Three research objectives were identified: i) investigation of how the urban metabolism framework, aided by ICT, could be utilized to support decision-making processes; ii) development of an ICT platform that manages real-time, high spatial and temporal resolution urban metabolism data and evaluation of its implementation; and iii) identification of the potential for efficiency improvements through the use of resulting high spatial and temporal resolution urban metabolism data. The work to achieve these objectives was based on literature reviews, single-case study research in Stockholm, software engineering research, and big data analytics of resulting data. The evolved framework, Smart Urban Metabolism (SUM), enabled by the emerging context of smart cities, operates at higher temporal (up to real-time), and spatial (up to household/individual) data resolution. A key finding was that the new framework overcomes some of the barriers identified for the conventional urban metabolism framework. The results confirm that there are hidden urban patterns that may be uncovered by analyzing structured big urban data. Some of those patterns may lead to the identification of appropriate intervention measures for SUD. / <p>QC 20151120</p> / Smart City SRS

Dynamic Hybrid Materials: Hydrogel Actuators and Catalytic Microsystems

Zarzar, Lauren Dell 30 September 2013 (has links)
Dynamic materials which can sense changes in their surroundings and subsequently respond or adapt by autonomously altering their functionality, surface chemistry, transparency, color, wetting behavior, adhesiveness, shape, etc. are primed to be integral components of future "smart" technologies. However, such systems can be quite complex and often require intricate coordination between both chemical and mechanical inputs/outputs as well as the combination of multiple materials working cooperatively to achieve the proper functionality. It is critical to not only understand the fundamental behaviors of existing dynamic chemo-mechanical systems, but also to apply that knowledge and explore new avenues for design of novel materials platforms which could provide a basis for future adaptive technologies. Part 1 explores the use of environmentally-sensitive hydrogels, either alone or within arrays of high-aspect-ratio nano/microstructures, as chemo-mechanical actuators. Chapters 1 through 7 describe a bio-inspired approach to the design of hybrid actuating surfaces in which the volume-changing hydrogel acts as the “muscle” that reversibly actuates the microstructured "bone". In particular, the different actuation mechanisms arising from variations in how the hydrogel is integrated into the structure array, how chemical signals can be used to manipulate actuation parameters, and finally how such a system may be used for applications ranging from adaptive optics to manipulation of chemical reactions are described. Chapter 8 discusses the use of responsive hydrogel scaffolds as a means to mechanically compress cells and direct differentiation. Part II explores dynamic microsystems involving the integration of catalytic sites within intricately structured 3D microenvironments. Specifically, we explore a generalizable and straightforward route to fabricate microscale patterns of nanocrystalline platinum and palladium using multiphoton lithography. The catalytic, electrical, and electrochemical properties are characterized, and we demonstrate high resolution integration of catalysts within 3D-defined microenvironments to generate directed particle and fluid transport. / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Παρακολούθηση και διαχείριση έξυπνων κτιρίων με χρήση ετερογενών ασυρμάτων δικτύων αισθητήρων

Αμαξηλάτης, Δημήτριος 16 May 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα µεταπτυχιακή διπλωµατική εργασία παρουσιάζεται ο σχεδιασµός, η ανάπτυξη, η εγκατάσταση και λειτουργία ενός ολοκληρωµένου συστήματος παρακολούθησης και διαχείρισης έξυπνων κτιρίων με χρήση ετε- ρογενών ασυρµάτων δικτύων αισθητήρων. Οι συγκεκριµένες συσκευές µπο- ρούν να λειτουργήσουν είτε ως απλοί αισθητήρες είτε ως ελεγκτές συσκευών, με χρήση ασύρµατης επικοινωνίας και state-of-the-art τεχνολογιών του Δια- δικτύου των Συσκευών που διευκολύνουν την αλληλεπίδραση με αυτές αλλά και την εννοποίησή τους με διαδυκτιακές εφαρμογές. Στα πλαίσια της συ- γκεκριµένης διπλωµατικής, εστιάζουµε αρχικά στην υλοποίηση του πρωτο- κόλλου CoAP που προσφέρη τις δυνατότητες ελένχου και αίσθησης μέσω της ασύρµατη επικοινωνία των συσκευών με ένα δομημένο και κοινά κατανοητό τρόπο. Προτείνουµε επίσης, µια ένα συγκεκριµένου συστήµατος το οποίο προ- σφέρει κεντρικά τις υπηρησίες των ασύρματων αισθητήρων για την διευκό- ληνση της αναζήτησης συσκευών και χαρακτηριστικών όπως και την δυνα- τότητα κεντρικής διαχείρισης των συσκευών. Το συγκεκριµένο σύστηµα εί- ναι ανεξάρτητο από τις συσκευές που χρησιµοποιούνται (platform & hardware independent) καθώς οι λειτουργίες και τα δεδοµένα παρέχονται µε δοµηµένο τρόπο με την χρήση RESTful Web Services. Για την µελέτη της συµπεριφο- ράς του συστήµατος αναπτύχθηκαν ολοκληρωµένες εφαρµογές οι οποίες απο- δικνύουν την ευκολία χρήσης των δεδομένων που προέρχονται από τις συ- σκευές και αλληλεπίδρασης με αυτές. Κάθε µία από αυτές υλοποιήθηκε με χρήση διαφορετικών τεχνολογιών όπως HTML5, Android, Microsoft Windows 8 και On{x}, αλλά και διαφορετικές συσκευές αισθητήρων και συγκεκριµένα iSense, Arduino, TelosB και XBee. / Within the scope of this MSc dissertation, we present the design and implementation of pervasive applications on top of heterogeneous wireless sensor network environment. The wireless communication between heterogeneous devices is an inherently difficult research problem due to fundamental differences in system architecture, properties and capabilities of the these devices. Initially, our research focused on the identification of the problems related to the intercommunication among the devices of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network. As a solution, we propose a new abstract system that provides the key qualities needed for a successful pervasive system; expandability, scalability and performance. The new architecture achieves interoperability among the devices by introducing abstraction in the communication protocols (MAC, Transport and Application Layers). In order to demonstrate the applicability of our system we include various representative use case scenarios, that illustrate the usage of our infrastructure. Each scenario focuses on different properties of the system and uses a combination of devices such as iSense, Arduino, SunSPOT, TelosB and XBee.

Παράμετροι για το σχεδιασμό συστήματος συστοιχίας κεραιών για κινητές εφαρμογές

Μυλωνάκης, Εμμανουήλ 12 March 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται το θέμα των έξυπνων κεραιών. Οι έξυπνες κεραίες αποτελούν μια τεχνολογία αιχμής στον κόσμο των κινητών και προσωπικών τηλεπικοινωνιών. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο δίνονται κάποια εισαγωγικά στοιχεία για τις έξυπνες κεραίες και επιχειρείται να εξηγηθεί ποιο κενό καλύπτουν και πως. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο γίνεται αναφορά στη θεωρία κεραιών, η οποία είναι απαραίτητη για να κατανοήσουμε την λειτουργία των έξυπνων κεραιών. Δίνεται έμφαση στη θεωρία των στοιχειοκεραιών. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται σύντομη αναφορά στη θεωρία της κινητής τηλεφωνίας. Η αναφορά αυτή κρίνεται σκόπιμη καθώς σε αυτό το τομέα μελετούμε την εφαρμογή της τεχνολογίας των έξυπνων κεραιών. Έπειτα στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο εμβαθύνουμε θεωρητικά και μελετούμε θέματα πάνω στις έξυπνες κεραίες. Πως ένα απλό σύστημα κεραιών γίνεται εν τέλει «έξυπνο». Δίνεται ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στους αλγόριθμους εκείνους κρίσιμους για την λειτουργία ενός τέτοιου συστήματος. Στο πέμπτο και στο έκτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζουμε την προσομοίωση που έγινε στα πλαίσια της εργασίας. Ειδικότερα στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζουμε μια μελέτη πάνω στις συστοιχίες κεραιών για να αποφανθούμε ποια συστοιχία θα μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει σ ένα σύστημα έξυπνων κεραιών. Τέλος, στο έκτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται μια προσομοίωση ενός πολύ απλού έξυπνου συστήματος και γίνεται μια απλή επίδειξη για το πώς θα μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει. Ολόκληρος ο κώδικας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε δίνεται στο παράρτημα. / This thesis deals with the subject of smart antennas. Smart antennas are a cutting edge technology in the field of mobile and personal telecommunications. In the first chapter we give introductory information about smart antennas and we attempt to answer why this technology is vital to the progress of telecommunication technology. In the second chapter we analyze antenna theory and emphasize on antenna arrays. This analysis is needed to understand the basics of smart antenna operation. In the third chapter we make a brief reference on mobile communications theory to understand why an advancement is needed on the field. In the fourth chapter we delve deeper into theoretical analysis of smart antennas. We make an attempt to understand what makes this system “smart” and emphasize on the algorithms that are the basis of this system. In the fifth and sixth chapters, we present the simulation that took place for this thesis. At first, we make a thorough analysis on antenna arrays and determine which array configuration could work with a smart antenna system. Lastly, in the sixth chapter we present a simple simulation with the algorithms mentioned above showing how such a system could work. The code used for the two simulations is given at the end of this thesis.

Μελέτη και υλοποίηση αλγορίθμων ελέγχου φορτίων σε ενσωματωμένα συστήματα

Τζιόβα-Δήμου, Ίρις 04 November 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να γίνει μια εκτίμηση και ρύθμιση τη λειτουργίας κάποιων συσκευών ενός «έξυπνου» σπιτιού σε ένα ενσωματωμένο σύστημα. Η λογική είναι να μπορεί ο χρήστης να δει ποια είναι η μέση κατανάλωση ισχύος μιας συσκευής και το αντίστοιχο χρηματικό κόστος που αναλογεί σε αυτήν, για κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα λειτουργίας της και υπολογισμού της βέλτιστης συμπεριφορά της συσκευής έτσι ώστε να επιτύχουμε την ελάχιστη δυνατή κατανάλωση. Τα φορτία τα οποία ελέγχθηκαν είναι ένα κλιματιστικό, ένα πλυντήριο και ένας θερμοσίφωνας. Η υλοποίηση έγινε σε ένα ενσωματωμένο σύστημα και δημιουργήθηκε και ένα περιβάλλον γραφικής απεικόνισης για επικοινωνία με τον χρήστη. / Simulation of the behavior of three home electrical devices with the use of demand response algorithms. Calculation of energy consumption of each device and money charge. Setting the behavior of each device to minimize total cost.


Moslehi, Hamid Reza 15 April 2011 (has links)
Independent mobility is critical to quality of life for people of all ages, and impaired mobility leaves one with both physical and mental disadvantages. Unfortunately, there are some individuals unable to operate an electric wheelchair due to physical, perceptual, or cognitive deficits. The prime objective of this research was to develop a prototype system which can provide mobility assistant to individuals who would otherwise find it difficult or impossible to operate a power wheelchair. To accomplish this goal, a prototype system consisting of several components including an embedded microcontroller and multiple sensors has been designed which can be added to a standard power wheelchair and make it smart. The control system algorithm designed for this prototype model is based on the fuzzy logic control theory and its main purpose is to augment the user ability to navigate the wheelchair and will provide a safe and comfortable journey to the user.

Development of high strength material for smart aircraft bolt.

Vugampore, Jean-Marie Vianney. January 2005 (has links)
Scientists are constantly seeking new and convenient non-destructive damage assessment techniques. In fact, a global market has developed for structural health monitoring products. Many of the currently available techniques are expensive and difficult to implement. An inexpensive alternative is technology based on strain memory alloys. These materials encompass a vast array of alloys, from austenitic stainless steels through to the extremely high strength TRIP steels. All, however, have in common the transformation from paramagnetic austenite to ferromagnetic martensite upon application of strain. The degree of ferromagnetism can be directly correlated to the peak strain undergone by the material. Strain memory alloys are not as expensive to manufacture as some smart materials, and in addition are capable of bearing significant load, and it is therefore possible to manufacture entire components from these alloys, thereby producing what is known as a smart component, i.e. one that is capable of doing the job of an ordinary component while at the same time assessing its own peak damage levels. A possible application of this technology is that of wing bolts for the Hercules e130 aircraft. The material usually used to manufacture the aircraft wing bolts is HSLA steel (AISI 4340). A strain memory alloy was therefore developed to match the mechanical properties of 4340 steel, while also having the requisite properties to perform the self damage-assessment. Ultra high strength TRIP steels were identified as possible candidates, and four alloys selected for investigation. These alloys were melted and then thermo-mechanically processed using a rolling operation. All alloys were tensile tested and magnetic susceptibility monitored. The final material selected possesses an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of between 1270 and 1500 MPa with 10 to 12% elongation. The stress / strain induced transformation begins to occur before the yield point, which is important because bolts must be replaced before they fail. Compression tests were also performed, and yielded similar results to those of the tensile tests, with martensitic transformation again beginning before plastic yield. The strain induced phase transformation was confirmed not only by magnetic susceptibility measurements, but also by metallographic inspection before and after testing. A subscale Smart bolt was designed, manufactured and tested for magnetic sensitivity using a smart washer. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

Simulating control strategies of electrochromic windows : Impacts on indoor climate and energy use in an office building.

Mäkitalo, Jonatan January 2013 (has links)
The building sector is a one of modern society’s biggest users of energy. In turn, a building’s windows have a significant impact on its energy usage. Electrochromic windows have a thin film on one of the panes, designed to variably change the tint of the window. Thereby the solar heat gain, needed internal lighting and building energy utilization are varied. This thesis uses the simulation software IDA ICE 4.5 to simulate control scenarios for electrochromic windows. The goal is to examine how well this software can simulate the windows as well as to explore the potential of creating custom control algorithms for the windows. The impact of the control scenarios on the energy consumption of a building is then analyzed. The reference case for the simulations is a regular window with blinds, where the blinds are controlled with a built-in algorithm. The simulated control scenarios for the electrochromic windows were; the built-in algorithm, always off, always on, operative temperature, workplane illuminance, and light levels at the façade and window. In the simulation results the energy usage was slightly lowered with the electrochromic windows using the built-in control compared to the reference case. The custom algorithm that uses the light levels at the façade and window was designed to improve upon the built-in algorithm with additional adjustable settings. However, this custom algorithm produced similar results to the built-in algorithm and the majority of the additional settings had little impact on the energy usage. The other custom designed algorithms measured workplane illuminance and operative temperature to control the shading. These showed an overall decrease in the energy usage compared to the reference case. The IDA ICE software has potential for further simulations of a building’s energy usage while using electrochromic windows. Further investigation is needed to determine if the simulation resolution is high enough to accurately depict the effect these settings might have on the energy usage.

Piezoelecytric pump design and system dynamic model

Oates, William Sumner 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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